Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2010-2015 Jason Priem, Bruno P. Kinoshita * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.tupilabs.human_name_parser; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; /** * <p>A parser capable of parsing name parts out of a single string.</p> * * <p>The code works by basically applying several Regexes in a certain order * and removing (chopping) tokens off the original string. The parser consumes * the tokens during its creation.</p> * * <p>This class is not thread-safe.</p> * * @since 0.1 */ public class HumanNameParserParser { private Name name; private String title; private String leadingInit; private String first; private String nicknames; private String middle; private String last; private String suffixDelim; private String suffix; private List<String> titles; private List<String> suffixes; private List<String> prefixes; /** * Creates a parser given a string name. * * @param name string name */ public HumanNameParserParser(String name) { this(new Name(name)); } /** * Creates a parser given a {@code Name} object. * * @param name {@code Name} */ public HumanNameParserParser(Name name) { = name; this.title = ""; this.leadingInit = ""; this.first = ""; this.nicknames = ""; this.middle = ""; this.last = ""; this.suffixDelim = ""; this.suffix = ""; this.titles = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "dr.", "doctor", "mr.", "mister", "ms.", "miss", "mrs.", "mistress", "hn.", "honorable", "the", "honorable", "his", "her", "honor", "fr.", "frau", "hr.", "herr", "rv.", "rev.", "reverend", "madam", "lord", "lady", "sir", "senior", "bishop", "rabbi", "holiness", "rebbe", "deacon", "eminence", "majesty", "consul", "vice", "president", "ambassador", "secretary", "undersecretary", "deputy", "inspector", "ins.", "detective", "det.", "constable", "private", "pvt.", "petty", "p.o.", "private first class", "p.f.c.", "lcp.", "corporal", "cpl.", "colonel", "col.", "captain", "cpt.", "ensign", "ens.", "lieutenant", "lt.", "ltc.", "commander", "cmd.", "cmdr.", "rear", "r.adm.", "admiral", "adm.", "commodore", "cmd.", "general", "gen.", "lt.gen.", "maj.gen.", "major", "maj.", "mjr.", "seargent", "sgt.", "chief", "cf.", "petty", "officer", "c.p.o.", "master", "cmc.po.", "", "formc.", "mc.po.", "mc.pocg.", "command", "fleet", "force" }); this.suffixes = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "esq", "esquire", "jr", "sr", "2", "ii", "iii", "iv" }); this.prefixes = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "bar", "ben", "bin", "da", "dal", "de la", "de", "del", "der", "di", "ibn", "la", "le", "san", "st", "ste", "van", "van der", "van den", "vel", "von" }); this.parse(); } /** * Gets the {@code Name} object. * @return the {@code Name} object */ public Name getName() { return name; } public String getTitle() { return title; } public String getLeadingInit() { return leadingInit; } public String getFirst() { return first; } public String getNicknames() { return nicknames; } public String getMiddle() { return middle; } public String getLast() { return last; } private String getSuffixDelim() { return (suffixDelim.length() > 0) ? suffixDelim : " "; } public String getSuffix() { return suffix; } /** * Combines a first initial and first name, e.g. "J. Edgar Hoover", would return "J. Edgar" */ public String getFullFirst() { return StringUtils.stripStart(getLeadingInit() + " " + getFirst(), null); } /** * Combines a last name and suffix, e.g. "Martin Luther King, Jr.", would return "King, Jr." */ public String getFullLast() { StringBuilder lastname = new StringBuilder(getLast()); String suffix = getSuffix(); // if we have a suffix, append the original string if (suffix.length() > 0) { // append the original suffix delimiter lastname.append(getSuffixDelim()); lastname.append(suffix); } return lastname.toString(); } public List<String> getSuffixes() { return suffixes; } public List<String> getPrefixes() { return prefixes; } /** * Consumes the string and creates the name parts. * * @throws ParseException if the parser fails to retrieve the name parts */ private void parse() throws ParseException { // build the title regex, but all periods are optional String titles = ("(" + StringUtils.join(this.titles, ") |(") + ") ").replaceAll("\\.", "\\\\$0?"); String suffixes = StringUtils.join(this.suffixes, "\\.*|") + "\\.*"; String prefixes = StringUtils.join(this.prefixes, " |") + " "; String suffixDelimRegex = ",* *"; // The regex use is a bit tricky. *Everything* matched by the regex will be replaced, // but you can select a particular parenthesized submatch to be returned. // Also, note that each regex requres that the preceding ones have been run, and matches chopped out. String nicknamesRegex = "(?i) ('|\\\"|\\(\\\"*'*)(.+?)('|\\\"|\\\"*'*\\)) "; // names that starts or end w/ an apostrophe break this String titleRegex = "(?i)\\b(" + titles + ")"; String suffixRegex = "(?i)(" + suffixDelimRegex + "(" + suffixes + ")$)"; String lastRegex = "(?i)(?!^)\\b([^ ]+ y |" + prefixes + ")*[^ ]+$"; String leadingInitRegex = "(?i)(^(.\\.*)(?= \\p{L}{2}))"; // note the lookahead, which isn't returned or replaced String firstRegex = "(?i)^([^ ]+)"; // get nickname, if there is one this.nicknames =, 2); // get suffix, if there is one--this now has the delim included String suffix =, 1); // get just the suffix delim--we store to use when building the full last name this.suffixDelim = suffix.replaceFirst("(^" + suffixDelimRegex + ")(.*$)", "$1"); // remove the suffix delim from the value this.suffix = suffix.substring(this.suffixDelim.length()); // flip the before-comma and after-comma parts of the name","); // get title (mr, mrs, etc), if there is one this.title =, 0); // get the last name this.last =, 0); if (StringUtils.isBlank(this.last)) { throw new ParseException("Couldn't find a last name in '{" + + "}'."); } // get the first initial, if there is one this.leadingInit =, 1); // get the first name this.first =, 0); if (StringUtils.isBlank(this.first)) { throw new ParseException("Couldn't find a first name in '{" + + "}'"); } // if anything's left, that's the middle name this.middle =; } }