Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2000-2016 Vaadin Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.vaadin.tests.components.grid.basicfeatures.server; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import org.junit.Test; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.Keys; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import com.vaadin.tests.components.grid.basicfeatures.GridBasicFeatures; import com.vaadin.tests.components.grid.basicfeatures.GridBasicFeaturesTest; import com.vaadin.v7.testbench.customelements.GridElement; public class GridKeyboardNavigationTest extends GridBasicFeaturesTest { @Test public void testCellFocusOnClick() { openTestURL(); GridElement grid = getGridElement(); assertTrue("Body cell 0, 0 is not focused on init.", grid.getCell(0, 0).isFocused()); grid.getCell(5, 2).click(); assertFalse("Body cell 0, 0 was still focused after clicking", grid.getCell(0, 0).isFocused()); assertTrue("Body cell 5, 2 is not focused after clicking", grid.getCell(5, 2).isFocused()); } @Test public void testCellNotFocusedWhenRendererHandlesEvent() { openTestURL(); GridElement grid = getGridElement(); assertTrue("Body cell 0, 0 is not focused on init.", grid.getCell(0, 0).isFocused()); grid.getHeaderCell(0, 3).click(); assertFalse("Body cell 0, 0 is focused after click on header.", grid.getCell(0, 0).isFocused()); assertTrue("Header cell 0, 3 is not focused after click on header.", grid.getHeaderCell(0, 3).isFocused()); } @Test public void testSimpleKeyboardNavigation() { openTestURL(); GridElement grid = getGridElement(); grid.getCell(0, 0).click(); new Actions(getDriver()).sendKeys(Keys.ARROW_DOWN).perform(); assertTrue("Body cell 1, 0 is not focused after keyboard navigation.", grid.getCell(1, 0).isFocused()); new Actions(getDriver()).sendKeys(Keys.ARROW_RIGHT).perform(); assertTrue("Body cell 1, 1 is not focused after keyboard navigation.", grid.getCell(1, 1).isFocused()); int i; for (i = 1; i < 40; ++i) { new Actions(getDriver()).sendKeys(Keys.ARROW_DOWN).perform(); } assertFalse("Grid has not scrolled with cell focus", isElementPresent(By.xpath("//td[text() = '(0, 0)']"))); assertTrue("Cell focus is not visible", isElementPresent(By.xpath("//td[text() = '(" + i + ", 0)']"))); assertTrue("Body cell " + i + ", 1 is not focused", grid.getCell(i, 1).isFocused()); } @Test public void testNavigateFromHeaderToBody() { openTestURL(); GridElement grid = getGridElement(); grid.scrollToRow(300); new Actions(driver).moveToElement(grid.getHeaderCell(0, 7)).click().perform(); grid.scrollToRow(280); assertTrue("Header cell is not focused.", grid.getHeaderCell(0, 7).isFocused()); new Actions(getDriver()).sendKeys(Keys.ARROW_DOWN).perform(); assertTrue("Body cell 280, 7 is not focused", grid.getCell(280, 7).isFocused()); } @Test public void testNavigationFromFooterToBody() { openTestURL(); selectMenuPath("Component", "Footer", "Visible"); GridElement grid = getGridElement(); grid.scrollToRow(300); grid.getFooterCell(0, 2).click(); assertTrue("Footer cell does not have focus.", grid.getFooterCell(0, 2).isFocused()); new Actions(getDriver()).sendKeys(Keys.ARROW_UP).perform(); assertTrue("Body cell 300, 2 does not have focus.", grid.getCell(300, 2).isFocused()); } @Test public void testNavigateBetweenHeaderAndBodyWithTab() { openTestURL(); GridElement grid = getGridElement(); grid.getCell(10, 2).click(); assertTrue("Body cell 10, 2 does not have focus", grid.getCell(10, 2).isFocused()); new Actions(getDriver()).keyDown(Keys.SHIFT).sendKeys(Keys.TAB).keyUp(Keys.SHIFT).perform(); assertTrue("Header cell 0, 2 does not have focus", grid.getHeaderCell(0, 2).isFocused()); new Actions(getDriver()).sendKeys(Keys.TAB).perform(); assertTrue("Body cell 10, 2 does not have focus", grid.getCell(10, 2).isFocused()); // Navigate out of the Grid and try to navigate with arrow keys. new Actions(getDriver()).keyDown(Keys.SHIFT).sendKeys(Keys.TAB).sendKeys(Keys.TAB).keyUp(Keys.SHIFT) .sendKeys(Keys.ARROW_DOWN).perform(); assertTrue("Header cell 0, 2 does not have focus", grid.getHeaderCell(0, 2).isFocused()); } @Test public void testNavigateBetweenFooterAndBodyWithTab() { openTestURL(); selectMenuPath("Component", "Footer", "Visible"); GridElement grid = getGridElement(); grid.getCell(10, 2).click(); assertTrue("Body cell 10, 2 does not have focus", grid.getCell(10, 2).isFocused()); new Actions(getDriver()).sendKeys(Keys.TAB).perform(); assertTrue("Footer cell 0, 2 does not have focus", grid.getFooterCell(0, 2).isFocused()); new Actions(getDriver()).keyDown(Keys.SHIFT).sendKeys(Keys.TAB).keyUp(Keys.SHIFT).perform(); assertTrue("Body cell 10, 2 does not have focus", grid.getCell(10, 2).isFocused()); // Navigate out of the Grid and try to navigate with arrow keys. new Actions(getDriver()).sendKeys(Keys.TAB).sendKeys(Keys.TAB).sendKeys(Keys.ARROW_UP).perform(); assertTrue("Footer cell 0, 2 does not have focus", grid.getFooterCell(0, 2).isFocused()); } @Test public void testHomeEnd() throws Exception { openTestURL(); getGridElement().getCell(100, 2).click(); new Actions(getDriver()).sendKeys(Keys.HOME).perform(); assertTrue("First row is not visible", getGridElement().getCell(0, 2).isDisplayed()); new Actions(getDriver()).sendKeys(Keys.END).perform(); assertTrue("Last row cell not visible", getGridElement().getCell(GridBasicFeatures.ROWS - 1, 2).isDisplayed()); } @Test public void testPageUpPageDown() throws Exception { openTestURL(); selectMenuPath("Component", "Size", "HeightMode Row"); getGridElement().getCell(9, 2).click(); new Actions(getDriver()).sendKeys(Keys.PAGE_DOWN).perform(); assertTrue("Row 17 did not become visible", isElementPresent(By.xpath("//td[text() = '(17, 2)']"))); new Actions(getDriver()).sendKeys(Keys.PAGE_DOWN).perform(); assertTrue("Row 25 did not become visible", isElementPresent(By.xpath("//td[text() = '(25, 2)']"))); checkFocusedCell(29, 2, 4); getGridElement().getCell(41, 2).click(); new Actions(getDriver()).sendKeys(Keys.PAGE_UP).perform(); assertTrue("Row 33 did not become visible", isElementPresent(By.xpath("//td[text() = '(33, 2)']"))); new Actions(getDriver()).sendKeys(Keys.PAGE_UP).perform(); assertTrue("Row 25 did not become visible", isElementPresent(By.xpath("//td[text() = '(25, 2)']"))); checkFocusedCell(21, 2, 4); } private void checkFocusedCell(int row, int column, int rowTolerance) { WebElement focusedCell = getGridElement().findElement(By.className("v-grid-cell-focused")); String cellContents = focusedCell.getText(); String[] rowAndCol = cellContents.replaceAll("[()\\s]", "").split(","); int focusedRow = Integer.parseInt(rowAndCol[0].trim()); int focusedColumn = Integer.parseInt(rowAndCol[1].trim()); // rowTolerance is the maximal allowed difference from the expected // focused row. It is required because scrolling using page up/down // may not move the position by exactly the visible height of the grid. assertTrue("The wrong cell is focused. Expected (" + row + "," + column + "), was " + cellContents, column == focusedColumn && Math.abs(row - focusedRow) <= rowTolerance); } }