Source code

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 * Copyright 2012 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.trenako.web.controllers.form;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;

import javax.validation.Valid;

import org.hibernate.validator.constraints.Range;
import org.springframework.context.MessageSource;

import com.trenako.entities.Account;
import com.trenako.entities.Money;
import com.trenako.entities.WishList;
import com.trenako.values.LocalizedEnum;
import com.trenako.values.Visibility;

 * It represents a web form for {@code WishList}.
 * @author Carlo Micieli
public class WishListForm {

    private WishList wishList;

    @Range(min = 0, max = 9999, message = "wishlist.budget.range.notmet")
    private BigDecimal budget;

    private Iterable<LocalizedEnum<Visibility>> visibilities;

     * Creates an empty {@code WishListForm}.
    public WishListForm() {

    private WishListForm(WishList wishList, BigDecimal budget, Iterable<LocalizedEnum<Visibility>> visibilities) {

        this.wishList = wishList;
        this.budget = budget;
        this.visibilities = visibilities;

     * Creates a new form for {@code WishList} creation.
     * @param messageSource the message source
     * @return a new {@code WishListForm}.
    public static WishListForm newForm(MessageSource messageSource) {
        return new WishListForm(new WishList(), BigDecimal.valueOf(0), initVisibilities(messageSource));

     * Creates a new web form using the values from the provided {@code WishList}.
     * @param wishList      the {@code WishList}
     * @param messageSource the message source for localized {@code Visibility} labels
     * @return the form
    public static WishListForm newForm(WishList wishList, MessageSource messageSource) {
        return new WishListForm(wishList, budget(wishList.getBudget()), initVisibilities(messageSource));

     * Prepares the rejected form for the posted back.
     * @param form          the original {@code WishListForm}
     * @param messageSource the message source for localized {@code Visibility} labels
     * @return the form
    public static WishListForm rejectForm(WishListForm form, MessageSource messageSource) {
        form.visibilities = initVisibilities(messageSource);
        return form;

     * Returns the {@code WishList} for the current form.
     * <p>
     * To get the correct value to be created or saved use the method
     * {@link WishListForm#buildWishList(Account owner)} instead.
     * </p>
     * @return the {@code WishList}
    public WishList getWishList() {
        return wishList;

     * Returns the {@code WishList} for the current form.
     * wishList the {@code WishList}
    public void setWishList(WishList wishList) {
        this.wishList = wishList;

     * Returns the {@code WishList} budget value.
     * @return the budget
    public BigDecimal getBudget() {
        return budget;

     * Sets the {@code WishList} budget value.
     * @param budget the budget
    public void setBudget(BigDecimal budget) {
        this.budget = budget;

     * Creates a new {@code WishList} using the form values.
     * @param owner the {@code WishList} owner
     * @return the {@code WishList}
    public WishList buildWishList(Account owner) {
        WishList wishList = new WishList(owner, getWishList().getName(), getWishList().getNotes(),
                visibility(getWishList().getVisibility()), budget(owner, getBudget()));
        return wishList;

     * Returns the {@code Visibility} list.
     * @return the {@code Visibility} list
    public HashMap<LocalizedEnum<Visibility>, String> getVisibilities() {

        HashMap<LocalizedEnum<Visibility>, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<LocalizedEnum<Visibility>, String>(

        for (LocalizedEnum<Visibility> val : visibilities) {
            String checked = val.getValue().equals(getWishList().getVisibilityValue()) ? "checked" : "";
            map.put(val, checked);

        return map;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj == this)
            return true;
        if (!(obj instanceof WishListForm))
            return false;

        WishListForm other = (WishListForm) obj;
        return this.wishList.equals(other.wishList) && this.budget.equals(other.budget);

    private static Iterable<LocalizedEnum<Visibility>> initVisibilities(MessageSource messageSource) {
        return LocalizedEnum.list(Visibility.class, messageSource, null);

    private static BigDecimal budget(Money money) {
        int budget = (money != null) ? money.getValue() : 0;
        return BigDecimal.valueOf(budget).divide(Money.MONEY_VALUE_FACTOR);

    private static Visibility visibility(String vis) {
        return Visibility.parse(vis, WishList.defaultVisibility());

    private static Money budget(Account owner, BigDecimal val) {
        return new Money(val, owner.getProfile().getCurrency());