Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Twitter, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.twitter.aurora.scheduler.http; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.antlr.stringtemplate.StringTemplate; import com.twitter.aurora.gen.CronCollisionPolicy; import com.twitter.aurora.gen.ScheduleStatus; import com.twitter.aurora.gen.apiConstants; import com.twitter.aurora.scheduler.base.JobKeys; import com.twitter.aurora.scheduler.base.Query; import com.twitter.aurora.scheduler.base.Tasks; import com.twitter.aurora.scheduler.cron.CronPredictor; import com.twitter.aurora.scheduler.quota.QuotaManager; import com.twitter.aurora.scheduler.quota.Quotas; import com.twitter.aurora.scheduler.state.CronJobManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.twitter.common.base.Closure; import com.twitter.common.quantity.Amount; import com.twitter.common.quantity.Time; import static; import static com.twitter.aurora.scheduler.base.Tasks.GET_STATUS; import static com.twitter.aurora.scheduler.base.Tasks.LATEST_ACTIVITY; import static com.twitter.common.base.MorePreconditions.checkNotBlank; /** * HTTP interface to provide information about jobs for a specific role. */ @Path("/scheduler/{role}") public class SchedulerzRole extends JerseyTemplateServlet { private static final List<ScheduleStatus> STATUSES = ImmutableList.<ScheduleStatus>builder() .addAll(apiConstants.TERMINAL_STATES).addAll(apiConstants.ACTIVE_STATES).build(); // The freshest task is the latest active task // or the latest inactive task if no active task exists. private static final Ordering<IScheduledTask> FRESH_TASK_ORDER = Ordering.explicit(STATUSES) .onResultOf(GET_STATUS).compound(LATEST_ACTIVITY); @VisibleForTesting static IScheduledTask getFreshestTask(Iterable<IScheduledTask> tasks) { return FRESH_TASK_ORDER.max(tasks); } private final Storage storage; private final CronJobManager cronJobManager; private final CronPredictor cronPredictor; private final String clusterName; private final QuotaManager quotaManager; @Inject SchedulerzRole(Storage storage, CronJobManager cronJobManager, CronPredictor cronPredictor, @ClusterName String clusterName, QuotaManager quotaManager) { super("schedulerzrole"); = checkNotNull(storage); this.cronJobManager = checkNotNull(cronJobManager); this.cronPredictor = checkNotNull(cronPredictor); this.clusterName = checkNotBlank(clusterName); this.quotaManager = checkNotNull(quotaManager); } /** * Fetches the landing page for a role. * * @return HTTP response. */ @GET @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_HTML) public Response get(@PathParam("role") final String role) { return processRequest(Optional.of(role), Optional.<String>absent()); } private Response processRequest(final Optional<String> role, final Optional<String> environment) { return fillTemplate(new Closure<StringTemplate>() { @Override public void execute(StringTemplate template) { if (!role.isPresent()) { template.setAttribute("exception", "Please specify a user."); return; } Map<IJobKey, Map<?, ?>> cronJobs = fetchCronJobsBy(role.get(), environment); List<Job> jobs = fetchJobsBy(role.get(), environment, cronJobs); if (jobs.isEmpty() && cronJobs.isEmpty()) { String msg = "No jobs found for role " + role.get() + (environment.isPresent() ? (" and environment " + environment.get()) : ""); throw new WebApplicationException(Response.status(Status.NOT_FOUND).entity(msg).build()); } template.setAttribute("cluster_name", clusterName); template.setAttribute("role", role.get()); template.setAttribute("environment", environment.orNull()); template.setAttribute("jobs", jobs); template.setAttribute("cronJobs", cronJobs.values()); // TODO(Suman Karumuri): In future compute consumption for role and environment. template.setAttribute("prodResourcesUsed", quotaManager.getConsumption(role.get())); template.setAttribute("nonProdResourcesUsed", getNonProdConsumption(role.get())); template.setAttribute("resourceQuota", getQuota(role.get())); } }); } private IQuota getQuota(final String role) { return Storage.Util.consistentFetchQuota(storage, role).or(Quotas.noQuota()); } private IQuota getNonProdConsumption(String role) { FluentIterable<ITaskConfig> tasks = FluentIterable .from(Storage.Util.weaklyConsistentFetchTasks(storage, Query.roleScoped(role).active())) .transform(Tasks.SCHEDULED_TO_INFO).filter(Predicates.not(Tasks.IS_PRODUCTION)); return Quotas.fromTasks(tasks); } /** * Display jobs for a role and environment. */ @Path("/{environment}") @GET @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_HTML) public Response get(@PathParam("role") final String role, @PathParam("environment") final String environment) { Optional<String> env = Optional.of(environment); if (env.isPresent() && env.get().isEmpty()) { env = Optional.absent(); } return processRequest(Optional.of(role), env); } private Map<IJobKey, Map<?, ?>> fetchCronJobsBy(final String role, final Optional<String> environment) { Predicate<IJobConfiguration> byRoleEnv = new Predicate<IJobConfiguration>() { @Override public boolean apply(IJobConfiguration job) { boolean roleMatch = job.getOwner().getRole().equals(role); boolean envMatch = !environment.isPresent() || job.getKey().getEnvironment().equals(environment.get()); return roleMatch && envMatch; } }; Iterable<IJobConfiguration> jobs = FluentIterable.from(cronJobManager.getJobs()).filter(byRoleEnv); return Maps.transformValues(Maps.uniqueIndex(jobs, JobKeys.FROM_CONFIG), new Function<IJobConfiguration, Map<?, ?>>() { @Override public Map<?, ?> apply(IJobConfiguration job) { return ImmutableMap.<Object, Object>builder().put("jobKey", job.getKey()) .put("name", job.getKey().getName()) .put("environment", job.getKey().getEnvironment()) .put("pendingTaskCount", job.getInstanceCount()) .put("cronSchedule", job.getCronSchedule()) .put("nextRun", cronPredictor.predictNextRun(job.getCronSchedule()).getTime()) .put("cronCollisionPolicy", cronCollisionPolicy(job)) .put("packages", getPackages(job)).build(); } }); } private static CronCollisionPolicy cronCollisionPolicy(IJobConfiguration jobConfiguration) { return CronJobManager.orDefault(jobConfiguration.getCronCollisionPolicy()); } private static String getPackages(IJobConfiguration job) { Set<String> packages = Sets.newHashSet(); // Insert all packages for all tasks in the set to eliminate duplicates ITaskConfig task = job.getTaskConfig(); if (!task.getPackages().isEmpty()) { packages.addAll(Lists .newArrayList(Iterables.transform(task.getPackages(), TransformationUtils.PACKAGE_TOSTRING))); } return Joiner.on(',').join(packages); } private List<Job> fetchJobsBy(final String role, final Optional<String> environment, final Map<IJobKey, Map<?, ?>> cronJobs) { final Function<Map.Entry<IJobKey, Collection<IScheduledTask>>, Job> toJob = new Function<Map.Entry<IJobKey, Collection<IScheduledTask>>, Job>() { @Override public Job apply(Map.Entry<IJobKey, Collection<IScheduledTask>> tasksByJobKey) { IJobKey jobKey = tasksByJobKey.getKey(); Collection<IScheduledTask> tasks = tasksByJobKey.getValue(); Job job = new Job(); job.environment = jobKey.getEnvironment(); = jobKey.getName(); // Pick the freshest task's config and associate it with the job. ITaskConfig freshestConfig = getFreshestTask(tasks).getAssignedTask().getTask(); job.production = freshestConfig.isProduction(); // TODO(Suman Karumuri): Add a source/job type to TaskConfig and replace logic below if (freshestConfig.isIsService()) { job.type = JobType.SERVICE; } else if (cronJobs.containsKey(jobKey)) { job.type = JobType.CRON; } else { job.type = JobType.ADHOC; } for (IScheduledTask task : tasks) { switch (task.getStatus()) { case INIT: case PENDING: job.pendingTaskCount++; break; case ASSIGNED: case STARTING: case RESTARTING: case RUNNING: case KILLING: case PREEMPTING: job.activeTaskCount++; break; case KILLED: case FINISHED: job.finishedTaskCount++; break; case LOST: case FAILED: case UNKNOWN: job.failedTaskCount++; Date now = new Date(); long elapsedMillis = now.getTime() - Iterables.getLast(task.getTaskEvents()).getTimestamp(); if (Amount.of(elapsedMillis, Time.MILLISECONDS).as(Time.HOURS) < 6) { job.recentlyFailedTaskCount++; } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported status: " + task.getStatus()); } } return job; } }; Query.Builder query = environment.isPresent() ? Query.envScoped(role, environment.get()) : Query.roleScoped(role); Multimap<IJobKey, IScheduledTask> tasks = Tasks .byJobKey(Storage.Util.weaklyConsistentFetchTasks(storage, query)); Iterable<Job> jobs = FluentIterable.from(tasks.asMap().entrySet()).transform(toJob); return DisplayUtils.JOB_ORDERING.sortedCopy(jobs); } /** * Template object to represent a job. */ static class Job { private String name; private String environment; private int pendingTaskCount = 0; private int activeTaskCount = 0; private int finishedTaskCount = 0; private int failedTaskCount = 0; private int recentlyFailedTaskCount = 0; private boolean production = false; private JobType type; public String getName() { return name; } public String getEnvironment() { return environment; } public int getPendingTaskCount() { return pendingTaskCount; } public int getActiveTaskCount() { return activeTaskCount; } public int getFinishedTaskCount() { return finishedTaskCount; } public int getFailedTaskCount() { return failedTaskCount; } public int getRecentlyFailedTaskCount() { return recentlyFailedTaskCount; } public boolean getProduction() { return production; } public String getType() { return type.toString(); } } static enum JobType { ADHOC("adhoc"), CRON("cron"), SERVICE("service"); private String jobType; private JobType(String jobType) { this.jobType = jobType; } public String toString() { return jobType; } } }