Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright (c) 2009 Concurrent, Inc.
 * This work has been released into the public domain
 * by the copyright holder. This applies worldwide.
 * In case this is not legally possible:
 * The copyright holder grants any entity the right
 * to use this work for any purpose, without any
 * conditions, unless such conditions are required by law.

package com.twitter.maple.jdbc;

import cascading.flow.FlowProcess;
import cascading.flow.hadoop.util.HadoopUtil;
import cascading.tap.SinkMode;
import cascading.tap.Tap;
import cascading.tap.TapException;
import cascading.tuple.TupleEntryCollector;
import cascading.tuple.TupleEntryIterator;
import com.twitter.maple.jdbc.db.DBConfiguration;
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.OutputCollector;
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RecordReader;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;

 * Class JDBCTap is a {@link Tap} sub-class that provides read and write access to a RDBMS via JDBC drivers.
 * <p/>
 * This Tap fully supports TABLE DROP and CREATE when given a {@link TableDesc} instance.
 * <p/>
 * When using {@link SinkMode#UPDATE}, Cascading is instructed to not delete the resource (drop the Table)
 * and assumes its safe to begin sinking data into it. The {@link JDBCScheme} is responsible for
 * deciding if/when to perform an UPDATE instead of an INSERT.
 * <p/>
 * Both INSERT and UPDATE are supported through the JDBCScheme.
 * <p/>
 * By sub-classing JDBCScheme, {@link com.twitter.maple.jdbc.db.DBInputFormat}, and {@link com.twitter.maple.jdbc.db.DBOutputFormat},
 * specific vendor features can be supported.
 * <p/>
 * Use {@link #setBatchSize(int)} to set the number of INSERT/UPDATES should be grouped together before being
 * executed. The default vaue is 1,000.
 * <p/>
 * Use {@link #executeQuery(String, int)} or {@link #executeUpdate(String)} to invoke SQL statements against
 * the underlying Table.
 * <p/>
 * Note that all classes under the {@link com.twitter.maple.jdbc.db} package originated from the Hadoop project and
 * retain their Apache 2.0 license though they have been heavily modified to support INSERT/UPDATE and
 * vendor specialization, and a number of other features like 'limit'.
 * @see JDBCScheme
 * @see com.twitter.maple.jdbc.db.DBInputFormat
 * @see com.twitter.maple.jdbc.db.DBOutputFormat
public class JDBCTap extends Tap<JobConf, RecordReader, OutputCollector> {
    /** Field LOG */
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JDBCTap.class);

    private final String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

    /** Field connectionUrl */
    String connectionUrl;
    /** Field username */
    String username;
    /** Field password */
    String password;
    /** Field driverClassName */
    String driverClassName;
    /** Field tableDesc */
    TableDesc tableDesc;
    /** Field batchSize */
    int batchSize = 1000;
    /** Field concurrentReads */
    int concurrentReads = 0;

     * Constructor JDBCTap creates a new JDBCTap instance.
     * <p/>
     * Use this constructor for connecting to existing tables that will be read from, or will be inserted/updated
     * into. By default it uses {@link SinkMode#UPDATE}.
     * @param connectionUrl   of type String
     * @param username        of type String
     * @param password        of type String
     * @param driverClassName of type String
     * @param tableName       of type String
     * @param scheme          of type JDBCScheme
    public JDBCTap(String connectionUrl, String username, String password, String driverClassName, String tableName,
            JDBCScheme scheme) {
        this(connectionUrl, username, password, driverClassName, new TableDesc(tableName), scheme, SinkMode.UPDATE);

     * Constructor JDBCTap creates a new JDBCTap instance.
     * @param connectionUrl   of type String
     * @param driverClassName of type String
     * @param tableDesc       of type TableDesc
     * @param scheme          of type JDBCScheme
     * @param sinkMode        of type SinkMode
    public JDBCTap(String connectionUrl, String driverClassName, TableDesc tableDesc, JDBCScheme scheme,
            SinkMode sinkMode) {
        this(connectionUrl, null, null, driverClassName, tableDesc, scheme, sinkMode);

     * Constructor JDBCTap creates a new JDBCTap instance.
     * <p/>
     * Use this constructor for connecting to existing tables that will be read from, or will be inserted/updated
     * into. By default it uses {@link SinkMode#UPDATE}.
     * @param connectionUrl   of type String
     * @param username        of type String
     * @param password        of type String
     * @param driverClassName of type String
     * @param tableDesc       of type TableDesc
     * @param scheme          of type JDBCScheme
    public JDBCTap(String connectionUrl, String username, String password, String driverClassName,
            TableDesc tableDesc, JDBCScheme scheme) {
        this(connectionUrl, username, password, driverClassName, tableDesc, scheme, SinkMode.UPDATE);

     * Constructor JDBCTap creates a new JDBCTap instance.
     * @param connectionUrl   of type String
     * @param username        of type String
     * @param password        of type String
     * @param driverClassName of type String
     * @param tableDesc       of type TableDesc
     * @param scheme          of type JDBCScheme
     * @param sinkMode        of type SinkMode
    public JDBCTap(String connectionUrl, String username, String password, String driverClassName,
            TableDesc tableDesc, JDBCScheme scheme, SinkMode sinkMode) {
        super(scheme, sinkMode);
        this.connectionUrl = connectionUrl;
        this.username = username;
        this.password = password;
        this.driverClassName = driverClassName;
        this.tableDesc = tableDesc;

        if (tableDesc.getColumnDefs() == null && sinkMode != SinkMode.UPDATE)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "cannot have sink mode REPLACE or KEEP without TableDesc column defs, use UPDATE mode");

        if (sinkMode != SinkMode.UPDATE)
                    "using sink mode: {}, consider UPDATE to prevent DROP TABLE from being called during Flow or Cascade setup",

     * Constructor JDBCTap creates a new JDBCTap instance.
     * <p/>
     * Use this constructor for connecting to existing tables that will be read from, or will be inserted/updated
     * into. By default it uses {@link SinkMode#UPDATE}.
     * @param connectionUrl   of type String
     * @param driverClassName of type String
     * @param tableDesc       of type TableDesc
     * @param scheme          of type JDBCScheme
    public JDBCTap(String connectionUrl, String driverClassName, TableDesc tableDesc, JDBCScheme scheme) {
        this(connectionUrl, driverClassName, tableDesc, scheme, SinkMode.UPDATE);

     * Constructor JDBCTap creates a new JDBCTap instance that may only used as a data source.
     * @param connectionUrl   of type String
     * @param username        of type String
     * @param password        of type String
     * @param driverClassName of type String
     * @param scheme          of type JDBCScheme
    public JDBCTap(String connectionUrl, String username, String password, String driverClassName,
            JDBCScheme scheme) {
        this.connectionUrl = connectionUrl;
        this.username = username;
        this.password = password;
        this.driverClassName = driverClassName;

     * Constructor JDBCTap creates a new JDBCTap instance.
     * @param connectionUrl   of type String
     * @param driverClassName of type String
     * @param scheme          of type JDBCScheme
    public JDBCTap(String connectionUrl, String driverClassName, JDBCScheme scheme) {
        this(connectionUrl, null, null, driverClassName, scheme);

     * Method getTableName returns the tableName of this JDBCTap object.
     * @return the tableName (type String) of this JDBCTap object.
    public String getTableName() {
        return tableDesc.tableName;

     * Method setBatchSize sets the batchSize of this JDBCTap object.
     * @param batchSize the batchSize of this JDBCTap object.
    public void setBatchSize(int batchSize) {
        this.batchSize = batchSize;

     * Method getBatchSize returns the batchSize of this JDBCTap object.
     * @return the batchSize (type int) of this JDBCTap object.
    public int getBatchSize() {
        return batchSize;

     * Method getConcurrentReads returns the concurrentReads of this JDBCTap object.
     * <p/>
     * This value specifies the number of concurrent selects and thus the number of mappers
     * that may be used. A value of -1 uses the job default.
     * @return the concurrentReads (type int) of this JDBCTap object.
    public int getConcurrentReads() {
        return concurrentReads;

     * Method setConcurrentReads sets the concurrentReads of this JDBCTap object.
     * <p/>
     * This value specifies the number of concurrent selects and thus the number of mappers
     * that may be used. A value of -1 uses the job default.
     * @param concurrentReads the concurrentReads of this JDBCTap object.
    public void setConcurrentReads(int concurrentReads) {
        this.concurrentReads = concurrentReads;

     * Method getPath returns the path of this JDBCTap object.
     * @return the path (type Path) of this JDBCTap object.
    public Path getPath() {
        return new Path(getJDBCPath());

    public String getIdentifier() {
        return getJDBCPath() +;

    public String getJDBCPath() {
        return "jdbc:/" + connectionUrl.replaceAll(":", "_");

    public boolean isWriteDirect() {
        return true;

    private JobConf getSourceConf(FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, JobConf conf, String property)
            throws IOException {
        Map<String, String> priorConf = HadoopUtil.deserializeMapBase64(property, true);
        return flowProcess.mergeMapIntoConfig(conf, priorConf);

    public TupleEntryIterator openForRead(FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, RecordReader input) throws IOException {
        // input may be null when this method is called on the client side or cluster side when accumulating
        // for a HashJoin
        return new HadoopTupleEntrySchemeIterator(flowProcess, this, input);

    public TupleEntryCollector openForWrite(FlowProcess<JobConf> flowProcess, OutputCollector output)
            throws IOException {
        if (!isSink())
            throw new TapException("this tap may not be used as a sink, no TableDesc defined");"Creating JDBCTapCollector output instance");
        JDBCTapCollector jdbcCollector = new JDBCTapCollector(flowProcess, this);


        return jdbcCollector;

    public boolean isSink() {
        return tableDesc != null;

    public void sourceConfInit(FlowProcess<JobConf> process, JobConf conf) {
        // a hack for MultiInputFormat to see that there is a child format
        FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(conf, getPath());

        if (username == null)
            DBConfiguration.configureDB(conf, driverClassName, connectionUrl);
            DBConfiguration.configureDB(conf, driverClassName, connectionUrl, username, password);

        super.sourceConfInit(process, conf);

    public void sinkConfInit(FlowProcess<JobConf> process, JobConf conf) {
        if (!isSink())

        // do not delete if initialized from within a task
        try {
            if (isReplace() && conf.get("mapred.task.partition") == null && !deleteResource(conf))
                throw new TapException("unable to drop table: " + tableDesc.getTableName());

            if (!createResource(conf))
                throw new TapException("unable to create table: " + tableDesc.getTableName());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new TapException("error while trying to modify table: " + tableDesc.getTableName());

        if (username == null)
            DBConfiguration.configureDB(conf, driverClassName, connectionUrl);
            DBConfiguration.configureDB(conf, driverClassName, connectionUrl, username, password);

        super.sinkConfInit(process, conf);

    private Connection createConnection() {
        try {
  "creating connection: {}", connectionUrl);


            Connection connection = null;

            if (username == null)
                connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl);
                connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl, username, password);


            return connection;
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException exception) {
            throw new TapException("unable to load driver class: " + driverClassName, exception);
        } catch (SQLException exception) {
            throw new TapException("unable to open connection: " + connectionUrl, exception);

     * Method executeUpdate allows for ad-hoc update statements to be sent to the remote RDBMS. The number of
     * rows updated will be returned, if applicable.
     * @param updateString of type String
     * @return int
    public int executeUpdate(String updateString) {
        Connection connection = null;
        int result;

        try {
            connection = createConnection();

            try {
      "executing update: {}", updateString);

                Statement statement = connection.createStatement();

                result = statement.executeUpdate(updateString);

            } catch (SQLException exception) {
                throw new TapException("unable to execute update statement: " + updateString, exception);
        } finally {
            try {
                if (connection != null)
            } catch (SQLException exception) {
                // ignore
                LOG.warn("ignoring connection close exception", exception);

        return result;

     * Method executeQuery allows for ad-hoc queries to be sent to the remove RDBMS. A value
     * of -1 for returnResults will return a List of all results from the query, a value of 0 will return an empty List.
     * @param queryString   of type String
     * @param returnResults of type int
     * @return List
    public List<Object[]> executeQuery(String queryString, int returnResults) {
        Connection connection = null;
        List<Object[]> result = Collections.emptyList();

        try {
            connection = createConnection();

            try {
      "executing query: {}", queryString);

                Statement statement = connection.createStatement();

                ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(queryString); // we don't care about results

                if (returnResults != 0)
                    result = copyResultSet(resultSet, returnResults == -1 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : returnResults);

            } catch (SQLException exception) {
                throw new TapException("unable to execute query statement: " + queryString, exception);
        } finally {
            try {
                if (connection != null)
            } catch (SQLException exception) {
                // ignore
                LOG.warn("ignoring connection close exception", exception);

        return result;

    private List<Object[]> copyResultSet(ResultSet resultSet, int length) throws SQLException {
        List<Object[]> results = new ArrayList<Object[]>(length);
        int size = resultSet.getMetaData().getColumnCount();

        int count = 0;

        while ( && count < length) {

            Object[] row = new Object[size];

            for (int i = 0; i < row.length; i++)
                row[i] = resultSet.getObject(i + 1);


        return results;

    public boolean createResource(JobConf conf) throws IOException {
        if (resourceExists(conf))
            return true;

        try {
  "creating table: {}", tableDesc.tableName);

        } catch (TapException exception) {
            LOG.warn("unable to create table: {}", tableDesc.tableName);
            LOG.warn("sql failure", exception.getCause());

            return false;

        return resourceExists(conf);

    public boolean deleteResource(JobConf conf) throws IOException {
        if (!isSink())
            return false;

        if (!resourceExists(conf))
            return true;

        try {
  "deleting table: {}", tableDesc.tableName);

        } catch (TapException exception) {
            LOG.warn("unable to drop table: {}", tableDesc.tableName);
            LOG.warn("sql failure", exception.getCause());

            return false;

        return !resourceExists(conf);

    public boolean resourceExists(JobConf conf) throws IOException {
        if (!isSink())
            return true;

        try {
  "test table exists: {}", tableDesc.tableName);

            executeQuery(tableDesc.getTableExistsQuery(), 0);
        } catch (TapException exception) {
            return false;

        return true;

    public long getModifiedTime(JobConf conf) throws IOException {
        return System.currentTimeMillis();

    public String toString() {
        return "JDBCTap{" + "connectionUrl='" + connectionUrl + '\'' + ", driverClassName='" + driverClassName
                + '\'' + ", tableDesc=" + tableDesc + '}';

    public boolean equals(Object object) {
        if (this == object)
            return true;
        if (!(object instanceof JDBCTap))
            return false;
        if (!super.equals(object))
            return false;

        JDBCTap jdbcTap = (JDBCTap) object;

        if (connectionUrl != null ? !connectionUrl.equals(jdbcTap.connectionUrl) : jdbcTap.connectionUrl != null)
            return false;
        if (driverClassName != null ? !driverClassName.equals(jdbcTap.driverClassName)
                : jdbcTap.driverClassName != null)
            return false;
        if (password != null ? !password.equals(jdbcTap.password) : jdbcTap.password != null)
            return false;
        if (tableDesc != null ? !tableDesc.equals(jdbcTap.tableDesc) : jdbcTap.tableDesc != null)
            return false;
        if (username != null ? !username.equals(jdbcTap.username) : jdbcTap.username != null)
            return false;

        return true;

    public int hashCode() {
        int result = super.hashCode();
        result = 31 * result + (connectionUrl != null ? connectionUrl.hashCode() : 0);
        result = 31 * result + (username != null ? username.hashCode() : 0);
        result = 31 * result + (password != null ? password.hashCode() : 0);
        result = 31 * result + (driverClassName != null ? driverClassName.hashCode() : 0);
        result = 31 * result + (tableDesc != null ? tableDesc.hashCode() : 0);
        result = 31 * result + batchSize;
        return result;