Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Udo Klimaschewski * * * * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * */ package com.udojava.evalex; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.integration.SimpsonIntegrator; import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialFunction; import org.apache.commons.math3.complex.Complex; import org.apache.commons.math3.complex.ComplexUtils; import org.apache.commons.math3.random.MersenneTwister; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.GeometricMean; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.moment.Mean; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.summary.Product; import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.summary.Sum; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.ArithmeticUtils; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.CombinatoricsUtils; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.*; import static org.apache.commons.math3.primes.Primes.nextPrime; import static org.apache.commons.math3.stat.StatUtils.variance; /** * <h1>EvalEx - Java Expression Evaluator</h1> * * @author Udo Klimaschewski ( */ public class Expression { /** * What character to use for decimal separators. */ private static final char decimalSeparator = '.'; /** * What character to use for minus sign (negative values). */ private static final char minusSign = '-'; /** * The MyComplex representation of the left parenthesis, * used for parsing varying numbers of function parameters. */ private static final LazyNumber PARAMS_START = () -> null; private final LinkedList<String> history; /** * All defined operators with name and implementation. */ private final Map<String, Operator> operators = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); /** * All defined functions with name and implementation. */ private final Map<String, LazyFunction> functions = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); /** * All defined variables with name and value. */ //private final Map<String, MyComplex> variables = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); private final Variables mainVars; /** * The current infix expression, with optional variable substitutions. */ private String expression = null; /** * The cached RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) of the expression. */ private List<String> rpn = null; /** * Creates a new expression instance from an expression string with a given * default match context. * * @param expression The expression. E.g. <code>"2.4*sin(3)/(2-4)"</code> or * <code>"sin(y)>0 & max(z, 3)>3"</code> */ public Expression(String expression, LinkedList<String> hist, Variables vars) { this.history = hist; this.expression = expression; mainVars = vars; addOperator(new Operator("+", 20, true, "Addition") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { if (v1.type == ValueType.ARRAY) { MyComplex vo = new MyComplex(v1.list); vo.list.add(v2); return vo; } return v1.add(v2); } }); addOperator(new Operator("-", 20, true, "Subtraction") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { if (v1.type == ValueType.ARRAY) { MyComplex vo = new MyComplex(v1.list); vo.list.removeIf(o -> o.equals(v2)); return vo; } return v1.subtract(v2); } }); addOperator(new Operator("*", 30, true, "Real number multiplication") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { return v1.multiply(v2); } }); addOperator(new Operator("/", 30, true, "Real number division") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { return v1.divide(v2); } }); addOperator(new Operator("%", 30, true, "Remainder of integer division") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { double r = v1.real % v2.real; return new MyComplex(r); } }); addOperator( new Operator("^", 40, false, "Exponentation. See:") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { return v1.pow(v2); } }); addOperator(new Operator("&&", 4, false, "Logical AND. Evaluates to 1 if both operands are not 0") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { boolean b1 = (v1.real == 0.0 && v2.real == 0.0); return new MyComplex(b1 ? 1 : 0); } }); addOperator(new Operator("||", 2, false, "Logical OR. Evaluates to 0 if both operands are 0") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { boolean b1 = (v1.real == 0.0 && v2.real == 0.0); return new MyComplex(b1 ? 0 : 1); } }); addOperator(new Operator(">", 10, false, "Greater than. See: See:") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { if (v1.type == ValueType.REAL && v2.type == ValueType.REAL) { return new MyComplex(v1.real > v2.real ? 1 : 0); } else { return new MyComplex(v1.abs() > v2.abs() ? 1 : 0); } } }); addOperator(new Operator(">=", 10, false, "Greater or equal") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { if (v1.type == ValueType.REAL && v2.type == ValueType.REAL) { return new MyComplex(v1.real >= v2.real ? 1 : 0); } else { return new MyComplex(v1.abs() >= v2.abs() ? 1 : 0); } } }); addOperator(new Operator("<", 10, false, "Less than. See:") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { if (v1.type == ValueType.REAL && v2.type == ValueType.REAL) { return new MyComplex(v1.real < v2.real ? 1 : 0); } else { return new MyComplex(v1.abs() < v2.abs() ? 1 : 0); } } }); addOperator(new Operator("<=", 10, false, "less or equal") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { if (v1.type == ValueType.REAL && v2.type == ValueType.REAL) { return new MyComplex(v1.real <= v2.real ? 1 : 0); } else { return new MyComplex(v1.abs() <= v2.abs() ? 1 : 0); } } }); addOperator(new Operator("->", 7, false, "Set variable v to new value ") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { if (v1 instanceof PitDecimal) { PitDecimal target = (PitDecimal) v1; String s = target.getVarToken(); setVariable(s, v2); return v2; } throw new ExpressionException("LHS not variable"); } }); addOperator(new Operator("=", 7, false, "Equality") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { if (v1.type == ValueType.REAL && v2.type == ValueType.REAL) { return new MyComplex(v1.real == v2.real ? 1 : 0); } else { return new MyComplex(v1.abs() == v2.abs() ? 1 : 0); } } }); addOperator(new Operator("!=", 7, false, "Inequality. See:") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { if (v1.type == ValueType.REAL && v2.type == ValueType.REAL) { return new MyComplex(v1.real != v2.real ? 1 : 0); } else { return new MyComplex(v1.abs() != v2.abs() ? 1 : 0); } } }); addOperator( new Operator("or", 7, false, "Bitwise OR. See:") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { return new MyComplex((long) v1.real | (long) v2.real); } }); addOperator(new Operator("and", 7, false, "Bitwise AND. See:") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { return new MyComplex((long) v1.real & (long) v2.real); } }); addOperator(new Operator("xor", 7, false, "Bitwise XOR, See:") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { return new MyComplex((long) v1.real ^ (long) v2.real); } }); addOperator(new Operator("!", 50, true, "Factorial. See") { public BigInteger factorial(long n) { BigInteger factorial = BigInteger.ONE; for (long i = 1; i <= n; i++) { factorial = factorial.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(i)); } return factorial; } @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { BigInteger fact = factorial((long) v1.real); return new MyComplex(fact, BigInteger.ZERO); } }); addOperator(new Operator("~", 8, false, "Bitwise negation") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { BigInteger bi = v2.toBigIntegerReal(); int c = bi.bitLength(); if (c == 0) { return new MyComplex(1); } for (int s = 0; s < c; s++) { bi = bi.flipBit(s); } return new MyComplex(bi); } }); addOperator(new Operator("shl", 8, false, "Left Bit shift") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { return new MyComplex((long) v1.real << (long) v2.real); } }); addOperator(new Operator("shr", 8, false, "Right bit shift") { @Override public MyComplex eval(MyComplex v1, MyComplex v2) { return new MyComplex((long) v1.real >>> (long) v2.real); } }); addFunction(new Function("NOT", 1, "evaluates to 0 if argument != 0") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { boolean zero = parameters.get(0).abs() == 0; return new MyComplex(zero ? 1 : 0); } }); addFunction(new Function("RND", 2, "Give random number in the range between first and second argument") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { double low = parameters.get(0).real; double high = parameters.get(1).real; return new MyComplex(low + Math.random() * (high - low)); } }); MersenneTwister mers = new MersenneTwister(System.nanoTime()); addFunction(new Function("MRS", 0, "Mersenne twister random generator") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { return new MyComplex(mers.nextDouble()); } }); addFunction(new Function("BIN", 2, "Binomial Coefficient 'n choose k'") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { int n = (int) parameters.get(0).real; int k = (int) parameters.get(1).real; double d = CombinatoricsUtils.binomialCoefficientDouble(n, k); return new MyComplex(d); } }); addFunction(new Function("STIR", 2, "Stirling number of 2nd kind:") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { int n = (int) parameters.get(0).real; int k = (int) parameters.get(1).real; double d = CombinatoricsUtils.stirlingS2(n, k); return new MyComplex(d); } }); addFunction(new Function("SIN", 1, "Sine function") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { return parameters.get(0).sin(); } }); addFunction(new Function("COS", 1, "Cosine function") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { return parameters.get(0).cos(); } }); addFunction(new Function("TAN", 1, "Tangent") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { return parameters.get(0).tan(); } }); addFunction(new Function("ASIN", 1, "Reverse Sine") { // added by av @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { return parameters.get(0).asin(); } }); addFunction(new Function("ACOS", 1, "Reverse Cosine") { // added by av @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { return parameters.get(0).acos(); } }); addFunction(new Function("ATAN", 1, "Reverse Tangent") { // added by av @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { return parameters.get(0).atan(); } }); addFunction(new Function("SINH", 1, "Hyperbolic Sine") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { return parameters.get(0).sinh(); } }); addFunction(new Function("COSH", 1, "Hyperbolic Cosine") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { return parameters.get(0).cosh(); } }); addFunction(new Function("TANH", 1, "Hyperbolic Tangent") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { return parameters.get(0).tanh(); } }); addFunction(new Function("RAD", 1, "Transform degree to radian") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { double d = Math.toRadians(parameters.get(0).real); return new MyComplex(d); } }); addFunction(new Function("DEG", 1, "Transform radian to degree") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { double d = Math.toDegrees(parameters.get(0).real); return new MyComplex(d); } }); addFunction(new Function("MAX", -1, "Find the biggest value in a list") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { MyComplex save = new MyComplex(Double.MIN_VALUE); if (parameters.size() == 0) { throw new ExpressionException("MAX requires at least one parameter"); } // if (parameters.get(0).type == ValueType.ARRAY) // parameters = parameters.get(0).list; if (parameters.get(0).type == ValueType.COMPLEX) { for (MyComplex parameter : parameters) { if (parameter.abs() > save.abs()) { save = parameter; } } save.type = ValueType.COMPLEX; } else { for (MyComplex parameter : parameters) { if (parameter.real > save.real) { save = parameter; } } save.type = ValueType.REAL; } return save; } }); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// addFunction(new Function("IF", 3, "Conditional: give param3 if param1 is 0, otherwise param2") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { if (parameters.get(0).real == 0.0) { return parameters.get(2); } return parameters.get(1); } }); addFunction(new Function("PERC", 2, "Get param1 percent of param2") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { return parameters.get(0).divide(new MyComplex(100)).multiply(parameters.get(1)); } }); addFunction(new Function("PER", 2, "How many percent is param1 of param2") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { return parameters.get(0).multiply(new MyComplex(100)).divide(parameters.get(1)); } }); addFunction(new Function("H", 1, "Evaluate _history element") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { int i = (int) parameters.get(0).real; Expression ex = new Expression(history.get(i), history, mainVars); return ex.eval(); } }); addFunction(new Function("MERS", 1, "Calculate Mersenne Number") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { MyComplex p = parameters.get(0); return new MyComplex(2).pow(p).subtract(new MyComplex(1)); } }); addFunction(new Function("GCD", 2, "Find greatest common divisor of 2 values") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { double a = parameters.get(0).real; double b = parameters.get(1).real; long r = ArithmeticUtils.gcd((long) a, (long) b); return new MyComplex(r); } }); addFunction(new Function("LCM", 2, "Find least common multiple of 2 values") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { double a = parameters.get(0).real; double b = parameters.get(1).real; long r = ArithmeticUtils.lcm((long) a, (long) b); return new MyComplex(r); } }); addFunction(new Function("AMEAN", -1, "Arithmetic mean of a set of values") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { if (parameters.size() == 0) { throw new ExpressionException("MEAN requires at least one parameter"); } Mean m = new Mean(); double[] d = MyComplex.getRealArray(parameters); double d2 = m.evaluate(d); return new MyComplex(d2); } }); // addFunction(new Function("BYT", -1, // "Value from sequence of bytes") // { // @Override // public MyComplex eval (List<MyComplex> parameters) // { // if (parameters.size() == 0) // { // return MyComplex.ZERO; // } // BigInteger res = BigInteger.ZERO; // for (MyComplex parameter : parameters) // { // if (parameter.intValue() < 0 || parameter.intValue() > 255) // { // throw new ExpressionException("not a byte value"); // } // res = res.shiftLeft(8); // res = res.or(parameter.toBigInteger()); // } // return new MyComplex(res, BigInteger.ZERO); // } // }); addFunction(new Function("SEQ", 3, "Generate Sequence p1=start, p2=step, p3=count") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { double start = parameters.get(0).real; ArrayList<MyComplex> arr = new ArrayList<>(); for (int s = 0; s < (int) (parameters.get(2).real); s++) { arr.add(new MyComplex(start)); start += parameters.get(1).real; } return new MyComplex(arr); } }); addFunction(new Function("PROD", -1, "Product of real values") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { Product p = new Product(); double[] d = MyComplex.getRealArray(parameters); return new MyComplex(p.evaluate(d)); } }); addFunction(new Function("SUM", -1, "Sum of values") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { Sum p = new Sum(); double[] d = MyComplex.getRealArray(parameters); return new MyComplex(p.evaluate(d)); } }); addFunction(new Function("ANG", 1, "Angle phi of complex number in radians") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { double b = parameters.get(0).angle(); return new MyComplex(b); } }); addFunction(new Function("IM", 1, "Get imaginary part") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { return new MyComplex(parameters.get(0).imaginary); } }); addFunction(new Function("RE", 1, "Get real part") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { return new MyComplex(parameters.get(0).real); } }); addFunction(new Function("POL", 2, "Make complex number from polar coords. angle is first arg") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { double angle = parameters.get(0).real; double len = parameters.get(1).real; Complex c = ComplexUtils.polar2Complex(len, angle); return new MyComplex(c); } }); addFunction(new Function("GMEAN", -1, "Geometric mean of a set of values") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { if (parameters.size() == 0) { throw new ExpressionException("MEAN requires at least one parameter"); } GeometricMean m = new GeometricMean(); double[] d = MyComplex.getRealArray(parameters); double d2 = m.evaluate(d); return new MyComplex(d2); } }); addFunction(new Function("HMEAN", -1, "Harmonic mean of a set of values") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { if (parameters.size() == 0) { throw new ExpressionException("MEAN requires at least one parameter"); } MyComplex res = new MyComplex(0); int num = 0; for (MyComplex parameter : parameters) { res = res.add(new MyComplex(1).divide(parameter)); num++; } res = new MyComplex(res.abs()); return new MyComplex(num).divide(res); } }); addFunction(new Function("VAR", -1, "Variance of a set of values") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { if (parameters.size() == 0) { throw new ExpressionException("MEAN requires at least one parameter"); } double[] arr = new double[parameters.size()]; for (int s = 0; s < parameters.size(); s++) { arr[s] = parameters.get(s).real; } return new MyComplex(variance(arr)); } }); addFunction(new Function("NPR", 1, "Next prime number greater or equal the argument") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { return new MyComplex(nextPrime((int) parameters.get(0).real)); } }); addFunction(new Function("NSWP", 1, "Swap nibbles") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { BigInteger bi = parameters.get(0).toBigIntegerReal(); String s = bi.toString(16); s = new StringBuilder(s).reverse().toString(); return new MyComplex(new BigInteger(s, 16), BigInteger.ZERO); } }); addFunction(new Function("BSWP", 1, "Swap bytes") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { BigInteger bi = parameters.get(0).toBigIntegerReal(); String s = bi.toString(16); while (s.length() % 4 != 0) { s = s + "0"; } if (bi.intValue() < 256) { s = "00" + s; } s = Misc.reverseHex(s); return new MyComplex(new BigInteger(s, 16), BigInteger.ZERO); } }); addFunction(new Function("PYT", 2, "Pythagoras's result = sqrt(param1^2+param2^2)") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> par) { double a = par.get(0).real; double b = par.get(1).real; return new MyComplex(Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)); } }); addFunction(new Function("FIB", 1, "Fibonacci number") { // --Commented out by Inspection (2/19/2017 7:46 PM):private final Operator exp = operators.get("^"); @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> par) { return Misc.iterativeFibonacci((int) par.get(0).real); } }); /////////////////////////////////////////////// addFunction(new Function("MIN", -1, "Find the smallest in a list of values") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { MyComplex save = new MyComplex(Double.MAX_VALUE); if (parameters.size() == 0) { throw new ExpressionException("MAX requires at least one parameter"); } if (parameters.get(0).type == ValueType.COMPLEX) { for (MyComplex parameter : parameters) { if (parameter.abs() < save.abs()) { save = parameter; } } save.type = ValueType.COMPLEX; } else { for (MyComplex parameter : parameters) { if (parameter.real < save.real) { save = parameter; } } save.type = ValueType.REAL; } return save; } }); addFunction(new Function("ABS", 1, "Get absolute value of a number") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { return new MyComplex(parameters.get(0).abs()); } }); addFunction(new Function("LN", 1, "Logarithm base e of the argument") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { double d = Math.log(parameters.get(0).real); return new MyComplex(d); } }); addFunction(new Function("LOG", 1, "Logarithm base 10 of the argument") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { double d = Math.log10(parameters.get(0).real); return new MyComplex(d); } }); addFunction(new Function("FLOOR", 1, "Rounds DOWN to nearest Integer") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { double d = Math.floor(parameters.get(0).real); return new MyComplex(d); } }); addFunction(new Function("CEIL", 1, "Rounds UP to nearest Integer") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { double d = Math.ceil(parameters.get(0).real); return new MyComplex(d); } }); addFunction(new Function("ROU", 1, "Rounds to nearest Integer") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { int d = (int) (parameters.get(0).real + 0.5); return new MyComplex(d); } }); addFunction(new Function("SQRT", 1, "Square root") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { MyComplex p = parameters.get(0); if (p.type == ValueType.REAL) { return new MyComplex(Math.sqrt(p.real)); } return p.sqrt(); } }); addFunction(new Function("ARR", -1, "Create array") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { return new MyComplex(parameters); } }); addFunction(new Function("POLY", -1, "Treat array as Polynom") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { double[] d = MyComplex.getRealArray(parameters); PolynomialFunction p = new PolynomialFunction(d); return new MyComplex(p); } }); addFunction(new Function("DRVE", -1, "Make derivative of polynomial") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { PolynomialFunction p; if (parameters.get(0).isPoly()) { p = new PolynomialFunction(parameters.get(0).getRealArray()); } else { double[] d = MyComplex.getRealArray(parameters); p = new PolynomialFunction(d); } return new MyComplex(p.polynomialDerivative()); } }); addFunction(new Function("ADRVE", -1, "Make antiderivative of polynomial. Constant is always zero") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { PolynomialFunction p; if (parameters.get(0).isPoly()) { p = new PolynomialFunction(parameters.get(0).getRealArray()); } else { double[] d = MyComplex.getRealArray(parameters); p = new PolynomialFunction(d); } return new MyComplex(Misc.antiDerive(p)); } }); addFunction(new Function("PVAL", 2, "Compute value of polynom for the given argument.") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { if (parameters.get(0).isPoly()) { PolynomialFunction p = new PolynomialFunction(parameters.get(0).getRealArray()); double v = p.value(parameters.get(1).real); return new MyComplex(v); } throw new ExpressionException("first arg must be polynomial"); } }); addFunction(new Function("INTGR", 3, "Numerical integration") { @Override public MyComplex eval(List<MyComplex> parameters) { if (parameters.get(0).isPoly()) { PolynomialFunction p = new PolynomialFunction(parameters.get(0).getRealArray()); double start = parameters.get(1).real; double end = parameters.get(2).real; SimpsonIntegrator si = new SimpsonIntegrator(); double d = si.integrate(1000, p, start, end); return new MyComplex(d); } throw new ExpressionException("first arg must be polynomial"); } }); } /** * Adds an operator to the list of supported operators. * * @param operator The operator to add. * @return The previous operator with that name, or <code>null</code> if * there was none. */ private void addOperator(Operator operator) { operators.put(operator.getName(), operator); } /** * Sets a variable value. * * @param variable The variable name. * @param value The variable value. * @return The expression, allows to chain methods. */ private void setVariable(String variable, MyComplex value) { mainVars.put(variable, value); } /** * Adds a function to the list of supported functions * * @param function The function to add. * @return The previous operator with that name, or <code>null</code> if * there was none. */ private void addFunction(Function function) { functions.put(function.getName(), function); } /** * Evaluates the expression. * * @return The result of the expression. */ public MyComplex eval() { Stack<LazyNumber> stack = new Stack<>(); for (final String token : getRPN()) { if (operators.containsKey(token)) { final LazyNumber v1 = stack.pop(); final LazyNumber v2 = stack.pop(); LazyNumber number = () -> operators.get(token).eval(v2.eval(), v1.eval()); stack.push(number); } else if (mainVars.getMap().containsKey(token)) { MyComplex v = mainVars.get(token); if (v.type == ValueType.ARRAY) { stack.push(() -> v); } else { PitDecimal bd = new PitDecimal(v.real, v.imaginary); bd.type = v.type; bd.setVarToken(token); stack.push(() -> bd); } } else if (functions.containsKey(token.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT))) { LazyFunction f = functions.get(token.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)); ArrayList<LazyNumber> p = new ArrayList<>(!f.numParamsVaries() ? f.getNumParams() : 0); // pop parameters off the stack until we hit the start of // this function's parameter list while (!stack.isEmpty() && stack.peek() != PARAMS_START) { p.add(0, stack.pop()); } if (stack.peek() == PARAMS_START) { stack.pop(); } LazyNumber fResult = f.lazyEval(p); stack.push(fResult); } else if ("(".equals(token)) { stack.push(PARAMS_START); } else { MyComplex bd; if (token.endsWith("i")) { String str = token.substring(0, token.length() - 1); if (str.isEmpty()) str = "1"; bd = new MyComplex("0", str); } else { bd = new MyComplex(token); } MyComplex finalBd = bd; stack.push(() -> finalBd); // blank constant } } return stack.pop().eval(); } /* * Cached access to the RPN notation of this expression, ensures only one * calculation of the RPN per expression instance. If no cached instance * exists, a new one will be created and put to the cache. * * @return The cached RPN instance. */ private List<String> getRPN() { if (rpn == null) { rpn = shuntingYard(this.expression); validate(rpn); } return rpn; } /** * Implementation of the <i>Shunting Yard</i> algorithm to transform an * infix expression to a RPN expression. * * @param expression The input expression in infx. * @return A RPN representation of the expression, with each token as a list * member. */ private List<String> shuntingYard(String expression) { List<String> outputQueue = new ArrayList<>(); Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>(); Tokenizer tokenizer = new Tokenizer(expression); String lastFunction = null; String previousToken = null; while (tokenizer.hasNext()) { String token =; if (isNumber(token)) { if (token.startsWith("x")) { BigInteger bd = new BigInteger(token.substring(1), 16); outputQueue.add(bd.toString(10)); } else if (token.startsWith("b")) { BigInteger bd = new BigInteger(token.substring(1), 2); outputQueue.add(bd.toString(10)); } else if (token.startsWith("o")) { BigInteger bd = new BigInteger(token.substring(1), 8); outputQueue.add(bd.toString(10)); } else { outputQueue.add(token); } } else if (mainVars.containsKey(token)) { outputQueue.add(token); } else if (functions.containsKey(token.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT))) { stack.push(token); lastFunction = token; } else if ((Character.isLetter(token.charAt(0)) || token.charAt(0) == '_') && !operators.containsKey(token)) { mainVars.put(token, new MyComplex(0, 0)); // create variable outputQueue.add(token); //stack.push(token); } else if (",".equals(token)) { if (operators.containsKey(previousToken)) { throw new ExpressionException("Missing parameter(s) for operator " + previousToken + " at character position " + (tokenizer.getPos() - 1 - previousToken.length())); } while (!stack.isEmpty() && !"(".equals(stack.peek())) { outputQueue.add(stack.pop()); } if (stack.isEmpty()) { throw new ExpressionException("Parse error for function '" + lastFunction + "'"); } } else if (operators.containsKey(token)) { if (",".equals(previousToken) || "(".equals(previousToken)) { throw new ExpressionException("Missing parameter(s) for operator " + token + " at character position " + (tokenizer.getPos() - token.length())); } Operator o1 = operators.get(token); String token2 = stack.isEmpty() ? null : stack.peek(); while (token2 != null && operators.containsKey(token2) && ((o1.isLeftAssoc() && o1.getPrecedence() <= operators.get(token2).getPrecedence()) || (o1.getPrecedence() < operators.get(token2).getPrecedence()))) { outputQueue.add(stack.pop()); token2 = stack.isEmpty() ? null : stack.peek(); } stack.push(token); } else if ("(".equals(token)) { if (previousToken != null) { if (isNumber(previousToken)) { throw new ExpressionException( "Missing operator at character position " + tokenizer.getPos()); } // if the ( is preceded by a valid function, then it // denotes the start of a parameter list if (functions.containsKey(previousToken.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT))) { outputQueue.add(token); } } stack.push(token); } else if (")".equals(token)) { if (operators.containsKey(previousToken)) { throw new ExpressionException("Missing parameter(s) for operator " + previousToken + " at character position " + (tokenizer.getPos() - 1 - previousToken.length())); } while (!stack.isEmpty() && !"(".equals(stack.peek())) { outputQueue.add(stack.pop()); } if (stack.isEmpty()) { throw new ExpressionException("Mismatched parentheses"); } stack.pop(); if (!stack.isEmpty() && functions.containsKey(stack.peek().toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT))) { outputQueue.add(stack.pop()); } } previousToken = token; } while (!stack.isEmpty()) { String element = stack.pop(); if ("(".equals(element) || ")".equals(element)) { throw new ExpressionException("Mismatched parentheses"); } if (!operators.containsKey(element)) { throw new ExpressionException("Unknown operator or function: " + element); } outputQueue.add(element); } return outputQueue; } /** * Check that the expression has enough numbers and variables to fit the * requirements of the operators and functions, also check * for only 1 result stored at the end of the evaluation. */ private void validate(List<String> rpn) { /*- * Thanks to Norman Ramsey: * http:// */ // each push on to this stack is a new function scope, with the value of each // layer on the stack being the count of the number of parameters in that scope Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>(); // push the 'global' scope stack.push(0); for (final String token : rpn) { if (operators.containsKey(token)) { if (stack.peek() < 2) { throw new ExpressionException("Missing parameter(s) for operator " + token); } // pop the operator's 2 parameters and add the result stack.set(stack.size() - 1, stack.peek() - 2 + 1); } else if (mainVars.containsKey(token)) { stack.set(stack.size() - 1, stack.peek() + 1); } else if (functions.containsKey(token.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT))) { LazyFunction f = functions.get(token.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT)); int numParams = stack.pop(); if (!f.numParamsVaries() && numParams != f.getNumParams()) { throw new ExpressionException("Function " + token + " expected " + f.getNumParams() + " parameters, got " + numParams); } if (stack.size() <= 0) { throw new ExpressionException("Too many function calls, maximum scope exceeded"); } // push the result of the function stack.set(stack.size() - 1, stack.peek() + 1); } else if ("(".equals(token)) { stack.push(0); } else { stack.set(stack.size() - 1, stack.peek() + 1); } } if (stack.size() > 1) { throw new ExpressionException("Too many unhandled function parameter lists"); } else if (stack.peek() > 1) { throw new ExpressionException("Too many numbers or variables"); } else if (stack.peek() < 1) { throw new ExpressionException("Empty expression"); } } /** * Is the string a number? * * @param st The string. * @return <code>true</code>, if the input string is a number. */ private boolean isNumber(String st) { if (st.startsWith("x") && !st.equals("xor") || (st.startsWith("b") && (st.charAt(1) == '0' || st.charAt(1) == '1')) || st.startsWith("o") && !st.equals("or")) { return true; } if (st.charAt(0) == minusSign && st.length() == 1) { return false; } if (st.charAt(0) == '+' && st.length() == 1) { return false; } if (st.charAt(0) == 'e' || st.charAt(0) == 'E') { return false; } for (char ch : st.toCharArray()) { if (!Character.isDigit(ch) && ch != minusSign && ch != decimalSeparator && ch != 'e' && ch != 'i' && ch != 'E' && ch != '+') { return false; } } return true; } public Map<String, Operator> getOps() { return operators; } public Map<String, LazyFunction> getFuncs() { return functions; } // --Commented out by Inspection START (2/25/2017 11:54 AM): // /** // * Sets a variable value. // * // * @param variable The variable to set. // * @param value The variable value. // * @return The expression, allows to chain methods. // */ // private Expression setVariable (String variable, String value) // { // if (isNumber(value)) // { // mainVars.put(variable, new MyComplex(value, "0")); // } // else // { // expression = expression.replaceAll("(?i)\\b" + variable + "\\b", "(" // + value + ")"); // rpn = null; // } // return this; // } // --Commented out by Inspection STOP (2/25/2017 11:54 AM) /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int hashCode() { return this.expression == null ? 0 : this.expression.hashCode(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } Expression that = (Expression) o; if (this.expression == null) { return that.expression == null; } else { return this.expression.equals(that.expression); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { return this.expression; } /** * Expression tokenizer that allows to iterate over a {@link String} * expression token by token. Blank characters will be skipped. */ private class Tokenizer implements Iterator<String> { /** * The original input expression. */ private final String input; /** * Actual position in expression string. */ private int pos = 0; /** * The previous token or <code>null</code> if none. */ private String previousToken; /** * Creates a new tokenizer for an expression. * * @param input The expression string. */ public Tokenizer(String input) { this.input = input.trim(); } //@Override public boolean hasNext() { return (pos < input.length()); } //@Override public String next() { StringBuilder token = new StringBuilder(); if (pos >= input.length()) { return previousToken = null; } char ch = input.charAt(pos); while (Character.isWhitespace(ch) && pos < input.length()) { ch = input.charAt(++pos); } /* The characters (other than letters and digits) allowed as the first character in a variable. */ String firstVarChars = "_"; if (Character.isDigit(ch)) { while ((Character.isDigit(ch) || ch == decimalSeparator || ch == 'e' || ch == 'i' || ch == 'E' || (ch == minusSign && token.length() > 0 && ('e' == token.charAt(token.length() - 1) || 'E' == token.charAt(token.length() - 1))) || (ch == '+' && token.length() > 0 && ('e' == token.charAt(token.length() - 1) || 'E' == token.charAt(token.length() - 1)))) && (pos < input.length())) { token.append(input.charAt(pos++)); ch = pos == input.length() ? 0 : input.charAt(pos); } } else if (ch == minusSign && Character.isDigit(peekNextChar()) && ("(".equals(previousToken) || ",".equals(previousToken) || previousToken == null || operators.containsKey(previousToken))) { token.append(minusSign); pos++; token.append(next()); } else if (Character.isLetter(ch) || firstVarChars.indexOf(ch) >= 0) { /* The characters (other than letters and digits) allowed as the second or subsequent characters in a variable. */ String varChars = "_"; while ((Character.isLetter(ch) || Character.isDigit(ch) || varChars.indexOf(ch) >= 0 || token.length() == 0 && firstVarChars.indexOf(ch) >= 0) && (pos < input.length())) { token.append(input.charAt(pos++)); ch = pos == input.length() ? 0 : input.charAt(pos); } } else if (ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == ',') { token.append(ch); pos++; } else { while (!Character.isLetter(ch) && !Character.isDigit(ch) && firstVarChars.indexOf(ch) < 0 && !Character.isWhitespace(ch) && ch != '(' && ch != ')' && ch != ',' && (pos < input.length())) { token.append(input.charAt(pos)); pos++; ch = pos == input.length() ? 0 : input.charAt(pos); if (ch == minusSign) { break; } } if (!operators.containsKey(token.toString())) { throw new ExpressionException( "Unknown operator '" + token + "' at position " + (pos - token.length() + 1)); } } return previousToken = token.toString(); } //@Override public void remove() { throw new ExpressionException("remove() not supported"); } /** * Peek at the next character, without advancing the iterator. * * @return The next character or character 0, if at end of string. */ private char peekNextChar() { if (pos < (input.length() - 1)) { return input.charAt(pos + 1); } else { return 0; } } /** * Get the actual character position in the string. * * @return The actual character position. */ public int getPos() { return pos; } } }