Java tutorial
/** * is a part of Joystick * * Copyright (c) 2016 Anand Kumar * * Joystick is a free software: You can redistribute it or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the license of any later version. * * Joystick is distributed in the intent of being useful. However, there * is NO WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You can view a copy of the GNU General Public License at * <> if you have not received a copy. */ package com.valygard.aohruthless.command; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.command.CommandExecutor; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import com.valygard.aohruthless.PluginBase; import com.valygard.aohruthless.messenger.Msg; import com.valygard.aohruthless.utils.PermissionUtils; /** * Handler to process all commands. All commands are processed through * annotations, and proper annotations much be appended to each class * declaration. The command name is common to all commands, and annotated * classes serve as subcommands to the main command. * <p> * Using the CommandHandler is very simple. It is merely the task of properly * registering subcommand classes (by using proper annotation). When a command * is processed, the {@code execute} method for the underlying sub command is * called. If something is wrong, such as a misusage or lack of permission, a * message is sent to the command user for easy problem resolution. * </p> * <p> * Methods of command classes are not handled and all helper methods and * subclasses will not be parsed. Similarly, commands are processed using * no-args constructors, so be sure not to use injectors which may violate this. * </p> * * @author Anand * */ public abstract class CommandHandler implements CommandExecutor { protected PluginBase plugin; protected String cmdBase; protected Map<String, Command> commands = new LinkedHashMap<>(); /** * Constructor for Joystick command manager initializes by main class * instance * * @param plugin * main class instance * @param cmdBase * the name of the command */ public CommandHandler(PluginBase plugin, String cmdBase) { this.plugin = plugin; this.cmdBase = cmdBase; registerCommands(); } @Override public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, org.bukkit.command.Command cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args) { String first = (args.length > 0 ? args[0] : ""); String last = (args.length > 0 ? args[args.length - 1] : ""); if (first.matches("(?i)(version|plugin)")) { plugin.getMessenger().tell(sender, Msg.CMD_VERSION, "for " + cmdBase + ": " + getPluginInfo()); return true; } if (first.matches("(?i)(\\?|help)")) { String second = (args.length > 1 ? args[1] : ""); if (second.matches("\\D*|-\\d*")) { showHelp(sender); return true; } showHelp(sender, Integer.parseInt(second)); return true; } if (last.equals("")) { plugin.getMessenger().tell(sender, Msg.CMD_HELP, cmdBase); return true; } List<Command> matches = getMatchingCommands(first); // Eliminate duplicate matches by sending error message if (matches.size() > 1) { plugin.getMessenger().tell(sender, Msg.CMD_MULTIPLE_MATCHES); for (Command command : matches) { showUsage(command, sender, false); } return true; } if (matches.size() == 0) { plugin.getMessenger().tell(sender, Msg.CMD_NO_MATCHES, cmdBase); return true; } Command command = matches.get(0); CommandPermission perm = command.getClass().getAnnotation(CommandPermission.class); CommandInfo info = command.getClass().getAnnotation(CommandInfo.class); if (info.playerOnly() && !(sender instanceof Player)) { plugin.getMessenger().tell(sender, Msg.CMD_NOT_FROM_CONSOLE); return true; } if (last.matches("(?i)(\\?|help)")) { showUsage(command, sender, false); return true; } if (!PermissionUtils.has(sender, perm.value())) { plugin.getMessenger().tell(sender, Msg.CMD_NO_PERMISSION); return true; } String[] params = trimFirstArg(args); if (params.length < info.argsRequired()) { plugin.getMessenger().tell(sender, Msg.CMD_NOT_ENOUGH_ARGS); showUsage(command, sender, true); return true; } if (!execute(command, sender, params)) { showUsage(command, sender, true); } return false; } /** * Handles command execution. The reason this is not handled internally in * {@link #onCommand(CommandSender, org.bukkit.command.Command, String, String[])} * is because different plugins may wish to attach extra arguments to the * {@code execute} operation in each Command. * * @param cmd * the Command interface, not org.bukkit.command.Command * @param sender * the CommandSender * @param params * the trimmed String[] args * @return a boolean flag, true if the command was executed, false otherwise */ protected abstract boolean execute(Command cmd, CommandSender sender, String[] params); /** * Trims the first argument, which eventually becomes the command name. * * @param args * the arguments to trim. * @return the new String array. */ private String[] trimFirstArg(String[] args) { return Arrays.copyOfRange(args, 1, args.length); } /** * Grabs the main plugin information. This is the author, version, and * description as defined in the plugin.yml file. Override this to remove or * add extra information. Displayed the a CommandSender when the command * argument is "version". * * @return a String with author, version, and description info for the * {@code plugin}. */ private String getPluginInfo() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("\n"); builder.append(ChatColor.DARK_GREEN).append("Author: ").append(ChatColor.RESET) .append(plugin.getDescription().getAuthors()).append("\n"); builder.append(ChatColor.DARK_GREEN).append("Version: ").append(ChatColor.RESET) .append(plugin.getDescription().getVersion()).append("\n"); builder.append(ChatColor.DARK_GREEN).append("Description: ").append(ChatColor.RESET) .append(plugin.getDescription().getDescription()).append("\n"); return builder.toString(); } /** * Shows the usage information of a command to a sender upon incorrect usage * or when assistance is requested. * * @param command * the Command given * @param sender * a CommandSender * @param prefix * a boolean: if true, we attach "Usage : " before the usage. */ private void showUsage(Command command, CommandSender sender, boolean prefix) { CommandInfo info = command.getClass().getAnnotation(CommandInfo.class); CommandPermission perm = command.getClass().getAnnotation(CommandPermission.class); CommandUsage usage = command.getClass().getAnnotation(CommandUsage.class); if (!PermissionUtils.has(sender, perm.value())) return; sender.sendMessage((prefix ? "Usage: " : "") + usage.value() + " " + ChatColor.YELLOW + info.desc()); } /** * Gets a list of commands matching a string given. Because the command * system uses regex patterns rather than the conventional * {@link #equals(Object)}, this helps ensures a command sent has no * conflicting commands. * * @param arg * a string representing the first argument in a command * @return a list of matching commands. */ private List<Command> getMatchingCommands(String arg) { List<Command> result = new ArrayList<Command>(); for (Entry<String, Command> entry : commands.entrySet()) { if (arg.matches("(?i)" + entry.getKey())) { result.add(entry.getValue()); } } return result; } /** * Grabs a set of commands that a given CommandSender has access to. Checks * against permission values and if the sender has access to each command. * * @param sender * the CommandSender to check permissions for * @return a LinkedHashSet of Commands */ private Set<Command> getAllowedCommands(CommandSender sender) { Set<Command> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (Command cmd : commands.values()) { CommandPermission perm = cmd.getClass().getAnnotation(CommandPermission.class); if (PermissionUtils.has(sender, perm.value())) result.add(cmd); } return result; } /** * Shows the first page of commands to a given command sender. This is * called when no specified page is given by the user asking for help. * * @param sender * the CommandSender * @see #showHelp(CommandSender, int) */ private void showHelp(CommandSender sender) { showHelp(sender, 1); } /** * Shows 'help', otherwise the usage and info for a command, to a command * sender. Rather than display all commands at once, which could be * overwhelming to the user, the help shown is paginated. There are 6 * commands per page and any page can be given. * * @param sender * the CommandSender * @param page * an integer representing which commands to show to the player. */ private void showHelp(CommandSender sender, int page) { Set<Command> allowed = getAllowedCommands(sender); int cmds = allowed.size(); if (Math.ceil(cmds / 6.0) < page) { plugin.getMessenger().tell(sender, "Given: " + page + "; Expected integer between 1 and " + (int) Math.ceil(cmds / 6.0)); return; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); CommandInfo info; CommandUsage usage; int counter = 0; for (Command cmd : allowed) { counter++; info = cmd.getClass().getAnnotation(CommandInfo.class); usage = cmd.getClass().getAnnotation(CommandUsage.class); // get to correct page if ((page * 6) - 5 > counter) continue; // break after threshold if (page * 6 < counter) break; builder.append("\n").append(ChatColor.RESET).append(usage.value()).append(" ").append(ChatColor.YELLOW) .append(info.desc()); } plugin.getMessenger().tell(sender, ChatColor.DARK_GREEN + "Page " + page + ": " + ChatColor.RESET + builder.toString()); } /** * Registers all commands using {@link #register(Class)} */ public abstract void registerCommands(); /** * Registers the commands by checking if the class implements Command and * then appending it based on the command name. * <p> * To register a command, just call this method and invoke any class which * is a child to Command. * </p> * <p> * Certain commands are reserved. No command is allowed to have "version", * "plugin", "?" or "help" as a command pattern. An IllegalArgumentException * is thrown if this is violated. * </p> * * @param c * a class that implements Command */ protected void register(Class<? extends Command> c) { CommandInfo info = c.getAnnotation(CommandInfo.class); if (info == null) return; try { Validate.isTrue(!info.syntax().matches("(?i)(version|plugin|\\?|help)")); commands.put(info.syntax(), c.newInstance()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }