Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Convertigo SA. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see<>. * * $URL$ * $Author$ * $Revision$ * $Date$ */ package com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.transactions; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Cookie; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header; import org.mozilla.javascript.Context; import org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError; import org.mozilla.javascript.EvaluatorException; import org.mozilla.javascript.JavaScriptException; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.connectors.HtmlConnector; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.DatabaseObject; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.ExtractionRule; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.ScreenClass; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Statement; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.StatementWithExpressions; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.HtmlExtractionRule; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.screenclasses.HtmlScreenClass; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.statements.ContextAddTextNodeStatement; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.statements.HTTPStatement; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.statements.HandlerStatement; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.AttachmentManager.Status; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.Engine; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineEvent; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineException; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineStatistics; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.IdToXpathManager; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.ObjectWithSameNameException; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.enums.HeaderName; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.enums.Visibility; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.parsers.IDownloader; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.parsers.triggers.AbstractTrigger; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.parsers.triggers.DocumentCompletedTrigger; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.parsers.triggers.TriggerXMLizer; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.parsers.triggers.WaitTimeTrigger; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.util.StringUtils; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.util.XMLUtils; import com.twinsoft.util.StringEx; public class HtmlTransaction extends HttpTransaction { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5647248191056845273L; /** * Asks the algorithm to detect (again) the current screen class, * and to apply entry handler for the new detected screen class. */ public static final String RETURN_REDETECT = "redetect"; /** * Asks the algorithm to skip the current screen class, * i.e. do not apply extraction rules. */ public static final String RETURN_SKIP = "skip"; /** * Asks the algorithm to continue on current screen class, * i.e. do not redetect screen class and apply extraction rules. */ public static final String RETURN_CONTINUE = "continue"; /** * Asks the algorithm to accumulate results into the same XML document, * i.e. to restart the algorithm. */ public static final String RETURN_ACCUMULATE = "accumulate"; public static final String EVENT_ENTRY_HANDLER = "Entry"; public static final String EVENT_EXIT_HANDLER = "Exit"; transient private Document currentXmlDocument = null; transient private List<Statement> vStatements = new LinkedList<Statement>(); transient public Statement currentStatement = null; /** Holds value of property stateFull **/ private boolean stateFull = false; private TriggerXMLizer trigger = new TriggerXMLizer(new DocumentCompletedTrigger(1, 60000)); transient private boolean alreadyConnected = false; transient public boolean handlePriorities = true; public HtmlTransaction() { super(); handlers = "// handlers are handled by Statements for HTML Transaction."; alreadyConnected = false; } @Override public HtmlTransaction clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { HtmlTransaction clonedObject = (HtmlTransaction) super.clone(); clonedObject.vStatements = new LinkedList<Statement>(); clonedObject.alreadyConnected = false; clonedObject.handlePriorities = handlePriorities; return clonedObject; } /** * @return the stateFull */ public boolean isStateFull() { return stateFull; } /** * @param stateFull the stateFull to set */ public void setStateFull(boolean stateFull) { this.stateFull = stateFull; } public TriggerXMLizer getTrigger() { return trigger; } public void setTrigger(TriggerXMLizer trigger) { this.trigger = trigger; } @Override public void add(DatabaseObject databaseObject) throws EngineException { if (databaseObject instanceof Statement) { addStatement((Statement) databaseObject); } else { super.add(databaseObject); } } @Override public void remove(DatabaseObject databaseObject) throws EngineException { if (databaseObject instanceof Statement) { removeStatement((Statement) databaseObject); ((Statement) databaseObject).setParent(null); } else { super.remove(databaseObject); } } public List<Statement> getStatements() { checkSubLoaded(); return sort(vStatements); } public boolean hasStatements() { checkSubLoaded(); return (vStatements.size() > 0); } public HandlerStatement getHandlerStatement(String stName) { checkSubLoaded(); HandlerStatement handlerStatement = null, st; for (int i = 0; i < vStatements.size(); i++) { Object ob = vStatements.get(i); if (ob instanceof HandlerStatement) { st = (HandlerStatement) ob; if (st.getName().equals(stName)) { handlerStatement = st; break; } } } return handlerStatement; } public void addStatement(Statement statement) throws EngineException { checkSubLoaded(); // Do not use getChildBeanName here because of ScHandlerStatement!! String newDatabaseObjectName = statement.getName(); for (Statement st : vStatements) { if (newDatabaseObjectName.equals(st.getName())) { throw new ObjectWithSameNameException("Unable to add the statement \"" + newDatabaseObjectName + "\" to the html transaction class because a statement with the same name already exists."); } } vStatements.add(statement); statement.setParent(this);// do not call super.add otherwise it will generate an exception if (!statement.bNew && !handlePriorities) { statement.newPriority = 0; statement.hasChanged = true; } else if (handlePriorities && (statement.priority != 0)) { statement.priority = 0; statement.newPriority = 0; statement.hasChanged = true; } } public void removeStatement(Statement statement) { checkSubLoaded(); vStatements.remove(statement); } transient private List<String> vExtractionRulesInited; transient private HtmlScreenClass screenClass; transient private String normalizedScreenClassName = ""; transient private boolean bNotFirstLoop1 = false; transient private boolean bNotFirstLoop2 = false; transient private boolean bDispatching = false; transient private IEvent wcEvent; transient private List<AbstractEvent> wcFields; transient private AbstractTrigger wcTrigger; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.transactions.HttpTransaction#parseInputDocument(com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.Context) */ @Override public void parseInputDocument(com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.Context context) throws EngineException { super.parseInputDocument(context); // TODO : voir si on garde cela // Overrides statefull mode using given __statefull request parameter NodeList stateNodes = context.inputDocument.getElementsByTagName("statefull"); if (stateNodes.getLength() == 1) { Element node = (Element) stateNodes.item(0); String value = node.getAttribute("value"); if (!value.equals("")) { setStateFull(value.equalsIgnoreCase("true")); } } stateNodes = context.inputDocument.getElementsByTagName("webviewer-action"); if (stateNodes.getLength() == 1 && stateNodes.item(0).getChildNodes().getLength() > 0) { Element webviewerAction = (Element) stateNodes.item(0); IdToXpathManager idToXpathManager = context.getIdToXpathManager(); NodeList fieldNodes = context.inputDocument.getElementsByTagName("field"); wcEvent = null; wcTrigger = null; wcFields = new ArrayList<AbstractEvent>(fieldNodes.getLength()); for (int i = 0; i < fieldNodes.getLength(); i++) { Element field = (Element) fieldNodes.item(i); String id = field.getAttribute("name"); id = id.substring(id.lastIndexOf('_') + 1, id.length()); String value = field.getAttribute("value"); String xPath = idToXpathManager.getXPath(id); Node node = idToXpathManager.getNode(id); if (node != null && node instanceof Element) { Element el = (Element) node; String tagname = el.getTagName(); AbstractEvent evt = null; if (tagname.equalsIgnoreCase("input")) { String type = el.getAttribute("type"); if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("checkbox") || type.equalsIgnoreCase("radio")) { evt = new InputCheckEvent(xPath, true, Boolean.valueOf(value).booleanValue()); } else { evt = new InputValueEvent(xPath, true, value); } } else if (tagname.equalsIgnoreCase("select")) { evt = new InputSelectEvent(xPath, true, InputSelectEvent.MOD_INDEX, value.split(";")); } else if (tagname.equalsIgnoreCase("textarea")) { evt = new InputValueEvent(xPath, true, value); } if (evt != null) { wcFields.add(evt); Engine.logBeans.trace("Xpath: " + xPath + " will be set to :" + value); } } } NodeList actionNodes = webviewerAction.getElementsByTagName("action"); if (actionNodes.getLength() == 1) { String action = ((Element) actionNodes.item(0)).getAttribute("value"); if (action.equals("click")) { int screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY; screenX = screenY = clientX = clientY = -1; boolean ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metKey; ctrlKey = altKey = shiftKey = metKey = false; short button = 0; String xPath = null; NodeList eventNodes = webviewerAction.getElementsByTagName("event"); for (int i = 0; i < eventNodes.getLength(); i++) { String name = ((Element) eventNodes.item(i)).getAttribute("name"); String value = ((Element) eventNodes.item(i)).getAttribute("value"); if (name.equals("x") || name.equals("y") || name.startsWith("client")) { int valueInt = Integer.parseInt(value); if (name.equals("x")) screenX = valueInt; else if (name.equals("y")) screenY = valueInt; else if (name.equals("clientX")) clientX = valueInt; else if (name.equals("clientY")) clientY = valueInt; } else if (name.endsWith("Key")) { boolean valueBool = Boolean.getBoolean(value); if (name.equals("ctrlKey")) ctrlKey = valueBool; else if (name.equals("altKey")) altKey = valueBool; else if (name.equals("shiftKey")) altKey = valueBool; else if (name.equals("metKey")) altKey = valueBool; } else if (name.equals("srcid")) { xPath = idToXpathManager.getXPath(value); } } if (xPath != null) { wcEvent = new MouseEvent(xPath, action, screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, ctrlKey, altKey, shiftKey, metKey, button); Engine.logBeans.debug("Created an click event from webviewer-action on : " + xPath); } } else if (action.startsWith("navbar_")) { action = action.substring(7, action.length()); wcEvent = new NavigationBarEvent(action); } else { String xPath = null; NodeList eventNodes = webviewerAction.getElementsByTagName("event"); for (int i = 0; i < eventNodes.getLength(); i++) { String name = ((Element) eventNodes.item(i)).getAttribute("name"); String value = ((Element) eventNodes.item(i)).getAttribute("value"); if (name.equals("srcid")) xPath = idToXpathManager.getXPath(value); } if (xPath != null) wcEvent = new SimpleEvent(xPath, action); } bDispatching = (wcEvent != null); if (bDispatching && wcTrigger == null) // wcTrigger = new WaitTimeTrigger(2000); // wcTrigger = new XpathTrigger("*", 10000); // wcTrigger = new DocumentCompletedTrigger(1, 10000); wcTrigger = getTrigger().getTrigger(); } } } @Override public void setStatisticsOfRequestFromCache() { context.statistics.add(EngineStatistics.GET_CURRENT_SCREEN_CLASS, 0); context.statistics.add(EngineStatistics.APPLY_EXTRACTION_RULES, 0); context.statistics.add(EngineStatistics.HTTP_CONNECT, 0); context.statistics.add(EngineStatistics.GET_XUL_DOCUMENT, 0); } @Override public void runCore() throws EngineException { try { HtmlConnector connector = (HtmlConnector) parent; vExtractionRulesInited = new LinkedList<String>(); if (!runningThread.bContinue) { return; } if (isStateFull() || connector.getHtmlParser().isConnected()) { alreadyConnected = true; } // TODO //else{ // context.httpState = null; // clear cookies //} if (!alreadyConnected) { connector.setCurrentXmlDocument(null); applyUserRequest(connector); } else { setCurrentXmlDocument(connector.getHtmlParser().getDom(context)); } if (bDispatching) { applyUserEvents(); } bNotFirstLoop1 = false; bNotFirstLoop2 = false; if (!runningThread.bContinue) { return; } if (isContentTypeHTML()) { latestCalledHandler = null; do { do { String t = context.statistics.start(EngineStatistics.GET_CURRENT_SCREEN_CLASS); try { screenClass = ((HtmlConnector) connector).getCurrentScreenClass(); normalizedScreenClassName = StringUtils.normalize(screenClass.getName()); context.lastDetectedObject = screenClass; score += 1;"Detected screen class: '" + screenClass.getName() + "'"); // The 2 next lines was removed at r19919 //String connectionString = "[" + context.contextID + "] Screen class detected: "+ screenClass.getName() + ", project: " + context.projectName + ", transaction: " + getName(); //Engine.connectionsLog.message(connectionString); // We fire engine events only in studio mode. if (Engine.isStudioMode()) { Engine.theApp.fireObjectDetected(new EngineEvent(screenClass)); } } finally { context.statistics.stop(t, bNotFirstLoop1); } // We execute the entry handler for the detected screen class executeHandler(EVENT_ENTRY_HANDLER, ((RequestableThread) Thread.currentThread()).javascriptContext); bNotFirstLoop1 = true; // while re detecting, a new page could be loaded by async client javascript, if this happens, // we refresh our current dom. Normally this is done by each statement, refreshing the dom here seems to be useless // except in the case explained above. We rely on the the DOM cache to speed up things as the // isDirty flag would not be set in most of the cases setCurrentXmlDocument(connector.getHtmlParser().getDom(context)); } while (runningThread.bContinue && (handlerResult.equalsIgnoreCase(RETURN_REDETECT))); if (!handlerResult.equalsIgnoreCase(RETURN_SKIP)) { // We fire engine events only in studio mode. if (Engine.isStudioMode()) { //Engine.theApp.fireObjectDetected(new EngineEvent(blockFactory)); } if (!runningThread.bContinue) { return; } if (currentXmlDocument == null) { throw new EngineException(alreadyConnected ? "Connector did not reconnect, please verify transaction statefull mode." : "" + " Current document is null. Cannot apply extraction rules."); } applyExtractionRules(screenClass, bNotFirstLoop2); Engine.logBeans.debug("(HtmlTransaction) Extraction rules executed ..."); } if (!runningThread.bContinue) { return; } // We execute the exit handler for the current screen class executeHandler(EVENT_EXIT_HANDLER, ((RequestableThread) Thread.currentThread()).javascriptContext); bNotFirstLoop2 = true; } while (runningThread.bContinue && (handlerResult.equalsIgnoreCase(RETURN_ACCUMULATE))); if (!runningThread.bContinue) { return; } } else if (currentXmlDocument != null) { XMLUtils.copyDocument(currentXmlDocument, context.outputDocument); } else { throw new EngineException("Connector doesn't retrieve xmlizable content. Verify your url."); } } finally { alreadyConnected = false; //restoreVariablesDefinition(); restoreVariables(); if ((runningThread == null) || (!runningThread.bContinue)) { Engine.logBeans.warn("(HtmlTransaction) The transaction \"" + getName() + "\" has been successfully interrupted."); } else { Engine.logBeans.debug( "(HtmlTransaction) The transaction \"" + getName() + "\" has successfully finished."); } } } public void applyUserRequest(Object object) throws EngineException { final HtmlConnector connector = (HtmlConnector) parent; if (!runningThread.bContinue) { return; } Cookie[] cookies = new Cookie[] {}; final byte[][] httpData = { null }; try { Document dom = null; TriggerXMLizer triggerXML = null; String t = context.statistics.start(EngineStatistics.HTTP_CONNECT); try { // Retrieving Data if (object instanceof HtmlConnector) { Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) Retrieving data from connector ..."); httpData[0] = connector.getData(context); triggerXML = trigger; } if (object instanceof HTTPStatement) { Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) Retrieving data from http statement ..."); connector.prepareForHTTPStatement(context); httpData[0] = connector.getData(context); triggerXML = ((HTTPStatement) object).getTrigger(); } if (!alreadyConnected) alreadyConnected = true; Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) Data retrieved!"); //Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) Data html:\n"+ new String(httpData)); } finally { context.statistics.stop(t); } // Retrieve cookies from HttpClient response if (connector.handleCookie) { cookies = connector.getCookies(); if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) { Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) cookies from HttpClient response :" + Arrays.asList(cookies).toString()); } } if (!runningThread.bContinue) { return; } // Parse response : push data into HTML parser if (!isContentTypeHTML()) { final String[] filename = { connector.getReferer() }; int id; if ((id = filename[0].indexOf('?')) != -1) { filename[0] = filename[0].substring(0, id); } if ((id = filename[0].lastIndexOf('/')) != -1) { filename[0] = filename[0].substring(id + 1); } connector.getHtmlParser().downloadRequest(context, new IDownloader() { public String getUri() { return connector.getReferer(); } public String getReferrer() { return connector.getReferer(); } public String getFilename() { return filename[0]; } public byte[] getData(long timeout, long threshold) { return httpData[0]; } public String getContentType() { return HtmlTransaction.this.getContentType(); } public void cancel() { } public Status getStatus() { return; } }); return; } dom = connector.parseData(httpData[0], connector.getReferer(), connector.getCharset(), triggerXML.getTrigger()); if (!runningThread.bContinue) return; setCurrentXmlDocument(dom); if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) Parser result dom:\n" + XMLUtils.prettyPrintDOM(dom)); if (!runningThread.bContinue) return; // Modify input document if needed modifyInputDocument(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new EngineException("An IO exception occured while trying to connect to the URL.\nURL: " + connector.sUrl + "\nPost query: " + connector.postQuery, e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EngineException("An unexpected exception occured while trying to get the document via HTTP.", e); } if (!runningThread.bContinue) return; // Applying handler executeHandler(EVENT_DATA_RETRIEVED, ((RequestableThread) Thread.currentThread()).javascriptContext); } public void modifyInputDocument() throws Exception { Element root, statementVariablesElement, form, formElement; NodeList nodeList, formList, formElementList; String statement_name, form_name, form_action, http_form_name; Node importedForm; int len; // Inspect resulting parsed document to retrieve Form data values //formList = currentXmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("form"); formList = currentXmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("FORM"); // tagname in uppercase with MOZPARSER!! len = formList.getLength(); if (len > 0) { Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) Modifying input document for HTTPStatement"); statementVariablesElement = null; statement_name = "none"; if (currentStatement != null) statement_name = currentStatement.getName(); root = (Element) context.inputDocument.getElementsByTagName("input").item(0); if (root != null) { nodeList = root.getElementsByTagName("httpstatement-variables"); if ((nodeList != null) && (nodeList.getLength() > 0)) { statementVariablesElement = (Element) nodeList.item(0); //root.removeChild(statementVariablesElement); //statementVariablesElement = null; } if (statementVariablesElement == null) { statementVariablesElement = context.inputDocument.createElement("httpstatement-variables"); //statementVariablesElement.setAttribute("statement", statement_name); root.appendChild(statementVariablesElement); } /*if (statementVariablesElement != null) statementVariablesElement.setAttribute("statement", statement_name);*/ for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { formElement = null; form = (Element) formList.item(i); form_action = form.getAttribute("action"); form_name = form.getAttribute("name"); http_form_name = "http-" + form_name; formElementList = statementVariablesElement.getElementsByTagName(http_form_name); if ((formElementList != null) && (formElementList.getLength() > 0)) { formElement = (Element) formElementList.item(0); statementVariablesElement.removeChild(formElement); formElement = null; } if (formElement == null) { formElement = context.inputDocument.createElement(http_form_name); formElement.setAttribute("name", form_name); formElement.setAttribute("action", form_action); formElement.setAttribute("statement", statement_name); statementVariablesElement.appendChild(formElement); } if (formElement != null) { importedForm = context.inputDocument.importNode(form, true); //statementVariablesElement.appendChild(importedForm); formElement.appendChild(importedForm); } } } Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) Input document modified for HTTPStatement"); if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) { Document printDoc = (Document) Visibility.Logs.replaceVariables(getVariablesList(), context.inputDocument); Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) \n" + XMLUtils.prettyPrintDOM(printDoc)); } } } @Override protected void insertObjectsInScope() throws EngineException { super.insertObjectsInScope(); } public synchronized void setCurrentXmlDocument(Document document) { currentXmlDocument = document; ((HtmlConnector) parent).setCurrentXmlDocument(currentXmlDocument); } @Override protected void executeHandlerCore(String handlerType, Context javascriptContext) throws EcmaError, EvaluatorException, JavaScriptException, EngineException { if (!EVENT_ENTRY_HANDLER.equals(handlerType) && !EVENT_EXIT_HANDLER.equals(handlerType)) { super.executeHandlerCore(handlerType, javascriptContext); return; } handlerResult = ""; handlerName = "on" + normalizedScreenClassName + handlerType; Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) Search of the " + handlerType + " handler (" + handlerName + ")"); HandlerStatement handlerStatement = getHandlerStatement(handlerName); if ((handlerStatement == null) || ((handlerStatement != null) && !handlerStatement.isEnable())) { if (handlerStatement == null) Engine.logBeans.debug("(HtmlTransaction) No " + handlerType + " handler (" + handlerName + ") found for the screen class '" + screenClass.getName() + "'; searching for the transaction default handler..."); else Engine.logBeans .debug("(HtmlTransaction) handler (" + handlerName + ") disabled for the screen class '" + screenClass.getName() + "'; searching for the transaction default handler..."); handlerName = "onTransactionDefaultHandler" + handlerType; handlerStatement = getHandlerStatement(handlerName); if (handlerStatement == null) { Engine.logBeans.debug("(HtmlTransaction) No " + handlerType + " transaction default handler found"); return; } if (!handlerStatement.isEnable()) { Engine.logBeans.debug("(HtmlTransaction) " + handlerType + " transaction default handler disabled"); return; } Engine.logBeans .debug("(HtmlTransaction) Execution of the " + handlerType + " transaction default handler"); } else { Engine.logBeans.debug("(HtmlTransaction) Execution of the " + handlerType + " handler (" + handlerName + ") for the screen class '" + screenClass.getName() + "'"); } Engine.logBeans.debug(">> " + handlerName + "()"); // See ticket #819 (Fix the convertigo statistics for HTML connector) // String th = ""; // if (bStatistics) { // th = context.statistics.start(EngineStatistics.APPLY_SCREENCLASS_HANDLERS); // } handlerStatement.checkSymbols(); Object returnedValue = null; try { handlerStatement.execute(javascriptContext, scope); testLoop(handlerStatement); returnedValue = handlerStatement.getReturnedValue(); } finally { // See ticket #819 (Fix the convertigo statistics for HTML connector) // if (bStatistics) { // context.statistics.stop(th, bNotFirstLoop1); // } } if (returnedValue instanceof org.mozilla.javascript.Undefined) { handlerResult = ""; } else if (returnedValue instanceof String) { handlerResult = (String) returnedValue; if ("".equals(handlerResult) || RETURN_CONTINUE.equals(handlerResult)) { // handle emptry string "" and "continue" string as an undefined result, for entry and exit handlers handlerResult = ""; } else if (EVENT_ENTRY_HANDLER.equals(handlerType)) { if (!(handlerResult.equalsIgnoreCase(RETURN_REDETECT) || handlerResult.equalsIgnoreCase(RETURN_SKIP))) { EngineException ee = new EngineException("Wrong returned code for the " + handlerType + " handler: " + handlerResult + ".\n" + "Transaction: \"" + getName() + "\"\n" + "Screen class: \"" + screenClass.getName() + "\""); throw ee; } } else { if (!handlerResult.equalsIgnoreCase(RETURN_ACCUMULATE)) { EngineException ee = new EngineException("Wrong returned code for the " + handlerType + " handler: " + handlerResult + ".\n" + "Transaction: \"" + getName() + "\"\n" + "Screen class: \"" + screenClass.getName() + "\""); throw ee; } } } else { EngineException ee = new EngineException("Wrong returned code for the " + handlerType + " handler: " + handlerResult + ".\n" + "Transaction: \"" + getName() + "\"\n" + "Screen class: \"" + screenClass.getName() + "\"" + "Returned value: \"" + returnedValue.toString() + "\"" + "Handler result: \"" + handlerResult.toString() + "\""); throw ee; } Engine.logBeans.debug("<< " + handlerName + "(): \"" + handlerResult + "\""); } @Override protected void executeSimpleHandlerCore(String handlerType, Context myJavascriptContext) throws EcmaError, EvaluatorException, JavaScriptException, EngineException { handlerName = "on" + handlerType; Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) Searching the " + handlerType + " handler (" + handlerName + ")"); HandlerStatement handlerStatement = getHandlerStatement(handlerName); handlerResult = ""; if (handlerStatement != null) { if (!handlerStatement.isEnable()) return; Engine.logBeans.debug("(HtmlTransaction) Execution of the " + handlerType + " handler (" + handlerName + ") for the transaction '" + getName() + "'"); handlerStatement.execute(myJavascriptContext, scope); Object returnedValue = handlerStatement.getReturnedValue(); if (returnedValue instanceof org.mozilla.javascript.Undefined) { handlerResult = ""; } else { handlerResult = returnedValue.toString(); } } else { Engine.logBeans.debug("(HtmlTransaction) No " + handlerType + " handler (" + handlerName + ") found"); } } public void applyExtractionRules(HtmlScreenClass screenClass, boolean bNotFirstLoop) throws EngineException { String t = context.statistics.start(EngineStatistics.APPLY_EXTRACTION_RULES); try { // We apply the extraction rules for this screen class int extractionRuleInitReason; List<ExtractionRule> vExtractionRules = screenClass.getExtractionRules(); for (ExtractionRule extractionRule : vExtractionRules) { HtmlExtractionRule htmlExtractionRule = (HtmlExtractionRule) extractionRule; if (!runningThread.bContinue) break; if (!extractionRule.isEnabled()) { Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) Skipping the extraction rule \"" + extractionRule.getName() + "\" because it has been disabled."); continue; } Engine.logBeans.debug( "(HtmlTransaction) Applying the extraction rule \"" + extractionRule.getName() + "\""); extractionRule.checkSymbols(); String extractionRuleQName = extractionRule.getQName(); if (vExtractionRulesInited.contains(extractionRuleQName)) { extractionRuleInitReason = ExtractionRule.ACCUMULATING; } else { extractionRuleInitReason = ExtractionRule.INITIALIZING; vExtractionRulesInited.add(extractionRuleQName); } Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) Initializing extraction rule (reason = " + extractionRuleInitReason + ")..."); extractionRule.init(extractionRuleInitReason); // We fire engine events only in studio mode. if (Engine.isStudioMode()) { Engine.theApp.fireObjectDetected(new EngineEvent(extractionRule)); } boolean hasMatched = htmlExtractionRule.apply(currentXmlDocument, context); if (hasMatched) { htmlExtractionRule.addToScope(scope); Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) Applying extraction rule '" + extractionRule.getName() + "': matching"); } else Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) Applying extraction rule '" + extractionRule.getName() + "': not matching"); // We fire engine events only in studio mode. if (Engine.isStudioMode()) { Engine.logBeans .debug("(HtmlTransaction) Step reached after having applied the extraction rule \"" + extractionRule.getName() + "\"."); Engine.theApp.fireStepReached(new EngineEvent(extractionRule)); } extractionRule = null; } vExtractionRules = null; } finally { context.statistics.stop(t, bNotFirstLoop); } } @Override public String migrateToXsdTypes() { String xsdTypes = null; try { // Retrieve backup wsdlTypes String backupWsdlTypes = getBackupWsdlTypes(); if (backupWsdlTypes != null) { String types = backupWsdlTypes; if (isDefault) { /* Generate again : correct bug of ref in group */ types = generateWsdlType(null); if (!isPublicAccessibility()) { HtmlConnector connector = (HtmlConnector) getParent(); String prefix = (connector.isDefault ? "" : connector.getName() + "__"); String transactionName = StringUtils.normalize(prefix + getName(), true) + "Response"; /* remove complexType for transaction*/ int i = types.indexOf("<xsd:complexType name=\"" + transactionName + "\">"); if (i != -1) { int j = types.indexOf("</xsd:complexType>", i); if (j != -1) types = types.substring(0, i) + types.substring(j + "</xsd:complexType>\n".length()); } } } // Replace xxxResponse by yyy__xxxResponseData StringEx sx = new StringEx(types); sx.replace("\"" + getName() + "Response\"", "\"" + getXsdTypePrefix() + getName() + "ResponseData\""); sx.replace(":" + getName() + "Response\"", ":" + getXsdTypePrefix() + getName() + "ResponseData\""); sx.replace("__" + getName() + "Response\"", "__" + getName() + "ResponseData\""); sx.replaceAll("tns:", getProject().getName() + "_ns:"); xsdTypes = generateXsdRequestData() + " " + sx.toString(); } } catch (Exception e) { Engine.logBeans.warn("Unable to migrate to XSD types for requestable \"" + getName() + "\"", e); } return xsdTypes; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Transaction#generateWsdlType(org.w3c.dom.Document) */ @Override public String generateWsdlType(Document document) throws Exception { HtmlConnector connector = (HtmlConnector) getParent(); String prefix = getXsdTypePrefix(); // First regenerates wsdltype for default transaction : will contains all types!! if (!isDefault) { HtmlTransaction defaultTransaction = (HtmlTransaction) connector.getDefaultTransaction(); defaultTransaction.generateWsdlType(document); defaultTransaction.hasChanged = true; } // Retrieve extraction rules schemas List<HtmlScreenClass> screenClasses = connector.getAllScreenClasses(); Map<String, ScreenClass> ht = new HashMap<String, ScreenClass>(screenClasses.size()); String normalizedScreenClassName; int i; for (ScreenClass screenClass : screenClasses) { normalizedScreenClassName = StringUtils.normalize(screenClass.getName()); ht.put(normalizedScreenClassName, screenClass); } Map<String, String> names = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> types = new HashMap<String, String>(); List<String> schemas = new LinkedList<String>(); screenClass = connector.getDefaultScreenClass(); if (screenClass != null) { addExtractionRuleShemas(names, types, schemas, screenClass); } // Retrieve statements schemas for (Statement statement : getStatements()) { addStatementSchemas(schemas, statement); } // Construct transaction schema String transactionName = StringUtils.normalize(prefix + getName(), true) + "Response"; String schema = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" + getEncodingCharSet() + "\" ?>\n"; schema += "<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=\"\">\n"; String all, obSchema; all = ""; for (i = 0; i < schemas.size(); i++) { obSchema = schemas.get(i); all += obSchema; } if (isDefault) { String group = ""; String groupName = StringUtils.normalize(connector.getName(), true) + "Types"; group += "<xsd:group name=\"" + groupName + "\">\n"; group += "<xsd:sequence>\n"; group += all; group += "</xsd:sequence>\n"; group += "</xsd:group>\n"; schema += "<xsd:complexType name=\"" + transactionName + "\">\n"; schema += "<xsd:sequence>\n"; schema += "<xsd:element minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\"1\" name=\"error\" type=\"p_ns:ConvertigoError\"/>\n"; schema += "<xsd:group minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\"1\" ref=\"p_ns:" + groupName + "\"/>\n"; schema += "</xsd:sequence>\n"; schema += "</xsd:complexType>\n"; schema += group; for (Enumeration<String> e = Collections.enumeration(types.keySet()); e.hasMoreElements();) { String typeSchema = (String) types.get(e.nextElement()); schema += typeSchema; } } else { schema += "<xsd:complexType name=\"" + transactionName + "\">\n"; schema += "<xsd:sequence>\n"; schema += "<xsd:element minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\"1\" name=\"error\" type=\"p_ns:ConvertigoError\"/>\n"; schema += all; schema += "</xsd:sequence>\n"; schema += "</xsd:complexType>\n"; } schema += "</xsd:schema>\n"; String prettyPrintedText = XMLUtils.prettyPrintDOM(schema); int index = prettyPrintedText.indexOf("<xsd:schema") + "<xsd:schema".length(); index = prettyPrintedText.indexOf('\n', index); prettyPrintedText = prettyPrintedText.substring(index + 1); prettyPrintedText = prettyPrintedText.substring(0, prettyPrintedText.indexOf("</xsd:schema>")); //prettyPrintedText = removeTab(prettyPrintedText); return prettyPrintedText; } private void addStatementSchemas(List<String> schemas, Statement statement) { if (statement.isEnable()) { if (statement instanceof ContextAddTextNodeStatement) { String eltName = ((ContextAddTextNodeStatement) statement).getTagName(); String stSchema = "<xsd:element minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\"1\" name=\"" + eltName + "\" type=\"xsd:string\"/>\n"; if (!schemas.contains(stSchema)) { schemas.add(stSchema); } } else if (statement instanceof StatementWithExpressions) { for (Statement st : ((StatementWithExpressions) statement).getStatements()) { addStatementSchemas(schemas, st); } } } } private void addExtractionRuleShemas(Map<String, String> names, Map<String, String> types, List<String> schemas, HtmlScreenClass screenClass) throws Exception { HtmlExtractionRule htmlExtractionRule = null; String typeSchema, typeName; String erSchema, erSchemaEltName, erSchemaEltNSType; Map<String, String> type; if (screenClass != null) { for (ExtractionRule extractionRule : screenClass.getExtractionRules()) { htmlExtractionRule = (HtmlExtractionRule) extractionRule; if (htmlExtractionRule.isEnabled()) { erSchemaEltName = htmlExtractionRule.getSchemaElementName(); erSchemaEltNSType = htmlExtractionRule.getSchemaElementNSType("p_ns"); if (!names.containsKey(erSchemaEltName)) { names.put(erSchemaEltName, erSchemaEltNSType); } else { typeSchema = (String) names.get(erSchemaEltName); if (!typeSchema.equals(erSchemaEltNSType)) { throw new Exception("Transaction may generate at least two extraction rules named '" + erSchemaEltName + "' with different type : '" + typeSchema + "' and '" + erSchemaEltNSType + "'.\nPlease correct by changing tagname or name if tagname is empty"); } } erSchema = htmlExtractionRule.getSchema("p_ns"); if (!schemas.contains(erSchema)) { schemas.add(erSchema); } type = htmlExtractionRule.getSchemaTypes(); for (Entry<String, String> entry : type.entrySet()) { typeName = entry.getKey(); typeSchema = entry.getValue(); types.put(typeName, typeSchema); } } } List<ScreenClass> visc = screenClass.getInheritedScreenClasses(); for (ScreenClass inheritedScreenClass : visc) { addExtractionRuleShemas(names, types, schemas, (HtmlScreenClass) inheritedScreenClass); } } } protected String removeTab(String s) throws IOException { String s2 = ""; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(s)); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { line = line.substring(4); s2 += line + "\n"; } return s2; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.DatabaseObject#configure(org.w3c.dom.Element) */ @Override public void configure(Element element) throws Exception { super.configure(element); try { String attribute = element.getAttribute("handlePriorities"); if (attribute.equals("")) throw new Exception("Missing \"handlePriorities\" attribute."); handlePriorities = new Boolean(attribute).booleanValue(); if (!handlePriorities) hasChanged = true; } catch (Exception e) { handlePriorities = false; Engine.logBeans.warn("The " + getClass().getName() + " object \"" + getName() + "\" has been updated to version \"4.0.1\""); hasChanged = true; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.DatabaseObject#write(java.lang.String) */ @Override public void write(String databaseObjectQName) throws EngineException { boolean b = handlePriorities; if (hasChanged && !isImporting) handlePriorities = true; try { super.write(databaseObjectQName); } catch (EngineException e) { handlePriorities = b; throw e; } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.DatabaseObject#toXml(org.w3c.dom.Document) */ @Override public Element toXml(Document document) throws EngineException { Element element = super.toXml(document); // Storing the transaction "handlePriorities" flag element.setAttribute("handlePriorities", new Boolean(handlePriorities).toString()); return element; } protected String getContentType() { String contentType = null; Header[] heads = context.getResponseHeaders(); for (int i = 0; i < heads.length && contentType == null; i++) { if ([i].getName())) { contentType = heads[i].getValue(); } } return contentType == null ? "" : contentType; } protected boolean isContentTypeHTML() { String contentType = getContentType(); // content type may be empty , default it to text/ if (contentType.length() == 0) contentType = "text/"; return (contentType.indexOf("text/") != -1); } protected Document makeBlob(byte[] data) { Document document = XMLUtils.getDefaultDocumentBuilder().newDocument(); Element blob = document.createElement("blob"); document.appendChild(blob); Header[] heads = context.getResponseHeaders(); for (int i = 0; i < heads.length; i++) { if ([i].getName()) ||[i].getName())) { blob.setAttribute(heads[i].getName(), heads[i].getValue()); } } blob.setAttribute("Referer", ((HtmlConnector) context.getConnector()).getReferer()); blob.appendChild(document.createTextNode(Base64.encodeBase64String(data))); return document; } protected void applyUserEvents() throws EngineException { HtmlConnector connector = (HtmlConnector) parent; if (!runningThread.bContinue) return; try { Document dom = null; for (int i = 0; i < wcFields.size(); i++) { AbstractEvent event = (AbstractEvent) wcFields.get(i); connector.dispatchEvent(event, context, new WaitTimeTrigger(0, false)); } String comment = (wcEvent instanceof AbstractEvent) ? ((AbstractEvent) wcEvent).getXPath() : "on browser"; Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) Dispatch Event: " + comment); boolean dispatch = connector.dispatchEvent(wcEvent, context, wcTrigger); dom = connector.getHtmlParser().getDom(context); Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) Event: " + comment + (dispatch ? "" : " not") + " dispatched"); setCurrentXmlDocument(dom); if (Engine.logBeans.isTraceEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.trace("(HtmlTransaction) Parse result dom:\n" + XMLUtils.prettyPrintDOM(dom)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new EngineException("An unexpected exception occured while trying to get the document via HTTP.", e); } finally { bDispatching = false; } if (!runningThread.bContinue) return; } private transient int handlerExecutionCounter = 0; private transient String latestCalledHandler = null; private transient long[] handlersCallTimeWindow; private transient int handlerExecutionCountLimit; private transient long handlerExecutionMaxTime; public void testLoop(HandlerStatement handler) throws EngineException { if (handler != null) { handlerName = handler.getName(); if (handler.preventFromLoops()) { if (!handlerName.equals(latestCalledHandler)) { Engine.logBeans.trace("first loop for " + handlerName); handlerExecutionCounter = 1; latestCalledHandler = handlerName; handlerExecutionCountLimit = 3; handlerExecutionMaxTime = 150; if (handlerName.endsWith("Exit")) { handlerExecutionCountLimit = 7; handlerExecutionMaxTime = 2000; } Engine.logBeans.trace("handlerExecutionCountLimit=" + handlerExecutionCountLimit); Engine.logBeans.trace("handlerExecutionMaxTime=" + handlerExecutionMaxTime); handlersCallTimeWindow = new long[handlerExecutionCountLimit]; Arrays.fill(handlersCallTimeWindow, System.currentTimeMillis()); } else { Engine.logEngine.trace("loop call for " + handlerName + " loop=" + handlerExecutionCounter); handlerExecutionCounter++; long handlerCurrentCallTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); handlersCallTimeWindow[(handlerExecutionCounter - 1) % handlerExecutionCountLimit] = handlerCurrentCallTime; long handlerFirstCallInWindowTime = handlersCallTimeWindow[handlerExecutionCounter % handlerExecutionCountLimit]; long deltaTime = handlerCurrentCallTime - handlerFirstCallInWindowTime; Engine.logBeans.trace("handlerCurrentCallTime =" + handlerCurrentCallTime); Engine.logBeans.trace("handlerFirstCallInWindowTime=" + handlerFirstCallInWindowTime); Engine.logBeans.trace("deltaTime=" + deltaTime); if ((handlerExecutionCounter > handlerExecutionCountLimit) && (deltaTime < handlerExecutionMaxTime)) { throw new EngineException("An unexpected handler loop has been detected: " + handlerName + " has been called " + handlerExecutionCounter + " times in " + deltaTime + " ms; you can authorize this behaviour by setting the \"Infinite loop protection\" handler's property to \"false\""); } } } } } }