Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2015 - present, Cullaboration Media, LLC. * All rights reserved. * <p/> * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ package com.userhook; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.ViewGroup; import com.userhook.hookpoint.UHHookPoint; import com.userhook.model.UHMessageMeta; import com.userhook.model.UHMessageMetaButton; import com.userhook.util.UHActivityLifecycle; import com.userhook.util.UHJsonUtils; import com.userhook.util.UHOperation; import com.userhook.view.UHHostedPageActivity; import com.userhook.view.UHMessageView; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class UserHook { public static final String TAG = "uh"; static Context applicationContext; static String appId; static String apiKey; static boolean hasNewFeedback = false; protected static UHFeedbackListener feedbackListener; protected static UHPushMessageListener pushMessageListener; static UHActivityLifecycle activityLifecycle; public static final String UH_API_URL = ""; public static final String UH_HOST_URL = ""; public static final String UH_URL_SCHEMA = "uh://"; public static final int UH_API_VERSION = 1; public static final String UH_SDK_VERSION = "1.2.2"; public static final String UH_CUSTOM_FIELDS = "customFields"; public static final String UH_PUSH_DATA = "uh_push_data"; public static final String UH_PUSH_PAYLOAD = "uh_push_payload"; public static final String UH_PUSH_TRACKED = "uh_push_tracked"; private static final String UH_HOOK_POINT_DISPLAY_ACTION = "display"; private static final String UH_HOOK_POINT_INTERACT_ACTION = "interact"; protected static UHPayloadListener payloadListener; // resource id of icon to use for push notification protected static int pushNotificationIcon; protected static int customPromptLayout = 0; // user to determine if push message is from User Hook private static final String PUSH_SOURCE_PARAM = "source"; private static final String PUSH_SOURCE_VALUE = "userhook"; // application settings for feedback page private static String feedbackScreenTitle = "Feedback"; private static Map<String, String> feedbackCustomFields; public static void initialize(Application application, String userHookAppId, String userHookApiKey, boolean fetchHookpointsOnSessionStart) { applicationContext = application; appId = userHookAppId; apiKey = userHookApiKey; // add the activity lifecycle listener activityLifecycle = new UHActivityLifecycle(fetchHookpointsOnSessionStart); application.registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(activityLifecycle); } public static void setPayloadListener(UHPayloadListener listener) { payloadListener = listener; } public static void actionReceived(Activity activity, Map<String, Object> payload) { if (payloadListener != null && payload != null) { payloadListener.onAction(activity, payload); } } public static void updateSessionData(Map<String, Object> data, UHSuccessListener listener) { UHOperation operation = new UHOperation(); operation.updateSessionData(data, listener); } public static void updateCustomFields(Map<String, Object> data, UHSuccessListener listener) { UHOperation operation = new UHOperation(); Map<String, Object> customFieldData = new HashMap<>(); for (String key : data.keySet()) { customFieldData.put("custom_fields." + key, data.get(key)); } operation.updateSessionData(customFieldData, listener); } public static void updatePurchasedItem(String sku, Number price, UHSuccessListener listener) { UHOperation operation = new UHOperation(); Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); data.put("purchases", sku); data.put("purchases_amount", price); operation.updateSessionData(data, listener); } public static String getAppId() { return appId; } public static String getApiKey() { return apiKey; } public static Context getApplicationContext() { return applicationContext; } public static int getCustomPromptLayout() { return customPromptLayout; } public static void setCustomPromptLayout(int customPromptLayoutId) { customPromptLayout = customPromptLayoutId; } public static void setPushNotificationIcon(int pushNotificationIconId) { pushNotificationIcon = pushNotificationIconId; } public static void setFeedbackListener(UHFeedbackListener listener) { feedbackListener = listener; } public static boolean hasNewFeedback() { return hasNewFeedback; } public static void setHasNewFeedback(boolean value) { hasNewFeedback = value; if (value && feedbackListener != null) { feedbackListener.onNewFeedback(activityLifecycle.getCurrentActivity()); } } public static void fetchHookPoint(UHHookPointFetchListener listener) { UHOperation operation = new UHOperation(); operation.fetchHookpoint(listener); } public static void fetchPageNames(UHOperation.UHArrayListener listener) { UHOperation operation = new UHOperation(); operation.fetchPageNames(listener); } public static void trackHookPointDisplay(UHHookPoint hookPoint) { UHOperation operation = new UHOperation(); operation.trackHookpointAction(hookPoint, UH_HOOK_POINT_DISPLAY_ACTION); } public static void trackHookPointInteraction(UHHookPoint hookPoint) { UHOperation operation = new UHOperation(); operation.trackHookpointAction(hookPoint, UH_HOOK_POINT_INTERACT_ACTION); } public static void markAsRated() { // mark that the user has "rated" this app Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("rated", true); UserHook.updateSessionData(params, null); } public static void registerPushToken(String token) { UHOperation operation = new UHOperation(); operation.registerPushToken(token, 1); } public static void trackPushOpen(Map<String, String> data) { UHOperation operation = new UHOperation(); operation.trackPushOpen(data); } public static void setPushMessageListener(UHPushMessageListener listener) { pushMessageListener = listener; } public static UHActivityLifecycle getActivityLifecycle() { return activityLifecycle; } /** * Checks a push notification to see if it came from User Hook or another service * * @param data * @return boolean if push message originated from User Hook */ public static boolean isPushFromUserHook(Map<String, String> data) { return data != null && data.containsKey(PUSH_SOURCE_PARAM) && data.get(PUSH_SOURCE_PARAM).equals(PUSH_SOURCE_VALUE); } public static void handlePushPayload(Activity activity, String payloadString) { try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(payloadString); Map<String, Object> payload = UHJsonUtils.toMap(json); if (payloadListener != null) { payloadListener.onAction(activity, payload); } } catch (JSONException je) { Log.e(UserHook.TAG, "error handling push payload", je); } } public static Notification handlePushMessage(Map<String, String> data) { String message = data.get("message"); String title = ""; if (data.containsKey("title") && data.get("title") != null) { title = data.get("title"); } else { title = applicationContext.getApplicationInfo().loadLabel(applicationContext.getPackageManager()) .toString(); } Map<String, Object> payload = new HashMap<>(); if (data.containsKey("payload")) { try { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(data.get("payload")); payload = UHJsonUtils.toMap(json); // check if this is a feedback reply if (json.has("new_feedback") && json.getBoolean("new_feedback")) { UserHook.setHasNewFeedback(true); } else { UserHook.setHasNewFeedback(false); } } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e("uh", "error parsing push notification payload"); } } // message received Intent intent; if (pushMessageListener != null) { intent = pushMessageListener.onPushMessage(payload); } else { // default to opening the main activity intent = applicationContext.getPackageManager() .getLaunchIntentForPackage(applicationContext.getPackageName()); } // convert data to a try Map<String,String> since it will come in as an ArrayMap if (data instanceof ArrayMap) { HashMap<String, String> hashMap = new HashMap<>(); for (String key : data.keySet()) { hashMap.put(key, data.get(key)); } data = hashMap; } intent.putExtra(UserHook.UH_PUSH_DATA, (Serializable) data); intent.putExtra(UserHook.UH_PUSH_TRACKED, false); if (payload.size() > 0) { intent.putExtra(UserHook.UH_PUSH_PAYLOAD, data.get("payload")); } //PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT is required to pass along our Intent Extras PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(applicationContext, 0, intent, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); try { ApplicationInfo appInfo = applicationContext.getPackageManager() .getApplicationInfo(applicationContext.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); int pushIcon = appInfo.icon; // check for a custom push icon if (pushNotificationIcon > 0) { pushIcon = pushNotificationIcon; } NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(applicationContext) .setSmallIcon(pushIcon).setContentText(message).setContentTitle(title).setAutoCancel(true) .setContentIntent(pendingIntent); // use default sound notificationBuilder.setDefaults(Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND); return; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("uh", "error create push notification", e); return null; } } public static int getResourceId(String name, String type) { return applicationContext.getResources().getIdentifier(name, type, applicationContext.getPackageName()); } public static String getString(int id) { return applicationContext.getResources().getString(id); } public static void rateThisApp() { startActivityToRate(); // tell User Hook that this user has rated this app UserHook.markAsRated(); } private static void startActivityToRate() { Uri uri = Uri.parse("market://details?id=" + applicationContext.getPackageName()); Intent goToMarket = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri); goToMarket.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK); if (goToMarket.resolveActivity(applicationContext.getPackageManager()) != null) { activityLifecycle.getCurrentActivity().startActivity(goToMarket); return; } activityLifecycle.getCurrentActivity().startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("" + applicationContext.getPackageName()))); } public static void setFeedbackScreenTitle(String title) { feedbackScreenTitle = title; } public static void setFeedbackCustomFields(Map<String, String> customFields) { feedbackCustomFields = customFields; } public static void showFeedback() { Intent intent = new Intent(activityLifecycle.getCurrentActivity(), UHHostedPageActivity.class); intent.putExtra(UHHostedPageActivity.TYPE_FEEDBACK, feedbackScreenTitle); if (feedbackCustomFields != null && feedbackCustomFields.size() > 0) { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); for (String key : feedbackCustomFields.keySet()) { bundle.putString(key, feedbackCustomFields.get(key)); } intent.putExtra(UH_CUSTOM_FIELDS, bundle); } activityLifecycle.getCurrentActivity().startActivity(intent); } public static void showSurvey(String surveyId, String surveyTitle, UHHookPoint hookPoint) { Intent intent = new Intent(activityLifecycle.getCurrentActivity(), UHHostedPageActivity.class); intent.putExtra(UHHostedPageActivity.TYPE_SURVEY, surveyId); intent.putExtra(UHHostedPageActivity.SURVEY_TITLE, surveyTitle); if (hookPoint != null) { intent.putExtra(UHHostedPageActivity.HOOKPOINT_ID, hookPoint.getId()); } activityLifecycle.getCurrentActivity().startActivity(intent); } public static void displayPrompt(String message, UHMessageMetaButton button1, UHMessageMetaButton button2) { UHMessageMeta meta = new UHMessageMeta(); meta.setBody(message); if (button1 != null && button2 != null) { meta.setDisplayType(UHMessageMeta.TYPE_TWO_BUTTONS); } else if (button1 != null) { meta.setDisplayType(UHMessageMeta.TYPE_ONE_BUTTON); } else { meta.setDisplayType(UHMessageMeta.TYPE_NO_BUTTONS); } meta.setButton1(button1); meta.setButton2(button2); // add view to screen UHMessageView view = new UHMessageView(activityLifecycle.getCurrentActivity(), meta); ViewGroup rootView = (ViewGroup) activityLifecycle.getCurrentActivity().findViewById(; rootView.addView(view, new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT)); view.showDialog(); } public static void showRatingPrompt(String message, String postiveButtonTitle, String negativeButtonTitle) { UHMessageMetaButton button1 = new UHMessageMetaButton(); button1.setTitle(postiveButtonTitle); button1.setClick(UHMessageMeta.CLICK_RATE); UHMessageMetaButton button2 = new UHMessageMetaButton(); button2.setTitle(negativeButtonTitle); button2.setClick(UHMessageMeta.CLICK_CLOSE); displayPrompt(message, button1, button2); UserHook.markAsRated(); } public static void showFeedbackPrompt(String message, String postiveButtonTitle, String negativeButtonTitle) { UHMessageMetaButton button1 = new UHMessageMetaButton(); button1.setTitle(postiveButtonTitle); button1.setClick(UHMessageMeta.CLICK_FEEDBACK); UHMessageMetaButton button2 = new UHMessageMetaButton(); button2.setTitle(negativeButtonTitle); button2.setClick(UHMessageMeta.CLICK_CLOSE); displayPrompt(message, button1, button2); UserHook.markAsRated(); } public interface UHPayloadListener { void onAction(Activity activity, Map<String, Object> payload); } public interface UHHookPointFetchListener { void onSuccess(UHHookPoint hookPoint); void onError(); } public interface UHSuccessListener { void onSuccess(); } public interface UHFeedbackListener { void onNewFeedback(Activity activity); } public interface UHPushMessageListener { Intent onPushMessage(Map<String, Object> payload); } }