Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 by TalkingTrends (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.useekm.indexing.elasticsearch; import info.aduna.iteration.CloseableIteration; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; //import org.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchException; import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.create.CreateIndexRequestBuilder; import; import org.elasticsearch.client.Client; import org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder; import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilders; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders; import org.openrdf.model.BNode; import org.openrdf.model.Literal; import org.openrdf.model.Resource; import org.openrdf.model.Statement; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import org.openrdf.model.Value; import org.openrdf.model.ValueFactory; import org.openrdf.model.impl.URIImpl; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.RDFS; import org.openrdf.model.vocabulary.XMLSchema; import org.openrdf.query.algebra.StatementPattern; import org.openrdf.query.algebra.UpdateExpr; import org.openrdf.query.algebra.ValueExpr; import org.openrdf.query.algebra.Var; import org.openrdf.sail.SailConnection; import org.openrdf.sail.SailException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.useekm.indexing.AbstractIndexerSettings; import com.useekm.indexing.GeoConstants; import com.useekm.indexing.IndexingSail; import com.useekm.indexing.IndexingSailConnection; import com.useekm.indexing.algebra.IndexerExpr; import com.useekm.indexing.elasticsearch.IndexConfiguration.Mapping; import com.useekm.indexing.elasticsearch.IndexConfiguration.PropertyConfig; import com.useekm.indexing.exception.IndexException; import com.useekm.indexing.internal.Indexer; import com.useekm.indexing.internal.resolvers.AbstractResolveSearchArg; import com.useekm.indexing.internal.resolvers.SearchByLiteral; import com.useekm.indexing.internal.resolvers.SearchNoArg; import com.useekm.indexing.internal.resolvers.SearchNotIndexed; import com.useekm.types.GeoConvert; import com.useekm.types.exception.InvalidGeometryException; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; /** * Settings for {@link ElasticSearchIndexer}. * * @see IndexingSail */ public class ElasticSearchIndexerSettings extends AbstractIndexerSettings { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ElasticSearchIndexerSettings.class); private static final String OBJECT = "object"; private static final String SHORT = "short"; private static final String STRING = "string"; private static final String LONG = "long"; private static final String INTEGER = "integer"; private static final String FLOAT = "float"; private static final String DOUBLE = "double"; private static final String DATE = "date"; private static final String BYTE = "byte"; private static final String BOOLEAN = "boolean"; private static final String GEO_SHAPE = "geo_shape"; public static final String NOT_ANALYZED = "not_analyzed"; public static final String NOT_INDEXED = "no"; public static final String FIELD_OBJECT_URI = "u"; public static final String FIELD_OBJECT_TYPE = "a"; public static final String FILTER_EDGE_NGRAM = "useekmEdgeNgram"; public static final String ANALYZER_AUTOCOMPLETE_INDEX = "useekmAutocompleteIndex"; public static final String ANALYZER_AUTOCOMPLETE_SEARCH = "useekmAutocompleteSearch"; public static final String SUFFIX_ENGRAM = "engram"; private Client client; private Map<String, IndexConfiguration> indexConfigurations; private Map<String, String> analyzers; private volatile Map<String, Collection<String>> toSub; //used (safe dbl checked locking fashion) outside locking in first init, hence the volatile private Map<String, String> toSuper; //TODO: the indexer should check that every type maps to only one index-configuration always /** * SPARQL function for an ElasticSearch query_string query. See {@link QueryBuilders#queryString(String)}. */ public static final URI ES_QUERY = new URIImpl(NS_FTS + "query"); /** * SPARQL function for an ElasticSearch match_all filter. See {@link FilterBuilders#matchAllFilter()}. * This is useful when combined with basic graph patterns (BGP) on indexed statements for the searched resource, because these BGP's can be moved to the ElasticSerach filter * for a much better performing search. */ public static final URI ES_MATCH_ALL = new URIImpl(NS_FTS + "matchAll"); /** * SPARQL function for an ElasticSearch query to find auto-complete suggestions for a given string. * This requires the use of {@link Mapping#Autocomplete} secondary mappings for properties of the searched subjects. */ public static final URI ES_AUTO_COMPLETE = new URIImpl(NS_FTS + "autoComplete"); /** * Option to set the size (number of results to return from an ElasticSearch). If you want to get all results, you need to use the {@link #ES_OPTION_SCROLL} option. * The option is set like this: * * <pre> * ?resource es:all ?match. * ?match es:size 100. * FILTER(es:matchAll(?match)) * </pre> */ public static final URI ES_OPTION_SIZE = new URIImpl(NS_FTS + "size"); /** * Option to make a scroll search (returns all possible results for the search, instead of the top xx (where xx is es:size). * This creates a search of type {@link SearchType#SCAN}. The value should be a valid {@link TimeValue} according to {@link TimeValue#parseTimeValue(String, TimeValue)}. * The option is set like this: * * <pre> * ?resource es:all ?match. * ?match es:scroll "10m". * FILTER(es:matchAll(?match)) * </pre> */ public static final URI ES_OPTION_SCROLL = new URIImpl(NS_FTS + "scroll"); /** * The default size for searches, when not customized via the {@link #ES_OPTION_SIZE} option. */ public static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 100; //TODO private static final Map<URI, AbstractResolveSearchArg> SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS = new HashMap<URI, AbstractResolveSearchArg>(); static { SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS.put(ES_QUERY, SearchByLiteral.INSTANCE); SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS.put(TEXT, SearchByLiteral.INSTANCE); SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS.put(ES_MATCH_ALL, SearchNoArg.INSTANCE); SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS.put(ES_AUTO_COMPLETE, SearchByLiteral.INSTANCE); //Geometry functions are supported (both indexed and non-indexed), // they can be inlined into the indexed filter/query by ExpressionExtractorOptimizer. // Therefore QueryExtractor does not need to handle them: SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS.put(GEOF_SF_WITHIN, SearchNotIndexed.INSTANCE); SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS.put(GEOF_SF_INTERSECTS, SearchNotIndexed.INSTANCE); SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS.put(GEOF_SF_OVERLAPS, SearchNotIndexed.INSTANCE); SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS.put(GEOF_SF_CROSSES, SearchNotIndexed.INSTANCE); SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS.put(EXT_COVERED_BY, SearchNotIndexed.INSTANCE); SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS.put(EXT_COVERS, SearchNotIndexed.INSTANCE); SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS.put(GEOF_SF_CONTAINS, SearchNotIndexed.INSTANCE); SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS.put(EXT_CONTAINS_PROPERLY, SearchNotIndexed.INSTANCE); SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS.put(GEOF_SF_EQUALS, SearchNotIndexed.INSTANCE); SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS.put(GEOF_SF_DISJOINT, SearchNotIndexed.INSTANCE); SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS.put(GEOF_SF_TOUCHES, SearchNotIndexed.INSTANCE); SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS.put(GEOF_RELATE, SearchNotIndexed.INSTANCE); } static final Map<Mapping, EsMapping[]> TYPE_MAPPINGS = new HashMap<IndexConfiguration.Mapping, EsMapping[]>(); static { //primary mappings: TYPE_MAPPINGS.put(Mapping.Object, new EsMapping[] { new EsMapping((URI) null, null, OBJECT, NOT_ANALYZED).uri() }); TYPE_MAPPINGS.put(Mapping.Boolean, new EsMapping[] { new EsMapping(XMLSchema.BOOLEAN, null, BOOLEAN) }); TYPE_MAPPINGS.put(Mapping.Byte, new EsMapping[] { new EsMapping(XMLSchema.BYTE, null, BYTE) }); TYPE_MAPPINGS.put(Mapping.Date, new EsMapping[] { new EsMapping(XMLSchema.DATE, null, DATE) }); TYPE_MAPPINGS.put(Mapping.DateTime, new EsMapping[] { new EsMapping(XMLSchema.DATETIME, null, DATE) }); TYPE_MAPPINGS.put(Mapping.Double, new EsMapping[] { new EsMapping(XMLSchema.DOUBLE, null, DOUBLE) }); TYPE_MAPPINGS.put(Mapping.Float, new EsMapping[] { new EsMapping(XMLSchema.FLOAT, null, FLOAT) }); TYPE_MAPPINGS.put(Mapping.Integer, new EsMapping[] { new EsMapping(XMLSchema.INT, null, INTEGER) }); TYPE_MAPPINGS.put(Mapping.Long, new EsMapping[] { new EsMapping(XMLSchema.LONG, null, LONG) }); TYPE_MAPPINGS.put(Mapping.Label, new EsMapping[] { new EsMapping((URI) null, null, STRING, NOT_ANALYZED) }); TYPE_MAPPINGS.put(Mapping.Short, new EsMapping[] { new EsMapping(XMLSchema.SHORT, null, SHORT) }); TYPE_MAPPINGS.put(Mapping.Text, new EsMapping[] { new EsMapping(XMLSchema.STRING, null, STRING) }); TYPE_MAPPINGS.put(Mapping.URI, new EsMapping[] { new EsMapping((URI) null, null, STRING, NOT_ANALYZED).uri() }); //TODO: don't store Envelope values in _source field? TYPE_MAPPINGS.put(Mapping.Geometry, new EsMapping[] { new EsMapping(GeoConstants.GEO_SUPPORTED, null, GEO_SHAPE) }); //secondary mappings: TYPE_MAPPINGS.put(Mapping.Autocomplete, new EsMapping[] { new EsMapping((URI) null, SUFFIX_ENGRAM, STRING, null, ANALYZER_AUTOCOMPLETE_INDEX, ANALYZER_AUTOCOMPLETE_SEARCH, false) }); } /** * Creates an instance for a specified elasticsearch {@link Client}. */ public ElasticSearchIndexerSettings(Client client) { this.client = client; this.indexConfigurations = new HashMap<String, IndexConfiguration>(); } public Client getClient() { return client; } void initInference(SailConnection conn, ValueFactory vf) throws SailException { synchronized (this) { if (toSub == null) { boolean done = false; try { toSub = new HashMap<String, Collection<String>>(); toSuper = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (IndexConfiguration config : indexConfigurations.values()) { String type = config.getMatchType(); initInference(conn, vf, type); } done = true; } finally { if (!done) { //Don't leave half configured information one failure: toSub = null; toSuper = null; } } } } } void initInference(SailConnection conn, ValueFactory vf, String type) throws SailException { synchronized (this) { Collection<String> subs = toSub.get(type); if (subs != null) for (String sub : subs) toSuper.remove(sub); subs = new HashSet<String>(); toSub.put(type, subs); boolean subClassOfSelf = false; CloseableIteration<? extends Statement, SailException> sts = conn.getStatements(null, RDFS.SUBCLASSOF, vf.createURI(type), IndexConfiguration.MATCH_TYPE_INFERENCE); try { while (sts.hasNext()) { String subType =; subs.add(subType); toSuper.put(subType, type); if (subType.equals(type)) subClassOfSelf = true; } } finally { sts.close(); } if (!subClassOfSelf) { Validate.isTrue(subs.isEmpty()); //no type information for this type in repository yet subs.add(type); toSuper.put(type, type); } } } /** * @return The indexconfiguration with the specified name (the name maps to an elasticsearch document type) */ public IndexConfiguration getIndexConfiguration(String name) { return indexConfigurations.get(name); } /** * @return A collection of all {@link IndexConfiguration}s that match the provided (not null!) pred and obj. */ public IndexConfiguration getIndexConfiguration(URI type) { Validate.notNull(type); String strType = type.stringValue(); for (IndexConfiguration config : indexConfigurations.values()) { if (config.getMatchType().equals(strType)) return config; } synchronized (this) { if (toSuper != null) {// else not initialized yet, can't return based on type inference String indexedType = toSuper.get(strType); if (indexedType != null) for (IndexConfiguration config : indexConfigurations.values()) if (config.getMatchType().equals(indexedType)) return config; } } return null; } /** * @return True if at least one {@link IndexConfiguration} matches the provided (not null!) pred and obj. */ boolean hasIndexConfiguration(URI type) { return getIndexConfiguration(type) != null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //EMPTY_LIST List<IndexConfiguration> getConfigsForProperty(URI pred) { List<IndexConfiguration> result = null; for (IndexConfiguration config : indexConfigurations.values()) if (config.isProperty(pred)) { if (result == null) result = new ArrayList<IndexConfiguration>(); result.add(config); } return result == null ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : result; } public void setIndexConfigurations(Collection<IndexConfiguration> configs) { indexConfigurations.clear(); for (IndexConfiguration config : configs) if (indexConfigurations.containsKey(config.getName())) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple index configurations with name: " + config.getName()); else indexConfigurations.put(config.getName(), config); } public Collection<IndexConfiguration> getIndexConfigurations() { return indexConfigurations.values(); } public void setAnalyzers(Map<String, String> analyzers) { this.analyzers = analyzers; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //EMPTY_MAP public Map<String, String> getAnalyzers() { return analyzers == null ? (Map<String, String>) Collections.EMPTY_MAP : Collections.unmodifiableMap(analyzers); } @Override public boolean isSafeForWrappedSailEvaluation(UpdateExpr expr) { //TODO room for optimization by checking whether the update does not query for nor possibly affect indexed statements // (see e.g. how SimpleTypeInferencingSailConnection checks this): return false; } @Override public Indexer createIndexer(IndexingSailConnection connection) throws SailException { if (toSub == null) initInference(connection.getWrappedConnection(), connection.getValueFactory()); return new ElasticSearchIndexer(this, connection); } @Override public void initialize(boolean emptyIndexes) { try { Map<String, Map<String, XContentBuilder>> indexMappings = getIndexMappings(); Collection<String> existingIndexes = new HashSet<String>(); for (String index : indexMappings.keySet()) if (client.admin().indices().prepareExists(index).execute().actionGet().isExists()) if (emptyIndexes) client.admin().indices().prepareDelete(index).execute().actionGet(); else existingIndexes.add(index); for (String index : indexMappings.keySet()) if (!existingIndexes.contains(index)) createIndex(index, indexMappings.get(index)); checkClusterState();"ES-STATUS: index should be ready now"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IndexException(e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IndexException(e); } } public void checkClusterState() { //test case config does not reach a yellow/green status... if (client.admin().cluster().prepareHealth().setWaitForYellowStatus().execute().actionGet(60000) .isTimedOut()) throw new IndexException("ElasticSearchCluster not available"); //client.admin().cluster().health(new ClusterHealthRequest().waitForActiveShards(1)).actionGet(); } private void createIndex(String index, Map<String, XContentBuilder> mappings) throws IOException { CreateIndexRequestBuilder builder = client.admin().indices().prepareCreate(index); builder.setSettings(createSettings("-1")); for (String configName : mappings.keySet()) builder.addMapping(configName, mappings.get(configName)); builder.execute().actionGet(); getClient().admin().indices().prepareRefresh(index).execute().actionGet(); } private Map<String, Map<String, XContentBuilder>> getIndexMappings() throws IOException { Map<String, Map<String, XContentBuilder>> indexMappings = new HashMap<String, Map<String, XContentBuilder>>(); for (IndexConfiguration config : indexConfigurations.values()) { Map<String, XContentBuilder> mappings = indexMappings.get(config.getIndexName()); if (mappings == null) { mappings = new HashMap<String, XContentBuilder>(); indexMappings.put(config.getIndexName(), mappings); } mappings.put(config.getName(), createMapping(config)); } return indexMappings; } public XContentBuilder createSettings(String refreshInterval) throws IOException { XContentBuilder settings = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder(); settings.startObject(); if (refreshInterval != null) settings.field("refresh_interval", refreshInterval); settings.startObject("analysis"); settings.startObject("filter"); settings.startObject(FILTER_EDGE_NGRAM); settings.field("max_gram", 16); settings.field("min_gram", 2); settings.field("type", "edge_ngram"); settings.endObject(); //FILTER_EDGE_NGRAM settings.endObject(); //filter settings.startObject("analyzer"); settings.startObject(ANALYZER_AUTOCOMPLETE_INDEX); settings.array("filter", "lowercase", "asciifolding", FILTER_EDGE_NGRAM); settings.field("tokenizer", "letter"); settings.endObject(); //ANALYZER_AUTOCOMPLETE_INDEX settings.startObject(ANALYZER_AUTOCOMPLETE_SEARCH); settings.array("filter", "lowercase", "asciifolding"); //should be same as above, without FILTER_EDGE_NGRAM settings.field("tokenizer", "letter"); settings.endObject(); //ANALYZER_AUTOCOMPLETE_SEARCH for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : getAnalyzers().entrySet()) settings.rawField(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getBytes()); settings.endObject(); //analyzer settings.endObject(); //analysis settings.endObject(); //settings return settings; } private XContentBuilder createMapping(IndexConfiguration config) throws IOException { XContentBuilder mapping = XContentFactory.jsonBuilder(); mapping.startObject(); mapping.startObject(config.getName()); mapping.field("date_detection", "false"); mapping.startObject("properties"); mapping.startObject(FIELD_OBJECT_TYPE); mapping.field("type", "string"); mapping.field("index", NOT_ANALYZED); mapping.endObject();//a Collection<String> excludeFromSource = new HashSet<String>(); for (PropertyConfig property : config.getProperties()) createMappingForProperty("", mapping, property, excludeFromSource); mapping.endObject(); if (!excludeFromSource.isEmpty()) { mapping.startObject("_source"); mapping.array("excludes", excludeFromSource.toArray(new String[excludeFromSource.size()])); mapping.endObject(); } mapping.endObject(); mapping.endObject(); return mapping; //See: } private void createMappingForProperty(String path, XContentBuilder mapping, PropertyConfig property, Collection<String> sourceExclude) throws IOException { EsMapping[] esMappings = property.getAllEsMappings(); if (esMappings.length > 1) { mapping.startObject(property.getName()); mapping.field("type", "multi_field"); mapping.startObject("fields"); } for (EsMapping esm : esMappings) createMapping(path, mapping, property, sourceExclude, esm); if (esMappings.length > 1) { mapping.endObject();//fields mapping.endObject();//property.getName } } private void createMapping(String path, XContentBuilder mapping, PropertyConfig property, Collection<String> sourceExclude, EsMapping esm) throws IOException { String name = esm.getName(property.getName()); mapping.startObject(name); mapping.field("type", esm.type); esm.createMappingProperties(mapping); if (property.getBoost() != 1.0) //TODO: per MappingInfo not per Property! mapping.field("boost", property.getBoost()); if (property.isObject() && OBJECT.equals(esm.type)) { mapping.startObject("properties"); mapping.startObject(FIELD_OBJECT_URI); mapping.field("type", STRING); mapping.field("index", NOT_ANALYZED); mapping.endObject();//property.getName() for (PropertyConfig sub : property.getSubProperties()) createMappingForProperty(path + name + ".", mapping, sub, sourceExclude); mapping.endObject();//properties } if (property.isSourceExclude()) sourceExclude.add(path + name); mapping.endObject();//esm.getName(property.getName()) } @Override public Var getResultVarFromFunctionCall(URI function, List<ValueExpr> args) { AbstractResolveSearchArg resolver = SUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS.get(function); if (resolver == null) return null; return resolver.getResultVarFromFunctionCall(function, args); } @Override public boolean isIndexedConstraint(IndexerExpr expr, StatementPattern pattern) { return false; } public boolean isResultProperty(URI uri) { return ElasticSearchIndexer.PROPERTY_BINDERS.keySet().contains(uri.stringValue()); } static final class EsMapping { private static final String FIELD_COORDINATES = "coordinates"; private static final String TYPE_ENVELOPE = "envelope"; private static final String FIELD_TYPE = "type"; private final Collection<URI> typeUris; private final String namePostfix; // added to the fieldname if multiple es fields map to one property private final String type; // string, float, ... private final String index; // analyzed, not_analyzed, no private final String indexAnalyzer; private final String searchAnalyzer; private final Boolean includeInAll;// Should the field be included in the _all field. Defaults to elasticsearch default for the type (or to the parent object type setting). private boolean isResource; //this maps a Resource (currently only URI is supported, in the future we might support BNode for some stores) EsMapping(URI typeUri, String namePostfix, String type) { this(typeUri, namePostfix, type, null, null); } private EsMapping(URI typeUri, String namePostfix, String type, String index) { this(typeUri, namePostfix, type, index, null); } private EsMapping(URI[] typeUris, String namePostfix, String type) { this(typeUris, namePostfix, type, null, null, null, null); } private EsMapping(URI typeUri, String namePostfix, String type, String index, Boolean includeInAll) { this(typeUri, namePostfix, type, index, null, null, includeInAll); } private EsMapping(URI typeUri, String namePostfix, String type, String index, String indexAnalyzer, String searchAnalyzer, Boolean includeInAll) { this(new URI[] { typeUri }, namePostfix, type, index, indexAnalyzer, searchAnalyzer, includeInAll); } private EsMapping(URI[] typeUris, String namePostfix, String type, String index, String indexAnalyzer, String searchAnalyzer, Boolean includeInAll) { this.typeUris = of(typeUris); this.namePostfix = namePostfix; this.type = type; this.index = index; this.indexAnalyzer = indexAnalyzer; this.searchAnalyzer = searchAnalyzer; this.includeInAll = includeInAll; } private static Collection<URI> of(URI[] uris) { if (uris == null) return null; if (uris.length == 1) { if (uris[0] == null) return null; return Collections.singleton(uris[0]); } HashSet<URI> result = new HashSet<URI>(uris.length); for (URI uri : uris) result.add(uri); return result; } public void createMappingProperties(XContentBuilder mapping) throws IOException { if (index != null) mapping.field("index", index); if (includeInAll != null) mapping.field("include_in_all", includeInAll); if (indexAnalyzer != null) { if (searchAnalyzer != null) { if (indexAnalyzer.equals(searchAnalyzer)) mapping.field("analyzer", indexAnalyzer); else { mapping.field("index_analyzer", indexAnalyzer); mapping.field("search_analyzer", searchAnalyzer); } } else mapping.field("index_analyzer", indexAnalyzer); } else if (searchAnalyzer != null) mapping.field("search_analyzer", searchAnalyzer); } private EsMapping uri() { this.isResource = true; return this; } public String getName(String name) { if (namePostfix != null) return namePostfix; return name; } public Object getStoreValue(Resource resource, URI predicate, Value object) { if (object instanceof BNode) throw error("Indexing of BNodes is not supported", resource, predicate, object); if (isResource) { if (!(object instanceof Resource)) throw error("Expecting URI as object", resource, predicate, object); return object.stringValue(); } else { if (!(object instanceof Literal)) throw error("Expecting Literal as object", resource, predicate, object); Literal literal = (Literal) object; return createStoreValueForLiteral(resource, predicate, object, literal); } } private Object createStoreValueForLiteral(Resource resource, URI predicate, Value object, Literal literal) { //"Type: " + type + " Literal type: " + literal.getDatatype().toString()); if (literal.getDatatype() == null) { if (typeUris != null) throw error("Expecting type to be one of " + typeUris + " for object", resource, predicate, object); if (literal.getLanguage() != null) throw error("Language tags are not supported", resource, predicate, object); return object.stringValue(); } else if (typeUris == null) throw error("Unexpected type " + literal.getDatatype() + " for object", resource, predicate, object); else return datatypeValue(literal); } public Object getFilterValue(Value object) { //TODO: this should be relaxed to also use non-matching types in filters (should be reflected in the filter outcome) //TODO: types of both the filter value and possible index values should be checked, and the filter changed accordingly //TODO: how to handle language tags in filters? //TODO: numeric string values should be treated as strings, not numbers... if (object instanceof BNode) throw error("Filtering on BNodes is not supported", object); if (object instanceof URI) return object.stringValue(); else { Literal literal = (Literal) object; if (typeUris == null) return object.stringValue(); return datatypeValue(typeUris.iterator().next(), literal); } } private Object datatypeValue(Literal literal) { for (URI uri : typeUris) { if (uri.equals(literal.getDatatype())) return datatypeValue(uri, literal); } throw error("Expecting type to be one of " + typeUris + " for object", literal); } private Object datatypeValue(URI typeUri, Literal literal) { if (XMLSchema.BOOLEAN.equals(typeUri)) return literal.booleanValue(); if (XMLSchema.BYTE.equals(typeUri)) return literal.byteValue(); if (XMLSchema.DATE.equals(typeUri)) //TODO ?? return literal.calendarValue().normalize().toGregorianCalendar().getTime(); if (XMLSchema.DATETIME.equals(typeUri)) return literal.calendarValue().normalize().toGregorianCalendar().getTime(); if (XMLSchema.DOUBLE.equals(typeUri)) return literal.doubleValue(); if (XMLSchema.FLOAT.equals(typeUri)) return literal.floatValue(); if (XMLSchema.INT.equals(typeUri)) return literal.intValue(); if (XMLSchema.LONG.equals(typeUri)) return literal.longValue(); if (XMLSchema.STRING.equals(typeUri)) return literal.stringValue(); if (GeoConvert.isSupported(typeUri)) return asEnvelope(literal); Validate.isTrue(XMLSchema.SHORT.equals(typeUri)); return literal.shortValue(); } //TODO: would be better if we indexed the geometry instead of its envelope? //TODO: handling of envelope.isEmpty //TODO: handle point data with a point instead of an envelope? private byte[] asEnvelope(Literal literal) { Geometry geo; try { geo = GeoConvert.toGeometry(literal, false); } catch (InvalidGeometryException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); //TODO: we should just not index it, or index the empty geometry? //TODO: we should not throw IllegalStateException for user-data } Envelope envelope = geo.getEnvelopeInternal(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append('{').append(FIELD_TYPE).append(":\"").append(TYPE_ENVELOPE).append("\",") .append(FIELD_COORDINATES).append(":["); sb.append("[").append(envelope.getMinX()).append(',').append(envelope.getMaxY()).append("],"); sb.append("[").append(envelope.getMaxX()).append(',').append(envelope.getMinY()).append("]"); sb.append("]}"); try { return sb.toString().getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } } private IndexException error(String message, Value field) { throw new IndexException(message + ": " + field.stringValue()); } private IndexException error(String message, Resource resource, URI predicate, Value field) { if (resource != null && predicate != null) throw new IndexException(message + ": " + resource.stringValue() + " " + predicate.stringValue() + " " + field.stringValue()); throw new IndexException(message + ": " + field.stringValue()); } } /** * omit_norms Boolean value if norms should be omitted or not. Defaults to false. * omit_term_freq_and_positions Boolean value if term freq and positions should be omitted. Defaults to false. * analyzer The analyzer used to analyze the text contents when analyzed during indexing and when searching using a query string. Defaults to the globally configured analyzer. * index_analyzer The analyzer used to analyze the text contents when analyzed during indexing. * search_analyzer The analyzer used to analyze the field when part of a query string. * include_in_all Should the field be included in the _all field (if enabled). Defaults to true or to the parent object type setting. */ }