Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2014 uniVocity Software Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.
 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in file
 * 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package.
package com.univocity.articles.kairosdb.custom;

import java.util.*;

import org.apache.commons.lang.*;
import org.kairosdb.client.builder.*;

import com.univocity.api.entity.*;
import com.univocity.api.entity.custom.*;

 * A custom entity for KairosDB that implements methods for data modification.
 * @author uniVocity Software Pty Ltd - <a href=""></a>
class KairosDataEntity implements CustomDataEntity {

    private final KairosDataStore dataStore;
    private final String entityName;
    private final Set<DefaultEntityField> fields = new HashSet<DefaultEntityField>();
    private final Set<String> tags = new HashSet<String>();

     * Creates a new instance of a custom data entity, with a given set of field names
     * @param dataStore the data store that contains this entity (we need it to manage open connections)
     * @param entityName the name of the new custom data entity
     * @param fieldNames the fields in this entity.
    public KairosDataEntity(KairosDataStore dataStore, String entityName, String... tagNames) {
        this.dataStore = dataStore;
        this.entityName = entityName;

        addFields("name", "timestamp", "value");


    public String getEntityName() {
        return entityName;

    public ReadingProcess preareToRead(String[] fieldNames) {
        return null;

    public Set<? extends DefaultEntityField> getFields() {
        return fields;

    private void addFields(String... names) {
        for (String name : names) {
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) {
                fields.add(new DefaultEntityField(name));

    public WritingProcess prepareToWrite(String[] fieldNames) {

        final Map<String, Integer> fieldPositions = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) {
            fieldPositions.put(fieldNames[i], i);

        return new WritingProcess() {

            MetricBuilder builder = MetricBuilder.getInstance();

            public void close() {
                // will push the metrics at the end of each batch instead of at the end of the transaction.
                // otherwise the generated JSON content can be excessively big.
                dataStore.pushMetrics(KairosDataEntity.this, builder);

            public void writeNext(Object[] data) {
                String name = get("name", String.class, data, true);
                Metric metric = builder.addMetric(name);

                Long timestamp = get("timestamp", Long.class, data, false);
                Object value = get("value", Object.class, data, true);

                if (timestamp == null) {
                    metric.addDataPoint(System.currentTimeMillis(), value);
                } else {
                    metric.addDataPoint(timestamp, value);

                for (String tag : tags) {
                    String tagValue = get(tag, String.class, data, false);
                    metric.addTag(tag, tagValue);

            private <T> T get(String field, Class<T> type, Object[] data, boolean mandatory) {
                Integer position = fieldPositions.get(field);
                if (position == null) {
                    if (mandatory) {
                        throw new IllegalStateException("Mandatory field '" + field + "' not mapped.");
                    } else {
                        return null;
                Object value = data[position.intValue()];
                return type.cast(value);

            public ReadingProcess retrieveGeneratedKeys() {
                return null;

    public UpdateProcess prepareToUpdate(String[] fieldsToUpdate, String[] fieldsToMatch) {
        return null;

    public ExclusionProcess prepareToDelete(String[] fieldsToMatch) {
        return null;

    public void deleteAll() {