Java tutorial
/** * $Id:,v 1.00 2017/03/03 19:30:10 dmorris Exp $ * * Copyright (c) 2003-2017 Untangle, Inc. * * * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of * Untangle, Inc. ("Confidential Information"). You shall * not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in * accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into * with Untangle. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import com.untangle.uvm.UvmContextFactory; import com.untangle.uvm.SettingsManager; import com.untangle.uvm.HookManager; import; import com.untangle.uvm.vnet.PipelineConnector; import com.untangle.uvm.util.Pulse; import com.untangle.uvm.util.I18nUtil; import; import; /** * License manager */ public class LicenseManagerImpl extends AppBase implements LicenseManager { private static final String LICENSE_URL_PROPERTY = "uvm.license.url"; private static final String DEFAULT_LICENSE_URL = ""; private static final double LIENENCY_PERCENT = 1.25; /* the enforced seat limit is the license seat limit TIMES this value */ private static final int LIENENCY_CONSTANT = 5; /* the enforced seat limit is the license seat limit PLUS this value */ private static final String LIENENCY_GIFT_FILE = System.getProperty("uvm.conf.dir") + "/gift"; /* the file that defines the gift value */ private static final int LIENENCY_GIFT = getLienencyGift(); /* and extra lienency constant */ public static final String DIRECTORY_CONNECTOR_OLDNAME = "adconnector"; public static final String BANDWIDTH_CONTROL_OLDNAME = "bandwidth"; public static final String CONFIGURATION_BACKUP_OLDNAME = "boxbackup"; public static final String BRANDING_MANAGER_OLDNAME = "branding"; public static final String VIRUS_BLOCKER_OLDNAME = "virusblocker"; public static final String SPAM_BLOCKER_OLDNAME = "spamblocker"; public static final String WAN_FAILOVER_OLDNAME = "faild"; public static final String IPSEC_VPN_OLDNAME = "ipsec"; public static final String POLICY_MANAGER_OLDNAME = "policy"; public static final String WEB_FILTER_OLDNAME = "sitefilter"; public static final String WAN_BALANCER_OLDNAME = "splitd"; public static final String WEB_CACHE_OLDNAME = "webcache"; public static final String APPLICATION_CONTROL_OLDNAME = "classd"; public static final String SSL_INSPECTOR_OLDNAME = "https"; public static final String LIVE_SUPPORT_OLDNAME = "support"; private static final String EXPIRED = "expired"; /** * update every 4 hours, leaves an hour window */ private static final long TIMER_DELAY = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 4; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LicenseManagerImpl.class); private final PipelineConnector[] connectors = new PipelineConnector[] {}; /** * Map from the product name to the latest valid license available for this product * This is where the fully evaluated license are stored * This map stores the evaluated (validated) licenses */ private ConcurrentHashMap<String, License> licenseMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, License>(); /** * A list of all known licenses * These are fully evaluated (validated) license */ private List<License> licenseList = new LinkedList<License>(); /** * The current settings * Contains a list of all known licenses store locally * Note: the licenses in the settings don't have metadata */ private LicenseSettings settings; /** * Sync task */ private final LicenseSyncTask task = new LicenseSyncTask(); /** * Pulse that syncs the license, this is a daemon task. */ private Pulse pulse = null; /** * Setup license manager application. * * * Launch the synchronization task. * * @param appSettings License manager application settings. * @param appProperties Licese manager application properties */ public LicenseManagerImpl( appSettings, appProperties) { super(appSettings, appProperties); this._readLicenses(); this._mapLicenses(); this.pulse = new Pulse("uvm-license", task, TIMER_DELAY); this.pulse.start(); } /** * Pre license manager start. * Reload the licenses. * * @param isPermanentTransition * If true, the app is permenant */ @Override protected void postStart(boolean isPermanentTransition) { logger.debug("postStart()"); /* Reload the licenses */ UvmContextFactory.context().licenseManager().reloadLicenses(false); } /** * Get the pineliene connector(???) * * @return PipelineConector */ @Override protected PipelineConnector[] getConnectors() { return this.connectors; } /** * Reload all of the licenses from the file system. * * @param * blocking If true, block the current context until we're finished. Otherwise, launch a new non-blocking thread. */ @Override public final void reloadLicenses(boolean blocking) { if (blocking) { try { _syncLicensesWithServer(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Unable to reload the licenses.", ex); } } else { Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable() { /** * Launch the license synchronize routine. */ public void run() { try { _syncLicensesWithServer(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.warn("Unable to reload the licenses.", ex); } } });; } } /** * From the existing license map, return the first matching string identifier (e.g.,"virus") * * @param identifier Identifier to find. * @param exactMatch If true, identifier must match license name excactly. Otherwise, return the first license that begins with the identifier. * @return * Matching license. Return an invalid license if not found. */ @Override public final License getLicense(String identifier, boolean exactMatch) { if (isGPLApp(identifier)) return null; /** * Check the correct name first, * If the license exists and is valid use that one */ License license = null; /** * If there is no perfect match, * Look for one that the prefix matches * example: identifer "virus-blocker" should accept "virus-blocker-cloud" */ if (!exactMatch) { for (String name : this.licenseMap.keySet()) { if (name.startsWith(identifier)) { logger.debug("getLicense(" + identifier + ") = " + license); license = this.licenseMap.get(name); if (license != null && license.getValid()) return license; } } } /** * Look for an existing perfect match */ license = this.licenseMap.get(identifier); if (license != null) return license; /** * Special for development environment * Assume all licenses are valid * This should be removed if you want to test the licensing in the dev environment */ if (UvmContextFactory.context().isDevel()) { logger.warn("Creating development license: " + identifier); license = new License(identifier, "0000-0000-0000-0000", identifier, "Development", 0, 9999999999l, "development", 1, Boolean.TRUE, "Developer"); this.licenseMap.put(identifier, license); return license; } logger.warn("No license found for: " + identifier); /** * This returns an invalid license for all other requests * Note: this includes the free apps, however they don't actually check the license so it won't effect behavior * The UI will request the license of all app (including free) */ license = new License(identifier, "0000-0000-0000-0000", identifier, "Subscription", 0, 0, "invalid", 1, Boolean.FALSE, I18nUtil.marktr("No License Found")); this.licenseMap.put(identifier, license); /* add it to the map for faster response next time */ return license; } /** * Return the license for the exactly matching identifier. * * @param identifier Application name to find. * @return License of matching identifier or an invalid license if not found. */ @Override public final License getLicense(String identifier) { return getLicense(identifier, true); } /** * For the specify identifier, determine if license is valid. * * @param identifier Application name to find. * @return true if license is valid, false otherwise. */ @Override public final boolean isLicenseValid(String identifier) { if (isGPLApp(identifier)) return true; License lic = getLicense(identifier); if (lic == null) return false; Boolean isValid = lic.getValid(); if (isValid == null) return false; else return isValid; } /** * Get list of all licenses. * * @return License List. */ @Override public final List<License> getLicenses() { return this.licenseList; } /** * Determine if product has premium license. * * @return true if at least one license is valid. */ @Override public final boolean hasPremiumLicense() { return validLicenseCount() > 0; } /** * Determine number of valid licenses. * * @return count of valid licenses. */ @Override public int validLicenseCount() { int validCount = 0; for (License lic : this.settings.getLicenses()) { try { if (lic.getValid()) validCount++; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Exception", e); } } return validCount; } /** * Return the lowest valid license seat. * * @return Number of seats. */ @Override public int getSeatLimit() { return getSeatLimit(true); } /** * Calculate the lowest license seat for valid subscriptions. * * @param lienency If non-zero seats, calculate seats based on a value higher than actual. Otherwise, use strict seat value. * @return Calculated seat number. */ @Override public int getSeatLimit(boolean lienency) { if (UvmContextFactory.context().isDevel()) return -1; int seats = -1; for (License lic : this.settings.getLicenses()) { if (!lic.getValid() || lic.getTrial()) // only count valid non-trials continue; if (lic.getSeats() == null) continue; if (lic.getSeats() <= 0) //ignore invalid seat ranges continue; if (lic.getSeats() > seats && seats > 0) //if there is already a lower count limit, ignore this one continue; seats = lic.getSeats(); } if (seats > 0 && lienency) seats = ((int) Math.round(((double) seats) * LIENENCY_PERCENT)) + LIENENCY_CONSTANT + LIENENCY_GIFT; return seats; } /** * For the specified applicaton, attempt to get a trial license. * * @param appName Application name to request. * @throws Exception Throw excepton based on inability or general errors conecting license server. */ @Override public void requestTrialLicense(String appName) throws Exception { if (appName == null) { logger.warn("Invalid name: " + appName); return; } // if already have a valid license, just return if (UvmContextFactory.context().licenseManager().isLicenseValid(appName)) { logger.warn("Already have a valid license for: " + appName); return; } String licenseUrl = System.getProperty("uvm.license.url"); if (licenseUrl == null) licenseUrl = ""; /** * The API specifies libitem, however libitems no longer exist * First we try with the actual name, then the libitem time * Then we try with the old app name (if it has an old name), then we try with the old libitem name * We do all these different calls so that the product supports any version of the license server */ String libitemName = "untangle-libitem-" + appName; String urlStr = licenseUrl + "?action=startTrial" + "&node=" + appName + "&" + getServerParams(); String urlStr2 = licenseUrl + "?action=startTrial" + "&libitem=" + libitemName + "&" + getServerParams(); String oldName = null; String urlStr3 = null; String urlStr4 = null; switch (appName) { case License.DIRECTORY_CONNECTOR: oldName = DIRECTORY_CONNECTOR_OLDNAME; break; case License.BANDWIDTH_CONTROL: oldName = BANDWIDTH_CONTROL_OLDNAME; break; case License.CONFIGURATION_BACKUP: oldName = CONFIGURATION_BACKUP_OLDNAME; break; case License.BRANDING_MANAGER: oldName = BRANDING_MANAGER_OLDNAME; break; case License.VIRUS_BLOCKER: oldName = VIRUS_BLOCKER_OLDNAME; break; case License.SPAM_BLOCKER: oldName = SPAM_BLOCKER_OLDNAME; break; case License.WAN_FAILOVER: oldName = WAN_FAILOVER_OLDNAME; break; case License.IPSEC_VPN: oldName = IPSEC_VPN_OLDNAME; break; case License.POLICY_MANAGER: oldName = POLICY_MANAGER_OLDNAME; break; case License.WEB_FILTER: oldName = WEB_FILTER_OLDNAME; break; case License.WAN_BALANCER: oldName = WAN_BALANCER_OLDNAME; break; case License.WEB_CACHE: oldName = WEB_CACHE_OLDNAME; break; case License.APPLICATION_CONTROL: oldName = APPLICATION_CONTROL_OLDNAME; break; case License.SSL_INSPECTOR: oldName = SSL_INSPECTOR_OLDNAME; break; case License.LIVE_SUPPORT: oldName = LIVE_SUPPORT_OLDNAME; break; } if (oldName != null) { String oldLibitemName = "untangle-libitem-" + oldName; urlStr3 = licenseUrl + "?action=startTrial" + "&node=" + oldName + "&" + getServerParams(); urlStr4 = licenseUrl + "?action=startTrial" + "&libitem=" + oldLibitemName + "&" + getServerParams(); } CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClients.custom().build(); CloseableHttpResponse response = null; HttpGet get; URL url; try {"Requesting Trial: " + urlStr); url = new URL(urlStr); get = new HttpGet(url.toString()); response = httpClient.execute(get); if (response != null) { response.close(); response = null; } if (urlStr2 != null) {"Requesting Trial: " + urlStr2); url = new URL(urlStr2); get = new HttpGet(url.toString()); response = httpClient.execute(get); if (response != null) { response.close(); response = null; } } if (urlStr3 != null) {"Requesting Trial: " + urlStr3); url = new URL(urlStr3); get = new HttpGet(url.toString()); response = httpClient.execute(get); if (response != null) { response.close(); response = null; } } if (urlStr4 != null) {"Requesting Trial: " + urlStr4); url = new URL(urlStr4); get = new HttpGet(url.toString()); response = httpClient.execute(get); if (response != null) { response.close(); response = null; } } } catch ( e) { logger.warn("Exception requesting trial license:" + e.toString()); throw (new Exception("Unable to fetch trial license: DNS lookup failed.", e)); } catch ( e) { logger.warn("Exception requesting trial license:" + e.toString()); throw (new Exception("Unable to fetch trial license: Connection timeout.", e)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Exception requesting trial license:" + e.toString()); throw (new Exception("Unable to fetch trial license: " + e.toString(), e)); } finally { try { if (response != null) response.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("close", e); } try { httpClient.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("close", e); } } // blocking call because we need the new trial license UvmContextFactory.context().licenseManager().reloadLicenses(true); } /** * Not used. Use methods in uvm class. * * @return null */ public Object getSettings() { /* These are controlled using the methods in the uvm class */ return null; } /** * Not used. Use methods in uvm class. * @param settings null */ public void setSettings(Object settings) { /* These are controlled using the methods in the uvm class */ } /** * Initialize the settings * (By default there are no liceneses) */ private void _initializeSettings() {"Initializing Settings..."); List<License> licenses = new LinkedList<License>(); this.settings = new LicenseSettings(licenses); this._saveSettings(this.settings); } /** * Read the licenses and load them into the current settings object */ private synchronized void _readLicenses() { SettingsManager settingsManager = UvmContextFactory.context().settingsManager(); try { this.settings = settingsManager.load(LicenseSettings.class, System.getProperty("uvm.conf.dir") + "/licenses/licenses.js"); } catch (SettingsManager.SettingsException e) { logger.error("Unable to read license file: ", e); } if (this.settings == null) _initializeSettings(); if (this.settings.getLicenses() != null) { Iterator<License> iterator = this.settings.getLicenses().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { License license =; // remove obsolete names if (isObsoleteApp(license.getName())) iterator.remove(); // recompute metadata - we don't want to use value in file (could have been changed) _setValidAndStatus(license); } } return; } /** * This gets all the current revocations from the license server for this UID * and removes any licenses that have been revoked */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //LinkedList<LicenseRevocation> <-> LinkedList private synchronized void _checkRevocations() { SettingsManager settingsManager = UvmContextFactory.context().settingsManager(); LinkedList<LicenseRevocation> revocations; boolean changed = false;"REFRESH: Checking Revocations..."); try { String urlStr = _getLicenseUrl() + "?" + "action=getRevocations" + "&" + getServerParams();"Downloading: \"" + urlStr + "\""); Object o = settingsManager.loadUrl(LinkedList.class, urlStr); revocations = (LinkedList<LicenseRevocation>) o; } catch (SettingsManager.SettingsException e) { logger.error("Unable to read license file: ", e); return; } catch (ClassCastException e) { logger.error("getRevocations returned unexpected response", e); return; } for (LicenseRevocation revoke : revocations) { changed |= _revokeLicense(revoke); } if (changed) _saveSettings(settings);"REFRESH: Checking Revocations... done (modified: " + changed + ")"); return; } /** * This remove a license from the list of current licenses * * @param revoke LicenseRevocation object to revoke in licenses. * @return true if a license was removed, false otherwise */ private synchronized boolean _revokeLicense(LicenseRevocation revoke) { if (this.settings == null || this.settings.getLicenses() == null) { logger.error("Invalid settings:" + this.settings); return false; } if (revoke == null) { logger.error("Invalid argument:" + revoke); return false; } if (revoke.getName() == null) { logger.error("Invalid name:" + revoke.getName()); return false; } /** * See if you find a match in the current licenses * If so, remove it */ Iterator<License> itr = this.settings.getLicenses().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { License existingLicense =; if (revoke.getName().equals(existingLicense.getName())) { logger.warn("Revoking License: " + revoke.getName()); itr.remove(); return true; } } return false; } /** * This downloads a list of current licenese from the license server * Any new licenses are added. Duplicate licenses are updated if the new one grants better privleges */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") //LinkedList<License> <-> LinkedList private synchronized void _downloadLicenses() { SettingsManager settingsManager = UvmContextFactory.context().settingsManager(); LinkedList<License> licenses; boolean changed = false;"REFRESH: Downloading new Licenses..."); try { String urlStr = _getLicenseUrl() + "?" + "action=getLicenses" + "&" + getServerParams();"Downloading: \"" + urlStr + "\""); Object o = settingsManager.loadUrl(LinkedList.class, urlStr); licenses = (LinkedList<License>) o; } catch (SettingsManager.SettingsException e) { logger.error("Unable to read license file: ", e); return; } catch (ClassCastException e) { logger.error("getRevocations returned unexpected response", e); return; } for (License lic : licenses) { if (!isObsoleteApp(lic.getName())) { changed |= _insertOrUpdate(lic); } } if (changed) _saveSettings(settings);"REFRESH: Downloading new Licenses... done (changed: " + changed + ")"); return; } /** * This takes the passed argument and inserts it into the current licenses * If there is currently an existing license for that product it will be removed * * @param license License object to add. * @return true if a license was added or modified, false otherwise */ private synchronized boolean _insertOrUpdate(License license) { boolean insertNewLicense = true; if (this.settings == null || this.settings.getLicenses() == null) { logger.error("Invalid settings:" + this.settings); return false; } if (license == null) { logger.error("Invalid argument:" + license); return false; } /** * See if you find a match in the current licenses * If so, the new one replaces it so remove the existing one */ Iterator<License> itr = this.settings.getLicenses().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { try { License existingLicense =; if (existingLicense.getName().equals(license.getName())) { /** * As a measure of safety we only replace an existing license under certain circumstances * This is so we are careful to only increase entitlements during this phase */ boolean replaceLicense = false; insertNewLicense = false; /** * Check the validity of the current license * If it isn't valid, we might as well try the new one * Note: we have to use getLicenses to do this because the settings don't store validity */ if ((getLicense(existingLicense.getName()) != null) && !(getLicense(existingLicense.getName()).getValid())) {"REFRESH: Replacing license " + license + " - old one is invalid"); replaceLicense = true; } /** * If the current one is a trial, and the new one is not, use the new one */ if (!(License.LICENSE_TYPE_TRIAL.equals(license.getType())) && License.LICENSE_TYPE_TRIAL.equals(existingLicense.getType())) {"REFRESH: Replacing license " + license + " - old one is trial"); replaceLicense = true; } /** * If the new one has a later end date, use the new one */ if (license.getEnd() > existingLicense.getEnd()) {"REFRESH: Replacing license " + license + " - new one has later end date"); replaceLicense = true; } /** * If the new one has a different seat amount */ if (license.getSeats() != null && existingLicense.getSeats() == null) {"REFRESH: Replacing license " + license + " - number of seats now specified"); replaceLicense = true; } if (license.getSeats() != null && existingLicense.getSeats() != null && license.getSeats() > existingLicense.getSeats()) {"REFRESH: Replacing license " + license + " - new one has more seats"); replaceLicense = true; } if (replaceLicense) { itr.remove(); insertNewLicense = true; } else {"REFRESH: Keeping current license: " + license); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Exception processing existing license.", e); } } /** * if a match hasnt been found it needs to be added */ if (insertNewLicense) {"REFRESH: Inserting new license : " + license); List<License> licenses = this.settings.getLicenses(); licenses.add(license); return true; } return false; } /** * update the app to License Map */ private synchronized void _mapLicenses() { /* Create a new map of all of the valid licenses */ ConcurrentHashMap<String, License> newMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, License>(); LinkedList<License> newList = new LinkedList<License>(); License license = null; if (this.settings != null) { for (License lic : this.settings.getLicenses()) { try { /** * Create a duplicate - we're about to fill in metadata * But we don't want to mess with the original */ license = new License(lic); /** * Complete Meta-data */ _setValidAndStatus(license); String identifier = license.getCurrentName(); if (identifier == null) { logger.warn("Ignoring license with no name: " + license); continue; } License current = newMap.get(identifier); /* current license is newer and better */ if ((current != null) && (current.getEnd() > license.getEnd())) continue;"Adding License: " + license.getCurrentName() + " to Map. (valid: " + license.getValid() + ")"); newMap.put(identifier, license); newList.add(license); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Failed to load license: " + license, e); } } } this.licenseMap = newMap; this.licenseList = newList; } /** * Verify the validity of a license * * @param license License object for a subscription. * @return true if license is valid, false otherwise. */ private boolean _isLicenseValid(License license) { long now = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); /* check if the license hasn't started yet (start date in future) */ if (license.getStart() > now) { logger.warn("The license: " + license + " isn't valid yet (" + license.getStart() + " > " + now + ")"); license.setStatus("Invalid (Start Date in Future)"); /* XXX i18n */ return false; } /* check if it is already expired */ if ((license.getEnd() < now)) { logger.warn("The license: " + license + " has expired (" + license.getEnd() + " < " + now + ")"); license.setStatus("Invalid (Expired)"); /* XXX i18n */ return false; } /* check the UID */ if (license.getUID() == null || !license.getUID().equals(UvmContextFactory.context().getServerUID())) { logger.warn("The license: " + license + " does not match this server's UID (" + license.getUID() + " != " + UvmContextFactory.context().getServerUID() + ")"); license.setStatus("Invalid (UID Mismatch)"); /* XXX i18n */ return false; } String input = null; if (license.getKeyVersion() == 1) { input = license.getKeyVersion() + license.getUID() + license.getName() + license.getType() + license.getStart() + license.getEnd() + "the meaning of life is 42"; } else if (license.getKeyVersion() == 3) { input = license.getKeyVersion() + license.getUID() + license.getName() + license.getType() + license.getStart() + license.getEnd() + nullToEmptyStr(license.getSeats()) + "the meaning of life is 42"; } else { // versions v1,v3 are supported. v2 is for ICC // any other version is unknown license.setStatus("Invalid (Invalid Key Version)"); return false; } //"KEY Input: " + input); MessageDigest md; try { md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); } catch ( e) { logger.warn("Unknown Algorith MD5", e); license.setStatus("Invalid (Invalid Algorithm)"); return false; } byte[] digest = md.digest(input.getBytes()); String output = _toHex(digest); //"KEY Output: " + output); //"KEY Expect: " + license.getKey()); if (!license.getKey().equals(output)) { logger.warn("Invalid key: " + output); license.setStatus("Invalid (Invalid Key)"); return false; } logger.debug("License " + license + " is valid."); return true; } /** * Convert the bytes to a hex string * * @param data Array of bytes to convert to a hext string. * @return String of hex values for the passed byte array. */ private String _toHex(byte data[]) { String response = ""; for (byte b : data) { int c = b; if (c < 0) c = c + 0x100; response += String.format("%02x", c); } return response; } /** * Set the current settings to new Settings * Also save the settings to disk if save is true * * @param newSettings LicenseSetttings to save. */ private void _saveSettings(LicenseSettings newSettings) { /** * Compute metadata before saving */ Iterator<License> itr = this.settings.getLicenses().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { License license =; _setValidAndStatus(license); if (license.getValid() != null && !license.getValid()) { logger.warn("Removing invalid license from list: " + license); itr.remove(); } } /** * Save the settings */ SettingsManager settingsManager = UvmContextFactory.context().settingsManager(); try {"uvm.conf.dir") + "/licenses/licenses.js", newSettings); } catch (SettingsManager.SettingsException e) { logger.warn("Failed to save settings.", e); return; } /** * Change current settings */ this.settings = newSettings; /** * Licenses are only saved when changed - call license changed hook */ UvmContextFactory.context().hookManager().callCallbacks(HookManager.LICENSE_CHANGE, 1); } /** * Returns an estimate of # devices on the network * This is not meant to be very accurate - it is just an estimate * * @return Number of estimated devices on the network. */ private int _getEstimatedNumDevices() { return UvmContextFactory.context().hostTable().getCurrentActiveSize(); } /** * Returns the url for the license server API * * @return license agreement. */ private String _getLicenseUrl() { String urlStr = System.getProperty(LICENSE_URL_PROPERTY); if (urlStr == null) urlStr = DEFAULT_LICENSE_URL; return urlStr; } /** * syncs the license server state with local state */ private void _syncLicensesWithServer() {"Reloading licenses..."); synchronized (LicenseManagerImpl.this) { _readLicenses(); if (!UvmContextFactory.context().isDevel()) { _downloadLicenses(); _checkRevocations(); } _mapLicenses(); }"Reloading licenses... done"); } /** * Task to run the synchronoization routine. */ private class LicenseSyncTask implements Runnable { /** * Launch the license synchronize routine. */ public void run() { _syncLicensesWithServer(); } } /** * Determine if application is GPL-based. * * @param identifier Application name. * @return true if GPL, false otherwise. */ private boolean isGPLApp(String identifier) { switch (identifier) { case "untangle-node-ad-blocker": return true; case "ad-blocker": return true; case "untangle-node-virus-blocker-lite": return true; case "virus-blocker-lite": return true; case "untangle-node-captive-portal": return true; case "captive-portal": return true; case "untangle-node-firewall": return true; case "firewall": return true; case "untangle-node-intrusion-prevention": return true; case "intrusion-prevention": return true; case "untangle-node-openvpn": return true; case "openvpn": return true; case "untangle-node-phish-blocker": return true; case "phish-blocker": return true; case "untangle-node-application-control-lite": return true; case "application-control-lite": return true; case "untangle-node-router": return true; case "router": return true; case "untangle-node-reports": return true; case "reports": return true; case "untangle-node-shield": return true; case "shield": return true; case "untangle-node-spam-blocker-lite": return true; case "spam-blocker-lite": return true; case "untangle-node-web-monitor": return true; case "web-monitor": return true; case "untangle-node-license": return true; case "license": return true; case "untangle-casing-http": return true; case "http": return true; case "untangle-casing-ftp": return true; case "ftp": return true; case "untangle-casing-smtp": return true; case "smtp": return true; case "tunnel-vpn": return true; default: return false; } } /** * Determine if application is obsolete. * * @param identifier Application name. * @return true if applicatio is obsolete, false otherwise. */ private boolean isObsoleteApp(String identifier) { if ("untangle-node-kav".equals(identifier)) return true; if ("kav".equals(identifier)) return true; if ("untangle-node-commtouch".equals(identifier)) return true; if ("commtouch".equals(identifier)) return true; if ("untangle-node-commtouchav".equals(identifier)) return true; if ("commtouchav".equals(identifier)) return true; if ("untangle-node-commtouchas".equals(identifier)) return true; if ("commtouchas".equals(identifier)) return true; return false; } /** * Set a license to valid. * * @param license License object to set. */ private void _setValidAndStatus(License license) { if (_isLicenseValid(license)) { license.setValid(Boolean.TRUE); license.setStatus("Valid"); } else { license.setValid(Boolean.FALSE); } } /** * If passed value is null, return an empty string. Otherwise return the object's string value. * * @param foo Passed value. * @return String of the value. */ private static String nullToEmptyStr(Object foo) { if (foo == null) return ""; else return foo.toString(); } /** * Get the lienency gift value. * * @return Number of lienency seats. */ private static int getLienencyGift() { BufferedReader reader = null; int returnValue = 0; try { File giftFile = new File(LIENENCY_GIFT_FILE); if (!giftFile.exists()) return 0; reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(giftFile)); Integer i = Integer.parseInt(reader.readLine()); if (i != null) returnValue = 0; else returnValue = i; } catch (Exception x) { logger.warn("Exception", x); returnValue = 0; } finally { if (reader != null) { try { reader.close(); } catch (Exception x) { logger.warn("Exception", x); } } } return returnValue; } /** * Get the URL encoded parameters to describe this server * @return string */ private String getServerParams() { int numDevices = _getEstimatedNumDevices(); String model = UvmContextFactory.context().getApplianceModel(); String uvmVersion = UvmContextFactory.context().version(); if (model != null) { try { model = URLEncoder.encode(model, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Failed to encode", e); model = null; } } return "uid=" + UvmContextFactory.context().getServerUID() + "&appliance=" + UvmContextFactory.context().isAppliance() + (model != null ? "&appliance-model=" + model : "") + "&numDevices=" + numDevices + "&version=" + uvmVersion; } }