Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2000-2011 JetBrains s.r.o. * Copyright 2013 Urs Wolfer * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import com.intellij.idea.ActionsBundle; import com.intellij.notification.Notification; import com.intellij.notification.NotificationListener; import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager; import com.intellij.openapi.diagnostic.Logger; import com.intellij.openapi.options.ShowSettingsUtil; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressIndicator; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.ProgressManager; import com.intellij.openapi.progress.Task; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import com.intellij.openapi.ui.Messages; import com.intellij.openapi.util.ThrowableComputable; import com.intellij.util.Consumer; import com.urswolfer.intellij.plugin.gerrit.GerritAuthData; import com.urswolfer.intellij.plugin.gerrit.GerritSettings; import*; import; import com.urswolfer.intellij.plugin.gerrit.ui.LoginDialog; import com.urswolfer.intellij.plugin.gerrit.util.NotificationBuilder; import com.urswolfer.intellij.plugin.gerrit.util.NotificationService; import com.urswolfer.intellij.plugin.gerrit.util.UrlUtils; import git4idea.GitUtil; import git4idea.config.GitVcsApplicationSettings; import git4idea.config.GitVersion; import git4idea.i18n.GitBundle; import git4idea.repo.GitRemote; import git4idea.repo.GitRepository; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; /** * Parts based on org.jetbrains.plugins.github.GithubUtil * * @author Urs Wolfer * @author Konrad Dobrzynski */ public class GerritUtil { @NotNull private static final Gson gson = initGson(); @Inject private GerritRestAccess gerritRestAccess; @Inject private GerritSettings gerritSettings; @Inject private SslSupport sslSupport; @Inject private GerritApiUtil gerritApiUtil; @Inject private Logger log; @Inject private NotificationService notificationService; private static Gson initGson() { GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); builder.registerTypeAdapter(Date.class, new DateDeserializer()); builder.setFieldNamingPolicy(FieldNamingPolicy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES); return builder.create(); } @Nullable public <T> T accessToGerritWithModalProgress(Project project, ThrowableComputable<T, Exception> computable) { gerritSettings.preloadPassword(); return accessToGerritWithModalProgress(project, computable, gerritSettings); } @Nullable public <T> T accessToGerritWithModalProgress(Project project, ThrowableComputable<T, Exception> computable, GerritAuthData gerritAuthData) { try { return doAccessToGerritWithModalProgress(project, computable); } catch (Exception e) { if (sslSupport.isCertificateException(e)) { if (sslSupport.askIfShouldProceed(gerritAuthData.getHost())) { // retry with the host being already trusted return doAccessToGerritWithModalProgress(project, computable); } else { return null; } } throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } private <T> T doAccessToGerritWithModalProgress(@NotNull final Project project, @NotNull final ThrowableComputable<T, Exception> computable) { final AtomicReference<T> result = new AtomicReference<T>(); final AtomicReference<Exception> exception = new AtomicReference<Exception>(); ProgressManager.getInstance().run(new Task.Modal(project, "Access to Gerrit", true) { public void run(@NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { try { result.set(computable.compute()); } catch (Exception e) { exception.set(e); } } }); //noinspection ThrowableResultOfMethodCallIgnored if (exception.get() == null) { return result.get(); } throw Throwables.propagate(exception.get()); } public void postReview(@NotNull String changeId, @NotNull String revision, @NotNull ReviewInput reviewInput, final Project project, final Consumer<Void> consumer) { final String request = "/changes/" + changeId + "/revisions/" + revision + "/review"; String json = new Gson().toJson(reviewInput); gerritRestAccess.postRequest(request, json, project, new Consumer<ConsumerResult<JsonElement>>() { @Override public void consume(ConsumerResult<JsonElement> result) { if (result.getException().isPresent()) { NotificationBuilder notification = new NotificationBuilder(project, "Failed to post Gerrit review.", getErrorTextFromException(result.getException().get())); notificationService.notifyError(notification); } else { consumer.consume(null); // we can parse the response once we actually need it } } }); } public void postSubmit(@NotNull String changeId, @NotNull SubmitInput submitInput, final Project project) { final String request = "/changes/" + changeId + "/submit"; String json = new Gson().toJson(submitInput); gerritRestAccess.postRequest(request, json, project, new Consumer<ConsumerResult<JsonElement>>() { @Override public void consume(ConsumerResult<JsonElement> result) { if (result.getException().isPresent()) { NotificationBuilder notification = new NotificationBuilder(project, "Failed to submit Gerrit change.", getErrorTextFromException(result.getException().get())); notificationService.notifyError(notification); } } }); } public void postAbandon(@NotNull String changeId, @NotNull AbandonInput abandonInput, final Project project) { final String request = "/changes/" + changeId + "/abandon"; String json = new Gson().toJson(abandonInput); gerritRestAccess.postRequest(request, json, project, new Consumer<ConsumerResult<JsonElement>>() { @Override public void consume(ConsumerResult<JsonElement> result) { if (result.getException().isPresent()) { NotificationBuilder notification = new NotificationBuilder(project, "Failed to abandon Gerrit change.", getErrorTextFromException(result.getException().get())); notificationService.notifyError(notification); } } }); } /** * Star-endpoint added in Gerrit 2.8. */ public void changeStarredStatus(String changeNr, boolean starred, final Project project) { final String request = "/accounts/self/starred.changes/" + changeNr; Consumer<ConsumerResult<JsonElement>> consumer = new Consumer<ConsumerResult<JsonElement>>() { @Override public void consume(ConsumerResult<JsonElement> result) { if (result.getException().isPresent()) { NotificationBuilder notification = new NotificationBuilder(project, "Failed to star Gerrit change." + "<br/>Not supported for Gerrit instances older than version 2.8.", getErrorTextFromException(result.getException().get())); notificationService.notifyError(notification); } } }; if (starred) { gerritRestAccess.putRequest(request, project, consumer); } else { gerritRestAccess.deleteRequest(request, project, consumer); } } public void getChangeReviewed(String changeId, String revision, String filePath, boolean reviewed, final Project project) { String encodedPath; try { encodedPath = URLEncoder.encode(filePath, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } final String request = String.format("/changes/%s/revisions/%s/files/%s/reviewed", changeId, revision, encodedPath); Consumer<ConsumerResult<JsonElement>> consumer = new Consumer<ConsumerResult<JsonElement>>() { @Override public void consume(ConsumerResult<JsonElement> result) { if (result.getException().isPresent()) { NotificationBuilder notification = new NotificationBuilder(project, "Failed set file review status for Gerrit change.", getErrorTextFromException(result.getException().get())); notificationService.notifyError(notification); } } }; if (reviewed) { gerritRestAccess.putRequest(request, project, consumer); } else { gerritRestAccess.deleteRequest(request, project, consumer); } } public void getChangesToReview(Project project, Consumer<List<ChangeInfo>> consumer) { getChanges("is:open+reviewer:self", project, consumer); } public void getChangesForProject(String query, final Project project, final Consumer<List<ChangeInfo>> consumer) { if (!gerritSettings.getListAllChanges()) { query = appendQueryStringForProject(project, query); } getChanges(query, project, consumer); } public void getChanges(String query, final Project project, final Consumer<List<ChangeInfo>> consumer) { String request = formatRequestUrl("changes", query); request = appendToUrlQuery(request, "o=LABELS"); gerritRestAccess.getRequest(request, project, new Consumer<ConsumerResult<JsonElement>>() { @Override public void consume(final ConsumerResult<JsonElement> result) { ProgressManager.getInstance().run(new Task.Backgroundable(project, "Parsing Gerrit changes", true) { public void run(@NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { List<ChangeInfo> changeInfoList = null; if (!result.getException().isPresent()) { changeInfoList = parseChangeInfos(result.getResult()); } final List<ChangeInfo> finalChangeInfoList = changeInfoList; ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (result.getException().isPresent()) { NotificationBuilder notification = new NotificationBuilder(project, "Failed to get Gerrit changes.", getErrorTextFromException(result.getException().get())); notificationService.notifyError(notification); } else { consumer.consume(finalChangeInfoList); } } }); } }); } }); } private String appendQueryStringForProject(Project project, String query) { String projectQueryPart = getProjectQueryPart(project); query = Joiner.on('+').skipNulls().join(Strings.emptyToNull(query), projectQueryPart); return query; } private String formatRequestUrl(String endPoint, String query) { if (query.isEmpty()) { return String.format("/%s/", endPoint); } else { return String.format("/%s/?q=%s", endPoint, query); } } private String getProjectQueryPart(Project project) { List<GitRepository> repositories = GitUtil.getRepositoryManager(project).getRepositories(); if (repositories.isEmpty()) { showAddGitRepositoryNotification(project); return ""; } List<GitRemote> remotes = Lists.newArrayList(); for (GitRepository repository : repositories) { remotes.addAll(repository.getRemotes()); } List<String> projectNames = Lists.newArrayList(); for (GitRemote remote : remotes) { for (String repositoryUrl : remote.getUrls()) { if (UrlUtils.urlHasSameHost(repositoryUrl, gerritSettings.getHost())) { String projectName = getProjectName(gerritSettings.getHost(), repositoryUrl); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(projectName)) { projectNames.add("project:" + projectName); } } } } if (projectNames.isEmpty()) { return ""; } return String.format("(%s)", Joiner.on("+OR+").join(projectNames)); } private String getProjectName(String repositoryUrl, String url) { if (!repositoryUrl.endsWith("/")) { repositoryUrl = repositoryUrl + "/"; } String basePath = UrlUtils.createUriFromGitConfigString(repositoryUrl).getPath(); String path = UrlUtils.createUriFromGitConfigString(url).getPath(); if (path.length() >= basePath.length()) { path = path.substring(basePath.length()); } path = path.replace(".git", ""); // some repositories end their name with ".git" if (path.endsWith("/")) { path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1); } return path; } public void showAddGitRepositoryNotification(final Project project) { NotificationBuilder notification = new NotificationBuilder(project, "Insufficient dependencies for Gerrit plugin", "Please configure a Git repository.<br/><a href='vcs'>Open Settings</a>") .listener(new NotificationListener() { @Override public void hyperlinkUpdate(@NotNull Notification notification, @NotNull HyperlinkEvent event) { if (event.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) { if (event.getDescription().equals("vcs")) { ShowSettingsUtil.getInstance().showSettingsDialog(project, ActionsBundle.message("group.VcsGroup.text")); } } } }); notificationService.notifyWarning(notification); } public void getChangeDetails(@NotNull String changeNr, final Project project, final Consumer<ChangeInfo> consumer) { final String request = "/changes/?q=" + changeNr + "&o=CURRENT_REVISION&o=MESSAGES&o=LABELS&o=DETAILED_LABELS"; gerritRestAccess.getRequest(request, project, new Consumer<ConsumerResult<JsonElement>>() { @Override public void consume(final ConsumerResult<JsonElement> result) { if (result.getException().isPresent()) { // remove special handling (-> just notify error) once we drop Gerrit < 2.7 support Exception exception = result.getException().get(); if (exception instanceof HttpStatusException && ((HttpStatusException) exception).getStatusCode() == 400) { gerritRestAccess.getRequest(request.replace("&o=MESSAGES", ""), project, new Consumer<ConsumerResult<JsonElement>>() { @Override public void consume(final ConsumerResult<JsonElement> result) { if (result.getException().isPresent()) { NotificationBuilder notification = new NotificationBuilder(project, "Failed to get Gerrit change.", getErrorTextFromException(result.getException().get())); notificationService.notifyError(notification); } else { ChangeInfo changeInfo = parseSingleChangeInfos( result.getResult().getAsJsonArray().get(0).getAsJsonObject()); consumer.consume(changeInfo); } } }); } else { NotificationBuilder notification = new NotificationBuilder(project, "Failed to get Gerrit change.", getErrorTextFromException(exception)); notificationService.notifyError(notification); } } else { ChangeInfo changeInfo = parseSingleChangeInfos( result.getResult().getAsJsonArray().get(0).getAsJsonObject()); consumer.consume(changeInfo); } } }); } @NotNull private List<ChangeInfo> parseChangeInfos(@NotNull JsonElement result) { if (!result.isJsonArray()) { log.assertTrue(result.isJsonObject(), String.format("Unexpected JSON result format: %s", result)); return Collections.singletonList(parseSingleChangeInfos(result.getAsJsonObject())); } List<ChangeInfo> changeInfoList = new ArrayList<ChangeInfo>(); for (JsonElement element : result.getAsJsonArray()) { log.assertTrue(element.isJsonObject(), String .format("This element should be a JsonObject: %s%nTotal JSON response: %n%s", element, result)); changeInfoList.add(parseSingleChangeInfos(element.getAsJsonObject())); } return changeInfoList; } @NotNull private ChangeInfo parseSingleChangeInfos(@NotNull JsonObject result) { return gson.fromJson(result, ChangeInfo.class); } /** * Support starting from Gerrit 2.7. */ public void getComments(@NotNull String changeId, @NotNull String revision, final Project project, final Consumer<TreeMap<String, List<CommentInfo>>> consumer) { final String request = "/changes/" + changeId + "/revisions/" + revision + "/comments/"; gerritRestAccess.getRequest(request, project, new Consumer<ConsumerResult<JsonElement>>() { @Override public void consume(ConsumerResult<JsonElement> result) { if (result.getException().isPresent()) { Exception exception = result.getException().get(); // remove check once we drop Gerrit < 2.7 support and fail in any case if (!(exception instanceof HttpStatusException) || ((HttpStatusException) exception).getStatusCode() != 404) { NotificationBuilder notification = new NotificationBuilder(project, "Failed to get Gerrit comments.", getErrorTextFromException(exception)); notificationService.notifyError(notification); } } else { consumer.consume(parseCommentInfos(result.getResult())); } } }); } @NotNull private TreeMap<String, List<CommentInfo>> parseCommentInfos(@NotNull JsonElement result) { TreeMap<String, List<CommentInfo>> commentInfos = Maps.newTreeMap(); final JsonObject jsonObject = result.getAsJsonObject(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> element : jsonObject.entrySet()) { List<CommentInfo> currentCommentInfos = Lists.newArrayList(); for (JsonElement jsonElement : element.getValue().getAsJsonArray()) { currentCommentInfos.add(parseSingleCommentInfos(jsonElement.getAsJsonObject())); } commentInfos.put(element.getKey(), currentCommentInfos); } return commentInfos; } @NotNull private CommentInfo parseSingleCommentInfos(@NotNull JsonObject result) { return gson.fromJson(result, CommentInfo.class); } private boolean testConnection(@NotNull GerritAuthData gerritAuthData) throws RestApiException { if (gerritAuthData.isLoginAndPasswordAvailable()) { AccountInfo user = retrieveCurrentUserInfo(gerritAuthData); return user != null; } else { try { HttpResponse response = gerritApiUtil.doREST(gerritAuthData, "/", null, Collections.<Header>emptyList(), GerritApiUtil.HttpVerb.GET); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) { return true; } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RestApiException(e); } return false; } } @Nullable public AccountInfo retrieveCurrentUserInfo(@NotNull GerritAuthData gerritAuthData) throws RestApiException { JsonElement result = gerritApiUtil.getRequest(gerritAuthData, "/accounts/self"); return parseUserInfo(result); } @Nullable private AccountInfo parseUserInfo(@Nullable JsonElement result) { if (result == null) { return null; } if (!result.isJsonObject()) { log.error(String.format("Unexpected JSON result format: %s", result)); return null; } return gson.fromJson(result, AccountInfo.class); } @NotNull private List<ProjectInfo> getAvailableProjects() throws RestApiException { final String request = "/projects/"; JsonElement result = gerritApiUtil.getRequest(request); if (result == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return parseProjectInfos(result); } @NotNull private List<ProjectInfo> parseProjectInfos(@NotNull JsonElement result) { List<ProjectInfo> repositories = new ArrayList<ProjectInfo>(); final JsonObject jsonObject = result.getAsJsonObject(); for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> element : jsonObject.entrySet()) { log.assertTrue(element.getValue().isJsonObject(), String .format("This element should be a JsonObject: %s%nTotal JSON response: %n%s", element, result)); repositories.add(parseSingleRepositoryInfo(element.getValue().getAsJsonObject())); } return repositories; } @NotNull private ProjectInfo parseSingleRepositoryInfo(@NotNull JsonObject result) { final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create(); return gson.fromJson(result, ProjectInfo.class); } /** * Checks if user has set up correct user credentials for access in the settings. * * @return true if we could successfully login with these credentials, false if authentication failed or in the case of some other error. */ public boolean checkCredentials(final Project project) { try { gerritSettings.preloadPassword(); return checkCredentials(project, gerritSettings); } catch (Exception e) { // this method is a quick-check if we've got valid user setup. // if an exception happens, we'll show the reason in the login dialog that will be shown right after checkCredentials failure.; return false; } } public boolean checkCredentials(Project project, final GerritAuthData gerritAuthData) { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(gerritAuthData.getHost())) { return false; } Boolean result = accessToGerritWithModalProgress(project, new ThrowableComputable<Boolean, Exception>() { @Override public Boolean compute() throws Exception { ProgressManager.getInstance().getProgressIndicator().setText("Trying to login to Gerrit"); return testConnection(gerritAuthData); } }, gerritAuthData); return result == null ? false : result; } /** * Shows Gerrit login settings if credentials are wrong or empty and return the list of all projects */ @Nullable public List<ProjectInfo> getAvailableProjects(final Project project) { while (!checkCredentials(project)) { final LoginDialog dialog = new LoginDialog(project, gerritSettings, this, log);; if (!dialog.isOK()) { return null; } } // Otherwise our credentials are valid and they are successfully stored in settings gerritSettings.preloadPassword(); return accessToGerritWithModalProgress(project, new ThrowableComputable<List<ProjectInfo>, Exception>() { @Override public List<ProjectInfo> compute() throws Exception { ProgressManager.getInstance().getProgressIndicator() .setText("Extracting info about available repositories"); return getAvailableProjects(); } }); } public String getRef(ChangeInfo changeDetails) { String ref = null; final TreeMap<String, RevisionInfo> revisions = changeDetails.getRevisions(); for (RevisionInfo revisionInfo : revisions.values()) { final TreeMap<String, FetchInfo> fetch = revisionInfo.getFetch(); for (FetchInfo fetchInfo : fetch.values()) { ref = fetchInfo.getRef(); } } return ref; } @SuppressWarnings("UnresolvedPropertyKey") public boolean testGitExecutable(final Project project) { final GitVcsApplicationSettings settings = GitVcsApplicationSettings.getInstance(); final String executable = settings.getPathToGit(); final GitVersion version; try { version = GitVersion.identifyVersion(executable); } catch (Exception e) { Messages.showErrorDialog(project, e.getMessage(), GitBundle.getString("find.git.error.title")); return false; } if (!version.isSupported()) { Messages.showWarningDialog(project, GitBundle.message("find.git.unsupported.message", version.toString(), GitVersion.MIN), GitBundle.getString("find.git.success.title")); return false; } return true; } @NotNull public String getErrorTextFromException(@NotNull Exception e) { return e.getMessage(); } private String appendToUrlQuery(String requestUrl, String queryString) { if (requestUrl.contains("?")) { requestUrl += "&"; } else { requestUrl += "?"; } requestUrl += queryString; return requestUrl; } }