Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.twitter.hraven; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.junit.Test; import com.twitter.hraven.datasource.JobIdConverter; import com.twitter.hraven.datasource.JobKeyConverter; import com.twitter.hraven.util.ByteUtil; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; /** * Test the JobKey class. */ public class TestJobKey { private static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestJobKey.class); /** * Confirm that we can properly serialize and deserialize a JobKey. */ @Test public void testKeySerialization() { JobKeyConverter conv = new JobKeyConverter(); JobKey key = new JobKey("cluster1@identifier1", "user1", "app1", 13, "job_20120101235959_0001"); byte[] keyBytes = conv.toBytes(key); JobKey key2 = conv.fromBytes(keyBytes); assertEquals(key.getCluster(), key2.getCluster()); assertEquals(key.getUserName(), key2.getUserName()); assertEquals(key.getAppId(), key2.getAppId()); assertEquals(key.getRunId(), key2.getRunId()); assertEquals(key.getJobId(), key2.getJobId()); // also verify that the runId gets inverted in the serialized byte // representation byte[][] keyParts = ByteUtil.split(keyBytes, Constants.SEP_BYTES); assertEquals(5, keyParts.length); long encodedRunId = Bytes.toLong(keyParts[3]); assertEquals(key.getRunId(), Long.MAX_VALUE - encodedRunId); // test partial keys key = new JobKey("c1@local", "user1", "app1", 15, (String) null); keyBytes = conv.toBytes(key); key2 = conv.fromBytes(keyBytes); assertEquals(key.getCluster(), key2.getCluster()); assertEquals(key.getUserName(), key2.getUserName()); assertEquals(key.getAppId(), key2.getAppId()); assertEquals(key.getRunId(), key2.getRunId()); assertEquals(key.getJobId(), key2.getJobId()); // key with no trailing job Id keyBytes = ByteUtil.join(Constants.SEP_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes("c1@local"), Bytes.toBytes("user1"), Bytes.toBytes("app1"), Bytes.toBytes(Long.MAX_VALUE - 15L)); key2 = conv.fromBytes(keyBytes); assertEquals("c1@local", key2.getCluster()); assertEquals("user1", key2.getUserName()); assertEquals("app1", key2.getAppId()); assertEquals(15L, key2.getRunId()); assertEquals(0L, key2.getJobId().getJobEpoch()); assertEquals(0L, key2.getJobId().getJobSequence()); // key with empty appId key = new JobKey("c1@local", "user1", "", 1234L, "job_201206201718_1941"); keyBytes = conv.toBytes(key); key2 = conv.fromBytes(keyBytes); assertKey(key, key2); } public void assertKey(JobKey expected, JobKey actual) { assertEquals(expected.getCluster(), actual.getCluster()); assertEquals(expected.getUserName(), actual.getUserName()); assertEquals(expected.getAppId(), actual.getAppId()); assertEquals(expected.getRunId(), actual.getRunId()); assertEquals(expected.getJobId(), actual.getJobId()); assertEquals(expected.hashCode(), actual.hashCode()); } /** * Confirm that leading and trailing spaces get ripped off. */ @Test public void testPlainConstructor() { JobKeyConverter conv = new JobKeyConverter(); JobKey key = new JobKey("cluster2@identifier2 ", "user2 ", "appSpace ", 17, " job_20120101235959_1111 "); byte[] keyBytes = conv.toBytes(key); JobKey key2 = conv.fromBytes(keyBytes); assertEquals(key.getUserName(), key2.getUserName()); assertEquals(key.getAppId(), key2.getAppId()); assertEquals(key.getRunId(), key2.getRunId()); assertEquals(key.getJobId(), key2.getJobId()); assertEquals("cluster2@identifier2", key.getCluster()); assertEquals("user2", key.getUserName()); assertEquals("appSpace", key.getAppId()); assertEquals(17, key.getRunId()); assertEquals("job_20120101235959_1111", key.getJobId().getJobIdString()); } /** * Confirm that leading and trailing spaces get ripped off. */ @Test public void testJobDescConstructor() { JobKeyConverter conv = new JobKeyConverter(); JobDesc jobDesc = new JobDesc("cluster2@identifier3 ", "user3 ", "appSpace ", "spaceVersion3 ", 19, " job_20120101235959_1111 ", Framework.NONE); JobKey key = new JobKey(jobDesc); byte[] keyBytes = conv.toBytes(key); JobKey key2 = conv.fromBytes(keyBytes); assertEquals(key.getUserName(), key2.getUserName()); assertEquals(key.getAppId(), key2.getAppId()); assertEquals(key.getRunId(), key2.getRunId()); assertEquals(key.getJobId(), key2.getJobId()); assertEquals("user3", key.getUserName()); assertEquals("cluster2@identifier3", key.getCluster()); assertEquals("appSpace", key.getAppId()); assertEquals(19, key.getRunId()); assertEquals("job_20120101235959_1111", key.getJobId().getJobIdString()); } /** * Checks for correct parsing of job key when run ID may contain the byte * representation of the separator character. */ @Test public void testEncodedRunId() { JobKeyConverter conv = new JobKeyConverter(); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); byte[] encoded = Bytes.toBytes(Long.MAX_VALUE - now); // replace last byte with separator and reconvert to long Bytes.putBytes(encoded, encoded.length - Constants.SEP_BYTES.length, Constants.SEP_BYTES, 0, Constants.SEP_BYTES.length); long badId = Long.MAX_VALUE - Bytes.toLong(encoded);"Bad run ID is " + badId); // assemble a job key with the bad run ID JobIdConverter idConv = new JobIdConverter(); byte[] encodedKey = ByteUtil.join(Constants.SEP_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes("c1@local"), Bytes.toBytes("user1"), Bytes.toBytes("app1"), encoded, idConv.toBytes(new JobId("job_20120101000000_0001"))); JobKey key = conv.fromBytes(encodedKey); assertEquals("c1@local", key.getCluster()); assertEquals("user1", key.getUserName()); assertEquals("app1", key.getAppId()); assertEquals("job_20120101000000_0001", key.getJobId().getJobIdString()); } @Test public void testOrdering() { JobKey key1 = new JobKey("c1@local", "auser", "app", 1234L, "job_20120101000000_0001"); JobKey key2 = new JobKey("c1@local", "auser", "app", 1234L, "job_20120101000000_2222"); JobKey key3 = new JobKey("c1@local", "auser", "app", 1234L, "job_20120101000000_11111"); JobKey key4 = new JobKey("c1@local", "auser", "app", 1345L, "job_20120101000000_0001"); JobKeyConverter conv = new JobKeyConverter(); byte[] key1Bytes = conv.toBytes(key1); byte[] key2Bytes = conv.toBytes(key2); byte[] key3Bytes = conv.toBytes(key3); byte[] key4Bytes = conv.toBytes(key4); // highest run ID should sort first assertTrue(Bytes.compareTo(key4Bytes, key1Bytes) < 0); // job IDs should sort in numeric order assertTrue(Bytes.compareTo(key1Bytes, key2Bytes) < 0); assertTrue(Bytes.compareTo(key2Bytes, key3Bytes) < 0); } @Test public void testToString() { JobKey key = new JobKey("c1@local", "auser", "app", 1345L, "job_20120101000000_0001"); String expected = "c1@local" + Constants.SEP + "auser" + Constants.SEP + "app" + Constants.SEP + 1345L + Constants.SEP + "job_20120101000000_0001"; assertEquals(expected, key.toString()); } }