Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Convertigo SA. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see<>. * * $URL$ * $Author$ * $Revision$ * $Date$ */ package com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import; import; import; import; import org.mozilla.javascript.Scriptable; import org.w3c.dom.Attr; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLVector; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.connectors.HttpConnector; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.variables.RequestableMultiValuedVariable; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.variables.RequestableVariable; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.variables.TestCaseVariable; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.CertificateManager; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.Context; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.Engine; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineException; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.enums.Parameter; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.enums.Visibility; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.util.GenericUtils; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.util.ParameterUtils; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.util.VersionUtils; import com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.util.XMLUtils; import com.twinsoft.util.StringEx; public abstract class TransactionWithVariables extends Transaction implements IVariableContainer, ITestCaseContainer, IContainerOrdered { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7348846395918560818L; transient private List<RequestableVariable> vVariables = new ArrayList<RequestableVariable>(); transient private List<RequestableVariable> vAllVariables = null; transient private List<TestCase> vTestCases = new ArrayList<TestCase>(); /** * Constructs a TransactionWithVariables object. */ public TransactionWithVariables() { super(); orderedVariables = new XMLVector<XMLVector<Long>>(); orderedVariables.add(new XMLVector<Long>()); databaseType = "Transaction"; } @Override public TransactionWithVariables clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { TransactionWithVariables clonedObject = (TransactionWithVariables) super.clone(); clonedObject.variables = new HashMap<String, Object>(); clonedObject.vVariables = new ArrayList<RequestableVariable>(); clonedObject.vTestCases = new ArrayList<TestCase>(); clonedObject.vAllVariables = null; clonedObject.originalVariables = null; clonedObject.needRestoreVariables = false; return clonedObject; } @Override public void add(DatabaseObject databaseObject) throws EngineException { if (databaseObject instanceof RequestableVariable) { addVariable((RequestableVariable) databaseObject); } else if (databaseObject instanceof TestCase) { addTestCase((TestCase) databaseObject); } else { super.add(databaseObject); } } @Override public void remove(DatabaseObject databaseObject) throws EngineException { if (databaseObject instanceof RequestableVariable) { removeVariable((RequestableVariable) databaseObject); } else if (databaseObject instanceof TestCase) { removeTestCase((TestCase) databaseObject); } else { super.remove(databaseObject); } } public void addVariable(RequestableVariable variable) throws EngineException { checkSubLoaded(); String newDatabaseObjectName = getChildBeanName(vVariables, variable.getName(), variable.bNew); variable.setName(newDatabaseObjectName); vVariables.add(variable); variable.setParent(this); insertOrderedVariable(variable, null); } private void insertOrderedVariable(Variable variable, Long after) { XMLVector<Long> ordered = orderedVariables.get(0); int size = ordered.size(); Long value = new Long(variable.priority); if (ordered.contains(value)) return; if (after == null) { after = new Long(0); if (size > 0) after = (Long) ordered.lastElement(); } int order = ordered.indexOf(after); ordered.add(order + 1, value); hasChanged = true; } public void removeVariable(RequestableVariable variable) { checkSubLoaded(); vVariables.remove(variable); variable.setParent(null); Long value = new Long(variable.priority); removeOrderedVariable(value); hasChanged = true; } private void removeOrderedVariable(Long value) { XMLVector<Long> ordered = orderedVariables.get(0); ordered.remove(value); hasChanged = true; } public void insertAtOrder(DatabaseObject databaseObject, long priority) throws EngineException { increaseOrder(databaseObject, new Long(priority)); } private void increaseOrder(DatabaseObject databaseObject, Long before) throws EngineException { XMLVector<Long> ordered = null; Long value = new Long(databaseObject.priority); if (databaseObject instanceof Variable) ordered = orderedVariables.get(0); if (!ordered.contains(value)) return; int pos = ordered.indexOf(value); if (pos == 0) return; if (before == null) before = (Long) ordered.get(pos - 1); int pos1 = ordered.indexOf(before); ordered.add(pos1, value); ordered.remove(pos + 1); hasChanged = true; } private void decreaseOrder(DatabaseObject databaseObject, Long after) throws EngineException { XMLVector<Long> ordered = null; Long value = new Long(databaseObject.priority); if (databaseObject instanceof Variable) ordered = orderedVariables.get(0); if (!ordered.contains(value)) return; int pos = ordered.indexOf(value); if (pos + 1 == ordered.size()) return; if (after == null) after = (Long) ordered.get(pos + 1); int pos1 = ordered.indexOf(after); ordered.add(pos1 + 1, value); ordered.remove(pos); hasChanged = true; } public void increasePriority(DatabaseObject databaseObject) throws EngineException { if (databaseObject instanceof Variable) increaseOrder(databaseObject, null); } public void decreasePriority(DatabaseObject databaseObject) throws EngineException { if (databaseObject instanceof Variable) decreaseOrder(databaseObject, null); } public void addTestCase(TestCase testCase) throws EngineException { checkSubLoaded(); String newDatabaseObjectName = getChildBeanName(vTestCases, testCase.getName(), testCase.bNew); testCase.setName(newDatabaseObjectName); vTestCases.add(testCase); testCase.setParent(this); } public void removeTestCase(TestCase testCase) { checkSubLoaded(); vTestCases.remove(testCase); testCase.setParent(null); } /** * Get representation of order for quick sort of a given database object. */ @Override public Object getOrder(Object object) throws EngineException { if (object instanceof Variable) { List<Long> ordered = orderedVariables.get(0); long time = ((Variable) object).priority; if (ordered.contains(time)) return (long) ordered.indexOf(time); else throw new EngineException("Corrupted variable for transaction \"" + getName() + "\". Variable \"" + ((Variable) object).getName() + "\" with priority \"" + time + "\" isn't referenced anymore."); } else return super.getOrder(object); } public List<RequestableVariable> getVariables(boolean reset) { if (reset) vAllVariables = null; return getVariablesList(); } /** Compatibility for version older than 4.6.0 **/ @Deprecated public XMLVector<XMLVector<Object>> getVariablesDefinition() { XMLVector<XMLVector<Object>> xmlv = new XMLVector<XMLVector<Object>>(); getVariablesList(); if (hasVariables()) { for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVariables(); i++) { RequestableVariable variable = (RequestableVariable) getVariable(i); XMLVector<Object> v = new XMLVector<Object>(); v.add(variable.getName()); v.add(variable.getDescription()); v.add(variable.getDefaultValue()); v.add(variable.isWsdl()); v.add(variable.isMultiValued()); v.add(variable.isPersonalizable()); v.add(variable.isCachedKey()); xmlv.add(v); } } return xmlv; } @Deprecated public Vector<RequestableVariable> getVariables() { return new Vector<RequestableVariable>(getVariablesList()); } public List<RequestableVariable> getVariablesList() { checkSubLoaded(); if ((vAllVariables == null) || hasChanged) vAllVariables = getAllVariables(); return vAllVariables; } public List<RequestableVariable> getAllVariables() { checkSubLoaded(); return sort(vVariables); } public Variable getVariable(int index) { checkSubLoaded(); try { return (RequestableVariable) vVariables.get(index); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return null; } } public Variable getVariable(String variableName) { checkSubLoaded(); for (int i = 0; i < vVariables.size(); i++) { RequestableVariable variable = (RequestableVariable) vVariables.get(i); if (variable.getName().equals(variableName)) { return variable; } } return null; } public boolean hasVariables() { checkSubLoaded(); return (vVariables.size() > 0); } public int numberOfVariables() { checkSubLoaded(); return vVariables.size(); } public TestCase getTestCaseByName(String testCaseName) { checkSubLoaded(); for (TestCase testCase : vTestCases) { if (testCase.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(testCaseName)) return testCase; } return null; } public List<TestCase> getTestCasesList() { checkSubLoaded(); return sort(vTestCases); } /** Holds value of property orderedVariables. */ private XMLVector<XMLVector<Long>> orderedVariables = new XMLVector<XMLVector<Long>>(); /** Stores value of property orderedVariables. */ //private transient XMLVector originalVariablesDefinition = null; private transient List<RequestableVariable> originalVariables = null; /** Getter for property orderedVariables. * @return Value of property orderedVariables. */ public XMLVector<XMLVector<Long>> getOrderedVariables() { return orderedVariables; } /** Setter for property orderedVariables. * @param orderedVariables New value of property orderedVariables. */ public void setOrderedVariables(XMLVector<XMLVector<Long>> orderedVariables) { this.orderedVariables = orderedVariables; } /** * Resets variables to original value */ protected void restoreVariables() { checkSubLoaded(); if (needRestoreVariables) { if (originalVariables != null) { vVariables = new ArrayList<RequestableVariable>(originalVariables); } needRestoreVariables = false; } } private void setDynamicVariable(String variableName, Object variableValue, Boolean multi, String variableMethod) { checkSubLoaded(); needRestoreVariables = true; originalVariables = new ArrayList<RequestableVariable>(vVariables); RequestableVariable variable = (RequestableVariable) getVariable(variableName); try { // variable definition does not exist, creates it if (variable == null) { variable = (multi ? new RequestableMultiValuedVariable() : new RequestableVariable()); variable.bNew = true; variable.hasChanged = true; } // override existing variable definition with dynamic one variable.setName(variableName); variable.setDescription(variableName); variable.setValueOrNull(variableValue); variable.setWsdl(Boolean.FALSE); variable.setPersonalizable(Boolean.FALSE); variable.setCachedKey(Boolean.TRUE); if (variable.bNew) addVariable(variable); } catch (EngineException e) { } } public Object getParameterValue(String parameterName) throws EngineException { Object variableValue = null; int variableVisibility = getVariableVisibility(parameterName); // Transaction parameter variableValue = variables.get(parameterName); if (variableValue != null) Engine.logBeans.trace("(TransactionWithVariables) parameter value: " + Visibility.Logs.printValue(variableVisibility, variableValue)); // Otherwise context parameter if (variableValue == null && context != null) { variableValue = (context.get(parameterName) == null ? null : context.get(parameterName)); if (variableValue != null) Engine.logBeans.trace("(TransactionWithVariables) context value: " + Visibility.Logs.printValue(variableVisibility, variableValue)); } // Otherwise default transaction parameter value if (variableValue == null) { variableValue = getVariableValue(parameterName); if (variableValue != null) Engine.logBeans.trace("(TransactionWithVariables) default value: " + Visibility.Logs.printValue(variableVisibility, variableValue)); } if (variableValue == null) { Engine.logBeans.trace("(TransactionWithVariables) none value found"); } else if (variableValue.getClass().isArray()) { Engine.logBeans.trace("(TransactionWithVariables) transform the array value as a collection"); if (variableValue.getClass().getComponentType().isPrimitive()) { int len = Array.getLength(variableValue); Collection<Object> newVariableValue = new ArrayList<Object>(len); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { newVariableValue.add(Array.get(variableValue, i)); } variableValue = newVariableValue; } else { variableValue = Arrays.asList((Object[]) variableValue); } } return variableValue; } public String getParameterStringValue(String parameterName) throws EngineException { return ParameterUtils.toString(getParameterValue(parameterName)); } @Override public Object getVariableValue(String requestedVariableName) throws EngineException { // Request parameter value (see parseInputDocument()) Object value = ((variables == null) ? null : variables.get(requestedVariableName)); // If no value is found, find the default value and return it. if (value == null) { Object valueToPrint = null; RequestableVariable variable = (RequestableVariable) getVariable(requestedVariableName); if (variable != null) { value = variable.getValueOrNull();// new 5.0.3 (may return null) valueToPrint = Visibility.Logs.printValue(variable.getVisibility(), value); if (Engine.logBeans.isDebugEnabled()) { if ((value != null) && (value instanceof String)) Engine.logBeans .debug("Default value: " + requestedVariableName + " = \"" + valueToPrint + "\""); else Engine.logBeans.debug("Default value: " + requestedVariableName + " = " + valueToPrint); } if (value == null && variable.isRequired()) { throw new EngineException("Variable named \"" + requestedVariableName + "\" is required for transaction \"" + getName() + "\""); } } } if ((value != null) && (value instanceof List)) { List<?> lValue = GenericUtils.cast(value); value = lValue.toArray(new Object[lValue.size()]); } return value; } public int getVariableVisibility(String requestedVariableName) { Variable variable = getVariable(requestedVariableName); if (variable != null) return variable.getVisibility(); return 0; } public transient Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>(); protected transient boolean needRestoreVariables = false; @Override public void parseInputDocument(Context context) throws EngineException { super.parseInputDocument(context); if (context.inputDocument != null && Engine.logContext.isInfoEnabled()) { Document printDoc = (Document) Visibility.Logs.replaceVariables(getVariablesList(), context.inputDocument); XMLUtils.logXml(printDoc, Engine.logContext, "Input document"); } NodeList variableNodes = context.inputDocument.getElementsByTagName("variable"); Element variableNode; Attr valueAttrNode; int len = variableNodes.getLength(); String variableName, variableValue, variableMethod; RequestableVariable variable; boolean bMulti; // TODO: grer les variables dites persistantes variables.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { bMulti = false; variableNode = (Element) variableNodes.item(i); variableName = variableNode.getAttribute("name"); variableValue = (variableNode.hasAttribute("value") ? variableNode.getAttribute("value") : null); valueAttrNode = variableNode.getAttributeNode("value"); variableMethod = null; // Test case for transaction if (variableName.indexOf(Parameter.Testcase.getName()) == 0) { TestCase testcase = getTestCaseByName(variableValue); if (testcase != null) { String testCaseVariableName; Object testCaseVariableValue; // Add test case variables default value(s) for (TestCaseVariable testCaseVariable : testcase.getVariables()) { testCaseVariableName = testCaseVariable.getName(); testCaseVariableValue = testcase.getVariableValue(testCaseVariableName); if (testCaseVariableValue != null) { variables.put(testCaseVariableName, testCaseVariableValue); } } } else { Engine.logBeans.warn("Transaction: there's no testcase named '" + variableValue + "' for '" + getName() + "' transaction"); } continue; } // May be a dynamic transaction variable definition else if ((variableName.indexOf(Parameter.DynamicVariablePost.getName()) == 0) || (variableName.indexOf(Parameter.DynamicVariableGet.getName()) == 0)) { bMulti = variableNode.getAttribute("multi").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); if (variableName.indexOf(Parameter.DynamicVariablePost.getName()) == 0) { variableName = variableName.substring(Parameter.DynamicVariablePost.getName().length()); variableMethod = "POST"; } else if (variableName.indexOf(Parameter.DynamicVariableGet.getName()) == 0) { variableName = variableName.substring(Parameter.DynamicVariableGet.getName().length()); variableMethod = "GET"; } // retrieve variable definition variable = (RequestableVariable) getVariable(variableName); if (variableMethod != null) { setDynamicVariable(variableName, variableValue, Boolean.valueOf(bMulti), variableMethod); } } // Serialized variables definition else { variable = (RequestableVariable) getVariable(variableName); } // Structured value? Object scopeValue = null; if (getProject().isStrictMode()) { scopeValue = (variableValue != null) ? variableValue : variableNode.getChildNodes(); } else { if (variableValue != null) { scopeValue = variableValue; } else { String sValue = XMLUtils.prettyPrintElement(variableNode, true, false); sValue = sValue.replaceAll("<variable name=\"" + variableName + "\">", ""); sValue = sValue.replaceAll("</variable>", ""); scopeValue = sValue; } } // Multivalued variable ? if ((variable != null) && (variable.isMultiValued())) { List<Object> current = GenericUtils.cast(variables.get(variableName)); if (current == null) { current = new ArrayList<Object>(); variables.put(variableName, current); } if (variableValue == null || valueAttrNode != null) { current.add(scopeValue); } } else { variables.put(variableName, scopeValue); } } // Enumeration of all transaction variables if (Engine.logBeans.isDebugEnabled()) Engine.logBeans.debug("Transaction variables: " + (variables == null ? "none" : Visibility.Logs.replaceVariables(getVariablesList(), variables))); } @Override protected void insertObjectsInScope() throws EngineException { super.insertObjectsInScope(); // Insert variables into the scripting context: first insert the explicit // (declared) variables (with or not default values), and then insert the // variables (that may eventually be the same). String variableName; Object variableValue; Object variableValueToPrint; int variableVisibility; Scriptable jsObject; checkSubLoaded(); for (RequestableVariable variable : vVariables) { variableName = variable.getName(); variableVisibility = variable.getVisibility(); if (variableName.startsWith("__")) continue; if (variables.containsKey(variableName)) continue; variableValue = getVariableValue(variableName); jsObject = ((variableValue == null) ? null : org.mozilla.javascript.Context.toObject(variableValue, scope)); scope.put(variableName, scope, jsObject); variableValueToPrint = Visibility.Logs.printValue(variableVisibility, variableValue); if ((variableValue != null) && (variableValue instanceof String)) Engine.logBeans.debug("(TransactionWithVariables) Declared but not provided transaction variable " + variableName + "=\"" + variableValueToPrint + "\" added to the scripting scope"); else Engine.logBeans.debug("(TransactionWithVariables) Declared but not provided transaction variable " + variableName + "=" + variableValueToPrint + " added to the scripting scope"); } for (String variableName2 : variables.keySet()) { if (variableName2.startsWith("__")) continue; variableVisibility = getVariableVisibility(variableName2); variableValue = getVariableValue(variableName2); jsObject = ((variableValue == null) ? null : org.mozilla.javascript.Context.toObject(variableValue, scope)); scope.put(variableName2, scope, jsObject); variableValueToPrint = Visibility.Logs.printValue(variableVisibility, variableValue); if ((variableValue != null) && (variableValue instanceof String)) Engine.logBeans.debug("(TransactionWithVariables) Provided transaction variable " + variableName2 + "=\"" + variableValueToPrint + "\" added (or overridden) to the scripting scope"); else Engine.logBeans.debug("(TransactionWithVariables) Provided transaction variable " + variableName2 + "=" + variableValueToPrint + " added (or overridden) to the scripting scope"); } } public String getRequestString(Context context) { checkSubLoaded(); List<String> vVariables = new ArrayList<String>(variables.size()); //Use authenticated user as cache key if (isAuthenticatedUserAsCacheKey()) vVariables.add("userID=" + context.getAuthenticatedUser()); for (String variableName : variables.keySet()) { if (includeVariableIntoRequestString(variableName)) { vVariables.add(variableName + "=" + variables.get(variableName)); } } if (bIncludeCertificateGroup) { try { CertificateManager certificateManager = ((HttpConnector) getParent()).certificateManager; certificateManager.collectStoreInformation(context); if ((certificateManager.keyStoreGroup == null) || (certificateManager.keyStoreGroup.length() == 0)) { vVariables.add("certificateGroup=" + certificateManager.keyStoreName); } else { vVariables.add("certificateGroup=" + certificateManager.keyStoreGroup); } } catch (EngineException e) { vVariables.add("certificateGroup=exception"); } } Collections.sort(vVariables); String requestString = context.projectName + " " + context.transactionName + " " + vVariables.toString(); return requestString; } public boolean includeVariableIntoRequestString(String variableName) { RequestableVariable variable = (RequestableVariable) getVariable(variableName); if (variable != null) { return variable.isCachedKey(); } return false; } @Override public String generateXsdArrayOfData() throws Exception { String xsdArrayData = ""; RequestableVariable variable = null; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVariables(); i++) { variable = (RequestableVariable) getVariable(i); if (variable.isWsdl()) { if (variable.isMultiValued()) { xsdArrayData += Engine.getArrayOfSchema(variable.getSchemaType()); } } } return xsdArrayData; } @Override public String generateXsdRequestData() throws Exception { String prefix = getXsdTypePrefix(); String xsdRequestData = null; RequestableVariable variable = null; xsdRequestData = " <xsd:complexType name=\"" + prefix + getName() + "RequestData\">\n"; //xsdRequestData += " <xsd:annotation>\n"; //xsdRequestData += " <xsd:documentation>"+ XMLUtils.getCDataXml(getComment()) +"</xsd:documentation>\n"; //xsdRequestData += " </xsd:annotation>\n"; xsdRequestData += " <xsd:sequence>\n"; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVariables(); i++) { variable = (RequestableVariable) getVariable(i); if (variable.isWsdl()) { if (variable.isMultiValued()) { xsdRequestData += " <xsd:element minOccurs=\"1\" maxOccurs=\"1\" name=\"" + variable.getName() + "\" >\n"; xsdRequestData += " <xsd:annotation>\n"; xsdRequestData += " <xsd:documentation>" + XMLUtils.getCDataXml(variable.getComment()) + "</xsd:documentation>\n"; xsdRequestData += " <xsd:appinfo>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(variable.getDescription()) + "</xsd:appinfo>\n"; xsdRequestData += " </xsd:annotation>\n"; xsdRequestData += " <xsd:complexType>\n"; xsdRequestData += " <xsd:sequence>\n"; xsdRequestData += " <xsd:element minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\"unbounded\" name=\"item\" type=\"" + variable.getSchemaType() + "\" />\n"; xsdRequestData += " </xsd:sequence>\n"; xsdRequestData += " </xsd:complexType>\n"; xsdRequestData += " </xsd:element>\n"; } else { xsdRequestData += " <xsd:element minOccurs=\"1\" maxOccurs=\"1\" name=\"" + variable.getName() + "\" type=\"" + variable.getSchemaType() + "\">\n"; xsdRequestData += " <xsd:annotation>\n"; xsdRequestData += " <xsd:documentation>" + XMLUtils.getCDataXml(variable.getComment()) + "</xsd:documentation>\n"; xsdRequestData += " <xsd:appinfo>" + StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(variable.getDescription()) + "</xsd:appinfo>\n"; xsdRequestData += " </xsd:annotation>\n"; xsdRequestData += " </xsd:element>\n"; } } } xsdRequestData += " </xsd:sequence>\n"; xsdRequestData += " </xsd:complexType>\n"; return xsdRequestData; } @Override protected String generateXsdResponseData(Document document, boolean extract) throws Exception { StringEx sx = new StringEx(extract ? extractXsdType(document) : generateWsdlType(document)); //sx.replace(getName() + "Response", getName() + "ResponseData"); sx.replace(getName() + "Response\"", getName() + "ResponseData\""); sx.replaceAll("\"p_ns:", "\"" + getProject().getName() + "_ns:"); String xsdResponseData = " " + sx.toString(); return xsdResponseData; } @Override public void preconfigure(Element element) throws Exception { super.preconfigure(element); String version = element.getAttribute("version"); if (, "4.6.0") < 0) { NodeList properties = element.getElementsByTagName("property"); Element propName = (Element) XMLUtils.findNodeByAttributeValue(properties, "name", "name"); String objectName = (String) XMLUtils .readObjectFromXml((Element) XMLUtils.findChildNode(propName, Node.ELEMENT_NODE)); Element propVarDef = (Element) XMLUtils.findNodeByAttributeValue(properties, "name", "variablesDefinition"); if (propVarDef != null) { propVarDef.setAttribute("name", "orderedVariables"); hasChanged = true; Engine.logBeans.warn("[TransactionWithVariables] The object \"" + objectName + "\" has been updated to version 4.6.0 (property \"variablesDefinition\" changed to \"orderedVariables\")"); } } } @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) @Override public void configure(Element element) throws Exception { super.configure(element); String version = element.getAttribute("version"); if (version == null) { String s = XMLUtils.prettyPrintDOM(element); EngineException ee = new EngineException( "Unable to find version number for the database object \"" + getName() + "\".\nXML data: " + s); throw ee; } if (, "3.1.8") < 0) { int len = orderedVariables.size(); XMLVector line; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { line = (XMLVector) orderedVariables.get(i); if (line.size() > 0) { // Include in WSDL by default line.add(Boolean.TRUE); } } hasChanged = true; Engine.logBeans.warn("[TransactionWithVariables] The object \"" + getName() + "\" has been updated to version 3.1.8"); } if (, "3.2.4") < 0) { int len = orderedVariables.size(); XMLVector line; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { line = (XMLVector) orderedVariables.get(i); if (line.size() > 0) { // Defaults to non multivalued variable line.add(3, Boolean.FALSE); } } hasChanged = true; Engine.logBeans.warn("[TransactionWithVariables] The object \"" + getName() + "\" has been updated to version 3.2.4"); } if (, "4.2.0") < 0) { int len = orderedVariables.size(); XMLVector line; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { line = (XMLVector) orderedVariables.get(i); if (line.size() > 0) { // Do not set as Personalizable by default line.add(4, Boolean.FALSE); // Sets description to variable name by default line.add(1, line.get(0)); } } hasChanged = true; Engine.logBeans.warn("[TransactionWithVariables] The object \"" + getName() + "\" has been updated to version 4.2.0"); } if (, "4.3.0") < 0) { int len = orderedVariables.size(); XMLVector line; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { line = (XMLVector) orderedVariables.get(i); if (line.size() > 0) { // Set cached key line.add(6, Boolean.TRUE); } } hasChanged = true; Engine.logBeans.warn("[TransactionWithVariables] The object \"" + getName() + "\" has been updated to version 4.3.0"); } } /** Holds value of property bIncludeCertificateGroup. */ private boolean bIncludeCertificateGroup = false; /** Getter for property bIncludeCertificateGroup. * @return Value of property bIncludeCertificateGroup. */ public boolean includeCertificateGroup() { return this.bIncludeCertificateGroup; } /** Setter for property bIncludeCertificateGroup. * @param billable New value of property bIncludeCertificateGroup. */ public void setIncludeCertificateGroup(boolean bIncludeCertificateGroup) { this.bIncludeCertificateGroup = bIncludeCertificateGroup; } @Override public List<DatabaseObject> getAllChildren() { List<DatabaseObject> rep = super.getAllChildren(); List<RequestableVariable> variables = getVariablesList(); for (Variable variable : variables) { rep.add(variable); } List<TestCase> testCases = getTestCasesList(); for (TestCase testCase : testCases) { rep.add(testCase); } return rep; } @Override protected XmlSchemaComplexType addSchemaRequestDataType(XmlSchema xmlSchema) { XmlSchemaComplexType xmlSchemaComplexType = super.addSchemaRequestDataType(xmlSchema); int len = numberOfVariables(); if (len > 0) { XmlSchemaSequence xmlSchemaSequence = new XmlSchemaSequence(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { RequestableVariable variable = (RequestableVariable) getVariable(i); if (variable.isWsdl()) { XmlSchemaElement xmlSchemaElement = new XmlSchemaElement(); xmlSchemaElement.setName(variable.getName()); if (variable.isMultiValued()) { xmlSchemaElement.setMaxOccurs(Long.MAX_VALUE); } //String[] qn = variable.getSchemaType().split(":"); //QName typeName = new QName(xmlSchema.getNamespaceContext().getNamespaceURI(qn[0]), qn[1], qn[0]); //xmlSchemaElement.setSchemaTypeName(typeName); xmlSchemaElement.setSchemaTypeName(variable.getTypeAffectation()); addSchemaCommentAnnotation(xmlSchemaElement, variable.getComment(), variable.getDescription()); xmlSchemaSequence.getItems().add(xmlSchemaElement); } } xmlSchemaComplexType.setParticle(xmlSchemaSequence); } return xmlSchemaComplexType; } }