Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (C) 2017 Tonyo Francis.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.tonyodev.fetch;

import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;

import com.tonyodev.fetch.callback.FetchCall;
import com.tonyodev.fetch.callback.FetchTask;
import com.tonyodev.fetch.exception.EnqueueException;
import com.tonyodev.fetch.exception.InvalidStatusException;
import com.tonyodev.fetch.exception.NotUsableException;
import com.tonyodev.fetch.listener.FetchListener;
import com.tonyodev.fetch.request.Request;
import com.tonyodev.fetch.request.RequestInfo;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;

 * Fetch is a download manager for the FetchService.
 * Instances of this class listen for status and progress updates from
 * the FetchService and notifies attached FetchListeners of these changes.
 * Instances of this class are obtained by calling the Fetch.getInstance(Context) method.
 * @author Tonyo Francis
public final class Fetch implements FetchConst {

    private static final Handler mainHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
    private static final ConcurrentMap<Request, FetchCallRunnable> callsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    private final Context context;
    private final LocalBroadcastManager broadcastManager;
    private final List<FetchListener> listeners = new ArrayList<>();
    private final DatabaseHelper dbHelper;
    private volatile boolean isReleased = false;

    private Fetch(Context context) {

        this.context = context.getApplicationContext();

        this.broadcastManager = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this.context);
        this.dbHelper = DatabaseHelper.getInstance(this.context);

        broadcastManager.registerReceiver(updateReceiver, FetchService.getEventUpdateFilter());

        this.context.registerReceiver(networkReceiver, new IntentFilter(ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION));


     * Starts the FetchService and begins processing/downloading any
     * Fetch.STATUS_QUEUED Requests in the background.
     * <p>Call this method if you need queued downloads to start
     * on application launch, or in a JobService without getting
     * an instance of Fetch.
     * @param context context used to start the service.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the passed in context is null.
     * */
    public static void startService(@NonNull Context context) {


     * Gets a new instance of Fetch.
     * @param context Context
     * @return a new instance of Fetch
     * @throws NullPointerException if context is null
     * */
    public static Fetch getInstance(@NonNull Context context) {

        if (context == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Context cannot be null");

        return new Fetch(context);

     * Runs a GET request in the background and returns the response as a String.
     * Experimental Feature. The implementation of Fetch.Call() may change in
     * the future.
     * @param request a download request. Cannot be null.
     * @param fetchCall Callback used to return the GET response/data back to the caller.
     *                  Cannot be null.
     * @throws NullPointerException if request is null.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the callback is null.
     * */
    public static void call(@NonNull Request request, @NonNull FetchCall<String> fetchCall) {

        if (request == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Request cannot be null");

        if (fetchCall == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("FetchCall cannot be null");

        if (callsMap.containsKey(request)) {

        FetchCallRunnable callRunnable = new FetchCallRunnable(request, fetchCall, callsCallback);

        callsMap.put(request, callRunnable);

        new Thread(callRunnable).start();

    private static final FetchCallRunnable.Callback callsCallback = new FetchCallRunnable.Callback() {
        public void onDone(Request request) {

     * Cancels a currently running FetchCall.
     * @param request Request used to start the FetchCall.
     * */
    public static void cancelCall(@NonNull Request request) {

        if (request == null) {

        if (callsMap.containsKey(request)) {

            FetchCallRunnable fetchCallRunnable = callsMap.get(request);

            if (fetchCallRunnable != null) {

     * Performs cleanup on this Fetch. Call this method only after you
     * are completely done with this instance.
     * <p>Method calls on this Fetch instance will throw a NotUsableException,
     * after this method is called. If needed, get a new instance of Fetch by calling
     * Fetch.getInstance().
     * */
    public void release() {

        if (!isReleased()) {


     * Adds a FetchListener that will be notified of a download request's status and progress
     * by Fetch.
     * @param fetchListener a FetchListener instance that will be notified of status and progress
     *                      updates.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the passed in FetchListener is null.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public void addFetchListener(@NonNull FetchListener fetchListener) {


        if (fetchListener == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("fetchListener cannot be null");

        if (listeners.contains(fetchListener)) {


     * Removes a FetchListener from Fetch. The removed listener will no longer be notified
     * of status and progress updates.
     * @param fetchListener the FetchListener to delete.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public void removeFetchListener(@NonNull FetchListener fetchListener) {


        if (fetchListener == null) {


     * Removes all FetchListeners from Fetch. The removed listeners will no longer be notified
     * of status and progress updates.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public void removeFetchListeners() {


     * Enqueues the new download request for downloading.
     * @param request a download request.
     * @return a unique ID used by Fetch and the FetchService to identify a download
     *         request. If the request could not be enqueued -1 is returned.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the passed in request is null.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public long enqueue(@NonNull Request request) {


        if (request == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Request cannot be null");

        long id = Utils.generateRequestId();

        try {

            if (Utils.fileExist(request.getFilePath())) {
                throw new EnqueueException("File already located at filePath: " + request.getFilePath()
                        + ". The requested will not be enqueued.", ERROR_REQUEST_ALREADY_EXIST);

            String url = request.getUrl();
            String filePath = request.getFilePath();
            int priority = request.getPriority();
            String headers = Utils.headerListToString(request.getHeaders(), isLoggingEnabled());
            long fileSize = 0L;
            long downloadedBytes = 0L;

            boolean enqueued = dbHelper.insert(id, url, filePath, Fetch.STATUS_QUEUED, headers, downloadedBytes,
                    fileSize, priority, DEFAULT_EMPTY_VALUE);

            if (!enqueued) {
                throw new EnqueueException("could not insert request", ERROR_ENQUEUE_ERROR);


        } catch (EnqueueException e) {

            if (isLoggingEnabled()) {

            id = DEFAULT_EMPTY_VALUE;

        return id;

     * Enqueues a list of new download requests for downloading.
     * @param requests a list of download requests.
     * @return a list with unique IDs used by Fetch and the FetchService to identify
     *         the download requests. If a request could not be enqueued an ID of -1
     *         is returned for that request.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the passed in list is null.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public List<Long> enqueue(@NonNull List<Request> requests) {


        if (requests == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Request list cannot be null");

        List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<>(requests.size());
        List<String> statements = new ArrayList<>();

        long id;
        String url;
        String filePath;
        String headers;
        int status;
        int priority;
        long downloadedBytes;
        long fileSize;
        int error;

        try {

            for (Request request : requests) {

                id = DEFAULT_EMPTY_VALUE;

                if (request != null && !Utils.fileExist(request.getFilePath())) {

                    id = Utils.generateRequestId();
                    url = request.getUrl();
                    filePath = request.getFilePath();
                    headers = Utils.headerListToString(request.getHeaders(), isLoggingEnabled());
                    status = Fetch.STATUS_QUEUED;
                    priority = request.getPriority();
                    downloadedBytes = 0L;
                    fileSize = 0L;
                    error = DEFAULT_EMPTY_VALUE;

                    String statement = dbHelper.getInsertStatement(id, url, filePath, status, headers,
                            downloadedBytes, fileSize, priority, error);

                    if (statement != null) {
                    } else {
                        id = DEFAULT_EMPTY_VALUE;


            boolean inserted = dbHelper.insert(statements);

            if (!inserted) {
                throw new EnqueueException("could not insert requests", ERROR_ENQUEUE_ERROR);

        } catch (EnqueueException e) {

            if (isLoggingEnabled()) {

            for (int i = 0; i < requests.size(); i++) {

        return ids;

     * Removes a download request completely from the FetchService. If the request is currently
     * downloading, the download will be halted. Calling this method will also delete the
     * partial or fully downloaded file on the device or SD Card.
     * @param id a unique ID used by Fetch and the FetchService to identify a download
     *           request.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public void remove(long id) {


        Bundle extras = new Bundle();
        extras.putInt(FetchService.ACTION_TYPE, FetchService.ACTION_REMOVE);
        extras.putLong(FetchService.EXTRA_ID, id);

        FetchService.sendToService(context, extras);

     * Removes all download requests completely from the FetchService. If a request is currently
     * downloading, the download will be halted. Calling this method will also delete the
     * partial or fully downloaded files on the device or SD Card.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public void removeAll() {


        Bundle extras = new Bundle();
        extras.putInt(FetchService.ACTION_TYPE, FetchService.ACTION_REMOVE_ALL);

        FetchService.sendToService(context, extras);

     * Sets the status of a download request to STATUS_PAUSED.
     * <p>The Fetch.STATUS_PAUSED status will only be set for the download request if its current status
     * @param id a unique ID used by Fetch and the FetchService to identify a download
     *           request.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public void pause(long id) {


        Bundle extras = new Bundle();
        extras.putInt(FetchService.ACTION_TYPE, FetchService.ACTION_PAUSE);
        extras.putLong(FetchService.EXTRA_ID, id);

        FetchService.sendToService(context, extras);

     * Sets the status of a paused download request to Fetch.STATUS_QUEUED. The FetchService
     * will queue the request, and resume the download.
     * @param id a unique ID used by Fetch and the FetchService to identify a download
     *           request.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public void resume(long id) {


        Bundle extras = new Bundle();
        extras.putInt(FetchService.ACTION_TYPE, FetchService.ACTION_RESUME);
        extras.putLong(FetchService.EXTRA_ID, id);

        FetchService.sendToService(context, extras);

     * Sets the allowed network connection type the FetchService can use to download requests.
     * <p>This method only accepts two values: Fetch.NETWORK_WIFI or Fetch.NETWORK_ALL. The default is
     * Fetch.NETWORK_ALL.
     * @param networkType allowed network type
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public void setAllowedNetwork(int networkType) {

        new Settings(context).setAllowedNetwork(networkType).apply();

     * Sets the download priority of a download request
     * @param id a unique ID used by Fetch and the FetchService to identify a download
     *           request.
     * @param priority download priority. Fetch.PRIORITY_HIGH or Fetch.PRIORITY_NORMAL
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public void setPriority(long id, int priority) {


        int priorityType = Fetch.PRIORITY_NORMAL;

        if (priority == Fetch.PRIORITY_HIGH) {
            priorityType = Fetch.PRIORITY_HIGH;

        Bundle extras = new Bundle();
        extras.putInt(FetchService.ACTION_TYPE, FetchService.ACTION_PRIORITY);
        extras.putLong(FetchService.EXTRA_ID, id);
        extras.putInt(FetchService.EXTRA_PRIORITY, priorityType);

        FetchService.sendToService(context, extras);

     * Retries a failed download request.
     * @param id a unique ID used by Fetch and the FetchService to identify a download
     *           request.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public void retry(long id) {


        Bundle extras = new Bundle();
        extras.putInt(FetchService.ACTION_TYPE, FetchService.ACTION_RETRY);
        extras.putLong(FetchService.EXTRA_ID, id);

        FetchService.sendToService(context, extras);

     * Query the FetchService database for a download request.
     * @param id a unique ID used by Fetch and the FetchService to identify a download
     *           request.
     * @return a RequestInfo object that contains the status and progress of a request.
     *         If the request could not be found null will be returned.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public synchronized RequestInfo get(long id) {


        Cursor cursor = dbHelper.get(id);

        return Utils.cursorToRequestInfo(cursor, true, isLoggingEnabled());

     * Query the FetchService database for all download requests.
     * @return a List of RequestInfo object that contains the status and progress of a request.
     *         If no requests are found, an empty list will be returned.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public synchronized List<RequestInfo> get() {


        Cursor cursor = dbHelper.get();

        return Utils.cursorToRequestInfoList(cursor, true, isLoggingEnabled());

     * Query the FetchService database for all download requests with the passed in status.
     * @param status eg. Fetch.STATUS_DONE, Fetch.STATUS_QUEUED
     * @return a List of RequestInfo object that contains the status and progress of a request.
     *         If no requests are found, an empty list will be returned.
     * @throws InvalidStatusException if the passed in status is not a valid status.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public synchronized List<RequestInfo> getByStatus(int status) {


        Cursor cursor = dbHelper.getByStatus(status);

        return Utils.cursorToRequestInfoList(cursor, true, isLoggingEnabled());

     * Query the FetchService database for a download request.
     * @param request the request to check. This parameter cannot be null.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the passed in request is null.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * @return a RequestInfo object that contains the status and progress of a request.
     *         If the request could not be found null will be returned.
     * */
    public synchronized RequestInfo get(@NonNull Request request) {


        if (request == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Request cannot be null.");

        Cursor cursor = dbHelper.getByUrlAndFilePath(request.getUrl(), request.getFilePath());

        return Utils.cursorToRequestInfo(cursor, true, isLoggingEnabled());

     * Gets a downloaded file for a download request that
     * has been successfully downloaded.
     * @param id a unique ID used by Fetch and the FetchService to identify a download
     *           request.
     * @return a downloaded file or null if the file has not been successfully downloaded.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public synchronized File getDownloadedFile(long id) {


        Cursor cursor = dbHelper.get(id);
        RequestInfo requestInfo = Utils.cursorToRequestInfo(cursor, true, isLoggingEnabled());

        if (requestInfo == null || requestInfo.getStatus() != STATUS_DONE) {
            return null;
        } else {

            File file = Utils.getFile(requestInfo.getFilePath());

            if (file.exists()) {
                return file;
            } else {
                return null;

     * Query the FetchService database for a download request's file path.
     * The FilePath is the absolute local file path including file name where the downloaded
     * file is stored. eg: /storage/videos/video.mp4
     * @param id a unique ID used by Fetch and the FetchService to identify a download
     *           request.
     * @return the absolute file path of a request download or null if the request
     *          does not exist.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public synchronized String getFilePath(long id) {


        Cursor cursor = dbHelper.get(id);
        RequestInfo requestInfo = Utils.cursorToRequestInfo(cursor, true, isLoggingEnabled());

        if (requestInfo == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return requestInfo.getFilePath();

     * Adds a file to Fetch and the FetchService for management.
     * @param filePath the absolute path of the file that will be managed by the FetchService.
     * @return a unique ID used by Fetch and the FetchService to identify a download
     *           request.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the passed in file path is null.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public long addCompletedDownload(@NonNull String filePath) {


        if (filePath == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("File path cannot be null");

        long id;

        try {

            if (!Utils.fileExist(filePath)) {
                throw new EnqueueException("File does not exist at filePath: " + filePath,

            id = Utils.generateRequestId();
            File file = Utils.getFile(filePath);
            String url = Uri.fromFile(file).toString();
            String headers = Utils.headerListToString(null, isLoggingEnabled());
            long fileSize = file.length();

            boolean inserted = dbHelper.insert(id, url, filePath, Fetch.STATUS_DONE, headers, fileSize, fileSize,
                    Fetch.PRIORITY_NORMAL, DEFAULT_EMPTY_VALUE);

            if (!inserted) {
                throw new EnqueueException("could not insert request:" + filePath, ERROR_ENQUEUE_ERROR);

        } catch (EnqueueException e) {

            if (isLoggingEnabled()) {

            id = DEFAULT_EMPTY_VALUE;

        return id;

     * Adds a list of files to Fetch and the FetchService for management.
     * @param filePaths a list of absolute paths of files that will be managed by the FetchService.
     * @return a list with unique IDs used by Fetch and the FetchService to identify
     *         the download requests. If a request could not be enqueued an ID of -1
     *         is returned for that request.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the passed in file path is null.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public List<Long> addCompletedDownloads(@NonNull List<String> filePaths) {


        if (filePaths == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Request list cannot be null");

        List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<>(filePaths.size());
        List<String> statements = new ArrayList<>();

        long id;
        String url;
        String filePath;
        String headers;
        int status;
        int priority;
        long downloadedBytes;
        long fileSize;
        int error;

        try {

            for (String path : filePaths) {

                id = DEFAULT_EMPTY_VALUE;

                if (path != null) {

                    File file = Utils.getFile(path);

                    if (!file.exists()) {

                    id = Utils.generateRequestId();
                    url = Uri.fromFile(file).toString();
                    filePath = path;
                    headers = Utils.headerListToString(null, isLoggingEnabled());
                    status = Fetch.STATUS_DONE;
                    priority = Fetch.PRIORITY_NORMAL;
                    downloadedBytes = file.length();
                    fileSize = downloadedBytes;
                    error = DEFAULT_EMPTY_VALUE;

                    String statement = dbHelper.getInsertStatement(id, url, filePath, status, headers,
                            downloadedBytes, fileSize, priority, error);

                    if (statement != null) {
                    } else {
                        id = DEFAULT_EMPTY_VALUE;


            boolean inserted = dbHelper.insert(statements);

            if (!inserted) {
                throw new EnqueueException("could not insert requests", ERROR_ENQUEUE_ERROR);

        } catch (EnqueueException e) {

            if (isLoggingEnabled()) {

            for (int i = 0; i < filePaths.size(); i++) {

        return ids;

     * Runs a Task on a background thread. Use this method to run short tasks
     * off the main thread.
     * @param fetchTask a FetchTask that will be executed on a background thread.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the passed in FetchTask is null.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public void runOnBackgroundThread(@NonNull final FetchTask fetchTask) {


        new Thread(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                Fetch fetch = Fetch.getInstance(context);

     * Runs a short Task on the Main Thread. Use this method to update views etc.
     * @param fetchTask a FetchTask that will be executed on the Main Thread.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the passed in FetchTask is null.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public void runOnMainThread(@NonNull final FetchTask fetchTask) {

        Utils.throwIfFetchTaskNull(fetchTask); Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                Fetch fetch = Fetch.getInstance(context);

     * Checks if a request is already being managed by the Fetch Service.
     * @param request the request to check. This parameter cannot be null.
     * @throws NullPointerException if the passed in request is null.
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * @return returns true if the request is being managed by the Fetch Service
     *         or false if it is not.
     * */
    public synchronized boolean contains(@NonNull Request request) {


        if (request == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Request cannot be null.");

        Cursor cursor = dbHelper.getByUrlAndFilePath(request.getUrl(), request.getFilePath());

        return Utils.containsRequest(cursor, true);

     * @return returns true if this instance of Fetch is still
     * valid for use.
     * */
    public boolean isValid() {
        return !isReleased();

    private final BroadcastReceiver updateReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {

        private long id;
        private int status;
        private int progress;
        private long downloadedBytes;
        private long fileSize;
        private int error;

        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {

            if (intent == null) {

            id = intent.getLongExtra(FetchService.EXTRA_ID, DEFAULT_EMPTY_VALUE);
            status = intent.getIntExtra(FetchService.EXTRA_STATUS, DEFAULT_EMPTY_VALUE);
            progress = intent.getIntExtra(FetchService.EXTRA_PROGRESS, DEFAULT_EMPTY_VALUE);
            downloadedBytes = intent.getLongExtra(FetchService.EXTRA_DOWNLOADED_BYTES, DEFAULT_EMPTY_VALUE);
            fileSize = intent.getLongExtra(FetchService.EXTRA_FILE_SIZE, DEFAULT_EMPTY_VALUE);
            error = intent.getIntExtra(FetchService.EXTRA_ERROR, DEFAULT_EMPTY_VALUE);

            for (FetchListener listener : listeners) {
                listener.onUpdate(id, status, progress, downloadedBytes, fileSize, error);

    private final BroadcastReceiver networkReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {

    boolean isReleased() {
        return isReleased;

    private void setReleased(boolean released) {
        isReleased = released;

    private boolean isLoggingEnabled() {
        return FetchService.isLoggingEnabled(context);

     * Enables or Disables console logging
     * for Fetch and the FetchService. Logging
     * is ON by default.
     * @param enabled enable or disable console logging
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
    public void enableLogging(boolean enabled) {

        new Settings(context).enableLogging(enabled).apply();

     * Sets the allowed concurrent downloads value between 1-7. The default is 1
     * and the max is 7. The Fetch Service will only allow up to the MAX concurrent downloads.
     * @param limit concurrent downloads limit
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch.
     * */
    public void setConcurrentDownloadsLimit(int limit) {

        new Settings(context).setConcurrentDownloadsLimit(limit).apply();

     * Updates the url for an existing request
     * @param id request id
     * @param url new url
     * @throws NotUsableException if the release method has been called on Fetch
     * */
    public void updateUrlForRequest(long id, @Nullable String url) {


        if (url == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException("Url cannot be null");


        Bundle extras = new Bundle();
        extras.putInt(FetchService.ACTION_TYPE, FetchService.ACTION_UPDATE_REQUEST_URL);
        extras.putLong(FetchService.EXTRA_ID, id);
        extras.putString(FetchService.EXTRA_URL, url);

        FetchService.sendToService(context, extras);

     * The Settings class is used to apply
     * settings to Fetch and the FetchService.
     * */
    public static class Settings {

        private final Context context;
        private final List<Bundle> settings = new ArrayList<>();

        public Settings(@NonNull Context context) {

            if (context == null) {
                throw new NullPointerException("Context cannot be null");
            this.context = context;

         * Enables or Disables console logging
         * for Fetch and the FetchService. Logging
         * is ON by default.
         * @param enabled enable or disable console logging
         * @return the settings instance
        public Settings enableLogging(boolean enabled) {

            Bundle extras = new Bundle();
            extras.putInt(FetchService.ACTION_TYPE, FetchService.ACTION_LOGGING);
            extras.putBoolean(FetchService.EXTRA_LOGGING_ID, enabled);

            return this;

         * Sets the allowed network connection type the FetchService can use to download requests.
         * <p>This method only accepts two values: Fetch.NETWORK_WIFI or Fetch.NETWORK_ALL. The default is
         * Fetch.NETWORK_ALL.
         * @param networkType allowed network type
         * @return the settings instance
         * */
        public Settings setAllowedNetwork(int networkType) {

            int type = NETWORK_ALL;

            if (networkType == NETWORK_WIFI) {
                type = NETWORK_WIFI;

            Bundle extras = new Bundle();
            extras.putInt(FetchService.ACTION_TYPE, FetchService.ACTION_NETWORK);
            extras.putInt(FetchService.EXTRA_NETWORK_ID, type);

            return this;

         * Sets the allowed concurrent downloads value between 1-7. The default is 1
         * and the max is 7. The Fetch Service will only allow up to the MAX concurrent downloads.
         * @param limit concurrent downloads limit
         * @return the settings instance
         * */
        public Settings setConcurrentDownloadsLimit(int limit) {

            Bundle extras = new Bundle();
            extras.putInt(FetchService.ACTION_TYPE, FetchService.ACTION_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS_LIMIT);
            extras.putInt(FetchService.EXTRA_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOADS_LIMIT, limit);

            return this;

         * Apply the new settings to Fetch and the FetchService
         * */
        public void apply() {

            for (Bundle setting : settings) {
                FetchService.sendToService(context, setting);
