Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Uber Technologies, Inc. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.uber.hoodie.common.table; import com.uber.hoodie.common.table.timeline.HoodieDefaultTimeline; import com.uber.hoodie.common.table.timeline.HoodieInstant; import com.uber.hoodie.common.table.timeline.HoodieInstant.State; import; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.BiPredicate; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; /** * HoodieTimeline is a view of meta-data instants in the hoodie dataset. Instants are specific * points in time represented as HoodieInstant. <p> Timelines are immutable once created and * operations create new instance of timelines which filter on the instants and this can be * chained. * * @see com.uber.hoodie.common.table.HoodieTableMetaClient * @see HoodieDefaultTimeline * @see HoodieInstant * @since 0.3.0 */ public interface HoodieTimeline extends Serializable { String COMMIT_ACTION = "commit"; String DELTA_COMMIT_ACTION = "deltacommit"; String CLEAN_ACTION = "clean"; String ROLLBACK_ACTION = "rollback"; String SAVEPOINT_ACTION = "savepoint"; String INFLIGHT_EXTENSION = ".inflight"; // With Async Compaction, compaction instant can be in 3 states : // (compaction-requested), (compaction-inflight), (completed) String COMPACTION_ACTION = "compaction"; String REQUESTED_EXTENSION = ".requested"; String COMMIT_EXTENSION = "." + COMMIT_ACTION; String DELTA_COMMIT_EXTENSION = "." + DELTA_COMMIT_ACTION; String CLEAN_EXTENSION = "." + CLEAN_ACTION; String ROLLBACK_EXTENSION = "." + ROLLBACK_ACTION; String SAVEPOINT_EXTENSION = "." + SAVEPOINT_ACTION; //this is to preserve backwards compatibility on commit in-flight filenames String INFLIGHT_COMMIT_EXTENSION = INFLIGHT_EXTENSION; String INFLIGHT_DELTA_COMMIT_EXTENSION = "." + DELTA_COMMIT_ACTION + INFLIGHT_EXTENSION; String INFLIGHT_CLEAN_EXTENSION = "." + CLEAN_ACTION + INFLIGHT_EXTENSION; String INFLIGHT_ROLLBACK_EXTENSION = "." + ROLLBACK_ACTION + INFLIGHT_EXTENSION; String INFLIGHT_SAVEPOINT_EXTENSION = "." + SAVEPOINT_ACTION + INFLIGHT_EXTENSION; String REQUESTED_COMPACTION_SUFFIX = StringUtils.join(COMPACTION_ACTION, REQUESTED_EXTENSION); String REQUESTED_COMPACTION_EXTENSION = StringUtils.join(".", REQUESTED_COMPACTION_SUFFIX); String INFLIGHT_COMPACTION_EXTENSION = StringUtils.join(".", COMPACTION_ACTION, INFLIGHT_EXTENSION); /** * Filter this timeline to just include the in-flights * * @return New instance of HoodieTimeline with just in-flights */ HoodieTimeline filterInflights(); /** * Filter this timeline to just include the in-flights excluding compaction instants * * @return New instance of HoodieTimeline with just in-flights excluding compaction inflights */ HoodieTimeline filterInflightsExcludingCompaction(); /** * Filter this timeline to just include the completed instants * * @return New instance of HoodieTimeline with just completed instants */ HoodieTimeline filterCompletedInstants(); /** * Filter this timeline to just include the completed + compaction (inflight + requested) instants * A RT filesystem view is constructed with this timeline so that file-slice after pending compaction-requested * instant-time is also considered valid. A RT file-system view for reading must then merge the file-slices before * and after pending compaction instant so that all delta-commits are read. * @return New instance of HoodieTimeline with just completed instants */ HoodieTimeline filterCompletedAndCompactionInstants(); /** * Filter this timeline to just include inflight and requested compaction instants * @return */ HoodieTimeline filterPendingCompactionTimeline(); /** * Create a new Timeline with instants after startTs and before or on endTs */ HoodieTimeline findInstantsInRange(String startTs, String endTs); /** * Create a new Timeline with all the instants after startTs */ HoodieTimeline findInstantsAfter(String commitTime, int numCommits); /** * If the timeline has any instants * * @return true if timeline is empty */ boolean empty(); /** * @return total number of completed instants */ int countInstants(); /** * @return first completed instant if available */ Optional<HoodieInstant> firstInstant(); /** * @return nth completed instant from the first completed instant */ Optional<HoodieInstant> nthInstant(int n); /** * @return last completed instant if available */ Optional<HoodieInstant> lastInstant(); /** * @return nth completed instant going back from the last completed instant */ Optional<HoodieInstant> nthFromLastInstant(int n); /** * @return true if the passed instant is present as a completed instant on the timeline */ boolean containsInstant(HoodieInstant instant); /** * @return true if the passed instant is present as a completed instant on the timeline or if the * instant is before the first completed instant in the timeline */ boolean containsOrBeforeTimelineStarts(String ts); /** * @return Get the stream of completed instants */ Stream<HoodieInstant> getInstants(); /** * @return true if the passed in instant is before the first completed instant in the timeline */ boolean isBeforeTimelineStarts(String ts); /** * Read the completed instant details */ Optional<byte[]> getInstantDetails(HoodieInstant instant); /** * Helper methods to compare instants **/ BiPredicate<String, String> EQUAL = (commit1, commit2) -> commit1.compareTo(commit2) == 0; BiPredicate<String, String> GREATER_OR_EQUAL = (commit1, commit2) -> commit1.compareTo(commit2) >= 0; BiPredicate<String, String> GREATER = (commit1, commit2) -> commit1.compareTo(commit2) > 0; BiPredicate<String, String> LESSER_OR_EQUAL = (commit1, commit2) -> commit1.compareTo(commit2) <= 0; BiPredicate<String, String> LESSER = (commit1, commit2) -> commit1.compareTo(commit2) < 0; static boolean compareTimestamps(String commit1, String commit2, BiPredicate<String, String> predicateToApply) { return predicateToApply.test(commit1, commit2); } static HoodieInstant getCompletedInstant(final HoodieInstant instant) { return new HoodieInstant(false, instant.getAction(), instant.getTimestamp()); } static HoodieInstant getCompactionRequestedInstant(final String timestamp) { return new HoodieInstant(State.REQUESTED, COMPACTION_ACTION, timestamp); } static HoodieInstant getCompactionInflightInstant(final String timestamp) { return new HoodieInstant(State.INFLIGHT, COMPACTION_ACTION, timestamp); } static HoodieInstant getInflightInstant(final HoodieInstant instant) { return new HoodieInstant(true, instant.getAction(), instant.getTimestamp()); } static String makeCommitFileName(String commitTime) { return StringUtils.join(commitTime, HoodieTimeline.COMMIT_EXTENSION); } static String makeInflightCommitFileName(String commitTime) { return StringUtils.join(commitTime, HoodieTimeline.INFLIGHT_COMMIT_EXTENSION); } static String makeCleanerFileName(String instant) { return StringUtils.join(instant, HoodieTimeline.CLEAN_EXTENSION); } static String makeInflightCleanerFileName(String instant) { return StringUtils.join(instant, HoodieTimeline.INFLIGHT_CLEAN_EXTENSION); } static String makeRollbackFileName(String instant) { return StringUtils.join(instant, HoodieTimeline.ROLLBACK_EXTENSION); } static String makeInflightRollbackFileName(String instant) { return StringUtils.join(instant, HoodieTimeline.INFLIGHT_ROLLBACK_EXTENSION); } static String makeInflightSavePointFileName(String commitTime) { return StringUtils.join(commitTime, HoodieTimeline.INFLIGHT_SAVEPOINT_EXTENSION); } static String makeSavePointFileName(String commitTime) { return StringUtils.join(commitTime, HoodieTimeline.SAVEPOINT_EXTENSION); } static String makeInflightDeltaFileName(String commitTime) { return StringUtils.join(commitTime, HoodieTimeline.INFLIGHT_DELTA_COMMIT_EXTENSION); } static String makeInflightCompactionFileName(String commitTime) { return StringUtils.join(commitTime, HoodieTimeline.INFLIGHT_COMPACTION_EXTENSION); } static String makeRequestedCompactionFileName(String commitTime) { return StringUtils.join(commitTime, HoodieTimeline.REQUESTED_COMPACTION_EXTENSION); } static String makeDeltaFileName(String commitTime) { return commitTime + HoodieTimeline.DELTA_COMMIT_EXTENSION; } static String getCommitFromCommitFile(String commitFileName) { return commitFileName.split("\\.")[0]; } static String makeFileNameAsComplete(String fileName) { return fileName.replace(HoodieTimeline.INFLIGHT_EXTENSION, ""); } static String makeFileNameAsInflight(String fileName) { return StringUtils.join(fileName, HoodieTimeline.INFLIGHT_EXTENSION); } }