Java tutorial
// // Java Client Library for Treasure Data Cloud // // Copyright (C) 2011 - 2013 Muga Nishizawa // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // package com.treasure_data.client; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; import org.msgpack.unpacker.Unpacker; import com.treasure_data.auth.TreasureDataCredentials; import com.treasure_data.model.AuthenticateRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.AuthenticateResult; import com.treasure_data.model.AuthenticationException; import com.treasure_data.model.ConflictException; import com.treasure_data.model.CreateDatabaseRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.CreateDatabaseResult; import com.treasure_data.model.CreateItemTableRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.CreateTableRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.CreateTableResult; import com.treasure_data.model.Database; import com.treasure_data.model.DatabaseSummary; import com.treasure_data.model.DeleteDatabaseRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.DeleteDatabaseResult; import com.treasure_data.model.DeletePartialTableRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.DeletePartialTableResult; import com.treasure_data.model.DeleteTableRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.DeleteTableResult; import com.treasure_data.model.ExportRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.ExportResult; import com.treasure_data.model.ImportRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.ImportResult; import com.treasure_data.model.ItemTable; import com.treasure_data.model.Job; import com.treasure_data.model.JobResult; import com.treasure_data.model.JobResult2; import com.treasure_data.model.JobSummary; import com.treasure_data.model.KillJobRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.KillJobResult; import com.treasure_data.model.ListDatabases; import com.treasure_data.model.ListDatabasesRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.ListDatabasesResult; import com.treasure_data.model.ListJobs; import com.treasure_data.model.ListJobsRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.ListJobsResult; import com.treasure_data.model.ListTables; import com.treasure_data.model.ListTablesRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.ListTablesResult; import com.treasure_data.model.GetJobResultRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.GetJobResultResult; import com.treasure_data.model.LogTable; import com.treasure_data.model.NotFoundException; import com.treasure_data.model.RenameTableRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.RenameTableResult; import com.treasure_data.model.ServerStatus; import com.treasure_data.model.GetServerStatusRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.GetServerStatusResult; import com.treasure_data.model.SetTableSchemaRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.SetTableSchemaResult; import com.treasure_data.model.ShowJobRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.ShowJobResult; import com.treasure_data.model.ShowJobStatusRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.ShowJobStatusResult; import com.treasure_data.model.SubmitJobRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.SubmitJobResult; import com.treasure_data.model.SwapTableRequest; import com.treasure_data.model.SwapTableResult; import com.treasure_data.model.Table; import com.treasure_data.model.TableSchema; import com.treasure_data.model.TableSummary; public class DefaultClientAdaptorImpl extends AbstractClientAdaptor implements DefaultClientAdaptor { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DefaultClientAdaptorImpl.class.getName()); private Validator validator; DefaultClientAdaptorImpl(Config conf) { super(conf); validator = new Validator(); } @Override public AuthenticateResult authenticate(AuthenticateRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; AuthenticateResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doAuthenticate(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { if (e instanceof HttpClientException) { HttpClientException ex = (HttpClientException) e; int statusCode = ex.getResponseCode(); if (statusCode == 401 || statusCode == 404) { // If authentication failed 401 or 404, it doesn't retry. throw new AuthenticationException("Authentication failed", e.getMessage(), statusCode); } } // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private AuthenticateResult doAuthenticate(AuthenticateRequest request) throws ClientException { request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); String jsonData = null; String message = null; int code = 0; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = HttpURL.V3_USER_AUTHENTICATE; Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("user", HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getEmail())); params.put("password", HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getPassword())); conn.doPostRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("Authentication failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("Authentication failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Authentication failed", e); throw new HttpClientException("Authentication failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } // { "user":"myemailaddress","apikey":"myapikey" } // parse JSON data @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, String> map = (Map<String, String>) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, map); //String user = map.get("user"); String apiKey = map.get("apikey"); TreasureDataCredentials credentails = new TreasureDataCredentials(apiKey); return new AuthenticateResult(credentails); } @Override public GetServerStatusResult getServerStatus(GetServerStatusRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; GetServerStatusResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doGetServerStatus(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private GetServerStatusResult doGetServerStatus(GetServerStatusRequest request) throws ClientException { request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); String jsonData = null; int code = 0; String message = null; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = HttpURL.V3_SYSTEM_SERVER_STATUS; Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = null; conn.doGetRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code and body code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("Server is down", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("Server is down", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "getServerStatus", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("Server is down", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } // { "status": "ok" } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map map = (Map) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, map); String status = (String) map.get("status"); return new GetServerStatusResult(new ServerStatus(status)); } @Override public ListDatabasesResult listDatabases(ListDatabasesRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; ListDatabasesResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doListDatabases(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private ListDatabasesResult doListDatabases(ListDatabasesRequest request) throws ClientException { request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); validator.validateCredentials(this, request); String jsonData = null; String message = null; int code = 0; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = HttpURL.V3_DATABASE_LIST; Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = null; conn.doGetRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code and body code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("List databases failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("List databases failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "listDatabases", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("List databases failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } // parse JSON data @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map map = (Map) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, map); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<Map<String, Object>> dbMaps = ((List<Map<String, Object>>) map.get("databases")).iterator(); List<DatabaseSummary> databases = new ArrayList<DatabaseSummary>(); while (dbMaps.hasNext()) { Map<String, Object> dbMap =; String name = (String) dbMap.get("name"); long count = (Long) dbMap.get("count"); String createdAt = (String) dbMap.get("created_at"); String updatedAt = (String) dbMap.get("updated_at"); databases.add(new DatabaseSummary(name, count, createdAt, updatedAt)); } return new ListDatabasesResult(new ListDatabases<DatabaseSummary>(databases)); } @Override public CreateDatabaseResult createDatabase(CreateDatabaseRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; CreateDatabaseResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doCreateDatabase(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private CreateDatabaseResult doCreateDatabase(CreateDatabaseRequest request) throws ClientException { validator.validateDatabaseName(request.getDatabaseName()); request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); validator.validateCredentials(this, request); String jsonData = null; int code = 0; String message = null; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = String.format(HttpURL.V3_DATABASE_CREATE, HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getDatabaseName())); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = null; conn.doPostRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("Create database failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("Create database failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "createDatabase", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("Create database failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } // parse JSON data @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, String> dbMap = (Map<String, String>) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, dbMap); String dbName = dbMap.get("database"); return new CreateDatabaseResult(new Database(dbName)); } @Override public DeleteDatabaseResult deleteDatabase(DeleteDatabaseRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; DeleteDatabaseResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doDeleteDatabase(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private DeleteDatabaseResult doDeleteDatabase(DeleteDatabaseRequest request) throws ClientException { request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); validator.validateCredentials(this, request); String jsonData = null; int code = 0; String message = null; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = String.format(HttpURL.V3_DATABASE_DELETE, HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getDatabaseName())); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = null; conn.doPostRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("Delete database failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("Delete database failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "deleteDatabase", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("Delete database failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } // parse JSON data @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, String> dbMap = (Map<String, String>) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, dbMap); return new DeleteDatabaseResult(request.getDatabase()); } @Override public ListTablesResult listTables(ListTablesRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; ListTablesResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doListTables(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private ListTablesResult doListTables(ListTablesRequest request) throws ClientException { // validate request if (request.getDatabase() == null) { throw new ClientException("database is not specified"); } request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); validator.validateCredentials(this, request); String jsonData = null; int code = 0; String message = null; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = String.format(HttpURL.V3_TABLE_LIST, HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getDatabase().getName())); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = null; conn.doGetRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("List tables failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("List tables failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "listTables", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("List tables failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map map = (Map) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, map); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<Map<String, Object>> tableMapIter = ((List<Map<String, Object>>) map.get("tables")).iterator(); List<TableSummary> tableList = new ArrayList<TableSummary>(); while (tableMapIter.hasNext()) { Map<String, Object> tableMap =; String name = (String) tableMap.get("name"); String typeName = (String) tableMap.get("type"); Long count = (Long) tableMap.get("count"); String schema = (String) tableMap.get("schema"); String createdAt = (String) tableMap.get("created_at"); String updatedAt = (String) tableMap.get("updated_at"); TableSummary tbl = new TableSummary(request.getDatabase(), name, Table.Type.fromString(typeName), count, schema, createdAt, updatedAt); tableList.add(tbl); } ListTables<TableSummary> tables = new ListTables<TableSummary>(tableList); return new ListTablesResult(request.getDatabase(), tables); } @Override public CreateTableResult createTable(CreateTableRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; CreateTableResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doCreateTable(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { if (e instanceof HttpClientException) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e); HttpClientException ex = (HttpClientException) e; int statusCode = ex.getResponseCode(); if (statusCode == 401) { throw new AuthenticationException("Authentication failed", e.getMessage()); } if (statusCode == 404) { String name = request.getTableName(); throw new NotFoundException("Table not found: " + name, e.getMessage()); } if (statusCode == 409) { String name = request.getTableName(); throw new ConflictException("Table alraedy exists: " + name, e.getMessage()); } } if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private CreateTableResult doCreateTable(CreateTableRequest request) throws ClientException { validator.validateTableName(request.getTableName()); request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); validator.validateCredentials(this, request); final boolean isItemTable = request instanceof CreateItemTableRequest; String jsonData = null; int code = 0; String message = null; String tableType = request.getTable().getType().type(); try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = String.format(HttpURL.V3_TABLE_CREATE, HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getDatabase().getName()), HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getTableName()), HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getTable().getType().type())); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = null; if (isItemTable) { ItemTable it = (ItemTable) request.getTable(); params = new HashMap<String, String>(); //'primary_key' => primary_key params.put("primary_key", it.getPrimaryKey()); // 'primary_key_type' => primary_key_type params.put("primary_key_type", it.getPrimaryKeyType().type()); } conn.doPostRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(String.format("Create %s table failed", tableType), message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException(String.format("Create %s table failed", tableType), message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), isItemTable ? "createItemTable" : "createLogTable", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException(String.format("Create %s table failed", tableType), message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } // parse JSON data {"table":"test01","type":"item","database":"mugadb"} @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, String> tableMap = (Map<String, String>) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, tableMap); String tableName = tableMap.get("table"); Table table; if (!isItemTable) { table = new LogTable(request.getDatabase(), tableName); } else { ItemTable tbl = (ItemTable) request.getTable(); table = new ItemTable(request.getDatabase(), tableName, tbl.getPrimaryKey(), tbl.getPrimaryKeyType()); } return new CreateTableResult(table); } @Override public RenameTableResult renameTable(RenameTableRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; RenameTableResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doRenameTable(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private RenameTableResult doRenameTable(RenameTableRequest request) throws ClientException { request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); validator.validateCredentials(this, request); String jsonData = null; int code = 0; String message = null; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = String.format(HttpURL.V3_TABLE_RENAME, HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getDatabaseName()), HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getOrigTableName()), HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getNewTableName())); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("overwrite", "" + request.getOverwrite()); conn.doPostRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("Rename table failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("Rename table failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "renameTable", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("Rename table failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) // {"database":"mugadb","table":"test04","type":"log"} Map map = (Map<String, String>) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, map); return new RenameTableResult(request.getDatabaseName(), request.getOrigTableName(), request.getNewTableName()); } @Override public SwapTableResult swapTable(SwapTableRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; SwapTableResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doSwapTable(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private SwapTableResult doSwapTable(SwapTableRequest request) throws ClientException { request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); validator.validateCredentials(this, request); String jsonData = null; int code = 0; String message = null; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = String.format(HttpURL.V3_TABLE_SWAP, HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getDatabaseName()), HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getTableName1()), HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getTableName2())); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = null; conn.doPostRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("Swap table failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("Swap table failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "swapTable", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("Swap table failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) // {"database":"mugadb","table1":"test04","table2":"test04_1342157288"} Map map = (Map<String, String>) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, map); return new SwapTableResult(request.getDatabaseName(), request.getTableName1(), request.getTableName2()); } @Override public DeleteTableResult deleteTable(DeleteTableRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; DeleteTableResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doDeleteTable(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private DeleteTableResult doDeleteTable(DeleteTableRequest request) throws ClientException { request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); validator.validateCredentials(this, request); String jsonData = null; int code = 0; String message = null; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = String.format(HttpURL.V3_TABLE_DELETE, HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getDatabase().getName()), HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getTable().getName())); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = null; conn.doPostRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("Delete table failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("Delete table failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "deleteTable", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("Delete table failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } // parse JSON data @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, String> tableMap = (Map<String, String>) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, tableMap); String tableName = tableMap.get("table"); return new DeleteTableResult(request.getDatabase(), tableName); } @Override public DeletePartialTableResult deletePartialTable(DeletePartialTableRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; DeletePartialTableResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doDeletePartialTable(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private DeletePartialTableResult doDeletePartialTable(DeletePartialTableRequest request) throws ClientException { request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); validator.validateCredentials(this, request); String jsonData = null; int code = 0; String message = null; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = String.format(HttpURL.V3_TABLE_DELETE_PARTIAL, HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getDatabase().getName()), HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getTable().getName())); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("from", "" + request.getFrom()); params.put("to", "" + request.getTo()); conn.doPostRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("Delete partial table failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("Delete partial table failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "deletePartialTable", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("Delete partial table failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } // parse JSON data @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> jobMap = (Map<String, Object>) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, jobMap); String jobID = getJobID(jobMap); Job job = new Job(jobID, Job.Type.MAPRED, request.getDatabase(), null, null); return new DeletePartialTableResult(job); } @Override public TableSchema showTableSchema(String database, String table) throws ClientException { List<TableSummary> summaries = listTables(new ListTablesRequest(new Database(database))).getTables(); TableSummary summary = null; for (TableSummary t : summaries) { if (t.getName().equals(table)) { summary = t; } } if (summary == null) { throw new ClientException("Not such table " + table); } String schemaString = summary.getSchema(); List schema = (List) JSONValue.parse(schemaString); if (schema == null || schema.isEmpty()) { return new TableSchema(new Table(new Database(database), table), null); } else { List<String> pairs = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < schema.size(); i++) { List<String> pair = (List<String>) schema.get(i); pairs.add(pair.get(0) + ":" + pair.get(1)); } return new TableSchema(new Table(new Database(database), table), pairs); } } @Override public SetTableSchemaResult setTableSchema(SetTableSchemaRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; SetTableSchemaResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doSetTableSchema(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private SetTableSchemaResult doSetTableSchema(SetTableSchemaRequest request) throws ClientException { request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); String jsonData = null; int code = 0; String message = null; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = String.format(HttpURL.V3_SCHEMA_UPDATE, HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getDatabaseName()), HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getTableName())); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("schema", HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getJSONString())); conn.doPostRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("Set table schema failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("Set table schema failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "setTableSchema", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("Set table schema failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } //json data: {"table":"sesstest","type":"log","database":"mugadb"} // parse JSON data @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, String> tblMap = (Map<String, String>) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, tblMap); String dbName = tblMap.get("database"); String tblName = tblMap.get("table"); return new SetTableSchemaResult(request.getTableSchema()); } @Override public TableSchema addTableSchema(String database, String table, List<String> addedPairList) throws ClientException { TableSchema current = showTableSchema(database, table); List<TableSchema.Pair> currentPairs = current.getPairsOfColsAndTypes(); // if addedPairs is null or empty, return currentPairs. if (addedPairList == null || addedPairList.isEmpty()) { return current; } List<TableSchema.Pair> addedPairs = TableSchema.parsePairs(addedPairList); // if currentPairs is null or empty, addedPairs are set to currentPairs directly. if (currentPairs == null || currentPairs.isEmpty()) { current.setPairs(addedPairs); } else { for (TableSchema.Pair addedPair : addedPairs) { String addedCol = addedPair.getColumnName(); for (int i = 0; i < currentPairs.size(); i++) { if (currentPairs.get(i).getColumnName().equals(addedCol)) { currentPairs.remove(i); break; } } } currentPairs.addAll(addedPairs); } SetTableSchemaResult result = setTableSchema(new SetTableSchemaRequest(current)); return result.getTableSchema(); } @Override public TableSchema removeTableSchema(String database, String table, List<String> removedColList) throws ClientException { TableSchema current = showTableSchema(database, table); List<TableSchema.Pair> currentPairs = current.getPairsOfColsAndTypes(); // if currentPairs or addedPairs is null or empty, return currentPairs. if (removedColList == null || removedColList.isEmpty() || currentPairs == null || currentPairs.isEmpty()) { return current; } for (String removedCol : removedColList) { for (int i = 0; i < currentPairs.size(); i++) { if (currentPairs.get(i).getColumnName().equals(removedCol)) { currentPairs.remove(i); break; } } } SetTableSchemaResult result = setTableSchema(new SetTableSchemaRequest(current)); return result.getTableSchema(); } @Override public ImportResult importData(ImportRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; ImportResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doImportData(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { if (e instanceof HttpClientException) { HttpClientException ex = (HttpClientException) e; int statusCode = ex.getResponseCode(); if (statusCode == 401) { // If authentication failed 401, it doesn't retry. LOG.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e); throw new AuthenticationException("Authentication failed", e.getMessage()); } } // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private ImportResult doImportData(ImportRequest request) throws ClientException { request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); validator.validateCredentials(this, request); String jsonData = null; int code = 0; String message = null; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = String.format(HttpURL.V3_TABLE_IMPORT, HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getTable().getDatabase().getName()), HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getTable().getName())); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); conn.doPutRequest(request, path, header, request.getBytes()); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("Import data failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("Import data failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "importData", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("Import data failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } // parse JSON data @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, map); double elapsedTime = getTime(map, "elapsed_time"); return new ImportResult(request.getTable(), elapsedTime); } @Override public ExportResult exportData(ExportRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; ExportResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doExportData(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private ExportResult doExportData(ExportRequest request) throws ClientException { request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); validator.validateCredentials(this, request); String jsonData = null; int code = 0; String message = null; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = String.format(HttpURL.V3_EXPORTJOB_SUBMIT, HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getDatabase().getName()), HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getTable().getName())); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (request.getAccessKeyID() != null) { params.put("access_key_id", HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getAccessKeyID())); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("access_key_id is null"); } if (request.getSecretAccessKey() != null) { params.put("secret_access_key", HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getSecretAccessKey())); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("secret_access_key is null"); } if (request.getStorageType() != null) { params.put("storage_type", request.getStorageType()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("storage_type is null"); } if (request.getBucketName() != null) { params.put("bucket", request.getBucketName()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bucket is null"); } if (request.getFileFormat() != null) { params.put("file_format", request.getFileFormat()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("file_format is null"); } if (request.getFrom() != null) { params.put("from", request.getFrom()); } if (request.getTo() != null) { params.put("to", request.getTo()); } conn.doPostRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("Export failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("Export failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "exportData", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("Export failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } // parse JSON data @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> jobMap = (Map<String, Object>) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, jobMap); String jobID = getJobID(jobMap); Job job = new Job(jobID, Job.Type.MAPRED, request.getDatabase(), null, null); return new ExportResult(job); } @Override public SubmitJobResult submitJob(SubmitJobRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; SubmitJobResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doSubmitJob(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private SubmitJobResult doSubmitJob(SubmitJobRequest request) throws ClientException { request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); validator.validateCredentials(this, request); request.validate(); String jsonData = null; int code = 0; String message = null; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = String.format(HttpURL.V3_JOB_SUBMIT, HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getJob().getType().type()), HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getDatabase().getName())); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("query", HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getJob().getQuery())); params.put("version", "0.7"); if (request.getJob().getResultTable() != null) { // result table is not required params.put("result", HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getJob().getResultTable())); } params.put("priority", "" + request.getJob().getPriority().getPriority()); params.put("retry_limit", "" + request.getJob().getRetryLimit()); conn.doPostRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("Submit job failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("Submit job failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "submitJob", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("Submit job failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } // parse JSON data @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> jobMap = (Map<String, Object>) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, jobMap); String jobID = getJobID(jobMap); Job job = request.getJob(); job.setJobID(jobID); return new SubmitJobResult(job); } @Override public ListJobsResult listJobs(ListJobsRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; ListJobsResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doListJobs(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private ListJobsResult doListJobs(ListJobsRequest request) throws ClientException { request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); validator.validateCredentials(this, request); String jsonData = null; int code = 0; String message = null; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = String.format(HttpURL.V3_JOB_LIST); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); long from = request.getFrom(); if (from < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } else { params.put("from", "" + from); } long to = request.getTo(); if (to < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } else if (to > 0) { params.put("to", "" + to); } conn.doGetRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("List jobs failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("List jobs failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "listJobs", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("List jobs failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map map = (Map) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, map); long count = (Long) map.get("count"); long from = (Long) map.get("from"); long to = (Long) map.get("to"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<Map<String, Object>> jobMapIter = ((List<Map<String, Object>>) map.get("jobs")).iterator(); List<JobSummary> jobs = new ArrayList<JobSummary>(); while (jobMapIter.hasNext()) { Map<String, Object> jobMap =; Job.Type type = Job.toType((String) jobMap.get("type")); String jobID = getJobID(jobMap); JobSummary.Status status = JobSummary.toStatus((String) jobMap.get("status")); String startAt = (String) jobMap.get("start_at"); String endAt = (String) jobMap.get("end_at"); String query = (String) jobMap.get("query"); String result = (String) jobMap.get("result"); JobSummary job = new JobSummary(jobID, type, null, null, result, status, startAt, endAt, query, null); jobs.add(job); } return new ListJobsResult(new ListJobs<JobSummary>(count, from, to, jobs)); } @Override public KillJobResult killJob(KillJobRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; KillJobResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doKillJob(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private KillJobResult doKillJob(KillJobRequest request) throws ClientException { request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); validator.validateCredentials(this, request); String jsonData = null; int code = 0; String message = null; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = String.format(HttpURL.V3_JOB_KILL, HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getJob().getJobID())); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = null; conn.doPostRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("Kill job failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("Kill job failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "killJob", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("Kill job failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } // parse JSON data @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, map); JobSummary.Status status = JobSummary.toStatus((String) map.get("former_status")); String jobID = getJobID(map); return new KillJobResult(jobID, status); } @Override public ShowJobResult showJob(ShowJobRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; ShowJobResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doShowJob(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private ShowJobResult doShowJob(ShowJobRequest request) throws ClientException { request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); validator.validateCredentials(this, request); String jsonData = null; int code = 0; String message = null; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = String.format(HttpURL.V3_JOB_SHOW, HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getJob().getJobID())); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = null; conn.doGetRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("Show jobs failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("Show jobs failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "showJob", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("Show jobs failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> jobMap = (Map<String, Object>) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, jobMap); String jobID = getJobID(jobMap); Job.Type type = Job.toType((String) jobMap.get("type")); Database database = new Database((String) jobMap.get("database")); String url = (String) jobMap.get("url"); JobSummary.Status status = JobSummary.toStatus((String) jobMap.get("status")); String start_at = (String) jobMap.get("start_at"); String end_at = (String) jobMap.get("end_at"); String query = (String) jobMap.get("query"); String result = (String) jobMap.get("result"); String resultSchema = (String) jobMap.get("hive_result_schema"); Map debugMap = (Map) jobMap.get("debug"); JobSummary.Debug debug = new JobSummary.Debug((String) debugMap.get("cmdout"), (String) debugMap.get("stderr")); // TODO different object from request's one JobSummary job = new JobSummary(jobID, type, database, url, result, status, start_at, end_at, query, resultSchema, debug); return new ShowJobResult(job); } @Override public ShowJobStatusResult showJobStatus(ShowJobStatusRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; ShowJobStatusResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doShowJobStatus(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private ShowJobStatusResult doShowJobStatus(ShowJobStatusRequest request) throws ClientException { request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); validator.validateCredentials(this, request); String jsonData = null; int code = 0; String message = null; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = String.format(HttpURL.V3_JOBSTATUS_SHOW, HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getJob().getJobID())); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = null; conn.doGetRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("Show job status failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("Show job status failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } // receive response body jsonData = conn.getResponseBody(); validator.validateJSONData(jsonData); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "showJobStatus", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("Show job status failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null) { conn.disconnect(); } } // {"status":"success", // "job_id":"4702432", // "created_at":"2013-09-12 03:30:44 UTC", // "updated_at":"2013-09-12 03:30:55 UTC", // "start_at":"2013-09-12 03:30:46 UTC", // "end_at":"2013-09-12 03:30:55 UTC"} @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> jobMap = (Map<String, Object>) JSONValue.parse(jsonData); validator.validateJavaObject(jsonData, jobMap); JobSummary.Status status = JobSummary.toStatus((String) jobMap.get("status")); return new ShowJobStatusResult(status); } @Override public GetJobResultResult getJobResult(GetJobResultRequest request) throws ClientException { int count = 0; GetJobResultResult ret; while (true) { try { ret = doGetJobResult(request); if (count > 0) { LOG.warning("Retry succeeded."); } break; } catch (ClientException e) { // TODO FIXME if (count >= getRetryCount()) { LOG.warning("Retry count exceeded limit: " + e.getMessage()); throw new ClientException("Retry error", e); } else { count++; LOG.warning("It failed. but will be retried: " + e.getMessage()); waitRetry(getRetryWaitTime(), count); } } } return ret; } private GetJobResultResult doGetJobResult(GetJobResultRequest request) throws ClientException { request.setCredentials(getConfig().getCredentials()); validator.validateCredentials(this, request); Unpacker unpacker = null; int code = 0; String message = null; try { conn = createConnection(); // send request String path = String.format(HttpURL.V3_JOB_RESULT, HttpConnectionImpl.e(request.getJobResult().getJob().getJobID())); Map<String, String> header = new HashMap<String, String>(); setUserAgentHeader(header); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (request.getJobResult().getFormat() != JobResult.Format.MSGPACKGZ) { String msg = String.format("Doesn't support format", request.getJobResult().getFormat()); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(msg); } else { params.put("format", JobResult.toFormatName(JobResult.Format.MSGPACKGZ)); } conn.doGetRequest(request, path, header, params); // receive response code code = conn.getResponseCode(); message = conn.getResponseMessage(); if (code != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { String errMessage = conn.getErrorMessage(); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage("Get job result failed", message, code)); LOG.severe(errMessage); throw new HttpClientException("Get job result failed", message + ", detail = " + errMessage, code); } request.getJobResult().setResultSize((long) conn.getContentLength()); // receive response body if (!(request.getJobResult() instanceof JobResult2)) { unpacker = conn.getResponseBodyBinaryWithGZip(); request.getJobResult().setResult(unpacker); } else { ((JobResult2) request.getJobResult()).setResultInputStream(conn.getInputStream()); } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.throwing(getClass().getName(), "getJobResult", e); LOG.severe(HttpClientException.toMessage(e.getMessage(), message, code)); throw new HttpClientException("Get job result failed", message, code, e); } finally { if (conn != null && !(request.getJobResult() instanceof JobResult2)) { conn.disconnect(); } } return new GetJobResultResult(request.getJobResult()); } static interface HttpURL { String V3_USER_AUTHENTICATE = "/v3/user/authenticate"; String V3_SYSTEM_SERVER_STATUS = "/v3/system/server_status"; String V3_DATABASE_LIST = "/v3/database/list"; String V3_DATABASE_CREATE = "/v3/database/create/%s"; String V3_DATABASE_DELETE = "/v3/database/delete/%s"; String V3_TABLE_LIST = "/v3/table/list/%s"; String V3_TABLE_CREATE = "/v3/table/create/%s/%s/%s"; String V3_TABLE_RENAME = "/v3/table/rename/%s/%s/%s"; String V3_TABLE_SWAP = "/v3/table/swap/%s/%s/%s"; String V3_TABLE_DELETE = "/v3/table/delete/%s/%s"; String V3_TABLE_DELETE_PARTIAL = "/v3/table/partialdelete/%s/%s"; String V3_SCHEMA_UPDATE = "/v3/table/update-schema/%s/%s"; String V3_TABLE_IMPORT = "/v3/table/import/%s/%s/msgpack.gz"; String V3_EXPORTJOB_SUBMIT = "/v3/export/run/%s/%s"; String V3_JOB_SUBMIT = "/v3/job/issue/%s/%s"; String V3_JOB_LIST = "/v3/job/list"; String V3_JOB_KILL = "/v3/job/kill/%s"; String V3_JOB_SHOW = "/v3/job/show/%s"; String V3_JOBSTATUS_SHOW = "/v3/job/status/%s"; String V3_JOB_RESULT = "/v3/job/result/%s"; } }