Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2014 uniVocity Software Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. * This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in file * 'LICENSE.txt', which is part of this source code package. ******************************************************************************/ package; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.slf4j.*; import org.springframework.dao.*; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.*; import*; public class Dao { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Dao.class); private final Database database; private final String tableName; private Set<String> primaryKeys; public Dao(Database database, String tableName) { this.database = database; this.tableName = tableName; } private String escape(String s) { List<String> toEscape = Arrays.asList("max", "min"); if (toEscape.contains(s.toLowerCase())) { return "\"" + s + "\""; } return s; } private void removeSuffix(StringBuilder script, String str) { if (script.toString().endsWith(str)) { script.delete(script.length() - str.length(), script.length()); } } private String createDeleteScript(Set<Entry<String, Object>> matchingData) { final StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder("delete from ").append(tableName); script.append(createWhereClause(matchingData)); return script.toString(); } private String createWhereClause(Set<Entry<String, Object>> whereClauseEntries) { if (whereClauseEntries.isEmpty()) { return ""; } final StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(" where "); for (Entry<String, Object> e : whereClauseEntries) { script.append(escape(e.getKey())); script.append(" = ? and "); } removeSuffix(script, " and "); return script.toString(); } private String createUpdateScript(Set<Entry<String, Object>> data, Set<Entry<String, Object>> matchingData) { final StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder("update ").append(tableName); if (!data.isEmpty()) { script.append(" set "); for (Entry<String, Object> e : data) { script.append(escape(e.getKey())); script.append(" = ?,"); } removeSuffix(script, ","); } script.append(createWhereClause(matchingData)); return script.toString(); } private String createInsertScript(Set<Entry<String, Object>> newData) { final StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder("insert into ").append(tableName); if (newData.isEmpty()) { script.append("(null)"); } else { script.append("("); for (Entry<String, Object> e : newData) { script.append(escape(e.getKey())); script.append(","); } removeSuffix(script, ","); script.append(") values ("); for (@SuppressWarnings("unused") Entry<String, Object> e : newData) { script.append("?,"); } removeSuffix(script, ","); script.append(")"); } return script.toString(); } private void execute(final Set<Entry<String, Object>> data, final Set<Entry<String, Object>> matchingEntries, final String script) { log.debug("Executing SQL: {}", script); database.getJdbcTemplate().execute(new ConnectionCallback<Void>() { @Override public Void doInConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(script); try { int idx = 1; for (Entry<String, Object> e : data) { log.debug("Parameter {}: {}", idx, e); statement.setObject(idx++, e.getValue()); } for (Entry<String, Object> e : matchingEntries) { log.debug("Parameter {}: {}", idx, e); statement.setObject(idx++, e.getValue()); } statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { statement.close(); } return null; } }); } private Set<Entry<String, Object>> extractPrimaryKeyValues(Map<String, Object> rowData) { Map<String, Object> idsToMatch = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (String id : getPrimaryKeys()) { Object idValue = rowData.remove(id); idsToMatch.put(id, idValue); } return idsToMatch.entrySet(); } public Set<String> getPrimaryKeys() { if (primaryKeys != null) { return primaryKeys; } primaryKeys = new HashSet<String>(); database.getJdbcTemplate().execute(new ConnectionCallback<Void>() { @Override public Void doInConnection(Connection con) throws SQLException, DataAccessException { DatabaseMetaData metadata = con.getMetaData(); //if the table name is in lower case it won't work (at least not with HSQLDB) ResultSet rs = metadata.getPrimaryKeys(null, null, tableName.toUpperCase()); try { while ( { primaryKeys.add(rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); } } finally { rs.close(); } return null; } }); return primaryKeys; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void insert(Map<String, Object> rowData) { final Set<Entry<String, Object>> entries = rowData.entrySet(); final String insertScript = createInsertScript(entries); execute(entries, Collections.EMPTY_SET, insertScript); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void delete(Map<String, Object> rowData) { final Set<Entry<String, Object>> keys = extractPrimaryKeyValues(rowData); final String delete = createDeleteScript(keys); execute(Collections.EMPTY_SET, keys, delete); } public void update(Map<String, Object> rowData) { final Set<Entry<String, Object>> entries = rowData.entrySet(); final Set<Entry<String, Object>> keys = extractPrimaryKeyValues(rowData); final String updateScript = createUpdateScript(entries, keys); execute(entries, keys, updateScript); } }