Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2000-2018 Vaadin Ltd. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.vaadin.client; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Handler; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.client.debug.internal.ErrorNotificationHandler; import com.vaadin.client.debug.internal.HierarchySection; import com.vaadin.client.debug.internal.InfoSection; import com.vaadin.client.debug.internal.LogSection; import com.vaadin.client.debug.internal.NetworkSection; import com.vaadin.client.debug.internal.ProfilerSection; import com.vaadin.client.debug.internal.Section; import com.vaadin.client.debug.internal.TestBenchSection; import com.vaadin.client.debug.internal.VDebugWindow; import com.vaadin.client.debug.internal.theme.DebugWindowStyles; import com.vaadin.client.event.PointerEventSupport; import com.vaadin.client.metadata.NoDataException; import com.vaadin.client.metadata.TypeData; import com.vaadin.client.ui.UnknownComponentConnector; import com.vaadin.client.ui.UnknownExtensionConnector; import com.vaadin.client.ui.ui.UIConnector; import com.vaadin.shared.ApplicationConstants; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.ui.UIConstants; public class ApplicationConfiguration implements EntryPoint { /** * Helper class for reading configuration options from the bootstap * javascript * * @since 7.0 */ private static class JsoConfiguration extends JavaScriptObject { protected JsoConfiguration() { // JSO Constructor } /** * Reads a configuration parameter as a string. Please note that the * javascript value of the parameter should also be a string, or else an * undefined exception may be thrown. * * @param name * name of the configuration parameter * @return value of the configuration parameter, or <code>null</code> if * not defined */ private native String getConfigString(String name) /*-{ var value = this.getConfig(name); if (value === null || value === undefined) { return null; } else { return value +""; } }-*/; /** * Reads a configuration parameter as a boolean object. Please note that * the javascript value of the parameter should also be a boolean, or * else an undefined exception may be thrown. * * @param name * name of the configuration parameter * @return boolean value of the configuration parameter, or * <code>null</code> if no value is defined */ private native Boolean getConfigBoolean(String name) /*-{ var value = this.getConfig(name); if (value === null || value === undefined) { return null; } else { // $entry not needed as function is not exported return @java.lang.Boolean::valueOf(Z)(value); } }-*/; /** * Reads a configuration parameter as an integer object. Please note * that the javascript value of the parameter should also be an integer, * or else an undefined exception may be thrown. * * @param name * name of the configuration parameter * @return integer value of the configuration parameter, or * <code>null</code> if no value is defined */ private native Integer getConfigInteger(String name) /*-{ var value = this.getConfig(name); if (value === null || value === undefined) { return null; } else { // $entry not needed as function is not exported return @java.lang.Integer::valueOf(I)(value); } }-*/; /** * Reads a configuration parameter as an {@link ErrorMessage} object. * Please note that the javascript value of the parameter should also be * an object with appropriate fields, or else an undefined exception may * be thrown when calling this method or when calling methods on the * returned object. * * @param name * name of the configuration parameter * @return error message with the given name, or <code>null</code> if no * value is defined */ private native ErrorMessage getConfigError(String name) /*-{ return this.getConfig(name); }-*/; /** * Reads a configuration parameter as an {@link Element} object. Please * note that the javascript value of the parameter should also be an * Element object, or else an undefined exception may be thrown when * calling this method or methods on the returned object. * * @param name * name of the configuration parameter * @return element for the configuration parameter, or <code>null</code> * if no value is defined * @since 8.4 */ private native Element getConfigElement(String name) /*-{ return this.getConfig(name); }-*/; /** * Returns a native javascript object containing version information * from the server. * * @return a javascript object with the version information */ private native JavaScriptObject getVersionInfoJSObject() /*-{ return this.getConfig("versionInfo"); }-*/; /** * Gets the version of the Vaadin framework used on the server. * * @return a string with the version * * @see com.vaadin.server.VaadinServlet#VERSION */ private native String getVaadinVersion() /*-{ return this.getConfig("versionInfo").vaadinVersion; }-*/; /** * Gets the version of the Atmosphere framework. * * @return a string with the version * * @see org.atmosphere.util#getRawVersion() */ private native String getAtmosphereVersion() /*-{ return this.getConfig("versionInfo").atmosphereVersion; }-*/; /** * Gets the JS version used in the Atmosphere framework. * * @return a string with the version */ private native String getAtmosphereJSVersion() /*-{ if ($wnd.vaadinPush && $wnd.vaadinPush.atmosphere) { return $wnd.vaadinPush.atmosphere.version; } else { return null; } }-*/; private native String getUIDL() /*-{ return this.getConfig("uidl"); }-*/; } /** * Wraps a native javascript object containing fields for an error message. * * @since 7.0 */ public static final class ErrorMessage extends JavaScriptObject { protected ErrorMessage() { // JSO constructor } public final native String getCaption() /*-{ return this.caption; }-*/; public final native String getMessage() /*-{ return this.message; }-*/; public final native String getUrl() /*-{ return this.url; }-*/; } private static WidgetSet widgetSet = GWT.create(WidgetSet.class); private String id; /** * The URL to the VAADIN directory containing themes and widgetsets. Should * always end with a slash (/). */ private String vaadinDirUrl; private String frontendUrl; private String serviceUrl; private String contextRootUrl; private int uiId; private boolean standalone; private ErrorMessage communicationError; private ErrorMessage authorizationError; private ErrorMessage sessionExpiredError; private int heartbeatInterval; private Map<Integer, String> unknownComponents; private Map<Integer, Class<? extends ServerConnector>> classes = new HashMap<>(); private boolean widgetsetVersionSent = false; private static boolean moduleLoaded = false; static// TODO consider to make this hashmap per application List<Command> callbacks = new LinkedList<>(); private static int dependenciesLoading; private static List<ApplicationConnection> runningApplications = new ArrayList<>(); private Map<Integer, Integer> componentInheritanceMap = new HashMap<>(); private Map<Integer, String> tagToServerSideClassName = new HashMap<>(); private Element rootElement; /** * Checks whether path info in requests to the server-side service should be * in a request parameter (named <code>v-resourcePath</code>) or appended to * the end of the service URL. * * @see #getServiceUrl() * * @return <code>true</code> if path info should be a request parameter; * <code>false</code> if the path info goes after the service URL */ public boolean useServiceUrlPathParam() { return getServiceUrlParameterName() != null; } /** * Return the name of the parameter used to to send data to the service url. * This method should only be called if {@link #useServiceUrlPathParam()} is * true. * * @since 7.1.6 * @return The parameter name, by default <code>v-resourcePath</code> */ public String getServiceUrlParameterName() { return getJsoConfiguration(id).getConfigString(ApplicationConstants.SERVICE_URL_PARAMETER_NAME); } public String getRootPanelId() { return id; } /** * Gets the URL to the server-side VaadinService. If * {@link #useServiceUrlPathParam()} return <code>true</code>, the requested * path info should be in the <code>v-resourcePath</code> query parameter; * else the path info should be appended to the end of the URL. * * @see #useServiceUrlPathParam() * * @return the URL to the server-side service as a string */ public String getServiceUrl() { return serviceUrl; } /** * Gets the URL to the context root of the web application. * * @return the URL to the server-side context root as a string * * @since 8.0.3 */ public String getContextRootUrl() { return contextRootUrl; } /** * @return the theme name used when initializing the application * @deprecated as of 7.3. Use {@link UIConnector#getActiveTheme()} to get * the theme currently in use */ @Deprecated public String getThemeName() { return getJsoConfiguration(id).getConfigString("theme"); } /** * Gets the URL of the VAADIN directory on the server. * * @return the URL of the VAADIN directory */ public String getVaadinDirUrl() { return vaadinDirUrl; } /** * Gets the URL of the that the {@literal frontend://} protocol should * resolve to. * * @return the URL of the frontend protocol * @since 8.1 */ public String getFrontendUrl() { return frontendUrl; } public void setAppId(String appId) { id = appId; } /** * Gets the initial UIDL from the DOM, if it was provided during the init * process. * * @return */ public String getUIDL() { return getJsoConfiguration(id).getUIDL(); } /** * @return true if the application is served by std. Vaadin servlet and is * considered to be the only or main content of the host page. */ public boolean isStandalone() { return standalone; } /** * Gets the UI id of the server-side UI associated with this client-side * instance. The UI id should be included in every request originating from * this instance in order to associate the request with the right UI * instance on the server. * * @return the UI id */ public int getUIId() { return uiId; } /** * @return The interval in seconds between heartbeat requests, or a * non-positive number if heartbeat is disabled. */ public int getHeartbeatInterval() { return heartbeatInterval; } public JavaScriptObject getVersionInfoJSObject() { return getJsoConfiguration(id).getVersionInfoJSObject(); } public ErrorMessage getCommunicationError() { return communicationError; } public ErrorMessage getAuthorizationError() { return authorizationError; } public ErrorMessage getSessionExpiredError() { return sessionExpiredError; } /** * Reads the configuration values defined by the bootstrap javascript. */ private void loadFromDOM() { JsoConfiguration jsoConfiguration = getJsoConfiguration(id); serviceUrl = jsoConfiguration.getConfigString(ApplicationConstants.SERVICE_URL); if (serviceUrl == null || serviceUrl.isEmpty()) { /* * Use the current url without query parameters and fragment as the * default value. */ serviceUrl = Window.Location.getHref().replaceFirst("[?#].*", ""); } else { /* * Resolve potentially relative URLs to ensure they point to the * desired locations even if the base URL of the page changes later * (e.g. with pushState) */ serviceUrl = WidgetUtil.getAbsoluteUrl(serviceUrl); } // Ensure there's an ending slash (to make appending e.g. UIDL work) if (!useServiceUrlPathParam() && !serviceUrl.endsWith("/")) { serviceUrl += '/'; } contextRootUrl = jsoConfiguration.getConfigString(ApplicationConstants.CONTEXT_ROOT_URL); vaadinDirUrl = WidgetUtil .getAbsoluteUrl(jsoConfiguration.getConfigString(ApplicationConstants.VAADIN_DIR_URL)); frontendUrl = WidgetUtil .getAbsoluteUrl(jsoConfiguration.getConfigString(ApplicationConstants.FRONTEND_URL)); uiId = jsoConfiguration.getConfigInteger(UIConstants.UI_ID_PARAMETER).intValue(); // null -> false standalone = jsoConfiguration.getConfigBoolean("standalone") == Boolean.TRUE; heartbeatInterval = jsoConfiguration.getConfigInteger("heartbeatInterval"); communicationError = jsoConfiguration.getConfigError("comErrMsg"); authorizationError = jsoConfiguration.getConfigError("authErrMsg"); sessionExpiredError = jsoConfiguration.getConfigError("sessExpMsg"); rootElement = jsoConfiguration.getConfigElement("rootElement"); } /** * Starts the application with a given id by reading the configuration * options stored by the bootstrap javascript. * * @param applicationId * id of the application to load, this is also the id of the html * element into which the application should be rendered. */ public static void startApplication(final String applicationId) { Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(() -> { Profiler.enter("ApplicationConfiguration.startApplication"); ApplicationConfiguration appConf = getConfigFromDOM(applicationId); ApplicationConnection a = GWT.create(ApplicationConnection.class); a.init(widgetSet, appConf); runningApplications.add(a); Profiler.leave("ApplicationConfiguration.startApplication"); a.start(); }); } public static List<ApplicationConnection> getRunningApplications() { return runningApplications; } /** * Gets the configuration object for a specific application from the * bootstrap javascript. * * @param appId * the id of the application to get configuration data for * @return a native javascript object containing the configuration data */ private static native JsoConfiguration getJsoConfiguration(String appId) /*-{ return $wnd.vaadin.getApp(appId); }-*/; public static ApplicationConfiguration getConfigFromDOM(String appId) { ApplicationConfiguration conf = new ApplicationConfiguration(); conf.setAppId(appId); conf.loadFromDOM(); return conf; } public String getServletVersion() { return getJsoConfiguration(id).getVaadinVersion(); } /** * Return Atmosphere version. * * @since 7.4 * * @return Atmosphere version. */ public String getAtmosphereVersion() { return getJsoConfiguration(id).getAtmosphereVersion(); } /** * Return Atmosphere JS version. * * @since 7.4 * * @return Atmosphere JS version. */ public String getAtmosphereJSVersion() { return getJsoConfiguration(id).getAtmosphereJSVersion(); } public Class<? extends ServerConnector> getConnectorClassByEncodedTag(int tag) { Class<? extends ServerConnector> type = classes.get(tag); if (type == null && !classes.containsKey(tag)) { // Initialize if not already loaded Integer currentTag = Integer.valueOf(tag); while (type == null && currentTag != null) { String serverSideClassNameForTag = getServerSideClassNameForTag(currentTag); if (TypeData.hasIdentifier(serverSideClassNameForTag)) { try { type = (Class<? extends ServerConnector>) TypeData.getClass(serverSideClassNameForTag); } catch (NoDataException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } currentTag = getParentTag(currentTag.intValue()); } if (type == null) { if (isExtensionType(tag)) { type = UnknownExtensionConnector.class; } else { type = UnknownComponentConnector.class; } if (unknownComponents == null) { unknownComponents = new HashMap<>(); } unknownComponents.put(tag, getServerSideClassNameForTag(tag)); } classes.put(tag, type); } return type; } private boolean isExtensionType(int tag) { Integer currentTag = Integer.valueOf(tag); while (currentTag != null) { String serverSideClassNameForTag = getServerSideClassNameForTag(currentTag); if ("com.vaadin.server.AbstractExtension".equals(serverSideClassNameForTag)) { return true; } currentTag = getParentTag(currentTag.intValue()); } return false; } public void addComponentInheritanceInfo(ValueMap valueMap) { JsArrayString keyArray = valueMap.getKeyArray(); for (int i = 0; i < keyArray.length(); i++) { String key = keyArray.get(i); int value = valueMap.getInt(key); componentInheritanceMap.put(Integer.parseInt(key), value); } } public void addComponentMappings(ValueMap valueMap, WidgetSet widgetSet) { JsArrayString keyArray = valueMap.getKeyArray(); for (int i = 0; i < keyArray.length(); i++) { String key = keyArray.get(i).intern(); int value = valueMap.getInt(key); tagToServerSideClassName.put(value, key); } for (int i = 0; i < keyArray.length(); i++) { String key = keyArray.get(i).intern(); int value = valueMap.getInt(key); widgetSet.ensureConnectorLoaded(value, this); } } /** * Returns all tags for given class. Tags are used in * {@link ApplicationConfiguration} to keep track of different classes and * their hierarchy * * @since 7.2 * @param classname * name of class which tags we want * @return Integer array of tags pointing to this classname */ public Integer[] getTagsForServerSideClassName(String classname) { List<Integer> tags = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, String> entry : tagToServerSideClassName.entrySet()) { if (classname.equals(entry.getValue())) { tags.add(entry.getKey()); } } Integer[] out = new Integer[tags.size()]; return tags.toArray(out); } public Integer getParentTag(int tag) { return componentInheritanceMap.get(tag); } public String getServerSideClassNameForTag(Integer tag) { return tagToServerSideClassName.get(tag); } String getUnknownServerClassNameByTag(int tag) { if (unknownComponents != null) { String className = unknownComponents.get(tag); if (className == null) { className = "unknown class with id " + tag; } return className; } return null; } /** * Runs the given command when all pending dependencies have been loaded, or * immediately if no dependencies are being loaded. * * @since 7.6 * @param command * the command to run */ public static void runWhenDependenciesLoaded(Command command) { if (dependenciesLoading == 0) { command.execute(); } else { callbacks.add(command); } } static void startDependencyLoading() { dependenciesLoading++; } static void endDependencyLoading() { dependenciesLoading--; if (dependenciesLoading == 0 && !callbacks.isEmpty()) { for (Command cmd : callbacks) { cmd.execute(); } callbacks.clear(); } } private boolean vaadinBootstrapLoaded() { Element window = ScriptInjector.TOP_WINDOW.cast(); return window.getPropertyJSO("vaadin") != null; } @Override public void onModuleLoad() { // Don't run twice if the module has been inherited several times, // and don't continue if vaadinBootstrap was not executed. if (moduleLoaded || !vaadinBootstrapLoaded()) { getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "vaadinBootstrap.js was not loaded, skipping vaadin application configuration."); return; } moduleLoaded = true; Profiler.initialize(); Profiler.enter("ApplicationConfiguration.onModuleLoad"); BrowserInfo browserInfo = BrowserInfo.get(); // Enable iOS6 cast fix (see #10460) if (browserInfo.isIOS6() && browserInfo.isWebkit()) { enableIOS6castFix(); } // Enable IE prompt fix (#13367) if (browserInfo.isIE() && browserInfo.getBrowserMajorVersion() >= 10) { enableIEPromptFix(); } // Register pointer events (must be done before any events are used) PointerEventSupport.init(); if (LogConfiguration.loggingIsEnabled()) { GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(throwable -> { /* * If the debug window is not enabled (?debug), this will not * show anything to normal users. "a1 is not an object" style * errors helps nobody, especially end user. It does not work * tells just as much. */ getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, throwable.getMessage(), throwable); }); if (isProductionMode()) { // Disable all logging if in production mode Logger.getLogger("").setLevel(Level.OFF); } } Profiler.leave("ApplicationConfiguration.onModuleLoad"); if (SuperDevMode.enableBasedOnParameter()) { // Do not start any application as super dev mode will refresh the // page once done compiling return; } if (isDebugMode()) { // Load debug window bundle and continue the bootstrap sequence once // it's loaded GWT.runAsync(VDebugWindow.class, new RunAsyncCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess() { initDebugWindow(); registerCallback(GWT.getModuleName()); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable reason) { Window.alert("Failed to load Vaadin debug window"); registerCallback(GWT.getModuleName()); } }); } else { // Continue the bootstrap sequence right away registerCallback(GWT.getModuleName()); } } private static void initDebugWindow() { /* * XXX Lots of implementation details here right now. This should be * cleared up when an API for extending the debug window is implemented. */ VDebugWindow window = VDebugWindow.get(); if (LogConfiguration.loggingIsEnabled()) { window.addSection((Section) GWT.create(LogSection.class)); } window.addSection((Section) GWT.create(InfoSection.class)); window.addSection((Section) GWT.create(HierarchySection.class)); window.addSection((Section) GWT.create(NetworkSection.class)); window.addSection((Section) GWT.create(TestBenchSection.class)); if (Profiler.isEnabled()) { window.addSection((Section) GWT.create(ProfilerSection.class)); } if (isQuietDebugMode()) { window.close(); } else { DebugWindowStyles dws = GWT.create(DebugWindowStyles.class); dws.css().ensureInjected(); window.init(); } // Connect to the legacy API VConsole.setImplementation(window); Handler errorNotificationHandler = GWT.create(ErrorNotificationHandler.class); Logger.getLogger("").addHandler(errorNotificationHandler); } /** * Fix to iOS6 failing when comparing with 0 directly after the kind of * comparison done by GWT when a double or float is cast to an int. Forcing * another trivial operation (other than a compare to 0) after the dangerous * comparison makes the issue go away. See #10460. */ private static native void enableIOS6castFix() /*-{ Math.max = function(a,b) {return (a > b === 1 < 2)? a : b} Math.min = function(a,b) {return (a < b === 1 < 2)? a : b} }-*/; /** * Make Metro versions of IE suggest switching to the desktop when * window.prompt is called. */ private static native void enableIEPromptFix() /*-{ var prompt = $wnd.prompt; $wnd.prompt = function () { var result = prompt.apply($wnd,; if (result === undefined) { // force the browser to suggest desktop mode showModalDialog(); return null; } else { return result; } }; }-*/; /** * Registers that callback that the bootstrap javascript uses to start * applications once the widgetset is loaded and all required information is * available. * * @param widgetsetName * the name of this widgetset */ public static native void registerCallback(String widgetsetName) /*-{ var callbackHandler = $entry(@com.vaadin.client.ApplicationConfiguration::startApplication(Ljava/lang/String;)); $wnd.vaadin.registerWidgetset(widgetsetName, callbackHandler); }-*/; /** * Checks if client side is in debug mode. Practically this is invoked by * adding ?debug parameter to URI. Please note that debug mode is always * disabled if production mode is enabled, but disabling production mode * does not automatically enable debug mode. * * @see #isProductionMode() * * @return true if client side is currently been debugged */ public static boolean isDebugMode() { return isDebugAvailable() && Window.Location.getParameter("debug") != null; } /** * Checks if production mode is enabled. When production mode is enabled, * client-side logging is disabled. There may also be other performance * optimizations. * * @since 7.1.2 * @return <code>true</code> if production mode is enabled; otherwise * <code>false</code>. */ public static boolean isProductionMode() { return !isDebugAvailable(); } private static native boolean isDebugAvailable() /*-{ return $wnd.vaadin.debug; }-*/; /** * Checks whether debug logging should be quiet. * * @return <code>true</code> if debug logging should be quiet */ public static boolean isQuietDebugMode() { String debugParameter = Window.Location.getParameter("debug"); return isDebugAvailable() && debugParameter != null && debugParameter.startsWith("q"); } /** * Checks whether the widget set version has been sent to the server. It is * sent in the first UIDL request. * * @return <code>true</code> if browser information has already been sent */ public boolean isWidgetsetVersionSent() { return widgetsetVersionSent; } /** * Registers that the widget set version has been sent to the server. */ public void setWidgetsetVersionSent() { widgetsetVersionSent = true; } private static final Logger getLogger() { return Logger.getLogger(ApplicationConfiguration.class.getName()); } /** * Get the root element instance used for this application. * * @return registered root element * @since 8.4 */ public Element getRootElement() { return rootElement; } }