Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2015, Turn Inc. All Rights Reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found * in the LICENSE file. **/ package com.turn.griffin; import; import; import com.turn.griffin.GriffinControl.FileInfo; import com.turn.griffin.control.GriffinControlManager; import; import com.turn.griffin.utils.GriffinConfig; import com.turn.griffin.utils.GriffinRangedIntConfig; import com.turn.griffin.utils.GriffinStringConfig; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.mail.EmailException; import org.apache.commons.mail.SimpleEmail; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.List; /* NOTE: The proper functioning of this module requires: - List of Zookeeper server - A list of a subset of Apache Kakfa brokers such that at least one of them is online at any given time - Auto topic creation enabled on Apache Kafka brokers */ public class GriffinModule implements Griffin { public static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GriffinModule.class); public static final String PROPERTY_PREFIX = "Griffin."; /* This is an important parameter. All timing parameters are derived from it */ public static final int RESOURCE_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL_MS = new GriffinRangedIntConfig( PROPERTY_PREFIX + "ResourceDiscoveryInterval", "How often the global view is broadcast on the control channel (in ms)", 60000, 10000, 600000) .getValue(); /* Comma separated Zookeeper server list */ public static final String ZOOKEEPER = GriffinConfig.getProperty(PROPERTY_PREFIX + "ZkServers", System.getenv("ZK_PORT_2181_TCP_ADDR") + ":2181"); /* Comma separated broker list */ public static final String BROKERS = GriffinConfig.getProperty(PROPERTY_PREFIX + "KafkaBrokersList", System.getenv("KAFKA_PORT_9092_TCP_ADDR") + ":9092"); private static final String ERROR_EMAIL_RECIPIENTS = new GriffinStringConfig( PROPERTY_PREFIX + "Error.Email.Recipients", "Email addresses to report errors or warnings incurred in Griffin", "").getValue(); private static final String ERROR_EMAIL_SENDER = new GriffinStringConfig(PROPERTY_PREFIX + "Error.Email.Sender", "Sender's email addresses to report errors or warnings incurred in Griffin", "") .getValue(); private String myServerId; private Optional<GriffinControlManager> controlManager = Optional.absent(); private Optional<GriffinDataManager> dataManager = Optional.absent(); private Optional<GriffinLibCacheUtil> libCacheManager = Optional.absent(); public static Optional<GriffinModule> getInstance() { return Optional.fromNullable(GriffinInstance.instance); } public String getMyServerId() { return this.myServerId; } public Optional<GriffinLibCacheUtil> getLibCacheManager() { return this.libCacheManager; } public Optional<GriffinDataManager> getDataManager() { return this.dataManager; } private GriffinModule() { populateLocalVariables(); Preconditions.checkState(!StringUtils.isBlank(this.myServerId), "Server id is not defined"); Preconditions.checkState(!StringUtils.isBlank(ZOOKEEPER), "Zookeeper is not defined"); Preconditions.checkState(!StringUtils.isBlank(BROKERS), "Brokers are not defined"); this.libCacheManager = Optional.of(new GriffinLibCacheUtil(getMyServerId())); this.controlManager = Optional.of(new GriffinControlManager(this)); this.dataManager = Optional.of(new GriffinDataManager(this)); } private void populateLocalVariables() { try { this.myServerId = GriffinConfig.getProperty("serverid", null); } catch (Exception ex) { Preconditions.checkState(false, String.format("Failed to initialize GriffinModule, %s", ex)); } } public synchronized void shutdown() { if (this.controlManager.isPresent()) { this.controlManager.get().shutdown(); } if (this.dataManager.isPresent()) { this.dataManager.get().shutdown(); } } /* Send a request on the control channel about electing an uploader for the blob */ public void sendFileUploadRequest(FileInfo fileInfo) { controlManager.get().sendFileUploaderRequest(fileInfo); } /* TODO: add a function that takes a blob of bytes rather than a filename public boolean syncBlob(String blobName, String dest, byte[] bytes) { */ @Override public boolean syncBlob(String blobName, String dest, String filepath) { Preconditions.checkState(!StringUtils.isBlank(blobName)); Preconditions.checkState(!StringUtils.isBlank(filepath)); Preconditions.checkState(!StringUtils.isBlank(dest)); File file = new File(filepath); if (!file.exists()) { logger.warn(String.format("File %s does not exists", filepath)); return false; } if (file.length() == 0 || file.length() > getMaxBlobSizePermitted()) { logger.warn(String.format("File %s is greater the maximum allowed size of %s", filepath, getMaxBlobSizePermitted())); String subject = String.format("ALERT: Griffin syncBlob rejected blob:%s", blobName); String body = String.format( "Action: syncBlob rejected blob:%s filepath:%s%n" + "Reason: Size of %s bytes does not lie in (0,%s] %n", blobName, filepath, file.length(), getMaxBlobSizePermitted()); emailAlert(subject, body); return false; } Optional<FileInfo> fileInfo = libCacheManager.get().addFileToLocalLibCache(blobName, dest, filepath); if (fileInfo.isPresent()) {"Added %s", fileInfo.get().toString().replaceAll(System.getProperty("line.separator"), " "))); dataManager.get().uploadFile(fileInfo.get()); return true; } else { logger.error( String.format("Unable to add %s with destination %s to local repository ", blobName, dest)); String subject = String.format("ALERT: Griffin syncBlob rejected blob:%s", blobName); String body = String.format("Action: syncBlob rejected blob:%s filepath:%s%n" + "Reason: unable to add file to local repository%n", blobName, filepath); emailAlert(subject, body); return false; } } private long getMaxBlobSizePermitted() { return new GriffinRangedIntConfig(PROPERTY_PREFIX + "MaxBlobSizeInGB", "Maximum size of the blob (in GB) allowed in Griffin", 2, 1, 10).getValue() * FileUtils.ONE_GB; } public String multiConcat(List<String> pathElements) { String fullConcatName = pathElements.get(0); for (String name : pathElements.subList(1, pathElements.size())) { fullConcatName = FilenameUtils.concat(fullConcatName, name); } return fullConcatName; } public static void emailAlert(String subject, String body) { String serverId = GriffinConfig.getProperty("serverid", null); try { SimpleEmail email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setCharset("utf-8"); email.setFrom(ERROR_EMAIL_SENDER); email.addTo(ERROR_EMAIL_RECIPIENTS); email.setSubject(subject + "(" + serverId + ")"); email.setMsg(body); email.send(); } catch (EmailException e) { logger.error(String.format("Failed to send alert email To:%s Subject:%s Body:%s", ERROR_EMAIL_RECIPIENTS, subject, body), e); } } private static class GriffinInstance { public static GriffinModule instance = new GriffinModule(); } }