Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Convertigo SA. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see<>. * * $URL: http://sourceus/svn/convertigo/CEMS_opensource/branches/6.3.x/Studio/src/com/twinsoft/convertigo/eclipse/popup/actions/ $ * $Author: maximeh $ * $Revision: 33944 $ * $Date: 2013-04-05 18:29:40 +0200 (ven., 05 avr. 2013) $ */ package com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.localbuild; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.w3c.dom.traversal.NodeIterator; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.MobileApplication; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.MobilePlatform; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.mobileplatforms.Android; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.mobileplatforms.IOs; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.mobileplatforms.Windows; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.mobileplatforms.WindowsPhone8; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.Engine; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EnginePropertiesManager; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EnginePropertiesManager.ProxyMethod; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EnginePropertiesManager.ProxyMode; import; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.util.TwsCachedXPathAPI; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.util.XMLUtils; public abstract class BuildLocally { private static final String cordovaDir = "cordova"; /** know which icon goes with which name on ios platform in function of height and width */ // private static final Map<String, String> iOSIconsCorrespondences; /** know which splash goes with which name on ios platform in function of height and width */ // private static final Map<String, String> iOSSplashCorrespondences; /** Mobile platform */ private MobilePlatform mobilePlatform = null; // For minimal version of cordova required 3.4.x private final int versionMinimalRequiredDecimalPart = 3; private final int versionMinimalRequiredFractionalPart = 4; private String cmdOutput; private String cordovaVersion = null; private String errorLines = null; private boolean processCanceled = false; private Process process; private OS osLocal = null; private final static String cordovaInstallsPath = Engine.USER_WORKSPACE_PATH + File.separator + "cordovas"; private String cordovaBinPath; private enum OS { generic, linux, mac, win32, solaris; } public BuildLocally(MobilePlatform mobilePlatform) { this.mobilePlatform = mobilePlatform; this.cordovaBinPath = null; File cordovaInstallsDir = new File(BuildLocally.cordovaInstallsPath); if (!cordovaInstallsDir.exists()) { cordovaInstallsDir.mkdir(); } } private String runCommand(File launchDir, String command, List<String> parameters, boolean mergeError) throws Throwable { if (is(OS.win32)) { // Works for cordova and npm command += ".cmd"; } String shellFullpath = command; String paths = getLocalBuildAdditionalPath(); paths = (paths.length() > 0 ? paths + File.pathSeparator : "") + System.getenv("PATH"); String defaultPaths = null; if (is(OS.mac) || is(OS.linux)) { defaultPaths = "/usr/local/bin"; } else if (is(OS.win32)) { String programFiles = System.getenv("ProgramW6432"); if (programFiles != null && programFiles.length() > 0) { defaultPaths = programFiles + File.separator + "nodejs"; } programFiles = System.getenv("ProgramFiles"); if (programFiles != null && programFiles.length() > 0) { defaultPaths = (defaultPaths == null ? "" : defaultPaths + File.pathSeparator) + programFiles + File.separator + "nodejs"; } String appData = System.getenv("APPDATA"); if (appData != null && appData.length() > 0) { defaultPaths = (defaultPaths == null ? "" : defaultPaths + File.pathSeparator) + appData + File.separator + "npm"; } } paths += File.pathSeparator + defaultPaths; // Checks if the command is already full path if (!(new File(shellFullpath).exists())) { // Else search where the "exec" is and build the absolute path for this "exec" shellFullpath = getFullPath(paths, command); // If the "exec" is not found then it search it elsewhere if (shellFullpath == null) { shellFullpath = command; } } // Prepares the command parameters.add(0, shellFullpath); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(parameters); // Set the directory from where the command will be executed; Map<String, String> pbEnv = pb.environment(); // must set "Path" for Windows 8.1 64 pbEnv.put(pbEnv.get("PATH") == null ? "Path" : "PATH", paths); // Specific to npm command if (shellFullpath.endsWith("npm") || shellFullpath.endsWith("npm.cmd")) { // Set the proxy for npm String proxyMode = EnginePropertiesManager .getProperty(EnginePropertiesManager.PropertyName.PROXY_SETTINGS_MODE); if (proxyMode.equals(ProxyMode.manual.getValue())) { String proxyAuthMethod = EnginePropertiesManager .getProperty(EnginePropertiesManager.PropertyName.PROXY_SETTINGS_METHOD); if (proxyAuthMethod.equals(ProxyMethod.anonymous.getValue()) || proxyAuthMethod.equals(ProxyMethod.basic.getValue())) { String proxyHost = EnginePropertiesManager .getProperty(EnginePropertiesManager.PropertyName.PROXY_SETTINGS_HOST); String proxyPort = EnginePropertiesManager .getProperty(EnginePropertiesManager.PropertyName.PROXY_SETTINGS_PORT); String npmProxy = proxyHost + ":" + proxyPort; if (proxyAuthMethod.equals(ProxyMethod.basic.getValue())) { String proxyUser = EnginePropertiesManager .getProperty(EnginePropertiesManager.PropertyName.PROXY_SETTINGS_USER); String proxyPassword = EnginePropertiesManager .getProperty(EnginePropertiesManager.PropertyName.PROXY_SETTINGS_PASSWORD); npmProxy = proxyUser + ":" + proxyPassword + "@" + npmProxy; } pbEnv.put("http-proxy", "http://" + npmProxy); pbEnv.put("https-proxy", "http://" + npmProxy); } } } pb.redirectErrorStream(mergeError);"Executing command : " + parameters); process = pb.start(); cmdOutput = ""; // Logs the output new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { String line; processCanceled = false; BufferedReader bis = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream())); while ((line = bis.readLine()) != null) {; BuildLocally.this.cmdOutput += line; } } catch (IOException e) { Engine.logEngine.error("Error while executing command", e); } } }).start(); if (!mergeError) { // Logs the error output new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { String line; processCanceled = false; BufferedReader bis = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream())); while ((line = bis.readLine()) != null) { Engine.logEngine.error(line); errorLines += line; } } catch (IOException e) { Engine.logEngine.error("Error while executing command", e); } } }).start(); } int exitCode = process.waitFor(); if (exitCode != 0 && exitCode != 127) { throw new Exception( "Exit code " + exitCode + " when running the command '" + command + "' with parameters : '" + parameters + "'. The output of the command is : '" + cmdOutput + "'"); } return cmdOutput; } /*** * Function which permit to run cordova command * @param projectDir * @param commands * @return * @throws Throwable */ private String runCordovaCommand(File projectDir, String... commands) throws Throwable { List<String> commandsList = new LinkedList<String>(); Collections.addAll(commandsList, commands); return runCordovaCommand(projectDir, commandsList); } /*** * Runs a Cordova command and returns the output stream. This will wait until the command is finished. * Output stream and error stream are logged in the console. * @param Command * @param projectDir * @return * @throws Throwable */ private String runCordovaCommand(File projectDir, List<String> cordovaCommands) throws Throwable { String command = "cordova"; if (this.cordovaBinPath != null) { command = this.cordovaBinPath; } return this.runCommand(projectDir, command, cordovaCommands, false); } /*** * Explore "config.xml", handle plugins and copy needed resources to appropriate platforms folders. * @param wwwDir * @param platform * @param cordovaDir */ private void processConfigXMLResources(File wwwDir, File cordovaDir) throws Throwable { try { File configFile = new File(cordovaDir, "config.xml"); Document doc = XMLUtils.loadXml(configFile); TwsCachedXPathAPI xpathApi = new TwsCachedXPathAPI(); Element singleElement = (Element) xpathApi.selectSingleNode(doc, "/widget/preference[@name='phonegap-version']"); // Changes icons and splashs src in config.xml file because it was moved to the parent folder NodeIterator nodeIterator = xpathApi.selectNodeIterator(doc, "//*[local-name()='splash' or local-name()='icon']"); singleElement = (Element) nodeIterator.nextNode(); while (singleElement != null) { String src = singleElement.getAttribute("src"); src = "www/" + src; File file = new File(cordovaDir, src); if (file.exists()) { singleElement.setAttribute("src", src); } singleElement = (Element) nodeIterator.nextNode(); } //ANDROID if (mobilePlatform instanceof Android) { singleElement = (Element) xpathApi.selectSingleNode(doc, "/widget/name"); if (singleElement != null) { String name = singleElement.getTextContent(); name = name.replace("\\", "\\\\"); name = name.replace("'", "\\'"); name = name.replace("\"", "\\\""); singleElement.setTextContent(name); } } //iOS // if (mobilePlatform instanceof IOs) { // } //WINPHONE if (mobilePlatform instanceof WindowsPhone8) { // Without these width and height the local build doesn't work but with these the remote build doesn't work singleElement = (Element) xpathApi.selectSingleNode(doc, "/widget/platform[@name='wp8']/icon[not(@role)]"); if (singleElement != null) { singleElement.setAttribute("width", "99"); singleElement.setAttribute("height", "99"); } singleElement = (Element) xpathApi.selectSingleNode(doc, "/widget/platform[@name='wp8']/icon[@role='background']"); if (singleElement != null) { singleElement.setAttribute("width", "159"); singleElement.setAttribute("height", "159"); } // /widget/platform[@name='wp8']/splash singleElement = (Element) xpathApi.selectSingleNode(doc, "/widget/platform/splash"); if (singleElement != null) { singleElement.setAttribute("width", "768"); singleElement.setAttribute("height", "1280"); } singleElement = (Element) xpathApi.selectSingleNode(doc, "/widget/plugin[@name='phonegap-plugin-push']/param[@name='SENDER_ID']"); if (singleElement != null) { // Remote build needs a node named 'param' and local build needs a node named 'variable' singleElement.getParentNode().appendChild(cloneNode(singleElement, "variable")); singleElement.getParentNode().removeChild(singleElement); } } // if (mobilePlatform instanceof Windows) { // TODO : Add platform Windows 8 // } // XMLUtils.saveXml(doc, configFile.getAbsolutePath()); // We have to add the root config.xml all our app's config.xml preferences. // Cordova will use this file to generates the platform specific config.xml // Get preferences from current config.xml NodeIterator preferences = xpathApi.selectNodeIterator(doc, "//preference"); // File configFile = new File(cordovaDir, "config.xml"); // doc = XMLUtils.loadXml(configFile); // The root config.xml NodeList preferencesList = doc.getElementsByTagName("preference"); // Remove old preferences while (preferencesList.getLength() > 0) { Element pathNode = (Element) preferencesList.item(0); // Remove empty lines Node prev = pathNode.getPreviousSibling(); if (prev != null && prev.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE && prev.getNodeValue().trim().length() == 0) { doc.getDocumentElement().removeChild(prev); } doc.getDocumentElement().removeChild(pathNode); } for (Element preference = (Element) preferences .nextNode(); preference != null; preference = (Element) preferences.nextNode()) { String name = preference.getAttribute("name"); String value = preference.getAttribute("value"); Element elt = doc.createElement("preference"); elt.setAttribute("name", name); elt.setAttribute("value", value);"Adding preference'" + name + "' with value '" + value + "'"); doc.getDocumentElement().appendChild(elt); } Engine.logEngine.trace("New config.xml is: " + XMLUtils.prettyPrintDOM(doc)); File resXmlFile = new File(cordovaDir, "config.xml"); // FileUtils.deleteQuietly(resXmlFile); XMLUtils.saveXml(doc, resXmlFile.getAbsolutePath()); // Last part, as all resources has been copied to the correct location, we can remove // our "www/res" directory before packaging to save build time and size... // FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File(wwwDir, "res")); } catch (Exception e) { logException(e, "Unable to process config.xml in your project, check the file's validity"); } } private static Element cloneNode(Node node, String newNodeName) { Element newElement = node.getOwnerDocument().createElement(newNodeName); NamedNodeMap attrs = node.getAttributes(); for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) { Attr attr = (Attr) attrs.item(i); newElement.setAttribute(attr.getName(), attr.getValue()); } return newElement; } /** * Check is the current os can build the specified platform. * @param platform * @return * @throws Throwable */ public boolean checkPlatformCompatibility() throws Throwable { // Implement Compatibility matrix // Step 1: Check cordova version, compatibility over 3.4.x String version = getCordovaVersion(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^(\\d)+\\.(\\d)+\\."); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(version); if (matcher.find()) { // We check first just the decimal part if (Integer.parseInt( < versionMinimalRequiredDecimalPart) { return false; // Next we check the fractional part } else if (Integer.parseInt( == versionMinimalRequiredDecimalPart && Integer.parseInt( < versionMinimalRequiredFractionalPart) { return false; } } else { return false; } // Step 2: Check build local platform with mobile platform if (mobilePlatform instanceof Android) { return true; } else if (mobilePlatform instanceof IOs) { return is(OS.mac); } else if (mobilePlatform.getType().startsWith("Windows")) { return is(OS.win32); } return false; } /*** * Return the cordova version * @return String * @throws Throwable */ private String getCordovaVersion() throws Throwable { if (cordovaVersion == null) { cordovaVersion = runCordovaCommand(getPrivateDir(), "-v"); } return cordovaVersion; } /*** * Return the absolute path of builded application file * @param mobilePlatform * @param buildMode * @return */ protected File getAbsolutePathOfBuiltFile(MobilePlatform mobilePlatform, String buildMode) { String cordovaPlatform = mobilePlatform.getCordovaPlatform(); String builtPath = File.separator + "platforms" + File.separator + cordovaPlatform + File.separator; String buildMd = buildMode.equals("debug") ? "Debug" : "Release"; String extension = ""; File f = new File(getCordovaDir(), builtPath); if (f.exists()) { // Android if (mobilePlatform instanceof Android) { builtPath = builtPath + "ant-build" + File.separator; File f2 = new File(getCordovaDir(), builtPath); if (!f2.exists()) { builtPath = File.separator + "platforms" + File.separator + cordovaPlatform + File.separator + "build" + File.separator + "outputs" + File.separator + "apk" + File.separator; } extension = "apk"; // iOS } else if (mobilePlatform instanceof IOs) { extension = "xcodeproj"; // Windows Phone 8 } else if (mobilePlatform instanceof WindowsPhone8) { builtPath = builtPath + "Bin" + File.separator + buildMd + File.separator; extension = "xap"; // Windows 8 } else if (mobilePlatform instanceof Windows) { //TODO : Handle Windows 8 } else { return null; } } f = new File(getCordovaDir(), builtPath); if (f.exists()) { String[] filesNames = f.list(); int i = filesNames.length - 1; boolean find = false; while (i > 0 && !find && !extension.isEmpty()) { String fileName = filesNames[i]; if (fileName.endsWith(extension)) { builtPath += fileName; find = true; } i--; } } else { builtPath = File.separator + "platforms" + File.separator + cordovaPlatform + File.separator; } return new File(getCordovaDir(), builtPath); } /*** * Dialog yes/no which ask to user if we want * remove the cordova directory present into "_private" directory * We also explain, what we do and how to recreate the cordova environment */ public void removeCordovaDirectory() { String mobilePlatformName = mobilePlatform.getName(); //Step 1: Recover the "cordova" directory final File cordovaDirectory = getCordovaDir(); //Step 2: Remove the "cordova" directory if (cordovaDirectory.exists()) { if (FileUtils.deleteQuietly(cordovaDirectory)) { "The Cordova environment of \"" + mobilePlatformName + "\" has been successfull removed."); return; } Engine.logEngine .warn("The Cordova environment of \"" + mobilePlatformName + "\" has been partially removed."); } else { Engine.logEngine.error( "The Cordova environment of \"" + mobilePlatformName + "\" not removed because doesn't exist."); return; } } /*** * Return the Cordova directory * @return File */ public File getCordovaDir() { return new File(getPrivateDir(), "localbuild" + File.separator + mobilePlatform.getName() + File.separator + BuildLocally.cordovaDir); } /*** * Return the Private directory * @return File */ private File getPrivateDir() { return new File(mobilePlatform.getProject().getDirPath() + "/_private"); } /*** * Return the local Operating System * @return */ private OS getOsLocal() { if (osLocal == null) { String osname = System.getProperty("", "generic").toLowerCase(); if (osname.startsWith("windows")) { osLocal = OS.win32; } else if (osname.startsWith("linux")) { osLocal = OS.linux; } else if (osname.startsWith("sunos")) { osLocal = OS.solaris; } else if (osname.startsWith("mac") || osname.startsWith("darwin")) { osLocal = OS.mac; } else { osLocal = OS.generic; } } return osLocal; } /*** * Compare two Operating System * @param os * @return */ private boolean is(OS os) { return getOsLocal() == os; } /*** * * @param paths * @param command * @return * @throws IOException */ private static String getFullPath(String paths, String command) throws IOException { for (String path : paths.split(Pattern.quote(File.pathSeparator))) { File candidate = new File(path, command); if (candidate.exists()) { return candidate.getCanonicalPath(); } } return null; } public enum Status { OK, CANCEL } public Status runBuild(String option, boolean run, String target) { try { File cordovaDir = getCordovaDir(); // Cordova environment is already created, we have to build // Step 1: Call Mobile packager to prepare the source package MobileResourceHelper mobileResourceHelper = new MobileResourceHelper(mobilePlatform, "_private" + File.separator + "localbuild" + File.separator + mobilePlatform.getName() + File.separator + BuildLocally.cordovaDir + File.separator + "www"); File wwwDir = mobileResourceHelper.preparePackage(); // Step 2: Add platform and read config.xml to copy needed icons and splash resources String cordovaPlatform = mobilePlatform.getCordovaPlatform(); // FileUtils.copyFile(new File(wwwDir, "config.xml"), new File(cordovaDir, "config.xml")); FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(wwwDir, "config.xml")); processConfigXMLResources(wwwDir, cordovaDir); List<String> commandsList = new LinkedList<String>(); if (mobilePlatform instanceof Windows) { File configFile = new File(cordovaDir, "config.xml"); Document doc = XMLUtils.loadXml(configFile); TwsCachedXPathAPI xpathApi = new TwsCachedXPathAPI(); Element singleElement = (Element) xpathApi.selectSingleNode(doc, "/widget/engine[@name='windows']"); if (singleElement == null) { throw new Exception("The tag 'engine' is not specified in the file config.xml."); } String appx = singleElement.getAttribute("appx"); String archs = singleElement.getAttribute("archs"); if (appx == null || archs == null || appx.isEmpty() || archs.isEmpty()) { throw new Exception("The attributes 'appx' and 'archs' are not specified in the tag engine."); } commandsList.add("--"); commandsList.add("--appx=" + appx); commandsList.add("--archs=" + archs); } runCordovaCommand(cordovaDir, "prepare", cordovaPlatform); // Step 3: Build or Run using Cordova the specific platform. if (run) { commandsList.add(0, "run"); commandsList.add(1, cordovaPlatform); commandsList.add(2, "--" + option); commandsList.add(3, "--" + target); runCordovaCommand(cordovaDir, commandsList); } else { commandsList.add(0, "build"); commandsList.add(1, cordovaPlatform); commandsList.add(2, "--" + option); runCordovaCommand(cordovaDir, commandsList); // Step 4: Show dialog with path to apk/ipa/xap if (!processCanceled) { showLocationInstallFile(mobilePlatform, process.exitValue(), errorLines, option); } } return Status.OK; } catch (Throwable e) { logException(e, "Error when processing Cordova build"); return Status.CANCEL; } } public void cancelBuild(boolean run) { //Only for the "Run On Device" action if (run) { if (is(OS.win32) && (mobilePlatform instanceof WindowsPhone8)) { //kill the CordovaDeploy.exe program only for Windows Phone 7 & 8 build platform try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec("taskkill /IM CordovaDeploy.exe").waitFor(); } catch (Exception e) { Engine.logEngine.error("Error during kill of process \"CordovaDeploy\"\n" + e.getMessage(), e); } } else if (mobilePlatform instanceof IOs) { //kill the lldb process only for ios build platform try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec("pkill lldb").waitFor(); } catch (Exception e) { Engine.logEngine.error("Error during kill of process \"lldb\"\n" + e.getMessage(), e); } } } processCanceled = true; // Others OS process.destroy(); } public Status installCordova() { try {"Checking if node.js is installed."); File resourceFolder = mobilePlatform.getResourceFolder(); List<String> parameters = new LinkedList<String>(); parameters.add("--version"); String npmVersion = runCommand(resourceFolder, "npm", parameters, false); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^([0-9])+\\.([0-9])+\\.([0-9])+$"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(npmVersion); if (!matcher.find()) { throw new Exception("node.js is not installed ('npm --version' returned '" + npmVersion + "')\nYou must download nodes.js from"); }"OK, node.js is installed.");"Checking if this cordova version is already installed."); File configFile = new File(resourceFolder, "config.xml"); Document doc = XMLUtils.loadXml(configFile); TwsCachedXPathAPI xpathApi = new TwsCachedXPathAPI(); Element singleElement = (Element) xpathApi.selectSingleNode(doc, "/widget/preference[@name='phonegap-version']"); if (singleElement != null) { String cliVersion = singleElement.getAttribute("value"); if (cliVersion != null) { pattern = Pattern.compile("^cli-[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+$"); matcher = pattern.matcher(cliVersion); if (!matcher.find()) { throw new Exception( "The cordova version is specified but its value has not the right format."); } // Remove 'cli-' from 'cli-x.x.x' cliVersion = cliVersion.substring(4); String cordovaInstallPath = BuildLocally.cordovaInstallsPath + File.separator + "cordova" + cliVersion; File cordovaBinFile = new File(cordovaInstallPath + File.separator + "node_modules" + File.separator + "cordova" + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "cordova"); // If cordova is not installed if (!cordovaBinFile.exists()) {"Installing cordova " + cliVersion + " This can take some time...."); File cordovaInstallDir = new File(cordovaInstallPath); cordovaInstallDir.mkdir(); parameters = new LinkedList<String>(); parameters.add("--prefix"); parameters.add(cordovaInstallDir.getAbsolutePath()); parameters.add("install"); parameters.add("cordova@" + cliVersion); this.runCommand(cordovaInstallDir, "npm", parameters, true); }"Cordova is now installed."); this.cordovaBinPath = cordovaBinFile.getAbsolutePath(); } else { throw new Exception("The cordova version is not specified in config.xml."); } } else { throw new Exception("The cordova version is not specified in config.xml."); } } catch (Throwable e) { logException(e, "Error when installing Cordova"); return Status.CANCEL; } return Status.OK; } public boolean isProcessCanceled() { return this.processCanceled; } public Status createCordovaEnvironment(File mobilePlatformDir) { MobileApplication mobileApplication = mobilePlatform.getParent(); try { runCordovaCommand(mobilePlatformDir, "create", cordovaDir, mobileApplication.getComputedApplicationId(), // mobileApplication.getComputedEscapededApplicationName(mobilePlatform) ); "cordova"); } catch (Throwable e) { Engine.logEngine.error("Error when creating the cordova environment.", e); return Status.CANCEL; } return Status.OK; } /** * Removes the CordovaPlatform... * Used to clean a broken cordova environment. */ public Status runRemoveCordovaPlatform(String platformName) { try { runCordovaCommand(getCordovaDir(), "platform", "rm", platformName); return Status.OK; } catch (Throwable thr) { Engine.logEngine.error("Error when removing the required mobile platform!", thr); return Status.CANCEL; } } public void cancelRemoveCordovaPlatform() { process.destroy(); } abstract protected String getLocalBuildAdditionalPath(); abstract protected void logException(Throwable e, String message); /*** * Show the dialog with builded application file * @param mobilePlatform * @param exitValue * @param errorLines * @param buildOption */ abstract protected void showLocationInstallFile(final MobilePlatform mobilePlatform, final int exitValue, final String errorLines, final String buildOption); }