Java tutorial
/* * This code is subject to the HIEOS License, Version 1.0 * * Copyright(c) 2011 Vangent, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.vangent.hieos.hl7v3util.model.exception.ModelBuilderException; import com.vangent.hieos.subjectmodel.CodedValue; import com.vangent.hieos.subjectmodel.SubjectIdentifier; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vangent.hieos.xutil.exception.XPathHelperException; import com.vangent.hieos.xutil.exception.XdsIOException; import com.vangent.hieos.xutil.soap.Mtom; import com.vangent.hieos.xutil.xml.XPathHelper; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; /** * Class description * * * @version v1.0, 2011-06-09 * @author Vangent */ public class SubmitDocumentRequestBuilder extends AbstractXdsBridgeMessageBuilder { /** The logger instance. */ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SubmitDocumentRequestBuilder.class); /** * Sole constructor. * * * @param xdsbridgeConfig xdsbridge configuration object */ public SubmitDocumentRequestBuilder(XDSBridgeConfig xdsbridgeConfig) { super(xdsbridgeConfig); } /** * Method description * * * @param elem * * @return * * @throws ModelBuilderException */ public SubmitDocumentRequest buildSubmitDocumentRequest(OMElement elem) throws ModelBuilderException { SubmitDocumentRequest result = unmarshal(elem); validate(result); return result; } /** * Method description * * * * @param elem * @param expr * * @return * * @throws IOException * @throws XPathHelperException * @throws XdsIOException */ private byte[] parseBinaryContent(OMElement elem, String expr) throws XdsIOException, IOException, XPathHelperException { byte[] result = null; OMElement binelem = XPathHelper.selectSingleNode(elem, expr, URIConstants.XDSBRIDGE_URI); if (binelem != null) { Mtom mtom = new Mtom(); mtom.decode(binelem); result = mtom.getContents(); if ((result != null) && (result.length < 1)) { result = null; } } return result; } /** * Method description * * * * * @param elem * @param expr * * @return * * @throws XPathHelperException */ private CodedValue parseCodedValue(OMElement elem, String expr) throws XPathHelperException { CodedValue result = null; OMElement cvelem = XPathHelper.selectSingleNode(elem, expr, URIConstants.XDSBRIDGE_URI); if (cvelem != null) { result = CodedValueUtils.parseCodedValue(cvelem); } return result; } /** * Method description * * * @param docelem * * @return * * * @throws IOException * @throws XPathHelperException * @throws XdsIOException */ private Document parseDocument(OMElement docelem) throws XPathHelperException, XdsIOException, IOException { Document result = new Document(); result.setId(parseText(docelem, "./ns:Id")); result.setReplaceId(parseText(docelem, "./ns:ReplaceId")); result.setType(parseCodedValue(docelem, "./ns:Type")); result.setConfidentialityCode(parseCodedValue(docelem, "./ns:ConfidentialityCode")); result.setContent(parseBinaryContent(docelem, "./ns:Content")); // use xdsbridgeconfig.xml to map and populate format DocumentTypeMapping mapping = getXdsBridgeConfig().findDocumentTypeMapping(result.getType()); if (mapping != null) { result.setFormat(mapping.getFormat()); result.setMimeType(mapping.getMimeType()); } return result; } /** * Method description * * * @param elem * @param expr * * @return * * @throws XPathHelperException */ private Identifier parseIdentifier(OMElement elem, String expr) throws XPathHelperException { Identifier result = null; OMElement idelem = XPathHelper.selectSingleNode(elem, expr, URIConstants.XDSBRIDGE_URI); if (idelem != null) { result = new Identifier(); result.setAssigningAuthorityName(parseText(idelem, "@assigningAuthorityName")); result.setRoot(parseText(idelem, "@root")); result.setExtension(parseText(idelem, "@extension")); } return result; } /** * Method description * * * @param elem * @param expr * * @return * * @throws XPathHelperException */ private SubjectIdentifier parseSubjectIdentifier(OMElement elem, String expr) throws XPathHelperException { SubjectIdentifier result = null; OMElement idelem = XPathHelper.selectSingleNode(elem, expr, URIConstants.XDSBRIDGE_URI); if (idelem != null) { String root = parseText(idelem, "@root"); String extension = parseText(idelem, "@extension"); result = SubjectIdentifierUtils.createSubjectIdentifier(root, extension); } return result; } /** * Method description * * * * @param elem * @param expr * * @return * * @throws XPathHelperException */ private String parseText(OMElement elem, String expr) throws XPathHelperException { String result = XPathHelper.stringValueOf(elem, expr, URIConstants.XDSBRIDGE_URI); return StringUtils.trimToNull(result); } /** * Method description * * * @param elem * * @return * * @throws ModelBuilderException */ private SubmitDocumentRequest unmarshal(OMElement elem) throws ModelBuilderException { SubmitDocumentRequest result = new SubmitDocumentRequest(); try { result.setPatientId(parseSubjectIdentifier(elem, "./ns:PatientId")); result.setOrganizationId(parseIdentifier(elem, "./ns:OrganizationId")); List<OMElement> docelems = XPathHelper.selectNodes(elem, "./ns:Documents/ns:Document", URIConstants.XDSBRIDGE_URI); if (docelems != null) { List<Document> docs = new ArrayList<Document>(); for (OMElement docelem : docelems) { docs.add(parseDocument(docelem)); } result.setDocuments(docs); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ModelBuilderException(e.getMessage(), e); } return result; } /** * Method description * * * @param result * * @throws ModelBuilderException */ private void validate(SubmitDocumentRequest result) throws ModelBuilderException { StringBuilder errmsg = new StringBuilder(); // must have a pid, at least a root SubjectIdentifier pid = result.getPatientId(); if ((pid == null)) { errmsg.append("Request must contain a PatientId.\n"); } else { String pidRoot = pid.getIdentifierDomain().getUniversalId(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(pidRoot)) { errmsg.append("PatientId must have a root attribute.\n"); } } List<Document> docs = result.getDocuments(); if ((docs == null) || docs.isEmpty()) { errmsg.append("Request must contain at least one document.\n"); } else { for (int i = 0; i < docs.size(); ++i) { Document doc = docs.get(i); String id = doc.getId(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(id)) { id = String.format("%02d", i + 1); } CodedValue type = doc.getType(); if (type == null) { errmsg.append(String.format("Document %s must have a Type.%n", id)); } else { if (StringUtils.isBlank(type.getCode())) { errmsg.append(String.format("Document %s must have a Type/@code.%n", id)); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(type.getCodeSystem())) { errmsg.append(String.format("Document %s must have a Type/@codeSystem.%n", id)); } if (doc.getFormat() == null) { String.format("Document type %s:%s is unrecognized and does not have a mapping.", type.getCode(), type.getCodeSystem()); } } CodedValue confCode = doc.getConfidentialityCode(); if (confCode != null) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(confCode.getCode())) { errmsg.append(String.format("Document %s must have a ConfidentialityCode/@code%n", id)); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(confCode.getCodeSystem())) { errmsg.append( String.format("Document %s must have a ConfidentialityCode/@codeSystem%n", id)); } } if (doc.getContent() == null) { errmsg.append(String.format("Document %s must contain content.%n", id)); } } } if (errmsg.length() > 0) { throw new ModelBuilderException(errmsg.toString().trim()); } } }