Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2016. TomTom International BV ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.tomtom.speedtools.json; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSubTypes.Type; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.As; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.Id; import com.tomtom.speedtools.domain.Uid; import com.tomtom.speedtools.objects.Objects; import com.tomtom.speedtools.testutils.ValidationFailException; import com.tomtom.speedtools.testutils.constructorchecker.ConstructorChecker; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; @SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "OverlyBroadThrowsClause", "ProhibitedExceptionDeclared" }) public class JsonTest { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonTest.class); private static final String RECT_JSON = "{\"southWest\":{\"lat\":1.0,\"lon\":2.0},\"northEast\":{\"lat\":3.0,\"lon\":4.0}}"; private static final String INT_JSON = "1"; public enum MyEnumType { A, B, C, D; private int a; private int b; }; @Test public void testJsonEnumMap() throws Exception {"testJsonEnumMap"); final Map<MyEnumType, Integer> x = new EnumMap<>(MyEnumType.class); x.put(MyEnumType.A, 100); x.put(MyEnumType.B, 200); x.put(MyEnumType.C, 300); x.put(MyEnumType.D, 400); final String s = Json.toJson(x);"x.toJson = {}", s); Assert.assertEquals("{\"A\":100,\"B\":200,\"C\":300,\"D\":400}", s); } @Test public void testJsonJaxbAwareAbstract() throws Exception {"testJsonJaxbAware"); final SomeConcrete x = new SomeConcrete(1, "x"); final String s = Json.toJson(x);"x.toJson = {}", s); Assert.assertEquals("{\"CONCRETE\":{\"value\":1,\"name\":\"x\"}}", s); } @Test public void testFromJsonJaxbAwareAbstract() {"testFromJsonJaxbAwareAbstract"); final SomeConcrete x = new SomeConcrete(1, "x"); final String x1 = Json.toJson(x);"x1.toJson = {}", x1); final SomeConcrete x2 = Json.fromJson(x1, SomeConcrete.class); Assert.assertNotNull(x2); Assert.assertEquals(x.a, x2.a); Assert.assertEquals(x.x, x2.x); final SomeOther a = new SomeOther(2, "y"); final String a1 = Json.toJson(a);"a.toJson = {}", a1); final SomeAbstract a2 = Json.fromJson(a1, SomeAbstract.class); Assert.assertNotNull(a2); Assert.assertTrue(a2 instanceof SomeOther);"a1 = {}", a1); Assert.assertEquals(a.a, a2.a); Assert.assertEquals(a.x, ((SomeOther) a2).x); final Simple z = new Simple(3, "z"); final String z1 = Json.toJson(z);"z.toJson = {}", z1); final Simple z2 = Json.fromJson(z1, Simple.class); Assert.assertNotNull(z2); } @Test public void testToJsonAbstract() {"testToJsonAbstract"); final SomeConcrete x = new SomeConcrete(1, "x"); final String s = Json.toJson(x);"x.toJson = {}", s); Assert.assertEquals("{\"CONCRETE\":{\"value\":1,\"name\":\"x\"}}", s); } @Test public void testFromJsonAbstract1() {"testFromJsonAbstract1"); final SomeConcrete x = new SomeConcrete(1, "x"); final String x1 = Json.toJson(x);"x.toJson = {}", x1); final SomeConcrete x2 = Json.fromJson(x1, SomeConcrete.class); Assert.assertNotNull(x2);"x2 = {}", x1); Assert.assertEquals(x.a, x2.a); Assert.assertEquals(x.x, x2.x); } @Test public void testFromJsonAbstract2() {"testFromJsonAbstract2"); final SomeAbstract x = new SomeConcrete(1, "x"); final String x1 = Json.toJson(x);"x.toJson = {}", x1); final SomeAbstract x2 = Json.fromJson(x1, SomeAbstract.class); Assert.assertNotNull(x2);"x2 = {}", x1); Assert.assertEquals(x.a, x2.a); } @Test public void testToJsonRegularCases() throws ValidationFailException {"testToJsonRegularCases"); ConstructorChecker.validateMethod(Json.class, "toJson", INT_JSON); final Integer i = 1; final String x0 = Json.toJson(i);"Json Integer: " + x0); Assert.assertEquals(INT_JSON, x0); final GeoRectangle a = new GeoRectangle(new GeoPoint(1.0, 2.0), new GeoPoint(3.0, 4.0)); final String x1 = Json.toJson(a);"Json GeoRectangle: " + x1); Assert.assertEquals(RECT_JSON, x1); final Uid<Integer> uid = new Uid<>("1-2-3-4-5"); final String x2 = Json.toJson(uid);"Json Uid: " + x2); Assert.assertEquals("{\"uuid\":\"00000001-0002-0003-0004-000000000005\"}", x2); final Date d = new Date(Date.UTC(112, 4, 27, 11, 29, 10)); final String x3 = Json.toJson(d);"Json Date: " + x3); Assert.assertEquals("\"2012-05-27T11:29:10.000+0000\"", x3); // TODO: UTCTime parsing errors final DateTime e = new DateTime(2012, 4, 27, 11, 29, 10, DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Amsterdam"))); final String x4 = Json.toJson(e);"Json DateTime: " + x4); Assert.assertEquals("\"2012-04-27T11:29:10.000+0200\"", x4); } @Test public void testFromJsonRegularCases() throws ValidationFailException {"testFromJsonRegularCases"); ConstructorChecker.validateMethod(Json.class, "fromJson", INT_JSON, Integer.class); Json.fromJson(INT_JSON, Integer.class);"Expecting 1 error now: 'Cannot map JSON...'"); final Integer i = Json.fromJson(RECT_JSON, Integer.class); Assert.assertNull(i); final Uid<Integer> uid = new Uid<>("1-2-3-4-5"); final String x1 = Json.toJson(uid);"Json Uid: {}", x1); final Uid<?> x2 = Json.fromJson(x1, Uid.class); Assert.assertNotNull(x2); final String x3 = x2.toString(); Assert.assertEquals("00000001-0002-0003-0004-000000000005", x3); final Date w1 = new Date(Date.UTC(112, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)); final String w2 = Json.toJson(w1); final Date w3 = Json.fromJson(w2, Date.class); Assert.assertNotNull(w3);"Json Date: {} == {} / {}", w1, w3, w2); Assert.assertEquals(w1.getTime(), w3.getTime()); final DateTime v1 = new DateTime(2012, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 678); final String v2 = Json.toJson(v1); final DateTime v3 = Json.fromJson(v2, DateTime.class); Assert.assertNotNull(v3);"Json DateTime: " + v1 + " == " + v3 + " / " + v2); Assert.assertEquals(v1.getMillis(), v3.getMillis()); final GeoPoint q = new GeoPoint(-1.0, -2.0); final String z1 = Json.toJson(q);"Json GeoPoint 1: {}", z1); final GeoPoint r = Json.fromJson(z1, GeoPoint.class); Assert.assertNotNull(r);"Json GeoPoint 2: {}", r); Assert.assertEquals(q, r); } @Test public void testToStringJson() {"testToStringJson"); final GeoRectangle a = new GeoRectangle(new GeoPoint(1.0, 2.0), new GeoPoint(3.0, 4.0)); final String x1 = Json.toStringJson(a); Assert.assertEquals("{\"southWest\":{\"lat\":1.0,\"lon\":2.0},\"northEast\":{\"lat\":3.0,\"lon\":4.0}}", x1); Assert.assertEquals("null", Json.toStringJson(null)); } @Test public void testFromJsonMixIn() throws ValidationFailException {"testFromJsonMixIn"); Json.getCurrentJsonObjectMapper().addMixInAnnotations(GeoPoint.class, MixInGeoPoint.class); final GeoPoint a = new GeoPoint(1.0, 2.0); final String y1 = Json.toJson(a);"Json GeoPoint 1: {}", y1); final GeoPoint b = Json.fromJson(y1, GeoPoint.class); Assert.assertNotNull(b);"Json GeoPoint 2: {}", b); Assert.assertEquals(a, b); Json.getCurrentJsonObjectMapper().addMixInAnnotations(GeoRectangle.class, MixInGeoRectangle.class); final GeoRectangle c = new GeoRectangle(new GeoPoint(3.0, 4.0), new GeoPoint(5.0, 6.0)); final String y2 = Json.toJson(c);"Json GeoRectangle 1: {}", y2); final GeoRectangle d = Json.fromJson(y2, GeoRectangle.class); Assert.assertNotNull(d);"Json GeoRectangle 2: {}", d); Assert.assertEquals(c, d); } @Test public void testDateTimeMixIn() throws Exception {"testDateTimeMixIn"); final DateTime time1 = new DateTime(2010, 3, 7, 6, 30, 15, 10, DateTimeZone.UTC);"time = {}", time1); final String json1 = Json.toJson(time1);"time.toJson = {}", json1); Assert.assertEquals("\"2010-03-07T06:30:15.010+0000\"", json1); final DateTime time2 = Json.fromJson(json1, DateTime.class); Assert.assertNotNull(time2); Assert.assertEquals(time1.toDate(), time2.toDate()); } /** * Mix-in annotations for Jackson. */ @Test public void testImageMixIn() throws Exception {"testImageMixIn"); @SuppressWarnings("IOResourceOpenedButNotSafelyClosed") final BufferedImage image1 ="jsontest.png"));"image = {}", image1); final String json2 = Json.toJson(image1);"image.toJson = {}", json2); Assert.assertTrue(json2.startsWith("\"iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAALwAAAAbCAYAAADGUOX9AAAOZ0lEQVR42u2c")); Assert.assertTrue(json2.endsWith("IIug/T0xKHk+QOxoDXaf/AeOQWjzHxhS4AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC\"")); final BufferedImage image2 = Json.fromJson(json2, BufferedImage.class); Assert.assertNotNull(image2); Assert.assertEquals(image1.getHeight(), image2.getHeight()); Assert.assertEquals(image1.getWidth(), image2.getWidth()); for (int x = 0; x < image1.getWidth(); ++x) { for (int y = 0; y < image1.getHeight(); ++y) { Assert.assertEquals(image1.getRGB(x, y), image2.getRGB(x, y)); } } } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") public static abstract class MixInGeoPoint { @JsonCreator protected MixInGeoPoint(@JsonProperty("lat") final Double lat, @JsonProperty("lon") final Double lon) { } } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedParameters") public static abstract class MixInGeoRectangle { @JsonCreator protected MixInGeoRectangle(@JsonProperty("southWest") final GeoPoint southWest, @JsonProperty("northEast") final GeoPoint northEast) { } } @XmlRootElement(name = "abstract") @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @JsonTypeInfo(use = Id.NAME, include = As.WRAPPER_OBJECT) @JsonSubTypes({ @Type(value = SomeConcrete.class, name = "CONCRETE"), @Type(value = SomeOther.class, name = "OTHER") }) public static class SomeAbstract { @XmlElement(name = "value") @Nullable public final Integer a; public SomeAbstract(@Nullable final Integer a) { this.a = a; } protected SomeAbstract() { this.a = null; } } public static final class SomeConcrete extends SomeAbstract { @XmlElement(name = "name") @Nullable public final String x; public SomeConcrete(@Nullable final Integer a, @Nullable final String x) { super(a); this.x = x; } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") private SomeConcrete() { this.x = null; } } public static final class SomeOther extends SomeAbstract { @XmlElement(name = "name") @Nullable public final String x; public SomeOther(@Nullable final Integer a, @Nullable final String x) { super(a); this.x = x; } @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") private SomeOther() { this.x = null; } } @XmlRootElement(name = "simple") @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD) @JsonTypeInfo(use = Id.NAME, include = As.WRAPPER_OBJECT) @JsonSubTypes(@Type(value = Simple.class, name = "SIMPLE")) public static final class Simple { @Nonnull public final SomeAbstract[] myAbstract; @XmlElement(name = "name") @Nullable public final String x; public Simple(@Nullable final Integer a, @Nullable final String x) { assert a != null; this.x = x; this.myAbstract = new SomeAbstract[] { new SomeConcrete(123, "abc"), new SomeOther(456, "def") }; } @SuppressWarnings({ "UnusedDeclaration", "ConstantConditions" }) private Simple() { this.x = null; this.myAbstract = null; } } @SuppressWarnings("PackageVisibleField") public static class GeoPoint { final double lat; final double lon; public GeoPoint() { lat = 0.0; lon = 0.0; } public GeoPoint(@Nonnull final Double lat, @Nonnull final Double lon) { = lat; this.lon = lon; } @SuppressWarnings("FloatingPointEquality") @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable final Object obj) { if (obj instanceof GeoPoint) { final GeoPoint that = (GeoPoint) obj; return (lat == && (lon == that.lon); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(lat, lon); } } @SuppressWarnings("PackageVisibleField") public static class GeoRectangle { @Nonnull final GeoPoint southWest; @Nonnull final GeoPoint northEast; @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") public GeoRectangle() { southWest = null; northEast = null; } public GeoRectangle(@Nonnull final GeoPoint southWest, @Nonnull final GeoPoint northEast) { this.southWest = southWest; this.northEast = northEast; } @SuppressWarnings("FloatingPointEquality") @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable final Object obj) { if (obj instanceof GeoRectangle) { final GeoRectangle that = (GeoRectangle) obj; return southWest.equals(that.southWest) && northEast.equals(that.northEast); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(southWest, northEast); } } }