Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015 uniVocity Software Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. * This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in file * 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package. ******************************************************************************/ package com.univocity.examples; import*; import org.apache.commons.lang.*; import org.testng.annotations.*; import com.univocity.api.*; import com.univocity.api.config.*; import*; import com.univocity.api.engine.*; import com.univocity.api.entity.jdbc.*; import com.univocity.api.entity.text.tsv.*; public class Tutorial001_1Autodetection extends ExampleWithOriginalDatabase { private static final String engineName = "engine_001_1"; @Test public void example001AutodetectMappings() { // initializes an engine with a CSV data store with the files under /examples/source_data/csv/ // and a JDBC data store with the tables created with the scripts under /examples/original_schema/ initializeEngine(engineName); DataIntegrationEngine engine = Univocity.getEngine(engineName); //##CODE_START //Let's create a mapping between the CSV and JDBC data stores DataStoreMapping dsMapping ="csvDataStore", "originalSchema"); //Names of tables and columns match exactly. We can just autodetect everything. dsMapping.autodetectMappings(); //And map all data from CSV to our database tables. engine.executeCycle(); //Let's print the data migrated to database tables print(readFoodGroupTable()); print(readFoodDescriptionTable()); //##CODE_END //Here we print the results to the console and validate the output: printAndValidate(); } @Test(dependsOnMethods = "example001AutodetectMappings") public void example002ApplyReadersAndFunctionsToMultipleMappings() { //Obtains the configured engine instance DataIntegrationEngine engine = Univocity.getEngine(engineName); //Removes the mappings between the csv and fixed-width data stores. engine.removeMapping("csvDataStore", "originalSchema"); //Let's map everything again DataStoreMapping mapping ="csvDataStore", "originalSchema"); mapping.configurePersistenceDefaults().notUsingMetadata().deleteAll().insertNewRows(); //Let's autodetect again. mapping.autodetectMappings(); //##CODE_START //We can manipulate the rows of multiple mappings at once. //This RowReader lowercases all strings in all rows processed by all entity mappings: mapping.addInputRowReader(new RowReader() { @Override public void processRow(Object[] inputRow, Object[] outputRow, RowMappingContext context) { for (int i = 0; i < inputRow.length; i++) { if (inputRow[i] instanceof String) { inputRow[i] = inputRow[i].toString().toLowerCase(); } } } }); //We can also associate specific functions with fields of source entities in existing mappings. //This function reverses strings engine.addFunction(EngineScope.STATELESS, "reverse", new FunctionCall<String, String>() { @Override public String execute(String input) { return StringUtils.reverse(input); } }); //Here, we associate the "reverse" function with 2 fields of source entity "FOOD_DES" mapping.getMapping("FOOD_DES", "FOOD_DES").transformFields("reverse", "long_desc", "SHRT_DESC"); //Let's execute a mapping cycle. We expect to have all data in lower case, in all tables. //We also expect to have reversed descriptions in FOOD_DES engine.executeCycle(); //##CODE_END print(readFoodGroupTable()); print(readFoodDescriptionTable()); printAndValidate(); } @Test(dependsOnMethods = "example002ApplyReadersAndFunctionsToMultipleMappings") public void example003DumpToDir() { //##CODE_START //Now, let's map from the database tables to TSV files that do not exist anywhere (yet). //All we need to do is to provide an output directory where the files should be created: File tsvOutputDir = new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "TSV"); //Let's create a TSV data store configuration with this output directory: TsvDataStoreConfiguration tsvConfig = new TsvDataStoreConfiguration("tsvOutput"); tsvConfig.setOutputDirectory(tsvOutputDir, "UTF-8"); //We want to print out headers on the TSV files to identify the column names tsvConfig.getDefaultEntityConfiguration().setHeaderWritingEnabled(true); //Let's just reuse the dataSource we already have to connect to the database loaded in the previous example JdbcDataStoreConfiguration jdbcConfig = new JdbcDataStoreConfiguration("database", this.dataSource); jdbcConfig.setSchema("public"); //And let's configure a new data integration engine for our purposes. Univocity.registerEngine(new EngineConfiguration("TSV_DUMP", tsvConfig, jdbcConfig)); DataIntegrationEngine engine = Univocity.getEngine("TSV_DUMP"); //Now, we map from our database to the TSV data store: DataStoreMapping dsMapping ="database", "tsvOutput"); //dsMapping.configurePersistenceDefaults().notUsingMetadata().deleteAll().insertNewRows(); //Here, the boolean argument means that destination entities should be created automatically. //The destination entities will be created to match the respective configurations of detected source entities. //The destination data store must support dynamic creation of entities for this to work. dsMapping.autodetectMappings(true); //After executing a mapping cycle, we will have a TSV file for each table in the database. engine.executeCycle(); //##CODE_END //Let's print the contents of these files: println(readFile(new File(tsvOutputDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "FD_GROUP.tsv"))); println(readFile(new File(tsvOutputDir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "FOOD_DES.tsv"))); //Here we print the results to the console and validate the output: printAndValidate(); } @Test(dependsOnMethods = "example003DumpToDir") public void example004GenerateSchema() { DataIntegrationEngine engine = Univocity.getEngine("TSV_DUMP"); //##CODE_START //Here we export each entity from the "database" data store to a SQL "create table" script String schemaExport = engine.exportEntities("database").asCreateTableScript(DatabaseDialect.HSQLDB) //generate the script using HSQLDB's dialect .toObject(); //returns the export result as a String. //Let's print the script: println("--[ HSQLDB script ]--"); println(schemaExport); //Again, we export the same entities, but this time we want the script generated differently: schemaExport = engine.exportEntities("database").asCreateTableScript(DatabaseDialect.SQLServer_2012) //generate a script compatible with SQL Server 2012 dialect .noNotNullConstraint() //do not create NOT NULL constraints .noPrimaryKeyConstraint() // do not create PRIMARY KEY constraints .toObject(); //Let's see how this one shows up: println("--[ SQL Server script ]--"); print(schemaExport); //##CODE_END Univocity.shutdown("TSV_DUMP"); printAndValidate(); } public static void main(String... args) { Tutorial001_1Autodetection tutorial = new Tutorial001_1Autodetection(); try { tutorial.example001AutodetectMappings(); tutorial.example002ApplyReadersAndFunctionsToMultipleMappings(); } finally { Univocity.shutdown(engineName); } try { tutorial.example003DumpToDir(); tutorial.example004GenerateSchema(); } finally { Univocity.shutdown("TSV_DUMP"); } System.exit(0); } }