Source code

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 *  Copyright (c) 2018 Uber Technologies, Inc. (
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.

package com.uber.hoodie.common.util.collection.converter;

import com.uber.hoodie.common.model.HoodieKey;
import com.uber.hoodie.common.model.HoodieRecord;
import com.uber.hoodie.common.model.HoodieRecordLocation;
import com.uber.hoodie.common.model.HoodieRecordPayload;
import com.uber.hoodie.common.util.HoodieAvroUtils;
import com.uber.hoodie.common.util.ReflectionUtils;
import com.uber.hoodie.exception.HoodieNotSerializableException;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Triple;
import org.apache.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

 * A default converter implementation for HoodieRecord
public class HoodieRecordConverter<V> implements Converter<HoodieRecord<? extends HoodieRecordPayload>> {

    // Schema used to get GenericRecord from HoodieRecordPayload then convert to bytes and vice-versa
    private final Schema schema;
    // The client implementation of HoodieRecordPayload used to re-create HoodieRecord from bytes
    private final String payloadClazz;

    private static Logger log = LogManager.getLogger(HoodieRecordConverter.class);

    public HoodieRecordConverter(Schema schema, String payloadClazz) {
        this.schema = schema;
        this.payloadClazz = payloadClazz;

    public byte[] getBytes(HoodieRecord hoodieRecord) {
        try {
            // Need to initialize this to 0 bytes since deletes are handled by putting an empty record in HoodieRecord
            byte[] val = new byte[0];
            if (hoodieRecord.getData().getInsertValue(schema).isPresent()) {
                val = HoodieAvroUtils
                        .avroToBytes((GenericRecord) hoodieRecord.getData().getInsertValue(schema).get());
            byte[] currentLocation = hoodieRecord.getCurrentLocation() != null
                    ? SerializationUtils.serialize(hoodieRecord.getCurrentLocation())
                    : new byte[0];
            byte[] newLocation = hoodieRecord.getNewLocation().isPresent()
                    ? SerializationUtils.serialize((HoodieRecordLocation) hoodieRecord.getNewLocation().get())
                    : new byte[0];

            // Triple<Pair<RecordKey, PartitionPath>, Pair<oldLocation, newLocation>, data>
            Triple<Pair<String, String>, Pair<byte[], byte[]>, byte[]> data = Triple.of(
                    Pair.of(hoodieRecord.getKey().getRecordKey(), hoodieRecord.getKey().getPartitionPath()),
                    Pair.of(currentLocation, newLocation), val);
            return SerializationUtils.serialize(data);
        } catch (IOException io) {
            throw new HoodieNotSerializableException("Cannot serialize value to bytes", io);

    public HoodieRecord getData(byte[] bytes) {
        try {
            Triple<Pair<String, String>, Pair<byte[], byte[]>, byte[]> data = SerializationUtils.deserialize(bytes);
            Optional<GenericRecord> payload = Optional.empty();
            HoodieRecordLocation currentLocation = null;
            HoodieRecordLocation newLocation = null;
            if (data.getRight().length > 0) {
                // This can happen if the record is deleted, the payload is optional with 0 bytes
                payload = Optional.of(HoodieAvroUtils.bytesToAvro(data.getRight(), schema));
            // Get the currentLocation for the HoodieRecord
            if (data.getMiddle().getLeft().length > 0) {
                currentLocation = SerializationUtils.deserialize(data.getMiddle().getLeft());
            // Get the newLocation for the HoodieRecord
            if (data.getMiddle().getRight().length > 0) {
                newLocation = SerializationUtils.deserialize(data.getMiddle().getRight());
            HoodieRecord<? extends HoodieRecordPayload> hoodieRecord = new HoodieRecord<>(
                    new HoodieKey(data.getLeft().getKey(), data.getLeft().getValue()),
                    ReflectionUtils.loadPayload(payloadClazz, new Object[] { payload }, Optional.class));
            return hoodieRecord;
        } catch (IOException io) {
            throw new HoodieNotSerializableException("Cannot de-serialize value from bytes", io);