Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014-2016 TWO SIGMA OPEN SOURCE, LLC * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.twosigma.beaker.scala.util; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import; import java.nio.file.FileSystems; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; import com.twosigma.beaker.table.serializer.TableDisplayDeSerializer; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonProcessingException; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import scala.Predef; import scala.Tuple2; import scala.collection.Iterable; import; import; import com.twosigma.beaker.NamespaceClient; import com.twosigma.beaker.jvm.classloader.DynamicClassLoaderSimple; import com.twosigma.beaker.jvm.object.SimpleEvaluationObject; import com.twosigma.beaker.table.TableDisplay; import com.twosigma.beaker.jvm.serialization.BeakerObjectConverter; import com.twosigma.beaker.jvm.serialization.ObjectDeserializer; import com.twosigma.beaker.jvm.serialization.ObjectSerializer; import com.twosigma.beaker.jvm.threads.BeakerCellExecutor; import scala.collection.JavaConverters; public class ScalaEvaluator { private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScalaEvaluator.class.getName()); protected String shellId; protected String sessionId; protected List<String> classPath; protected List<String> imports; protected String outDir; protected boolean exit; protected boolean updateLoader; protected final BeakerCellExecutor executor; protected workerThread myWorker; protected String currentClassPath; protected String currentImports; private final Provider<BeakerObjectConverter> objectSerializerProvider; protected class jobDescriptor { String codeToBeExecuted; SimpleEvaluationObject outputObject; jobDescriptor(String c, SimpleEvaluationObject o) { codeToBeExecuted = c; outputObject = o; } } protected final Semaphore syncObject = new Semaphore(0, true); protected final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<jobDescriptor> jobQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<jobDescriptor>(); @Inject public ScalaEvaluator(Provider<BeakerObjectConverter> osp) { objectSerializerProvider = osp; executor = new BeakerCellExecutor("scala"); } public void initialize(String id, String sId) { logger.debug("id: {}, sId: {}", id, sId); shellId = id; sessionId = sId; classPath = new ArrayList<String>(); imports = new ArrayList<String>(); exit = false; updateLoader = false; currentClassPath = ""; currentImports = ""; outDir = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(System.getenv("beaker_tmp_dir"), "dynclasses", sessionId) .toString(); try { (new File(outDir)).mkdirs(); } catch (Exception e) { } startWorker(); } protected void startWorker() { myWorker = new workerThread(); myWorker.start(); } public String getShellId() { return shellId; } private static boolean autoTranslationSetup = false; public void setupAutoTranslation() { if (autoTranslationSetup) return; objectSerializerProvider.get() .addfTypeSerializer(new ScalaCollectionSerializer(objectSerializerProvider.get())); objectSerializerProvider.get().addfTypeSerializer(new ScalaMapSerializer(objectSerializerProvider.get())); objectSerializerProvider.get() .addfTypeSerializer(new ScalaPrimitiveTypeListOfListSerializer(objectSerializerProvider.get())); objectSerializerProvider.get() .addfTypeSerializer(new ScalaListOfPrimitiveTypeMapsSerializer(objectSerializerProvider.get())); objectSerializerProvider.get() .addfTypeSerializer(new ScalaPrimitiveTypeMapSerializer(objectSerializerProvider.get())); objectSerializerProvider.get() .addfTypeDeserializer(new ScalaCollectionDeserializer(objectSerializerProvider.get())); objectSerializerProvider.get() .addfTypeDeserializer(new ScalaMapDeserializer(objectSerializerProvider.get())); objectSerializerProvider.get() .addfTypeDeserializer(new ScalaTableDeSerializer(objectSerializerProvider.get())); autoTranslationSetup = true; } public void killAllThreads() { executor.killAllThreads(); } public void cancelExecution() { executor.cancelExecution(); } public void resetEnvironment() { executor.killAllThreads(); updateLoader = true; syncObject.release(); try { newAutoCompleteEvaluator(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { } } public void exit() { exit = true; cancelExecution(); syncObject.release(); } public void setShellOptions(String cp, String in, String od) throws IOException { if (od == null || od.isEmpty()) { od = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(System.getenv("beaker_tmp_dir"), "dynclasses", sessionId) .toString(); } else { od = od.replace("$BEAKERDIR", System.getenv("beaker_tmp_dir")); } // check if we are not changing anything if (currentClassPath.equals(cp) && currentImports.equals(in) && outDir.equals(od)) return; currentClassPath = cp; currentImports = in; outDir = od; if (cp == null || cp.isEmpty()) classPath = new ArrayList<String>(); else classPath = Arrays.asList(cp.split("[\\s" + File.pathSeparatorChar + "]+")); if (imports == null || in.isEmpty()) imports = new ArrayList<String>(); else imports = Arrays.asList(in.split("\\s+")); try { (new File(outDir)).mkdirs(); } catch (Exception e) { } resetEnvironment(); } public void evaluate(SimpleEvaluationObject seo, String code) { // send job to thread jobQueue.add(new jobDescriptor(code, seo)); syncObject.release(); } public List<String> autocomplete(String code, int caretPosition) { if (acshell != null) { String[] sv = code.substring(0, caretPosition).split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < sv.length - 1; i++) { acshell.evaluate2(sv[i]); caretPosition -= sv[i].length() + 1; } ArrayList<CharSequence> ret = acshell.autocomplete(sv[sv.length - 1], caretPosition); ArrayList<String> r2 = new ArrayList<String>(); for (CharSequence c : ret) r2.add(c.toString()); logger.debug("return: {}", r2); return r2; } return null; } protected ScalaEvaluatorGlue shell; protected String loader_cp = ""; protected ScalaEvaluatorGlue acshell; protected String acloader_cp = ""; protected class workerThread extends Thread { public workerThread() { super("scala worker"); } /* * This thread performs all the evaluation */ public void run() { jobDescriptor j = null; NamespaceClient nc = null; while (!exit) { logger.debug("looping"); try { // wait for work syncObject.acquire(); // check if we must create or update class loader if (updateLoader) { shell = null; } // get next job descriptor j = jobQueue.poll(); if (j == null) continue; if (shell == null) { updateLoader = false; newEvaluator(); } j.outputObject.started(); nc = NamespaceClient.getBeaker(sessionId); nc.setOutputObj(j.outputObject); if (!executor.executeTask(new MyRunnable(j.codeToBeExecuted, j.outputObject))) { j.outputObject.error("... cancelled!"); } if (nc != null) { nc.setOutputObj(null); nc = null; } } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (nc != null) { nc.setOutputObj(null); nc = null; } } } NamespaceClient.delBeaker(sessionId); } protected class MyRunnable implements Runnable { protected final String theCode; protected final SimpleEvaluationObject theOutput; public MyRunnable(String code, SimpleEvaluationObject out) { theCode = code; theOutput = out; } @Override public void run() { theOutput.setOutputHandler(); try { shell.evaluate(theOutput, theCode); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof InterruptedException || e instanceof InvocationTargetException || e instanceof ThreadDeath) { theOutput.error("... cancelled!"); } else { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); e.printStackTrace(pw); theOutput.error(sw.toString()); } } theOutput.setOutputHandler(); } }; /* * Scala uses multiple classloaders and (unfortunately) cannot fallback to the java one while compiling scala code so we * have to build our DynamicClassLoader and also build a proper classpath for the compiler classloader. */ protected ClassLoader newClassLoader() throws MalformedURLException { logger.debug("creating new loader"); loader_cp = ""; for (int i = 0; i < classPath.size(); i++) { loader_cp += classPath.get(i); loader_cp += File.pathSeparatorChar; } loader_cp += outDir; DynamicClassLoaderSimple cl = new DynamicClassLoaderSimple(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); cl.addJars(classPath); cl.addDynamicDir(outDir); return cl; } protected void newEvaluator() throws MalformedURLException { logger.debug("creating new evaluator"); shell = new ScalaEvaluatorGlue(newClassLoader(), loader_cp + File.pathSeparatorChar + System.getProperty("java.class.path"), outDir); if (!imports.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < imports.size(); i++) { String imp = imports.get(i).trim(); if (imp.startsWith("import")) imp = imp.substring(6).trim(); if (imp.endsWith(".*")) imp = imp.substring(0, imp.length() - 1) + "_"; if (!imp.isEmpty()) { logger.debug("importing : {}", imp); if (!shell.addImport(imp)) logger.warn("ERROR: cannot add import '{}'", imp); } } } logger.debug("creating beaker object"); // ensure object is created NamespaceClient.getBeaker(sessionId); String r = shell.evaluate2("var _beaker = NamespaceClient.getBeaker(\"" + sessionId + "\")\n" + "import language.dynamics\n" + "object beaker extends Dynamic {\n" + " def selectDynamic( field : String ) = _beaker.get(field)\n" + " def updateDynamic (field : String)(value : Any) : Any = {\n" + " _beaker.set(field,value)\n" + " return value\n" + " }\n" + " def applyDynamic(methodName: String)(args: AnyRef*) = {\n" + " def argtypes =\n" + " def method = _beaker.getClass.getMethod(methodName, argtypes: _*)\n" + " method.invoke(_beaker,args: _*)\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); if (r != null && !r.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("ERROR creating beaker object: {}", r); } } } protected ClassLoader newAutoCompleteClassLoader() throws MalformedURLException { logger.debug("creating new autocomplete loader"); acloader_cp = ""; for (int i = 0; i < classPath.size(); i++) { acloader_cp += classPath.get(i); acloader_cp += File.pathSeparatorChar; } acloader_cp += outDir; DynamicClassLoaderSimple cl = new DynamicClassLoaderSimple(ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()); cl.addJars(classPath); cl.addDynamicDir(outDir); return cl; } protected void newAutoCompleteEvaluator() throws MalformedURLException { logger.debug("creating new autocomplete evaluator"); acshell = new ScalaEvaluatorGlue(newAutoCompleteClassLoader(), acloader_cp + File.pathSeparatorChar + System.getProperty("java.class.path"), outDir); if (!imports.isEmpty()) { for (int i = 0; i < imports.size(); i++) { String imp = imports.get(i).trim(); if (imp.startsWith("import")) imp = imp.substring(6).trim(); if (imp.endsWith(".*")) imp = imp.substring(0, imp.length() - 1) + "_"; if (!imp.isEmpty()) { if (!acshell.addImport(imp)) logger.warn("ERROR: cannot add import '{}'", imp); } } } // ensure object is created NamespaceClient.getBeaker(sessionId); String r = acshell.evaluate2("var _beaker = NamespaceClient.getBeaker(\"" + sessionId + "\")\n" + "import language.dynamics\n" + "object beaker extends Dynamic {\n" + " def selectDynamic( field : String ) = _beaker.get(field)\n" + " def updateDynamic (field : String)(value : Any) : Any = {\n" + " _beaker.set(field,value)\n" + " return value\n" + " }\n" + " def applyDynamic(methodName: String)(args: AnyRef*) = {\n" + " def argtypes =\n" + " def method = _beaker.getClass.getMethod(methodName, argtypes: _*)\n" + " method.invoke(_beaker,args: _*)\n" + " }\n" + "}\n"); if (r != null && !r.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("ERROR creating beaker beaker: {}", r); } } class ScalaListOfPrimitiveTypeMapsSerializer implements ObjectSerializer { private final BeakerObjectConverter parent; public ScalaListOfPrimitiveTypeMapsSerializer(BeakerObjectConverter p) { parent = p; } @Override public boolean canBeUsed(Object obj, boolean expand) { if (!expand) return false; if (!(obj instanceof scala.collection.immutable.Seq<?>)) return false; Collection<?> col = scala.collection.JavaConversions.asJavaCollection((Iterable<?>) obj); if (col.isEmpty()) return false; for (Object o : col) { if (!(o instanceof scala.collection.Map<?, ?>)) return false; Map<?, ?> m = scala.collection.JavaConversions.mapAsJavaMap((scala.collection.Map<?, ?>) o); Set<?> keys = m.keySet(); for (Object key : keys) { if (key != null && !parent.isPrimitiveType(key.getClass().getName())) return false; Object val = m.get(key); if (val != null && !parent.isPrimitiveType(val.getClass().getName())) return false; } } return true; } @Override public boolean writeObject(Object obj, JsonGenerator jgen, boolean expand) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException { logger.debug("list of maps"); // convert this 'on the fly' to a datatable Collection<?> col = scala.collection.JavaConversions.asJavaCollection((Iterable<?>) obj); List<Map<?, ?>> tab = new ArrayList<Map<?, ?>>(); for (Object o : col) { Map<?, ?> row = scala.collection.JavaConversions.mapAsJavaMap((scala.collection.Map<?, ?>) o); tab.add(row); } TableDisplay t = new TableDisplay(tab, parent); jgen.writeObject(t); return true; } } class ScalaPrimitiveTypeListOfListSerializer implements ObjectSerializer { private final BeakerObjectConverter parent; public ScalaPrimitiveTypeListOfListSerializer(BeakerObjectConverter p) { parent = p; } @Override public boolean canBeUsed(Object obj, boolean expand) { if (!expand) return false; if (!(obj instanceof scala.collection.immutable.Seq<?>)) return false; Collection<?> col = scala.collection.JavaConversions.asJavaCollection((Iterable<?>) obj); if (col.isEmpty()) return false; for (Object o : col) { if (!(o instanceof scala.collection.immutable.Seq)) return false; Collection<?> col2 = scala.collection.JavaConversions.asJavaCollection((Iterable<?>) o); for (Object o2 : col2) { if (!parent.isPrimitiveType(o2.getClass().getName())) return false; } } return true; } @Override public boolean writeObject(Object obj, JsonGenerator jgen, boolean expand) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException { logger.debug("collection of collections"); Collection<?> m = scala.collection.JavaConversions.asJavaCollection((Iterable<?>) obj); int max = 0; for (Object entry : m) { Collection<?> e = scala.collection.JavaConversions.asJavaCollection((Iterable<?>) entry); if (max < e.size()) max = e.size(); } List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) columns.add("c" + i); List<List<?>> values = new ArrayList<List<?>>(); for (Object entry : m) { Collection<?> e = scala.collection.JavaConversions.asJavaCollection((Iterable<?>) entry); List<Object> l2 = new ArrayList<Object>(e); if (l2.size() < max) { for (int i = l2.size(); i < max; i++) l2.add(null); } values.add(l2); } jgen.writeStartObject(); jgen.writeObjectField("type", "TableDisplay"); jgen.writeObjectField("columnNames", columns); jgen.writeObjectField("values", values); jgen.writeObjectField("subtype", TableDisplay.MATRIX_SUBTYPE); jgen.writeEndObject(); return true; } } class ScalaPrimitiveTypeMapSerializer implements ObjectSerializer { private final BeakerObjectConverter parent; public ScalaPrimitiveTypeMapSerializer(BeakerObjectConverter p) { parent = p; } @Override public boolean canBeUsed(Object obj, boolean expand) { if (!expand) return false; if (!(obj instanceof scala.collection.immutable.Map)) return false; Map<?, ?> m = scala.collection.JavaConversions.mapAsJavaMap((scala.collection.Map<?, ?>) obj); Set<?> keys = m.keySet(); for (Object key : keys) { if (key != null && !parent.isPrimitiveType(key.getClass().getName())) return false; Object val = m.get(key); if (val != null && !parent.isPrimitiveType(val.getClass().getName())) return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean writeObject(Object obj, JsonGenerator jgen, boolean expand) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException { logger.debug("primitive type map"); List<String> columns = new ArrayList<String>(); columns.add("Key"); columns.add("Value"); List<List<?>> values = new ArrayList<List<?>>(); Map<?, ?> m = scala.collection.JavaConversions.mapAsJavaMap((scala.collection.Map<?, ?>) obj); Set<?> keys = m.keySet(); for (Object key : keys) { Object val = m.get(key); List<Object> l = new ArrayList<Object>(); l.add(key.toString()); l.add(val); values.add(l); } jgen.writeStartObject(); jgen.writeObjectField("type", "TableDisplay"); jgen.writeObjectField("columnNames", columns); jgen.writeObjectField("values", values); jgen.writeObjectField("subtype", TableDisplay.DICTIONARY_SUBTYPE); jgen.writeEndObject(); return true; } } class ScalaCollectionSerializer implements ObjectSerializer { private final BeakerObjectConverter parent; public ScalaCollectionSerializer(BeakerObjectConverter p) { parent = p; } @Override public boolean canBeUsed(Object obj, boolean expand) { return obj instanceof scala.collection.immutable.Seq<?>; } @Override public boolean writeObject(Object obj, JsonGenerator jgen, boolean expand) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException { logger.debug("collection"); // convert this 'on the fly' to an array of objects Collection<?> c = scala.collection.JavaConversions.asJavaCollection((Iterable<?>) obj); jgen.writeStartArray(); for (Object o : c) { if (!parent.writeObject(o, jgen, false)) jgen.writeObject(o.toString()); } jgen.writeEndArray(); return true; } } class ScalaMapSerializer implements ObjectSerializer { private final BeakerObjectConverter parent; public ScalaMapSerializer(BeakerObjectConverter p) { parent = p; } @Override public boolean canBeUsed(Object obj, boolean expand) { return obj instanceof scala.collection.immutable.Map<?, ?>; } @Override public boolean writeObject(Object obj, JsonGenerator jgen, boolean expand) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException { logger.debug("generic map"); // convert this 'on the fly' to a map of objects Map<?, ?> m = scala.collection.JavaConversions.mapAsJavaMap((scala.collection.Map<?, ?>) obj); Set<?> keys = m.keySet(); for (Object key : keys) { if (key == null || !(key instanceof String)) { jgen.writeObject(obj.toString()); return true; } } jgen.writeStartObject(); for (Object key : keys) { Object val = m.get(key); jgen.writeFieldName(key.toString()); if (!parent.writeObject(val, jgen, false)) jgen.writeObject(val != null ? (val.toString()) : "null"); } jgen.writeEndObject(); return true; } } class ScalaTableDeSerializer implements ObjectDeserializer { private final BeakerObjectConverter parent; public ScalaTableDeSerializer(BeakerObjectConverter p) { parent = p; parent.addKnownBeakerType("TableDisplay"); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Object deserialize(JsonNode n, ObjectMapper mapper) { org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair<String, Object> deserializeObject = TableDisplayDeSerializer .getDeserializeObject(parent, n, mapper); String subtype = deserializeObject.getLeft(); if (subtype != null && subtype.equals(TableDisplay.DICTIONARY_SUBTYPE)) { return scala.collection.JavaConverters .mapAsScalaMapConverter((Map<String, Object>) deserializeObject.getRight()).asScala() .toMap(Predef.<Tuple2<String, Object>>conforms()); } else if (subtype != null && subtype.equals(TableDisplay.LIST_OF_MAPS_SUBTYPE)) { List<Map<String, Object>> rows = (List<Map<String, Object>>) deserializeObject.getRight(); List<Object> oo = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Map<String, Object> row : rows) { oo.add(JavaConverters.mapAsScalaMapConverter(row).asScala() .toMap(Predef.<Tuple2<String, Object>>conforms())); } return scala.collection.JavaConversions.collectionAsScalaIterable(oo); } else if (subtype != null && subtype.equals(TableDisplay.MATRIX_SUBTYPE)) { List<List<?>> matrix = (List<List<?>>) deserializeObject.getRight(); ArrayList<Object> ll = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (List<?> ob : matrix) { ll.add(scala.collection.JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(ob).toList()); } return scala.collection.JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(ll).toList(); } return deserializeObject.getRight(); } @Override public boolean canBeUsed(JsonNode n) { return n.has("type") && n.get("type").asText().equals("TableDisplay"); } } public class ScalaCollectionDeserializer implements ObjectDeserializer { private final BeakerObjectConverter parent; public ScalaCollectionDeserializer(BeakerObjectConverter p) { parent = p; } @Override public boolean canBeUsed(JsonNode n) { return n.isArray(); } @Override public Object deserialize(JsonNode n, ObjectMapper mapper) { List<Object> o = new ArrayList<Object>(); try { logger.debug("using custom array deserializer"); for (int i = 0; i < n.size(); i++) { o.add(parent.deserialize(n.get(i), mapper)); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception deserializing Collection {}", e.getMessage()); o = null; } if (o != null) return scala.collection.JavaConversions.asScalaBuffer(o).toList(); return null; } } public class ScalaMapDeserializer implements ObjectDeserializer { private final BeakerObjectConverter parent; public ScalaMapDeserializer(BeakerObjectConverter p) { parent = p; } @Override public boolean canBeUsed(JsonNode n) { return n.isObject() && (!n.has("type") || !parent.isKnownBeakerType(n.get("type").asText())); } @Override public Object deserialize(JsonNode n, ObjectMapper mapper) { HashMap<String, Object> o = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { logger.debug("using custom map deserializer"); Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> e = n.getFields(); while (e.hasNext()) { Entry<String, JsonNode> ee =; o.put(ee.getKey(), parent.deserialize(ee.getValue(), mapper)); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception deserializing Map {}", e.getMessage()); o = null; } if (o != null) return scala.collection.JavaConverters.mapAsScalaMapConverter(o).asScala() .toMap(Predef.<Tuple2<String, Object>>conforms()); return null; } } }