Source code

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Copyright 2012 Twitter, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package com.twitter.hraven.datasource;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.KeyValue;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put;
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;

import com.twitter.hraven.Constants;
import com.twitter.hraven.Flow;
import com.twitter.hraven.GenerateFlowTestData;
import com.twitter.hraven.HadoopVersion;
import com.twitter.hraven.JobDetails;
import com.twitter.hraven.JobKey;
import com.twitter.hraven.datasource.JobHistoryByIdService;
import com.twitter.hraven.datasource.JobHistoryService;
import com.twitter.hraven.datasource.HRavenTestUtil;

 * Round-trip testing for storage and retrieval of data in job_history table.
public class TestJobHistoryService {
    private static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestJobHistoryService.class);
    private static HBaseTestingUtility UTIL;
    private static HTable historyTable;
    private static JobHistoryByIdService idService;
    private static GenerateFlowTestData flowDataGen;

    public static void setupBeforeClass() throws Exception {
        UTIL = new HBaseTestingUtility();
        historyTable = new HTable(UTIL.getConfiguration(), Constants.HISTORY_TABLE_BYTES);
        idService = new JobHistoryByIdService(UTIL.getConfiguration());
        flowDataGen = new GenerateFlowTestData();


    public void testJobHistoryRead() throws Exception {
        // load some initial data
        // a few runs of the same app

        flowDataGen.loadFlow("c1@local", "buser", "app1", 1234, "a", 3, 10, idService, historyTable);
        flowDataGen.loadFlow("c1@local", "buser", "app1", 1345, "a", 3, 10, idService, historyTable);
        flowDataGen.loadFlow("c1@local", "buser", "app1", 1456, "a", 3, 10, idService, historyTable);

        flowDataGen.loadFlow("c1@local", "buser", "app2", 1212, "a", 1, 10, idService, historyTable);

        flowDataGen.loadFlow("c1@local", "fuser", "app1", 2345, "a", 2, 10, idService, historyTable);
        flowDataGen.loadFlow("c1@local", "fuser", "app1", 2456, "b", 2, 10, idService, historyTable);

        // load flows for checking timebound flow scan with version
        flowDataGen.loadFlow("c3@local", "kuser", "app9", 1395786712000L, "version", 2, 10, idService,
        flowDataGen.loadFlow("c3@local", "kuser", "app9", 1395786725000L, "version", 2, 10, idService,
        flowDataGen.loadFlow("c3@local", "kuser", "app9", 1395786712000L, "version2", 3, 10, idService,

        // read out job history flow directly
        JobHistoryService service = new JobHistoryService(UTIL.getConfiguration());
        try {
            Flow flow = service.getLatestFlow("c1@local", "buser", "app1");
            assertEquals(3, flow.getJobs().size());
            for (JobDetails j : flow.getJobs()) {
                JobKey k = j.getJobKey();
                assertEquals("c1@local", k.getCluster());
                assertEquals("buser", k.getUserName());
                assertEquals("app1", k.getAppId());
                assertEquals(1456L, k.getRunId());
                assertEquals("a", j.getVersion());

            List<Flow> flowSeries = service.getFlowSeries("c1@local", "buser", "app1", 100);
            assertEquals(3, flowSeries.size());
            for (Flow f : flowSeries) {
                for (JobDetails j : f.getJobs()) {
                    JobKey k = j.getJobKey();
                    assertEquals(f.getCluster(), k.getCluster());
                    assertEquals(f.getUserName(), k.getUserName());
                    assertEquals(f.getAppId(), k.getAppId());
                    assertEquals(f.getRunId(), k.getRunId());

            flowSeries = service.getFlowSeries("c1@local", "buser", "app2", 100);
            assertEquals(1, flowSeries.size());
            Flow first = flowSeries.get(0);
            assertEquals(1, first.getJobs().size());
            JobDetails firstJob = first.getJobs().get(0);
            assertEquals("c1@local", firstJob.getJobKey().getCluster());
            assertEquals("buser", firstJob.getJobKey().getUserName());
            assertEquals("app2", firstJob.getJobKey().getAppId());
            assertEquals(1212L, firstJob.getJobKey().getRunId());

            // check the timebound scan for default time
            long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            long startTime = endTime - Constants.THIRTY_DAYS_MILLIS;
            flowSeries = service.getFlowSeries("c1@local", "buser", "app2", "a", true, startTime, endTime, 100);
            assertEquals(0, flowSeries.size());

            // check the timebound scan for start and end times
            endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            startTime = 1395786712000L - 86400000L;
            flowSeries = service.getFlowSeries("c3@local", "kuser", "app9", "version", true, startTime, endTime,
            assertEquals(2, flowSeries.size());

            flowSeries = service.getFlowSeries("c1@local", "fuser", "app1", 100);
            assertEquals(2, flowSeries.size());
            Flow f1 = flowSeries.get(0);
            assertEquals(2, f1.getJobs().size());
            assertEquals("fuser", f1.getUserName());
            assertEquals("app1", f1.getAppId());
            for (JobDetails j : f1.getJobs()) {
                assertEquals(2456L, j.getJobKey().getRunId());
                assertEquals("b", j.getVersion());
            Flow f2 = flowSeries.get(1);
            assertEquals(2, f2.getJobs().size());
            assertEquals("fuser", f2.getUserName());
            assertEquals("app1", f2.getAppId());
            for (JobDetails j : f2.getJobs()) {
                assertEquals(2345L, j.getJobKey().getRunId());
                assertEquals("a", j.getVersion());

            // test reading job history flow by job ID
            String jobId = f2.getJobs().get(0).getJobId();
            Flow f2FromId = service.getFlowByJobID("c1@local", jobId, false);
            assertEquals(f2.getCluster(), f2FromId.getCluster());
            assertEquals(f2.getUserName(), f2FromId.getUserName());
            assertEquals(f2.getAppId(), f2FromId.getAppId());
            assertEquals(f2.getRunId(), f2FromId.getRunId());
            assertEquals(f2.getJobs().size(), f2FromId.getJobs().size());
            for (int i = 0; i < f2.getJobs().size(); i++) {
                JobDetails j1 = f2.getJobs().get(i);
                JobDetails j2 = f2FromId.getJobs().get(i);
                assertEquals(j1.getJobKey(), j2.getJobKey());
                assertEquals(j1.getVersion(), j2.getVersion());

            // try reading a flow series limited to a specific version
            List<Flow> versionSeries = service.getFlowSeries("c1@local", "fuser", "app1", "a", false, 100);
            assertEquals(1, versionSeries.size());
            for (JobDetails j : versionSeries.get(0).getJobs()) {
                assertEquals(2345L, j.getJobKey().getRunId());
                assertEquals("a", j.getVersion());
        } finally {

    public void testGetJobByJobID() throws Exception {
        // load a sample flow
        flowDataGen.loadFlow("c1@local", "buser", "getJobByJobID", 1234, "a", 3, 10, idService, historyTable);

        JobHistoryService service = new JobHistoryService(UTIL.getConfiguration());
        try {
            // fetch back the entire flow
            Flow flow = service.getLatestFlow("c1@local", "buser", "getJobByJobID");
            assertEquals(3, flow.getJobs().size());
            // for each job in the flow, validate that we can retrieve it individually
            for (JobDetails j : flow.getJobs()) {
                JobKey key = j.getJobKey();
                JobDetails j2 = service.getJobByJobID(key.getQualifiedJobId(), false);
                assertJob(j, j2);
        } finally {

    private void checkSomeFlowStats(String version, HadoopVersion hv, int numJobs, long baseStats,
            List<Flow> flowSeries) {
        for (Flow f : flowSeries) {
            assertEquals(numJobs, f.getJobCount());
            assertEquals(numJobs * baseStats, f.getTotalMaps());
            assertEquals(numJobs * baseStats, f.getTotalReduces());
            assertEquals(numJobs * baseStats, f.getHdfsBytesRead());
            assertEquals(numJobs * baseStats, f.getHdfsBytesWritten());
            assertEquals(numJobs * baseStats, f.getMapFileBytesRead());
            assertEquals(numJobs * baseStats, f.getMapFileBytesWritten());
            assertEquals(numJobs * baseStats, f.getMapSlotMillis());
            assertEquals(numJobs * baseStats, f.getReduceFileBytesRead());
            assertEquals(numJobs * baseStats, f.getReduceShuffleBytes());
            assertEquals(numJobs * baseStats, f.getReduceSlotMillis());
            assertEquals(version, f.getVersion());
            assertEquals(hv, f.getHadoopVersion());
            assertEquals(numJobs * baseStats, f.getMegabyteMillis());
            assertEquals(numJobs * 1000, f.getDuration());
            assertEquals(f.getDuration() + GenerateFlowTestData.SUBMIT_LAUCH_DIFF, f.getWallClockTime());


    public void testGetFlowTimeSeriesStats() throws Exception {

        // load a sample flow
        final short numJobsAppOne = 3;
        final short numJobsAppTwo = 4;
        final long baseStats = 10L;

        flowDataGen.loadFlow("c1@local", "buser", "AppOne", 1234, "a", numJobsAppOne, baseStats, idService,
        flowDataGen.loadFlow("c1@local", "buser", "AppTwo", 2345, "b", numJobsAppTwo, baseStats, idService,

        JobHistoryService service = new JobHistoryService(UTIL.getConfiguration());
        try {
            // fetch back the entire flow stats
            List<Flow> flowSeries = service.getFlowTimeSeriesStats("c1@local", "buser", "AppOne", "", 0L, 0L, 1000,
            checkSomeFlowStats("a", HadoopVersion.ONE, numJobsAppOne, baseStats, flowSeries);

            flowSeries = service.getFlowTimeSeriesStats("c1@local", "buser", "AppTwo", "", 0L, 0L, 1000, null);
            checkSomeFlowStats("b", HadoopVersion.ONE, numJobsAppTwo, baseStats, flowSeries);

        } finally {

    public void testRemoveJob() throws Exception {
        // load a sample flow
        flowDataGen.loadFlow("c1@local", "ruser", "removeJob", 1234, "a", 3, 10, idService, historyTable);

        JobHistoryService service = new JobHistoryService(UTIL.getConfiguration());
        try {
            // fetch back the entire flow
            Flow flow = service.getLatestFlow("c1@local", "ruser", "removeJob");
            assertEquals(3, flow.getJobs().size());

            // remove the first job
            List<JobDetails> origJobs = flow.getJobs();
            JobDetails toRemove = origJobs.get(0);
            // drop the the collection so we can compare remaining
  "Removing job " + toRemove.getJobKey());

            Flow flow2 = service.getLatestFlow("c1@local", "ruser", "removeJob");
            assertEquals(2, flow2.getJobs().size());
            for (JobDetails j : flow2.getJobs()) {
                if (j.getJobKey().equals(toRemove.getJobKey())) {
                    fail("Removed job (" + toRemove.getJobKey() + ") is still present in flow!");

            // remaining jobs in the flow should match
            List<JobDetails> flow2Jobs = flow2.getJobs();
            assertEquals(origJobs.size(), flow2Jobs.size());
            for (int i = 0; i < origJobs.size(); i++) {
                JobDetails j1 = origJobs.get(i);
                JobDetails j2 = flow2Jobs.get(i);
                assertJob(j1, j2);
            // TODO: validate deletion of task rows
        } finally {

    private void assertFoundOnce(byte[] column, Put jobPut, int expectedSize, String expectedValue) {
        boolean foundUserName = false;
        List<KeyValue> kv1 = jobPut.get(Constants.INFO_FAM_BYTES, column);
        assertEquals(expectedSize, kv1.size());
        for (KeyValue kv : kv1) {
            assertEquals(Bytes.toString(kv.getValue()), expectedValue);
            // ensure we don't see the same put twice
            // now set this to true
            foundUserName = true;
        // ensure that we got the user name

    public void testSetHravenQueueName() throws FileNotFoundException {

        final String JOB_CONF_FILE_NAME = "src/test/resources/job_1329348432655_0001_conf.xml";

        Configuration jobConf = new Configuration();
        jobConf.addResource(new FileInputStream(JOB_CONF_FILE_NAME));

        String USERNAME = "user";
        JobKey jobKey = new JobKey("cluster1", USERNAME, "Sleep", 1, "job_1329348432655_0001");
        byte[] jobKeyBytes = new JobKeyConverter().toBytes(jobKey);
        Put jobPut = new Put(jobKeyBytes);
        byte[] jobConfColumnPrefix = Bytes.toBytes(Constants.JOB_CONF_COLUMN_PREFIX + Constants.SEP);

        assertEquals(jobPut.size(), 0);

        // check queuename matches user name since the conf has
        // value "default" as the queuename
        JobHistoryService.setHravenQueueNamePut(jobConf, jobPut, jobKey, jobConfColumnPrefix);
        assertEquals(jobPut.size(), 1);
        byte[] column = Bytes.add(jobConfColumnPrefix, Constants.HRAVEN_QUEUE_BYTES);
        assertFoundOnce(column, jobPut, 1, USERNAME);

        // populate the jobConf with all types of queue name parameters
        String expH2QName = "hadoop2queue";
        String expH1PoolName = "fairpool";
        String capacityH1QName = "capacity1aueue";
        jobConf.set(Constants.QUEUENAME_HADOOP2, expH2QName);
        jobConf.set(Constants.FAIR_SCHEDULER_POOLNAME_HADOOP1, expH1PoolName);
        jobConf.set(Constants.CAPACITY_SCHEDULER_QUEUENAME_HADOOP1, capacityH1QName);

        // now check queuename is correctly set as hadoop2 queue name
        // even when the fairscheduler and capacity scheduler are set
        jobPut = new Put(jobKeyBytes);
        assertEquals(jobPut.size(), 0);
        JobHistoryService.setHravenQueueNamePut(jobConf, jobPut, jobKey, jobConfColumnPrefix);
        assertEquals(jobPut.size(), 1);
        assertFoundOnce(column, jobPut, 1, expH2QName);

        // now unset hadoop2 queuename, expect fairscheduler name to be used as queuename
        jobConf.set(Constants.QUEUENAME_HADOOP2, "");
        jobPut = new Put(jobKeyBytes);
        assertEquals(jobPut.size(), 0);
        JobHistoryService.setHravenQueueNamePut(jobConf, jobPut, jobKey, jobConfColumnPrefix);
        assertEquals(jobPut.size(), 1);
        assertFoundOnce(column, jobPut, 1, expH1PoolName);

        // now unset fairscheduler name, expect capacity scheduler to be used as queuename
        jobConf.set(Constants.FAIR_SCHEDULER_POOLNAME_HADOOP1, "");
        jobPut = new Put(jobKeyBytes);
        assertEquals(jobPut.size(), 0);
        JobHistoryService.setHravenQueueNamePut(jobConf, jobPut, jobKey, jobConfColumnPrefix);
        assertEquals(jobPut.size(), 1);
        assertFoundOnce(column, jobPut, 1, capacityH1QName);

        // now unset capacity scheduler, expect default_queue to be used as queuename
        jobConf.set(Constants.CAPACITY_SCHEDULER_QUEUENAME_HADOOP1, "");
        jobPut = new Put(jobKeyBytes);
        assertEquals(jobPut.size(), 0);
        JobHistoryService.setHravenQueueNamePut(jobConf, jobPut, jobKey, jobConfColumnPrefix);
        assertEquals(jobPut.size(), 1);
        assertFoundOnce(column, jobPut, 1, Constants.DEFAULT_QUEUENAME);


    private void assertJob(JobDetails expected, JobDetails actual) {
        assertEquals(expected.getJobKey(), actual.getJobKey());
        assertEquals(expected.getJobId(), actual.getJobId());
        assertEquals(expected.getStatus(), actual.getStatus());
        assertEquals(expected.getVersion(), actual.getVersion());

    public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception {