Java tutorial
/* See for the full license governing this code. */ package com.variable.demo.api.fragment; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.widget.Toast; import com.koushikdutta.async.future.FutureCallback; import com.koushikdutta.ion.Ion; import com.koushikdutta.ion.Response; import com.variable.demo.api.ColorUtils; import com.variable.framework.dispatcher.DefaultNotifier; import com.variable.framework.node.ChromaDevice; import com.variable.framework.node.NodeDevice; import com.variable.framework.node.enums.NodeEnums; import com.variable.framework.node.reading.ColorSense; import com.variable.framework.node.reading.VTRGBCReading; /** * ChromaFragment is a base fragment with no implementation specfied for layouts and work flow. * Any instance will listen for new chroma scans and process them accordingly by passing the neccessary values to its handler. * * Additionally, this will allow for requesting a chroma reading via a button pressed by default. If this behavior is not to be expected then * Created by coreymann on 6/28/13. */ public class ChromaFragment extends Fragment implements ChromaDevice.ChromaListener { public static final String TAG = ChromaFragment.class.getName(); private NodeDevice.ButtonListener mButtonListener = new NodeDevice.ButtonListener() { //TODO: Test Button Pressed and Released Events @Override public void onPushed(NodeDevice nodeDevice) { Log.d(TAG, "onPushed()"); } @Override public void onReleased(NodeDevice nodeDevice) { Log.d(TAG, "onReleased()"); if (allowScanWhenButtonReleased()) { //By sleeping, this will allow the downward pressure to be released and // avoid the propagation of errors during a chroma scan. try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //Issue a request for a new reading. ChromaDevice chroma = nodeDevice.findSensor(NodeEnums.ModuleType.CHROMA); if (chroma != null) { chroma.requestChromaReading(); } } } }; @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); //Register for Chroma Scans. DefaultNotifier.instance().addButtonListener(mButtonListener); DefaultNotifier.instance().addChromaListener(this); } @Override public void onPause() { super.onPause(); //UnRegister for Chroma Scans DefaultNotifier.instance().removeButtonListener(mButtonListener); DefaultNotifier.instance().removeChromaListener(this); } /** * invokes * * onRGBUpdate * onTimeStampUpdate * onColorUpdate * onLABUpdate * * * * @param chromaDevice * @param reading */ @Override public void onChromaReadingReceived(ChromaDevice chromaDevice, VTRGBCReading reading) { ColorSense sense = reading.getColorSense(); Log.d(TAG, "SENSE_VALUES: " + sense.getSenseRed().floatValue() + " , " + sense.getSenseGreen() + " , " + sense.getSenseBlue() + " , " + sense.getSenseClear()); int color = ColorUtils.RGBToColor(reading.getD65srgbR(), reading.getD65srgbG(), reading.getD65srgbB()); //D50 onLABUpdate(reading.getD50L(), reading.getD50a(), reading.getD50b()); onLABUpdate(reading.getD65L(), reading.getD65a(), reading.getD65b()); onHexValue("#" + Integer.toHexString(color).substring(2).toUpperCase()); final Context thiscontext = this.getActivity(); final String serialnumOne = chromaDevice.getSerialNumber(); final String serialnum = serialnumOne.replaceAll("[^\\u0000-\\uFFFF]", ""); final String scann = "#" + Integer.toHexString(color).substring(2).toUpperCase(); String json = "color;" + serialnum + ";" + scann; // POST to variable dashboard Ion.getDefault(thiscontext).getConscryptMiddleware().enable(false); Ion.with(thiscontext).load( "[payload]=" + json) .setLogging("MyLogs", Log.DEBUG).asString().withResponse() .setCallback(new FutureCallback<Response<String>>() { @Override public void onCompleted(Exception e, Response<String> result) { if (e == null) { Log.i(TAG, "ION SENT MESSAGE WITH RESULT CODE: " + result.toString()); } else { Log.i(TAG, "ION SENT MESSAGE WITH EXCEPTION"); e.printStackTrace(); } } }); onRGBUpdate(,,; onColorUpdate(color); } /** * Invoked when a new reading has been recieved. Additionally, this method is invoked on the UI Thread. * @param red * @param green * @param blue */ public void onRGBUpdate(float red, float green, float blue) { } /** * Invoked when a new reading has been recieved. Additionally, this method is invoked on the UI Thread. * * @param hexString - formatted such that #RRGGBB */ public void onHexValue(String hexString) { } /** * Invoked when a new reading has been recieved. Additionally, this method is invoked on the UI Thread. * @param l * @param a * @param b */ public void onLABUpdate(double l, double a, double b) { } /** * Invoked when a new reading has bee recieved. Additionally, this method is invoked on the UI Thread. * @param color */ public void onColorUpdate(int color) { } public boolean allowScanWhenButtonReleased() { return true; } /** * * * @param device * @param temperature */ @Override public void onChromaTemperatureReading(ChromaDevice device, Float temperature) { } @Override public void onWhitePointCalComplete(ChromaDevice device, boolean status) { Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "Calibration " + (status ? "succeeded" : "failed"), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } }