Source code

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 * Copyright 2000-2018 Vaadin Ltd.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.
package com.vaadin.ui.declarative;

import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;

import java.beans.IntrospectionException;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.jsoup.Jsoup;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document.OutputSettings.Syntax;
import org.jsoup.nodes.DocumentType;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Node;
import org.jsoup.parser.Parser;

import com.vaadin.annotations.DesignRoot;
import com.vaadin.server.VaadinServiceClassLoaderUtil;
import com.vaadin.shared.util.SharedUtil;
import com.vaadin.ui.Component;
import com.vaadin.ui.ComponentRootSetter;
import com.vaadin.ui.Composite;
import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent;
import com.vaadin.ui.declarative.DesignContext.ComponentCreatedEvent;
import com.vaadin.ui.declarative.DesignContext.ComponentCreationListener;
import com.vaadin.util.ReflectTools;

 * Design is used for reading a component hierarchy from an html string or input
 * stream and, conversely, for writing an html representation corresponding to a
 * given component hierarchy.
 * <p>
 * In html form a valid nonempty component hierarchy contains a single root
 * element located under the &lt;body&gt; tag. A hierarchy of components is
 * achieved by nesting other elements under the root element. An empty component
 * hierarchy is represented as no elements under the &lt;body&gt; tag.
 * <p>
 * For writing a component hierarchy the root element is specified as a
 * Component parameter or as a DesignContext object containing the root
 * Component. An empty hierarchy can be written by giving a null root Component.
 * @since 7.4
 * @author Vaadin Ltd
public class Design implements Serializable {

     * Callback for creating instances of a given component class when reading
     * designs. The default implementation, {@link DefaultComponentFactory} will
     * use <code>Class.forName(className).newInstance()</code>, which might not
     * be suitable e.g. in an OSGi environment or if the Component instances
     * should be created as managed CDI beans.
     * <p>
     * Use {@link Design#setComponentFactory(ComponentFactory)} to configure
     * Vaadin to use a custom component factory.
     * @since 7.4.1
    public interface ComponentFactory extends Serializable {
         * Creates a component based on the fully qualified name derived from
         * the tag name in the design.
         * @param fullyQualifiedClassName
         *            the fully qualified name of the component to create
         * @param context
         *            the design context for which the component is created
         * @return a newly created component
        public Component createComponent(String fullyQualifiedClassName, DesignContext context);

     * Delegate for handling the mapping between tag names and component
     * instances.
     * <p>
     * Use {@link Design#setComponentMapper(ComponentMapper)} to configure
     * Vaadin to use a custom component mapper.
     * @since 7.5.0
     * @author Vaadin Ltd
    public interface ComponentMapper extends Serializable {
         * Resolves and creates a component using the provided component factory
         * based on a tag name.
         * <p>
         * This method should be in sync with
         * {@link #componentToTag(Component, DesignContext)} so that the
         * resolved tag for a created component is the same as the tag for which
         * the component was created.
         * @param tag
         *            the tag name to create a component for
         * @param componentFactory
         *            the component factory that actually creates a component
         *            based on a fully qualified class name
         * @param context
         *            the design context for which the component is created
         * @return a newly created component
        public Component tagToComponent(String tag, ComponentFactory componentFactory, DesignContext context);

         * Resolves a tag name from a component.
         * @param component
         *            the component to get a tag name for
         * @param context
         *            the design context for which the tag name is needed
         * @return the tag name corresponding to the component
        public String componentToTag(Component component, DesignContext context);

     * Default implementation of {@link ComponentFactory}, using
     * <code>Class.forName(className).newInstance()</code> for finding the
     * component class and creating a component instance.
     * @since 7.4.1
    public static class DefaultComponentFactory implements ComponentFactory {
        public Component createComponent(String fullyQualifiedClassName, DesignContext context) {
            Class<? extends Component> componentClass;
            try {
                componentClass = resolveComponentClass(fullyQualifiedClassName, context);
            } catch (DesignException e) {
                // Try with an inner class.
                int lastDot = fullyQualifiedClassName.lastIndexOf('.');
                if (lastDot != -1) {
                    String qualifiedInnerClassName = fullyQualifiedClassName.substring(0, lastDot) + "$"
                            + fullyQualifiedClassName.substring(lastDot + 1);
                    return createComponent(qualifiedInnerClassName, context);
                } else {
                    throw e;

            assert Component.class.isAssignableFrom(componentClass) : "resolveComponentClass returned "
                    + componentClass + " which is not a Vaadin Component class";

            try {
                return ReflectTools.createInstance(componentClass);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new DesignException("Could not create component " + fullyQualifiedClassName, e);

         * Resolves a component class based on the fully qualified name of the
         * class.
         * @param qualifiedClassName
         *            the fully qualified name of the resolved class
         * @param context
         *            the design context for which the class is resolved
         * @return a component class object representing the provided class name
        protected Class<? extends Component> resolveComponentClass(String qualifiedClassName,
                DesignContext context) {
            try {
                Class<?> componentClass = Class.forName(qualifiedClassName, true,
                return componentClass.asSubclass(Component.class);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new DesignException("Unable to load component for design", e);


     * Default implementation of {@link ComponentMapper}.
     * @since 7.5.0
    public static class DefaultComponentMapper implements ComponentMapper {

        public Component tagToComponent(String tagName, ComponentFactory componentFactory, DesignContext context) {
            // Extract the package and class names.
            // Otherwise, get the full class name using the prefix to package
            // mapping. Example: "vaadin-vertical-layout" ->
            // "com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout"
            String[] parts = tagName.split("-", 2);
            if (parts.length < 2) {
                throw new DesignException("The tagname '" + tagName + "' is invalid: missing prefix.");
            String prefixName = parts[0];
            String packageName = context.getPackage(prefixName);
            if (packageName == null) {
                throw new DesignException("Unknown tag: " + tagName);
            String[] classNameParts = parts[1].split("-");
            String className = "";
            for (String classNamePart : classNameParts) {
                // Split will ignore trailing and multiple dashes but that
                // should be
                // ok
                // <vaadin-button--> will be resolved to <vaadin-button>
                // <vaadin--button> will be resolved to <vaadin-button>
                className += SharedUtil.capitalize(classNamePart);
            String qualifiedClassName = packageName + "." + className;

            Component component = componentFactory.createComponent(qualifiedClassName, context);

            if (component == null) {
                throw new DesignException("Got unexpected null component from "
                        + componentFactory.getClass().getName() + " for class " + qualifiedClassName);

            return component;

        public String componentToTag(Component component, DesignContext context) {
            Class<?> componentClass = component.getClass();
            String packageName = getPackageName(componentClass);
            String prefix = context.getPackagePrefix(packageName);
            if (prefix == null) {
                prefix = packageName.replace('.', '_').toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
                context.addPackagePrefix(prefix, packageName);
            prefix += "-";
            String className = classNameToElementName(componentClass.getSimpleName());
            String tagName = prefix + className;

            return tagName;

        private String getPackageName(Class<?> componentClass) {
            if (componentClass.isMemberClass()) {
                Class<?> enclosingClass = componentClass.getEnclosingClass();
                return getPackageName(enclosingClass) + "." + enclosingClass.getSimpleName();
            } else {
                return componentClass.getPackage().getName();

         * Creates the name of the html tag corresponding to the given class
         * name. The name is derived by converting each uppercase letter to
         * lowercase and inserting a dash before the letter. No dash is inserted
         * before the first letter of the class name.
         * @param className
         *            the name of the class without a package name
         * @return the html tag name corresponding to className
        private String classNameToElementName(String className) {
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < className.length(); i++) {
                Character c = className.charAt(i);
                if (Character.isUpperCase(c)) {
                    if (i > 0) {
                } else {
            return result.toString();

    private static volatile ComponentFactory componentFactory = new DefaultComponentFactory();
    private static volatile ComponentMapper componentMapper = new DefaultComponentMapper();

     * Sets the component factory that is used for creating component instances
     * based on fully qualified class names derived from a design file.
     * <p>
     * Please note that this setting is global, so care should be taken to avoid
     * conflicting changes.
     * @param componentFactory
     *            the component factory to set; not <code>null</code>
     * @since 7.4.1
    public static void setComponentFactory(ComponentFactory componentFactory) {
        if (componentFactory == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set null component factory");
        Design.componentFactory = componentFactory;

     * Gets the currently used component factory.
     * @see #setComponentFactory(ComponentFactory)
     * @return the component factory
     * @since 7.4.1
    public static ComponentFactory getComponentFactory() {
        return componentFactory;

     * Sets the component mapper that is used for resolving between tag names
     * and component instances.
     * <p>
     * Please note that this setting is global, so care should be taken to avoid
     * conflicting changes.
     * @param componentMapper
     *            the component mapper to set; not <code>null</code>
     * @since 7.5.0
    public static void setComponentMapper(ComponentMapper componentMapper) {
        if (componentMapper == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set null component mapper");
        Design.componentMapper = componentMapper;

     * Gets the currently used component mapper.
     * @see #setComponentMapper(ComponentMapper)
     * @return the component mapper
     * @since 7.5.0
    public static ComponentMapper getComponentMapper() {
        return componentMapper;

     * Parses the given input stream into a jsoup document
     * @param html
     *            the stream containing the design
     * @return the parsed jsoup document
     * @throws IOException
    private static Document parse(InputStream html) {
        try {
            Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html,, "", Parser.htmlParser());
            return doc;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new DesignException("The html document cannot be parsed.");


     * Constructs a component hierarchy from the design specified as an html
     * tree.
     * <p>
     * If a component root is given, the component instances created during
     * reading the design are assigned to its member fields based on their id,
     * local id, and caption
     * @param doc
     *            the html tree
     * @param componentRoot
     *            optional component root instance. The type must match the type
     *            of the root element in the design or be a
     *            {@link CustomComponent} or {@link Composite}, in which case
     *            the root component will be set as the composition root. Any
     *            member fields whose type is assignable from {@link Component}
     *            are bound to fields in the design based on id/local id/caption
    private static DesignContext designToComponentTree(Document doc, Component componentRoot) {
        if (componentRoot == null) {
            return designToComponentTree(doc, null, null);
        } else {
            return designToComponentTree(doc, componentRoot, componentRoot.getClass());


     * Constructs a component hierarchy from the design specified as an html
     * tree.
     * <p>
     * If a component root is given, the component instances created during
     * reading the design are assigned to its member fields based on their id,
     * local id, and caption
     * <p>
     * If the root is a custom component or composite, its composition root will
     * be populated with the design contents. Note that even if the root
     * component is a custom component/composite, the root element of the design
     * should not be to avoid nesting a custom component in a custom component.
     * @param doc
     *            the html tree
     * @param componentRoot
     *            optional component root instance. The type must match the type
     *            of the root element in the design or be a
     *            {@link CustomComponent} or {@link Composite}, in which case
     *            the root component will be set as the composition root.
     * @param classWithFields
     *            a class (componentRoot class or a super class) with some
     *            member fields. The member fields whose type is assignable from
     *            {@link Component} are bound to fields in the design based on
     *            id/local id/caption
    private static DesignContext designToComponentTree(Document doc, Component componentRoot,
            Class<?> classWithFields) {
        DesignContext designContext = new DesignContext(doc);
        // No special handling for a document without a body element - should be
        // taken care of by jsoup.
        Element root = doc.body();
        Elements children = root.children();
        if (children.size() > 1) {
            throw new DesignException(
                    "The first level of a component hierarchy should contain at most one root component, but found "
                            + children.size() + ".");
        Element element = children.isEmpty() ? null : children.first();
        if (componentRoot != null) {
            if (element == null) {
                throw new DesignException(
                        "The root element cannot be null when the specified root Component is" + " not null.");
            // user has specified root instance that may have member fields that
            // should be bound
            final FieldBinder binder;
            try {
                binder = new FieldBinder(componentRoot, classWithFields);
            } catch (IntrospectionException e) {
                throw new DesignException("Could not bind fields of the root component", e);
            // create listener for component creations that binds the created
            // components to the componentRoot instance fields
            ComponentCreationListener creationListener = (ComponentCreatedEvent event) -> binder
                    .bindField(event.getComponent(), event.getLocalId());

            // create subtree

            if (ComponentRootSetter.canSetRoot(componentRoot)) {
                Component rootComponent = designContext.readDesign(element);
                ComponentRootSetter.setRoot(componentRoot, rootComponent);
            } else {
                designContext.readDesign(element, componentRoot);
            // make sure that all the member fields are bound
            Collection<String> unboundFields = binder.getUnboundFields();
            if (!unboundFields.isEmpty()) {
                throw new DesignException("Found unbound fields from component root " + unboundFields);
            // no need to listen anymore
        } else {
            // createChild creates the entire component hierarchy
            componentRoot = element == null ? null : designContext.readDesign(element);
        return designContext;

     * Generates an html tree representation of the component hierarchy having
     * the root designContext.getRootComponent(). The hierarchy is stored under
     * &lt;body&gt; in the tree. The generated tree represents a valid html
     * document.
     * @param designContext
     *            a DesignContext object specifying the root component
     *            (designContext.getRootComponent()) of the hierarchy
     * @return an html tree representation of the component hierarchy
    private static Document createHtml(DesignContext designContext) {
        // Create the html tree skeleton.
        Document doc = new Document("");
        DocumentType docType = new DocumentType("html", "", "", "");
        Element html = doc.createElement("html");
        Element body = doc.createElement("body");

        // Append the design under <body> in the html tree. createNode
        // creates the entire component hierarchy rooted at the
        // given root node.
        Component root = designContext.getRootComponent();
        if (root != null) {
            Node rootNode = designContext.createElement(root);
        return doc;

     * Loads a design for the given root component.
     * <p>
     * This methods assumes that the component class (or a super class) has been
     * marked with an {@link DesignRoot} annotation and will either use the
     * value from the annotation to locate the design file, or will fall back to
     * using a design with the same same as the annotated class file (with an
     * .html extension)
     * <p>
     * Any {@link Component} type fields in the root component which are not
     * assigned (i.e. are null) are mapped to corresponding components in the
     * design. Matching is done based on field name in the component class and
     * id/local id/caption in the design file.
     * <p>
     * The type of the root component must match the root element in the design
     * or the root component must be a {@link CustomComponent} or
     * {@link Composite}. If the root is a custom component or composite, its
     * composition root will be populated with the design contents. Note that
     * even if the root component is a custom component/composite, the root
     * element of the design should not be to avoid nesting a custom component
     * in a custom component.
     * @param rootComponent
     *            The root component of the layout
     * @return The design context used in the load operation
     * @throws DesignException
     *             If the design could not be loaded
    public static DesignContext read(Component rootComponent) throws DesignException {
        // Try to find an @DesignRoot annotation on the class or any parent
        // class
        Class<? extends Component> annotatedClass = findClassWithAnnotation(rootComponent.getClass(),
        if (annotatedClass == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("The class " + rootComponent.getClass().getName()
                    + " or any of its superclasses do not have an @DesignRoot annotation");

        DesignRoot designAnnotation = annotatedClass.getAnnotation(DesignRoot.class);
        String filename = designAnnotation.value();
        if (filename.isEmpty()) {
            // No value, assume the html file is named as the class
            filename = annotatedClass.getSimpleName() + ".html";

        InputStream stream = annotatedClass.getResourceAsStream(filename);
        if (stream == null) {
            throw new DesignException(
                    "Unable to find design file " + filename + " in " + annotatedClass.getPackage().getName());
        try {
            Document doc = parse(stream);
            DesignContext context = designToComponentTree(doc, rootComponent, annotatedClass);

            return context;
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "Error closing design stream", e);

    private static Logger getLogger() {
        return Logger.getLogger(Design.class.getName());

     * Find the first class with the given annotation, starting the search from
     * the given class and moving upwards in the class hierarchy.
     * @param componentClass
     *            the class to check
     * @param annotationClass
     *            the annotation to look for
     * @return the first class with the given annotation or null if no class
     *         with the annotation was found
    private static Class<? extends Component> findClassWithAnnotation(Class<? extends Component> componentClass,
            Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass) {
        if (componentClass == null) {
            return null;

        if (componentClass.isAnnotationPresent(annotationClass)) {
            return componentClass;

        Class<?> superClass = componentClass.getSuperclass();
        if (!Component.class.isAssignableFrom(superClass)) {
            return null;

        return findClassWithAnnotation(superClass.asSubclass(Component.class), annotationClass);

     * Loads a design from the given file name using the given root component.
     * <p>
     * Any {@link Component} type fields in the root component which are not
     * assigned (i.e. are null) are mapped to corresponding components in the
     * design. Matching is done based on field name in the component class and
     * id/local id/caption in the design file.
     * <p>
     * The type of the root component must match the root element in the design
     * or the root component must be a {@link CustomComponent} or
     * {@link Composite}. If the root is a custom component or composite, its
     * composition root will be populated with the design contents. Note that
     * even if the root component is a custom component/composite, the root
     * element of the design should not be to avoid nesting a custom component
     * in a custom component.
     * @param filename
     *            The file name to load. Loaded from the same package as the
     *            root component
     * @param rootComponent
     *            The root component of the layout
     * @return The design context used in the load operation
     * @throws DesignException
     *             If the design could not be loaded
    public static DesignContext read(String filename, Component rootComponent) throws DesignException {
        InputStream stream = rootComponent.getClass().getResourceAsStream(filename);
        if (stream == null) {
            throw new DesignException("File " + filename + " was not found in the package "
                    + rootComponent.getClass().getPackage().getName());
        try {
            return read(stream, rootComponent);
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                getLogger().log(Level.FINE, "Error closing design stream", e);

     * Loads a design from the given stream using the given root component. If
     * rootComponent is null, the type of the root node is read from the design.
     * <p>
     * Any {@link Component} type fields in the root component which are not
     * assigned (i.e. are null) are mapped to corresponding components in the
     * design. Matching is done based on field name in the component class and
     * id/local id/caption in the design file.
     * <p>
     * The type of the root component must match the root element in the design
     * or the root component must be a {@link CustomComponent} or
     * {@link Composite}. If the root is a custom component or composite, its
     * composition root will be populated with the design contents. Note that
     * even if the root component is a custom component/composite, the root
     * element of the design should not be to avoid nesting a custom component
     * in a custom component.
     * @param stream
     *            The stream to read the design from
     * @param rootComponent
     *            The root component of the layout
     * @return The design context used in the load operation
     * @throws DesignException
     *             If the design could not be loaded
    public static DesignContext read(InputStream stream, Component rootComponent) {
        if (stream == null) {
            throw new DesignException("Stream cannot be null");
        Document doc = parse(stream);
        DesignContext context = designToComponentTree(doc, rootComponent);

        return context;

     * Loads a design from the given input stream.
     * @param design
     *            The stream to read the design from
     * @return The root component of the design
    public static Component read(InputStream design) {
        DesignContext context = read(design, null);
        return context.getRootComponent();

     * Writes the given component tree in design format to the given output
     * stream.
     * @param component
     *            the root component of the component tree, null can be used for
     *            generating an empty design
     * @param outputStream
     *            the output stream to write the design to. The design is always
     *            written as UTF-8
     * @throws IOException
     *             if writing fails
    public static void write(Component component, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
        DesignContext dc = new DesignContext();
        write(dc, outputStream);

     * Writes the component, given in the design context, in design format to
     * the given output stream. The design context is used for writing local ids
     * and other information not available in the component tree.
     * @param designContext
     *            The DesignContext object specifying the component hierarchy
     *            and the local id values of the objects. If
     *            designContext.getRootComponent() is null, an empty design will
     *            be generated.
     * @param outputStream
     *            the output stream to write the design to. The design is always
     *            written as UTF-8
     * @throws IOException
     *             if writing fails
    public static void write(DesignContext designContext, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {
        Document doc = createHtml(designContext);
        write(doc, outputStream);

     * Writes the given jsoup document to the output stream (in UTF-8)
     * @param doc
     *            the document to write
     * @param outputStream
     *            the stream to write to
     * @throws IOException
     *             if writing fails
    private static void write(Document doc, OutputStream outputStream) throws IOException {

    private Design() {
