Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Uber Technologies, Inc. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.uber.hoodie.cli.commands; import com.uber.hoodie.cli.HoodieCLI; import com.uber.hoodie.cli.HoodiePrintHelper; import com.uber.hoodie.cli.utils.InputStreamConsumer; import com.uber.hoodie.cli.utils.SparkUtil; import com.uber.hoodie.common.model.HoodiePartitionMetadata; import com.uber.hoodie.common.util.FSUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.spark.launcher.SparkLauncher; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import java.util.List; @Component public class RepairsCommand implements CommandMarker { @CliAvailabilityIndicator({ "repair deduplicate" }) public boolean isRepairDeduplicateAvailable() { return HoodieCLI.tableMetadata != null; } @CliAvailabilityIndicator({ "repair addpartitionmeta" }) public boolean isRepairAddPartitionMetaAvailable() { return HoodieCLI.tableMetadata != null; } @CliCommand(value = "repair deduplicate", help = "De-duplicate a partition path contains duplicates & produce repaired files to replace with") public String deduplicate(@CliOption(key = { "duplicatedPartitionPath" }, help = "Partition Path containing the duplicates", mandatory = true) final String duplicatedPartitionPath, @CliOption(key = { "repairedOutputPath" }, help = "Location to place the repaired files", mandatory = true) final String repairedOutputPath, @CliOption(key = { "sparkProperties" }, help = "Spark Properites File Path", mandatory = true) final String sparkPropertiesPath) throws Exception { SparkLauncher sparkLauncher = SparkUtil.initLauncher(sparkPropertiesPath); sparkLauncher.addAppArgs(SparkMain.SparkCommand.DEDUPLICATE.toString(), duplicatedPartitionPath, repairedOutputPath, HoodieCLI.tableMetadata.getBasePath()); Process process = sparkLauncher.launch(); InputStreamConsumer.captureOutput(process); int exitCode = process.waitFor(); if (exitCode != 0) { return "Deduplicated files placed in: " + repairedOutputPath; } return "Deduplication failed "; } @CliCommand(value = "repair addpartitionmeta", help = "Add partition metadata to a dataset, if not present") public String addPartitionMeta(@CliOption(key = { "dryrun" }, help = "Should we actually add or just print what would be done", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "true") final boolean dryRun) throws IOException { String latestCommit = HoodieCLI.tableMetadata.getActiveTimeline().getCommitTimeline().lastInstant().get() .getTimestamp(); List<String> partitionPaths = FSUtils.getAllFoldersThreeLevelsDown(HoodieCLI.fs, HoodieCLI.tableMetadata.getBasePath()); Path basePath = new Path(HoodieCLI.tableMetadata.getBasePath()); String[][] rows = new String[partitionPaths.size() + 1][]; int ind = 0; for (String partition : partitionPaths) { Path partitionPath = new Path(basePath, partition); String[] row = new String[3]; row[0] = partition; row[1] = "Yes"; row[2] = "None"; if (!HoodiePartitionMetadata.hasPartitionMetadata(HoodieCLI.fs, partitionPath)) { row[1] = "No"; if (!dryRun) { HoodiePartitionMetadata partitionMetadata = new HoodiePartitionMetadata(HoodieCLI.fs, latestCommit, basePath, partitionPath); partitionMetadata.trySave(0); } } rows[ind++] = row; } return HoodiePrintHelper.print(new String[] { "Partition Path", "Metadata Present?", "Action" }, rows); } }