Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Uber Technologies, Inc. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * */ package com.uber.hoodie.utilities.sources; import com.uber.hoodie.common.util.FSUtils; import com.uber.hoodie.exception.HoodieIOException; import com.uber.hoodie.exception.HoodieNotSupportedException; import com.uber.hoodie.utilities.UtilHelpers; import com.uber.hoodie.utilities.schema.SchemaProvider; import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord; import org.apache.avro.mapred.AvroKey; import org.apache.avro.mapreduce.AvroKeyInputFormat; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.LocatedFileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.RemoteIterator; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import; /** * Source to read data from a given DFS directory structure, incrementally */ public class DFSSource extends Source { /** * Configs supported */ static class Config { private final static String ROOT_INPUT_PATH_PROP = "hoodie.deltastreamer.source.dfs.root"; } private final static List<String> IGNORE_FILEPREFIX_LIST = Arrays.asList(".", "_"); private final transient FileSystem fs; public DFSSource(PropertiesConfiguration config, JavaSparkContext sparkContext, SourceDataFormat dataFormat, SchemaProvider schemaProvider) { super(config, sparkContext, dataFormat, schemaProvider); this.fs = FSUtils.getFs(); UtilHelpers.checkRequiredProperties(config, Arrays.asList(Config.ROOT_INPUT_PATH_PROP)); } public static JavaRDD<GenericRecord> fromAvroFiles(final AvroConvertor convertor, String pathStr, JavaSparkContext sparkContext) { JavaPairRDD<AvroKey, NullWritable> avroRDD = sparkContext.newAPIHadoopFile(pathStr, AvroKeyInputFormat.class, AvroKey.class, NullWritable.class, sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration()); return avroRDD.keys().map(r -> ((GenericRecord) r.datum())); } public static JavaRDD<GenericRecord> fromJsonFiles(final AvroConvertor convertor, String pathStr, JavaSparkContext sparkContext) { return sparkContext.textFile(pathStr).map((String j) -> { return convertor.fromJson(j); }); } public static JavaRDD<GenericRecord> fromFiles(SourceDataFormat dataFormat, final AvroConvertor convertor, String pathStr, JavaSparkContext sparkContext) { if (dataFormat == SourceDataFormat.AVRO) { return DFSSource.fromAvroFiles(convertor, pathStr, sparkContext); } else if (dataFormat == SourceDataFormat.JSON) { return DFSSource.fromJsonFiles(convertor, pathStr, sparkContext); } else { throw new HoodieNotSupportedException("Unsupported data format :" + dataFormat); } } @Override public Pair<Optional<JavaRDD<GenericRecord>>, String> fetchNewData(Optional<String> lastCheckpointStr, long maxInputBytes) { try { // obtain all eligible files under root folder. List<FileStatus> eligibleFiles = new ArrayList<>(); RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> fitr = fs .listFiles(new Path(config.getString(Config.ROOT_INPUT_PATH_PROP)), true); while (fitr.hasNext()) { LocatedFileStatus fileStatus =; if (fileStatus.isDirectory() || .filter(pfx -> fileStatus.getPath().getName().startsWith(pfx)).count() > 0) { continue; } eligibleFiles.add(fileStatus); } // sort them by modification time. eligibleFiles.sort((FileStatus f1, FileStatus f2) -> Long.valueOf(f1.getModificationTime()) .compareTo(Long.valueOf(f2.getModificationTime()))); // Filter based on checkpoint & input size, if needed long currentBytes = 0; long maxModificationTime = Long.MIN_VALUE; List<FileStatus> filteredFiles = new ArrayList<>(); for (FileStatus f : eligibleFiles) { if (lastCheckpointStr.isPresent() && f.getModificationTime() <= Long.valueOf(lastCheckpointStr.get())) { // skip processed files continue; } maxModificationTime = f.getModificationTime(); currentBytes += f.getLen(); filteredFiles.add(f); if (currentBytes >= maxInputBytes) { // we have enough data, we are done break; } } // no data to read if (filteredFiles.size() == 0) { return new ImmutablePair<>(Optional.empty(), lastCheckpointStr.isPresent() ? lastCheckpointStr.get() : String.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE)); } // read the files out. String pathStr = -> f.getPath().toString()) .collect(Collectors.joining(",")); String schemaStr = schemaProvider.getSourceSchema().toString(); final AvroConvertor avroConvertor = new AvroConvertor(schemaStr); return new ImmutablePair<>( Optional.of(DFSSource.fromFiles(dataFormat, avroConvertor, pathStr, sparkContext)), String.valueOf(maxModificationTime)); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new HoodieIOException("Unable to read from source from checkpoint: " + lastCheckpointStr, ioe); } } }