Java tutorial
/* * GWTPHP is a port to PHP of the GWT RPC package. * This framework is based on GWT. * Design, strategies and part of the methods documentation are developed by Google Inc. * PHP port, extensions and modifications by Rafal M.Malinowski. All rights reserved. * Additional modifications, GWT generators and linkers by Yifei Teng. All rights reserved. * For more information, please see {@link} * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.tyf.gwtphp.linker; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.tyf.gwtphp.linker.types.Field; import com.tyf.gwtphp.linker.types.Function; import com.tyf.gwtphp.linker.types.ObjectArtifact; import com.tyf.gwtphp.linker.types.ServiceArtifact; @LinkerOrder(LinkerOrder.Order.PRE) public class PHPRPCLinker extends AbstractLinker { private static final String GWTPHP_CLASS_SUFFIX = ".class.php"; private static final String GWTPHP_HEADER_SUFFIX = ""; @Override public String getDescription() { return "[Generate PHP headers for RPC]"; } public ArtifactSet link(TreeLogger logger, LinkerContext context, ArtifactSet artifacts) throws UnableToCompleteException { ArtifactSet toReturn = new ArtifactSet(artifacts); logger.log(TreeLogger.INFO, "Generating PHP header files..."); for (ServiceArtifact service : artifacts.find(ServiceArtifact.class)) { emitService(logger, toReturn, service); } for (ObjectArtifact object : artifacts.find(ObjectArtifact.class)) { emitObject(logger, toReturn, object); } return toReturn; } private void emitObject(TreeLogger logger, ArtifactSet toReturn, ObjectArtifact object) throws UnableToCompleteException { logger.log(TreeLogger.INFO, "Processing " + object.getClassName()); toReturn.add(emitString(logger, writeObjectHeader(object), "gwtphp-maps/" + object.getClassDirName() + GWTPHP_HEADER_SUFFIX)); toReturn.add(emitString(logger, writeObjectClass(object), "gwtphp-maps/" + object.getClassDirName() + GWTPHP_CLASS_SUFFIX)); } private String writeObjectClass(ObjectArtifact object) { CustomIndentSourceWriter src = new CustomIndentSourceWriter("\t"); src.println("<?php"); src.print("class %s ", object.getSimpleClassName()); if (object.getSimpleParentClassName() != null) src.print("extends %s ", object.getSimpleParentClassName()); src.println("implements IsSerializable {"); src.indent(); Set<String> keys = object.getFields().keySet(); for (String key : keys) { Field f = object.getFields().get(key); // generate PHP documentation src.beginJavaDocComment(); src.println(); src.println("@var " + f.getTypePHP()); src.endJavaDocComment(); //write field body //TODO: handle different accessibility src.println("public $%s;", f.getName()); src.println(); } src.outdent(); src.println("}"); //end class definition return src.toString(); } private String writeObjectHeader(ObjectArtifact object) { CustomIndentSourceWriter src = new CustomIndentSourceWriter("\t"); Set<String> keys = object.getFields().keySet(); src.println("<?php"); src.println("$gwtphpmap = array("); src.indent(); src.println("'className' => '%s',", object.getClassName()); src.println("'mappedBy' => '%s',", object.getClassName()); src.println("'typeCRC' => '%s',", object.getTypeCRC()); if (object.isInterface()) src.println("'isInterface' => 'true',"); if (object.isAbstract()) src.println("'isAbstract' => 'true',"); src.println("'fields' => array ("); src.indent(); int counter = 0; for (String key : keys) { src.println("array("); src.indent(); Field f = object.getFields().get(key); src.println("'name' => '%s',", f.getName()); src.println("'type' => '%s',", f.getType()); src.outdent(); if (++counter != keys.size()) //end of individual field element src.println("),"); else src.println(")"); } src.outdent(); src.println("),"); //end of fields array if (object.getParentClassName() != null) { src.println("'extends' => '%s'", object.getParentClassName()); } src.outdent(); src.println(");"); //end of object definition return src.toString(); } private void emitService(TreeLogger logger, ArtifactSet toReturn, ServiceArtifact service) throws UnableToCompleteException { logger.log(TreeLogger.INFO, "Processing " + service.getClassName()); toReturn.add(emitString(logger, writeServiceHeader(service), "gwtphp-maps/" + service.getClassDirName() + GWTPHP_HEADER_SUFFIX)); toReturn.add(emitString(logger, writeServiceClass(service), "gwtphp-maps/" + service.getClassDirName() + GWTPHP_CLASS_SUFFIX)); } private String writeServiceClass(ServiceArtifact service) { Set<String> keys = service.getMethods().keySet(); CustomIndentSourceWriter src = new CustomIndentSourceWriter("\t"); src.println("<?php"); src.println("abstract class %s implements RemoteService {", service.getSimpleClassName()); src.indent(); for (String key : keys) { Function f = service.getMethods().get(key); src.println(); src.print("public abstract function %s(", f.getName()); //write argument list for (int i = 0; i < f.getParamNames().length; i++) { if (i != 0) src.print(", "); src.print("$" + f.getParamNames()[i]); } src.println(");"); //closes abstract function definition } src.outdent(); src.println("}"); //closes class definition return src.toString(); } /** * Generates the <class name> file contents * * @param service * @return */ private String writeServiceHeader(ServiceArtifact service) { Set<String> keys = service.getMethods().keySet(); CustomIndentSourceWriter src = new CustomIndentSourceWriter("\t"); src.println("<?php"); src.println("if (!isset($gwtphpmap)) $gwtphpmap = array();"); src.println("$gwtphpmap[] = "); src.indent(); src.println("array("); src.println("'className' => '%s',", service.getClassName()); src.println("'mappedBy' => '%s',", service.getClassName()); src.println("'methods' => array ("); src.indent(); int counter = 0; for (String key : keys) { src.println("array("); src.indent(); Function f = service.getMethods().get(key); src.println("'name' => '%s',", f.getName()); src.println("'mappedName' => '%s',", f.getName()); src.println("'returnType' => '%s',", f.getReturnType()); src.println("'returnTypeCRC' => '%s',", f.getReturnTypeCRC()); src.println("'params' => array("); writeArray(src, f.getParamsTypeNames()); src.println(") ,"); //end of params array src.println("'throws' => array("); writeArray(src, f.getExceptions()); src.println(")"); //end of throws array src.outdent(); if (++counter != keys.size()) //end of individual method element src.println("),"); else src.println(")"); } src.outdent(); src.println("),"); //end of methods array if (service.getParentClassName() != null) { src.println("'extends' => '%s'", service.getParentClassName()); } src.outdent(); src.println(");"); //end of gwtphpmap element return src.toString(); } private void writeArray(SourceWriter src, String[] params) { src.indent(); for (String p : params) { src.println("array('type' => '%s'),", p); } src.outdent(); } }