Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Uber Technologies, Inc. ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.uber.hoodie.cli.commands; import com.uber.hoodie.cli.HoodieCLI; import com.uber.hoodie.cli.HoodiePrintHelper; import com.uber.hoodie.cli.utils.InputStreamConsumer; import com.uber.hoodie.cli.utils.SparkUtil; import com.uber.hoodie.common.model.HoodieCommitMetadata; import com.uber.hoodie.common.model.HoodieWriteStat; import com.uber.hoodie.common.table.HoodieTableMetaClient; import com.uber.hoodie.common.table.HoodieTimeline; import com.uber.hoodie.common.table.timeline.HoodieActiveTimeline; import com.uber.hoodie.common.table.timeline.HoodieInstant; import com.uber.hoodie.common.util.NumericUtils; import org.apache.spark.launcher.SparkLauncher; import; import; import; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; @Component public class CommitsCommand implements CommandMarker { @CliAvailabilityIndicator({ "commits show" }) public boolean isShowAvailable() { return HoodieCLI.tableMetadata != null; } @CliAvailabilityIndicator({ "commits refresh" }) public boolean isRefreshAvailable() { return HoodieCLI.tableMetadata != null; } @CliAvailabilityIndicator({ "commit rollback" }) public boolean isRollbackAvailable() { return HoodieCLI.tableMetadata != null; } @CliAvailabilityIndicator({ "commit show" }) public boolean isCommitShowAvailable() { return HoodieCLI.tableMetadata != null; } @CliCommand(value = "commits show", help = "Show the commits") public String showCommits(@CliOption(key = { "limit" }, mandatory = false, help = "Limit commits", unspecifiedDefaultValue = "10") final Integer limit) throws IOException { HoodieActiveTimeline activeTimeline = HoodieCLI.tableMetadata.getActiveTimeline(); HoodieTimeline timeline = activeTimeline.getCommitsAndCompactionsTimeline().filterCompletedInstants(); List<HoodieInstant> commits = timeline.getInstants().collect(Collectors.toList()); String[][] rows = new String[commits.size()][]; Collections.reverse(commits); for (int i = 0; i < commits.size(); i++) { HoodieInstant commit = commits.get(i); HoodieCommitMetadata commitMetadata = HoodieCommitMetadata .fromBytes(timeline.getInstantDetails(commit).get()); rows[i] = new String[] { commit.getTimestamp(), NumericUtils.humanReadableByteCount(commitMetadata.fetchTotalBytesWritten()), String.valueOf(commitMetadata.fetchTotalFilesInsert()), String.valueOf(commitMetadata.fetchTotalFilesUpdated()), String.valueOf(commitMetadata.fetchTotalPartitionsWritten()), String.valueOf(commitMetadata.fetchTotalRecordsWritten()), String.valueOf(commitMetadata.fetchTotalUpdateRecordsWritten()), String.valueOf(commitMetadata.fetchTotalWriteErrors()) }; } return HoodiePrintHelper.print(new String[] { "CommitTime", "Total Written (B)", "Total Files Added", "Total Files Updated", "Total Partitions Written", "Total Records Written", "Total Update Records Written", "Total Errors" }, rows); } @CliCommand(value = "commits refresh", help = "Refresh the commits") public String refreshCommits() throws IOException { HoodieTableMetaClient metadata = new HoodieTableMetaClient(HoodieCLI.fs, HoodieCLI.tableMetadata.getBasePath()); HoodieCLI.setTableMetadata(metadata); return "Metadata for table " + metadata.getTableConfig().getTableName() + " refreshed."; } @CliCommand(value = "commit rollback", help = "Rollback a commit") public String rollbackCommit( @CliOption(key = { "commit" }, help = "Commit to rollback") final String commitTime, @CliOption(key = { "sparkProperties" }, help = "Spark Properites File Path") final String sparkPropertiesPath) throws Exception { HoodieActiveTimeline activeTimeline = HoodieCLI.tableMetadata.getActiveTimeline(); HoodieTimeline timeline = activeTimeline.getCommitsAndCompactionsTimeline().filterCompletedInstants(); HoodieInstant commitInstant = new HoodieInstant(false, HoodieTimeline.COMMIT_ACTION, commitTime); if (!timeline.containsInstant(commitInstant)) { return "Commit " + commitTime + " not found in Commits " + timeline; } SparkLauncher sparkLauncher = SparkUtil.initLauncher(sparkPropertiesPath); sparkLauncher.addAppArgs(SparkMain.SparkCommand.ROLLBACK.toString(), commitTime, HoodieCLI.tableMetadata.getBasePath()); Process process = sparkLauncher.launch(); InputStreamConsumer.captureOutput(process); int exitCode = process.waitFor(); // Refresh the current refreshCommits(); if (exitCode != 0) { return "Commit " + commitTime + " failed to roll back"; } return "Commit " + commitTime + " rolled back"; } @CliCommand(value = "commit showpartitions", help = "Show partition level details of a commit") public String showCommitPartitions( @CliOption(key = { "commit" }, help = "Commit to show") final String commitTime) throws Exception { HoodieActiveTimeline activeTimeline = HoodieCLI.tableMetadata.getActiveTimeline(); HoodieTimeline timeline = activeTimeline.getCommitsAndCompactionsTimeline().filterCompletedInstants(); HoodieInstant commitInstant = new HoodieInstant(false, HoodieTimeline.COMMIT_ACTION, commitTime); if (!timeline.containsInstant(commitInstant)) { return "Commit " + commitTime + " not found in Commits " + timeline; } HoodieCommitMetadata meta = HoodieCommitMetadata .fromBytes(activeTimeline.getInstantDetails(commitInstant).get()); List<String[]> rows = new ArrayList<String[]>(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<HoodieWriteStat>> entry : meta.getPartitionToWriteStats().entrySet()) { String path = entry.getKey(); List<HoodieWriteStat> stats = entry.getValue(); long totalFilesAdded = 0; long totalFilesUpdated = 0; long totalRecordsUpdated = 0; long totalRecordsInserted = 0; long totalBytesWritten = 0; long totalWriteErrors = 0; for (HoodieWriteStat stat : stats) { if (stat.getPrevCommit().equals(HoodieWriteStat.NULL_COMMIT)) { totalFilesAdded += 1; totalRecordsInserted += stat.getNumWrites(); } else { totalFilesUpdated += 1; totalRecordsUpdated += stat.getNumUpdateWrites(); } totalBytesWritten += stat.getTotalWriteBytes(); totalWriteErrors += stat.getTotalWriteErrors(); } rows.add(new String[] { path, String.valueOf(totalFilesAdded), String.valueOf(totalFilesUpdated), String.valueOf(totalRecordsInserted), String.valueOf(totalRecordsUpdated), NumericUtils.humanReadableByteCount(totalBytesWritten), String.valueOf(totalWriteErrors) }); } return HoodiePrintHelper.print( new String[] { "Partition Path", "Total Files Added", "Total Files Updated", "Total Records Inserted", "Total Records Updated", "Total Bytes Written", "Total Errors" }, rows.toArray(new String[rows.size()][])); } @CliCommand(value = "commit showfiles", help = "Show file level details of a commit") public String showCommitFiles(@CliOption(key = { "commit" }, help = "Commit to show") final String commitTime) throws Exception { HoodieActiveTimeline activeTimeline = HoodieCLI.tableMetadata.getActiveTimeline(); HoodieTimeline timeline = activeTimeline.getCommitsAndCompactionsTimeline().filterCompletedInstants(); HoodieInstant commitInstant = new HoodieInstant(false, HoodieTimeline.COMMIT_ACTION, commitTime); if (!timeline.containsInstant(commitInstant)) { return "Commit " + commitTime + " not found in Commits " + timeline; } HoodieCommitMetadata meta = HoodieCommitMetadata .fromBytes(activeTimeline.getInstantDetails(commitInstant).get()); List<String[]> rows = new ArrayList<String[]>(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<HoodieWriteStat>> entry : meta.getPartitionToWriteStats().entrySet()) { String path = entry.getKey(); List<HoodieWriteStat> stats = entry.getValue(); for (HoodieWriteStat stat : stats) { rows.add(new String[] { path, stat.getFileId(), stat.getPrevCommit(), String.valueOf(stat.getNumUpdateWrites()), String.valueOf(stat.getNumWrites()), String.valueOf(stat.getTotalWriteBytes()), String.valueOf(stat.getTotalWriteErrors()) }); } } return HoodiePrintHelper.print( new String[] { "Partition Path", "File ID", "Previous Commit", "Total Records Updated", "Total Records Written", "Total Bytes Written", "Total Errors" }, rows.toArray(new String[rows.size()][])); } @CliAvailabilityIndicator({ "commits compare" }) public boolean isCompareCommitsAvailable() { return HoodieCLI.tableMetadata != null; } @CliCommand(value = "commits compare", help = "Compare commits with another Hoodie dataset") public String compareCommits( @CliOption(key = { "path" }, help = "Path of the dataset to compare to") final String path) throws Exception { HoodieTableMetaClient target = new HoodieTableMetaClient(HoodieCLI.fs, path); HoodieTimeline targetTimeline = target.getActiveTimeline().getCommitsAndCompactionsTimeline() .filterCompletedInstants(); ; HoodieTableMetaClient source = HoodieCLI.tableMetadata; HoodieTimeline sourceTimeline = source.getActiveTimeline().getCommitsAndCompactionsTimeline() .filterCompletedInstants(); ; String targetLatestCommit = targetTimeline.getInstants().iterator().hasNext() ? "0" : targetTimeline.lastInstant().get().getTimestamp(); String sourceLatestCommit = sourceTimeline.getInstants().iterator().hasNext() ? "0" : sourceTimeline.lastInstant().get().getTimestamp(); if (sourceLatestCommit != null && HoodieTimeline.compareTimestamps(targetLatestCommit, sourceLatestCommit, HoodieTimeline.GREATER)) { // source is behind the target List<String> commitsToCatchup = targetTimeline.findInstantsAfter(sourceLatestCommit, Integer.MAX_VALUE) .getInstants().map(HoodieInstant::getTimestamp).collect(Collectors.toList()); return "Source " + source.getTableConfig().getTableName() + " is behind by " + commitsToCatchup.size() + " commits. Commits to catch up - " + commitsToCatchup; } else { List<String> commitsToCatchup = sourceTimeline.findInstantsAfter(targetLatestCommit, Integer.MAX_VALUE) .getInstants().map(HoodieInstant::getTimestamp).collect(Collectors.toList()); return "Source " + source.getTableConfig().getTableName() + " is ahead by " + commitsToCatchup.size() + " commits. Commits to catch up - " + commitsToCatchup; } } @CliAvailabilityIndicator({ "commits sync" }) public boolean isSyncCommitsAvailable() { return HoodieCLI.tableMetadata != null; } @CliCommand(value = "commits sync", help = "Compare commits with another Hoodie dataset") public String syncCommits( @CliOption(key = { "path" }, help = "Path of the dataset to compare to") final String path) throws Exception { HoodieCLI.syncTableMetadata = new HoodieTableMetaClient(HoodieCLI.fs, path); HoodieCLI.state = HoodieCLI.CLIState.SYNC; return "Load sync state between " + HoodieCLI.tableMetadata.getTableConfig().getTableName() + " and " + HoodieCLI.syncTableMetadata.getTableConfig().getTableName(); } }