Java tutorial
/** * */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at */ package com.tiempometa.muestradatos; import; import; import; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.llrp.ltk.generated.parameters.ReaderExceptionEvent; import com.thingmagic.Gen2.Bank; import com.thingmagic.Gen2.LockAction; import com.thingmagic.Gen2.WriteTag; import com.thingmagic.Reader.GpioPin; import com.thingmagic.Gen2; import com.thingmagic.Reader; import com.thingmagic.ReaderCodeException; import com.thingmagic.ReaderException; import com.thingmagic.TagData; import com.thingmagic.TagFilter; import com.thingmagic.TagReadData; import com.tiempometa.foxberry.FoxberryReader; import com.tiempometa.speedway.TcpReader; import com.tiempometa.thingmagic.UsbReader; /** * @author Gerardo Tasistro Copyright 2015 Gerardo * Tasistro Licensed under the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0 * */ public class ReaderContext { public static final int USB_READER = 1; public static final int SPEEDWAY_READER = 2; public static final int FOXBERRY_READER = 3; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ReaderContext.class); private static UsbReader reader = new UsbReader(); private static TcpReader speedwayReader = new TcpReader(); private static FoxberryReader foxberryReader = new FoxberryReader(); private static Thread workerThread; private static File databaseFile = null; private static Integer readerType = null; private static ReaderSettings readerSettings = new ReaderSettings(); public static ReaderSettings getSettings() { return readerSettings; } public static void loadSettings() throws Exception { readerSettings.loadSettings("foxberry_settings"); } public static void saveSettings() { readerSettings.saveSettings("foxberry_settings"); } public static boolean isSpeedwayConnected() { return false; } public static boolean isFoxberryConnected() { if (foxberryReader == null) { return false; } return foxberryReader.isConnected(); } public static void connectSpeedway(String hostName, Integer port, String preferredAntenna) throws UnknownHostException, IOException { speedwayReader.connect(hostName, port, preferredAntenna); readerType = ReaderContext.SPEEDWAY_READER; } public static void connectFoxberry(String hostName, Integer port, String preferredReader, String preferredAntenna) throws UnknownHostException, IOException {"Connecting to reader " + hostName + ":" + port + " reader: " + preferredReader + " antenna: " + preferredAntenna); foxberryReader.connect(hostName, port, preferredReader, preferredAntenna); readerType = ReaderContext.FOXBERRY_READER; workerThread = new Thread(foxberryReader); workerThread.start(); } public static void disconnectSpeedway() throws IOException { speedwayReader.disconnect(); readerType = null; } public static void disconnectFoxberry() throws IOException { foxberryReader.disconnect(); readerType = null; } public static boolean isUsbReading() { return reader.isReading(); } public static boolean isUsbConnected() { return reader.isConnected(); } public static boolean setRegion(String regionName) throws ReaderException { return reader.setRegion(regionName); } public static void connectUsbReader(String commPort) throws ReaderException { reader.connectToComm(commPort); readerType = ReaderContext.USB_READER; } public static void addReaderStatusListener(ReaderStatusListener listener) { reader.addReaderStatusListener(listener); speedwayReader.addReaderStatusListener(listener); foxberryReader.addReaderStatusListener(listener); } public static void addReadingListener(TagReadListener listener) { reader.addListener(listener); speedwayReader.addListener(listener); foxberryReader.addListener(listener); } public static void removeReadingListener(TagReadListener listener) { reader.removeListener(listener); speedwayReader.removeListener(listener); foxberryReader.removeListener(listener); } public static void startReading() throws ReaderException { switch (readerType) { case ReaderContext.USB_READER: workerThread = new Thread(reader); workerThread.start(); break; case ReaderContext.SPEEDWAY_READER: workerThread = new Thread(speedwayReader); workerThread.start(); break; case ReaderContext.FOXBERRY_READER: workerThread = new Thread(foxberryReader); workerThread.start(); break; default: break; } } public static void stopReading() { if (readerType != null) { switch (readerType) { case ReaderContext.USB_READER: reader.stop(); break; case ReaderContext.SPEEDWAY_READER: speedwayReader.stop(); break; case ReaderContext.FOXBERRY_READER: foxberryReader.stop(); break; default: break; } } } public static void disconnectUsbReader() throws ReaderException { reader.disconnect(); } /** * @return the databaseFile */ public static File getDatabaseFile() { return databaseFile; } /** * @param databaseFile * the databaseFile to set */ public static void setDatabaseFile(File databaseFile) { ReaderContext.databaseFile = databaseFile; } public static byte[] readTagMemBytes(TagData target, int bank, int start, int size) throws ReaderException { return reader.readTagMemBytes(target, bank, start, size); } public static void gpoSet(GpioPin[] pins) throws ReaderException { reader.gpoSet(pins); } public static void setRedOn() throws ReaderException { if (readerType == ReaderContext.USB_READER) { GpioPin[] pins = new GpioPin[1]; pins[0] = new GpioPin(2, true); reader.gpoSet(pins); } } public static void setRedOff() throws ReaderException { if (readerType == ReaderContext.USB_READER) { GpioPin[] pins = new GpioPin[1]; pins[0] = new GpioPin(2, false); reader.gpoSet(pins); } } public static void setOrangeOn() throws ReaderException { if (readerType == ReaderContext.USB_READER) { GpioPin[] pins = new GpioPin[1]; pins[0] = new GpioPin(1, true); reader.gpoSet(pins); } } public static void setOrangeOff() throws ReaderException { if (readerType == ReaderContext.USB_READER) { GpioPin[] pins = new GpioPin[1]; pins[0] = new GpioPin(1, false); reader.gpoSet(pins); } } public static GpioPin[] getGpo() throws ReaderException { if (readerType == ReaderContext.USB_READER) { return reader.gpoGet(); } else { return null; } } public static boolean getGpo(int gpi) throws ReaderException { if (readerType == ReaderContext.USB_READER) { GpioPin[] pins = getGpo(); if (gpi < pins.length) { return pins[gpi].high; } else { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Pin id beyond available inputs."); } } else { return false; } } public static void executeTagOp(WriteTag tagop, TagData target) throws ReaderException { reader.executeTagOp(tagop, target); } public static void writeEpc(TagReadData data, String hexString) throws ReaderException, DecoderException { reader.write(data, hexString); } public static String readTid(String epc, Integer tid_length) throws ReaderException { String tid = null; TagData target = new TagData(epc); if (tid_length == null) { tid_length = 16; } try { tid = String.valueOf( Hex.encodeHex(ReaderContext.readTagMemBytes(target, Gen2.Bank.TID.ordinal(), 0, tid_length))); logger.debug("Got " + tid_length + " byte TID"); } catch (Exception e2) { logger.error("Error reading " + tid_length + " byte TID. Falling back to 12 bit TID."); e2.printStackTrace(); tid = String .valueOf(Hex.encodeHex(ReaderContext.readTagMemBytes(target, Gen2.Bank.TID.ordinal(), 0, 12))); logger.debug("Got 12 byte TID"); } return tid; } public static void killTag(int killword, TagData td) throws ReaderException { Gen2.Kill killOp = new Gen2.Kill(killword); reader.executeTagOp(killOp, td); } public static void writeKill(short[] killword, TagData td) throws ReaderException { Gen2.WriteData writeOp = new Gen2.WriteData(Bank.RESERVED, 0, killword); logger.debug("Writing kill code on " + td); reader.executeTagOp(writeOp, td); logger.debug("Kill code written"); } public static String readKill(TagData td) throws ReaderException { Gen2.ReadData readOp = new Gen2.ReadData(Bank.RESERVED, 0, (byte) 2); short[] data = (short[]) reader.executeTagOp(readOp, td); String access = String.format("%04X", data[0]) + String.format("%04X", data[1]); return access; } public static void writeAccess(short[] password, TagData td) throws ReaderException { Gen2.WriteData writeOp = new Gen2.WriteData(Bank.RESERVED, 2, password); logger.debug("Writing access code on " + td); reader.executeTagOp(writeOp, td); logger.debug("Access code written"); } public static void lockTag(Integer password, LockAction lockAction, TagData td) throws ReaderException { logger.debug("Performing lock operation on " + td); Gen2.Lock lockOp = new Gen2.Lock(password, lockAction); reader.executeTagOp(lockOp, td); } public static String readAccess(TagData td) throws ReaderException { Gen2.ReadData readOp = new Gen2.ReadData(Bank.RESERVED, 2, (byte) 2); short[] data = (short[]) reader.executeTagOp(readOp, td); String access = String.format("%04X", data[0]) + String.format("%04X", data[1]); return access; } public static void rewindFoxberry() throws IOException { foxberryReader.rewind(); } public static void clearFoxberry() throws IOException { foxberryReader.clear(); } public static void connectFoxberry() throws UnknownHostException, IOException { connectFoxberry(getSettings().getFoxberryReaderAddress(), 10201, getSettings().getPreferredReader(), getSettings().getPreferredAntenna()); } public static Long getFoxberryTime() throws IOException { return foxberryReader.getTime(); } public static void setFoxberryTime() throws IOException { foxberryReader.setTime(); } }