Java tutorial
package; import com.universal.util.PathValidator; import com.universal.util.FileUtil; import com.universal.error.UniversalIOException; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2015 Dynamicloud * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * This class is the implementation of a storage that will manage files within a S3 bucket. * This implementation will manage file using a S3 bucket as a root storage. */ public class UniversalS3Storage extends UniversalStorage { private static final String PREFIX_S3_URL = ""; private static final long PART_SIZE = 5242880; // Set part size to 5 MB. private AmazonS3 s3client; /** * This constructor receives the settings for this new FileStorage instance. * * @param settings for this new FileStorage instance. */ public UniversalS3Storage(UniversalSettings settings) { super(settings); this.s3client = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard().withRegion(Regions.fromName(settings.getS3Region())) .withCredentials(new UniversalProfileCredentialsProvider(this.settings)).build(); } /** * This method stores a file within the storage provider according to the current settings. * The method will replace the file if already exists within the root. * * For exemple: * * path == null * File = /var/wwww/html/index.html * Root = /storage/ * Copied File = /storage/index.html * * path == "myfolder" * File = /var/wwww/html/index.html * Root = /storage/ * Copied File = /storage/myfolder/index.html * * If this file is a folder, a error will be thrown informing that should call the createFolder method. * * Validations: * Validates if root is a bucket. * * @param file to be stored within the storage. * @param path is the path for this new file within the root. * @throws UniversalIOException when a specific IO error occurs. */ void storeFile(File file, String path) throws UniversalIOException { if (file.isDirectory()) { UniversalIOException error = new UniversalIOException( file.getName() + " is a folder. You should call the createFolder method."); this.triggerOnErrorListeners(error); throw error; } if (path == null) { path = ""; } if (file.length() <= PART_SIZE) { uploadTinyFile(file, path); } else { uploadFile(file, path); } } /** * This method uploads a file with a length greater than PART_SIZE (5Mb). * * @param file to be stored within the storage. * @param path is the path for this new file within the root. * @throws UniversalIOException when a specific IO error occurs. */ private void uploadFile(File file, String path) throws UniversalIOException { // Create a list of UploadPartResponse objects. You get one of these // for each part upload. List<PartETag> partETags = new ArrayList<PartETag>(); // Step 1: Initialize. InitiateMultipartUploadRequest initRequest = new InitiateMultipartUploadRequest(this.settings.getRoot(), file.getName()); InitiateMultipartUploadResult initResponse = this.s3client.initiateMultipartUpload(initRequest); long contentLength = file.length(); long partSize = PART_SIZE; // Set part size to 5 MB. ObjectMetadata objectMetadata = new ObjectMetadata(); if (this.settings.getEncryption()) { objectMetadata.setSSEAlgorithm(ObjectMetadata.AES_256_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION); } List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<Tag>(); for (String key : this.settings.getTags().keySet()) { tags.add(new Tag(key, this.settings.getTags().get(key))); } try { this.triggerOnStoreFileListeners(); // Step 2: Upload parts. long filePosition = 0; for (int i = 1; filePosition < contentLength; i++) { // Last part can be less than 5 MB. Adjust part size. partSize = Math.min(partSize, (contentLength - filePosition)); // Create request to upload a part. UploadPartRequest uploadRequest = new UploadPartRequest() .withBucketName(this.settings.getRoot() + ("".equals(path) ? "" : ("/" + path))) .withKey(file.getName()).withUploadId(initResponse.getUploadId()).withPartNumber(i) .withFileOffset(filePosition).withFile(file).withObjectMetadata(objectMetadata) .withPartSize(partSize); // Upload part and add response to our list. partETags.add(this.s3client.uploadPart(uploadRequest).getPartETag()); filePosition += partSize; } // Step 3: Complete. CompleteMultipartUploadRequest compRequest = new CompleteMultipartUploadRequest( this.settings.getRoot() + ("".equals(path) ? "" : ("/" + path)), file.getName(), initResponse.getUploadId(), partETags); CompleteMultipartUploadResult result = this.s3client.completeMultipartUpload(compRequest); StorageClass storageClass = getStorageClass(); if (storageClass != StorageClass.Standard) { CopyObjectRequest copyObjectRequest = new CopyObjectRequest(this.settings.getRoot(), file.getName(), this.settings.getRoot(), file.getName()).withStorageClass(storageClass); this.s3client.copyObject(copyObjectRequest); } if (!tags.isEmpty()) { this.s3client.setObjectTagging(new SetObjectTaggingRequest(this.settings.getRoot(), file.getName(), new ObjectTagging(tags))); } this.triggerOnFileStoredListeners(new UniversalStorageData(file.getName(), PREFIX_S3_URL + (this.settings.getRoot() + ("".equals(path) ? "" : ("/" + path))) + "/" + file.getName(), result.getVersionId(), this.settings.getRoot() + ("".equals(path) ? "" : ("/" + path)))); } catch (Exception e) { this.s3client.abortMultipartUpload(new AbortMultipartUploadRequest(this.settings.getRoot(), file.getName(), initResponse.getUploadId())); UniversalIOException error = new UniversalIOException(e.getMessage()); this.triggerOnErrorListeners(error); throw error; } } /** * This method uploads a file with a length lesser than PART_SIZE (5Mb). * * @param file to be stored within the storage. * @param path is the path for this new file within the root. * @throws UniversalIOException when a specific IO error occurs. */ private void uploadTinyFile(File file, String path) throws UniversalIOException { try { ObjectMetadata objectMetadata = new ObjectMetadata(); if (this.settings.getEncryption()) { objectMetadata.setSSEAlgorithm(ObjectMetadata.AES_256_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION); } List<Tag> tags = new ArrayList<Tag>(); for (String key : this.settings.getTags().keySet()) { tags.add(new Tag(key, this.settings.getTags().get(key))); } PutObjectRequest request = new PutObjectRequest( this.settings.getRoot() + ("".equals(path) ? "" : ("/" + path)), file.getName(), file); request.setMetadata(objectMetadata); request.setTagging(new ObjectTagging(tags)); request.setStorageClass(getStorageClass()); this.triggerOnStoreFileListeners(); PutObjectResult result = this.s3client.putObject(request); this.triggerOnFileStoredListeners(new UniversalStorageData(file.getName(), PREFIX_S3_URL + (this.settings.getRoot() + ("".equals(path) ? "" : ("/" + path))) + "/" + file.getName(), result.getVersionId(), this.settings.getRoot() + ("".equals(path) ? "" : ("/" + path)))); } catch (Exception e) { UniversalIOException error = new UniversalIOException(e.getMessage()); this.triggerOnErrorListeners(error); throw error; } } /** * Gets the enum from StorageClass according to the storage class from the settings. */ private StorageClass getStorageClass() { String sc = this.settings.getStorageClass(); if ("REDUCED_REDUNDANCY".equals(sc)) { return StorageClass.ReducedRedundancy; } else if ("STANDARD_IA".equals(sc)) { return StorageClass.StandardInfrequentAccess; } else if ("STANDARD".equals(sc)) { return StorageClass.Standard; } return StorageClass.Standard; } /** * This method stores a file according to the provided path within the storage provider * according to the current settings. * * @param path pointing to the file which will be stored within the storage. * @throws UniversalIOException when a specific IO error occurs. */ void storeFile(String path) throws UniversalIOException { this.storeFile(new File(path), null); } /** * This method stores a file according to the provided path within the storage provider according to the current settings. * * @param path pointing to the file which will be stored within the storage. * @param targetPath is the path within the storage. * * @throws UniversalIOException when a specific IO error occurs. */ void storeFile(String path, String targetPath) throws UniversalIOException { PathValidator.validatePath(path); PathValidator.validatePath(targetPath); this.storeFile(new File(path), targetPath); } /** * This method removes a file from the storage. This method will use the path parameter * to localte the file and remove it from the storage. The deletion process will delete the last * version of this object. * * Root = /s3storage/ * path = myfile.txt * Target = /s3storage/myfile.txt * * Root = /s3storage/ * path = myfolder/myfile.txt * Target = /s3storage/myfolder/myfile.txt * * @param path is the object's path within the storage. * @throws UniversalIOException when a specific IO error occurs. */ void removeFile(String path) throws UniversalIOException { PathValidator.validatePath(path); try { this.triggerOnRemoveFileListeners(); s3client.deleteObject(new DeleteObjectRequest(this.settings.getRoot(), path)); this.triggerOnFileRemovedListeners(); } catch (Exception e) { UniversalIOException error = new UniversalIOException(e.getMessage()); this.triggerOnErrorListeners(error); throw error; } } /** * This method creates a new folder within the storage using the passed path. If the new folder name already * exists within the storage, this process will skip the creation step. * * Root = /s3storage/ * path = /myFolder * Target = /s3storage/myFolder * * Root = /s3storage/ * path = /folders/myFolder * Target = /s3storage/folders/myFolder * * @param path is the folder's path. A path must end with forward slash '/', the back slash '\' is not * considered a folder indicator. * @param storeFiles is a flag to store the files after folder creation. * * @throws UniversalIOException when a specific IO error occurs. * @throws IllegalArgumentException is path has an invalid value. */ void createFolder(String path) throws UniversalIOException { PathValidator.validatePath(path); if ("".equals(path.trim())) { UniversalIOException error = new UniversalIOException("Invalid path. The path shouldn't be empty."); this.triggerOnErrorListeners(error); throw error; } ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata(); metadata.setContentLength(0); InputStream emptyContent = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]); try { PutObjectRequest putObjectRequest = new PutObjectRequest(this.settings.getRoot(), path.endsWith("/") ? path : (path + "/"), emptyContent, metadata); this.triggerOnCreateFolderListeners(); PutObjectResult result = s3client.putObject(putObjectRequest); this.triggerOnFolderCreatedListeners(new UniversalStorageData(path, PREFIX_S3_URL + (this.settings.getRoot() + ("".equals(path) ? "" : ("/" + path))), result.getVersionId(), this.settings.getRoot() + ("".equals(path) ? "" : ("/" + path)))); } catch (Exception e) { UniversalIOException error = new UniversalIOException(e.getMessage()); this.triggerOnErrorListeners(error); throw error; } } /** * This method removes the folder located on that path. * The folder should be empty in order for removing. * * Root = /storage/ * path = myFolder * Target = /storage/myFolder * * Root = /storage/ * path = folders/myFolder * Target = /storage/folders/myFolder * * @param path is the folder's path. A path must end with forward slash '/', the back slash '\' is not * considered a folder indicator. */ void removeFolder(String path) throws UniversalIOException { PathValidator.validatePath(path); if ("".equals(path.trim())) { return; } try { this.triggerOnRemoveFolderListeners(); s3client.deleteObject( new DeleteObjectRequest(this.settings.getRoot(), path.endsWith("/") ? path : (path + "/"))); this.triggerOnFolderRemovedListeners(); } catch (Exception e) { UniversalIOException error = new UniversalIOException(e.getMessage()); this.triggerOnErrorListeners(error); throw error; } } /** * This method retrieves a file from the storage. * The method will retrieve the file according to the passed path. * A file will be stored within the settings' tmp folder. * * @param path in context. * @returns a file pointing to the retrieved file. */ public File retrieveFile(String path) throws UniversalIOException { PathValidator.validatePath(path); if ("".equals(path.trim())) { return null; } if (path.trim().endsWith("/")) { UniversalIOException error = new UniversalIOException( "Invalid path. Looks like you're trying to retrieve a folder."); this.triggerOnErrorListeners(error); throw error; } File dest = null; InputStream objectData = null; try { S3Object object = s3client.getObject(new GetObjectRequest(this.settings.getRoot(), path)); objectData = object.getObjectContent(); String name = object.getKey(); int index = name.lastIndexOf("/"); if (index != -1) { name = name.substring(index); } dest = new File(FileUtil.completeFileSeparator(this.settings.getTmp()) + name); FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(objectData, dest); } catch (Exception e) { UniversalIOException error = new UniversalIOException(e.getMessage()); this.triggerOnErrorListeners(error); throw error; } finally { if (objectData != null) { try { objectData.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } } return dest; } /** * This method retrieves a file from the storage as InputStream. * The method will retrieve the file according to the passed path. * A file will be stored within the settings' tmp folder. * * @param path in context. * @returns an InputStream pointing to the retrieved file. */ public InputStream retrieveFileAsStream(String path) throws UniversalIOException { PathValidator.validatePath(path); if ("".equals(path.trim())) { return null; } if (path.trim().endsWith("/")) { UniversalIOException error = new UniversalIOException( "Invalid path. Looks like you're trying to retrieve a folder."); this.triggerOnErrorListeners(error); throw error; } try { S3Object object = s3client.getObject(new GetObjectRequest(this.settings.getRoot(), path)); return object.getObjectContent(); } catch (Exception e) { UniversalIOException error = new UniversalIOException(e.getMessage()); this.triggerOnErrorListeners(error); throw error; } } /** * This method cleans the context of this storage. This method doesn't remove any file from the storage. * The method will clean the tmp folder to release disk usage. */ public void clean() throws UniversalIOException { try { FileUtils.cleanDirectory(new File(this.settings.getTmp())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new UniversalIOException(e.getMessage()); } } /** * This method wipes the root folder of a storage, basically, will remove all files and folder in it. * Be careful with this method because in too many cases this action won't provide a rollback action. * * This method loops over the versions for deletion, the bucket will be empty and without any version of its objects. */ public void wipe() throws UniversalIOException { ObjectListing object_listing = this.s3client.listObjects(this.settings.getRoot()); while (true) { for (Iterator<?> iterator = object_listing.getObjectSummaries().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { S3ObjectSummary summary = (S3ObjectSummary); this.s3client.deleteObject(this.settings.getRoot(), summary.getKey()); } if (object_listing.isTruncated()) { object_listing = this.s3client.listNextBatchOfObjects(object_listing); } else { break; } } ; VersionListing version_listing = this.s3client .listVersions(new ListVersionsRequest().withBucketName(this.settings.getRoot())); while (true) { for (Iterator<?> iterator = version_listing.getVersionSummaries().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { S3VersionSummary vs = (S3VersionSummary); this.s3client.deleteVersion( this.settings.getRoot(), vs.getKey(), vs.getVersionId()); } if (version_listing.isTruncated()) { version_listing = this.s3client.listNextBatchOfVersions(version_listing); } else { break; } } } }