Java tutorial
/* * Ustad Mobile (Micro Edition App) * * Copyright 2011-2014 UstadMobile Inc. All rights reserved. * * * Ustad Mobile is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version with the following additional terms: * * All names, links, and logos of Ustad Mobile and Toughra Technologies FZ * LLC must be kept as they are in the original distribution. If any new * screens are added you must include the Ustad Mobile logo as it has been * used in the original distribution. You may not create any new * functionality whose purpose is to diminish or remove the Ustad Mobile * Logo. You must leave the Ustad Mobile logo as the logo for the * application to be used with any launcher (e.g. the mobile app launcher). * * If you want a commercial license to remove the above restriction you must * contact us and purchase a license without these restrictions. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * Ustad Mobile is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ package com.toughra.mlearnplayer; import; import; import com.sun.lwuit.plaf.UIManager; import com.sun.lwuit.util.Resources; import com.sun.lwuit.*; import com.sun.lwuit.animations.CommonTransitions; import com.sun.lwuit.html.HTMLCallback; import com.sun.lwuit.html.HTMLComponent; import com.sun.lwuit.layouts.BorderLayout; import com.sun.lwuit.plaf.Border; import*; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Vector; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.microedition.midlet.*; import com.toughra.mlearnplayer.datatx.MLObjectPusher; import com.toughra.mlearnplayer.datatx.MLServerThread; import com.toughra.mlearnplayer.idevices.EXERequestHandler; import com.toughra.mlearnplayer.idevices.HTMLIdevice; import com.toughra.mlearnplayer.xml.XmlNode; import; import; /** * * This is the main MIDLet that really runs the show of Ustad Mobil. * * @author mike */ public class MLearnPlayerMidlet extends MIDlet implements ActionListener, Runnable, PlayerListener { /**Base folder name for the learning package that the user is currently running*/ public String currentPackageURI; /** The table of contents and idevice/href cache*/ public EXETOC myTOC = null; /** The Table of contents form */ private com.sun.lwuit.Form TOCForm = null; /**the id of the idevice that the user is currently on*/ public String currentIdevice = null; /**The index of the current idevice in the page*/ public int currentIdeviceIndex = -1; /*a reference to the idevice currently shown*/ public Idevice currentIdeviceObj = null; /*the idevices on the current page*/ protected String[] ideviceIdList; /*the titles that are on the current page*/ private String[] ideviceTitleList; /** Href of the currently loaded page */ public String currentHref; /** The system clock time when activity on the current page started */ public long currentPageStartTime = 0; /**next page href to show*/ public String nextHref; /*prev page href to show*/ public String prevHref; /*the current collection id (as defined by packagefolder/execollectionid flat file*/ public String currentColId; /*The current package ID - normally the folder name of the package*/ public String currentPkgId; //the cached next and previous links for the url given by nextPrevLinksCachedForURL //public String[] cachedURLNextPrevLinks; /** Cached next and previous links*/ public String nextPrevLinksCachedForURL; /** * The ID of the cached idevice (e.g. next device) if it has been cached, * otherwise null */ public String cachedIdeviceId; /** Media player object to be used*/ private Player player; /** InputStream used for the player as required*/ private InputStream playerInputStream; /** The browse form used to select the first piece of content*/ public ContentBrowseForm contentBrowser = null; /** The main options menu */ MLearnMenu menuFrm; /**the current idevice form*/ Form deviceForm; /** The form showing right now (be it TOC,device, or collection) */ public Form curFrm; /**Default time to show feedback (in ms)*/ public int fbTime = 3500; /** The length of the currently playing media*/ public long currentMediaLength = -1; /** Default shortcut keycode - for next (*) button */ public static final int KEY_NEXT = 42; /** Default shortcut keycode - for previous (#) button */ public static final int KEY_PREV = 35; /** Command ID for going next HREF*/ final int NEXT_HREF = 0; /** Command ID for going to next idevice*/ final int NEXT_DEVICEID = 1; /** String used with method to indicate we should open the first idevice * in a package*/ final String firstDevice = ":FIRST"; /** String used with method to indicate we should open the last idevice * in a package */ final String lastDevice = ":LAST"; /* * The preprocessor = if the preprocessor is media capable set to the static * variable as required. If this is set to false then any calls to play * media will be ignored. */ //#ifdef MEDIAENABLED //# public static final boolean mediaEnabled = true; //#else public static final boolean mediaEnabled = false; //#endif /** Array of sound file names that can be used for positive feedback*/ public String[] posFbURIs; /** Array of sound file names that can be used for negative feedback*/ public String[] negFbURIs; /**time for maintenance thread to sleep*/ final int tickTime = 2000; /**transition time for animated stuff - e.g. slide to slide*/ public final int transitionTime = 1000; /** time to wait before/after transition before starting an idevice*/ public final int transitionWait = 100; /** currently unused */ public NavigationActionListener navListener; /** controls main run thread - should almost always be true*/ boolean running = true; /** the main volume - used when instantiating players (from 0-100) */ public int volume = 80; /** Animated image for a loading icon*/ Image loadingImg; /** Dialog to house animated loading icon*/ Dialog loadingDialog; /** Control if the debug log is enabled */ boolean debugLogEnabled = true; /** Not really used now*/ String debugLogFile = "log.txt"; /** Not really used now*/ PrintStream debugStrm; /** Localization resource */ public Resources localeRes; /** Hashtable of keys to lookup to find string*/ public Hashtable localeHt; /** Reference to self*/ static MLearnPlayerMidlet hostMidlet; /**the thread running to do bluetooth push to teacher phone*/ MLObjectPusher pushThread; /**whether or not to just open the next chapter's first page right away*/ boolean autoPageOpen = true; /**whether we have already done an auto open on return*/ boolean returnPosDone = false; public static final String versionInfo = "0.9.9b"; /** Set the RTL Mode on the basis of the package language */ public static final int RTLMODE_PACKAGE = 0; /** Set the RTL Mode on the basis of the settings for the app */ public static final int RTLMODE_SETTINGS = 1; /** Decide on RTL on the basis of settings language or package language */ public static int rtlMode = RTLMODE_SETTINGS; /** If an idevice needs some to be focused after a form is shown - set me here*/ public Component focusMeAfterFormShows; /** The main xAPI server that we talk to for all operations - _MUST_ include port hostname:port only*/ //#ifndef SERVER public final static String masterServer = ""; //#endif /** The main Course and Cloud server that we talk to for all operations - _MUST_ include port hostname:port only*/ //#ifndef SERVER public final static String cloudServer = ""; //#endif //#ifdef SERVER //#expand public final static String masterServer = "%SERVER%"; //#endif //#ifndef LOGINSKIP public final static boolean canSkipLogin = true; //#endif /** If server login skip is allowed or not */ //#ifdef LOGINSKIP //#expand public final static boolean canSkipLogin = %LOGINSKIP%; //#endif /** Controls if it is possible to navigate or not - e.g. * when System.currentTime - lastNavTime < transitionTime do nothing */ long lastNavTime = 0; /** Lock to use for thread safety purposes */ Object navigateLock = new Object(); /** * Not really used - using EXEStrMgr instead * @see EXEStrMgr * * @param msg */ public void logMsg(String msg) { System.out.println(msg); } /** * Give a reference to self * @return the running MIDlet */ public static MLearnPlayerMidlet getInstance() { return hostMidlet; } /** * startApp will: * Load theme (/theme2.res from jar file) - see build.xml * Load locale res (/localisation.res from jar file) - see build.xml * Setup forms and action listeners for them * Display the ContentBrowseForm to allow the user to select which learning * package they want to start with. */ public void startApp() { hostMidlet = this;//uses for getInstance com.sun.lwuit.Display.init(this); EXEStrMgr mgr = EXEStrMgr.getInstance(this); EXEStrMgr.lg(10, "Log file opened by Ustad Mobile "); EXEStrMgr.writeDebugInfo(); navListener = new NavigationActionListener(this); //check to see about running the teacher server MLServerThread.getInstance().checkServer(); try { ///make sure that we are doing TextFields correctly ServerLoginForm.setTextFieldDefaults(); Display.getInstance().setBidiAlgorithm(true); Display.getInstance().setArabizeAlgorithm(true); Resources r ="/theme2.res"); UIManager.getInstance().setThemeProps(r.getTheme("Makeover")); EXEStrMgr.lg(10, "Ustad Mobile version: " + MLearnPlayerMidlet.versionInfo); EXEStrMgr.lg(11, "Loaded theme"); //setup locale management EXEStrMgr.getInstance().initLocale(); EXEStrMgr.lg(11, "Loaded locale"); //#ifdef CRAZYDEBUG //# EXEStrMgr.lg(69, "Loading base image"); //#endif loadingImg = r.getImage("loadingb64"); //#ifdef CRAZYDEBUG //# EXEStrMgr.lg(69, "Loaded base image"); //#endif } catch (Exception e) { EXEStrMgr.lg(310, e.toString()); } menuFrm = new MLearnMenu(this); //#ifdef CRAZYDEBUG //# EXEStrMgr.lg(69, "Instantiated Menu"); //#endif myTOC = new EXETOC(this); EXEStrMgr.lg(11, "Created menu and table of contents"); currentPackageURI = "/mxml1"; //TODO: If not logged in show login form String autoOpenContentItem = System.getProperty("com.ustadmobile.packagedir"); if (EXEStrMgr.getInstance().getCloudUser() == null && autoOpenContentItem == null) { showLoginForm(); EXEStrMgr.lg(11, "Showed login form"); } else { contentBrowser = new ContentBrowseForm(this); contentBrowser.makeForm();; if (autoOpenContentItem != null) { String packageDir = contentBrowser.getPathForAutoOpenItem(autoOpenContentItem); openPackageDir(packageDir, true); } EXEStrMgr.lg(11, "Show content browser"); } pushThread = new MLObjectPusher(); pushThread.start(); CompatibilityEngine.doDetection(); /* * This is Nokia specific code that is used to stop the lights from dimming */ if (CompatibilityEngine.nokiaUI) {, 100); new Thread(this).start(); } } public void showLoginForm() { showLoginForm(false); } /** * * @param forceLogout if true will nullify current cloud credentials */ public void showLoginForm(boolean forceLogout) { if (forceLogout) { EXEStrMgr.getInstance().doCloudLogout(); } ServerLoginForm loginForm = new ServerLoginForm(this); loginForm.addActionListener(this);; } /** * Set the volume being used, and if a player is running right now, update * the volume for it * @param vol int from 0-100 for volume */ public void setVolume(int vol) { this.volume = vol; if (this.player != null) { int state = player.getState(); if (state != Player.UNREALIZED && state != Player.CLOSED) { ((VolumeControl) player.getControl("VolumeControl")).setLevel(vol); } } } /** * the main run thread - only sleeps and wakes up the lights for Nokias */ public void run() { while (running) { try { Thread.sleep(tickTime); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } if (CompatibilityEngine.isNokiaUI()) { //, 100); } } } /** * Opens a package (folder containing exetoc.xml) and shows the user the * list of pages in it if showTOC is true * * @param dirName - The dirname containing the exetoc.xml file * @param showTOC - True if we should show table of contents (default) false otherwise */ public void openPackageDir(String dirName, boolean showTOC) { //contentBrowser = null; currentPackageURI = dirName.substring(0, dirName.length() - 1); int slashPos = currentPackageURI.lastIndexOf('/', dirName.length() - 1); currentPkgId = currentPackageURI.substring(slashPos + 1); System.out.println("Package URI: " + currentPackageURI); if (showTOC) { showTOC(); } logMsg("started"); } /** * Overloaded function * * @param dirName - The dirname containing the exetoc.xml file */ public void openPackageDir(String dirName) { openPackageDir(dirName, true); } /** * Opens a collection dir (containing execollection.xml) . * If autoPageOpen is true then show the last page that the learner * was using from before. * * @param dirName */ public void openCollectionDir(String dirName) { //dirname comes with trailing / stopCurrentIdevice(); myTOC.colBaseHREF = dirName.substring(0, dirName.length() - 1); myTOC.readCollection(dirName + "execollection.xml"); Form colForm = myTOC.getCollectionForm(); curFrm = colForm; currentColId = MLearnUtils.getCollectionID(dirName);; //check and see if there is a saved last position String lastPos = EXEStrMgr.getInstance().getPref("lastpage." + currentColId); if (lastPos != null && returnPosDone == false) { //we need to go to where they last were... EXEStrMgr.lg(12, "Last position attempting to open " + lastPos); try { returnPosDone = true; int slashPos = lastPos.indexOf('/'); String lastPkg = lastPos.substring(0, slashPos); String lastHref = lastPos.substring(slashPos + 1); String pkgDir = myTOC.colBaseHREF + "/" + lastPkg + "/"; hostMidlet.openPackageDir(pkgDir, false); loadTOC(true); hostMidlet.loadPage(lastHref); } catch (Exception e) { EXEStrMgr.lg(311, "Error attempting to load last page : " + lastPos, e); } } returnPosDone = true; } /** * Utility method that could be used to request opening a FileConnection * resource a few times. * * @param URL URL to pass to the FileConnection object * @return the InputStream once its open * @throws IOException */ public InputStream retryGetFile(String URL) throws IOException { IOException lastException = null; int maxTries = 3; int retryWait = 200; for (int attmpt = 0; attmpt < maxTries; attmpt++) { try { InputStream is = Connector.openInputStream(URL); return is; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logMsg("Exception attempting to open fs attempt " + attmpt + ": " + e.toString()); try { Thread.sleep(retryWait); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } System.gc(); lastException = e; } } throw lastException; } /** * Returns an input stream by checking the URL. * URL starts file:// - will use IOWatcher to preload the file contents * if this is not a media file ending with mp3, 3gp or wav * If URL starts file:// and is a media file will return FileConnection.openInputStream * If URL starts with / will return getClass().getResourceAsStream * Else will interpret as a relative link, prefix the currentPackageURI, and apply * the same logic as if for file:// * * @param URL URL as above * @return InputStream for the URL * @throws IOException if there is an IOException dealing with the file system */ public InputStream getInputStreamReaderByURL(String URL) throws IOException { boolean isMedia = URL.endsWith("mp3") || URL.endsWith("3gp") || URL.endsWith("wav") || URL.endsWith("mpg") || URL.endsWith("mp4"); EXEStrMgr.lg(13, "Opening inputstream for " + URL); if (URL.startsWith("file://")) { if (isMedia) { //logMsg("Opening " + URL + " Direct"); return Connector.openInputStream(URL); } else { //logMsg("Opening " + URL + " through Byte Array"); return IOWatcher.makeWatchedInputStream(URL); } } else if (URL.startsWith("/")) { return getClass().getResourceAsStream(URL); } else { //this is a relative link System.out.println("Opening File" + URL); if (isMedia) { //logMsg("Opening " + URL + " direct"); return Connector.openInputStream(currentPackageURI + "/" + URL); } else { //logMsg("Opening " + URL + " through Byte Array"); return IOWatcher.makeWatchedInputStream(currentPackageURI + "/" + URL); } } } /** * Overload of makeHTMLComponent (String, HTMLCallback) * * * @param htmlStr * @return */ public HTMLComponent makeHTMLComponent(String htmlStr) { return makeHTMLComponent(htmlStr, null); } /** * This makes an HTMLComponent with a given HTML String. It will use a * RequestHandler so that images etc. will be loaded from the current * package path. * * If the package is running Right to Left then a dir tag will be set by * the RequestHandler to make the HTML right to left. * * @param htmlStr HTML String to show (do not include <body> <html> etc. * @param callback HTMLCallback object if desired. Otherwise leave null * * @return HTMLComponent that will display the given HTML code. */ public HTMLComponent makeHTMLComponent(String htmlStr, HTMLCallback callback) { HTMLComponent htmlComp = new HTMLComponent(new EXERequestHandler(this, htmlStr)); htmlComp.setIgnoreCSS(false); htmlComp.setShowImages(true); Font bodyFont = Font.getBitmapFont("bodyFont"); Font titleFont = Font.getBitmapFont("titleFont"); htmlComp.setDefaultFont("arial.12", bodyFont); //HTMLComponent.addFont("arial.60", bodyFont); if (callback != null) { htmlComp.setHTMLCallback(callback); } htmlComp.setPage("idevice://current/"); return htmlComp; } /** * Shows the main options menu (continue, repeat, about, settings, etc) * @param menuItemsToShow array representing which items to show */ public void showMenu(boolean[] menuItemsToShow) { menuFrm.updateFieldsFromPrefs();; } /** * Returns Menu * @return MLearnMenu in use */ public MLearnMenu getMenu() { return menuFrm; } /* * Show the main options menu */ public void showMenu() { menuFrm.updateFieldsFromPrefs();; } /** * See overloaded function */ public void loadTOC() { loadTOC(false); } /** * Load the table of contents * * @param hide - Do not show the table of contents form itself immediately. Do not set curFrm * */ public void loadTOC(boolean hide) { myTOC.readList(currentPackageURI + "/exetoc.xml"); //now check for feedback sounds try { FileConnection con = (FileConnection); String prefixes[] = new String[] { "exesfx_good", "exesfx_wrong" }; String extsn = ".mp3"; for (int i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) { int c = 0; Vector foundFiles = new Vector(); try { boolean moreFiles = true; do { try { String filename = prefixes[i] + c + extsn; Enumeration e = con.list(filename, true); if (e.hasMoreElements()) { //means this file exists foundFiles.addElement(filename); c++; } else { moreFiles = false; } } catch (Exception e) { moreFiles = false; } } while (moreFiles); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception occured looking for audio files"); } finally { if (foundFiles.size() > 0) { if (prefixes[i].equals("exesfx_good")) { posFbURIs = new String[foundFiles.size()]; foundFiles.copyInto(posFbURIs); } else { negFbURIs = new String[foundFiles.size()]; foundFiles.copyInto(negFbURIs); } } } } con.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } TOCForm = myTOC.getForm(); myTOC.getList().addActionListener(this); if (!hide) { curFrm = TOCForm; } } /** * Used if we are using a loading dialog (now loads pretty quickly, so * not really used). Will remove the loading dialog and show the toc * form */ public void tocReady() { if (loadingDialog != null) { loadingDialog.setVisible(false); loadingDialog.dispose(); loadingDialog = null; }; } /** * Generates a loading dialog * @return Dialog with animated loading image */ public Dialog makeLoadingDialog() { Dialog dlg = new Dialog(); Button loadingButton = new Button(loadingImg); loadingButton.getStyle().setBorder(Border.createEmpty()); loadingButton.getSelectedStyle().setBorder(Border.createEmpty()); dlg.addComponent(loadingButton); return dlg; } /** * Show table of contents form */ public void showTOC() { stopCurrentIdevice(); //show the loading screen loadingDialog = makeLoadingDialog(); loadingDialog.showPacked(BorderLayout.CENTER, false); Thread loadThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { loadTOC(); Display.getInstance().callSeriallyAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { tocReady(); } }); } }); loadThread.start(); } /** * Load the specified page - show the first idevice in the list * * @param pageHref href to load (e.g. pagename.xml) */ public void loadPage(String pageHref) { loadPage(pageHref, false); } /** * Record the TinCan * @param nextPageHref - The next page href that is to be shown. */ public void recordPageTinCan(String nextPageHref) { //if going to a new page and we have a time record on the last page if (currentHref != null && !currentHref.equals(nextPageHref)) { long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - currentPageStartTime; TOCCachePage cPg = myTOC.cache.getPageByHref(currentHref); JSONObject actorObj = EXEStrMgr.getInstance().getTinCanActor(); if (actorObj != null && cPg != null) { String pageName = cPg.href.substring(0, cPg.href.lastIndexOf('.')); int slashPos = currentPackageURI.lastIndexOf('/', currentPackageURI.length() - 1); String folderName = currentPackageURI.substring(slashPos + 1); String prefix = MLearnUtils.TINCAN_PREFIX + "/" + folderName; JSONObject tinCanStmt = UMTinCan.makePageViewStmt(prefix, pageName, cPg.title, "en-US", duration, actorObj); EXEStrMgr.getInstance().queueTinCanStmt(tinCanStmt); } } //page change is taking place or first page is being viewed if (currentPageStartTime == 0 || !currentHref.equals(nextPageHref)) { currentPageStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } /** * For use with Idevices - get the currently playing pagename * * @return folderName/Pagename */ public String getTinCanPage() { String pageName = this.currentHref.substring(0, this.currentHref.lastIndexOf('.')); int slashPos = currentPackageURI.lastIndexOf('/', currentPackageURI.length() - 1); String folderName = currentPackageURI.substring(slashPos + 1); return folderName + "/" + pageName; } /** * Loads a given page. If goLast is true, show the last idevice (e.g. reversing) * Otherwise - show the first idevice * * @param pageHref href to laod - eg. pagename.xml * @param goLast if true show the last idevice on the page, otherwise show the first */ public void loadPage(String pageHref, boolean goLast) { String myHref = (pageHref != null ? pageHref : this.currentHref); recordPageTinCan(myHref); Object[] pageIdeviceInfo = myTOC.getPageIdeviceList(currentPackageURI + "/exetoc.xml", myHref); ideviceIdList = (String[]) pageIdeviceInfo[EXETOC.PAGELIST_IDEVICEIDS]; ideviceTitleList = (String[]) pageIdeviceInfo[EXETOC.PAGELIST_IDEVICETITLES]; TOCCachePage cPg = myTOC.cache.getPageByHref(myHref); this.nextHref = cPg.nextHref; this.prevHref = cPg.prevHref; int index = (goLast == false) ? 0 : ideviceIdList.length - 1; EXEStrMgr.lg(14, "Showing idevice for page " + pageHref + " : " + index); if (ideviceIdList.length == 0) { //this needs to show an idevice (blank html or something should do) Idevice blankHTMLDevice = new HTMLIdevice(this, " "); showIdevice(blankHTMLDevice, null); } else { showIdevice(myHref, ideviceIdList[index]); } } /** * Utility method that makes sure a stream gets opened as UTF-8 * * @param URL to open * @return InputStreamReader that will read UTF8 * * @throws IOException */ public InputStreamReader getUTF8StreamForURL(String URL) throws IOException { InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(this.getInputStreamReaderByURL(URL), "UTF-8"); return reader; } /** * Get info about what is the next device to load * @param increment - how many idevices to go back/forth * * @return */ public String[] getNextIDeviceIdAndHref(int increment) { String[] retValue = new String[2]; int nextIdeviceIndex = currentIdeviceIndex + increment; //TODO: Change all "href" in tags to have .xml in it - confusing as heck otherwise if (nextIdeviceIndex >= 0 && nextIdeviceIndex < ideviceIdList.length) { retValue[NEXT_HREF] = this.currentHref; retValue[NEXT_DEVICEID] = ideviceIdList[this.currentIdeviceIndex + increment]; } else if (nextIdeviceIndex >= ideviceIdList.length && this.nextHref != null) { retValue[NEXT_DEVICEID] = firstDevice; retValue[NEXT_HREF] = this.nextHref; } else if (nextIdeviceIndex < 0 && this.prevHref != null) { retValue[NEXT_DEVICEID] = lastDevice; retValue[NEXT_HREF] = this.prevHref; } return retValue; } /** * Checks to see if we should accept navigation commands (avoid issues with people pushing * buttons too fast) * * @return true if ok to go, false otherwise */ private final boolean canNavigateNow() { return (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastNavTime) > transitionTime; } /** * * Goes increment devices along to show the next (or previous) idevice * @param increment how many idevices to move along (can be +ve/-ve) * */ public void showNextDevice(int increment) { if (!canNavigateNow()) { System.out.println("Blocking navigate because something already happening"); return; } stopCurrentIdevice(); int nextIdeviceIndex = currentIdeviceIndex + increment; if (nextIdeviceIndex >= 0 && nextIdeviceIndex < ideviceIdList.length) { String nextIdeviceId = ideviceIdList[this.currentIdeviceIndex + increment]; showIdevice(this.currentHref, nextIdeviceId); } else if (nextIdeviceIndex >= ideviceIdList.length && this.nextHref != null) { // go to the next page loadPage(this.nextHref); } else if (nextIdeviceIndex < 0 && this.prevHref != null) { loadPage(this.prevHref, true); } else { if (myTOC.collection != null) { EXEStrMgr.lg(15, "Package to package nav starting "); int currentColIndex = myTOC.getCollectionIndex(currentPackageURI); int nextColIndex = currentColIndex; if (nextIdeviceIndex >= ideviceIdList.length && this.nextHref == null) { if (currentColIndex < (myTOC.collection.length - 1)) { nextColIndex = currentColIndex + 1; } } else if (nextIdeviceIndex <= 0 && this.prevHref == null) { if (currentColIndex >= 1) { nextColIndex = currentColIndex - 1; } } if (nextColIndex != currentColIndex) { currentPackageURI = myTOC.getColBaseHref(nextColIndex); currentPkgId = myTOC.getColPkgId(nextColIndex); if (currentPackageURI.endsWith("/")) { currentPackageURI = currentPackageURI.substring(0, currentPackageURI.length() - 1); EXEStrMgr.lg(16, "Set current package URI to " + currentPackageURI); } myTOC.tocList = null; if (autoPageOpen) { loadTOC(true); boolean goLast = false; String pageURL = null; if (increment > 0) { pageURL = myTOC.getPageHref(0); } else { pageURL = myTOC.getPageHref(myTOC.getNumPages() - 1); goLast = true; } loadPage(pageURL, goLast); } else { showTOC(); } } } else { //if we have no collection to show and we're at the end go to //table of contents. showTOC(); } } lastNavTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } /** * Stop the currently running idevice */ void stopCurrentIdevice() { if (currentIdeviceObj != null) { currentIdeviceObj.stop(); currentIdeviceObj.dispose(); currentIdeviceObj = null; stopMedia(false); System.gc(); } } /** * Show the idevice given by the device object * * @param device - The idevice to show * @param ideviceId - the deviceid */ public void showIdevice(Idevice device, String ideviceId) { try { if (device.getMode() == Idevice.MODE_LWUIT_FORM) { if (!Display.isInitialized()) { Display.init(this); } MLearnUtils.checkFreeMem(); deviceForm = device.getForm(); curFrm = deviceForm; MLearnUtils.printFreeMem(this, "Got form from " + device.getClass().getName()); //this is hear when we aren't really strictly showing a new idevice (e.g. // the slideshow device is just changing slides if (ideviceId != null) { this.currentIdevice = ideviceId; for (int i = 0; i < ideviceIdList.length; i++) { if (ideviceIdList[i].equals(ideviceId)) { currentIdeviceIndex = i; break; } } } //adds the command to the form for menu items navListener.addMenuCommandsToForm(deviceForm); //Add listeners for navigation purposes deviceForm.addKeyListener(KEY_NEXT, this); deviceForm.addKeyListener(KEY_PREV, this); deviceForm.setTransitionOutAnimator( CommonTransitions.createSlide(CommonTransitions.SLIDE_HORIZONTAL, true, transitionTime)); EXEStrMgr.lg(17, "Showing idevice form for " + ideviceId); //save where we are if we are using a collection; if (focusMeAfterFormShows != null) { Component currentFocus = deviceForm.getFocused(); deviceForm.setFocused(null); deviceForm.setFocused(focusMeAfterFormShows); focusMeAfterFormShows = null; } MLearnUtils.printFreeMem(this, "show " + device.getClass().getName()); //tell the device to start anything that it wants to run - media -etc device.start(); MLearnUtils.printFreeMem(this, "startedr " + device.getClass().getName()); currentIdeviceObj = device; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); EXEStrMgr.lg(312, e.toString()); } } /** * Show the idevice given by the id which is expected to be contained in * the file given by pageHREF. Will search through the idevices given * and then instantiate an idevice by using the IdeviceFactory * * @param pageHREF URL of page to load * @param ideviceId deviceId to open */ public void showIdevice(String pageHREF, String ideviceId) { stopCurrentIdevice(); currentHref = pageHREF; try { EXEStrMgr.lg(18, "Loading idevice now for " + pageHREF + ":" + ideviceId); InputStream inStream = getInputStreamReaderByURL(currentPackageURI + "/" + pageHREF); XmlNode cachedData = null; Idevice device = IdeviceFactory.makeIdevice(inStream, ideviceId, this, cachedData); //Save the current location of the student if (currentColId != null && pageHREF != null && this.currentHref != null) { String lastURLRecordVal = this.currentPkgId + "/" + pageHREF; EXEStrMgr.getInstance().setPref("lastpage." + currentColId, lastURLRecordVal); EXEStrMgr.lg(19, "Recorindg lastpage." + currentColId + " as " + lastURLRecordVal); } showIdevice(device, ideviceId); } catch (Exception e) { EXEStrMgr.lg(313, "exception whilst loading idevice " + pageHREF + ":" + ideviceId + e.toString()); } } /** * Main event handler - looks out for selections of a package from the current * table of contents list and when the user pushes the next or previous * buttons (default * and #) * @param evt */ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { Object src = evt.getSource(); String pageHref = null; if (src instanceof List) { List tocList = (List) src; int currentIndex = tocList.getSelectedIndex(); pageHref = myTOC.getPageHref(currentIndex); myTOC.getList().removeActionListener(this); //System.gc(); currentHref = pageHref; loadPage(pageHref); } else if (src instanceof ServerLoginForm) { //dispose of the src contentBrowser = new ContentBrowseForm(this); contentBrowser.makeForm();; } else if (src instanceof Form) { int key = evt.getKeyEvent(); if (key == KEY_NEXT) { showNextDevice(1); } else if (key == KEY_PREV) { showNextDevice(-1); } } //find out what int x = 0; } /** * Pause app - does nothing */ public void pauseApp() { } /** * Ends the application - saves all preferences, logs, and stops any * server threads running * * @param unconditional */ public void destroyApp(boolean unconditional) { MLObjectPusher.enabled = false;//make this thread quite EXEStrMgr.getInstance().saveAll(); } /** * Stops any media currently playing - and runs garbage collect after */ public void stopMedia() { stopMedia(true); } /** * Stops the media currently playing. Closes and deallocates player. * * @param doAutoGc If set true will call System.gc() after stopping media */ public void stopMedia(boolean doAutoGc) { if (player != null && mediaEnabled == true) { try { MLearnUtils.checkFreeMem(); player.stop(); player.close(); player.deallocate(); player = null; logMsg("Played deallocated by stopmedia method"); MLearnUtils.printFreeMem(this, "Stopped Media before gc"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (doAutoGc) { System.gc(); MLearnUtils.printFreeMem(this, "Stopped Media after gc"); } } } } /** * Utility method used with player - returns mime type for files ending * .mp3, .au, .wav, .3gp, .mpg * * @param fileName * @return */ public static String getContentType(String fileName) { String fileNameLower = fileName.toLowerCase(); if (fileNameLower.endsWith(".mp3")) { return "audio/mp3"; } else if (fileNameLower.endsWith(".au")) { return "audio/basic"; } else if (fileNameLower.endsWith(".wav")) { return "audio/X-wav"; } else if (fileNameLower.endsWith(".mpg")) { return "video/mpeg"; } else if (fileNameLower.endsWith(".3gp")) { return "video/3gpp"; } else if (fileNameLower.endsWith(".mp4")) { return "video/mp4"; } //not known return null; } /** * Provides the current package uri base directory * @return Current package URI base directory */ public String getCurrentPackageURI() { return currentPackageURI; } /** * Play the default sound that indicates a positive (e.g. correct answer) * event * * @return the time of the sound in microseconds */ public long playPositiveSound() { System.out.println("Play +ve"); if (posFbURIs != null) { Random r = new Random(); return playMedia(posFbURIs[MLearnUtils.nextRandom(r, posFbURIs.length)]); } return -1; } /** * Play the default negative sound * * @return length of the sound in microseconds */ public long playNegativeSound() { System.out.println("Play -ve"); if (negFbURIs != null) { Random r = new Random(); return playMedia(negFbURIs[MLearnUtils.nextRandom(r, negFbURIs.length)]); } return -1; } /** * Plays a sound file. Will only run if mediaEnabled is set to true. * * @param mediaURI URI of file to play e.g. file://localhost/file/foo.mp3 * * @return the length of the clip in microseconds */ public long playMedia(String mediaURI) { stopMedia(); MLearnUtils.checkFreeMem(); System.out.println("asked to play: " + mediaURI); logMsg("asked to play: " + mediaURI); //now determine which one to use... String newMediaURI = MLearnUtils.reworkMediaURI(myTOC.audioFormatToUse, MLearnUtils.AUDIOFORMAT_NAMES, mediaURI); if (newMediaURI != null) { mediaURI = newMediaURI; } System.out.println("Actually going to play " + mediaURI); String mediaType = getContentType(mediaURI); mediaURI = currentPackageURI + "/" + mediaURI; String mediaLoc = MLearnUtils.connectorToFile(mediaURI); if (mediaEnabled) { try { //playerInputStream = getInputStreamReaderByURL(mediaURI); //player = Manager.createPlayer(playerInputStream, mediaType); player = Manager.createPlayer(mediaLoc); player.realize(); VolumeControl vc = (VolumeControl) player.getControl("VolumeControl"); vc.setLevel(volume); player.start(); long playerTime = player.getDuration(); this.currentMediaLength = playerTime; player.addPlayerListener(this); MLearnUtils.printFreeMem(this, "Created player for " + mediaLoc); return playerTime; } catch (Exception e) { EXEStrMgr.lg(314, "Error creating player for " + mediaLoc + " type " + mediaType + " " + e.toString()); if (player != null) { try { player.deallocate(); } catch (Exception e1) { EXEStrMgr.lg(314, "exception deallocating faulty player " + mediaLoc + " type " + mediaType + " " + e1.toString()); } try { player.close(); } catch (Exception e2) { EXEStrMgr.lg(314, "exception closing faulty player " + mediaLoc + " type " + mediaType + " " + e2.toString()); } } } } else { System.out.println("Media disabled"); } this.currentMediaLength = (1 * 1000 * 1000); //wait a second return (1 * 1000 * 1000); } /** * Automatically deallocate resources once the media file itself is finished * * @param player The media player * @param event event string given by PlayerListener * @param eventData info about event */ public void playerUpdate(Player player, String event, Object eventData) { if (event.equals(PlayerListener.END_OF_MEDIA)) { if (this.player != null) { if (this.player.getState() != Player.CLOSED && this.player.getState() != Player.UNREALIZED) { try { this.player.stop(); } catch (Exception e) { EXEStrMgr.lg(315, "exception attempting to stop player: " + e.toString()); } try { Thread.sleep(300); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } this.player.close(); try { this.player.deallocate(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); EXEStrMgr.lg(315, "Exception deallocating player: " + e.toString()); } this.player = null; try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } logMsg("Player closed / deallocated by playerUpdated method"); } else { logMsg("looked and player is null"); } if (playerInputStream != null) { try { logMsg("Attempting to close playerInputStream"); playerInputStream.close(); logMsg("player input stream closed by playerUpdated method"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } playerInputStream = null; } else { logMsg("PlayerInputStream is already null"); } } } }