Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Andrey Borisov <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.turbospaces.collections; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.lmax.disruptor.util.Util; import com.turbospaces.api.CapacityRestriction; import com.turbospaces.api.SpaceExpirationListener; import com.turbospaces.core.CapacityMonitor; import com.turbospaces.core.EffectiveMemoryManager; import com.turbospaces.core.JVMUtil; import com.turbospaces.model.BO; import com.turbospaces.model.CacheStoreEntryWrapper; import com.turbospaces.offmemory.ByteArrayPointer; import com.turbospaces.serialization.MatchingSerializer; /** * Default implementation of off-heap hash set build on top of multiple concurrent segments with good concurrency for * both <code>matchById, matchByTemplate and write</code> with minimal GC impact.</p> * </p> * * @since 0.1 */ public final class OffHeapLinearProbingSet implements OffHeapHashSet { private final OffHeapLinearProbingSegment[] segments; private final int mask; private final CapacityMonitor capacityMonitor; private final Random rnd; /** * create new off-heap linear set for the given {@link BO} class. * * @param memoryManager * off-heap memory manager * @param capacityRestriction * the capacity restrictor * @param globalCapacityRestriction * global capacity restriction * @param serializer * entity serializer * @param executorService * concurrent executor service */ public OffHeapLinearProbingSet(final EffectiveMemoryManager memoryManager, final CapacityRestriction capacityRestriction, final CapacityRestriction globalCapacityRestriction, final MatchingSerializer<?> serializer, final ExecutorService executorService) { int nextPowerOfTwo = Util.ceilingNextPowerOfTwo(Math.max( (int) (capacityRestriction.getMaxElements() / OffHeapLinearProbingSegment.MAX_SEGMENT_CAPACITY), 1)); this.capacityMonitor = new CapacityMonitor(capacityRestriction, globalCapacityRestriction); this.segments = new OffHeapLinearProbingSegment[nextPowerOfTwo]; for (int i = 0; i < nextPowerOfTwo; i++) segments[i] = new OffHeapLinearProbingSegment(memoryManager, serializer, executorService, capacityMonitor); this.mask = nextPowerOfTwo - 1; this.rnd = new Random(); } @Override public boolean contains(final Object key) { return segmentFor(key).contains(key); } @Override public ByteArrayPointer getAsPointer(final Object key) { return segmentFor(key).getAsPointer(key); } @Override public ByteBuffer getAsSerializedData(final Object key) { return segmentFor(key).getAsSerializedData(key); } @Override public List<ByteArrayPointer> match(final CacheStoreEntryWrapper template) { List<ByteArrayPointer> retval = null; for (OffHeapLinearProbingSegment entry : segments) { List<ByteArrayPointer> match = entry.match(template); if (match != null) { if (retval == null) retval = Lists.newLinkedList(); retval.addAll(match); } } return retval; } @Override public int put(final Object key, final ByteArrayPointer value) { return segmentFor(key).put(key, value); } @Override public int remove(final Object key) { return segmentFor(key).remove(key); } @Override public long evictAll() { long removed = 0; for (OffHeapLinearProbingSegment entry : segments) removed += entry.evictAll(); return removed; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override public void setExpirationListeners(final SpaceExpirationListener... expirationListeners) { for (OffHeapLinearProbingSegment entry : segments) entry.setExpirationListeners(expirationListeners); } @Override public int size() { int size = 0; for (OffHeapLinearProbingSegment entry : segments) size += entry.size(); return size; } @Override public void cleanUp() { for (OffHeapLinearProbingSegment entry : segments) entry.cleanUp(); } @Override public ImmutableSet<?> toImmutableSet() { Builder<Object> builder = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (OffHeapLinearProbingSegment entry : segments) builder.addAll(entry.toImmutableSet()); return; } @Override public ImmutableMap<?, ?> toImmutableMap() {<Object, Object> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (OffHeapLinearProbingSegment entry : segments) builder.putAll(entry.toImmutableMap()); return; } @Override public long evictPercentage(final int percentage) { long items2evict = (capacityMonitor.getItemsCount() * percentage) / 100; return evictElements(items2evict); } @Override public long evictElements(final long elements) { long evictedObjects = 0; // actually start from random index int rndIdx = rnd.nextInt(segments.length); // try at least 8 times to adjust/align the result (typically it should be enough to do one loop...) for (int y = 0; y < (1 << 3); y++) for (int i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) { int idx = (i + rndIdx) % segments.length; OffHeapLinearProbingSegment entry = segments[idx]; long itemsPerSegment = Math.max(1, Ints.checkedCast((elements - evictedObjects) / (segments.length - i))); long evictElements = entry.evictElements(itemsPerSegment); evictedObjects += evictElements; if (evictedObjects >= elements) return evictedObjects; } return evictedObjects; } /** * @return capacity monitor associated with this set */ public CapacityMonitor getCapacityMonitor() { return capacityMonitor; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(Objects.toStringHelper(this).toString()); builder.append("\n"); int i = 0, totalItemsCount = 0; for (OffHeapLinearProbingSegment entry : segments) { builder.append("\t"); builder.append(i++).append("->").append(entry); builder.append("\n"); totalItemsCount += entry.size(); } builder.append("\n").append("totalItems=" + totalItemsCount); return builder.toString(); } private OffHeapLinearProbingSegment segmentFor(final Object key) { return segments[JVMUtil.murmurRehash(key.hashCode()) & Integer.MAX_VALUE & mask]; } }