Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Convertigo SA. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see<>. * * $URL$ * $Author$ * $Revision$ * $Date$ */ package com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.util; import io.swagger.models.Info; import io.swagger.models.Model; import io.swagger.models.Operation; import io.swagger.models.Path; import io.swagger.models.Swagger; import io.swagger.models.parameters.AbstractSerializableParameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.BodyParameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.FormParameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.HeaderParameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.PathParameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.QueryParameter; import io.swagger.models.parameters.SerializableParameter; import; import io.swagger.parser.SwaggerParser; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.wsdl.Definition; import javax.xml.namespace.QName; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthScope; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod; import; import; import; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI; import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlInterface; import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlOperation; import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlProject; import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlRequest; import; import com.eviware.soapui.model.iface.MessagePart; import com.eviware.soapui.model.settings.Settings; import com.eviware.soapui.settings.ProxySettings; import com.eviware.soapui.settings.WsdlSettings; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLVector; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XmlQName; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.connectors.HttpConnector; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Project; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.references.RemoteFileReference; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.references.RestServiceReference; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.references.WebServiceReference; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.transactions.AbstractHttpTransaction; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.transactions.HttpTransaction; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.transactions.JsonHttpTransaction; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.transactions.XmlHttpTransaction; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.variables.RequestableHttpMultiValuedVariable; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.variables.RequestableHttpVariable; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.Engine; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineException; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EnginePropertiesManager.ProxyMode; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.PacManager.PacInfos; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.Version; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.enums.DoFileUploadMode; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.enums.HeaderName; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.enums.HttpMethodType; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.enums.MimeType; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.enums.Parameter; public class WsReference { private RemoteFileReference reference = null; protected WsReference(WebServiceReference reference) { this.reference = reference; } protected WsReference(RestServiceReference reference) { this.reference = reference; } private RemoteFileReference getReference() { return reference; } protected HttpConnector importInto(Project project) throws Exception { boolean needAuthentication = false; try { if (project != null) { RemoteFileReference wsReference = getReference(); if (wsReference != null) { String wsdlUrl = wsReference.getUrlpath(); // test for valid URL new URL(wsdlUrl); needAuthentication = wsReference.needAuthentication(); // SOAP web service if (wsReference instanceof WebServiceReference) { try { // Configure SoapUI settings configureSoapUI(wsdlUrl); // Authenticate if (needAuthentication) { String login = wsReference.getAuthUser(); String password = wsReference.getAuthPassword(); try { //We add login/password into the connection System.setProperty("soapui.loader.username", login); System.setProperty("soapui.loader.password", password); tryAuthentication(wsReference); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("Authentication failure !", e); } } WebServiceReference soapServiceReference = (WebServiceReference) wsReference; return importSoapWebService(project, soapServiceReference); } finally { if (needAuthentication) { //We clear login/password System.setProperty("soapui.loader.username", ""); System.setProperty("soapui.loader.password", ""); } } } // REST web service if (wsReference instanceof RestServiceReference) { RestServiceReference restServiceReference = (RestServiceReference) wsReference; return importRestWebService(project, restServiceReference); } } } } catch (Throwable t) { throw new EngineException("Unable to import the web service reference", t); } return null; } static public int getTotalTaskNumber() { return 9; } private static void tryAuthentication(RemoteFileReference wsReference) throws Exception { URL urlToConnect = wsReference.getUrl(); String wsdlUrl = wsReference.getUrlpath(); String username = wsReference.getAuthUser(); String password = wsReference.getAuthPassword(); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.getState().setCredentials(new AuthScope(urlToConnect.getHost(), urlToConnect.getPort()), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(username, password)); GetMethod get = new GetMethod(wsdlUrl); get.setDoAuthentication(true); int statuscode = client.executeMethod(get); if (statuscode == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED) { throw new Exception(HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED + " - Unauthorized connection!"); } } private static void configureSoapUI(String wsdlUrl) throws Exception { boolean soapuiSettingsChanged = false; Settings settings = SoapUI.getSettings(); if (settings != null) { // WSDL if (!settings.getBoolean(WsdlSettings.XML_GENERATION_ALWAYS_INCLUDE_OPTIONAL_ELEMENTS)) { settings.setBoolean(WsdlSettings.XML_GENERATION_ALWAYS_INCLUDE_OPTIONAL_ELEMENTS, true); soapuiSettingsChanged = true; } if (!settings.getBoolean(WsdlSettings.XML_GENERATION_TYPE_COMMENT_TYPE)) { settings.setBoolean(WsdlSettings.XML_GENERATION_TYPE_COMMENT_TYPE, true); soapuiSettingsChanged = true; } if (!settings.getBoolean(WsdlSettings.XML_GENERATION_TYPE_EXAMPLE_VALUE)) { settings.setBoolean(WsdlSettings.XML_GENERATION_TYPE_EXAMPLE_VALUE, true); soapuiSettingsChanged = true; } if (settings.getBoolean(WsdlSettings.XML_GENERATION_SKIP_COMMENTS)) { settings.setBoolean(WsdlSettings.XML_GENERATION_SKIP_COMMENTS, false); soapuiSettingsChanged = true; } // PROXY ProxyMode proxyMode = Engine.theApp.proxyManager.proxyMode; String proxyExcludes = StringUtils.join(Engine.theApp.proxyManager.getBypassDomains(), ","); String proxyServer = Engine.theApp.proxyManager.getProxyServer(); int proxyPort = Engine.theApp.proxyManager.getProxyPort(); String proxyUser = Engine.theApp.proxyManager.getProxyUser(); String proxyPwd = Engine.theApp.proxyManager.getProxyPassword(); boolean enableProxy = Engine.theApp.proxyManager.isEnabled(); if (enableProxy) { if (proxyMode == { try { URL url = new URL(wsdlUrl); PacInfos pacInfos = Engine.theApp.proxyManager.getPacInfos(url.toString(), url.getHost()); if (pacInfos != null) { proxyServer = pacInfos.getServer(); proxyPort = pacInfos.getPort(); } } catch (Exception e) { } } if (!settings.getBoolean(ProxySettings.ENABLE_PROXY)) { settings.setBoolean(ProxySettings.ENABLE_PROXY, true); soapuiSettingsChanged = true; } if (!proxyExcludes.equals(settings.getString(ProxySettings.EXCLUDES, null))) { settings.setString(ProxySettings.EXCLUDES, proxyExcludes); soapuiSettingsChanged = true; } if (!proxyServer.equals(settings.getString(ProxySettings.HOST, null))) { settings.setString(ProxySettings.HOST, proxyServer); soapuiSettingsChanged = true; } if (!String.valueOf(proxyPort).equals(settings.getString(ProxySettings.PORT, null))) { settings.setString(ProxySettings.PORT, String.valueOf(proxyPort)); soapuiSettingsChanged = true; } if (!proxyUser.equals(settings.getString(ProxySettings.USERNAME, null))) { settings.setString(ProxySettings.USERNAME, proxyUser); soapuiSettingsChanged = true; } if (!proxyPwd.equals(settings.getString(ProxySettings.PASSWORD, null))) { settings.setString(ProxySettings.PASSWORD, proxyPwd); soapuiSettingsChanged = true; } } else { if (settings.getBoolean(ProxySettings.ENABLE_PROXY)) { settings.setBoolean(ProxySettings.ENABLE_PROXY, false); soapuiSettingsChanged = true; } } } if (soapuiSettingsChanged) SoapUI.saveSettings(); } private static HttpConnector importRestWebService(Project project, RestServiceReference restServiceReference) throws Exception { try { HttpConnector httpConnector = null; if (restServiceReference == null) { throw new Exception("Reference is null"); } // Try to parse as a Swagger definition Swagger swagger = null; String urlPath = restServiceReference.getUrlpath(); if (urlPath.startsWith("http")) { swagger = new SwaggerParser().read(urlPath); } else if (urlPath.startsWith("file")) { URL url = new URL(urlPath); File f = new File(url.getPath()); String filePath = f.getAbsolutePath(); swagger = new SwaggerParser().read(filePath); } if (swagger != null) { httpConnector = createRestConnector(swagger); } // Try to parse as a ? definition else { //String jsonString = readFromURL(restServiceReference.getUrl()); //httpConnector = createRestConnector(new JSONObject(jsonString)); throw new Exception("Invalid Swagger definition"); } if (httpConnector != null) { project.add(httpConnector); if (project.getDefaultConnector() == null) { project.setDefaultConnector(httpConnector); } project.hasChanged = true; } return httpConnector; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new Exception("Unable to import REST service", t); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static String readFromURL(URL url) throws Exception { String line; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(""); BufferedReader in = null; try { Boolean isFileUrl = url.getProtocol().equals("file"); in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(isFileUrl ? new FileInputStream(url.getFile()) : url.openStream())); while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { buf.append(line); buf.append("\n"); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new Exception("Unable to read from URL:" + url, e); } finally { try { if (in != null) { in.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { } } return buf.toString(); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static HttpConnector createRestConnector(JSONObject json) throws Exception { try { HttpConnector httpConnector = new HttpConnector(); httpConnector.bNew = true; JSONObject info = json.getJSONObject("info"); httpConnector.setName(StringUtils.normalize(info.getString("title"))); String host = json.getString("host"); int index = host.indexOf(":"); String server = index == -1 ? host : host.substring(0, index); int port = index == -1 ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(host.substring(index + 1, 10)); httpConnector.setServer(server); httpConnector.setPort(port <= 0 ? 80 : port); String basePath = json.getString("basePath"); httpConnector.setBaseDir(basePath); JSONArray _consumes = new JSONArray(); if (json.has("consumes")) { _consumes = json.getJSONArray("consumes"); } JSONArray _produces = new JSONArray(); if (json.has("produces")) { _produces = json.getJSONArray("produces"); } Map<String, JSONObject> models = new HashMap<String, JSONObject>(); JSONObject definitions = new JSONObject(); if (json.has("definitions")) { definitions = json.getJSONObject("definitions"); for (Iterator<String> i = GenericUtils.cast(definitions.keys()); i.hasNext();) { String key =; JSONObject model = definitions.getJSONObject(key); models.put(key, model); } } JSONObject paths = json.getJSONObject("paths"); for (Iterator<String> i1 = GenericUtils.cast(paths.keys()); i1.hasNext();) { String subDir =; JSONObject path = paths.getJSONObject(subDir); for (Iterator<String> i2 = GenericUtils.cast(path.keys()); i2.hasNext();) { String httpVerb =; JSONObject verb = path.getJSONObject(httpVerb); XMLVector<XMLVector<String>> httpParameters = new XMLVector<XMLVector<String>>(); AbstractHttpTransaction transaction = new HttpTransaction(); JSONArray consumes = verb.has("consumes") ? verb.getJSONArray("consumes") : _consumes; List<String> consumeList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < consumes.length(); i++) { consumeList.add(consumes.getString(i)); } String h_ContentType = null; if (consumeList.contains(MimeType.Xml.value())) { h_ContentType = MimeType.Xml.value(); } else if (consumeList.contains(MimeType.Json.value())) { h_ContentType = MimeType.Json.value(); } else { h_ContentType = consumeList.size() > 0 ? consumeList.get(0) : MimeType.WwwForm.value(); } JSONArray produces = verb.has("produces") ? verb.getJSONArray("produces") : _produces; List<String> produceList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < produces.length(); i++) { produceList.add(produces.getString(i)); } String h_Accept = null; if (produceList.contains(h_ContentType)) { h_Accept = h_ContentType; } else { if (produceList.contains(MimeType.Xml.value())) { h_Accept = MimeType.Xml.value(); } else if (produceList.contains(MimeType.Json.value())) { h_Accept = MimeType.Json.value(); } } if (h_Accept != null) { XMLVector<String> xmlv = new XMLVector<String>(); xmlv.add("Accept"); xmlv.add(h_Accept); httpParameters.add(xmlv); if (h_Accept.equals(MimeType.Xml.value())) { transaction = new XmlHttpTransaction(); ((XmlHttpTransaction) transaction).setXmlEncoding("UTF-8"); } else if (h_Accept.equals(MimeType.Json.value())) { transaction = new JsonHttpTransaction(); ((JsonHttpTransaction) transaction).setIncludeDataType(false); } } if (h_ContentType != null) { XMLVector<String> xmlv = new XMLVector<String>(); xmlv.add(HeaderName.ContentType.value()); xmlv.add(h_ContentType); httpParameters.add(xmlv); } String operationId = ""; if (verb.has("operationId")) { operationId = verb.getString("operationId"); } String summary = ""; if (verb.has("summary")) { summary = verb.getString("summary"); } String description = ""; if (verb.has("description")) { description = verb.getString("description"); } String name = StringUtils.normalize(operationId); if (name.isEmpty()) { name = StringUtils.normalize(summary); if (name.isEmpty()) { name = "operation"; } } String comment = summary; if (comment.isEmpty()) { comment = description; } JSONArray parameters = new JSONArray(); if (verb.has("parameters")) { parameters = verb.getJSONArray("parameters"); for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length(); i++) { JSONObject parameter = (JSONObject) parameters.get(i); String type = "string"; if (parameter.has("collectionFormat")) { type = parameter.getString("type"); } String collectionFormat = "csv"; if (parameter.has("collectionFormat")) { collectionFormat = parameter.getString("collectionFormat"); } boolean isMultiValued = type.equalsIgnoreCase("array") && collectionFormat.equals("multi"); RequestableHttpVariable httpVariable = isMultiValued ? new RequestableHttpMultiValuedVariable() : new RequestableHttpVariable(); httpVariable.bNew = true; httpVariable.setName(parameter.getString("name")); httpVariable.setHttpName(parameter.getString("name")); String in = parameter.getString("in"); if (in.equals("query") || in.equals("path") || in.equals("header")) { httpVariable.setHttpMethod(; if (in.equals("header")) { // overrides variable's name : will be treated as dynamic header httpVariable .setName(Parameter.HttpHeader.getName() + parameter.getString("name")); httpVariable.setHttpName(""); // do not post on target server } } else if (in.equals("formData") || in.equals("body")) { httpVariable.setHttpMethod(; if (in.equals("body")) { // overrides variable's name for internal use httpVariable.setName(Parameter.HttpBody.getName()); // add internal __contentType variable RequestableHttpVariable ct = new RequestableHttpVariable(); ct.setName(Parameter.HttpContentType.getName()); ct.setHttpName(""); // do not post on target server ct.setHttpMethod(; ct.setValueOrNull(null); ct.bNew = true; transaction.addVariable(ct); // if (parameter.has("schema")) { //String schema = parameter.getString("schema"); } } } else { httpVariable.setHttpMethod(""); } Object defaultValue = null; if (parameter.has("default")) { defaultValue = parameter.get("default"); } if (defaultValue == null && type.equalsIgnoreCase("array")) { JSONObject items = parameter.getJSONObject("items"); if (items.has("default")) { defaultValue = items.get("default"); } } httpVariable.setValueOrNull(defaultValue); if (parameter.has("description")) { httpVariable.setDescription(parameter.getString("description")); } transaction.addVariable(httpVariable); } } transaction.bNew = true; transaction.setName(name); transaction.setComment(comment); transaction.setSubDir(subDir); transaction.setHttpVerb(HttpMethodType.valueOf(httpVerb.toUpperCase())); transaction.setHttpParameters(httpParameters); transaction.setHttpInfo(true); httpConnector.add(transaction); } } return httpConnector; } catch (Throwable t) { System.out.println(t); throw new Exception("Invalid Swagger format", t); } } private static HttpConnector createRestConnector(Swagger swagger) throws Exception { try { HttpConnector httpConnector = new HttpConnector(); httpConnector.bNew = true; Info info = swagger.getInfo(); String title = info != null ? info.getTitle() : ""; title = title == null || title.isEmpty() ? "RestConnector" : title; httpConnector.setName(StringUtils.normalize(title)); String host = swagger.getHost(); int index = host.indexOf(":"); String server = index == -1 ? host : host.substring(0, index); int port = index == -1 ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(host.substring(index + 1), 10); httpConnector.setServer(server); httpConnector.setPort(port <= 0 ? 80 : port); String basePath = swagger.getBasePath(); httpConnector.setBaseDir(basePath); List<String> _consumeList = swagger.getConsumes(); List<String> _produceList = swagger.getProduces(); //Map<String, Model> models = swagger.getDefinitions(); Map<String, Path> paths = swagger.getPaths(); for (String subDir : paths.keySet()) { Path path = paths.get(subDir); // Add transactions List<Operation> operations = path.getOperations(); for (Operation operation : operations) { List<String> consumeList = operation.getConsumes(); consumeList = consumeList == null || consumeList.isEmpty() ? _consumeList : consumeList; List<String> produceList = operation.getProduces(); produceList = produceList == null || produceList.isEmpty() ? _produceList : produceList; String operationId = operation.getOperationId(); String description = operation.getDescription(); String summary = operation.getSummary(); String name = StringUtils.normalize(operationId); if (name.isEmpty()) { name = StringUtils.normalize(summary); if (name.isEmpty()) { name = "operation"; } } String comment = summary; if (comment.isEmpty()) { comment = description; } HttpMethodType httpMethodType = null; if (operation.equals(path.getGet())) { httpMethodType = HttpMethodType.GET; } else if (operation.equals(path.getPost())) { httpMethodType = HttpMethodType.POST; } else if (operation.equals(path.getPut())) { httpMethodType = HttpMethodType.PUT; } else if (operation.equals(path.getDelete())) { httpMethodType = HttpMethodType.DELETE; } else if (operation.equals(path.getOptions())) { httpMethodType = HttpMethodType.OPTIONS; } XMLVector<XMLVector<String>> httpParameters = new XMLVector<XMLVector<String>>(); AbstractHttpTransaction transaction = new HttpTransaction(); String h_ContentType = MimeType.WwwForm.value(); if (consumeList != null) { if (consumeList.contains(MimeType.Json.value())) { h_ContentType = MimeType.Json.value(); } else if (consumeList.contains(MimeType.Xml.value())) { h_ContentType = MimeType.Xml.value(); } else { h_ContentType = consumeList.size() > 0 ? consumeList.get(0) : MimeType.WwwForm.value(); } } String h_Accept = MimeType.Json.value(); if (produceList != null) { if (produceList.contains(h_ContentType)) { h_Accept = h_ContentType; } else { if (produceList.contains(MimeType.Json.value())) { h_Accept = MimeType.Json.value(); } else if (produceList.contains(MimeType.Xml.value())) { h_Accept = MimeType.Xml.value(); } } if (consumeList == null && h_Accept != null) { h_ContentType = h_Accept; } } if (h_Accept != null) { XMLVector<String> xmlv = new XMLVector<String>(); xmlv.add("Accept"); xmlv.add(h_Accept); httpParameters.add(xmlv); if (h_Accept.equals(MimeType.Xml.value())) { transaction = new XmlHttpTransaction(); ((XmlHttpTransaction) transaction).setXmlEncoding("UTF-8"); } else if (h_Accept.equals(MimeType.Json.value())) { transaction = new JsonHttpTransaction(); ((JsonHttpTransaction) transaction).setIncludeDataType(false); } } // Add variables boolean hasBodyVariable = false; List<io.swagger.models.parameters.Parameter> parameters = operation.getParameters(); for (io.swagger.models.parameters.Parameter parameter : parameters) { //String p_access = parameter.getAccess(); String p_description = parameter.getDescription(); //String p_in = parameter.getIn(); String p_name = parameter.getName(); //String p_pattern = parameter.getPattern(); boolean p_required = parameter.getRequired(); //Map<String,Object> p_extensions = parameter.getVendorExtensions(); boolean isMultiValued = false; if (parameter instanceof SerializableParameter) { SerializableParameter serializable = (SerializableParameter) parameter; if (serializable.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("array")) { if (serializable.getCollectionFormat().equalsIgnoreCase("multi")) { isMultiValued = true; } } } RequestableHttpVariable httpVariable = isMultiValued ? new RequestableHttpMultiValuedVariable() : new RequestableHttpVariable(); httpVariable.bNew = true; httpVariable.setName(p_name); httpVariable.setHttpName(p_name); httpVariable.setRequired(p_required); if (parameter instanceof QueryParameter || parameter instanceof PathParameter || parameter instanceof HeaderParameter) { httpVariable.setHttpMethod(; if (parameter instanceof HeaderParameter) { // overrides variable's name : will be treated as dynamic header httpVariable.setName(Parameter.HttpHeader.getName() + p_name); httpVariable.setHttpName(""); // do not post on target server } if (parameter instanceof PathParameter) { httpVariable.setHttpName(""); // do not post on target server } } else if (parameter instanceof FormParameter || parameter instanceof BodyParameter) { httpVariable.setHttpMethod(; if (parameter instanceof FormParameter) { FormParameter formParameter = (FormParameter) parameter; if (formParameter.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("file")) { httpVariable.setDoFileUploadMode(DoFileUploadMode.multipartFormData); } } else if (parameter instanceof BodyParameter) { hasBodyVariable = true; // overrides variable's name for internal use httpVariable.setName(Parameter.HttpBody.getName()); // add internal __contentType variable /*RequestableHttpVariable ct = new RequestableHttpVariable(); ct.setName(Parameter.HttpContentType.getName()); ct.setHttpMethod(; ct.setValueOrNull(null); ct.bNew = true; transaction.addVariable(ct);*/ BodyParameter bodyParameter = (BodyParameter) parameter; Model model = bodyParameter.getSchema(); if (model != null) { } } } else { httpVariable.setHttpMethod(""); } Object defaultValue = null; if (parameter instanceof AbstractSerializableParameter<?>) { defaultValue = ((AbstractSerializableParameter<?>) parameter).getDefaultValue(); } if (defaultValue == null && parameter instanceof SerializableParameter) { SerializableParameter serializable = (SerializableParameter) parameter; if (serializable.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("array")) { Property items = serializable.getItems(); try { Class<?> c = items.getClass(); defaultValue = c.getMethod("getDefault").invoke(items); } catch (Exception e) { } } } if (defaultValue == null && p_required) { defaultValue = ""; } httpVariable.setValueOrNull(defaultValue); if (p_description != null) { httpVariable.setDescription(p_description); httpVariable.setComment(p_description); } transaction.addVariable(httpVariable); } // Set Content-Type if (h_ContentType != null) { XMLVector<String> xmlv = new XMLVector<String>(); xmlv.add(HeaderName.ContentType.value()); xmlv.add(hasBodyVariable ? h_ContentType : MimeType.WwwForm.value()); httpParameters.add(xmlv); } transaction.bNew = true; transaction.setName(name); transaction.setComment(comment); transaction.setSubDir(subDir); transaction.setHttpVerb(httpMethodType); transaction.setHttpParameters(httpParameters); transaction.setHttpInfo(true); httpConnector.add(transaction); } } return httpConnector; } catch (Throwable t) { System.out.println(t); throw new Exception("Invalid Swagger format", t); } } private static HttpConnector importSoapWebService(Project project, WebServiceReference soapServiceReference) throws Exception { List<HttpConnector> connectors = new ArrayList<HttpConnector>(); HttpConnector firstConnector = null; String wsdlUrl = soapServiceReference.getUrlpath(); WsdlProject wsdlProject = new WsdlProject(); WsdlInterface[] wsdls = WsdlImporter.importWsdl(wsdlProject, wsdlUrl); int len = wsdls.length; if (len > 0) { WsdlInterface iface = wsdls[len - 1]; if (iface != null) { // Retrieve definition name or first service name String definitionName = null; try { Definition definition = iface.getWsdlContext().getDefinition(); QName qname = definition.getQName(); qname = (qname == null ? (QName) definition.getAllServices().keySet().iterator().next() : qname); definitionName = qname.getLocalPart(); } catch (Exception e1) { throw new Exception("No service found !"); } // Modify reference's name if (soapServiceReference.bNew) { // Note : new reference may have already been added to the project (new object wizard) // its name must be replaced with a non existing one ! String newDatabaseObjectName = project.getChildBeanName(project.getReferenceList(), StringUtils.normalize("Import_WS_" + definitionName), true); soapServiceReference.setName(newDatabaseObjectName); } // Retrieve directory for WSDLs to download File exportDir = null; /* For further use... if (!webServiceReference.getFilepath().isEmpty()) { // for update case try { exportDir = webServiceReference.getFile().getParentFile(); if (exportDir.exists()) { File destDir = exportDir; for (int index = 0; destDir.exists(); index++) { destDir = new File(exportDir.getPath()+ "/v" + index); } Collection<File> files = GenericUtils.cast(FileUtils.listFiles(exportDir, null, false)); for (File file: files) { FileUtils.copyFileToDirectory(file, destDir); } } } catch (Exception ex) {} }*/ if (soapServiceReference.bNew || exportDir == null) { // for other cases String projectDir = Engine.PROJECTS_PATH + "/" + project.getName(); exportDir = new File(projectDir + "/wsdl/" + definitionName); for (int index = 1; exportDir.exists(); index++) { exportDir = new File(projectDir + "/wsdl/" + definitionName + index); } } // Download all needed WSDLs (main one and imported/included ones) String wsdlPath = iface.getWsdlContext().export(exportDir.getPath()); // Modify reference's filePath : path to local main WSDL String wsdlUriPath = new File(wsdlPath).toURI().getPath(); String wsdlLocalPath = ".//" + wsdlUriPath.substring(wsdlUriPath.indexOf("/wsdl") + 1); soapServiceReference.setFilepath(wsdlLocalPath); soapServiceReference.hasChanged = true; // Add reference to project if (soapServiceReference.getParent() == null) { project.add(soapServiceReference); } // create an HTTP connector for each binding if (soapServiceReference.bNew) { for (int i = 0; i < wsdls.length; i++) { iface = wsdls[i]; if (iface != null) { Definition definition = iface.getWsdlContext().getDefinition(); XmlSchemaCollection xmlSchemaCollection = WSDLUtils.readSchemas(definition); XmlSchema xmlSchema = xmlSchemaCollection .schemaForNamespace(definition.getTargetNamespace()); HttpConnector httpConnector = createSoapConnector(iface); if (httpConnector != null) { String bindingName = iface.getBindingName().getLocalPart(); String newDatabaseObjectName = project.getChildBeanName(project.getConnectorsList(), StringUtils.normalize(bindingName), true); httpConnector.setName(newDatabaseObjectName); boolean hasDefaultTransaction = false; for (int j = 0; j < iface.getOperationCount(); j++) { WsdlOperation wsdlOperation = (WsdlOperation) iface.getOperationAt(j); XmlHttpTransaction xmlHttpTransaction = createSoapTransaction(xmlSchema, iface, wsdlOperation, project, httpConnector); // Adds transaction if (xmlHttpTransaction != null) { httpConnector.add(xmlHttpTransaction); if (!hasDefaultTransaction) { xmlHttpTransaction.setByDefault(); hasDefaultTransaction = true; } } } connectors.add(httpConnector); } } } // add connector(s) to project for (HttpConnector httpConnector : connectors) { project.add(httpConnector); if (firstConnector == null) { firstConnector = httpConnector; } } } } } else { throw new Exception("No interface found !"); } return firstConnector; } private static HttpConnector createSoapConnector(WsdlInterface iface) throws Exception { HttpConnector httpConnector = null; if (iface != null) { String[] endPoints = iface.getEndpoints(); if (endPoints.length > 0) { String comment = iface.getDescription(); try { comment = (comment.equals("") ? iface.getBinding().getDocumentationElement().getTextContent() : comment); } catch (Exception e) { } String endPoint = endPoints[0]; String host, server, port, baseDir; boolean isHttps = endPoint.startsWith("https://"); if (endPoint.indexOf("://") != -1) { int beginIndex = endPoint.indexOf("://") + "://".length(); int endIndex = endPoint.indexOf("/", beginIndex); if (endIndex != -1) { host = endPoint.substring(beginIndex, endIndex); baseDir = endPoint.substring(endIndex + 1); } else { host = endPoint.substring(beginIndex); baseDir = ""; } int middleIndex = host.indexOf(":"); if (middleIndex != -1) { server = host.substring(0, middleIndex); port = host.substring(middleIndex + 1); } else { server = host; port = isHttps ? "443" : "80"; } } else { server = endPoint; port = isHttps ? "443" : "80"; baseDir = ""; } httpConnector = new HttpConnector(); httpConnector.bNew = true; httpConnector.setComment(comment); httpConnector.setHttps(isHttps); httpConnector.setServer(server); httpConnector.setPort(Integer.valueOf(port).intValue()); httpConnector.setBaseDir("/" + baseDir); httpConnector.hasChanged = true; } } return httpConnector; } private static XmlHttpTransaction createSoapTransaction(XmlSchema xmlSchema, WsdlInterface iface, WsdlOperation operation, Project project, HttpConnector httpConnector) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, EngineException { XmlHttpTransaction xmlHttpTransaction = null; WsdlRequest request; String requestXml; String transactionName, comment; String operationName; if (operation != null) { comment = operation.getDescription(); try { comment = (comment.equals("") ? operation.getBindingOperation().getDocumentationElement().getTextContent() : comment); } catch (Exception e) { } operationName = operation.getName(); transactionName = StringUtils.normalize("C" + operationName); xmlHttpTransaction = new XmlHttpTransaction(); xmlHttpTransaction.bNew = true; xmlHttpTransaction.setHttpVerb(HttpMethodType.POST); xmlHttpTransaction.setName(transactionName); xmlHttpTransaction.setComment(comment); // Set encoding (UTF-8 by default) xmlHttpTransaction.setEncodingCharSet("UTF-8"); xmlHttpTransaction.setXmlEncoding("UTF-8"); // Ignore SOAP elements in response xmlHttpTransaction.setIgnoreSoapEnveloppe(true); // Adds parameters XMLVector<XMLVector<String>> parameters = new XMLVector<XMLVector<String>>(); XMLVector<String> xmlv; xmlv = new XMLVector<String>(); xmlv.add(HeaderName.ContentType.value()); xmlv.add(MimeType.TextXml.value()); parameters.add(xmlv); xmlv = new XMLVector<String>(); xmlv.add("Host"); xmlv.add(httpConnector.getServer()); parameters.add(xmlv); xmlv = new XMLVector<String>(); xmlv.add("SOAPAction"); xmlv.add(""); // fix #4215 - SOAPAction header must be empty parameters.add(xmlv); xmlv = new XMLVector<String>(); xmlv.add("user-agent"); xmlv.add("Convertigo EMS " + Version.fullProductVersion); parameters.add(xmlv); xmlHttpTransaction.setHttpParameters(parameters); QName qname = null; boolean bRPC = false; String style = operation.getStyle(); if (style.toUpperCase().equals("RPC")) bRPC = true; // Set SOAP response element if (bRPC) { try { MessagePart[] parts = operation.getDefaultResponseParts(); if (parts.length > 0) { String ename = parts[0].getName(); if (parts[0].getPartType().name().equals("CONTENT")) { MessagePart.ContentPart mpcp = (MessagePart.ContentPart) parts[0]; qname = mpcp.getSchemaType().getName(); if (qname != null) { // response is based on an element defined with a type // operationResponse element name; element name; element type String responseQName = operationName + "Response;" + ename + ";" + "{" + qname.getNamespaceURI() + "}" + qname.getLocalPart(); xmlHttpTransaction.setResponseElementQName(responseQName); } } } } catch (Exception e) { } } else { try { qname = operation.getResponseBodyElementQName(); if (qname != null) { QName refName = new QName(qname.getNamespaceURI(), qname.getLocalPart()); xmlHttpTransaction.setXmlElementRefAffectation(new XmlQName(refName)); } } catch (Exception e) { } } // Create request/response request = operation.addNewRequest("Test" + transactionName); requestXml = operation.createRequest(true); request.setRequestContent(requestXml); //responseXml = operation.createResponse(true); DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbf.setNamespaceAware(true); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); Document requestDoc = db.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(requestXml))); //Document responseDoc = db.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(responseXml))); Element enveloppe = requestDoc.getDocumentElement(); String soapenvNamespace = enveloppe.getNamespaceURI(); // Retrieve variables Element header = (Element) requestDoc.getDocumentElement() .getElementsByTagNameNS(soapenvNamespace, "Header").item(0); Element body = (Element) requestDoc.getDocumentElement() .getElementsByTagNameNS(soapenvNamespace, "Body").item(0); //System.out.println(XMLUtils.prettyPrintDOM(requestDoc)); // Extract variables List<RequestableHttpVariable> variables = new ArrayList<RequestableHttpVariable>(); extractSoapVariables(xmlSchema, variables, header, null, false, null); extractSoapVariables(xmlSchema, variables, body, null, false, null); // Serialize request/response into template xml files String projectName = project.getName(); String connectorName = httpConnector.getName(); String templateDir = Engine.PROJECTS_PATH + "/" + projectName + "/soap-templates/" + connectorName; File dir = new File(templateDir); if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdirs(); String requestTemplateName = "/soap-templates/" + connectorName + "/" + xmlHttpTransaction.getName() + ".xml"; String requestTemplate = Engine.PROJECTS_PATH + "/" + projectName + requestTemplateName; xmlHttpTransaction.setRequestTemplate(requestTemplateName); saveTemplate(requestDoc, requestTemplate); // Adds variables for (RequestableHttpVariable variable : variables) { //System.out.println("adding "+ variable.getName()); xmlHttpTransaction.add(variable); } xmlHttpTransaction.hasChanged = true; } return xmlHttpTransaction; } private static void saveTemplate(Document doc, String templateDir) throws EngineException { try { XMLUtils.saveXml(doc, templateDir); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EngineException("Unable to create template file \"" + templateDir + "\"", e); } } private static void extractSoapVariables(XmlSchema xmlSchema, List<RequestableHttpVariable> variables, Node node, String longName, boolean isMulti, QName variableType) throws EngineException { if (node == null) return; int type = node.getNodeType(); if (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { Element element = (Element) node; if (element != null) { String elementName = element.getLocalName(); if (longName != null) elementName = longName + "_" + elementName; if (!element.getAttribute("soapenc:arrayType").equals("") && !element.hasChildNodes()) { String avalue = element.getAttribute("soapenc:arrayType"); element.setAttribute("soapenc:arrayType", avalue.replaceAll("\\[\\]", "[1]")); Element child = element.getOwnerDocument().createElement("item"); String atype = avalue.replaceAll("\\[\\]", ""); child.setAttribute("xsi:type", atype); if (atype.startsWith("xsd:")) { String variableName = elementName + "_item"; child.appendChild( element.getOwnerDocument().createTextNode("$(" + variableName.toUpperCase() + ")")); RequestableHttpVariable httpVariable = createHttpVariable(true, variableName, new QName(Constants.URI_2001_SCHEMA_XSD, atype.split(":")[1])); variables.add(httpVariable); } element.appendChild(child); } // extract from attributes NamedNodeMap map = element.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < map.getLength(); i++) { Node child = map.item(i); if (child.getNodeName().equals("soapenc:arrayType")) continue; if (child.getNodeName().equals("xsi:type")) continue; if (child.getNodeName().equals("soapenv:encodingStyle")) continue; String variableName = getVariableName(variables, elementName + "_" + child.getLocalName()); child.setNodeValue("$(" + variableName.toUpperCase() + ")"); RequestableHttpVariable httpVariable = createHttpVariable(false, variableName, Constants.XSD_STRING); variables.add(httpVariable); } // extract from children nodes boolean multi = false; QName qname = Constants.XSD_STRING; NodeList children = element.getChildNodes(); if (children.getLength() > 0) { Node child = element.getFirstChild(); while (child != null) { if (child.getNodeType() == Node.COMMENT_NODE) { String value = child.getNodeValue(); if (value.startsWith("type:")) { String schemaType = child.getNodeValue().substring("type:".length()).trim(); qname = getVariableSchemaType(xmlSchema, schemaType); } if (value.indexOf("repetitions:") != -1) { multi = true; } } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) { String value = child.getNodeValue().trim(); if (value.equals("?") || !value.equals("")) { String variableName = getVariableName(variables, elementName); child.setNodeValue("$(" + variableName.toUpperCase() + ")"); RequestableHttpVariable httpVariable = createHttpVariable(isMulti, variableName, variableType); variables.add(httpVariable); } } else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { extractSoapVariables(xmlSchema, variables, child, elementName, multi, qname); multi = false; qname = Constants.XSD_STRING; } child = child.getNextSibling(); } } } } } private static String getVariableName(List<RequestableHttpVariable> variables, String name) { String variableName = StringUtils.normalize(name); int index = 1; for (RequestableHttpVariable variable : variables) { if (variable.getName().equals(variableName)) { variableName += "_" + index; index++; continue; } } return variableName; } private static QName getVariableSchemaType(XmlSchema xmlSchema, String schemaType) { String local = "string"; String nsuri = Constants.URI_2001_SCHEMA_XSD; try { if (!schemaType.equals("")) { if (schemaType.startsWith("{")) { int i = schemaType.indexOf("}"); if (i != -1) { nsuri = schemaType.substring(1, i); local = schemaType.substring(i + 1); int j = local.indexOf(" - "); // there's an info if (j != -1) { local = local.substring(0, j); } } } else if (schemaType.indexOf(":") != -1) { String[] qinfos = schemaType.split(":"); nsuri = xmlSchema.getNamespaceContext().getNamespaceURI(qinfos[0]); local = qinfos[1]; } } QName qname = new QName(nsuri, local); return qname; } catch (Exception e) { return Constants.XSD_STRING; } } private static RequestableHttpVariable createHttpVariable(boolean multi, String variableName, QName schemaTypeName) throws EngineException { RequestableHttpVariable httpVariable = (multi ? new RequestableHttpMultiValuedVariable() : new RequestableHttpVariable()); httpVariable.setName(variableName); httpVariable.setDescription(variableName); httpVariable.setWsdl(Boolean.TRUE); httpVariable.setPersonalizable(Boolean.FALSE); httpVariable.setCachedKey(Boolean.TRUE); httpVariable.setHttpMethod("POST"); httpVariable.setHttpName(variableName.toUpperCase()); httpVariable.setXmlTypeAffectation(new XmlQName(schemaTypeName)); httpVariable.bNew = true; return httpVariable; } }