Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2013 A & E Specialties, Inc. All rights reserved. * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of A & E Specialties, Inc. * You shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in * accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into with A & E Specialties, Inc. * * @author vish_pepala */ package com.turborep.turbotracker.sales.service; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Resource; import javax.persistence.TypedQuery; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateFormatUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.time.DateUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import com.turborep.turbotracker.Inventory.dao.TpInventoryLog; import com.turborep.turbotracker.Inventory.dao.TpInventoryLogMaster; import com.turborep.turbotracker.Inventory.service.InventoryService; import com.turborep.turbotracker.customer.dao.CuLinkageDetail; import com.turborep.turbotracker.customer.dao.Cuinvoice; import com.turborep.turbotracker.customer.dao.Cuso; import com.turborep.turbotracker.customer.dao.Cusodetail; import com.turborep.turbotracker.customer.dao.Cusotemplate; import com.turborep.turbotracker.employee.dao.Ecstatement; import com.turborep.turbotracker.job.dao.JoRelease; import com.turborep.turbotracker.job.dao.JoReleaseDetail; import com.turborep.turbotracker.job.dao.JobsBean; import com.turborep.turbotracker.job.dao.Jomaster; import com.turborep.turbotracker.job.service.JobService; import com.turborep.turbotracker.json.AutoCompleteBean; import com.turborep.turbotracker.product.dao.Prmaster; import com.turborep.turbotracker.product.dao.Prwarehouse; import com.turborep.turbotracker.product.dao.Prwarehouseinventory; import com.turborep.turbotracker.product.service.ProductService; import com.turborep.turbotracker.sales.dao.SalesRepBean; import com.turborep.turbotracker.system.dao.SysUserDefault; import com.turborep.turbotracker.system.dao.Sysprivilege; import com.turborep.turbotracker.user.dao.TsUserLogin; import com.turborep.turbotracker.user.dao.UserBean; /** * This Class is service implementation for * * @author vish_pepala */ @Service("salesServices") @Transactional public class Salesserviceimpl implements SalesService { protected static Logger itsLogger = Logger.getLogger(Salesserviceimpl.class); @Resource(name = "sessionFactory") private SessionFactory itsSessionFactory; @Resource(name = "inventoryService") private InventoryService itsInventoryService; @Resource(name = "productService") private ProductService productService; @Resource(name = "jobService") private JobService itsjobService; @Override public ArrayList<?> getSalesRep() { itsLogger.debug("Retrieving getSalesRep"); String aSalesselectQry = "SELECT UserLoginId, FullName " + " FROM tsUserLogin WHERE " + " (Employee0 = 1 OR Employee1 = 1 OR Employee2 = 1 OR Employee3 = 1 OR Employee4 = 1 ) " + " AND inactive = 0 AND LoginName != 'admin' " + " ORDER BY FullName ASC"; Session aSession = null; ArrayList<UserBean> aQueryList = new ArrayList<UserBean>(); try { UserBean aUserbean = null; aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aSalesselectQry); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); while (aIterator.hasNext()) { aUserbean = new UserBean(); Object[] aObj = (Object[]); aUserbean.setUserId((Integer) aObj[0]); aUserbean.setUserName((String) aObj[1]); aQueryList.add(aUserbean); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aSalesselectQry = null; } return aQueryList; } @Override public ArrayList<AutoCompleteBean> getsalesrepList(String theSalesRep) { itsLogger.debug("Retrieving getsalesrepList"); String aSalesselectQry = "SELECT UserLoginId, FullName " + "FROM tsUserLogin " + "WHERE Employee0 = 1 AND inactive = 0 AND LoginName != 'admin' " + "AND FullName like " + "'%" + theSalesRep + "%'" + " ORDER BY FullName ASC"; Session aSession = null; ArrayList<AutoCompleteBean> aQueryList = new ArrayList<AutoCompleteBean>(); try { AutoCompleteBean aUserbean = null; aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aSalesselectQry); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); while (aIterator.hasNext()) { aUserbean = new AutoCompleteBean(); Object[] aObj = (Object[]); aUserbean.setId((Integer) aObj[0]); aUserbean.setValue((String) aObj[1]); aUserbean.setLabel((String) aObj[1]); aQueryList.add(aUserbean); } if (aQueryList.isEmpty()) { aUserbean = new AutoCompleteBean(); aUserbean.setValue(" "); aUserbean.setLabel(" "); aQueryList.add(aUserbean); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aSalesselectQry = null; } return aQueryList; } @Override public ArrayList<?> getUpcoming(SalesRepBean theSalesRep) { itsLogger.debug("Retrieving getUpcoming"); Integer aSalesRepId = theSalesRep.getSalesRepId(); if (aSalesRepId == 0) { aSalesRepId = null; } Integer customerID = theSalesRep.getRxMasterID(); if (customerID == 0) { customerID = null; } String aName = ""; String aname2 = ""; if (aSalesRepId != null && aSalesRepId != -1) { aName = "WHERE (" + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID0 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID1 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID2 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID3 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID4 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID5 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID6 = " + aSalesRepId + " ) AND joMaster.jobStatus in (0,-4,1,6) "; // aname2 = "WHERE joMaster.jobStatus in (0,-4,1,6) )"; aname2 = "WHERE " + "(cu.cuAssignmentID0 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + "cu.cuAssignmentID1 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + "cu.cuAssignmentID2 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + "cu.cuAssignmentID3 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + "cu.cuAssignmentID4 = " + aSalesRepId + ")) AND joMaster.jobStatus in (0,-4,1,6)"; } else { aName = "WHERE joMaster.jobStatus in (0,-4,1,6) "; aname2 = "WHERE joMaster.jobStatus in (0,-4,1,6) )"; } String aUpcomingQry = "SELECT DISTINCT BidDate, Description, JobNumber, " + " (SELECT FullName FROM tsUserLogin Where userLoginId = joMaster.cuAssignmentID0 AND LoginName != 'admin' ) AS asignedSales, " + " (SELECT FullName FROM tsUserLogin Where userLoginId = joMaster.cuAssignmentID1 AND LoginName != 'admin' ) AS asignedCust, " + " (SELECT NAME FROM rxMaster WHERE rxMasterID = joMaster.rxCustomerID ) AS allCust, " + " (SELECT NAME FROM rxMaster WHERE rxMasterID = joMaster.rxCategory1 ) AS architect, " + " (SELECT NAME FROM rxMaster WHERE rxMasterID = joMaster.rxCategory2 ) AS engineer, " + " (SELECT NAME FROM rxMaster WHERE rxMasterID = joMaster.rxCategory3 ) AS generalContract,joMaster.joMasterID " + " FROM joMaster LEFT JOIN joBidder ON (joMaster.joMasterID=joBidder.joMasterID) " + aName + " AND BidDate >= CURDATE() "; if (customerID != null) { aUpcomingQry = aUpcomingQry + " AND joBidder.rxMasterID=" + customerID; } aUpcomingQry = aUpcomingQry + " UNION " + "SELECT DISTINCT BidDate, Description, JobNumber, " + " (SELECT FullName FROM tsUserLogin Where userLoginId = joMaster.cuAssignmentID0 AND LoginName != 'admin' ) AS asignedSales, " + " (SELECT FullName FROM tsUserLogin Where userLoginId = joMaster.cuAssignmentID1 AND LoginName != 'admin' ) AS asignedCust, " + " (SELECT NAME FROM rxMaster WHERE rxMasterID = joMaster.rxCustomerID ) AS allCust, " + " (SELECT NAME FROM rxMaster WHERE rxMasterID = joMaster.rxCategory1 ) AS architect, " + " (SELECT NAME FROM rxMaster WHERE rxMasterID = joMaster.rxCategory2 ) AS engineer, " + " (SELECT NAME FROM rxMaster WHERE rxMasterID = joMaster.rxCategory3 ) AS generalContract,joMaster.joMasterID " + " FROM joMaster LEFT JOIN joBidder ON (joMaster.joMasterID=joBidder.joMasterID) WHERE joMaster.joMasterId IN (SELECT jb.joMasterId FROM joBidder jb JOIN cuMaster cu ON cu.cuMasterId = jb.rxMasterId " + " " + aname2 + "" + " AND BidDate >= CURDATE() "; if (customerID != null) { aUpcomingQry = aUpcomingQry + " AND joBidder.rxMasterID=" + customerID; } if (theSalesRep.getSortcolumn() != null && theSalesRep.getSortby() != null) { aUpcomingQry = aUpcomingQry + " ORDER BY " + theSalesRep.getSortcolumn() + " " + theSalesRep.getSortby(); } else { aUpcomingQry = aUpcomingQry + " ORDER BY BidDate DESC "; } Session aSession = null; ArrayList<JobsBean> aComingQry = new ArrayList<JobsBean>(); try { JobsBean aUpcomingJobs = null; aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aUpcomingQry); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); while (aIterator.hasNext()) { aUpcomingJobs = new JobsBean(); Object[] aObj = (Object[]); if (aObj[0] != null) { aUpcomingJobs.setBidDate((String) DateFormatUtils.format((Date) aObj[0], "MM/dd/yyyy")); } aUpcomingJobs.setJobName((String) aObj[1]); aUpcomingJobs.setJobNo((String) aObj[2]); if (aObj[3] != null) { aUpcomingJobs.setAssignedSalesman((String) aObj[3].toString()); } if (aObj[4] != null) { aUpcomingJobs.setAssignedCustomers((String) aObj[4].toString()); } if (aObj[5] != null) { aUpcomingJobs.setAllCustomer((String) aObj[5].toString()); } if (aObj[6] != null) { aUpcomingJobs.setArchitect((String) aObj[6].toString()); } if (aObj[7] != null) { aUpcomingJobs.setEngineer((String) aObj[7].toString()); } if (aObj[8] != null) { aUpcomingJobs.setGeneralContractor((String) aObj[8].toString()); } aUpcomingJobs.setJoMasterId((Integer) aObj[9]); aComingQry.add(aUpcomingJobs); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aUpcomingQry = null; } return aComingQry; } public ArrayList<AutoCompleteBean> getCustomerFindProject(SalesRepBean theSalesRep) { itsLogger.debug("Retrieving getCustomerFindProject"); Integer aSalesRepId = theSalesRep.getSalesRepId(); if (aSalesRepId == 0) { aSalesRepId = null; } String aUpcomingQry = "SELECT DISTINCT BidDate, Description, JobNumber, " + " (SELECT FullName FROM tsUserLogin Where userLoginId = joMaster.cuAssignmentID0 AND LoginName != 'admin' ) AS asignedSales, " + " (SELECT FullName FROM tsUserLogin Where userLoginId = joMaster.cuAssignmentID1 AND LoginName != 'admin' ) AS asignedCust, " + " (SELECT FullName FROM tsUserLogin Where userLoginId = joMaster.cuAssignmentID2 AND LoginName != 'admin' ) AS allCust, " + " (SELECT FullName FROM tsUserLogin Where userLoginId = joMaster.cuAssignmentID3 AND LoginName != 'admin' ) AS architect, " + " (SELECT FullName FROM tsUserLogin Where userLoginId = joMaster.cuAssignmentID4 AND LoginName != 'admin' ) AS engineer, " + " (SELECT FullName FROM tsUserLogin Where userLoginId = joMaster.cuAssignmentID5 AND LoginName != 'admin' ) AS generalContract " + " FROM joMaster WHERE " + "(joMaster.cuAssignmentID0 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID1 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID2 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID3 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID4 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID5 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID6 = " + aSalesRepId + " ) AND joMaster.jobStatus = 0 " + " AND BidDate >= CURDATE() ORDER BY joMaster.biddate DESC "; Session aSession = null; ArrayList<AutoCompleteBean> comingQry = new ArrayList<AutoCompleteBean>(); try { AutoCompleteBean aUpcomingJobs = null; aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aUpcomingQry); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); while (aIterator.hasNext()) { aUpcomingJobs = new AutoCompleteBean(); Object[] aObj = (Object[]); aUpcomingJobs.setValue((String) aObj[1]); aUpcomingJobs.setLabel((String) aObj[1]); comingQry.add(aUpcomingJobs); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aUpcomingQry = null; } return comingQry; } @Override public ArrayList<JobsBean> getPending(SalesRepBean theSalesRep, Integer rxCustomerID) { itsLogger.debug("Retrieving getPending"); Integer aSalesRepId = theSalesRep.getSalesRepId(); if (aSalesRepId == 0) { aSalesRepId = null; } String aName = ""; String aname2 = ""; if (rxCustomerID != null && rxCustomerID != 0) { aname2 = " AND joBidder.rxMasterID = " + rxCustomerID; } if (aSalesRepId != -1) { aName = " WHERE jM.jobStatus = 1 AND BidDate < CURDATE() AND joQuoteHistory.joMasterID IS NULL " + "AND (" + "jM.cuAssignmentID0 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "jM.cuAssignmentID1 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "jM.cuAssignmentID2 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "jM.cuAssignmentID3 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "jM.cuAssignmentID4 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "jM.cuAssignmentID5 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "jM.cuAssignmentID6 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "jM.cuAssignmentID6 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + ") " + aname2 + " GROUP BY BidDate ORDER BY BidDate DESC"; /* * aname2 = " WHERE " + "(cu.cuAssignmentID0 = " + * theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "cu.cuAssignmentID1 = " + * theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "cu.cuAssignmentID2 = " + * theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "cu.cuAssignmentID3 = " + * theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "cu.cuAssignmentID4 = " + * theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + ")) " + * "GROUP BY biddate ORDER BY biddate DESC"; */ } else { aName = " WHERE jM.jobStatus = 1 AND BidDate < CURDATE() AND joQuoteHistory.joMasterID IS NULL " + aname2 + " GROUP BY BidDate ORDER BY BidDate DESC"; /* aname2 = ") GROUP BY jM.biddate ORDER BY BidDate DESC"; */ } String aPendingQry = "SELECT DISTINCT jM.biddate AS BidDate, " + "jM.jobnumber, " + "jM.description, " + ", " + "SUM(joQuoteHeader.quoteamount),jM.joMasterID " + "FROM joMaster jM " + "JOIN joQuoteHeader ON jM.joMasterId=joQuoteHeader.joMasterId " + "LEFT JOIN joQuoteHistory ON joQuoteHistory.joMasterID=jM.joMasterID " + "LEFT JOIN joBidder ON joBidder.joMasterID=jM.joMasterID " + "LEFT JOIN rxMaster ON rxMaster.rxMasterID=joBidder.rxMasterID " + aName; Session aSession = null; ArrayList<JobsBean> aPendingQuotes = new ArrayList<JobsBean>(); try { JobsBean aSalesPendingBean = null; aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aPendingQry); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); while (aIterator.hasNext()) { aSalesPendingBean = new JobsBean(); Object[] aObj = (Object[]); if (aObj[0] != null) { aSalesPendingBean.setBidDate((String) DateFormatUtils.format((Date) aObj[0], "MM/dd/yyyy")); } aSalesPendingBean.setJobNo((String) aObj[1]); aSalesPendingBean.setJobName((String) aObj[2]); aSalesPendingBean.setAssignedCustomers((String) aObj[3]); aSalesPendingBean.setQuoteAmount((BigDecimal) aObj[4]); aSalesPendingBean.setJoMasterId((Integer) aObj[5]); aPendingQuotes.add(aSalesPendingBean); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aPendingQry = null; } return aPendingQuotes; } @Override public ArrayList<JobsBean> getQuotedJobs(SalesRepBean theSalesRep, String sortBy, String sortOrder) { itsLogger.debug("Retrieving Quoted Jobs"); Integer aSalesRepId = theSalesRep.getSalesRepId(); if (aSalesRepId == 0) { aSalesRepId = null; } Integer customerID = theSalesRep.getRxMasterID(); if (customerID == 0) { customerID = null; } String sortByData = "BidDate"; if (sortBy.equals("bidDate")) { sortByData = "BidDate"; } if (sortBy.equals("jobName")) { sortByData = "BidDate"; } if (sortBy.equals("jobNo")) { sortByData = "BidDate"; } if (sortBy.equals("assignedCustomers")) { sortByData = "BidDate"; } if (sortBy.equals("quoteAmount")) { sortByData = "BidDate"; } String aName = ""; String aname2 = ""; if (aSalesRepId != -1) { aName = " WHERE jM.jobStatus = 1 AND joBidder.LowBid <>1 AND BidDate < CURDATE() AND " + "joBidder.QuoteDate = (SELECT MAX(job.QuoteDate) FROM joBidder job WHERE job.joMasterID=jM.joMasterID) " + "AND (" + "jM.cuAssignmentID0 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "jM.cuAssignmentID1 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "jM.cuAssignmentID2 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "jM.cuAssignmentID3 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "jM.cuAssignmentID4 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "jM.cuAssignmentID5 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "jM.cuAssignmentID6 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "jM.cuAssignmentID6 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + ")"; if (customerID != null) { aName = aName + " AND jM.rxCustomerID=" + customerID + " "; } aName = aName + " GROUP BY biddate ORDER BY " + sortByData + " " + sortOrder.toUpperCase(); aname2 = " WHERE " + "(cu.cuAssignmentID0 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "cu.cuAssignmentID1 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "cu.cuAssignmentID2 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "cu.cuAssignmentID3 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + "cu.cuAssignmentID4 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + ")) " + "GROUP BY biddate ORDER BY " + sortByData + " " + sortOrder.toUpperCase(); } else { aName = "WHERE jM.jobStatus = 1 AND joBidder.LowBid <>1 AND BidDate < CURDATE() AND joBidder.QuoteDate = (SELECT MAX(job.QuoteDate) FROM joBidder job WHERE job.joMasterID=jM.joMasterID) "; if (customerID != null) { aName = aName + " AND joBidder.rxMasterID=" + customerID + " "; } aName = aName + "GROUP BY BidDate ORDER BY " + sortByData + " " + sortOrder.toUpperCase(); aname2 = ") GROUP BY jM.biddate ORDER BY " + sortByData + " " + sortOrder.toUpperCase(); } String aPendingQry = "SELECT DISTINCT " + "jM.biddate AS BidDate, " + "jM.jobnumber, " + "jM.description, " + ", " + "SUM(joQuoteHeader.quoteamount),jM.joMasterID " + "FROM joMaster jM JOIN joQuoteHeader ON jM.joMasterId=joQuoteHeader.joMasterId " + "LEFT JOIN joBidder ON joBidder.joMasterID=jM.joMasterID " + "LEFT JOIN rxMaster ON rxMaster.rxMasterID=joBidder.rxMasterID " + aName; /* * String aPendingQry = "SELECT DISTINCT " + "jM.biddate AS BidDate, " + * "jM.jobnumber, " + "jM.description, " + * "IF(CONCAT(r.FirstName, ' ', r.LastName) IS NULL,(SELECT tsUserLogin.FullName FROM tsUserLogin WHERE joQuoteHeader.createdbyid=tsUserLogin.userloginid),CONCAT(r.FirstName, ' ', r.LastName)) AS FullNAme, " * + * "SUM(joQuoteHeader.quoteamount),MAX(jb.joBidderID) FROM joMaster jM " * + "JOIN joQuoteHeader ON jM.joMasterId=joQuoteHeader.joMasterId " + * "LEFT JOIN joBidder jb ON jb.joMasterID = jM.joMasterId " + * "LEFT JOIN rxContact r ON jb.rxContactID = r.rxContactID " + aName; * //+ " UNION " + "SELECT DISTINCT " + "jM.biddate AS BidDate, " + * "jM.jobnumber, " + "jM.description, " + "tsUserLogin.FullName, " + * "SUM(joQuoteHeader.quoteamount) FROM joMaster jM " + * "JOIN joQuoteHeader ON jM.joMasterId=joQuoteHeader.joMasterId JOIN tsUserLogin ON " * + * "joQuoteHeader.createdbyid=tsUserLogin.userloginid WHERE jM.jobStatus = 1 AND tsUserLogin.LoginName != 'admin' AND " * + * "jM.joMasterId IN (SELECT jb.joMasterId FROM cuMaster cu JOIN joBidder jb ON " * + "cu.cuMasterId = jb.rxMasterId" + aname2 + ""; */ Session aSession = null; ArrayList<JobsBean> aPendingQuotes = new ArrayList<JobsBean>(); try { JobsBean aSalesPendingBean = null; aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aPendingQry); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); while (aIterator.hasNext()) { aSalesPendingBean = new JobsBean(); Object[] aObj = (Object[]); if (aObj[0] != null) { aSalesPendingBean.setBidDate((String) DateFormatUtils.format((Date) aObj[0], "MM/dd/yyyy")); } aSalesPendingBean.setJobNo((String) aObj[1]); aSalesPendingBean.setJobName((String) aObj[2]); aSalesPendingBean.setAssignedCustomers((String) aObj[3]); aSalesPendingBean.setQuoteAmount((BigDecimal) aObj[4]); aSalesPendingBean.setJoMasterId((Integer) aObj[5]); aPendingQuotes.add(aSalesPendingBean); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aPendingQry = null; } return aPendingQuotes; } @Override public ArrayList<?> getAwarded(SalesRepBean theSalesRep) { itsLogger.debug("Retrieving getAwarded"); Integer aSalesRepId = theSalesRep.getSalesRepId(); if (aSalesRepId == 0) { aSalesRepId = null; } Integer customerID = theSalesRep.getRxMasterID(); if (customerID == 0) { customerID = null; } String aName = ""; String aname2 = ""; String awarded = null; if (aSalesRepId != -1) { aName = " WHERE joBidder.LowBid = 1 AND " + " joMaster.JobStatus = 1 AND " + " (joMaster.cuAssignmentID0 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID1 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID2 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID3 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID4 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID5 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID6 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + ")"; aname2 = " WHERE (cu.cuAssignmentID0 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + " cu.cuAssignmentID1 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + " cu.cuAssignmentID2 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + " cu.cuAssignmentID3 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + " OR " + " cu.cuAssignmentID4 = " + theSalesRep.getSalesRepId() + ")) ORDER BY JobNumber DESC"; } else { aName = " WHERE joBidder.LowBid = 1 AND " + " joMaster.JobStatus = 1 "; aname2 = ") ORDER BY JobNumber DESC"; } awarded = "SELECT DISTINCT " + " joMaster.JobNumber, " + " joMaster.Description, " + " joBidder.LowBid, " + " joBidder.rxMasterId, " + " rxMaster.Name AS Name, " + " (SELECT rxMaster.Name FROM rxMaster WHERE rxMaster.rxMasterId = joMaster.rxCategory3) AS GC, " + " (SELECT rxMaster.Name FROM rxMaster WHERE rxMaster.rxMasterId = joMaster.rxCategory2) AS Engineer, " + " (SELECT rxMaster.Name FROM rxMaster WHERE rxMaster.rxMasterId = joMaster.rxCategory1) AS Architect,joMaster.joMasterID " + " FROM joMaster JOIN joBidder ON joMaster.joMasterID = joBidder.joMasterId" + " LEFT JOIN rxMaster ON joBidder.rxMasterId = rxMaster.rxMasterId " + aName; if (customerID != null) { awarded = awarded + " AND joBidder.rxMasterId=" + customerID + " "; } awarded = awarded + " UNION SELECT DISTINCT " + " joMaster.JobNumber, " + " joMaster.Description, " + " joBidder.LowBid, " + " joBidder.rxMasterId, " + " rxMaster.Name AS Name, " + " (SELECT rxMaster.Name FROM rxMaster WHERE rxMaster.rxMasterId = joMaster.rxCategory3) AS GC, " + " (SELECT rxMaster.Name FROM rxMaster WHERE rxMaster.rxMasterId = joMaster.rxCategory2) AS Engineer, " + " (SELECT rxMaster.Name FROM rxMaster WHERE rxMaster.rxMasterId = joMaster.rxCategory1) AS Architect,joMaster.joMasterID " + " FROM joMaster JOIN joBidder ON joMaster.joMasterID = joBidder.joMasterId" + " LEFT JOIN rxMaster ON joBidder.rxMasterId = rxMaster.rxMasterId " + " WHERE joBidder.LowBid = 1 AND " + " joMaster.JobStatus = 1 AND "; if (customerID != null) { awarded = awarded + " joBidder.rxMasterId=" + customerID + " AND "; } awarded = awarded + " joMaster.joMasterId IN (SELECT jb.joMasterId FROM cuMaster cu JOIN joBidder jb ON " + " cu.cuMasterId = jb.rxMasterId " + aname2; Session aSession = null; ArrayList<JobsBean> aAwardedQuotes = new ArrayList<JobsBean>(); try { JobsBean aSalesBean = null; aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(awarded); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); while (aIterator.hasNext()) { aSalesBean = new JobsBean(); Object[] aObj = (Object[]); aSalesBean.setJobNo((String) aObj[0]); aSalesBean.setJobName((String) aObj[1]); aSalesBean.setLowbidder((String) aObj[4]); aSalesBean.setGeneralContractor((String) aObj[5]); aSalesBean.setEngineer((String) aObj[6]); aSalesBean.setArchitect((String) aObj[7]); aSalesBean.setJoMasterId((Integer) aObj[8]); aAwardedQuotes.add(aSalesBean); } } catch (Exception excep) { itsLogger.error(excep.getMessage(), excep); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aName = null; aname2 = null; awarded = null; } return aAwardedQuotes; } @Override public String getAssignedEmployeeName(Integer theSalesRepId, String theTableName) { String salesselectQry = "SELECT FullName " + "FROM " + theTableName + " WHERE " + "UserLoginId = '" + theSalesRepId + "' AND LoginName != 'admin' AND Inactive='0' ORDER BY FullName ASC"; Session aSession = null; String aSalesRep = ""; Query aQuery = null; List<?> aList = null;"theTablename==>" + salesselectQry); try { aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(salesselectQry); aList = aQuery.list(); if (aList.size() > 0) { aSalesRep = (String) aList.get(0); } return aSalesRep; } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); salesselectQry = null; aSalesRep = ""; aQuery = null; aList = null; } return aSalesRep; } @Override public Integer getsingleproject(String theCreated) { itsLogger.debug("Retrieving getsingleproject"); String aSalesselectQry = "SELECT joMasterID FROM joMaster WHERE Description like " + "'%" + theCreated + "%'" + ""; Session aSession = null; Integer aSalesRep = null; try { aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aSalesselectQry); List<?> aList = aQuery.list(); aSalesRep = (Integer) aList.get(0); } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aSalesselectQry = null; } return aSalesRep; } @Override public ArrayList<JobsBean> upcomingForSingleCustomer(SalesRepBean thSalesRep) { itsLogger.debug("Retrieving upcomingForSingleCustomer"); Integer aSalesRepId = thSalesRep.getSalesRepId(); if (aSalesRepId == 0) { aSalesRepId = null; } String aUpcomingQry = "SELECT DISTINCT BidDate, Description, JobNumber, " + " (SELECT FullName FROM tsUserLogin Where userLoginId = joMaster.cuAssignmentID0 AND LoginName != 'admin') AS asignedSales, " + " (SELECT FullName FROM tsUserLogin Where userLoginId = joMaster.cuAssignmentID1 AND LoginName != 'admin') AS asignedCust, " + " (SELECT FullName FROM tsUserLogin Where userLoginId = joMaster.cuAssignmentID2 AND LoginName != 'admin') AS allCust, " + " (SELECT FullName FROM tsUserLogin Where userLoginId = joMaster.cuAssignmentID3 AND LoginName != 'admin') AS architect, " + " (SELECT FullName FROM tsUserLogin Where userLoginId = joMaster.cuAssignmentID4 AND LoginName != 'admin') AS engineer, " + " (SELECT FullName FROM tsUserLogin Where userLoginId = joMaster.cuAssignmentID5 AND LoginName != 'admin') AS generalContract " + " FROM joMaster WHERE " + "(joMaster.cuAssignmentID0 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID1 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID2 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID3 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID4 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID5 = " + aSalesRepId + " OR " + " joMaster.cuAssignmentID6 = " + aSalesRepId + " ) AND joMaster.jobStatus = 0 " + " AND BidDate >= CURDATE() ORDER BY joMaster.biddate DESC "; Session aSession = null; ArrayList<JobsBean> aComingQry = new ArrayList<JobsBean>(); try { JobsBean aUpcomingJobs = null; aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aUpcomingQry); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); while (aIterator.hasNext()) { aUpcomingJobs = new JobsBean(); Object[] aObj = (Object[]); if (aObj[0] != null) { aUpcomingJobs.setBidDate((String) DateFormatUtils.format((Date) aObj[0], "MM/dd/yyyy")); } aUpcomingJobs.setJobName((String) aObj[1]); aUpcomingJobs.setJobNo((String) aObj[2]); if (aObj[3] != null) { aUpcomingJobs.setAssignedSalesman((String) aObj[3].toString()); } if (aObj[4] != null) { aUpcomingJobs.setAssignedCustomers((String) aObj[4].toString()); } if (aObj[5] != null) { aUpcomingJobs.setAllCustomer((String) aObj[5].toString()); } if (aObj[6] != null) { aUpcomingJobs.setArchitect((String) aObj[6].toString()); } if (aObj[7] != null) { aUpcomingJobs.setEngineer((String) aObj[7].toString()); } if (aObj[8] != null) { aUpcomingJobs.setGeneralContractor((String) aObj[8].toString()); } aComingQry.add(aUpcomingJobs); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aUpcomingQry = null; } return aComingQry; } @Override public String getAssignedEmployee(Integer theSalesRepId) { String salesselectQry = "SELECT FullName " + "FROM tsUserLogin WHERE " + "UserLoginId = '" + theSalesRepId + "' AND LoginName != 'admin'"; Session aSession = null; String aSalesRep = ""; try { aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(salesselectQry); List<?> aList = aQuery.list(); if (theSalesRepId != null && theSalesRepId != -1 && theSalesRepId != 0 && aList.size() > 0) aSalesRep = (String) aList.get(0); } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); salesselectQry = null; } return aSalesRep; } /* To get Customer Name */ @Override public ArrayList<AutoCompleteBean> getCustomerNameList(String theCustomerName) { itsLogger.debug("Retrieving getCustomerNameList"); String aSalesselectQry = "SELECT rxmaster.rxMasterID,rxmaster.Name FROM cuMaster cumaster, rxMaster rxmaster " + "WHERE cumaster.cuMasterID = rxmaster.rxMasterID AND rxmaster.Name IS NOT NULL AND rxmaster.Name LIKE " + "'%" + theCustomerName + "%' AND rxmaster.IsCustomer=1 and rxmaster.InActive<>1 ORDER BY rxmaster.Name ASC"; Session aSession = null; ArrayList<AutoCompleteBean> aQueryList = new ArrayList<AutoCompleteBean>(); Iterator<?> aIterator = null; Query aQuery = null; try { AutoCompleteBean aUserbean = null; aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aSalesselectQry); aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); while (aIterator.hasNext()) { aUserbean = new AutoCompleteBean(); Object[] aObj = (Object[]); aUserbean.setId((Integer) aObj[0]); aUserbean.setValue((String) aObj[1]); aUserbean.setLabel((String) aObj[1]); aQueryList.add(aUserbean); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aSalesselectQry = null; aIterator = null; aQuery = null; } return aQueryList; } @Override public Integer updateSalesOrderStatus(Integer cuSOId, Integer status, Integer userID, String userName) { Session aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Cuso cuso = null; Transaction aTransaction; Integer joMasterID = 0; try { aTransaction = aSession.beginTransaction(); aTransaction.begin(); cuso = (Cuso) aSession.get(Cuso.class, cuSOId); Integer prevStatus = cuso.getTransactionStatus(); /* * if((prevStatus==1 && status==-2)||(prevStatus==-2 && status==1) * * * ){ * * }else{ checkSalesOrderInvoice(cuSOId, status, prevStatus); } */ if ((prevStatus == 1 || prevStatus == -2 || prevStatus == -1 || prevStatus == 0 || prevStatus == 2) && status != 3) { RollBackSalesOrderLineItems(cuso, status, userID, userName); } if ((prevStatus == 1 || prevStatus == -2) && status == 3) { if (prevStatus == -2) { RollBackSalesOrderLineItems(cuso, 1, userID, userName); } JoRelease joReleases = InsertintoaNewJobasSalesOrder(cuso, status, userID, userName); if (joReleases.getJoReleaseId() != null) { cuso.setSonumber(cuso.getSonumber() + "A"); cuso.setJoReleaseId(joReleases.getJoReleaseId()); status = 1; joMasterID = joReleases.getJoMasterId(); } } cuso.setTransactionStatus(status); aSession.update(cuso); aTransaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); } return joMasterID; } public void checkSalesOrderInvoice(Integer cuSOId, Integer status, Integer prevStatus) { itsLogger.debug("checkSalesOrderInvoice"); String aSalesselectQry = "SELECT * FROM cuInvoice WHERE cuSOID=" + cuSOId; Session aSession = null; try { aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aSalesselectQry); // Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); if (aQuery.list().size() > 0) { itsLogger.debug("checkSalesOrder Invoiced"); } else { updateInventoryOnSOStatus(cuSOId, status, prevStatus); itsLogger.debug("checkSalesOrder not invoice"); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aSalesselectQry = null; } } public void updateInventoryOnSOStatus(Integer cuSOId, Integer status, Integer prevStatus) { itsLogger.debug("updateInventoryOnSOStatus"); String aSalesselectQry = "SELECT prMasterID,QuantityOrdered FROM cuSODetail where cuSOID=" + cuSOId; Session aSession = null; Transaction aTransaction; try { aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); aTransaction = aSession.beginTransaction(); aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aSalesselectQry); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); while (aIterator.hasNext()) { Object[] aObj = (Object[]); aTransaction.begin(); Prmaster prMaster = (Prmaster) aSession.get(Prmaster.class, (Integer) aObj[0]); BigDecimal allocated = (BigDecimal) aObj[1]; if (status == 1) { prMaster.setInventoryAllocated(prMaster.getInventoryAllocated().add(allocated)); } if (status != 1 && prevStatus == 1) { prMaster.setInventoryAllocated(prMaster.getInventoryAllocated().subtract(allocated)); } aSession.update(prMaster); aTransaction.commit(); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aSalesselectQry = null; } } @Override public ArrayList<AutoCompleteBean> getSalesOrderList(String theSalesorder) { itsLogger.debug("Retrieving getsalesrepList"); String aSalesselectQry = "SELECT so.cuSOID, CONCAT (so.SONumber,' ', rm.Name) AS salesorder FROM cuSO so LEFT JOIN rxMaster rm ON so.rxCustomerID = rm.rxMasterID WHERE rm.Name LIKE '%" + theSalesorder + "%' OR so.SONumber LIKE '%" + theSalesorder + "%' ORDER BY so.cuSOID DESC "; Session aSession = null; System.out.println(aSalesselectQry); ArrayList<AutoCompleteBean> aQueryList = new ArrayList<AutoCompleteBean>(); try { AutoCompleteBean aUserbean = null; aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aSalesselectQry); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); while (aIterator.hasNext()) { aUserbean = new AutoCompleteBean(); Object[] aObj = (Object[]); aUserbean.setId((Integer) aObj[0]); aUserbean.setValue((String) aObj[1]); aUserbean.setLabel((String) aObj[1]); aQueryList.add(aUserbean); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aSalesselectQry = null; } return aQueryList; } @Override public ArrayList<AutoCompleteBean> getDivisionlist(String divisionname) { itsLogger.debug("Retrieving getsalesrepList"); String aSalesselectQry = "select coDivisionID,Description from coDivision where Description like '%" + divisionname + "%'"; Session aSession = null; System.out.println(aSalesselectQry); ArrayList<AutoCompleteBean> aQueryList = new ArrayList<AutoCompleteBean>(); try { AutoCompleteBean aUserbean = null; aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aSalesselectQry); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); while (aIterator.hasNext()) { aUserbean = new AutoCompleteBean(); Object[] aObj = (Object[]); aUserbean.setId((Integer) aObj[0]); aUserbean.setValue((String) aObj[1]); aUserbean.setLabel((String) aObj[1]); aQueryList.add(aUserbean); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aSalesselectQry = null; } return aQueryList; } @Override public Cuso updateEmailStampValue(Cuso theCuso) { Session aVepoSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Cuso aCuso = new Cuso(); Transaction aTransaction; try { aTransaction = aVepoSession.beginTransaction(); aCuso = (Cuso) aVepoSession.get(Cuso.class, theCuso.getCuSoid()); aCuso.setEmailTimeStamp(theCuso.getEmailTimeStamp()); aCuso.setCuSoid(theCuso.getCuSoid()); aVepoSession.update(aCuso); aTransaction.commit(); } catch (Exception excep) { itsLogger.error(excep.getMessage(), excep); } finally { aVepoSession.flush(); aVepoSession.close(); } return aCuso; } @Override public List<Cusotemplate> getCusoTemplateList() { Session aSession = null; List<Cusotemplate> aQueryList = new ArrayList<Cusotemplate>(); String aCustomerQry = " Select TemplateDescription,cuSOID from cuSOTemplate ORDER BY TemplateDescription"; Cusotemplate aRolodexBean = null; try { aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aCustomerQry); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); while (aIterator.hasNext()) { aRolodexBean = new Cusotemplate(); Object[] aObj = (Object[]); aRolodexBean.setTemplateDescription((String) aObj[0]); aRolodexBean.setCuSoid((Integer) aObj[1]); aQueryList.add(aRolodexBean); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aCustomerQry = null; } return aQueryList; } /* * * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.turborep.turbotracker.sales.service.SalesService# * getSOTemplatePriceDetails(int, int) Created by : Praveenkumar date : * 2014-09-16 Purpose : Calculate cost for SO line item details */ @Override public Map<String, BigDecimal> getTemplatePriceDetails(int CusoID, int cuSODetailID, int prMasterID) { Session aSession = null; BigDecimal margin = new BigDecimal(0); BigDecimal cost = new BigDecimal(0); Map<String, BigDecimal> aPrice = new HashMap<String, BigDecimal>(); String Query = null; try {"cuSODetailID::" + cuSODetailID + "::CusoID::" + CusoID); Query = "SELECT prMaster.prMasterID,prMaster.SalesPrice00,prMaster.LastCost,template.QuantityOrdered,template.cuSODetailID,IFNULL(template.whseCost,0.0000) FROM cuSODetail AS template,prMaster WHERE template.cuSOID= :cuSoid AND prMaster.prMasterID = template.prMasterID"; aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(Query); aQuery.setParameter("cuSoid", CusoID); List aList = aQuery.list(); if (!aList.isEmpty()) { Iterator<?> aIterator = aList.iterator(); while (aIterator.hasNext()) { Object[] aObj = (Object[]); // BigDecimal salesPrice00 = (BigDecimal)aObj[1] == null ? // new BigDecimal(0.00) : (BigDecimal)aObj[1]; // BigDecimal lastCost = (BigDecimal)aObj[2]== null ? new // BigDecimal(0.00) : (BigDecimal)aObj[2]; BigDecimal qty = (BigDecimal) aObj[3] == null ? new BigDecimal(0.00) : (BigDecimal) aObj[3]; // margin = margin.add(salesPrice00.multiply(qty)); BigDecimal whseCost = BigDecimal.ZERO; if (cuSODetailID == (Integer) aObj[4]) { aPrice.put("product", itsInventoryService.getWarehouseCost((Integer) aObj[0]).multiply(qty)); aPrice.put("productnqty", itsInventoryService.getWarehouseCost((Integer) aObj[0])); } cost = cost.add(itsInventoryService.getWarehouseCost((Integer) aObj[0]).multiply(qty)); //"Quantityz::"+qty); /* * Commented By Velmurugan Date:17-7-2015 Issue:BID #622 * * if(cuSODetailID == (Integer)aObj[4]){ * if(whseCost.compareTo(new BigDecimal("0.0000"))==0){ * aPrice.put("product", * itsInventoryService.getWarehouseCost((Integer)aObj[0]). * multiply(qty)); whseCost = new BigDecimal("0.0000"); } * else{ aPrice.put("product", whseCost); } } * * if(whseCost.compareTo(new BigDecimal("0.0000"))==0){ cost * = cost.add(itsInventoryService.getWarehouseCost((Integer) * aObj[0]).multiply(qty)); }else{ cost = * cost.add(whseCost); } */ // cost = // cost.add(itsInventoryService.getWarehouseCost((Integer)aObj[0]).multiply(qty)); } // BigDecimal percentage = // margin.subtract(cost).divide(margin).multiply(new // BigDecimal(100)); aPrice.put("cost", cost); aPrice.put("percentage", new BigDecimal(0.00)); } else { aPrice.put("productnqty", new BigDecimal(0.00)); aPrice.put("product", new BigDecimal(0.00)); aPrice.put("margin", new BigDecimal(0.00)); aPrice.put("cost", new BigDecimal(0.00)); aPrice.put("percentage", new BigDecimal(0.00)); } } catch (Exception excep) { itsLogger.error(excep.getMessage(), excep); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); Query = null; } return aPrice; } public ArrayList<String> getsalesordershiptoAddressDetails(Cuso cusolist) {"Address Details"); String name = " "; String address1 = " "; String address2 = " "; String City = " "; String State = " "; String Zip = " "; String aUpcomingQry = ""; if (cusolist.getShipToMode() == 0) {"Pick Up - WareHouse Address"); aUpcomingQry = "SELECT prw.description,prw.address1,prw.address2,,prw.state, FROM prWarehouse prw WHERE prWarehouseID=" + cusolist.getPrToWarehouseId(); } else if (cusolist.getShipToMode() == 1) {"Customer - rxMaster Address"); aUpcomingQry = "SELECT rxmaster.Name,Address1,Address2,City,State,Zip FROM rxAddress address JOIN rxMaster rxmaster ON rxmaster.rxMasterID = address.rxMasterID WHERE address.rxMasterID = " + cusolist.getRxCustomerId() + " and address.rxAddressID = " + cusolist.getRxShipToId() + " ORDER BY rxAddressID asc"; } else if (cusolist.getShipToMode() == 3) {"Other - rxAddress Address"); aUpcomingQry = "SELECT NAME,address1,address2,city,state,zip FROM rxAddress WHERE rxAddressID=" + cusolist.getRxShipToAddressId(); } else if (cusolist.getShipToMode() == 2) {"Job Site - joMaster Address"); if (cusolist.getJoReleaseId() != null) aUpcomingQry = "SELECT rxMaster.Name,LocationAddress1,LocationAddress2,LocationCity,LocationState,LocationZip FROM joMaster JOIN joRelease ON(joRelease.joMasterID=joMaster.joMasterID) JOIN rxMaster ON(joMaster.rxCustomerID=rxMaster.rxMasterID) WHERE joReleaseID=" + cusolist.getJoReleaseId(); else aUpcomingQry = "SELECT rxmaster.Name,'','','','','' FROM rxAddress address JOIN rxMaster rxmaster ON rxmaster.rxMasterID = address.rxMasterID WHERE address.rxMasterID = " + cusolist.getRxCustomerId() + " and address.rxAddressID = " + cusolist.getRxShipToId() + " ORDER BY rxAddressID asc"; } Session aSession = null; ArrayList<String> AddressQry = new ArrayList<String>(); try { System.out.println("insid===" + aUpcomingQry); AutoCompleteBean aUpcomingJobs = null; aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aUpcomingQry); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); if (aIterator.hasNext()) { Object[] aObj = (Object[]); if (aObj[0] != null) { name = (String) aObj[0]; } if (aObj[1] != null) { address1 = (String) aObj[1]; } if (aObj[2] != null) { address2 = (String) aObj[2]; } if (aObj[3] != null) { City = (String) aObj[3]; } if (aObj[4] != null) { State = (String) aObj[4]; } if (aObj[5] != null) { Zip = (String) aObj[5]; } AddressQry.add(name); AddressQry.add(address1); AddressQry.add(address2); AddressQry.add(City); AddressQry.add(State); AddressQry.add(Zip); } else { AddressQry.add(name); AddressQry.add(address1); AddressQry.add(address2); AddressQry.add(City); AddressQry.add(State); AddressQry.add(Zip); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aUpcomingQry = null; } return AddressQry; } @Override public String getCommissionPaidDetails(Integer cuInvoiceID) { String esSQuery = "SELECT (InvoiceAmount-AppliedAmount) FROM cuInvoice WHERE cuInvoiceID =" + cuInvoiceID; Session aSession = null; String message = ""; Integer ecInvoicePeriodID = 0; String culQuery, cipQuery, cirQuery = null; try { aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(esSQuery); List<?> aList = aQuery.list(); if (((BigDecimal) aList.get(0)).compareTo(new BigDecimal("0.0000")) > 0) { message = "YY"; } else { culQuery = " SELECT R.ReceiptDate FROM cuLinkageDetail AS L INNER JOIN cuReceipt AS R ON " + "L.cuReceiptID = R.cuReceiptID WHERE L.cuInvoiceID = " + cuInvoiceID + " ORDER BY R.ReceiptDate DESC LIMIT 1"; Query bQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(culQuery); List<?> bList = bQuery.list(); if (bList.size() > 0) { message = "Invoice is paid as of : " + (Date) bList.get(0) + "."; } else { message = "NN"; } } String cuIQuery = " SELECT * FROM ecInvoicePeriod WHERE cuInvoiceID = " + cuInvoiceID + ""; Query cQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(cuIQuery); if (cQuery.list().size() > 0) { cipQuery = "select ecInvoicePeriod.ecInvoicePeriodID, ecPeriod.PeriodEndingDate FROM " + "ecInvoicePeriod LEFT OUTER JOIN ecPeriod ON ecInvoicePeriod.ecPeriodID = ecPeriod.ecPeriodID " + "Where cuInvoiceID = " + cuInvoiceID + " ORDER BY ecPeriod.PeriodEndingDate DESC LIMIT 1"; Query dQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(cipQuery); Iterator<?> dIterator = dQuery.list().iterator(); if (dIterator.hasNext()) { Object[] aObj = (Object[]);"Commission-1ecInvoicePeriodID::" + (Integer) aObj[0]); ecInvoicePeriodID = (Integer) aObj[0]; message = message + "# CP@" + (Date) aObj[1]; } else { ecInvoicePeriodID = 0; message = message + "# CP "; } cirQuery = "SELECT U.FullName FROM ecInvoiceRepSplit AS RS LEFT OUTER JOIN ecStatement " + "AS S ON RS.ecStatementID = S.ecStatementID LEFT OUTER JOIN tsUserLogin AS U " + "ON S.RepLoginID = U.UserLoginID LEFT OUTER JOIN ecInvoicePeriod AS P ON " + "RS.ecInvoicePeriodID = P.ecInvoicePeriodID Where P.ecInvoicePeriodID=" + ecInvoicePeriodID; Query eQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(cirQuery); List<?> eList = eQuery.list(); if (eList.size() > 0) { message = message + "@" + (String) eList.get(0) + "."; } } else { message = message + "# CPN"; }"Commission-1Message::" + message); } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); cirQuery = null; culQuery = null; cipQuery = null; } return message; } @Override public List<Ecstatement> getJobCommissionSplits(Integer joReleaseDetailID) { List<Ecstatement> aCustomerName = new ArrayList<Ecstatement>(); String esSQuery = "SELECT ecs.ecStatementID,ecs.ecPeriodID,ecs.RepLoginID,ecs.CalculatedDate,rxm.FullName FROM ecStatement ecs " + "JOIN tsUserLogin rxm ON ecs.RepLoginID = rxm.UserLoginID " + " LEFT JOIN ecJobs ej ON ej.ecStatementID = ecs.ecStatementID " + " WHERE ej.joMasterID = (SELECT jrd.joMasterID FROM joReleaseDetail jrd WHERE jrd.joReleaseDetailID =" + joReleaseDetailID + " ) GROUP BY rxm.FullName "; Session aSession = null; Ecstatement aEcstatement = null; try { aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(esSQuery); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); while (aIterator.hasNext()) { aEcstatement = new Ecstatement(); Object[] aObj = (Object[]); aEcstatement.setEcStatementId((Integer) aObj[0]); aEcstatement.setEcPeriodId((Integer) aObj[1]); aEcstatement.setRepLoginId((Integer) aObj[2]); java.sql.Timestamp aDate = null; aDate = (java.sql.Timestamp) aObj[3]; String dateString = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy").format(aDate); aEcstatement.setCalculatedDate(dateString); aEcstatement.setRepName((String) aObj[4]); aCustomerName.add(aEcstatement); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); esSQuery = null; } return aCustomerName; } @Override public JoReleaseDetail getJoReleaseDetails(Integer joReleaseDetailID) { Session aVepoSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); JoReleaseDetail aJoReleaseDetail = new JoReleaseDetail(); try { aJoReleaseDetail = (JoReleaseDetail) aVepoSession.get(JoReleaseDetail.class, joReleaseDetailID); } catch (Exception excep) { itsLogger.error(excep.getMessage(), excep); } finally { aVepoSession.flush(); aVepoSession.close(); } return aJoReleaseDetail; } @Override public Date getInvoicePaymentDetails(Integer cuInvoiceID) { String salesselectQry = "SELECT ReceiptDate FROM cuReceipt WHERE cuReceiptID in " + "(SELECT Distinct cuReceiptID FROM cuLinkageDetail WHERE cuInvoiceID = " + cuInvoiceID + ")"; Session aSession = null; Date paymentDate = null;"Query: " + salesselectQry); try { aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(salesselectQry); List<?> aList = aQuery.list(); if (!aList.isEmpty()) { paymentDate = (Date) aList.get(0); } return paymentDate; } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); salesselectQry = null; } return paymentDate; } @Override public String getPaidCheckRefs(Integer cuInvoiceID) { String salesselectQry = "SELECT IF(reference IS NULL,'$$',reference) as refs FROM cuReceipt WHERE cuReceiptID in " + "(SELECT Distinct cuReceiptID FROM cuLinkageDetail WHERE cuInvoiceID = " + cuInvoiceID + ") ORDER BY cuReceiptID DESC"; Session aSession = null; String aSalesRep = "";"Query: " + salesselectQry); try { aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(salesselectQry); List<?> aList = aQuery.list(); if (!aList.isEmpty()) { aSalesRep = (String) aList.get(0); } return aSalesRep; } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); salesselectQry = null; } return aSalesRep; } public ArrayList<String> getsalesorder_soldtoAddressDetails(Cuso cusolist) { itsLogger.debug("Retrieving getCustomerFindProject"); String name = " "; String address1 = " "; String address2 = " "; String City = " "; String State = " "; String Zip = " "; String aUpcomingQry = "SELECT rxmaster.Name,Address1,Address2,City,State,Zip FROM rxAddress address JOIN rxMaster rxmaster ON rxmaster.rxMasterID = address.rxMasterID WHERE address.rxMasterID =" + cusolist.getRxBillToId(); Session aSession = null; ArrayList<String> AddressQry = new ArrayList<String>(); if (aUpcomingQry != null && aUpcomingQry != "") { try { AutoCompleteBean aUpcomingJobs = null; aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aUpcomingQry); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); if (aIterator.hasNext()) { Object[] aObj = (Object[]); if (aObj[0] != null) { name = (String) aObj[0]; } if (aObj[1] != null) { address1 = (String) aObj[1]; } if (aObj[2] != null) { address2 = (String) aObj[2]; } if (aObj[3] != null) { City = (String) aObj[3]; } if (aObj[4] != null) { State = (String) aObj[4]; } if (aObj[5] != null) { Zip = (String) aObj[5]; } AddressQry.add(name); AddressQry.add(address1); AddressQry.add(address2); AddressQry.add(City); AddressQry.add(State); AddressQry.add(Zip);"Name:" + name); } else { aUpcomingQry = "SELECT name,Address1,Address2,City,State,Zip FROM rxAddress WHERE rxMasterID=" + cusolist.getRxBillToId(); aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aUpcomingQry); aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); if (aIterator.hasNext()) { Object[] aObj = (Object[]); if (aObj[0] != null) { name = (String) aObj[0]; } if (aObj[1] != null) { address1 = (String) aObj[1]; } if (aObj[2] != null) { address2 = (String) aObj[2]; } if (aObj[3] != null) { City = (String) aObj[3]; } if (aObj[4] != null) { State = (String) aObj[4]; } if (aObj[5] != null) { Zip = (String) aObj[5]; } AddressQry.add(name); AddressQry.add(address1); AddressQry.add(address2); AddressQry.add(City); AddressQry.add(State); AddressQry.add(Zip); } else { AddressQry.add(name); AddressQry.add(address1); AddressQry.add(address2); AddressQry.add(City); AddressQry.add(State); AddressQry.add(Zip); } } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aUpcomingQry = null; } } return AddressQry; } public SysUserDefault getSysUserDefault(int userid) { String aSysPriSelectQry = "SELECT SysUserDefaultID,UserLoginID,WarehouseID,coDivisionID FROM SysUserDefault WHERE UserLoginID=" + userid; Session aSession = null; SysUserDefault aSysUserDefault = aSysUserDefault = new SysUserDefault(); ; int i = 0; try { Sysprivilege aSysprivilege = null; aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aSysPriSelectQry); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); if (aIterator.hasNext()) { Object[] aObj = (Object[]); aSysUserDefault.setSysUserDefaultID((Integer) aObj[0]); aSysUserDefault.setUserLoginID((Integer) aObj[1]); aSysUserDefault.setWarehouseID((Integer) aObj[2]); aSysUserDefault.setCoDivisionID((Integer) aObj[3]); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aSysPriSelectQry = null; } return aSysUserDefault; } @Override public Prmaster getInventoryAllocatedDetailsservice(int cuSOid, int prmasterid) { Session aSession = null; Integer sPrWarehouseID = 0; BigDecimal inventoryAllocated = new BigDecimal(0); BigDecimal inventory1 = new BigDecimal(0); BigDecimal inventory2 = new BigDecimal(0); String sQuery, sQuery1 = null; Prmaster objprmaster = new Prmaster(); try { aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); sQuery = "SELECT prFromWarehouseID FROM cuSO cuso WHERE cuSOID = " + cuSOid; Query query = aSession.createSQLQuery(sQuery); if (query.list().size() > 0) sPrWarehouseID = (Integer) query.list().get(0); sQuery1 = "SELECT inventory.InventoryAllocated,inventory.InventoryOnHand,inventory.prWarehouseInventoryID,prMaster.IsInventory FROM prWarehouseInventory inventory left join prMaster on(prMaster.prMasterID=inventory.prMasterID) WHERE inventory.prMasterID = " + prmasterid + " AND prWarehouseID = " + sPrWarehouseID; query = aSession.createSQLQuery(sQuery1); if (query.list().size() > 0) { Object[] object = (Object[]) query.list().get(0); inventory1 = (BigDecimal) object[0]; inventory2 = (BigDecimal) object[1]; inventoryAllocated = (inventory2 == null ? new BigDecimal("0.0000") .subtract(inventory1 == null ? new BigDecimal("0.0000") : inventory1) : inventory2.subtract(inventory1 == null ? new BigDecimal("0.0000") : inventory1)); objprmaster.setInventoryAllocated(inventoryAllocated); objprmaster.setIsInventory((Byte) object[3]); System.out.println("-=================================================>" + inventoryAllocated); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); sQuery1 = null; sQuery = null; } return objprmaster; } @Override public boolean updatesetBillOnlyStatus(Integer releaseID, Integer status) { Session aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); JoRelease ajorel = null; Transaction aTransaction; try { aTransaction = aSession.beginTransaction(); aTransaction.begin(); ajorel = (JoRelease) aSession.get(JoRelease.class, releaseID); ajorel.setRelease_status(status); aSession.update(ajorel); aTransaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); } return true; } @Override public Integer getQuotedPricePrMasterID() { Session aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Transaction aTransaction; String query1 = null; Integer prMasterIDforQP = null; try { aTransaction = aSession.beginTransaction(); aTransaction.begin(); query1 = "SELECT prMasterID FROM prMaster WHERE ItemCode='QP'"; prMasterIDforQP = (Integer) aSession.createSQLQuery(query1).uniqueResult(); /* * query2 = "SELECT joReleaseID FROM cuSO WHERE cuSOID="+cuSOID; * Integer joReleaseID = (Integer) * aSession.createSQLQuery(query2).uniqueResult(); JoRelease * joRelease = (JoRelease) * aSession.get(JoRelease.class,joReleaseID); * * query3 = "update cuSODetail set UnitCost = 0.0000 where cuSOID=" * +cuSOID; aSession.createSQLQuery(query3).executeUpdate(); * * if(joRelease.getEstimatedBilling()!=null) unitCostValue = * joRelease.getEstimatedBilling(); * * boolean * checkQPthereornotinsalesorder=getcusoqpthereornotinsalesorder( * cuSOID,prMasterIDforQP); if(checkQPthereornotinsalesorder){ * query4 = "update cuSODetail set UnitCost ="+unitCostValue+ * ",QuantityOrdered=1,PriceMultiplier=1,Description='Quoted Price' where cuSOID=" * +cuSOID+" and prMasterID="+prMasterIDforQP; * aSession.createSQLQuery(query4).executeUpdate(); //no need to * insert one more quoted price if already there na }else{ query4 = * "INSERT INTO cuSODetail(cuSOID,prMasterID, Description,QuantityOrdered,UnitCost,PriceMultiplier,Taxable,joSchedDetailID,HasSingleItemTaxAmount,UnitPrice,QuantityBilled,QuantityReceived ) VALUES(" * + cuSOID+ ","+ prMasterIDforQP+",'Quoted Price',1,"+ * unitCostValue+ ","+ "1,0,0,0,0,0,0);"; * aSession.createSQLQuery(query4).executeUpdate(); } */ aTransaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); query1 = null; } return prMasterIDforQP; } @Override public boolean updateQuotedPriceIncuSoDetails(Integer cuSOID) { Session aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); JoRelease ajorel = null; Transaction aTransaction; String query1, query2, query3, query4, query5 = null; try { aTransaction = aSession.beginTransaction(); aTransaction.begin(); query1 = "SELECT prMasterID FROM prMaster WHERE ItemCode='QP'"; Integer prMasterIDforQP = (Integer) aSession.createSQLQuery(query1).uniqueResult(); query2 = "SELECT joReleaseID FROM cuSO WHERE cuSOID=" + cuSOID; Integer joReleaseID = (Integer) aSession.createSQLQuery(query2).uniqueResult(); JoRelease joRelease = (JoRelease) aSession.get(JoRelease.class, joReleaseID); query5 = "SELECT SUM(TRUNCATE(TRUNCATE(`QuantityOrdered`,2)*TRUNCATE(`UnitCost`,2)*IF(IFNULL(`PriceMultiplier`, 0)=0,1,`PriceMultiplier`),2)) FROM `cuSODetail` WHERE cuSOID=" + cuSOID; BigDecimal quotedAmount = (BigDecimal) aSession.createSQLQuery(query5).uniqueResult(); query3 = "update cuSODetail set UnitCost = 0.0000 where cuSOID=" + cuSOID; aSession.createSQLQuery(query3).executeUpdate(); boolean checkQPthereornotinsalesorder = getcusoqpthereornotinsalesorder(cuSOID, prMasterIDforQP); if (quotedAmount == null) { quotedAmount = BigDecimal.ZERO; } if (checkQPthereornotinsalesorder) { query4 = "update cuSODetail set UnitCost = " + quotedAmount + ",QuantityOrdered=1,PriceMultiplier=1,Description='Quoted Price' where cuSOID=" + cuSOID + " and prMasterID=" + prMasterIDforQP; aSession.createSQLQuery(query4).executeUpdate(); // no need to insert one more quoted price if already there na } else { query4 = "INSERT INTO cuSODetail(cuSOID,prMasterID, Description,QuantityOrdered,UnitCost,PriceMultiplier,Taxable,joSchedDetailID,HasSingleItemTaxAmount,UnitPrice,QuantityBilled,QuantityReceived ) VALUES(" + cuSOID + "," + prMasterIDforQP + ",'Quoted Price',1," + quotedAmount + ",1,0,0,0,0,0,0);"; aSession.createSQLQuery(query4).executeUpdate(); } aTransaction.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); query1 = null; query2 = null; query3 = null; query4 = null; query5 = null; } return true; } public boolean getcusoqpthereornotinsalesorder(Integer cuSOId, Integer quotepriceprmasterid) { itsLogger.debug("updateInventoryOnSOStatus"); String aSalesselectQry = "SELECT * FROM cuSODetail where cuSOID=" + cuSOId + " and prMasterID=" + quotepriceprmasterid; Session aSession = null; boolean returnvalue = false; try { aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aSalesselectQry); Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); if (aIterator.hasNext()) { returnvalue = true; } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aSalesselectQry = null; } return returnvalue; } public void RollBackSalesOrderLineItems(Cuso cuso, Integer newstatus, Integer userID, String userName) { Session aSession = null; boolean returnvalue = false; try { aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); String prwarehouseQuery = "FROM Cusodetail WHERE cuSOID =" + cuso.getCuSoid(); Query aQuery = aSession.createQuery(prwarehouseQuery); if (cuso.getTransactionStatus() == 1 && (newstatus == -2 || newstatus == -1 || newstatus == 0 || newstatus == 2)) { String transstatus = ""; if (newstatus == -2) { transstatus = "Quote"; } else if (newstatus == -1) { transstatus = "Void"; } else if (newstatus == 0) { transstatus = "onHold"; } else if (newstatus == 2) { transstatus = "Closed"; } ArrayList<Cusodetail> cusodtllist = (ArrayList<Cusodetail>) aQuery.list(); for (Cusodetail aCusodetail : cusodtllist) { aCusodetail.setUserID(userID); aCusodetail.setUserName(userName); itsjobService.RollBackPrMasterPrWareHouseInventory(aCusodetail.getCuSoid(), aCusodetail.getCuSodetailId()); if (aCusodetail.getCuSodetailId() > 0) { Cuso aCuso = (Cuso) aSession.get(Cuso.class, aCusodetail.getCuSoid()); TpInventoryLog aTpInventoryLog = new TpInventoryLog(); Prmaster aPrmaster = productService .getProducts(" WHERE prMasterID=" + aCusodetail.getPrMasterId()); aTpInventoryLog.setPrMasterID(aCusodetail.getPrMasterId()); aTpInventoryLog.setProductCode(aPrmaster.getItemCode()); aTpInventoryLog.setWareHouseID(aCuso.getPrFromWarehouseId()); aTpInventoryLog.setTransType("SO"); aTpInventoryLog.setTransDecription("SO Status Open to " + transstatus); aTpInventoryLog.setTransID(aCusodetail.getCuSoid()); aTpInventoryLog.setTransDetailID(aCusodetail.getCuSodetailId()); aTpInventoryLog.setProductOut( aCusodetail.getQuantityOrdered().compareTo(new BigDecimal("0.0000")) == -1 ? aCusodetail.getQuantityOrdered() : new BigDecimal("0.0000")); aTpInventoryLog.setProductIn( aCusodetail.getQuantityOrdered().compareTo(new BigDecimal("0.0000")) == 1 ? aCusodetail.getQuantityOrdered() : new BigDecimal("0.0000")); aTpInventoryLog.setUserID(aCuso.getCreatedById()); aTpInventoryLog.setCreatedOn(new Date()); itsInventoryService.saveInventoryTransactions(aTpInventoryLog); /* * TpInventoryLogMaster Created on 04-12-2015 Code * Starts RollBack */ BigDecimal oqo = aCusodetail.getQuantityOrdered().subtract(aCusodetail.getQuantityBilled()); Prwarehouse otheprwarehouse = (Prwarehouse) aSession.get(Prwarehouse.class, aCuso.getPrFromWarehouseId()); Prwarehouseinventory otheprwarehsinventory = itsInventoryService .getPrwarehouseInventory(aCuso.getPrFromWarehouseId(), aPrmaster.getPrMasterId()); TpInventoryLogMaster oprmatpInventoryLogMstr = new TpInventoryLogMaster( aPrmaster.getPrMasterId(), aPrmaster.getItemCode(), aCuso.getPrFromWarehouseId(), otheprwarehouse.getSearchName(), aPrmaster.getInventoryOnHand(), otheprwarehsinventory.getInventoryOnHand(), oqo.multiply(new BigDecimal(-1)), BigDecimal.ZERO, "SO", aCuso.getCuSoid(), aCusodetail.getCuSodetailId(), aCuso.getSonumber(), null, /* Product out */(oqo.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) ? oqo.multiply(new BigDecimal(-1)) : BigDecimal.ZERO, /* Product in */(oqo.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0) ? oqo : BigDecimal.ZERO, "SO Status Open to " + transstatus, aCusodetail.getUserID(), aCusodetail.getUserName(), new Date()); itsInventoryService.addTpInventoryLogMaster(oprmatpInventoryLogMstr); /* Code Ends */ } } } else if ((cuso.getTransactionStatus() == -2 || cuso.getTransactionStatus() == -1 || cuso.getTransactionStatus() == 0 || cuso.getTransactionStatus() == 2) && newstatus == 1) { String transstatus = ""; if (cuso.getTransactionStatus() == -2) { transstatus = "Quote"; } else if (cuso.getTransactionStatus() == -1) { transstatus = "Void"; } else if (cuso.getTransactionStatus() == 0) { transstatus = "onHold"; } else if (newstatus == 2) { transstatus = "Closed"; } ArrayList<Cusodetail> cusodtllist = (ArrayList<Cusodetail>) aQuery.list(); for (Cusodetail aCusodetail : cusodtllist) { aCusodetail.setUserID(userID); aCusodetail.setUserName(userName); itsjobService.insertPrMasterPrWareHouseInventory(aCusodetail.getCuSoid(), aCusodetail.getCuSodetailId()); if (aCusodetail.getCuSodetailId() > 0) { Cuso aCuso = (Cuso) aSession.get(Cuso.class, aCusodetail.getCuSoid()); TpInventoryLog aTpInventoryLog = new TpInventoryLog(); aTpInventoryLog.setPrMasterID(aCusodetail.getPrMasterId()); Prmaster aPrmaster = productService .getProducts(" WHERE prMasterID=" + aCusodetail.getPrMasterId()); aTpInventoryLog.setProductCode(aPrmaster.getItemCode()); aTpInventoryLog.setWareHouseID(aCuso.getPrFromWarehouseId()); aTpInventoryLog.setTransType("SO"); aTpInventoryLog.setTransDecription("SO Status " + transstatus + " to OPen"); aTpInventoryLog.setTransID(aCusodetail.getCuSoid()); aTpInventoryLog.setTransDetailID(aCusodetail.getCuSodetailId()); aTpInventoryLog.setProductOut( aCusodetail.getQuantityOrdered().compareTo(new BigDecimal("0.0000")) == 1 ? aCusodetail.getQuantityOrdered() : new BigDecimal("0.0000")); aTpInventoryLog.setProductIn( aCusodetail.getQuantityOrdered().compareTo(new BigDecimal("0.0000")) == -1 ? aCusodetail.getQuantityOrdered() : new BigDecimal("0.0000")); aTpInventoryLog.setUserID(aCuso.getCreatedById()); aTpInventoryLog.setCreatedOn(new Date()); itsInventoryService.saveInventoryTransactions(aTpInventoryLog); /* * TpInventoryLogMaster Created on 04-12-2015 Code * Starts */ BigDecimal qo = aCusodetail.getQuantityOrdered().subtract(aCusodetail.getQuantityBilled()); Prwarehouse theprwarehouse = (Prwarehouse) aSession.get(Prwarehouse.class, aCuso.getPrFromWarehouseId()); Prwarehouseinventory theprwarehsinventory = itsInventoryService .getPrwarehouseInventory(aCuso.getPrFromWarehouseId(), aPrmaster.getPrMasterId()); TpInventoryLogMaster prmatpInventoryLogMstr = new TpInventoryLogMaster( aPrmaster.getPrMasterId(), aPrmaster.getItemCode(), aCuso.getPrFromWarehouseId(), theprwarehouse.getSearchName(), aPrmaster.getInventoryOnHand(), theprwarehsinventory.getInventoryOnHand(), aCusodetail.getQuantityOrdered(), BigDecimal.ZERO, "SO", aCuso.getCuSoid(), aCusodetail.getCuSodetailId(), aCuso.getSonumber(), null, /* Product out */(qo.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) > 0) ? qo : BigDecimal.ZERO, /* Product in */(qo.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) ? qo.multiply(new BigDecimal(-1)) : BigDecimal.ZERO, "SO Status " + transstatus + " to OPen", aCusodetail.getUserID(), aCusodetail.getUserName(), new Date()); itsInventoryService.addTpInventoryLogMaster(prmatpInventoryLogMstr); /* Code Ends */ } } } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); } } public JoRelease InsertintoaNewJobasSalesOrder(Cuso cuso, Integer newstatus, Integer userID, String userName) { Session aSession = null; Transaction aTransaction; Integer joReleaseID = null; JoRelease ajorelease = new JoRelease(); try { aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); aTransaction = aSession.beginTransaction(); aTransaction.begin(); String tag = cuso.getTag(); String custponumber = cuso.getCustomerPonumber(); if (tag == null || tag == "") { if (cuso.getRxCustomerId() != null) { tag = itsjobService.getCustomerName(cuso.getRxCustomerId().toString()); } } if (custponumber == null || custponumber == "") { if (cuso.getRxCustomerId() != null) { custponumber = itsjobService.getCustomerName(cuso.getRxCustomerId().toString()); } } Jomaster aJoMaster = new Jomaster(); aJoMaster.setDescription(tag); aJoMaster.setJobStatus(3); aJoMaster.setCreditStatus((byte) 1); aJoMaster.setCreditContact0(0); aJoMaster.setCreditContact1(0); aJoMaster.setCreditContact2(0); aJoMaster.setClaimFiled((byte) 0); aJoMaster.setCreatedById(userID); aJoMaster.setBookedDate(new Date()); aJoMaster.setBidDate(new Date()); aJoMaster.setCuAssignmentId0(cuso.getCuAssignmentId0()); aJoMaster.setCuAssignmentId1(cuso.getCuAssignmentId1()); aJoMaster.setCuAssignmentId2(cuso.getCuAssignmentId2()); aJoMaster.setCuAssignmentId3(cuso.getCuAssignmentId3()); aJoMaster.setCuAssignmentId4(cuso.getCuAssignmentId4()); aJoMaster.setRxCustomerId(cuso.getRxCustomerId()); aJoMaster.setCoDivisionId(cuso.getCoDivisionID()); aJoMaster.setCoTaxTerritoryId(cuso.getCoTaxTerritoryId()); aJoMaster.setCreatedOn(new Date()); aJoMaster.setChangedOn(new Date()); aJoMaster.setCustomerPonumber(custponumber); aJoMaster.setContractAmount(cuso.getSubTotal().add(cuso.getFreight())); aJoMaster.setEstimatedCost(cuso.getCostTotal()); aJoMaster.setEstimatedProfit((cuso.getSubTotal().add(cuso.getFreight())).subtract(cuso.getCostTotal())); aJoMaster.setJobNumber(cuso.getSonumber()); aJoMaster.setQuoteNumber(null); aJoMaster.setCreditStatusDate(new Date()); aJoMaster.setWho0(userID);; aTransaction.commit(); aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); aTransaction = aSession.beginTransaction(); ajorelease.setJoMasterId(aJoMaster.getJoMasterId()); ajorelease.setReleaseType(2); ajorelease.setReleaseDate(new Date()); ajorelease.setEstimatedBilling(BigDecimal.ZERO); ajorelease.setSeq_Number(1); joReleaseID = (Integer); aTransaction.commit(); return ajorelease; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return ajorelease; } } @Override public Boolean checkSalesOrderInvoicedornot(Integer cuSOId) { itsLogger.debug("checkSalesOrderInvoice"); String aSalesselectQry = "SELECT * FROM cuInvoice WHERE cuSOID=" + cuSOId; Session aSession = null; Boolean returnvalue = false; try { aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = aSession.createSQLQuery(aSalesselectQry); // Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); if (aQuery.list().size() > 0) { itsLogger.debug("checkSalesOrder Invoiced"); returnvalue = true; } else { returnvalue = false; itsLogger.debug("checkSalesOrder not invoice"); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); aSalesselectQry = null; } return returnvalue; } @Override public List<String> getListOfCCMailId(Integer currentUserID) { Session aSession = null; List<String> ListOfCCmail = new ArrayList<String>(); try { aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); TsUserLogin user = (TsUserLogin) aSession.get(TsUserLogin.class, currentUserID); // Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); System.out.println(user); if (user != null) { if ((user.getCcaddr1() != null) && (user.getCcaddr1().trim().equals("") == false)) ListOfCCmail.add(user.getCcaddr1()); if ((user.getCcaddr2() != null) && (user.getCcaddr2().trim().equals("") == false)) ListOfCCmail.add(user.getCcaddr2()); if ((user.getCcaddr3() != null) && (user.getCcaddr3().trim().equals("") == false)) ListOfCCmail.add(user.getCcaddr3()); if ((user.getCcaddr4() != null) && (user.getCcaddr4().trim().equals("") == false)) ListOfCCmail.add(user.getCcaddr4()); if ((user.getBccaddr() != null) && (user.getBccaddr().trim().equals("") == false)) ListOfCCmail.add(user.getBccaddr()); } } catch (Exception e) { itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); aSession.close(); } return ListOfCCmail; } /* * @Override public List<JobsNameBean> getAllJobsforThisCustomer(Integer * custID) { * * List<JobsNameBean>jobNames=new ArrayList<JobsNameBean>(); * * JobsNameBean jobName; String aSalesselectQry = * "SELECT JobNumber,rxCustomerID,Description FROM joMaster WHERE rxCustomerID=? " * +" AND JobStatus=3"; Session aSession = null; * * try { * * aSession = itsSessionFactory.openSession(); Query aQuery = * aSession.createSQLQuery(aSalesselectQry); aQuery.setInteger(0, custID); * // Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); * * // List value=aQuery.list(); * * Iterator<?> aIterator = aQuery.list().iterator(); * * while(aIterator.hasNext()) { jobName=new JobsNameBean(); Object[] * objs=(Object[]); { * * jobName.setjJobNumber((String)objs[0]); * jobName.setRxCustomerID(""+objs[1]); * jobName.setDescription((String)objs[2]); * * * } jobNames.add(jobName); * * } * * * } catch (Exception e) { * * itsLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { aSession.flush(); * aSession.close(); aSalesselectQry = null; } return jobNames; } */ }