Java tutorial
/** * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <> * * Copyright (C) Ushahidi Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ package com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.service; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.dozer.Mapper; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.amqp.core.AmqpTemplate; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.controller.RiversController; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dao.AccountDao; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dao.ChannelDao; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dao.LinkDao; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dao.PlaceDao; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dao.RiverCollaboratorDao; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dao.RiverDao; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dao.RiverDropDao; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dao.RiverDropFormDao; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dao.RuleDao; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dao.TagDao; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.ChannelUpdateNotification; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.CreateChannelDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.CreateCollaboratorDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.CreateCommentDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.CreateLinkDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.CreatePlaceDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.CreateRiverDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.CreateRuleDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.CreateTagDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.FollowerDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.FormValueDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.GetChannelDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.GetCollaboratorDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.GetCommentDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.GetDropDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.GetDropDTO.GetLinkDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.GetDropDTO.GetPlaceDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.GetDropDTO.GetTagDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.GetPlaceTrend; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.GetRiverDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.GetRuleDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.GetTagTrend; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.ModifyChannelDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.ModifyCollaboratorDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.ModifyFormValueDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.ModifyRiverDTO; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.dto.RuleUpdateNotification; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.exception.BadRequestException; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.exception.ErrorField; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.exception.ForbiddenException; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.exception.NotFoundException; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.filter.DropFilter; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.api.filter.TrendFilter; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.model.Account; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.model.ActivityType; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.model.Bucket; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.model.BucketDrop; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.model.Channel; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.model.Drop; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.model.Link; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.model.Place; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.model.River; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.model.RiverCollaborator; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.model.RiverDrop; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.model.RiverDropComment; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.model.RiverDropForm; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.model.RiverTagTrend; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.model.Rule; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.model.Tag; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.solr.DropDocument; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.solr.repository.DropDocumentRepository; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.util.ErrorUtil; import com.ushahidi.swiftriver.core.util.MD5Util; @Service @Transactional(readOnly = true) public class RiverService { /* Logger */ final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RiverService.class); @Autowired private RiverDao riverDao; @Autowired private AccountDao accountDao; @Autowired private AccountService accountService; @Autowired private ChannelDao channelDao; @Autowired private RiverCollaboratorDao riverCollaboratorDao; @Autowired private Mapper mapper; @Autowired private RiverDropDao riverDropDao; @Autowired private RiverDropFormDao riverDropFormDao; @Autowired private RuleDao ruleDao; @Autowired private TagDao tagDao; @Autowired private LinkDao linkDao; @Autowired private PlaceDao placeDao; @Autowired private AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate; @Autowired private DropDocumentRepository repository; private int dropQuota; public void setRiverDao(RiverDao riverDao) { this.riverDao = riverDao; } public void setAccountService(AccountService accountService) { this.accountService = accountService; } public void setAccountDao(AccountDao accountDao) { this.accountDao = accountDao; } public ChannelDao getChannelDao() { return channelDao; } public void setChannelDao(ChannelDao channelDao) { this.channelDao = channelDao; } public void setRiverCollaboratorDao(RiverCollaboratorDao riverCollaboratorDao) { this.riverCollaboratorDao = riverCollaboratorDao; } public void setMapper(Mapper mapper) { this.mapper = mapper; } public void setRiverDropDao(RiverDropDao riverDropDao) { this.riverDropDao = riverDropDao; } public void setRiverDropFormDao(RiverDropFormDao riverDropFormDao) { this.riverDropFormDao = riverDropFormDao; } public void setTagDao(TagDao tagDao) { this.tagDao = tagDao; } public void setLinkDao(LinkDao linkDao) { this.linkDao = linkDao; } public void setPlaceDao(PlaceDao placeDao) { this.placeDao = placeDao; } public void setAmqpTemplate(AmqpTemplate amqpTemplate) { this.amqpTemplate = amqpTemplate; } public void setDropQuota(int dropQuota) { this.dropQuota = dropQuota; } /** * Creates a new River * * @param riverTO * @return */ @Transactional(readOnly = false) public GetRiverDTO createRiver(CreateRiverDTO riverTO, String authUser) { Account account = accountDao.findByUsernameOrEmail(authUser); if (!(account.getRiverQuotaRemaining() > 0)) throw new ForbiddenException("River quota exceeded"); if (riverDao.findByName(riverTO.getRiverName()) != null) { BadRequestException ex = new BadRequestException("Duplicate river name"); List<ErrorField> errors = new ArrayList<ErrorField>(); errors.add(new ErrorField("name", "duplicate")); ex.setErrors(errors); throw ex; } River river =, River.class); river.setAccount(account); river.setActive(Boolean.TRUE); river.setDropQuota(dropQuota); riverDao.create(river); accountDao.decreaseRiverQuota(account, 1); accountService.logActivity(account, ActivityType.CREATE, river); return, GetRiverDTO.class); } /** * Modify an existing river. * * @param riverId * @param modifyRiverTO * @param authUser * @return */ @Transactional(readOnly = false) public GetRiverDTO modifyRiver(Long riverId, ModifyRiverDTO modifyRiverTO, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); Account account = accountDao.findByUsernameOrEmail(authUser); if (!isOwner(river, account)) throw new ForbiddenException("Authenticated user does not own the river"); if (modifyRiverTO.getRiverName() != null && !modifyRiverTO.getRiverName().equals(river.getRiverName())) { if (riverDao.findByName(modifyRiverTO.getRiverName()) != null) { BadRequestException ex = new BadRequestException("Duplicate river name"); List<ErrorField> errors = new ArrayList<ErrorField>(); errors.add(new ErrorField("name", "duplicate")); ex.setErrors(errors); throw ex; } }, river); riverDao.update(river); return, GetRiverDTO.class); } /** * Get a RiverDTO for the River with the given id * * @param id * @return * @throws NotFoundException */ public GetRiverDTO getRiverById(Long id) throws NotFoundException { River river = getRiver(id); return, GetRiverDTO.class); } /** * Add a channel to the given river. * * @param riverId * @param createChannelTO * @return */ public GetChannelDTO createChannel(Long riverId, CreateChannelDTO createChannelTO) { River river = getRiver(riverId); Channel channel =, Channel.class); channel.setRiver(river); channel.setActive(Boolean.TRUE); channelDao.create(channel); // Construct the routing key String routingKey = String.format("", channel.getChannel().toLowerCase()); ChannelUpdateNotification notification = new ChannelUpdateNotification(); notification.setId(channel.getId()); notification.setChannel(channel.getChannel()); notification.setRiverId(riverId); notification.setParameters(channel.getParameters()); amqpTemplate.convertAndSend(routingKey, notification); logger.debug("Sending {} message for new '{}' parameter", routingKey, channel.getParameters()); return, GetChannelDTO.class); } /** * @param riverId * @param channelId */ @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void deleteChannel(Long riverId, Long channelId, String authUser) { Channel channel = getRiverChannel(riverId, channelId, authUser); int channelDropCount = channel.getDropCount(); River river = channel.getRiver(); channelDao.delete(channel); // Update the river drop count logger.debug("Reducing the drop count of river {} by {} drops", riverId, channelDropCount); river.setDropCount(river.getDropCount() - channelDropCount); riverDao.update(river); // Construct the routing key String routingKey = String.format("", channel.getChannel()); ChannelUpdateNotification notification = new ChannelUpdateNotification(); notification.setId(channelId); notification.setChannel(channel.getChannel()); notification.setRiverId(riverId); notification.setParameters(channel.getParameters()); amqpTemplate.convertAndSend(routingKey, notification); logger.debug("Sending {} message for deleted '{}' parameter", routingKey, channel.getParameters()); } @Transactional(readOnly = false) public GetChannelDTO modifyChannel(Long riverId, Long channelId, ModifyChannelDTO modifyChannelTO, String authUser) { Channel channel = getRiverChannel(riverId, channelId, authUser); // Get the channel before modification for a deletion notification ChannelUpdateNotification beforeNotification = new ChannelUpdateNotification(); beforeNotification.setId(channelId); beforeNotification.setChannel(channel.getChannel()); beforeNotification.setRiverId(riverId); beforeNotification.setParameters(channel.getParameters());, channel); channelDao.update(channel); // Get the channel after modification for an add notification ChannelUpdateNotification afterNotification = new ChannelUpdateNotification(); afterNotification.setId(channelId); afterNotification.setChannel(channel.getChannel()); afterNotification.setRiverId(riverId); afterNotification.setParameters(channel.getParameters()); amqpTemplate.convertAndSend("" + beforeNotification.getChannel() + ".delete", beforeNotification); amqpTemplate.convertAndSend("" + afterNotification.getChannel() + ".add", afterNotification); return, GetChannelDTO.class); } /** * Gets and returns the {@link Channel} with the specified <code>channelId</code> * for the {@link River} with the specified <code>river</code> * * @param riverId the unique id of the river with the desired channel * @param channelId the unique id of the channel * @param authUser the username of the authenticating user * @return */ public Channel getRiverChannel(Long riverId, long channelId, String authUser) { Channel channel = channelDao.findById(channelId); if (channel == null) throw new NotFoundException("The given channel was not found"); River river = channel.getRiver(); if (!river.getId().equals(riverId)) throw new NotFoundException("The given river does not countain the given channel."); Account account = accountDao.findByUsernameOrEmail(authUser); if (!isOwner(river, account)) throw new ForbiddenException("Logged in user does not own the river."); return channel; } /** * Returns the drops for the river with the ID specified in <code>id</code> * using the {@link DropFilter} specified in <code>dropFilter</code> * * @param id the unique id of the river * @param dropFilter the filters to be used to fetch the drops * @param page the page number * @param dropCount the maximum no. of drops to return * @param username the login ID of the user accessing the river * @return * @throws NotFoundException */ public List<GetDropDTO> getDrops(Long id, DropFilter dropFilter, int page, int dropCount, String username) throws NotFoundException { // Get the river River river = getRiver(id); // Get the querying account Account queryingAccount = accountDao.findByUsernameOrEmail(username); if (!hasAccess(river, queryingAccount)) throw new ForbiddenException("Access denied"); List<GetDropDTO> getDropDTOs = new ArrayList<GetDropDTO>(); // Farm fulltext and geospatial search to Solr if (dropFilter.getKeywords() != null || dropFilter.getBoundingBox() != null) { PageRequest pageRequest = new PageRequest(page - 1, dropCount); List<DropDocument> dropDocuments = repository.findInRiver(id, dropFilter, pageRequest); if (dropDocuments.isEmpty()) { return getDropDTOs; } List<Long> dropIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (DropDocument document : dropDocuments) { dropIds.add(Long.parseLong(document.getId())); } // Set page number to 1 page = 1; dropFilter.setDropIds(dropIds); } // Get the drops List<Drop> drops = riverDao.getDrops(id, dropFilter, page, dropCount, queryingAccount); if (drops == null) { throw new NotFoundException("No drops found"); } for (Drop drop : drops) { getDropDTOs.add(, GetDropDTO.class)); } return getDropDTOs; } /** * Deletes a river * * @param id */ @Transactional(readOnly = false) public boolean deleteRiver(Long id, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(id); Account account = accountDao.findByUsernameOrEmail(authUser); // Only the creator can delete the river if (!river.getAccount().equals(account)) { throw new ForbiddenException("Access denied"); } // Delete the river riverDao.delete(river); // Update the river remaining quota accountDao.increaseRiverQuota(account, 1); return true; } /** * Get collaborators of the given river * * @param riverId * @return * @throws NotFoundException */ public List<GetCollaboratorDTO> getCollaborators(Long riverId) throws NotFoundException { River river = getRiver(riverId); List<GetCollaboratorDTO> collaborators = new ArrayList<GetCollaboratorDTO>(); for (RiverCollaborator collaborator : river.getCollaborators()) { collaborators.add(mapCollaboratorDTO(collaborator)); } return collaborators; } /** * Adds a collaborator to the specified river * * @param riverId * @param createCollaboratorTO * @throws NotFoundException * ,BadRequestException */ public GetCollaboratorDTO addCollaborator(Long riverId, CreateCollaboratorDTO createCollaboratorTO, String authUser) throws NotFoundException, BadRequestException { // Check if the river exists River river = getRiver(riverId); // Check if the authenticating user has permission to add a collaborator Account authAccount = accountDao.findByUsernameOrEmail(authUser); if (!isOwner(river, authAccount)) throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied."); // Is the account already collaborating on the river if (riverDao.findCollaborator(riverId, createCollaboratorTO.getAccount().getId()) != null) throw new BadRequestException("The account is already collaborating on the river"); Account account = accountDao.findById(createCollaboratorTO.getAccount().getId()); if (account == null) throw new NotFoundException("Account not found"); RiverCollaborator collaborator = riverDao.addCollaborator(river, account, createCollaboratorTO.isReadOnly()); accountService.logActivity(authAccount, ActivityType.INVITE, collaborator); return mapCollaboratorDTO(collaborator); } /** * Modifies a collaborator * * @param riverId * @param accountId * @param modifyCollaboratorTO * @return */ @Transactional(readOnly = false) public GetCollaboratorDTO modifyCollaborator(Long riverId, Long accountId, ModifyCollaboratorDTO modifyCollaboratorTO, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); Account authAccount = accountDao.findByUsernameOrEmail(authUser); if (!isOwner(river, authAccount)) throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied."); RiverCollaborator collaborator = riverDao.findCollaborator(riverId, accountId); // Collaborator exists? if (collaborator == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Collaborator not found"); } if (modifyCollaboratorTO.getActive() != null) { collaborator.setActive(modifyCollaboratorTO.getActive()); } if (modifyCollaboratorTO.getReadOnly() != null) { collaborator.setReadOnly(modifyCollaboratorTO.getReadOnly()); } // Post changes to the DB riverDao.updateCollaborator(collaborator); return mapCollaboratorDTO(collaborator); } /** * Removes a collaborator in <code>accountId</code> from the river specified * in <code>riverId</code>. <code>accountId</code> is the {@link Account} id * of the collaborator * * @param riverId the unique id of the <code>River</code> * @param accountId the unique id of the collaborating <code>Account</code> * @param authUser the username of the authenticated user */ @Transactional public void deleteCollaborator(Long riverId, Long accountId, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); Account authAccount = accountDao.findByUsernameOrEmail(authUser); RiverCollaborator collaborator = riverDao.findCollaborator(riverId, accountId); if (collaborator == null) throw new NotFoundException("Collaborator not found."); // Check if the collaborator's account is the same as // the authenticating account if (!collaborator.getAccount().equals(authAccount)) { if (!isOwner(river, authAccount)) throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied."); } riverCollaboratorDao.delete(collaborator); } private GetCollaboratorDTO mapCollaboratorDTO(RiverCollaborator collaborator) { GetCollaboratorDTO collaboratorDTO =, GetCollaboratorDTO.class); collaboratorDTO.setActive(collaborator.isActive()); collaboratorDTO.setReadOnly(collaborator.isReadOnly()); return collaboratorDTO; } /** * Adds a follower to the specified river * * @param id * @param accountId * @return */ @Transactional public void addFollower(Long id, Long accountId) { // Does the river exist? River river = getRiver(id); Account account = accountDao.findById(accountId); if (account == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Account not found"); } river.getFollowers().add(account); riverDao.update(river); accountService.logActivity(account, ActivityType.FOLLOW, river); } /** * Gets and returns a list of {@link Account} entities that are following * the river identified by <code>id</code>. The entities are transformed to * DTO for purposes of consumption by {@link RiversController}. * * <code>accountId</code> can be null. When specified, the method verifies * that the {@link Account} associated with it is following the river. If * following, the return list contains only a single {@link FollowerDTO} * object else, a {@link NotFoundException} is thrown * * @param id * @param accountId * @return */ @Transactional public List<FollowerDTO> getFollowers(Long id, Long accountId) { River river = getRiver(id); List<FollowerDTO> followerList = new ArrayList<FollowerDTO>(); if (accountId != null) { Account account = accountDao.findById(accountId); if (account == null) { throw new NotFoundException(String.format("Account %d does not exist", accountId)); } if (river.getFollowers().contains(account)) { followerList.add(mapFollowerDTO(account)); } else { throw new NotFoundException(String.format("Account %d does not follow river %d", accountId, id)); } } else { for (Account account : river.getFollowers()) { followerList.add(mapFollowerDTO(account)); } } return followerList; } /** * Helper method for transforming an {@link Account} entity to a * {@link FollowerDTO} object * * @param account * @return */ private FollowerDTO mapFollowerDTO(Account account) { FollowerDTO accountDto =, FollowerDTO.class); accountDto.setName(account.getOwner().getName()); accountDto.setEmail(account.getOwner().getEmail()); return accountDto; } /** * Deletes the follower whose {@link Account} id is <code>accountId</code> * from the river specified by <code>riverId</code> * * @param riverId * @param accountId */ @Transactional public void deleteFollower(Long riverId, Long accountId) { // Load the river and check if it exists River river = getRiver(riverId); // Load the account and check if it exists Account account = accountDao.findById(accountId); if (account == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Account not found"); } river.getFollowers().remove(account); riverDao.update(river); } /** * Deletes the drop specified by <code>dropId</code> from the river in * <code>id</code> * * @param id * @param dropId * @param authUser */ @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void deleteDrop(Long id, Long dropId, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(id); if (!isOwner(river, authUser)) { throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied"); } RiverDrop riverDrop = getRiverDrop(id, dropId); // Update the river drop count river.setDropCount(river.getDropCount() - 1); riverDao.update(river); // Update the channel drop count Channel channel = riverDrop.getChannel(); channel.setDropCount(channel.getDropCount() - 1); channelDao.update(channel); // Delete the river drop riverDropDao.delete(riverDrop); } public boolean isOwner(River river, String authUser) { Account account = accountDao.findByUsernameOrEmail(authUser); return isOwner(river, account); } public boolean isOwner(River river, Account account) { RiverCollaborator collaborator = riverDao.findCollaborator(river.getId(), account.getId()); return river.getAccount() == account || (collaborator != null && !collaborator.isReadOnly()); } /** * Verifies whether the {@link Account} specified in * <code>queryingAccount</code> has access to the river specified * in <code>river</code> * * @param river * @param queryingAccount * @return */ private boolean hasAccess(River river, Account queryingAccount) { if (river.getRiverPublic()) return true; return river.getAccount().equals(queryingAccount) || (riverDao.findCollaborator(river.getId(), queryingAccount.getId()) != null); } private River getRiver(Long id) { River river = riverDao.findById(id); if (river == null) { throw new NotFoundException(String.format("River with id %d not found", id)); } return river; } /** * Adds a {@link Tag} to the {@link RiverDrop} with the specified * <code>dropId</code> The drop must be in the {@link River} whose ID is * specified in <code>id</code> * * The created {@link Tag} entity is transformed to a DTO for purposes of * consumption by {@link RiversController} * * @param id * @param dropId * @param createDTO * @param name * @return */ @Transactional public GetTagDTO addDropTag(Long riverId, Long dropId, CreateTagDTO createDTO, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); if (!isOwner(river, authUser)) throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied"); // Get the bucket drop RiverDrop riverDrop = getRiverDrop(riverId, dropId); String hash = MD5Util.md5Hex(createDTO.getTag() + createDTO.getTagType()); Tag tag = tagDao.findByHash(hash); if (tag == null) { tag = new Tag(); tag.setTag(createDTO.getTag()); tag.setType(createDTO.getTagType()); tagDao.create(tag); } else { // Check if the tag exists in the bucket drop if (riverDropDao.findTag(riverDrop, tag) != null) { throw new BadRequestException(String.format("Tag %s of type %s has already been added to drop %d", tag.getTag(), tag.getType(), dropId)); } } riverDropDao.addTag(riverDrop, tag); return, GetTagDTO.class); } /** * Deletes the {@link Tag} with the id specified in <code>tagId</code> from * the {@link RiverDrop} specified in <code>dropId</code> * * The request {@link BucketDrop} must be a member of the {@link River} with * the ID specified in <code>id</code> else a {@link NotFoundException} is * thrown * * @param riverId * @param dropId * @param tagId * @param authUser */ @Transactional public void deleteDropTag(Long riverId, Long dropId, Long tagId, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); if (!isOwner(river, authUser)) throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied"); RiverDrop riverDrop = getRiverDrop(riverId, dropId); Tag tag = tagDao.findById(tagId); if (tag == null) { throw new NotFoundException(String.format("Tag %d does not exist", tagId)); } if (!riverDropDao.deleteTag(riverDrop, tag)) { throw new NotFoundException(String.format("Drop %d does not have tag %d", dropId, tagId)); } } /** * Adds a {@link Link} to the {@link RiverDrop} with the specified * <code>dropId</code> The drop must be in the {@link River} whose ID is * specified in <code>id</code> * * The created {@link Link} entity is transformed to a DTO for purposes of * consumption by {@link RiversController} * * @param id * @param dropId * @param createDTO * @param authUser * @return */ @Transactional public GetLinkDTO addDropLink(Long riverId, Long dropId, CreateLinkDTO createDTO, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); if (!isOwner(river, authUser)) throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied"); RiverDrop riverDrop = getRiverDrop(riverId, dropId); String hash = MD5Util.md5Hex(createDTO.getUrl()); Link link = linkDao.findByHash(hash); if (link == null) { link = new Link(); link.setUrl(createDTO.getUrl()); link.setHash(hash); linkDao.create(link); } else { // Has the link already been added ? if (riverDropDao.findLink(riverDrop, link) != null) { throw new BadRequestException( String.format("%s has already been added to drop %d", link.getUrl(), dropId)); } } riverDropDao.addLink(riverDrop, link); return, GetLinkDTO.class); } /** * Deletes the {@link Link} with the id specified in <code>linkId</code> * from the {@link RiverDrop} specified in <code>dropId</code> * * The request {@link RiverDrop} must be a member of the {@link River} with * the ID specified in <code>id</code> else a {@link NotFoundException} is * thrown * * @param id * @param dropId * @param linkId * @param authUser */ @Transactional public void deleteDropLink(Long riverId, Long dropId, Long linkId, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); if (!isOwner(river, authUser)) throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied"); RiverDrop riverDrop = getRiverDrop(riverId, dropId); Link link = linkDao.findById(linkId); if (link == null) { throw new NotFoundException(String.format("Link %d does not exist", linkId)); } if (!riverDropDao.deleteLink(riverDrop, link)) { throw new NotFoundException(String.format("Drop %d does not have link %d", dropId, linkId)); } } /** * Adds a {@link Place} to the {@link RiverDrop} with the specified * <code>dropId</code> The drop must be in the {@link River} whose ID is * specified in <code>id</code> * * The created {@link Place} entity is transformed to a DTO for purposes of * consumption by {@link RiversController} * * @param riverId * @param dropId * @param createDTO * @param authUser * @return */ @Transactional public GetPlaceDTO addDropPlace(Long riverId, Long dropId, CreatePlaceDTO createDTO, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); if (!isOwner(river, authUser)) throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied"); RiverDrop riverDrop = getRiverDrop(riverId, dropId); String hashInput = createDTO.getName(); hashInput += Float.toString(createDTO.getLongitude()); hashInput += Float.toString(createDTO.getLatitude()); String hash = MD5Util.md5Hex(hashInput); // Generate a hash for the place name Place place = placeDao.findByHash(hash); if (place == null) { place = new Place(); place.setPlaceName(createDTO.getName()); place.setLatitude(createDTO.getLatitude()); place.setLongitude(createDTO.getLongitude()); placeDao.create(place); } else { if (riverDropDao.findPlace(riverDrop, place) != null) { throw new BadRequestException( String.format("Drop %d already has the place %s with coordinates [%f, %f]", dropId, place.getPlaceName(), place.getLatitude(), place.getLongitude())); } } riverDropDao.addPlace(riverDrop, place); return, GetPlaceDTO.class); } /** * Deletes the {@link Link} with the id specified in <code>linkId</code> * from the {@link RiverDrop} specified in <code>dropId</code> * * The request {@link RiverDrop} must be a member of the {@link Bucket} with * the ID specified in <code>id</code> else a {@link NotFoundException} is * thrown * * @param riverId * @param dropId * @param placeId * @param authUser */ @Transactional public void deleteDropPlace(Long riverId, Long dropId, Long placeId, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); if (!isOwner(river, authUser)) throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied"); RiverDrop riverDrop = getRiverDrop(riverId, dropId); Place place = placeDao.findById(placeId); if (place == null) { throw new NotFoundException(String.format("Place %d does not exist", placeId)); } if (!riverDropDao.deletePlace(riverDrop, place)) { throw new NotFoundException(String.format("Drop %d does not have place %d", dropId, placeId)); } } /** * Helper method to retrieve a {@link RiverDrop} record from the database * and verify that the retrieved entity belongs to the {@link River} * specified in <code>river</code> * * @param riverId * @param dropId * @return */ private RiverDrop getRiverDrop(Long riverId, Long dropId) { RiverDrop riverDrop = riverDao.findRiverDrop(riverId, dropId); if (riverDrop == null) { throw new NotFoundException(String.format("Drop %d does not exist in river %d", dropId, riverId)); } return riverDrop; } /** * Filter the given list of rivers returning only those that are visible to * the given queryingAccount. * * @param rivers * @param queryingAccount * @return */ public List<River> filterVisible(List<River> rivers, Account queryingAccount) { List<River> visible = new ArrayList<River>(); for (River river : rivers) { if (isOwner(river, queryingAccount) || river.getRiverPublic()) { visible.add(river); } } return visible; } /** * Adds a comment to the {@link RiverDrop} entity specified in * <code>dropId</code>. This entity must be associated with the * {@link River} entity specified in <code>riverId</code> otherwise a * {@link NotFoundException} will be thrown. * * @param riverId * @param dropId * @param createDTO * @param authUser * @return */ public GetCommentDTO addDropComment(Long riverId, Long dropId, CreateCommentDTO createDTO, String authUser) { if (createDTO.getCommentText() == null || createDTO.getCommentText().trim().length() == 0) { throw new BadRequestException("The no comment text specified"); } River river = getRiver(riverId); if (!river.getRiverPublic() && !isOwner(river, authUser)) throw new ForbiddenException("Permission Denied"); RiverDrop riverDrop = getRiverDrop(riverId, dropId); Account account = accountDao.findByUsernameOrEmail(authUser); RiverDropComment dropComment = riverDropDao.addComment(riverDrop, account, createDTO.getCommentText()); return, GetCommentDTO.class); } /** * Get and return the list of {@link RiverDropComment} entities for the * {@link RiverDrop} with the ID specified in <code>dropId</code> * * @param riverId * @param dropId * @param authUser * @return */ public List<GetCommentDTO> getDropComments(Long riverId, Long dropId, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); if (!river.getRiverPublic() && !isOwner(river, authUser)) throw new ForbiddenException("Permission Denied"); RiverDrop riverDrop = getRiverDrop(riverId, dropId); List<GetCommentDTO> commentsList = new ArrayList<GetCommentDTO>(); for (RiverDropComment dropComment : riverDrop.getComments()) { GetCommentDTO commentDTO =, GetCommentDTO.class); commentsList.add(commentDTO); } return commentsList; } /** * Deletes the {@link RiverDropComment} entity specified in * <code>commentId</code> from the {@link RiverDrop} entity specified in * <code>dropId</code> * * @param riverId * @param dropId * @param commentId * @param authUser */ public void deleteDropComment(Long riverId, Long dropId, Long commentId, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); if (!isOwner(river, authUser)) throw new ForbiddenException("Permission Denied"); getRiverDrop(riverId, dropId); if (!riverDropDao.deleteComment(commentId)) { throw new NotFoundException(String.format("Comment %d does not exist", commentId)); } } /** * Add custom form fields to a drop * * @param riverId * @param dropId * @param createDTO * @param authUser * @return */ @Transactional(readOnly = false) public FormValueDTO addDropForm(Long riverId, Long dropId, FormValueDTO createDTO, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); if (!isOwner(river, authUser)) throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied"); RiverDrop drop = getRiverDrop(riverId, dropId); RiverDropForm dropForm =, RiverDropForm.class); dropForm.setDrop(drop); try { riverDropFormDao.create(dropForm); } catch (DataIntegrityViolationException e) { throw ErrorUtil.getBadRequestException("id", "duplicate"); } return, FormValueDTO.class); } /** * Modify custom form fields in a drop. * * @param riverId * @param dropId * @param formId * @param modifyFormTo * @param name * @return */ @Transactional(readOnly = false) public FormValueDTO modifyDropForm(Long riverId, Long dropId, Long formId, ModifyFormValueDTO modifyFormTo, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); if (!isOwner(river, authUser)) throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied"); RiverDropForm dropForm = riverDropDao.findForm(dropId, formId); if (dropForm == null) throw new NotFoundException("The specified form was not found");, dropForm); riverDropFormDao.update(dropForm); return, FormValueDTO.class); } /** * Remove custom fields from a drop * * @param riverId * @param dropId * @param formId * @param name */ @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void deleteDropForm(Long riverId, Long dropId, Long formId, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); if (!isOwner(river, authUser)) throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied"); RiverDropForm dropForm = riverDropDao.findForm(dropId, formId); if (dropForm == null) throw new NotFoundException("The specified form was not found"); riverDropFormDao.delete(dropForm); } public List<GetRuleDTO> getRules(Long riverId, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); if (!isOwner(river, authUser)) { throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied"); } List<GetRuleDTO> rulesDTOList = new ArrayList<GetRuleDTO>(); for (Rule rule : river.getRules()) { rulesDTOList.add(, GetRuleDTO.class)); } return rulesDTOList; } /** * Creates a new {@link Rule} for the {@link River} with the ID specified in * <code>riverId</code>. The created entity is transformed to DTO for purposes * of consumption by {@link RiversController} * * @param riverId * @param createRuleDTO * @param authUser * @return */ @Transactional(readOnly = false) public GetRuleDTO addRule(Long riverId, CreateRuleDTO createRuleDTO, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); if (!isOwner(river, authUser)) { throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied"); } Rule rule =, Rule.class); rule.setRiver(river); rule.setDateAdded(new Date()); ruleDao.create(rule); // Send add_rule message on the MQ RuleUpdateNotification notification =, RuleUpdateNotification.class); amqpTemplate.convertAndSend("web.river.rules.add", notification); return, GetRuleDTO.class); } /** * Modifies the {@link RiverRule} specified in <code>ruleId</code>. * The {@link RiverRule} must belong to the {@link River} with the ID * specified in <code>riverId</code> else a {@link NotFoundException} will * be thrown. * * @param riverId * @param ruleId * @param createRuleDTO * @param authUser * @return */ @Transactional(readOnly = false) public GetRuleDTO modifyRule(Long riverId, Long ruleId, CreateRuleDTO createRuleDTO, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); if (!isOwner(river, authUser)) { throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied"); } Rule rule = ruleDao.findById(ruleId); if (rule == null || (rule != null && !rule.getRiver().equals(river))) { throw new NotFoundException(String.format("Rule %d not found", ruleId)); }, rule); ruleDao.update(rule); RuleUpdateNotification notification =, RuleUpdateNotification.class); amqpTemplate.convertAndSend("web.river.rules.update", notification); return, GetRuleDTO.class); } /** * Deletes the {@link RiverRule} with the ID specified in <code>ruleId</code> * The {@link RiverRule} must belong to the {@link River} with the ID specified * in <code>riverId</code> else a {@link NotFoundException} will be thrown * * @param riverId * @param ruleId * @param authUser */ @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void deleteRule(Long riverId, Long ruleId, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); if (!isOwner(river, authUser)) { throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied"); } Rule rule = ruleDao.findById(ruleId); if (rule == null || (rule != null && !rule.getRiver().equals(river))) { throw new NotFoundException(String.format("Rule %d not found", ruleId)); } RuleUpdateNotification notification =, RuleUpdateNotification.class); ruleDao.delete(rule); amqpTemplate.convertAndSend("web.river.rules.delete", notification); } /** * Adds the {@link RiverDrop} with the ID specified in <code>dropId</code> * to the list of read drops for the river with the ID * specified in <code>riverId</code>. * * @param riverId * @param dropId * @param authUser */ @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void markDropAsRead(Long riverId, Long dropId, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); Account account = accountDao.findByUsernameOrEmail(authUser); if (!river.getRiverPublic() && !this.isOwner(river, account)) { throw new ForbiddenException("Access denied"); } RiverDrop riverDrop = getRiverDrop(riverId, dropId); // Only add drop to the list if it doesn't exist if (!riverDropDao.isRead(riverDrop, account)) { account.getReadRiverDrops().add(riverDrop); accountDao.update(account); } } /** * Returns all {@link River} entities that contain the <code>searchTerm</code> * in their <code>name</code> or <code>description</code> fields. Only entities * with <code>isPublic = true</code> are returned * * @param searchTerm * @param count * @param page * @return */ public List<GetRiverDTO> findRivers(String searchTerm, int count, int page) { List<River> rivers = riverDao.findAll(searchTerm, count, page); List<GetRiverDTO> riverDTOs = new ArrayList<GetRiverDTO>(); for (River river : rivers) { riverDTOs.add(, GetRiverDTO.class)); } return riverDTOs; } /** * Returns the list of trending tags for the river with the ID specified * in <code>riverId</code> * * @param riverId * @param trendFilter * @param authUser * @return */ public List<GetTagTrend> getTrendingTags(Long riverId, TrendFilter trendFilter, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); Account queryingAccount = accountDao.findByUsernameOrEmail(authUser); if (!hasAccess(river, queryingAccount)) { throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied"); } // If no dates specified, get data for the last 1 week if (trendFilter.getDateFrom() == null && trendFilter.getDateTo() == null) { trendFilter.setDateTo(new Date()); Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); now.add(Calendar.DATE, -7); trendFilter.setDateFrom(now.getTime()); } List<RiverTagTrend> tagTrends = riverDao.getTrendingTags(riverId, trendFilter); if (tagTrends == null) { throw new NotFoundException(String.format("No trending tags found for river %d", riverId)); } List<GetTagTrend> tagTrendDtos = new ArrayList<GetTagTrend>(); for (RiverTagTrend trend : tagTrends) { GetTagTrend trendDto =, GetTagTrend.class); tagTrendDtos.add(trendDto); } return tagTrendDtos; } /** * Returns the list of trending places in the river with the ID specified * in <code>riverId</code> * * @param riverId * @param trendFilter * @param authUser * @return */ public List<GetPlaceTrend> getTredingPlaces(Long riverId, TrendFilter trendFilter, String authUser) { River river = getRiver(riverId); Account queryingAccount = accountDao.findByUsernameOrEmail(authUser); if (!hasAccess(river, queryingAccount)) { throw new ForbiddenException("Permission denied"); } // If no dates specified, get data for the last 1 week if (trendFilter.getDateFrom() == null && trendFilter.getDateTo() == null) { trendFilter.setDateTo(new Date()); Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance(); now.add(Calendar.DATE, -7); trendFilter.setDateFrom(now.getTime()); } List<RiverTagTrend> placeTrends = riverDao.getTrendingPlaces(riverId, trendFilter); if (placeTrends == null) { throw new NotFoundException(String.format("No trending places found for river %d", riverId)); } List<GetPlaceTrend> placeTrendDtos = new ArrayList<GetPlaceTrend>(); for (RiverTagTrend trend : placeTrends) { GetPlaceTrend trendDto =, GetPlaceTrend.class); placeTrendDtos.add(trendDto); } return placeTrendDtos; } }