Java tutorial
package com.trickl.math.lanczos; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.EigenDecomposition; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair; /* * Converted to Java from the IETL library (lanczos.h) * * Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by Prakash Dayal <> * Matthias Troyer <> * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ public class TridiagonalMatrix { protected static final double epsilon = 1e-16; protected double[] alpha = new double[0]; protected double[] beta = new double[0]; protected final double errorTolerance; protected double threshold; private boolean computed; private double multipleTolerance; protected final List<Double> err = new LinkedList<>(); protected final List<Double> err_noghost = new LinkedList<>(); protected final List<Double> eigval_distinct = new LinkedList<>(); // distinct eigen values. protected final List<Double> eigval_distinct_noghost = new LinkedList<>(); // distinct eigen values private final List<Integer> multiplicty = new LinkedList<>(); private final List<Integer> multiplicty_noghost = new LinkedList<>(); private double alpha_max; private double beta_max; private double beta_min; public TridiagonalMatrix() { this(Math.pow(epsilon, 2. / 3.)); } public TridiagonalMatrix(double errorTolerance) { this.errorTolerance = errorTolerance; } public double[] getEigenvalues() { return getEigenvalues(true); } public double[] getEigenvalues(boolean discard_ghosts) { if (!computed) { compute(); } List<Double> eigenvalueList; if (discard_ghosts) { eigenvalueList = eigval_distinct_noghost; } else { eigenvalueList = eigval_distinct; } return ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(eigenvalueList.toArray(new Double[eigenvalueList.size()])); } public double[] getErrors() { return getErrors(true); } public double[] getErrors(boolean discard_ghosts) { if (!computed) { compute(); } List<Double> errorList; if (discard_ghosts) { errorList = err_noghost; } else { errorList = err; } return ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(errorList.toArray(new Double[errorList.size()])); } protected List<Integer> getMultiplicities() { return getMultiplicities(true); } protected List<Integer> getMultiplicities(boolean discard_ghosts) { if (!computed) { compute(); } if (discard_ghosts) { return multiplicty_noghost; } else { return multiplicty; } } protected void add(Pair<Double, Double> a_and_b) { add(a_and_b.getFirst(), a_and_b.getSecond()); } protected void add(double a, double b) { computed = false; double[] alphaTmp = alpha; alpha = new double[alphaTmp.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(alphaTmp, 0, alpha, 0, alphaTmp.length); alpha[alphaTmp.length] = a; double[] betaTmp = beta; beta = new double[betaTmp.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(betaTmp, 0, beta, 0, betaTmp.length); beta[betaTmp.length] = b; if (alpha.length == 1) { alpha_max = a; beta_min = beta_max = b; } else { if (a > alpha_max) { alpha_max = a; } if (b > beta_max) { beta_max = b; } if (b < beta_min) { beta_min = b; } } } protected void compute() { err.clear(); eigval_distinct.clear(); multiplicty.clear(); err_noghost.clear(); eigval_distinct_noghost.clear(); multiplicty_noghost.clear(); computed = true; int n = alpha.length; EigenDecomposition eigenDecomposition = new EigenDecomposition(alpha, beta); double[] eval = eigenDecomposition.getRealEigenvalues(); Arrays.sort(eval); // Consistent with IETL // tolerance values: multipleTolerance = Math.max(alpha_max, beta_max) * 2 * epsilon * (1000 + n); threshold = Math.max(eval[0], eval[n - 1]); threshold = Math.max(errorTolerance * threshold, 5 * multipleTolerance); // error estimates of eigen values starts: // the unique eigen values selection, their multiplicities and corresponding errors calculation follows: double temp = eval[0]; eigval_distinct.add(eval[0]); int multiple = 1; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { double[] eigenvector = eigenDecomposition.getEigenvector(eval.length - i).toArray(); if (Math.abs(eval[i] - temp) > threshold) { eigval_distinct.add(eval[i]); temp = eval[i]; multiplicty.add(multiple); if (multiple > 1) { err.add(0.); } else { err.add(Math.abs(beta[beta.length - 1] * eigenvector[n - 1])); // *beta.rbegin() = betaMplusOne. } multiple = 1; } else { multiple++; } } // for last eigen value. multiplicty.add(multiple); if (multiple > 1) { err.add(.0); } else { double[] eigenvector = eigenDecomposition.getEigenvector(eval.length - n).toArray(); err.add(Math.abs(beta[beta.length - 1] * eigenvector[n - 1])); // *beta.rbegin() = betaMplusOne. } // the unique eigen values selection, their multiplicities and corresponding errors calculation ends. // ghosts calculations starts: double[] beta_g = Arrays.copyOfRange(beta, 1, beta.length); double[] alpha_g = Arrays.copyOfRange(alpha, 1, alpha.length); eigenDecomposition = new EigenDecomposition(alpha_g, beta_g); double[] eval_g = eigenDecomposition.getRealEigenvalues(); Arrays.sort(eval_g); // Consistent with IETL int i = 0, t2 = 0; for (double eigval : eigval_distinct) { if (multiplicty.get(i) == 1) { // test of spuriousness for the eigenvalues whose multiplicity is one. for (int j = t2; j < n - 1; j++, t2++) { // since size of reduced matrix is n-1 if (eval_g[j] - eigval >= multipleTolerance) { break; } if (Math.abs(eigval - eval_g[j]) < multipleTolerance) { multiplicty.set(i, 0); err.set(i, .0); // if eigen value is a ghost => error calculation not required, 0=> ignore error. t2++; break; } } } i++; } i = 0; for (double eigval : eigval_distinct) { if (multiplicty.get(i) != 0) { eigval_distinct_noghost.add(eigval); multiplicty_noghost.add(multiplicty.get(i)); err_noghost.add(err.get(i)); } i++; } } }