Java tutorial
package; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanToPropertyValueTransformer; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.topsec.license.util.ChangePageEncode; import; import com.topsec.tal.base.util.LogKeyInfo; import com.topsec.tal.base.util.ObjectUtils; import com.topsec.tal.base.util.StringUtil; import com.topsec.tal.base.web.SpringContextServlet; import com.topsec.tsm.ass.persistence.Device; import com.topsec.tsm.asset.AssTopo; import com.topsec.tsm.base.type.IpAddress; import com.topsec.tsm.message.MessageDefinition; import com.topsec.tsm.resource.NodeDefinition; import com.topsec.tsm.sim.access.util.GlobalUtil; import com.topsec.tsm.sim.asset.AssetFacade; import com.topsec.tsm.sim.asset.service.DataSourceService; import com.topsec.tsm.sim.asset.service.TopoService; import com.topsec.tsm.sim.auth.util.SID; import com.topsec.tsm.sim.datasource.SimDatasource; import com.topsec.tsm.sim.node.service.NodeMgrFacade; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.topsec.tsm.sim.resource.persistence.Node; import com.topsec.tsm.sim.util.FacadeUtil; import com.topsec.tsm.util.thread.TsmThreadFactory; public class ReportModel { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ReportModel.class); /** * ?????????+?? */ public static final String UNFMT_DATA_PREFIX = "UNFORMAT_DATA_"; public static final int showNo = 28; public static SqlStruct getSqlStruct(int mstType, List ruleResult, HttpServletRequest request, ExpStruct exp, Map<Object, Object> subMap, String sTime, String eTime) { // //mstType==null?//1 SqlStruct sqlStruct = getHqlTerm(mstType, ruleResult, request, exp, subMap, sTime, eTime); if (sqlStruct.getDvcIp() == null) { String localIp = IpAddress.getLocalIp().toString(); if (localIp.indexOf(':') >= 0) localIp = "::1"; else localIp = ""; sqlStruct.setDvcIp(localIp); } if (request != null) { String onlyByDvctype = request.getParameter("onlyByDvctype"); if (onlyByDvctype != null && onlyByDvctype.equals("onlyByDvctype")) { String deviceTypeZh = ""; String dvctype = request.getParameter("dvctype"); if (dvctype != null && dvctype.contains("Monitor/")) { deviceTypeZh = ReportUiUtil.getDeviceTypeName(dvctype.replace("Monitor/", ""), request.getLocale()); } else { deviceTypeZh = ReportUiUtil.getDeviceTypeName(dvctype, request.getLocale()); } sqlStruct.setDvcIp(deviceTypeZh); } } else { String dvc = exp.getDvc(); if (dvc != null) { if (!"Log/Global/Detail".equals(dvc)) { String deviceTypeZh = ""; if (dvc.contains("Monitor/")) { deviceTypeZh = ReportUiUtil.getDeviceTypeName(dvc.replace("Monitor/", ""), Locale.getDefault()); } else { deviceTypeZh = ReportUiUtil.getDeviceTypeName(dvc, Locale.getDefault()); } sqlStruct.setDvcIp(deviceTypeZh); sqlStruct.setDevTypeName(dvc); } } } return sqlStruct; } private static List<String> getparamIpList(HttpServletRequest request) { ReportBean bean = new ReportBean(); bean = ReportUiUtil.tidyFormBean(bean, request); List<String> paramipList = assGroupIpList(bean, (TopoService) SpringContextServlet.springCtx.getBean("topoService")); return paramipList; } /** * ?sql where? * * @param int * mstType (/?) * @param List * ruleResult ??? * @param HttpServletRequest * request HttpServletRequest * @param ExpStruct * exp * @return SqlStruct ?sql where? */ private static SqlStruct getHqlTerm(int mstType, List ruleResult, HttpServletRequest request, ExpStruct exp, Map<Object, Object> subMap, String sTime, String eTime) { String _TalStartTime = ReportUiUtil.getNowTime(ReportUiConfig.dFormat2) + ReportUiConfig.sTimePostfix;// String _TalEndTime = ReportUiUtil.getNowTime(ReportUiConfig.dFormat2) + ReportUiConfig.eTimePostfix;//? String type = null; try { type = request.getParameter(ReportUiConfig.dvctype); } catch (Exception e) { } boolean isevtReport = "Profession/Group".equals(type); boolean evtOther = false; SqlStruct sqlStruct = new SqlStruct(); List sqlParam = new ArrayList(); Integer paramIndex = null; // ????? StringBuffer sqlTerm = new StringBuffer(); Map<Object, Object> map = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < ruleResult.size(); i++) { map = (Map) ruleResult.get(i); paramIndex = (Integer) map.get("htmlField"); String talCategoryKey = (String) map.get("sqlParam"); boolean onlyDvc = false; //IP if ("and paramIps = ?".equals(talCategoryKey)) { List<String> paramipList = getparamIpList(request); map.put("sqlParam", TopoUtil.getIpSqlParm(paramipList)); } if ("and DVC_ADDRESS in ?".equals(talCategoryKey)) { List<String> paramipList = getparamIpList(request); String paramString = TopoUtil.getIpSqlParmScope(paramipList); map.put("sqlParam", "and DVC_ADDRESS in " + paramString); } if ("and dvcAddress = ?".equals(talCategoryKey) || "and alias.dvcAddress = ?".equals(talCategoryKey) || "and fwrisk.dvcAddress = ?".equals(talCategoryKey)) { if (request != null) { String onlyByDvctype = request.getParameter("onlyByDvctype"); if (onlyByDvctype != null && onlyByDvctype.equals("onlyByDvctype")) { if (request.getParameter("dvctype") != null) { map.remove("sqlParam"); String key = talCategoryKey.replace("= ?", " = ").replace("and", ""); map.put("sqlParam", " and (" + getDvcIp(request.getParameter("dvctype"), key) + ")"); onlyDvc = true; } } } String sqlValue = (String) map.get("sqlValue"); if (sqlValue != null && sqlValue.indexOf("onlyByDvctype") != -1) { String[] sqlValueArray = sqlValue.split(";;;"); if (request != null) { request.setAttribute("dvctype", sqlValueArray[1]); request.setAttribute("onlyByDvctype", sqlValueArray[0]); } sqlStruct.setDevTypeName(sqlValueArray[1]); sqlStruct.setDvcIp("onlyByDvctype"); String deviceTypeZh = ReportUiUtil.getDeviceTypeName(sqlValueArray[1], Locale.getDefault()); sqlStruct.setOnlyByDvctype(deviceTypeZh); map.remove("sqlParam"); String key = talCategoryKey.replace("= ?", " = ").replace("and", ""); map.put("sqlParam", " and (" + getDvcIp(sqlValueArray[1], key) + ")"); onlyDvc = true; } if (exp != null) { String onlyByDvctype2 = null; onlyByDvctype2 = exp.getOnlyByDvctype(); if (onlyByDvctype2 != null && onlyByDvctype2.equals("onlyByDvctype")) { map.remove("sqlParam"); String key = talCategoryKey.replace("= ?", " = ").replace("and", ""); if (exp.getDvc() != null) { String[] sqlValueArray = exp.getDvc().split(";;;"); map.put("sqlParam", " and (" + getDvcIp(sqlValueArray[1], key) + ")"); } onlyDvc = true; } onlyByDvctype2 = exp.getRptIp(); if (onlyByDvctype2 != null && onlyByDvctype2.equals("onlyByDvctype")) { map.remove("sqlParam"); String key = talCategoryKey.replace("= ?", " = ").replace("and", ""); map.put("sqlParam", " and (" + getDvcIp(exp.getDvc(), key) + ")"); onlyDvc = true; } } } // ???? String htmlField = null; // ?requestnull // viewItem 2: 3:? // _TalStartTime:_TalEndTime:? if ((subMap.get("viewItem") == null || subMap.get("viewItem").equals("")) && paramIndex.equals(2)) { if (ReportUiUtil.checkNull(sTime)) { htmlField = sTime; } else { htmlField = _TalStartTime; } } else if ((subMap.get("viewItem") == null || subMap.get("viewItem").equals("")) && paramIndex.equals(3)) { if (ReportUiUtil.checkNull(eTime)) { htmlField = eTime; } else { htmlField = _TalEndTime; } } if (request != null) { if (subMap.get("viewItem") != null && !subMap.get("viewItem").equals("") && paramIndex.equals(2)) { htmlField = getHtmlField(request, paramIndex, talCategoryKey); } else if (subMap.get("viewItem") != null && !subMap.get("viewItem").equals("") && paramIndex.equals(3)) { htmlField = getHtmlField(request, paramIndex, talCategoryKey); } else if (htmlField == null) { htmlField = getHtmlField(request, paramIndex, talCategoryKey); } } // if (htmlField == null && exp != null && paramIndex == 6) { // {sqlParam=and cat1ID = ?, htmlField=6, ruleDisplay=1, // sqlValue=, sqlDefValue=, ruleName=19} if (mstType == 3 && map.get("ruleDisplay") != null && map.get("sqlValue") != null && map.get("sqlDefValue") != null) { if ((Integer) map.get("ruleDisplay") == 1 && map.get("sqlValue").equals(map.get("sqlDefValue"))) { htmlField = (String) map.get("sqlValue"); } } else { String param = ReportUiConfig.Html_Field.get(paramIndex); htmlField = (String) exp.getMap().get(param); } } String ruleName = map.get("ruleName").toString().trim();// ?? if (ruleName.equals("1")) {// 1 top // ???? Object top = null;// HB??DB if (request != null) { top = (htmlField == null ? getDefValue(map, mstType) : htmlField); } else { top = exp.getTop(); } sqlStruct.setSqlpage(Integer.parseInt(top.toString())); continue; } if (ruleName.equals("7")) {// union sqlParam = getUnion(sqlParam, Integer.parseInt(getDefValue(map, mstType).toString())); sqlStruct.setSqlparam(sqlParam); return sqlStruct; } // ??,0?1?,? ????? if (!ruleName.equals("0") && !onlyDvc) { Object tmpO = null; // ??? ? sqlDefValue /*String param = ReportUiConfig.Html_Field.get(6); if (htmlField == null && exp != null && paramIndex == 0 && exp.getMap().containsKey(param)){ htmlField = (String) exp.getMap().get(param); }*/ if (htmlField == null) { tmpO = getDefValue(map, mstType, exp, request); } else { tmpO = htmlField; } if (isevtReport) { if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(tmpO)) { sqlParam.add(tmpO); } } else { if (null != tmpO) { sqlParam.add(tmpO); } } // ,?? setExpTime(sqlStruct, ruleName, map, mstType, tmpO);// String? // ?? if (ReportUiConfig.digRuleList.indexOf("," + ruleName + ",") >= 0) { String[] talCategoryArray = sqlStruct.getTalCategory(); String[] talCategoryArrayNew; if (talCategoryArray == null) { talCategoryArrayNew = new String[1]; } else { talCategoryArrayNew = new String[talCategoryArray.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(talCategoryArray, 0, talCategoryArrayNew, 0, talCategoryArray.length); } talCategoryArrayNew[talCategoryArrayNew.length - 1] = sqlParam.get(sqlParam.size() - 1) .toString(); sqlStruct.setTalCategory(talCategoryArrayNew); } } Object oSqlParam = map.get("sqlParam"); if (oSqlParam != null) sqlTerm.append(" " + map.get("sqlParam") + " "); } sqlStruct.setSql(sqlTerm.toString()); sqlStruct.setSqlparam(sqlParam); return sqlStruct; } private static List<String> assGroupIpList(ReportBean bean, TopoService topoService) { List<String> ipList = new ArrayList<String>(); String rootId = bean.getRootId(); if ("0".equals(rootId)) { // } AssTopo assTopo = null; if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(bean.getTopoId()) && !"allAssTopos".equals(bean.getTopoId())) { if ("-1".equals(bean.getTopoId())) { assTopo = topoService .getSystemTopo((NodeMgrFacade) SpringContextServlet.springCtx.getBean("nodeMgrFacade")); } else { assTopo = topoService.get(Integer.valueOf(bean.getTopoId())); } } if (null != assTopo && !GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(bean.getAssGroupNodeId())) { if ("1".equals(bean.getNodeLevel())) { List<Device> devices = TopoUtil.showIpsByAssTopo(assTopo); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(devices)) { for (Device device : devices) { if (!ipList.contains(device.getMasterIp().toString())) { ipList.add(device.getMasterIp().toString()); } } } } else { List<Device> devices = TopoUtil.showIpsByAssGroup(assTopo, bean.getAssGroupNodeId()); for (Device device : devices) { if (!ipList.contains(device.getMasterIp().toString())) { ipList.add(device.getMasterIp().toString()); } } } } return ipList; } /** * ?Html * * @param String * sql Sql * @param List * sqlParam sql? * @param Integer * iPage Top(n) * tableName: ?? * nodeIds: * @return List DB Result| * @throws Exception * @throws Exception */ public static List getList(String sql, List sqlParam, Integer iPage, String tableName, String[] nodeIds, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { log.debug("*************Rick Start***************"); log.debug(sql); log.debug(sqlParam); log.debug(iPage); log.debug("*************Rick End***************"); List reValue = new ArrayList(); List result = null; String type = null; try { type = request.getParameter(ReportUiConfig.dvctype); } catch (Exception e) { } boolean isevtReport = "Profession/Group".equals(type); boolean isevtAssetReport = "Profession/Group/Asset".equals(type); if (nodeIds == null && !isevtReport) { log.error("getList(),nodeIds==null!!!"); throw new Exception("getList(),nodeIds==null!!!"); } String flag = null; if (sql.indexOf("union") != -1) { flag = "union"; if (request != null) { String onlyByDvctype = request.getParameter("onlyByDvctype"); if ("onlyByDvctype".equals(onlyByDvctype)) { sql = sql.replace("DVC_ADDRESS=?", " (" + getDvcIp(request.getParameter("dvctype"), "DVC_ADDRESS =") + ")"); } else if ("onlyByDvctype".equals(request.getAttribute("onlyByDvctype"))) { sql = sql.replace("DVC_ADDRESS=?", " (" + getDvcIp(request.getAttribute("dvctype").toString(), "DVC_ADDRESS =") + ")"); } } } else { flag = "list"; } NodeMgrFacade nodeMgrFacade = (NodeMgrFacade) SpringContextServlet.springCtx.getBean("nodeMgrFacade"); if (isevtReport || (isevtAssetReport && sql.contains("SIM_EVENT_"))) { flag = "union"; } List<ReportDispatchModel> tList = new ArrayList<ReportDispatchModel>(); int len = nodeIds.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { ReportDispatchModel reportDispatchModel = new ReportDispatchModel(); reportDispatchModel.setNodeId(nodeIds[i]); reportDispatchModel.setNodeMgrFacade(nodeMgrFacade); reportDispatchModel.setCmd(MessageDefinition.CMD_REPORT_GET_RESULT); Map<String, Object> map = reportDispatchModel.getMap(); map.put("sql", sql); map.put("sqlParam", sqlParam); if (iPage != null) { map.put("iPage", iPage * 4); } map.put("tableName", tableName); map.put("flag", flag); tList.add(reportDispatchModel); } int wenNo = stringNumbers(sql, "?"); if (wenNo > sqlParam.size()) { result = new ArrayList<List<Map>>(); } else { result = reportDispatch(tList, request); } List list = null; try { list = (List) result.get(0); if (!isevtReport && !isevtAssetReport) { List deviceTypes = null; List deviceIps = null; DataSourceService dataSourceService = (DataSourceService) SpringContextServlet.springCtx .getBean("dataSourceService"); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(SID.currentUser())) { SID sid = SID.currentUser(); deviceTypes = getDeviceTypeList(dataSourceService, sid); deviceIps = getDeviceIpList(dataSourceService, sid); } noIpTypeAndNumberNullFormat(deviceTypes, deviceIps, list); } if (isevtReport) { evtReportFormat(list, request); } if (isevtAssetReport) { priorityShowCnFormat(list); } } catch (Exception e) { } if (sql.indexOf("union") != -1) { //?,? reValue.add(GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(list) ? 9999 : list.size());//9999 } else { reValue.add(iPage); } reValue.add(result); return reValue; } /** * @method: reportDispatch * ?Auditor? * @author: ?( * @param: tList:?? * request: HttpServletRequest * @return: result */ public static List reportDispatch(List<ReportDispatchModel> tList, HttpServletRequest request) { List result = new ArrayList(); try { ThreadPoolExecuteDispatchUtil<ReportDispatchModel> threadPoolExecuteDispatchUtil = new ThreadPoolExecuteDispatchUtil<ReportDispatchModel>( tList); ThreadPoolExecutor threadPoolExecutor = null; if (request == null) { threadPoolExecutor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) SpringContextServlet.springCtx .getBean("commondDispatchThreadPool"); } else { threadPoolExecutor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) FacadeUtil.getWebApplicationContext(request) .getBean("commondDispatchThreadPool"); } threadPoolExecuteDispatchUtil.setThreadPool(threadPoolExecutor); threadPoolExecuteDispatchUtil.execute(); while (true) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Boolean f = true; for (ReportDispatchModel rdm : tList) { if (!rdm.isQueryComplete()) { f = false; break; } } if (f) { break; } } if (tList != null) { for (ReportDispatchModel reportDispatchModel : tList) { result.add(reportDispatchModel.getList()); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); } return result; } /** * ? * * @param Map * map ??? * @param int * mstType (/?) * @return Object ? */ private static Object getDefValue(Map map, int mstType) { Object reValue = null; if (mstType == 2) { reValue = map.get("sqlValue").toString(); } else { reValue = map.get("sqlDefValue").toString(); } return reValue; } /** * ?? * * @param Map * map ??? * @param int * mstType (/?) * @param ExpStruct * exp * @param HttpServletRequest * request HttpServletRequest * @return Object */ private static Object getDefValue(Map map, int mstType, ExpStruct exp, HttpServletRequest request) { Object reValue = getDefValue(map, mstType); if (reValue.equals("talsysdates")) { if (exp != null && request == null) reValue = exp.getRptTimeS();// String else reValue = getTimeValue("rick1979");// String } else if (reValue.equals("talsysdaten")) { if (exp != null && request == null) reValue = exp.getRptTimeE();// String else reValue = getTimeValue("addNow");// String } else if (ReportUiUtil.checkNull(map.get("ruleName")) && map.get("ruleName").toString().equals("8")) { reValue = getExpValue(map, mstType, exp, request); } String ruleName = map.get("ruleName").toString().trim(); if (ruleName.equals("2") && mstType != 2 && exp != null) { // ip dvc reValue = exp.getRptIp(); } return reValue; } /** * ? * * @param String * dType 8 * @return Object 8 */ private static Object getTimeValue(String dType) { Object reValue = null; if (dType.equals("addNow")) reValue = ReportUiUtil.getNowTime(ReportUiConfig.dFormat2 + ReportUiConfig.eTimePostfix); else reValue = ReportUiUtil.getNowTime(ReportUiConfig.dFormat2 + ReportUiConfig.sTimePostfix); return reValue; } /** * ???? * * @param HttpServletRequest * request HttpServletRequest * @param Integer * paramIndex Html parameter * @return String ??? * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException */ private static String getHtmlField(HttpServletRequest request, Integer paramIndex, String talCategoryKey) { String htmlField = null; if (paramIndex == 6) { String[] talCategoryArray = request.getParameterValues(ReportUiConfig.Html_Field.get(paramIndex)); if (talCategoryArray != null && talCategoryArray.length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < talCategoryArray.length; j++) { if (talCategoryArray[j] != null && !talCategoryArray[j].equals("") && !talCategoryArray[j].equals("null")) { String[] talCategoryValueArray = StringUtils.split(talCategoryArray[j], "***"); String talCategoryKeyConvert = ReportUiConfig.ColumnRuleMap.get(talCategoryValueArray[0]); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(talCategoryKeyConvert) && talCategoryKey.indexOf(talCategoryKeyConvert) != -1) { String talcat = talCategoryValueArray[1]; if (talcat.indexOf("%") > -1) { try { talcat = URLDecoder.decode(talcat, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } htmlField = talcat; } else { htmlField = ChangePageEncode.IsoToUtf8(talcat); } } } } } } else { htmlField = request.getParameter(ReportUiConfig.Html_Field.get(paramIndex)); } if (htmlField != null && htmlField.equals(ReportUiConfig.NA)) { htmlField = ""; return htmlField; } if (ReportUiUtil.checkNull(htmlField)) return htmlField; else return null; } /** * ? ??IP * @param request * @return */ public static String getDvcIp(String dvc, String key) { String dvcIP = ""; DataSourceService dataSourceService = (DataSourceService) SpringContextServlet.springCtx .getBean("dataSourceService"); List<Map<String, Object>> list = null; try { list = dataSourceService.getDataSourceTreeWithNodeList(null); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (list != null && list.size() > 0) { for (Map<String, Object> m : list) { if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(dvc) && dvc.replace("Monitor/", "").equals((String) m.get("securityObjectType"))) { if (dvcIP.equals("")) dvcIP = key + "'" + (String) m.get("dataSourceIp") + "'"; else dvcIP += " or " + key + "'" + (String) m.get("dataSourceIp") + "'"; } } } return dvcIP; } private static List getUnion(List sqlParam, int num) { List reValue = new ArrayList(); for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < sqlParam.size(); i++) reValue.add(sqlParam.get(i)); } return reValue; } /** * ????? * * @param SqlStruct * sqlStruct ?sql where? * @param String * ruleName ?? * @param Map * ruleMap ??? * @param int * mstType (/?) * @param Object * tmpO * @return void */ private static void setExpTime(SqlStruct sqlStruct, String ruleName, Map ruleMap, int mstType, Object tmpO) { SimpleDateFormat smpFmt1 = new SimpleDateFormat(ReportUiConfig.dFormat1); if (ruleName.equals("2"))// IP sqlStruct.setDvcIp(StringUtil.toString(tmpO, "")); // IP?null else if (ruleName.equals("3"))// sqlStruct.setsTime(tmpO + "");// String else if (ruleName.equals("4"))// ? sqlStruct.seteTime(tmpO + ""); // String else if (ruleName.equals("8")) {// addDate Object defValue = getDefValue(ruleMap, mstType); if (defValue.toString().equals("addNow")) sqlStruct.seteTime(tmpO instanceof Date ? smpFmt1.format(tmpO) : tmpO + ""); else if (defValue.toString().equals("addMonth")) sqlStruct.setsTime(tmpO instanceof Date ? smpFmt1.format(tmpO) : tmpO + ""); else sqlStruct.setsTime(tmpO instanceof Date ? smpFmt1.format(tmpO) : tmpO + ""); } } /** * ?? * * @param Map * map ??? * @param int * mstType (/?) * @param ExpStruct * exp * @param HttpServletRequest * request HttpServletRequest * @return Object */ private static Object getExpValue(Map map, int mstType, ExpStruct exp, HttpServletRequest request) { Object reValue = getDefValue(map, mstType); if (exp != null && request == null) { if (reValue.toString().equals("addNow")) { reValue = exp.getRptTimeE(); } else if (reValue.toString().equals("addHour")) { reValue = ReportUiUtil.toStartTime("hour", exp.getRptTimeE()); } else if (reValue.toString().equals("addMonth")) { reValue = ReportUiUtil.toStartTime("month", exp.getRptTimeE()); } else { reValue = exp.getRptTimeS(); } return reValue; } if (mstType == 2) {// reValue = getTimeValue(reValue.toString()); } // String else { reValue = ReportUiUtil.getAddDate(reValue.toString()); } return reValue; } /** * ?????? * * @param ReportBean * creRpt StrutsFormBean * @return void ??FormBean */ public static void setBeanPropery(ReportBean bean) { /*if (!bean.isRptList()){ getMstList(bean);// mst list }*/ getJi(bean); // getTop(bean); // top getSDatetype(bean);// } /** * ?????? * * @param ReportBean * bean ReportBean * @return void ?? ReportBean */ private static void getSDatetype(ReportBean bean) { String dateTypes = ReportUiConfig.DateTypeStr; int i = 0; String[] value = new String[dateTypes.split(",").length]; String[] lable = new String[dateTypes.split(",").length]; for (String dateType : dateTypes.split(",")) { lable[i] = ReportUiUtil.getProperty(dateType.trim()); value[i] = (i + 1) + ""; i++; } Map<String, String> dtypes = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int j = 0, len = value.length; j < len; j++) { dtypes.put(value[j], lable[j]); } bean.setDtypes(dtypes); } /** * ?type? * * @param int * subType DB.subType * @return String typeSql */ public static String getRunSql(int subType) { String reValue = null; switch (subType) { case 1: reValue = "chartSql"; break; case 2: reValue = "tableSql"; break; case 3: case 5: reValue = "tableSql"; break; } return reValue; } /** * ??????Top * * @param ReportBean * bean ReportBean * @return void ?? ReportBean */ private static void getTop(ReportBean bean) { String[] values = ReportUiConfig.Topvalues; String[] labels = ReportUiConfig.Toplabels; Map<String, String> tops = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0, len = values.length; i < len; i++) { tops.put(values[i], labels[i]); } bean.setTops(tops); } /** * ?????? * * @param ReportBean * bean ReportBean * @return void ?? ReportBean */ private static void getJi(ReportBean bean) { String[] values = ReportUiConfig.Jivalues; String[] labels = ReportUiConfig.Jilabels; Map<String, String> quarters = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0, len = values.length; i < len; i++) { quarters.put(values[i], labels[i]); } bean.setQuarters(quarters); } /** * ?????? * * @param ReportBean * bean ReportBean * @return void ?? ReportBean */ public static void getPageSize(ReportBean bean) { String[] values = ReportUiConfig.PageSizevalues; String[] labels = ReportUiConfig.PageSizelabels; Map<String, String> pagesizes = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0, len = values.length; i < len; i++) { pagesizes.put(values[i], labels[i]); } bean.setPagesizes(pagesizes); if (!ReportUiUtil.checkNull(bean.getPagesize())) bean.setPagesize("10"); } /** * ?? * @param _layout * @return */ public static Map<Integer, Integer> getRowColumns(List<Map<String, Object>> mstSubjects) { Map<Integer, Integer> rowColumns = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); for (Map subject : mstSubjects) { Integer row = (Integer) subject.get("subRow"); Integer currentRowCount = rowColumns.get(row); if (currentRowCount == null) { rowColumns.put(row, 1); } else { rowColumns.put(row, ++currentRowCount); } } return rowColumns; } public static String createMstTable(String layout, Map layoutValue) { Integer[] _rule = getLayoutRule(layout); int col = getMaxValue(_rule); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("<div class=\"rows\">"); sb.append(ReportUiConfig.MstTable).append(ReportUiConfig.Rn); for (int i = 0; i < _rule.length; i++) { sb.append("<tr>").append(ReportUiConfig.Rn); for (int j = 0; j < _rule[i]; j++) { String rowColumn = "" + (i + 1) + (j + 1); if (_rule[i] < col) { sb.append("<td style='padding-bottom:5px;' id='subReport_" + rowColumn + "' colspan='" + col + " '" + ">").append(ReportUiConfig.Rn).append(layoutValue.get(rowColumn)) .append("</td>").append(ReportUiConfig.Rn); } else { sb.append("<td style='padding-bottom:5px;' id='subReport_" + rowColumn + "'" + ">") .append(ReportUiConfig.Rn).append(layoutValue.get(rowColumn)).append("</td>") .append(ReportUiConfig.Rn); } } sb.append("</tr>").append(ReportUiConfig.Rn); } sb.append("</table>").append(ReportUiConfig.Rn); sb.append("</div>").append(ReportUiConfig.Rn); return sb.toString(); } /** * ? * * @param String * _rule * * @return Integer[] */ private static Integer[] getLayoutRule(String _rule) { Integer[] reValue = null; Map<String, Integer> map = ReportUiUtil.orderMap(getRowColumns(_rule)); reValue = new Integer[map.size()]; Iterator i = map.keySet().iterator(); Object strKey = null; int n = 0; while (i.hasNext()) { strKey =; reValue[n] = map.get(strKey); n++; } return reValue; } /** * ?? * @param _layout * @return */ public static LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> getRowColumns(String _layout) { String[] layouts = _layout.split(","); Map<String, Integer> map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>(); for (String layout : layouts) { String rows[] = layout.split(":"); Integer tmpValue = map.get(rows[0]); if (tmpValue != null) { tmpValue++; map.put(rows[0], tmpValue); } else map.put(rows[0], 1); } return ReportUiUtil.orderMap(map); } public static int getMaxValue(Integer[] value) { int val = value[0]; for (int i = 1, len = value.length; i < len; i++) { if (value[i] > val) val = value[i]; } return val; } /** * ???Sql * * @param Map * subMap ??? * @param int * mstType (/?) * @param RptMasterTbService * rptMasterTbImp DAO * @return List Sql */ public static List getRuleRs(int mstType, Map subMap, RptMasterTbService rptMasterTbImp) { List ruleResult = null; // ? Integer subPolicyId = (Integer) subMap.get("subPolicyId"); if (mstType != 2) { String ruleSql = ReportUiConfig.RuleSql; Object[] ruleParam = { subPolicyId }; ruleResult = rptMasterTbImp.queryTmpList(ruleSql, ruleParam); } else { // ? Integer mstSubId = (Integer) subMap.get("id"); String ruleValueSql = ReportUiConfig.RuleValueSql; Object[] ruleValueParam = { subPolicyId, mstSubId }; ruleResult = rptMasterTbImp.queryTmpList(ruleValueSql, ruleValueParam); } return ruleResult; } /** * ??sql?? * * @param String * sql Sql * @param String * sTime * @param String * eTime ? * @return String ??Sql * @throws Exception */ public static String getTimeSql(String sql, String sTime, String eTime) { String reValue = sql; if (sql.indexOf("_month") > 0 || (sql.indexOf("from") > 0 && sql.indexOf("Month") > 0 && sql.indexOf("from") < sql.indexOf("Month"))) return sql; if (sql.indexOf("_day") > 0 || (sql.indexOf("from") > 0 && sql.indexOf("Day") > 0 && sql.indexOf("from") < sql.indexOf("Day"))) return sql; Long time = null; if (ReportUiUtil.checkNull(sTime) && ReportUiUtil.checkNull(eTime)) time = ReportUiUtil.countTime(sTime, eTime); else return sql; if (time >= (86400 * 28)) { reValue = sql.replace("hour", "month"); reValue = reValue.replace("Hour", "Month"); reValue = reValue.replace("HOUR", "MONTH"); } else if (time > 86400 * 2) { reValue = sql.replace("hour", "day"); reValue = reValue.replace("Hour", "Day"); reValue = reValue.replace("HOUR", "DAY"); } return reValue; } /** * ??? * @param subMap ? * @param sTime * @param eTime ? * @param subId ?ID * @param isAllResult ? * @param request * @return */ public static Map<String, Object> getSubTitleData(RptMasterTbService rptMasterTbImp, List<String> deviceTypes, List<String> deviceIps, Map subMap, String sTime, String eTime, String subId, boolean isAllResult, HttpServletRequest request) { String mstType = subMap.get("mstType").toString(); int _mstType = StringUtil.toInt(mstType, 1); List ruleResult = getRuleRs(_mstType, subMap, rptMasterTbImp); boolean isCoreNode = ReportUiUtil.isCoreNodeReport(subMap); String type = request.getParameter(ReportUiConfig.dvctype); boolean isevtReport = "Profession/Group".equals(type) || "Profession/Group/Asset".equals(type); if (isCoreNode) { for (int j = 0; j < ruleResult.size(); j++) { Map map = (Map) ruleResult.get(j); String talCategoryKey = (String) map.get("sqlParam"); if ("and dvcAddress = ?".equals(talCategoryKey) || "and alias.dvcAddress = ?".equals(talCategoryKey) || "and fwrisk.dvcAddress = ?".equals(talCategoryKey)) { ruleResult.remove(j); break; } } } SqlStruct struct = getSqlStruct(_mstType, ruleResult, request, null, subMap, sTime, eTime); int subType = StringUtil.toInt(subMap.get("subType").toString()); String runSql = getRunSql(subType); String sql = subMap.get(runSql).toString(); // ?? sql = getTimeSql(sql, sTime, eTime); String[] nodeIds = request.getParameterValues("nodeId"); int paramNo = 0; if (!isevtReport) { // String sqlQuShi = sql; sql += struct.getSql(); if (sql.indexOf("union") != -1) { if (struct != null) { String onlyByDvctype = struct.getDvcIp(); if ("onlyByDvctype".equals(onlyByDvctype)) { sql = sql.replace("DVC_ADDRESS=?", " (" + getDvcIp(struct.getDevTypeName(), "DVC_ADDRESS =") + ")"); } } } } else { if (sql.indexOf("union") != -1) { if (struct != null) { String sqlunion = struct.getSql(); sql = sql.replaceAll("union", sqlunion + " union"); } } if (sql.indexOf("DVC_ADDRESSInAndTimeConditionGroup") != -1 || sql.indexOf("ipInAndTimeConditionGroup") != -1) { paramNo += stringNumbers(sql, "DVC_ADDRESSInAndTimeConditionGroup"); paramNo += stringNumbers(sql, "ipInAndTimeConditionGroup"); if (struct != null) { String sqlpar = struct.getSql(); sql = sql.replaceAll("DVC_ADDRESSInAndTimeConditionGroup", sqlpar); sqlpar = sqlpar.replaceAll("DVC_ADDRESS", "IP"); sql = sql.replaceAll("ipInAndTimeConditionGroup", sqlpar); if (sqlpar.contains("group")) { sql += " " + sqlpar.substring(sqlpar.indexOf("group")); } } } else if (sql.indexOf("DVC_ADDRESSEqAndTimeCondition") != -1 || sql.indexOf("ipEqAndTimeCondition") != -1) { paramNo += stringNumbers(sql, "DVC_ADDRESSEqAndTimeCondition"); paramNo += stringNumbers(sql, "ipEqAndTimeCondition"); if (struct != null) { String sqlpar = struct.getSql(); sql = sql.replaceAll("DVC_ADDRESSEqAndTimeCondition", sqlpar); sqlpar = sqlpar.replaceAll("DVC_ADDRESS", "IP"); sql = sql.replaceAll("ipEqAndTimeCondition", sqlpar); } } else { sql += struct.getSql(); } if (sql.indexOf("union") != -1 && sql.indexOf("LOG_FILE") != -1) { String[] sqls = sql.split("union"); sql = ""; for (int i = 0; i < sqls.length; i++) { if (sqls[i].contains("LOG_FILE")) { sqls[i] = sqls[i].replaceAll("DVC_ADDRESS", "IP"); } sql += sqls[i] + " union "; } sql = sql.substring(0, sql.length() - 7); } } int unionCount = stringNumbers(sql, "union"); List sqlparam = new ArrayList(); sqlparam.addAll(struct.getSqlparam()); if (isevtReport) { if (unionCount > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < unionCount; i++) { sqlparam.addAll(struct.getSqlparam()); } } if (paramNo > 0) { sqlparam.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < paramNo; i++) { sqlparam.addAll(struct.getSqlparam()); } } } Object more = request.getAttribute("moredat"); if ("999".equals(more)) { struct.setSqlpage(30); } Map<String, Object> rsMap = reformingSubTitleData(deviceTypes, deviceIps, sql, sqlparam, subMap, struct.getSqlpage(), nodeIds, sTime, eTime, isAllResult, request); return rsMap; } public static Integer stringNumbers(String parentStr, String childsString) { int counter = 0; String parentString = parentStr; if (parentString.indexOf(childsString) == -1) { return counter; } while (parentString.indexOf(childsString) != -1) { counter++; if (parentString.indexOf(childsString) == -1) { break; } parentString = parentString.substring(parentString.indexOf(childsString) + childsString.length()); } return counter; } private static void noIpTypeAndNumberNullFormat(List<String> deviceTypes, List<String> deviceIps, List<Map> result) { try { if (GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(result)) { return; } if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(SID.currentUser()) && !SID.currentUser().isOperator() && !SID.currentUser().hasAuditorRole()) { boolean isdType = false; boolean isdIp = false; boolean isDvcAdd = false; isdType = result.get(0).containsKey("ALLLOGTYPE"); isdIp = result.get(0).containsKey("ALLLOGIP"); isDvcAdd = result.get(0).containsKey("DVC_ADDRESS") && deviceTypes.size() == 1; boolean contains = false; if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(deviceTypes) && isdType) { List<Map> removeMaps = new ArrayList<Map>(); for (Map map : result) { contains = false; for (String string : deviceTypes) { if (string.equals(map.get("ALLLOGTYPE"))) { contains = true; } } if (!contains && !removeMaps.contains(map)) { removeMaps.add(map); } } result.removeAll(removeMaps); } if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(deviceIps) && (isdIp || isDvcAdd)) { List<Map> removeMaps = new ArrayList<Map>(); for (Map map : result) { contains = false; for (String string : deviceIps) { if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(map) && (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(map.get("ALLLOGIP")) || !GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(map.get("DVC_ADDRESS")))) { Object ip = map.get("ALLLOGIP"); Object dvcAdd = map.get("DVC_ADDRESS"); if (string.equals(ip) || string.equals(dvcAdd)) { contains = true; } } } if (!contains && !removeMaps.contains(map)) { removeMaps.add(map); } } result.removeAll(removeMaps); } } for (Map map : result) { nullNumberMapFormat(map); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void evtReportFormat(List<Map> result, HttpServletRequest request) { try { if (GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(result)) { return; } Long evtCount = 0l, logCount = 0l; boolean iscreateCol = false; int topoAssNo = 0; try { topoAssNo = getparamIpList(request).size(); } catch (Exception e) { } for (Map map : result) { nullNumberMapFormat(map); if ("()".equals(map.get("SUMMARY"))) { iscreateCol = true; evtCount = Long.valueOf(map.get("TOTAL").toString()); } if ("()".equals(map.get("SUMMARY"))) { iscreateCol = true; logCount = Long.valueOf(map.get("TOTAL").toString()); } } if (iscreateCol) { Map map = new HashMap(); map.put("SUMMARY", ""); map.put("TOTAL", topoAssNo); result.add(0, map); map = new HashMap(); map.put("SUMMARY", "???"); map.put("TOTAL", topoAssNo == 0 ? evtCount : evtCount / topoAssNo); result.add(2, map); map = new HashMap(); map.put("SUMMARY", "???"); map.put("TOTAL", topoAssNo == 0 ? logCount : logCount / topoAssNo); result.add(map); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void priorityShowCnFormat(List<Map> result) { try { if (GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(result)) { return; } //[{evtCount=5622, PRIORITY=0}] for (Map map : result) { nullNumberMapFormat(map); if (map.containsKey("PRIORITY")) { if (0 == Integer.valueOf(map.get("PRIORITY").toString())) { map.put("PRIORITY", "?"); } else if (1 == Integer.valueOf(map.get("PRIORITY").toString())) { map.put("PRIORITY", "?"); } else if (2 == Integer.valueOf(map.get("PRIORITY").toString())) { map.put("PRIORITY", "?"); } else if (3 == Integer.valueOf(map.get("PRIORITY").toString())) { map.put("PRIORITY", "?"); } else if (4 == Integer.valueOf(map.get("PRIORITY").toString())) { map.put("PRIORITY", "??"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void nullNumberMapFormat(Map map) { String[] keys = { "BYTES", "BYTE", "OPCOUNT", "TOTAL", "COUNTS", "opCount", "opCount1", "opCount2", "opCount3", "opCount4", "BYTES_IN", "BYTES_OUT" }; for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (map.containsKey(keys[i])) { if (GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(map.get(keys[i]))) { map.put(keys[i], 0); } } } } private static void notypeShowFormat(List<Map> result) { try { if (GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(result)) { return; } for (Map map : result) { notypeMapFormat(map); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void notypeMapFormat(Map map) { String[] dvcTypes = { "ALLLOGTYPE", "TYPE", "UNFORMAT_DATA_ALLLOGTYPE", "UNFORMAT_DATA_TYPE" }; Map<String, Object> map2 = (Map<String, Object>) map; for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map2.entrySet()) { String keyString = entry.getKey(); Object valueObject = entry.getValue(); boolean isTypeAndNonull = false; for (String string : dvcTypes) { if (string.equalsIgnoreCase(keyString) || GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(valueObject)) { isTypeAndNonull = true; break; } } if (!isTypeAndNonull) { String tempStr = valueObject + ""; if (tempStr.contains("/")) { tempStr = tempStr.replaceAll("/", "?"); } map.put(keyString, tempStr); } } } public static Map<String, Object> reformingSubTitleData(List<String> deviceTypes, List<String> deviceIps, String hql, List params, Map<String, Object> subMap, Integer iPage, String[] nodeIds, String sTime, String eTime, boolean isAllResult, HttpServletRequest request) { Map<String, Object> rsMap = null; try { String type = null; try { type = request.getParameter(ReportUiConfig.dvctype); } catch (Exception e) { } boolean isevtReport = "Profession/Group".equals(type) || "Profession/Group/Asset".equals(type); String tableName = null; if (!isevtReport) { tableName = ReportUiUtil.getTable(hql); } else { try { tableName = ReportUiUtil.getTable(hql); } catch (Exception e) { tableName = "SIM_EVENT_HOUR"; } } List resultValue = getList(hql, params, iPage, tableName, nodeIds, request); Object sumPageObject = resultValue.get(0); int sumPage = 5; if (sumPageObject != null) { sumPage = (Integer) sumPageObject; } // DB ? List result = (List) resultValue.get(1); // ? List<Map> resultMaps = (List<Map>) result.get(0); if (!isevtReport) { noIpTypeAndNumberNullFormat(deviceTypes, deviceIps, resultMaps); } boolean qushiFlag = subMap.get("chartProperty") != null && subMap.get("chartProperty").toString().equals("1");// String chartItem = subMap.get("chartItem") == null ? "" : subMap.get("chartItem").toString(); String[] chartItems = chartItem.split(","); String categorys = (String) subMap.get("category"); /*String category = (String)subMap.get("category");*/ String category = null; if (categorys.indexOf("1") == -1) { category = categorys; } else { category = categorys.split("|")[0]; } int subType = StringUtil.toInt(subMap.get("subType").toString()); if (qushiFlag)// ?? { String mstType = subMap.get("mstType").toString(); result = changeResultPro(result, sTime, eTime, tableName, category, chartItem, mstType); rsMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); rsMap.put("result", result); rsMap.put("sumPage", result.size());// ? } else { if (hql.indexOf("union") != -1) { rsMap = reformingStatisticDataForUnion(result, category, chartItems); } else if (subType == 5) { String tmpCate = categorys.split("&")[1]; String catestr = categorys.split("&")[0]; rsMap = reformingStatisticDataForSimpleMultidata(result, catestr.split(","), chartItems, tmpCate.split(","), sumPage, isAllResult); } else { rsMap = reformingStatisticDataForTop(result, category, chartItems, sumPage, isAllResult); } } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); } return rsMap; } /** * @method: reformingStatisticDataForTop * ?? * @author: ?( * @param: result:?Auditorresult<List> * category: ?key * chartItems: ? * sumPage: ?? * isAllResult: true,falsetopN * @return: Map<String,Object>: map * @exception: Exception */ public static Map<String, Object> reformingStatisticDataForTop(List result, String category, String[] chartItems, int sumPage, Boolean isAllResult) { //yang_xuanjia Map<String, Object> rmap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); int chartItemsLen = chartItems.length; List topResultTemp = new ArrayList(); List topResult = new ArrayList(); int mFlag = 0; if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { for (Object oList : result) { List mapList = (List) oList; if (mapList != null && mapList.size() > 0) { mFlag++; for (Object oMap : mapList) { topResultTemp.add((Map) oMap); } } } } int len = topResultTemp.size(); if (mFlag >= 2 && len >= 2) { //mFlag: Auditor?,?1Auditor?,??,sql???. //len:2??? //??Auditorkey?. List topSumResultList = new ArrayList(); Map<String, Object> topSumResulMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { Map<String, Object> m = (Map<String, Object>) topResultTemp.get(i); String categoryTemp = m.get(category).toString(); if (topSumResulMap.get(categoryTemp) == null) { topSumResulMap.put(categoryTemp, m); } else { Map<String, Object> mOld = (Map<String, Object>) topSumResulMap.get(categoryTemp); for (int j = 0; j < chartItemsLen; j++) { Object old = mOld.get(chartItems[j]); Object o = m.get(chartItems[j]); old = ReportUiUtil.sumValue(old, o); mOld.put(chartItems[j], old); } } } Set<String> keys = topSumResulMap.keySet(); if (keys != null && keys.size() > 0) { for (String key : keys) { topSumResultList.add(topSumResulMap.get(key)); } } topResultTemp = topSumResultList; len = topResultTemp.size(); ReportDataComparable comparable = new ReportDataComparable(chartItems[0]); for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < len; j++) { if (comparable.compareTo(topResultTemp.get(i), topResultTemp.get(j)) < 0) { Object temp = topResultTemp.get(i); topResultTemp.remove(i); topResultTemp.add(i, topResultTemp.get(j - 1)); topResultTemp.remove(j); topResultTemp.add(j, temp); } } } } int lenTemp = topResultTemp.size(); if (isAllResult) { result = topResultTemp; } else { //lenResult? int lenResult = 0; if (sumPage >= lenTemp) { lenResult = lenTemp; } else { lenResult = sumPage; } for (int i = 0; i < lenResult; i++) { topResult.add(topResultTemp.get(i)); } result = topResult; } sumPage = lenTemp; //sumPage rmap.put("result", result); rmap.put("sumPage", sumPage); return rmap; } /** * @method: reformingStatisticDataForTrend * ?? * @author: ?( * @param: qushiListTemp: ?list<List> * qushiList: ? * chartItem: aa,bb * @return: void * @exception: Exception */ public static void reformingStatisticDataForTrend(List qushiListTemp, List qushiList, String category, String chartItem) { int size = qushiListTemp.size(); if (size > 0) { if (size < 2) { List qushiListTemp2 = (List) qushiListTemp.get(0); if (qushiListTemp2 != null && qushiListTemp2.size() > 0) { qushiList.addAll(qushiListTemp2); } } else { String[] chartItems = chartItem.split(","); int lenChartItems = chartItems.length; List<Map<String, Object>> mapListTemp = (List<Map<String, Object>>) qushiListTemp.get(0); int len = mapListTemp.size(); if (len > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { Map<String, Object> mapTemp = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { List<Map<String, Object>> mapList = (List<Map<String, Object>>) qushiListTemp.get(j); Map<String, Object> map = mapList.get(i); if (map.get("PRIORITY") == null) { Object startTime = mapTemp.get(category); if (startTime == null) { Object startTimeObj = map.get(category); mapTemp.put(category, startTimeObj); for (int k = 0; k < lenChartItems; k++) { Object value = map.get(chartItems[k]); mapTemp.put(chartItems[k], value); } } else { for (int k = 0; k < lenChartItems; k++) { Object value = map.get(chartItems[k]); Object sumValue = mapTemp.get(chartItems[k]); sumValue = ReportUiUtil.sumValue(sumValue, value); mapTemp.put(chartItems[k], sumValue); } } } else { String prioriry = (String) map.get("PRIORITY"); String key = (String) mapTemp.get(category + prioriry); if (key == null) { mapTemp.put(category + prioriry, category + prioriry); Object startTimeObj = map.get(category); Object priority = map.get("PRIORITY"); mapTemp.put(category, startTimeObj); mapTemp.put("PRIORITY", priority); for (int k = 0; k < lenChartItems; k++) { Object value = map.get(chartItems[k]); mapTemp.put(chartItems[k], value); } } else { for (int k = 0; k < lenChartItems; k++) { Object value = map.get(chartItems[k]); Object sumValue = mapTemp.get(chartItems[k]); sumValue = ReportUiUtil.sumValue(sumValue, value); mapTemp.put(chartItems[k], sumValue); } } } } qushiList.add(mapTemp); } } } } } /** * ?????String * @param result * @param category ?? * @param chartItems ? * @param compositorFields ? "id|1,opCount|-1" * @return */ public static Map<String, Object> reformingStatisticDataForSimpleMultidata(List result, String[] category, String[] chartItems, String[] compositorFields, int sumPage, boolean isAllResult) { List tmpList = new ArrayList(); int nodes = 0; if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { for (Object oList : result) { if (oList != null) { nodes++; tmpList.addAll((Collection) oList); } } } if (nodes >= 2 && tmpList.size() > 1) { for (int i = 0, len = tmpList.size(); i < len; i++) { HashMap iMap = (HashMap) tmpList.get(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < len; j++) { boolean jflag = true; HashMap jMap = (HashMap) tmpList.get(j); for (int ic = 0, clen = category.length; ic < clen; ic++) { jflag = jflag && iMap.get(category[ic]).equals(jMap.get(category[ic])); if (ic == clen - 1) { if (jflag) { Map tMap = iMap; for (int y = 0, ylen = chartItems.length; y < ylen; y++) { Object iobj = iMap.get(chartItems[y]); Object jobj = jMap.get(chartItems[y]); Object tobj = ReportUiUtil.sumValue(iobj, jobj); tMap.remove(chartItems[y]); tMap.put(chartItems[y], tobj); } tmpList.remove(j); tmpList.remove(i); tmpList.add(i, tMap); len = tmpList.size(); } } } } } if (compositorFields != null && compositorFields.length > 0) { for (int k = 0, klen = compositorFields.length; k < klen; k++) { String order[] = compositorFields[k].split("|"); String field = order[0]; ReportDataComparable comparable = new ReportDataComparable(field); int ord = Integer.parseInt(order[1] != null ? order[1] : "0"); for (int i = 0, len = tmpList.size(); i < len; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < len; j++) { int myOrd = comparable.compareTo(tmpList.get(i), tmpList.get(j)); if (ord < 0) { if (myOrd < 0) { Object temp = tmpList.get(i); tmpList.remove(i); tmpList.add(i, tmpList.get(j - 1)); tmpList.remove(j); tmpList.add(j, temp); } } else if (ord > 0) { if (myOrd > 0) { Object temp = tmpList.get(i); tmpList.remove(i); tmpList.add(i, tmpList.get(j - 1)); tmpList.remove(j); tmpList.add(j, temp); } } } } } } } List topResult = new ArrayList(); int lenTemp = tmpList.size(); if (isAllResult) { result = tmpList; } else { //lenResult? int lenResult = 0; if (sumPage >= lenTemp) { lenResult = lenTemp; } else { lenResult = sumPage; } for (int i = 0; i < lenResult; i++) { topResult.add(tmpList.get(i)); } result = topResult; } sumPage = lenTemp; Map<String, Object> rmap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); rmap.put("result", result); rmap.put("sumPage", sumPage); return rmap; } /** * @method: reformingStatisticDataForUnion * ??(Union)? * @author: ?( * @param: result:?Auditorresult<List> * category: ?key * chartItems: ? * @return: Map<String,Object>: map * @exception: Exception */ public static Map<String, Object> reformingStatisticDataForUnion(List result, String category, String[] chartItems) { //?yang_xuanjia Map<String, Object> rmap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); int chartItemsLen = chartItems.length; List resultHaveData = new ArrayList(); if (result != null) { for (Object object : result) { List tempList = (List) object; if (tempList != null && tempList.size() > 0) { resultHaveData.add(tempList); } } result = resultHaveData; int resultArrayLen = result.size(); List<String> keyList = new ArrayList<String>(); if (resultArrayLen == 1) { result = (List) result.get(0); } else if (resultArrayLen >= 2) { int column = ((List) result.get(0)).size(); List resultList = new ArrayList(); Map topSumResulMap = new HashMap(); for (int j = 0; j < column; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < resultArrayLen; i++) { Map<String, Object> m = (Map) ((List) result.get(i)).get(j); String categoryTemp = (String) m.get(category); if (topSumResulMap.get(categoryTemp) == null) { topSumResulMap.put(categoryTemp, m); keyList.add(categoryTemp); } else { Map<String, Object> mOld = (Map<String, Object>) topSumResulMap.get(categoryTemp); for (int k = 0; k < chartItemsLen; k++) { Object old = mOld.get(chartItems[k]); Object o = m.get(chartItems[k]); old = ReportUiUtil.sumValue(old, o); mOld.put(chartItems[k], old); } } } } Set<String> keys = topSumResulMap.keySet(); for (String key : keyList) { resultList.add(topSumResulMap.get(key)); } result = resultList; } } else { result = resultHaveData; } //sumPage rmap.put("result", result); rmap.put("sumPage", result.size());//9999 return rmap; } /** * ?? * * @param List * result DB? * @param String * sql ??[hour day month] * @return List ??? * */ public static List<Map<String, Object>> changeResultPro(List<Map<String, Object>> result, String sTime, String eTime, String table, String category, String chartItem, String mstType) { if (result.size() == 0) { return result; } String[] DateV = new String[] { sTime, eTime }; List qushiList = new ArrayList(); List qushiListTemp = new ArrayList(); if (DateV != null && DateV[0] != "" && DateV[1] != "" && ReportUiUtil.countTime(DateV[0], eTime, "qushi")) { // ?DB if (!ReportUiUtil.countTime(DateV[0], sTime, "qushi")) { sTime = DateV[0]; } if (result != null && result.size() > 0) { Map<String, String> priorityKeys = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Object oList : result) { List<Map<String, Object>> mapList = (List<Map<String, Object>>) oList; if (mapList != null && mapList.size() > 0) { if (mapList.get(0).get("PRIORITY") != null) { for (Map<String, Object> map : mapList) { String priority = map.get("PRIORITY") + ""; if (priorityKeys.get(priority) == null) { priorityKeys.put(priority, priority); } } } } } for (Object oList : result) { List<Map<String, Object>> mapList = (List<Map<String, Object>>) oList; if (mapList != null && mapList.size() > 0) { if (mapList.get(0).get("PRIORITY") != null) { Map<String, List<Map<String, Object>>> maps = new HashMap<String, List<Map<String, Object>>>(); for (Map<String, Object> map : mapList) { String priority = map.get("PRIORITY") + ""; if (maps.get(priority) == null) { List<Map<String, Object>> innerMapList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); innerMapList.add(map); maps.put(priority, innerMapList); } else { List<Map<String, Object>> innerMapList = maps.get(priority); innerMapList.add(map); } } mapList.clear(); Set<String> keySet = priorityKeys.keySet(); for (String key : keySet) { List<Map<String, Object>> innerMapList = maps.get(key); if (innerMapList == null) { innerMapList = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); } innerMapList = changeResult(innerMapList, table, sTime, eTime, category, chartItem, mstType, DateV[1]); mapList.addAll(innerMapList); } } else { // mapList = changeResult(mapList, table, sTime, eTime, category, chartItem, mstType, DateV[1]); } qushiListTemp.add(mapList); } } reformingStatisticDataForTrend(qushiListTemp, qushiList, category, chartItem); } } return qushiList; } /** * ?? * * @param List * result DB? * @param String * sql ??[hour day month] * @return List ??? * */ public static List<Map<String, Object>> changeResult(List<Map<String, Object>> result, String table, String sTime, String eTime, String category, String chartItem, String mstType, String maxTime) { List<Map<String, Object>> reValue = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); // ?Start String ruleDate = null; int sC = 0; int eC = 0; String tmpEc = ""; if (ReportUiUtil.getSEcount(maxTime, eTime) > 0) { eTime = maxTime; } if (sTime.endsWith(".0")) { sTime = sTime.substring(0, sTime.length() - 2); } if (eTime.endsWith(".0")) { eTime = eTime.substring(0, eTime.length() - 2); } if (table.toLowerCase().indexOf("hour") >= 0) { ruleDate = "hour"; if (!sTime.endsWith("0:00")) { sTime = ReportUiUtil.getAddDate(countTime(sTime, ruleDate), ruleDate, table); } eTime = countTime(eTime, ruleDate); } else if (table.toLowerCase().indexOf("day") >= 0) { ruleDate = "day"; if (!(sTime.endsWith("00:00") || sTime.endsWith("06:00") || sTime.endsWith("12:00") || sTime.endsWith("18:00"))) { sTime = ReportUiUtil.getAddDate(countTime(sTime, ruleDate), ruleDate, table); } eTime = countTime(eTime, ruleDate); } else if (table.toLowerCase().indexOf("month") >= 0) { ruleDate = "month"; if (!sTime.endsWith("00:00:00")) { sTime = ReportUiUtil.getAddDate(sTime.substring(0, 11) + "00:00:00", ruleDate, table); } eTime = eTime.substring(0, 11) + "00:00:00"; } // ?End // ? String tmpTime = sTime; int idx = 0; // while (ReportUiUtil.countTime(tmpTime, eTime, "qs")) { if (idx < result.size()) { /*start if ? if (!ReportUiUtil.countTime(tmpTime, result.get(idx).get(category).toString(), ruleDate)) ? ? sql??sql? ?????if if ?sql?? ? if?,? bugif??if */ //if (!isListContainsMapValue(result,category,tmpTime)) /*end*/ if (!ReportUiUtil.countTime(tmpTime, result.get(idx).get(category).toString(), ruleDate)) {//? Map<String, Object> tmp = getTimeMap(tmpTime, chartItem); if (result.size() > 0 && result.get(idx).get("PRIORITY") != null) { tmp.put("PRIORITY", result.get(idx).get("PRIORITY")); } reValue.add(tmp); tmpTime = ReportUiUtil.getAddDate(tmpTime, ruleDate, table); } else { tmpTime = result.get(idx).get("START_TIME").toString(); reValue.add(result.get(idx)); tmpTime = ReportUiUtil.getAddDate(tmpTime, ruleDate, table); idx++; } } else { Map<String, Object> tmp = getTimeMap(tmpTime, chartItem); if (result.size() > 0 && result.get(0).get("PRIORITY") != null) { tmp.put("PRIORITY", result.get(0).get("PRIORITY")); } reValue.add(tmp); tmpTime = ReportUiUtil.getAddDate(tmpTime, ruleDate, table); } } return reValue; } /** * map list ? ?? * @param mapList * @param key * @param value * @return ?true */ private static boolean isListContainsMapValue(List<Map<String, Object>> mapList, String key, String value) { if (GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(mapList) || GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(key) || GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(value)) { return false; } for (Map<String, Object> map : mapList) { if (map.containsKey(key)) { String temp = map.get(key).toString(); if (value.equals(temp)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * ?? * * @param List * result DB? * @param int * sPage * @param int * ePage ? * @return List ??? * */ public static Map<String, Object> getTimeMap(String tmpTime, String chartItem) { Map<String, Object> lastTimeMap = null; lastTimeMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); lastTimeMap.put("START_TIME", tmpTime); String[] chartItems = chartItem.split(","); if (chartItems != null && chartItems.length > 0) { for (String item : chartItems) { lastTimeMap.put(item, "0"); } } else { lastTimeMap.put(chartItem, "0"); } return lastTimeMap; } public static Map<Object, Object> reformingResult(Map<Object, Object> subMap, Map<String, Object> rsMap) { List<Map> result = null; if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(rsMap) && !GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(rsMap.get("result"))) { result = (List<Map>) rsMap.get("result"); } String chartItem = subMap.get("chartItem") == null ? "" : subMap.get("chartItem").toString(); String[] chartItems = chartItem.split(","); int countSign = getCountSign(chartItems, result); boolean qushiFlag = subMap.get("chartProperty") != null && subMap.get("chartProperty").toString().equals("1");// Integer subType = (Integer) subMap.get("subType"); String category = subMap.get("category").toString(); String serise = (String) subMap.get("serise"); String subject = (String) subMap.get("subject"); String deviceType = (String) subMap.get("deviceType"); String unit = ""; List<Map> rsList = new ArrayList<Map>(); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(result)) { for (int i = 0, len = result.size(); i < len; i++) { Map dataMap = result.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < chartItems.length; j++) {//&& subType != 2(sox0bug) try { String chartItemVal = dataMap.get(chartItems[j]) == null ? "0" : dataMap.get(chartItems[j]).toString(); Object value = null; Double chartItemValue = null; Long longValue = null; if (!chartItemVal.contains(".")) { longValue = Long.parseLong(chartItemVal); value = longValue; } if (chartItemVal.contains(".") || countSign > -1) { chartItemValue = Double.parseDouble(chartItemVal); chartItemValue = ReportUiUtil.getCapability(chartItemValue, countSign); value = chartItemValue; } dataMap.put(chartItems[j], value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } } rsList.add(i, dataMap); } } if (countSign > -1) { unit = ReportUiConfig.Capability.get(countSign); } result = rsList; Map<Object, Object> map = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); map.put("sumPage", GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(rsMap) ? 0 : rsMap.get("sumPage")); map.put("subMap", subMap); map.put("unit", unit); map.put("result", result); return map; } /** * 1.mail 2.?? * * @param RptMasterTbService * rptMasterTbImp DAO * @param ExpStruct * exp * @param HttpServletRequest * request HttpServletRequest * @return LinkedHashMap<String, List> exp? * @throws Exception * 2. */ public static LinkedHashMap<String, List> expMstReport(RptMasterTbService rptMasterTbImp, ExpStruct exp, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { String mstRptId = exp.getMstrptid();// ID Integer mstRptIdInt = 0; if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(mstRptId)) { mstRptIdInt = Integer.valueOf(mstRptId); } String mstSql = ReportUiConfig.MstSubSql; Object[] subParam = { mstRptIdInt }; // List<Map<String,Object>> subResult = rptMasterTbImp.queryTmpList(mstSql, subParam); List<Map<String, Object>> subResult = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); Map<Integer, Integer> rowColumns = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); List<Map<String, Object>> subResultTemp = rptMasterTbImp.queryTmpList(mstSql, subParam); if (subResultTemp.size() > 0) { Map subMap = subResultTemp.get(0); String viewItem = StringUtil.toString(subMap.get("viewItem"), ""); if (viewItem.indexOf("2") < 0) { exp.setRptType(ReportUiConfig.rptDirection); String[] time = ReportUiUtil.getExpTime("month"); exp.setRptTimeS(time[0]); exp.setRptTimeE(time[1]); } } int evtRptsize = subResultTemp.size(); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(subResultTemp)) { subResult.addAll(subResultTemp); } ReportBean bean = new ReportBean(); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(request)) { bean = ReportUiUtil.tidyFormBean(bean, request); } String nodeType = bean.getNodeType(); String dvcaddress = bean.getDvcaddress(); DataSourceService dataSourceService = (DataSourceService) SpringContextServlet.springCtx .getBean("dataSourceService"); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(bean.getDvctype()) && bean.getDvctype().startsWith("Profession/Group") && !GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(nodeType) && !GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(dvcaddress)) { Map map = TopoUtil.getAssetEvtMstMap(); String mstIds = null; List<SimDatasource> simDatasources = dataSourceService.getByIp(dvcaddress); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(simDatasources)) { mstIds = ""; for (SimDatasource simDatasource : simDatasources) { if (map.containsKey(simDatasource.getSecurityObjectType())) { mstIds += map.get(simDatasource.getSecurityObjectType()).toString() + ":::"; } else { String keyString = getStartStringKey(map, simDatasource.getSecurityObjectType()); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(keyString)) { mstIds += map.get(keyString).toString() + ":::"; } } } if (mstIds.length() > 3) { mstIds = mstIds.substring(0, mstIds.length() - 3); } } else { if (map.containsKey(nodeType)) { mstIds = map.get(nodeType).toString(); } else { String keyString = getStartStringKey(map, nodeType); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(keyString)) { mstIds = map.get(keyString).toString(); } } } if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(mstIds)) { String[] mstIdArr = mstIds.split(":::"); for (String string : mstIdArr) { List<Map<String, Object>> subTemp = rptMasterTbImp.queryTmpList(mstSql, new Object[] { StringUtil.toInt(string, 5) }); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(subTemp)) { int maxCol = 0; if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(rowColumns)) { maxCol = getMaxOrMinKey(rowColumns, 1); } for (Map map2 : subTemp) { Integer row = (Integer) map2.get("subRow") + maxCol; map2.put("subRow", row); } subResult.addAll(subTemp); } } } } if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(bean.getDvctype()) && bean.getDvctype().startsWith("Comprehensive")) { List<String> dvcTypes = dvcTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); dvcTypes.add(bean.getDvctype().replace("Comprehensive", "")); List<String> mstrptidAndNodeTypeList = new ArrayList<String>(); setMstIdAndScanNodeType(dvcTypes, mstrptidAndNodeTypeList); subResultTemp = null; if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(mstrptidAndNodeTypeList)) { subResultTemp = rptMasterTbImp.queryTmpList(ReportUiConfig.MstSubSql, new Object[] { StringUtil.toInt((mstrptidAndNodeTypeList.get(0).split("IDandNODEtype"))[0], StringUtil.toInt(bean.getTalTop(), 5)) }); Map<Integer, Integer> rowColumnsTeMap = ReportModel.getRowColumns(subResultTemp); evtRptsize = subResultTemp.size(); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(subResultTemp)) { for (Map map2 : subResultTemp) { map2.put("subject", (mstrptidAndNodeTypeList.get(0).split("IDandNODEtype"))[1]); } subResult.addAll(subResultTemp); rowColumns.putAll(rowColumnsTeMap); } int len = mstrptidAndNodeTypeList.size(); for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { String mstrptidAndNodeType = mstrptidAndNodeTypeList.get(i); String string = mstrptidAndNodeType.split("IDandNODEtype")[0]; List<Map<String, Object>> subTemp = rptMasterTbImp.queryTmpList(ReportUiConfig.MstSubSql, new Object[] { StringUtil.toInt(string, StringUtil.toInt(bean.getTalTop(), 5)) }); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(subTemp)) { int maxCol = 0; if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(rowColumns)) { maxCol = getMaxOrMinKey(rowColumns, 1); } for (Map map2 : subTemp) { Integer row = (Integer) map2.get("subRow") + maxCol; map2.put("subRow", row); map2.put("subject", mstrptidAndNodeType.split("IDandNODEtype")[1]); } subResult.addAll(subTemp); Map<Integer, Integer> rowColTemp = ReportModel.getRowColumns(subTemp); rowColumns.putAll(rowColTemp); } } } } List<ExpDateStruct> expList = new ArrayList<ExpDateStruct>(); // ? Map<ReportExecutor.SubjectKey, Map<Integer, ExpDateStruct>> exportMap = Collections .synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap()); ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(subResult.size(), new TsmThreadFactory("ReportSubjectExport")); LinkedHashMap<String, List> expMap = null; try { List<ReportExecutor> tasks = new ArrayList<ReportExecutor>(subResult.size()); int order = 0; for (Map sub : subResult) { order += 100; tasks.add(new ReportExecutor(order, rptMasterTbImp, exp, exportMap, expList, sub, request, SID.currentUser())); } threadPool.invokeAll(tasks); expMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, List>(exportMap.size()); for (Map.Entry<ReportExecutor.SubjectKey, Map<Integer, ExpDateStruct>> entry : exportMap.entrySet()) { expMap.put(entry.getKey().subject, new ArrayList(entry.getValue().values())); } } finally { threadPool.shutdownNow(); } return expMap; } public static LinkedHashMap<String, List> expMstReport2(RptMasterTbService rptMasterTbImp, ExpStruct exp, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { String mstRptId = exp.getMstrptid();// ID Integer mstRptIdInt = Integer.valueOf(mstRptId); String mstSql = ReportUiConfig.MstSubSql; Object[] subParam = { mstRptIdInt }; List subResult = rptMasterTbImp.queryTmpList(mstSql, subParam); Map sub = new HashMap(); List<ExpDateStruct> expList = new ArrayList(); // ? String mstTitle = null;// ?? String pdffooter = null;// pdf footer LinkedHashMap<String, List> expMap = new LinkedHashMap(); int mstType = 0; for (int i = 0; i < subResult.size(); i++) { sub = (Map) subResult.get(i); boolean flag = ReportUiUtil.isSystemLog(sub); mstType = Integer.parseInt(sub.get("mstType").toString()); // ?? List ruleResult = getRuleRs(mstType, sub, rptMasterTbImp); List<Map> resultList = exp.getResultList(); if (resultList != null) { for (Map map : resultList) { for (Object o2 : ruleResult) { Map map2 = (Map) o2; if (map.get("sqlParam").equals(map2.get("sqlParam"))) { map2.put("sqlValue", map.get("sqlValue")); map2.put("sqlDefValue", map.get("sqlValue")); } } } } boolean isCoreNode = ReportUiUtil.isCoreNodeReport(sub); if (isCoreNode) { for (int j = 0; j < ruleResult.size(); j++) { Map map = (Map) ruleResult.get(j); String talCategoryKey = (String) map.get("sqlParam"); if ("and dvcAddress = ?".equals(talCategoryKey) || "and alias.dvcAddress = ?".equals(talCategoryKey) || "and fwrisk.dvcAddress = ?".equals(talCategoryKey)) { ruleResult.remove(j); break; } } } // ? vpn risk String subSubject = (String) sub.get("subSubject"); // ExpDateStruct exptmp = (ExpDateStruct) model.createHtml(sub,ruleResult, null, request, exp); Integer subType = (Integer) sub.get("subType"); boolean qushiFlag = sub.get("chartProperty") != null && sub.get("chartProperty").toString().equals("1"); SqlStruct struct = null; if (qushiFlag) { struct = resetImpoTime(mstType, ruleResult, sub, request, exp); } else { struct = getSqlStruct(mstType, ruleResult, request, exp, sub, exp.getRptTimeS(), exp.getRptTimeE()); } ExpDateStruct exptmp = createExp2(sub, struct, subType, exp, request); exptmp.setTalCategoryLevel((short) 2); exptmp.setMstType(mstType); exptmp.setSubType(subSubject.replace("Monitor/", "") + "*"); // ?? if (expMap.get(subSubject) == null) { List<ExpDateStruct> tpmExpList = new ArrayList(); tpmExpList.add(exptmp); expMap.put(subSubject, tpmExpList); } else expMap.get(subSubject).add(exptmp); // ? // String talCategory = ""; if (!ReportUiUtil.checkNull(exptmp.getTalCategory())) { String talCategoryTemp = (String) exp.getMap().get("talCategory"); if (talCategoryTemp != null) { if (flag) { talCategoryTemp = ReportUiUtil.getDeviceTypeName(talCategoryTemp, Locale.getDefault()); } exptmp.setTalCategory(new String[] { talCategoryTemp }); } } if (ReportUiUtil.checkNull(exptmp.getTalCategory())) { String[] talCategoryArray = exptmp.getTalCategory(); if (talCategoryArray != null && talCategoryArray.length > 0) { for (int j = 0; j < talCategoryArray.length; j++) { if (talCategoryArray[j] != null && !talCategoryArray[j].equals("") && !talCategoryArray[j].equals("null")) { if (flag) { talCategoryArray[j] = ReportUiUtil.getDeviceTypeName(talCategoryArray[j], Locale.getDefault()); } talCategory += "->" + talCategoryArray[j]; } } if (talCategory.length() > 2) { talCategory = talCategory.substring(2); } } exptmp.setTitle(exptmp.getTitle().replace("(", "(" + talCategory + " ")); } expList.add(exptmp); exp.setRptSummarize(StringUtil.nvl((String) sub.get("summarize"), "")); mstTitle = (String) sub.get("mstName"); pdffooter = StringUtil.nvl((String) sub.get("pdffooter"), ""); } exp.setRptName(mstTitle); exp.setPdffooter(pdffooter); return expMap; } private static SqlStruct resetImpoTime(Integer mstType, List ruleResult, Map sub, HttpServletRequest request, ExpStruct exp) { if (GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(sub)) { return null; } boolean qushiFlag = sub.get("chartProperty") != null && sub.get("chartProperty").toString().equals("1"); SqlStruct struct = null; String tableSql = StringUtil.nvl((String) sub.get("tableSql")); String pageSql = StringUtil.nvl((String) sub.get("pagesql")); String chartSql = StringUtil.nvl((String) sub.get("chartSql")); String subName = StringUtil.nvl((String) sub.get("subName")); String mstName = StringUtil.nvl((String) sub.get("mstName")); if (qushiFlag && (subName.contains("") || subName.contains("") || subName.contains("") || subName.contains("") || mstName.contains("") || mstName.contains("") || mstName.contains("") || mstName.contains(""))) { if (tableSql.indexOf("Hour") > 20 || tableSql.indexOf("_hour") > 20) { struct = getSqlStruct(mstType, ruleResult, request, exp, sub, ReportUiUtil.toStartTime("hour", exp.getRptTimeE()), exp.getRptTimeE()); } else if (tableSql.indexOf("Day") > 20 || tableSql.indexOf("_day") > 20) { struct = getSqlStruct(mstType, ruleResult, request, exp, sub, ReportUiUtil.toStartTime("day", exp.getRptTimeE()), exp.getRptTimeE()); } else if (pageSql.indexOf("Hour") > 20 || pageSql.indexOf("_hour") > 20 || chartSql.indexOf("Hour") > 20) { struct = getSqlStruct(mstType, ruleResult, request, exp, sub, ReportUiUtil.toStartTime("hour", exp.getRptTimeE()), exp.getRptTimeE()); } else if (pageSql.indexOf("Day") > 20 || pageSql.indexOf("_day") > 20 || chartSql.indexOf("Day") > 20) { struct = getSqlStruct(mstType, ruleResult, request, exp, sub, ReportUiUtil.toStartTime("day", exp.getRptTimeE()), exp.getRptTimeE()); } else { struct = getSqlStruct(mstType, ruleResult, request, exp, sub, exp.getRptTimeS(), exp.getRptTimeE()); } } else if (sub.get("subName").toString().indexOf("") > 1) { if (tableSql.indexOf("Hour") > 20 || tableSql.indexOf("_hour") > 20) { struct = getSqlStruct(mstType, ruleResult, request, exp, sub, ReportUiUtil.toStartTime("undefined", exp.getRptTimeE()), exp.getRptTimeE()); } else { struct = getSqlStruct(mstType, ruleResult, request, exp, sub, exp.getRptTimeS(), exp.getRptTimeE()); } } else { struct = getSqlStruct(mstType, ruleResult, request, exp, sub, exp.getRptTimeS(), exp.getRptTimeE()); } return struct; } private static boolean isEvtAssetReport(HttpServletRequest request) { if (GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(request)) { return false; } String nodeType = request.getParameter(ReportUiConfig.nodeType); String dvcaddress = request.getParameter(ReportUiConfig.dvcaddress); String dvcType = request.getParameter(ReportUiConfig.dvctype); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(nodeType) && !GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(dvcType) && dvcType.startsWith("Profession/Group") && !GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(nodeType) && !GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(dvcaddress)) { return true; } return false; } public static ExpDateStruct createExp2(Map<Object, Object> subMap, SqlStruct sqlStruct, int subType, ExpStruct exp, HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { ExpDateStruct expI = new ExpDateStruct(); String runSql = getRunSql(subType);// ?sql String sql = subMap.get(runSql).toString(); String tableName = subMap.get("subTableName").toString(); sql = getTimeSql(sql, sqlStruct.getsTime(), sqlStruct.geteTime()); String type = ""; if (request != null) { type = request.getParameter(ReportUiConfig.dvctype); } else { type = subMap.get("subSubject") == null ? "" : subMap.get("subSubject").toString(); } boolean isevtReport = "Profession/Group".equals(type) || "Profession/Group/Asset".equals(type); boolean isComprehensive = type.startsWith("Comprehensive"); boolean isEvtAssetReport = isEvtAssetReport(request); int paramNo = 0; if (!isevtReport) { sql += sqlStruct.getSql(); if (sql.indexOf("union") != -1) { String rptIp = exp.getRptIp(); String dvcIP = sqlStruct.getDvcIp(); if ("onlyByDvctype".equals(rptIp) || "onlyByDvctype".equals(dvcIP)) { sql = sql.replace("DVC_ADDRESS=?", " (" + getDvcIp(sqlStruct.getDevTypeName(), "DVC_ADDRESS =") + ")"); } } } else { if (sql.indexOf("union") != -1) { if (sqlStruct != null) { String sqlunion = sqlStruct.getSql(); sql = sql.replaceAll("union", sqlunion + " union"); } } if (sql.indexOf("DVC_ADDRESSInAndTimeConditionGroup") != -1 || sql.indexOf("ipInAndTimeConditionGroup") != -1) { paramNo += stringNumbers(sql, "DVC_ADDRESSInAndTimeConditionGroup"); paramNo += stringNumbers(sql, "ipInAndTimeConditionGroup"); if (sqlStruct != null) { String sqlpar = sqlStruct.getSql(); sql = sql.replaceAll("DVC_ADDRESSInAndTimeConditionGroup", sqlpar); sqlpar = sqlpar.replaceAll("DVC_ADDRESS", "IP"); sql = sql.replaceAll("ipInAndTimeConditionGroup", sqlpar); if (sqlpar.contains("group")) { sql += " " + sqlpar.substring(sqlpar.indexOf("group")); } } } else if (sql.indexOf("DVC_ADDRESSEqAndTimeCondition") != -1 || sql.indexOf("ipEqAndTimeCondition") != -1) { paramNo += stringNumbers(sql, "DVC_ADDRESSEqAndTimeCondition"); paramNo += stringNumbers(sql, "ipEqAndTimeCondition"); if (sqlStruct != null) { String sqlpar = sqlStruct.getSql(); sql = sql.replaceAll("DVC_ADDRESSEqAndTimeCondition", sqlpar); sqlpar = sqlpar.replaceAll("DVC_ADDRESS", "IP"); sql = sql.replaceAll("ipEqAndTimeCondition", sqlpar); } } else { sql += sqlStruct.getSql(); } if (sql.indexOf("union") != -1 && sql.indexOf("LOG_FILE") != -1) { String[] sqls = sql.split("union"); sql = ""; for (int i = 0; i < sqls.length; i++) { if (sqls[i].contains("LOG_FILE")) { sqls[i] = sqls[i].replaceAll("DVC_ADDRESS", "IP"); } sql += sqls[i] + " union "; } sql = sql.substring(0, sql.length() - 7); } } List result = null; String[] nodeId = null; if (request == null) { NodeMgrFacade nodeMgrFacade = (NodeMgrFacade) SpringContextServlet.springCtx.getBean("nodeMgrFacade"); List<Node> nodes = nodeMgrFacade.getNodesByType(NodeDefinition.NODE_TYPE_AUDIT, false, false, false, false); if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(nodes)) { int len = nodes.size(); nodeId = new String[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { nodeId[i] = nodes.get(i).getNodeId(); } } else { log.error("createExp(),nodes==null!!!"); throw new Exception("createExp(),nodes==null!!!"); } } else { nodeId = request.getParameterValues("nodeId"); } int unionCount = stringNumbers(sql, "union"); List sqlparam = new ArrayList(); sqlparam.addAll(sqlStruct.getSqlparam()); if (isevtReport) { if (unionCount > 0 && !isEvtAssetReport) { for (int i = 0; i < unionCount; i++) { sqlparam.addAll(sqlStruct.getSqlparam()); } } if (paramNo > 0) { sqlparam.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < paramNo; i++) { sqlparam.addAll(sqlStruct.getSqlparam()); } } } List resultValue = getList(sql, sqlparam, sqlStruct.getSqlpage(), tableName, nodeId, request); if (resultValue != null && resultValue.size() > 1) { result = (List) resultValue.get(1); } boolean qushiFlag = subMap.get("chartProperty") != null && subMap.get("chartProperty").toString().equals("1");// // if (qushiFlag && result.size() > 0)// ?? // ? Integer sumPage = sqlStruct.getSqlpage(); if (sumPage == null) { sumPage = 5; } // DB ? String chartItem = subMap.get("chartItem") == null ? "" : subMap.get("chartItem").toString(); String[] chartItems = chartItem.split(","); String category = (String) subMap.get("category"); String tableType = null; if (qushiFlag)// ?? { String mstType = subMap.get("mstType").toString(); tableType = ReportUiUtil.getTable(sql); result = changeResultPro(result, sqlStruct.getsTime(), sqlStruct.geteTime(), tableType, category, chartItem, mstType); sumPage = result.size(); } else { Map<String, Object> map = null; if (sql.indexOf("union") != -1) { map = reformingStatisticDataForUnion(result, category, chartItems); } else { map = reformingStatisticDataForTop(result, category, chartItems, sumPage, false); } List reformingResult = (List) map.get("result"); int reformingSumPage = (Integer) map.get("sumPage"); result = reformingResult; sumPage = reformingSumPage; } int countSign = 0; double tmpCountSign = 0; boolean bCountSing = true; if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(result)) { for (Object o : result) { Map map = (Map) o; double tmpCount = ReportUiUtil.getTByteValue(chartItems, map); if (tmpCount > tmpCountSign) { tmpCountSign = tmpCount; break; } } } if (bCountSing && tmpCountSign > 0) { countSign = ReportUiUtil.getCountCapability(tmpCountSign); bCountSing = false; } if (!qushiFlag) { int top = StringUtil.toInt(exp.getTop(), 0); if (ObjectUtils.isNotEmpty(result)) { result = result.subList(0, Math.min(top, result.size())); } } if (subType != 2) {// ReportTalChart chart = new ReportTalChart(); ReportUiUtil.getUnit(subMap, countSign); List resultList = formatPictureData(result, chartItems); // ReportUiUtil.filterExpData(result, countSign); expI.setSubChart(chart.creChart(result, subMap, request, null)); result = resultList; } countSign = 0; if (subType != 1) {// countSign = ReportUiUtil.getCountSign(result); ReportUiUtil.filterExpList(result, countSign, qushiFlag, tableType); notypeShowFormat(result); expI.setTable(result); } expI.setTitleLable(ReportUiUtil.addExpTableTitle((String) subMap.get("tableLable"), countSign)); // ?? String mstTitle = (String) subMap.get("mstName"); String subTitle = (String) subMap.get("subName"); String subrptType = subMap.get("mstType") + ""; subTitle = ReportUiUtil.viewRptName(subTitle, subrptType); expI.setMstTitle(mstTitle); expI.setTitle(subTitle); if ("onlyByDvctype".equals(sqlStruct.getDvcIp())) { expI.setDvcIp(sqlStruct.getOnlyByDvctype()); expI.setOnlyByDvctype("onlyByDvctype"); } else { expI.setDvcIp(sqlStruct.getDvcIp()); } expI.setSubTableFile(subMap.get("tableFiled").toString()); expI.setSTime(sqlStruct.getsTime()); expI.setETime(sqlStruct.geteTime()); expI.setTalCategory(sqlStruct.getTalCategory()); return expI; } private static List formatPictureData(List result, String[] chartItems) { if (GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(result)) { return result; } result = (List<Map>) result; List resultList = copyList(result); if (result.size() < showNo) { return result; } int size = result.size() + 27; int sizeWidth = size / showNo; try { Map map = (Map) result.get(0); if (map.containsKey("BYTES") || map.containsKey("BYTE") || map.containsKey("OPCOUNT") || map.containsKey("COUNTS") || map.containsKey("opCount") || map.containsKey("opCount1") || map.containsKey("opCount2") || map.containsKey("opCount3") || map.containsKey("opCount4") || map.containsKey("BYTES_IN") || map.containsKey("BYTES_OUT")) { int tempc = 0; int tempe = 0; boolean isRemove = true; boolean isRemoveD = true; boolean isRemoveE = true; int sremoveTotal = 0; for (int i = 1; i < result.size() - 1;) { if (result.size() < showNo) { break; } Map dataMap = (Map) result.get(i); int ends = 0; ends = result.size() - 2; if (ends < showNo - 2) { break; } Map eMap = (Map) result.get(ends); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(dataMap)) { if (0 == ReportUiUtil.getDoubleValue(chartItems, dataMap)) { if (isRemove && tempc < sizeWidth * 3 + 1) { tempc++; result.remove(dataMap); sremoveTotal++; if (result.size() < showNo) { break; } } else { isRemove = true; i++; tempc = 0; } isRemoveD = false; } else { isRemove = false; if (sizeWidth > 1) { Random random = new Random(sizeWidth); int nodelete = Math.abs(random.nextInt()); for (int j = 0; j < sizeWidth; j++) { if (j != nodelete) { int deleteIndex = i + j; if (deleteIndex < result.size() - 1) { if (isRemoveD && 0 != ReportUiUtil.getDoubleValue(chartItems, (Map) result.get(deleteIndex))) { result.remove(deleteIndex); sremoveTotal++; isRemoveD = true; } if (result.size() < showNo) { break; } } } } } else { if (isRemoveD) { result.remove(i); } isRemoveD = true; sremoveTotal++; if (result.size() < showNo) { break; } } i++; } } if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(eMap)) { if (0 == ReportUiUtil.getDoubleValue(chartItems, eMap)) { if (isRemoveE && tempe < sizeWidth * 2 + 1) { tempe++; result.remove(eMap); if (result.size() < showNo) { break; } } else { isRemoveE = true; ends--; tempe = 0; } } else { isRemoveE = false; } } } } return resultList; } catch (Exception e) { return result; } } private static List copyList(List result) { if (GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(result)) { return result; } List resultList = new ArrayList(); for (Object object : result) { resultList.add(object); } return resultList; } /** * ? * * @param String * lables ??? * @param String * htmls ? * @return ?Html */ public static String createSearchItem(String lables, String htmls) { StringBuffer reValue = new StringBuffer(); int i = 0; if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(htmls)) { String[] html = htmls.split(","); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(lables)) { for (String lable : lables.split(",")) { try { if (!html[i].equals("99")) {// 99? reValue.append(ReportUiUtil.addSpan(lable) + "<input type=\"text\" id=\"Param" + new Integer(html[i]) + "\"" + ReportUiConfig.pageStyle + " name=\"Param" + new Integer(html[i]) + "\">"); } i++; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { continue; } } } } return reValue.toString(); } /** * ? * * @param int * resultSize * @param int * pageSize ? * * @return int */ public static int getPages(int resultSize, int pageSize) { int reValue = 0; reValue = (resultSize + pageSize - 1) / pageSize; return reValue; } private static String countTime(String time, String type) { int minuteV = 0; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(ReportUiConfig.dFormat1); Date date = null; Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); try { date = sdf.parse(time); } catch (ParseException e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); } calendar.setTime(date); if ("hour".equals(type)) { calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE) / 10 * 10); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); date = calendar.getTime(); time = sdf.format(date); } else if ("day".equals(type)) { minuteV = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); if (minuteV > 18) { calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 18); } else if (minuteV > 12) { calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 12); } else if (minuteV > 6) { calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 6); } else if (minuteV > 0) { calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); } calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); date = calendar.getTime(); time = sdf.format(date); } return time; } private static double getMapMaxValue(String[] chartItems, List<Map> result) { double tmpvalue = 1024; if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(result)) { boolean isMin = false; for (Map dataMap : result) { if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(dataMap)) { if (tmpvalue < ReportUiUtil.getTByteValue(chartItems, dataMap)) { tmpvalue = ReportUiUtil.getTByteValue(chartItems, dataMap); isMin = true; return tmpvalue; } } } if (!isMin) { return ReportUiUtil.getTByteValue(chartItems, result.get(0)); } } return 0; } public static int getCountSign(String[] chartItems, List<Map> result) { int countSign = -1;// kb mb double tmpCountSign = 0; if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(result)) { tmpCountSign = getMapMaxValue(chartItems, result); countSign = ReportUiUtil.getCountCapability(tmpCountSign); } return countSign; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<String> getDeviceTypeList(DataSourceService dataSourceService, SID sid) { if (GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(sid)) { return null; } Set<?> devices = GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(sid.getUserDevice()) ? Collections.emptySet() : sid.getUserDevice(); List<String> dvcTypes = null; if (sid.isOperator()) { dvcTypes = dataSourceService.getDistinctDvcType(DataSourceService.CMD_ALL); } else { List<SimDatasource> simDatasources = dataSourceService.getDataSource(DataSourceService.CMD_ALL); dvcTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); BeanToPropertyValueTransformer trans = new BeanToPropertyValueTransformer("ip"); Collection<String> userDeviceIPs = (Collection<String>) CollectionUtils.collect(devices, trans); for (SimDatasource simDatasource : simDatasources) { Device device = AssetFacade.getInstance().getAssetByIp(simDatasource.getDeviceIp()); if (device != null && userDeviceIPs.contains(simDatasource.getDeviceIp())) { if (!dvcTypes.contains(simDatasource.getSecurityObjectType())) { dvcTypes.add(simDatasource.getSecurityObjectType()); } } } } if (!sid.hasAuditorRole() && dvcTypes.contains(LogKeyInfo.LOG_SYSTEM_TYPE)) { dvcTypes.remove(LogKeyInfo.LOG_SYSTEM_TYPE); } return dvcTypes; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static List<String> getDeviceIpList(DataSourceService dataSourceService, SID sid) { List<String> deviceIpList = null; if (sid == null) { return deviceIpList; } Set<?> devices = GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(sid.getUserDevice()) ? Collections.emptySet() : sid.getUserDevice(); List<SimDatasource> simDatasources = dataSourceService.getDataSource(DataSourceService.CMD_ALL); if (sid.hasOperatorRole()) { deviceIpList = new ArrayList<String>(); BeanToPropertyValueTransformer trans = new BeanToPropertyValueTransformer("ip"); Collection<String> userDeviceIPs = (Collection<String>) CollectionUtils.collect(devices, trans); for (SimDatasource simDatasource : simDatasources) { Device device = AssetFacade.getInstance().getAssetByIp(simDatasource.getDeviceIp()); if (device != null && userDeviceIPs.contains(simDatasource.getDeviceIp())) { if (!deviceIpList.contains(simDatasource.getDeviceIp())) { deviceIpList.add(simDatasource.getDeviceIp()); } } } } return deviceIpList; } private static String getStartStringKey(Map<Object, Object> map, String string) { if (GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(map) || GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(string)) { return ""; } for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { Object keyObject = entry.getKey(); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(keyObject) && string.startsWith(keyObject.toString())) { return keyObject.toString(); } } return ""; } private static void setMstIdAndScanNodeType(List<String> dvcTypes, List<String> mstrptidAndNodeTypeList) { if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(dvcTypes)) { ReportService reportService = (ReportService) SpringContextServlet.springCtx.getBean("reportService"); for (String dvcType : dvcTypes) { List<Map> rptList = reportService.getRptMaster("Comprehensive" + dvcType); if (!GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(rptList)) { for (Map map : rptList) { if (map.get("id") != null) { String string = StringUtil.toString(map.get("id")); if (!mstrptidAndNodeTypeList.contains(string)) { mstrptidAndNodeTypeList.add(string + "IDandNODEtypeComprehensive" + dvcType); } } } } } } } private static Integer getMaxOrMinKey(Map<Integer, Integer> rowColumns, int status) { if (GlobalUtil.isNullOrEmpty(rowColumns)) { if (status >= 0) return Integer.MIN_VALUE; return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } Integer maxKey = Integer.MIN_VALUE; Integer minKey = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : rowColumns.entrySet()) { Integer temp = entry.getKey(); if (maxKey < temp) { maxKey = temp; } if (minKey > temp) { minKey = temp; } } Integer resultInteger = null; if (status >= 0) { resultInteger = maxKey; } else { resultInteger = minKey; } return resultInteger; } }