Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Uber Technologies, Inc. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.codahale.metrics.Meter; import com.codahale.metrics.Timer; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; /** * Do deduplication by redis. This is shared by the consumer thread. */ public class Deduplicator { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Deduplicator.class); private final Meter OLD_RECORDS_DETECTED; private final Meter DUP_RECORDS_DETECTED; private final Meter REDIS_CAS_FAILURE; private final Timer REDIS_CAS_LATENCY; private final int identity; private final String redisHost; private final int redisPort; private final int keyTTLInSec; private Jedis jedis; private final String dupHostPrefix; private final Set<String> hostSetWithDup; private final boolean hasDupHostPrefix; public Deduplicator(int id, String redisHost, int redisPort, int keyTTLInSec, String dupHostPrefix, String hostsWithDup) { this.identity = id; this.redisHost = redisHost; this.redisPort = redisPort; this.keyTTLInSec = keyTTLInSec; this.hasDupHostPrefix = !StringUtils.isEmpty(dupHostPrefix); this.dupHostPrefix = dupHostPrefix; String[] hosts = hostsWithDup.split(","); this.hostSetWithDup = new HashSet<>(); Collections.addAll(hostSetWithDup, hosts);"Hosts that might send out duplicate msg: {} and dupHostPrefix={}", hostSetWithDup, dupHostPrefix); OLD_RECORDS_DETECTED = Metrics.getRegistry() .meter(String.format("deduplicator.%d.oldRecordsDetected", identity)); DUP_RECORDS_DETECTED = Metrics.getRegistry() .meter(String.format("deduplicator.%d.dupRecordsDetected", identity)); REDIS_CAS_FAILURE = Metrics.getRegistry() .meter(String.format("deduplicator.%d.redisCheckAndSetFailure", identity)); REDIS_CAS_LATENCY = Metrics.getRegistry() .timer(String.format("deduplicator.%d.redisCheckAndSetLatency", identity)); } public void open() { jedis = new Jedis(redisHost, redisPort);"Deduplicator={} connected to Redis server host={}, port={}, ping={}", identity, redisHost, redisPort,; } // for test purpose public void open(Jedis jedis) { this.jedis = jedis;"Deduplicator={} connected to Redis server host={}, port={}, ping={}", identity, "testMode", -1,; } public void close() { jedis.close();"Deduplicator={} closed connection to Redis server", identity); } /** * * @return true if put; false if duplicate one exists. * @param topicName the AuditMsg is generated for * @param partitionId (partitionId, offset) tells where the AuditMsg is in the auditmsg topic * @param offset * @param host as a filter. not all hosts can send out duplicate msg. * @param uuid */ public boolean isDuplicated(String topicName, int partitionId, long offset, String host, String uuid) throws InterruptedException { if (maybeDuplicate(host)) { // topicName, partitionId, offset, uuid ID a msg uniquely. host as a filter logger.debug("Deduplicator={} checking msg topic={}, partitionId={}, offset={}, host={}, uuid={}", identity, topicName, partitionId, offset, host, uuid); int retry = 3; while (retry > 0) { Timer.Context ctx = REDIS_CAS_LATENCY.time(); try { String partitionIdOffsetInMap = jedis.get(uuid); String curPartitionIdOffset = partitionId + "_" + offset; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(partitionIdOffsetInMap) && !partitionIdOffsetInMap.equals("OK")) { // on closing, OK is returned instead of value for the key if (!partitionIdOffsetInMap.equals(curPartitionIdOffset)) { "Deduplicator={} gets DUP msg with uuid={}, curPartOffset={}, partOffsetInMap={}", identity, uuid, curPartitionIdOffset, partitionIdOffsetInMap); DUP_RECORDS_DETECTED.mark(); return true; } else { // re-fetched msg. This is not treated as duplicate. The msg was just not processed // during last run logger.debug( "Deduplicator={} gets OLD msg with uuid={}, curPartOffset={}, partOffsetInMap={}", identity, uuid, curPartitionIdOffset, partitionIdOffsetInMap); OLD_RECORDS_DETECTED.mark(); } } else { logger.debug( "Deduplicator={} gets NEW msg with uuid={}, curPartOffset={}, partOffsetInMap={}", identity, uuid, curPartitionIdOffset, partitionIdOffsetInMap); jedis.setex(uuid, keyTTLInSec, curPartitionIdOffset); } break; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(String.format("Deduplicator=%d got exception to access redis. RetryLeft=%d", identity, (--retry)), e); REDIS_CAS_FAILURE.mark(); // disconnect cleanup internal objects and can trigger reconnect on next request jedis.disconnect(); Thread.sleep(500); } finally { ctx.stop(); } } } return false; } private boolean maybeDuplicate(String host) { return hostSetWithDup.contains(host) || (hasDupHostPrefix && host.startsWith(dupHostPrefix)); } }