Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2000-2018 Vaadin Ltd.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

package com.vaadin.client;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Logger;


 * Lightweight profiling tool that can be used to collect profiling data with
 * zero overhead unless enabled. To enable profiling, add
 * <code>&lt;set-property name="vaadin.profiler" value="true" /&gt;</code> to
 * your .gwt.xml file.
 * @author Vaadin Ltd
 * @since 7.0.0
public class Profiler {

    private static RelativeTimeSupplier RELATIVE_TIME_SUPPLIER;

    private static final String EVT_GROUP = "VaadinProfiler";

    private static ProfilerResultConsumer consumer;

     * Class to include using deferred binding to enable the profiling.
     * @author Vaadin Ltd
     * @since 7.0.0
    public static class EnabledProfiler extends Profiler {

        protected boolean isImplEnabled() {
            return true;

     * Interface for getting data from the {@link Profiler}.
     * <p>
     * <b>Warning!</b> This interface is most likely to change in the future
     * @since 7.1
     * @author Vaadin Ltd
    public interface ProfilerResultConsumer {
        public void addProfilerData(Node rootNode, List<Node> totals);

        public void addBootstrapData(LinkedHashMap<String, Double> timings);

     * A hierarchical representation of the time spent running a named block of
     * code.
     * <p>
     * <b>Warning!</b> This class is most likely to change in the future and is
     * therefore defined in this class in an internal package instead of
     * Profiler where it might seem more logical.
    public static class Node {
        private final String name;
        private final LinkedHashMap<String, Node> children = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        private double time = 0;
        private int count = 0;
        private double enterTime = 0;
        private double minTime = 1000000000;
        private double maxTime = 0;

         * Create a new node with the given name.
         * @param name
        public Node(String name) {
   = name;

         * Gets the name of the node.
         * @return the name of the node
        public String getName() {
            return name;

         * Creates a new child node or retrieves and existing child and updates
         * its total time and hit count.
         * @param name
         *            the name of the child
         * @param timestamp
         *            the timestamp for when the node is entered
         * @return the child node object
        public Node enterChild(String name, double timestamp) {
            Node child = children.get(name);
            if (child == null) {
                child = new Node(name);
                children.put(name, child);
            child.enterTime = timestamp;
            return child;

         * Gets the total time spent in this node, including time spent in sub
         * nodes.
         * @return the total time spent, in milliseconds
        public double getTimeSpent() {
            return time;

         * Gets the minimum time spent for one invocation of this node,
         * including time spent in sub nodes.
         * @return the time spent for the fastest invocation, in milliseconds
        public double getMinTimeSpent() {
            return minTime;

         * Gets the maximum time spent for one invocation of this node,
         * including time spent in sub nodes.
         * @return the time spent for the slowest invocation, in milliseconds
        public double getMaxTimeSpent() {
            return maxTime;

         * Gets the number of times this node has been entered.
         * @return the number of times the node has been entered
        public int getCount() {
            return count;

         * Gets the total time spent in this node, excluding time spent in sub
         * nodes.
         * @return the total time spent, in milliseconds
        public double getOwnTime() {
            double time = getTimeSpent();
            for (Node node : children.values()) {
                time -= node.getTimeSpent();
            return time;

         * Gets the child nodes of this node.
         * @return a collection of child nodes
        public Collection<Node> getChildren() {
            return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(children.values());

        public String toString() {
            return getStringRepresentation("");

        public String getStringRepresentation(String prefix) {
            if (getName() == null) {
                return "";
            String msg = prefix + " " + getName() + " in " + roundToSignificantFigures(getTimeSpent()) + " ms.";
            if (getCount() > 1) {
                msg += " Invoked " + getCount() + " times ("
                        + roundToSignificantFigures(getTimeSpent() / getCount()) + " ms per time, min "
                        + roundToSignificantFigures(getMinTimeSpent()) + " ms, max "
                        + roundToSignificantFigures(getMaxTimeSpent()) + " ms).";
            if (!children.isEmpty()) {
                double ownTime = getOwnTime();
                msg += " " + roundToSignificantFigures(ownTime) + " ms spent in own code";
                if (getCount() > 1) {
                    msg += " (" + roundToSignificantFigures(ownTime / getCount()) + " ms per time)";
                msg += '.';
            return msg;

        private static double roundToSignificantFigures(double num) {
            // Number of significant digits
            int n = 3;
            if (num == 0) {
                return 0;

            final double d = Math.ceil(Math.log10(num < 0 ? -num : num));
            final int power = n - (int) d;

            final double magnitude = Math.pow(10, power);
            final long shifted = Math.round(num * magnitude);
            return shifted / magnitude;

        public void sumUpTotals(Map<String, Node> totals) {
            String name = getName();
            if (name != null) {
                Node totalNode = totals.get(name);
                if (totalNode == null) {
                    totalNode = new Node(name);
                    totals.put(name, totalNode);

                totalNode.time += getOwnTime();
                totalNode.count += getCount();
                totalNode.minTime = roundToSignificantFigures(Math.min(totalNode.minTime, getMinTimeSpent()));
                totalNode.maxTime = roundToSignificantFigures(Math.max(totalNode.maxTime, getMaxTimeSpent()));
            for (Node node : children.values()) {

         * @param timestamp
        public void leave(double timestamp) {
            double elapsed = (timestamp - enterTime);
            time += elapsed;
            enterTime = 0;
            if (elapsed < minTime) {
                minTime = elapsed;
            if (elapsed > maxTime) {
                maxTime = elapsed;

    private static final class GwtStatsEvent extends JavaScriptObject {
        protected GwtStatsEvent() {
            // JSO constructor

        private native String getEvtGroup()
        return this.evtGroup;

        private native double getMillis()
        return this.millis;

        private native String getSubSystem()
        return this.subSystem;

        private native String getType()
        return this.type;

        private native String getModuleName()
        return this.moduleName;

        private native double getRelativeMillis()
        return this.relativeMillis;

        private native boolean isExtendedEvent()
        return 'relativeMillis' in this;

        public final String getEventName() {
            String group = getEvtGroup();
            if (EVT_GROUP.equals(group)) {
                return getSubSystem();
            } else {
                return group + "." + getSubSystem();

     * Checks whether the profiling gathering is enabled.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the profiling is enabled, else
     *         <code>false</code>
    public static boolean isEnabled() {
        // This will be fully inlined by the compiler
        Profiler create = GWT.create(Profiler.class);
        return create.isImplEnabled();

     * Enters a named block. There should always be a matching invocation of
     * {@link #leave(String)} when leaving the block. Calls to this method will
     * be removed by the compiler unless profiling is enabled.
     * @param name
     *            the name of the entered block
    public static void enter(String name) {
        if (isEnabled()) {
            logGwtEvent(name, "begin");

     * Leaves a named block. There should always be a matching invocation of
     * {@link #enter(String)} when entering the block. Calls to this method will
     * be removed by the compiler unless profiling is enabled.
     * @param name
     *            the name of the left block
    public static void leave(String name) {
        if (isEnabled()) {
            logGwtEvent(name, "end");

     * Returns time relative to the particular page load time. The value should
     * not be used directly but rather difference between two values returned by
     * this method should be used to compare measurements.
     * @since 7.6
    public static double getRelativeTimeMillis() {
        return RELATIVE_TIME_SUPPLIER.getRelativeTime();

    private static final native void logGwtEvent(String name, String type)
        evtGroup: @com.vaadin.client.Profiler::EVT_GROUP,
        millis: (new Date).getTime(),
        sessionId: undefined,
        subSystem: name,
        type: type,
        relativeMillis: @com.vaadin.client.Profiler::getRelativeTimeMillis()()

     * Resets the collected profiler data. Calls to this method will be removed
     * by the compiler unless profiling is enabled.
    public static void reset() {
        if (isEnabled()) {
             * Old implementations might call reset for initialization, so
             * ensure it is initialized here as well. Initialization has no side
             * effects if already done.


     * Initializes the profiler. This should be done before calling any other
     * function in this class. Failing to do so might cause undesired behavior.
     * This method has no side effects if the initialization has already been
     * done.
     * <p>
     * Please note that this method should be called even if the profiler is not
     * enabled because it will then remove a logger function that might have
     * been included in the HTML page and that would leak memory unless removed.
     * </p>
     * @since 7.0.2
    public static void initialize() {
        if (hasHighPrecisionTime()) {
            RELATIVE_TIME_SUPPLIER = new HighResolutionTimeSupplier();
        } else {
            RELATIVE_TIME_SUPPLIER = new DefaultRelativeTimeSupplier();
        if (isEnabled()) {
        } else {

     * Outputs the gathered profiling data to the debug console.
    public static void logTimings() {
        if (!isEnabled()) {
            getLogger().warning("Profiler is not enabled, no data has been collected.");

        LinkedList<Node> stack = new LinkedList<>();
        Node rootNode = new Node(null);
        JsArray<GwtStatsEvent> gwtStatsEvents = getGwtStatsEvents();
        if (gwtStatsEvents.length() == 0) {
                    "No profiling events recorded, this might happen if another __gwtStatsEvent handler is installed.");

        Set<Node> extendedTimeNodes = new HashSet<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < gwtStatsEvents.length(); i++) {
            GwtStatsEvent gwtStatsEvent = gwtStatsEvents.get(i);
            if (!EVT_GROUP.equals(gwtStatsEvent.getEvtGroup())) {
                // Only log our own events to avoid problems with events which
                // are not of type start+end
            String eventName = gwtStatsEvent.getEventName();

            String type = gwtStatsEvent.getType();
            boolean isExtendedEvent = gwtStatsEvent.isExtendedEvent();
            boolean isBeginEvent = "begin".equals(type);

            Node stackTop = stack.getLast();
            boolean inEvent = eventName.equals(stackTop.getName()) && !isBeginEvent;

            if (!inEvent && stack.size() >= 2 && eventName.equals(stack.get(stack.size() - 2).getName())
                    && !isBeginEvent) {
                // back out of sub event
                if (extendedTimeNodes.contains(stackTop) && isExtendedEvent) {
                } else {
                stackTop = stack.getLast();

                inEvent = true;

            if (type.equals("end")) {
                if (!inEvent) {
                            "Got end event for " + eventName + " but is currently in " + stackTop.getName());
                Node previousStackTop = stack.removeLast();
                if (extendedTimeNodes.contains(previousStackTop)) {
                } else {
            } else {
                double millis = isExtendedEvent ? gwtStatsEvent.getRelativeMillis() : gwtStatsEvent.getMillis();
                if (!inEvent) {
                    stackTop = stackTop.enterChild(eventName, millis);
                    if (isExtendedEvent) {
                if (!isBeginEvent) {
                    // Create sub event
                    Node subNode = stackTop.enterChild(eventName + "." + type, millis);
                    if (isExtendedEvent) {

        if (stack.size() != 1) {
            getLogger().warning("Not all nodes are left, the last node is " + stack.getLast().getName());

        Map<String, Node> totals = new HashMap<>();

        List<Node> totalList = new ArrayList<>(totals.values());
        Collections.sort(totalList, (o1, o2) -> (int) (o2.getTimeSpent() - o1.getTimeSpent()));

        if (getConsumer() != null) {
            getConsumer().addProfilerData(stack.getFirst(), totalList);

     * Overridden in {@link EnabledProfiler} to make {@link #isEnabled()} return
     * true if GWT.create returns that class.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the profiling is enabled, else
     *         <code>false</code>
    protected boolean isImplEnabled() {
        return false;

     * Outputs the time passed since various events recored in
     * performance.timing if supported by the browser.
    public static void logBootstrapTimings() {
        if (isEnabled()) {
            double now = Duration.currentTimeMillis();

            String[] keys = { "navigationStart", "unloadEventStart", "unloadEventEnd", "redirectStart",
                    "redirectEnd", "fetchStart", "domainLookupStart", "domainLookupEnd", "connectStart",
                    "connectEnd", "requestStart", "responseStart", "responseEnd", "domLoading", "domInteractive",
                    "domContentLoadedEventStart", "domContentLoadedEventEnd", "domComplete", "loadEventStart",
                    "loadEventEnd" };

            LinkedHashMap<String, Double> timings = new LinkedHashMap<>();

            for (String key : keys) {
                double value = getPerformanceTiming(key);
                if (value == 0) {
                    // Ignore missing value
                timings.put(key, Double.valueOf(now - value));

            if (timings.isEmpty()) {
                        "Bootstrap timings not supported, please ensure your browser supports performance.timing");

            if (getConsumer() != null) {

    private static final native double getPerformanceTiming(String name)
    if ($wnd.performance && $wnd.performance.timing && $wnd.performance.timing[name]) {
        return $wnd.performance.timing[name];
    } else {
        return 0;

    private static native JsArray<GwtStatsEvent> getGwtStatsEvents()
    return $wnd.vaadin.gwtStatsEvents || [];

     * Add logger if it's not already there, also initializing the event array
     * if needed.
    private static native void ensureLogger()
    if (typeof $wnd.__gwtStatsEvent != 'function') {
        if (typeof $wnd.vaadin.gwtStatsEvents != 'object') {
            $wnd.vaadin.gwtStatsEvents = [];
        $wnd.__gwtStatsEvent = function(event) {
            return true;

     * Remove logger function and event array if it seems like the function has
     * been added by us.
    private static native void ensureNoLogger()
    if (typeof $wnd.vaadin.gwtStatsEvents == 'object') {
        delete $wnd.vaadin.gwtStatsEvents;
        if (typeof $wnd.__gwtStatsEvent == 'function') {
            $wnd.__gwtStatsEvent = function() { return true; };

    private static native JsArray<GwtStatsEvent> clearEventsList()
    $wnd.vaadin.gwtStatsEvents = [];

     * Sets the profiler result consumer that is used to output the profiler
     * data to the user.
     * <p>
     * <b>Warning!</b> This is internal API and should not be used by
     * applications or add-ons.
     * @since 7.1.4
     * @param profilerResultConsumer
     *            the consumer that gets profiler data
    public static void setProfilerResultConsumer(ProfilerResultConsumer profilerResultConsumer) {
        if (consumer != null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("The consumer has already been set");
        consumer = profilerResultConsumer;

    private static ProfilerResultConsumer getConsumer() {
        return consumer;

    private static Logger getLogger() {
        return Logger.getLogger(Profiler.class.getName());

    private static native boolean hasHighPrecisionTime()
       return $wnd.performance && (typeof $ == 'function');

    private interface RelativeTimeSupplier {
        double getRelativeTime();

    private static class DefaultRelativeTimeSupplier implements RelativeTimeSupplier {

        public native double getRelativeTime()
        return (new Date).getTime();

    private static class HighResolutionTimeSupplier implements RelativeTimeSupplier {

        public native double getRelativeTime()
         return $;