Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Twitter, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you * may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License * at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in * writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific * language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.twitter.hraven.datasource; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HBaseTestingUtility; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.HTable; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import com.twitter.hraven.HdfsConstants; import com.twitter.hraven.HdfsStats; import com.twitter.hraven.HdfsStatsKey; import com.twitter.hraven.util.StringUtil; /** * Round-trip testing for storage and retrieval of data in job_history table. */ public class TestHdfsStatsService { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TestHdfsStatsService.class); private static HBaseTestingUtility UTIL; private static HTable ht; final int testDataSize = 6; private static ArrayList<String> ownerList = new ArrayList<String>(); private static List<String> pathList = new ArrayList<String>(); private static List<Long> fc = new ArrayList<Long>(); private static ArrayList<Long> sc = new ArrayList<Long>(); private static ArrayList<Long> ac = new ArrayList<Long>(); private static ArrayList<Long> dc = new ArrayList<Long>(); @BeforeClass public static void setupBeforeClass() throws Exception { UTIL = new HBaseTestingUtility(); UTIL.startMiniCluster(); HRavenTestUtil.createSchema(UTIL); ht = new HTable(UTIL.getConfiguration(), HdfsConstants.HDFS_USAGE_TABLE); ownerList.add(0, "user1"); ownerList.add(1, "user2"); ownerList.add(2, "user3"); ownerList.add(3, "user1"); ownerList.add(4, "user2"); ownerList.add(5, "user6"); pathList.add(0, "dir2"); pathList.add(1, "dir3"); pathList.add(2, "dir4"); pathList.add(3, "abc"); pathList.add(4, "abcde2"); pathList.add(5, "dir5"); fc.add(0, 10L); fc.add(1, 120L); fc.add(2, 12345L); fc.add(3, 8000L); fc.add(4, 98L); fc.add(5, 99999L); sc.add(0, 1024567L); sc.add(1, 9000120L); sc.add(2, 992112345L); sc.add(3, 128000L); sc.add(4, 98L); sc.add(5, 811111199999L); ac.add(0, 210L); ac.add(1, 2120L); ac.add(2, 1235L); ac.add(3, 18000L); ac.add(4, 22298L); ac.add(5, 9L); dc.add(0, 3L); dc.add(1, 10L); dc.add(2, 45L); dc.add(3, 100L); dc.add(4, 18L); dc.add(5, 1109L); } @Test public void TestGetLastHourInvertedTimestamp() throws IOException { long ts = 1391896800L; long expectedTop = Long.MAX_VALUE - ts; long actualTop = HdfsStatsService.getEncodedRunId(ts); assertEquals(actualTop, expectedTop); } @Test public void TestGetOlderRunId() { long ts = 1392123600L; int retryCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < HdfsConstants.ageMult.length; i++) { long oldts = HdfsStatsService.getOlderRunId(retryCount, ts); long diff = (ts - oldts) / HdfsConstants.NUM_SECONDS_IN_A_DAY; assertTrue(diff <= HdfsConstants.ageMult[retryCount]); retryCount++; } } @Test public void TestGetAllDirsPathSpecialChars() throws IOException { HdfsStatsService hs = new HdfsStatsService(UTIL.getConfiguration()); long ts = 1392217200L; String cluster1 = "cluster1"; String rootPath = "/dirSpecialChars/"; String pathPrefix = "dir2 dir2!!! dir3"; loadHdfsUsageStats(cluster1, rootPath + pathPrefix, (Long.MAX_VALUE - ts), 10L, 10L, "user1", 1234L, 20L, ht); List<HdfsStats> h1 = hs.getAllDirs(cluster1, rootPath + pathPrefix, 10, ts); assertEquals(h1.size(), 1); HdfsStats h2 = h1.get(0); String path = h2.getHdfsStatsKey().getQualifiedPathKey().getPath(); String[] dirs = path.split("/"); assertEquals(dirs.length, 3); assertEquals(dirs[2], StringUtil.cleanseToken(pathPrefix)); assertEquals(h2.getAccessCountTotal(), 20L); assertEquals(h2.getHdfsStatsKey().getRunId(), ts - (ts % 3600)); assertEquals(h2.getDirCount(), 10L); assertEquals(h2.getFileCount(), 10L); assertEquals(h2.getOwner(), "user1"); assertEquals(h2.getSpaceConsumed(), 1234L); } @Test public void TestGetAllDirsEmpty() throws IOException { HdfsStatsService hs = new HdfsStatsService(UTIL.getConfiguration()); long ts = 1392217200L; String cluster1 = "cluster1"; String pathPrefix = "/dir1/"; List<HdfsStats> h1 = hs.getAllDirs(cluster1, pathPrefix, 10, (Long.MAX_VALUE - ts)); assertEquals(h1.size(), 0); } private void loadHdfsData(long runId, String cluster1, String pathPrefix) throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i < testDataSize; i++) { loadHdfsUsageStats(cluster1, pathPrefix + pathList.get(i), runId, fc.get(i), dc.get(i), ownerList.get(i), sc.get(i), ac.get(i), ht); } } @Test(expected = ProcessingException.class) public void testGetOlderRunIdsException() { int i = HdfsConstants.ageMult.length + 10; HdfsStatsService.getOlderRunId(i, System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000); } private void assertHdfsStats(HdfsStats h2, String cluster1, long runId) { String path = h2.getHdfsStatsKey().getQualifiedPathKey().getPath(); String[] dirs = path.split("/"); assertEquals(dirs.length, 3); int index = pathList.indexOf(dirs[2]); assertTrue(index >= 0); assertEquals((Long) h2.getAccessCountTotal(), ac.get(index)); assertEquals(h2.getHdfsStatsKey().getRunId(), runId); assertEquals((Long) h2.getDirCount(), dc.get(index)); assertEquals((Long) h2.getFileCount(), fc.get(index)); assertEquals(h2.getOwner(), ownerList.get(index)); assertEquals((Long) h2.getSpaceConsumed(), sc.get(index)); } @Test public void TestGetAllDirs() throws IOException { HdfsStatsService hs = new HdfsStatsService(UTIL.getConfiguration()); long ts = 1392217200L; String cluster1 = "getAllDirsCluster1"; String pathPrefix = "/all_dirs_dir1/"; long encodedRunId = (Long.MAX_VALUE - ts); loadHdfsData(encodedRunId, cluster1, pathPrefix); List<HdfsStats> h1 = hs.getAllDirs(cluster1, pathPrefix, 10, ts); assertEquals(h1.size(), testDataSize); for (int i = 0; i < h1.size(); i++) { HdfsStats h2 = h1.get(i); assertHdfsStats(h2, cluster1, ts); } /** * limit the size of response returned */ List<HdfsStats> h2 = hs.getAllDirs(cluster1, pathPrefix, 2, ts); assertEquals(h2.size(), 2); /** * check for a non existent path */ List<HdfsStats> h3 = hs.getAllDirs(cluster1, "nonexistentpath", 100, ts); assertEquals(h3.size(), 0); } /** * loads the stats in the mini cluster * @param cluster1 * @param path * @param fc fileCounts * @param dc directoryCounts * @param owner * @param sc spaceConsumed * @param ac accessCounts * @param htable * @throws IOException */ private void loadHdfsUsageStats(String cluster1, String path, long encodedRunId, long fc, long dc, String owner, long sc, long ac, HTable ht) throws IOException { HdfsStatsKey key = new HdfsStatsKey(cluster1, StringUtil.cleanseToken(path), encodedRunId); HdfsStatsKeyConverter hkc = new HdfsStatsKeyConverter(); Put p = new Put(hkc.toBytes(key)); p.add(HdfsConstants.DISK_INFO_FAM_BYTES, HdfsConstants.FILE_COUNT_COLUMN_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes(fc)); p.add(HdfsConstants.DISK_INFO_FAM_BYTES, HdfsConstants.DIR_COUNT_COLUMN_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes(dc)); p.add(HdfsConstants.DISK_INFO_FAM_BYTES, HdfsConstants.ACCESS_COUNT_TOTAL_COLUMN_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes(ac)); p.add(HdfsConstants.DISK_INFO_FAM_BYTES, HdfsConstants.OWNER_COLUMN_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes(owner)); p.add(HdfsConstants.DISK_INFO_FAM_BYTES, HdfsConstants.SPACE_CONSUMED_COLUMN_BYTES, Bytes.toBytes(sc)); ht.put(p); } private long loadTimeSeries(String cluster, String path, int limit, long startts) throws IOException { long ts = startts; long encodedRunId = (Long.MAX_VALUE - ts); int count = 0; while (count < limit) { loadHdfsUsageStats(cluster, path, encodedRunId, count * 10, count * 30, "user123", count * 1000, count * 100, ht); ts += 7200; encodedRunId = (Long.MAX_VALUE - ts); count++; } long endts = ts; return endts; } @Test public void testFuzzy() throws IOException { final long startts = 1392217200L; String cluster1 = "cluster1_timeseries"; String pathPrefix = "/dir_timeseries/dir12345"; String pathhello = "/hello1/hello2"; int numberStatsExpected = 5; loadTimeSeries(cluster1, pathPrefix, numberStatsExpected, startts); loadTimeSeries(cluster1, pathhello, numberStatsExpected, startts); String cluster4 = "yet_another_one"; String pathPrefix4 = "/dir_timeseries/dir12345"; int numberStatsExpected4 = 5; loadTimeSeries(cluster4, pathPrefix4, numberStatsExpected4, startts); String cluster3 = "abc_something_else"; String pathPrefix3 = "/dir_timeseries/dir12345"; int numberStatsExpected3 = 5; long endts3 = loadTimeSeries(cluster3, pathPrefix3, numberStatsExpected3, startts); HdfsStatsService hs = new HdfsStatsService(UTIL.getConfiguration()); List<HdfsStats> h3 = hs.getHdfsTimeSeriesStats(cluster1, pathPrefix, Integer.MAX_VALUE, startts + 7200 * 3 + 1, startts - 3600); assertEquals(4, h3.size()); HdfsStatsService hs2 = new HdfsStatsService(UTIL.getConfiguration()); List<HdfsStats> h5 = hs2.getHdfsTimeSeriesStats(cluster3, pathPrefix3, Integer.MAX_VALUE, endts3, startts - 3600); assertEquals(numberStatsExpected3, h5.size()); } @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception { UTIL.shutdownMiniCluster(); } }