Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of the Android-OrmLiteContentProvider package. * * Copyright (c) 2012, Android-OrmLiteContentProvider Team. * Jaken Jarvis ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * * The author may be contacted via * */ package; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import android.provider.BaseColumns; import android.test.AndroidTestCase; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest; import com.j256.ormlite.field.DatabaseField; import; import; import; @SmallTest public class MatcherPatternTest extends AndroidTestCase { private static final String TEST_PATTERN = "foo"; // activate this to debug tests private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private MatcherPattern matcherPattern; public void testIsValid_should_return_false_if_subtype_is_null() { // given TableInfo tableInfo = new TableInfo(ClassUnderTestWithAnnotations.class); SubType subType = null; String pattern = TEST_PATTERN; int patternCode = 1; // when matcherPattern = new MatcherPattern(tableInfo, subType, pattern, patternCode); // then assertFalse(matcherPattern.isValid(DEBUG)); } public void testIsValid_should_return_false_if_pattern_is_null() { // given TableInfo tableInfo = new TableInfo(ClassUnderTestWithAnnotations.class); SubType subType = SubType.ITEM; String pattern = null; int patternCode = 1; // when matcherPattern = new MatcherPattern(tableInfo, subType, pattern, patternCode); // then assertFalse(matcherPattern.isValid(DEBUG)); } public void testIsValid_should_return_true_if_pattern_is_empty() { // given TableInfo tableInfo = new TableInfo(ClassUnderTestWithAnnotations.class); SubType subType = SubType.ITEM; String pattern = StringUtils.EMPTY; int patternCode = 1; // when matcherPattern = new MatcherPattern(tableInfo, subType, pattern, patternCode); // then assertTrue(matcherPattern.isValid(DEBUG)); } public void testIsValid_should_return_false_if_pattern_code_is_0_or_negative() { // given TableInfo tableInfo = new TableInfo(ClassUnderTestWithAnnotations.class); SubType subType = SubType.ITEM; String pattern = TEST_PATTERN; int patternCode = 0; // when matcherPattern = new MatcherPattern(tableInfo, subType, pattern, patternCode); // then assertFalse(matcherPattern.isValid(DEBUG)); // -- // given patternCode = -1; // when matcherPattern = new MatcherPattern(tableInfo, subType, pattern, patternCode); // then assertFalse(matcherPattern.isValid(DEBUG)); } public void testIsValid_should_return_true_for_properly_defined_matcher_pattern() { // given TableInfo tableInfo = new TableInfo(ClassUnderTestWithAnnotations.class); SubType subType = SubType.ITEM; String pattern = TEST_PATTERN; int patternCode = 1; // when matcherPattern = new MatcherPattern(tableInfo, subType, pattern, patternCode); // then assertTrue(matcherPattern.isValid()); } public void testIsValid_should_return_true_for_non_annotated_class() { // given TableInfo tableInfo = new TableInfo(ClassUnderTestWithoutAnnotations.class); SubType subType = SubType.ITEM; String pattern = TEST_PATTERN; int patternCode = 1; // when matcherPattern = new MatcherPattern(tableInfo, subType, pattern, patternCode); // then assertTrue(matcherPattern.isValid()); } public void testIsValid_should_return_true_for_class_annotated_with_params() { // given TableInfo tableInfo = new TableInfo(ClassUnderTestWithAnnotationsWithParams.class); SubType subType = SubType.ITEM; String pattern = TEST_PATTERN; int patternCode = 1; // when matcherPattern = new MatcherPattern(tableInfo, subType, pattern, patternCode); // then assertTrue(matcherPattern.isValid()); } // ---------------------------------- // CLASSES UNDER TESTS // ---------------------------------- @DefaultContentUri @DefaultContentMimeTypeVnd private class ClassUnderTestWithAnnotations { @DatabaseField(columnName = BaseColumns._ID, generatedId = true) private int id; } private class ClassUnderTestWithoutAnnotations { @DatabaseField(columnName = BaseColumns._ID, generatedId = true) private int id; } @DefaultContentUri(authority = "foo", path = "bar") @DefaultContentMimeTypeVnd(name = "qux", type = "quux") private class ClassUnderTestWithAnnotationsWithParams { @DatabaseField(columnName = BaseColumns._ID, generatedId = true) private int id; } }