Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013-2014 the original author or authors. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * * Re-developed by Sima Studio. All rights reserved. */ package com.trio.breakFast.util; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.ocpsoft.prettytime.PrettyTime; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Locale; public class PrettyTimeUtil { /** * ****** ****** 123 10? * * @return */ public static final String prettySeconds(int totalSeconds) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); int second = totalSeconds % 60; if (totalSeconds > 0) { s.append(""); s.append(StringUtils.reverse(String.valueOf(second))); } totalSeconds = totalSeconds / 60; int minute = totalSeconds % 60; if (totalSeconds > 0) { s.append(""); s.append(StringUtils.reverse(String.valueOf(minute))); } totalSeconds = totalSeconds / 60; int hour = totalSeconds % 24; if (totalSeconds > 0) { s.append(StringUtils.reverse("?")); s.append(StringUtils.reverse(String.valueOf(hour))); } totalSeconds = totalSeconds / 24; int day = totalSeconds % 31; if (totalSeconds > 0) { s.append(""); s.append(StringUtils.reverse(String.valueOf(day))); } totalSeconds = totalSeconds / 31; int month = totalSeconds % 12; if (totalSeconds > 0) { s.append(""); s.append(StringUtils.reverse(String.valueOf(month))); } totalSeconds = totalSeconds / 12; int year = totalSeconds; if (totalSeconds > 0) { s.append(""); s.append(StringUtils.reverse(String.valueOf(year))); } return s.reverse().toString(); } /** * 1?? 2? * * @return */ public static final String prettyTime(Date date) { PrettyTime p = new PrettyTime(); p.setLocale(Locale.SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE); return p.format(date); } public static final String prettyTime(long millisecond) { PrettyTime p = new PrettyTime(); p.setLocale(Locale.SIMPLIFIED_CHINESE); return p.format(new Date(millisecond)); } public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(PrettyTimeUtil.prettyTime(new Date())); System.out.println(PrettyTimeUtil.prettyTime(123)); System.out.println(PrettyTimeUtil.prettySeconds(10)); System.out.println(PrettyTimeUtil.prettySeconds(61)); System.out.println(PrettyTimeUtil.prettySeconds(3661)); System.out.println(PrettyTimeUtil.prettySeconds(36611)); System.out.println(PrettyTimeUtil.prettySeconds(366111)); System.out.println(PrettyTimeUtil.prettySeconds(3661111)); System.out.println(PrettyTimeUtil.prettySeconds(36611111)); } }