Java tutorial
package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.XMLConstants; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import javax.xml.validation.Schema; import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class StreamHorizonEngine { private static final String DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME = "engine-config.xml"; public static final String CONFIG_FILE_PROP_NAME = "bauk.config"; private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StreamHorizonEngine.class); private static long instanceStartTime; private static RemotingServer remotingHandler; private static final List<FeedHandler> feedHandlers = new LinkedList<>(); private static final List<BulkFilesHandler> bulkFileHandlers = new LinkedList<>(); public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception { printRuntimeInfo(); final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();"To run in test mode set system parameter {}=true", BaukEngineConfigurationConstants.IDEMPOTENT_FEED_PROCESSING_PARAM_NAME); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new ShutdownHook()); final BaukConfiguration conf = findConfiguration(); if (conf != null) { ConfigurationProperties.setBaukProperties(conf.getProperties()); final ConfigurationValidator configValidator = new ConfigurationValidator(conf); try { configValidator.validate(); } catch (final Exception exc) { BaukUtil.logEngineMessageSync("Error while validating configuration: " + exc.getMessage()); LOG.error("", exc); System.exit(-1); } remotingHandler = new RemotingServer(); remotingHandler.start(); createProcessingRoutes(conf); final boolean throughputTestingMode = ConfigurationProperties .getSystemProperty(BaukEngineConfigurationConstants.THROUGHPUT_TESTING_MODE_PARAM_NAME, false); if (throughputTestingMode) { BaukUtil.logEngineMessageSync( "ENGINE IS RUNNING IN THROUGHPUT TESTING MODE! ONE INPUT FEED FILE PER THREAD WILL BE CACHED AND PROCESSED REPEATEDLY!!!"); } instanceStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); final boolean isMultiInstance = ConfigurationProperties.isConfiguredPartitionedMultipleInstances(); if (isMultiInstance) { final int totalPartitionsCount = ConfigurationProperties.getSystemProperty( BaukEngineConfigurationConstants.MULTI_INSTANCE_PARTITION_COUNT_PARAM_NAME, -1); final String myUniqueIdentifier = ConfigurationProperties.getBaukInstanceIdentifier(); BaukUtil.logEngineMessageSync("Configured to run in multi-instance mode of " + totalPartitionsCount + " instances in total. My unique identifier is " + myUniqueIdentifier); } BaukUtil.logEngineMessageSync("Finished initialization! Started counting uptime"); startProcessing(); final long total = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; final long totalSec = total / 1000; final boolean detectBaukInstances = ConfigurationProperties .getSystemProperty(BaukEngineConfigurationConstants.DETECT_OTHER_BAUK_INSTANCES, false); if (detectBaukInstances) { final int numberOfInstances = HazelcastCacheInstanceManager.getNumberOfBaukInstances(); BaukUtil.logEngineMessage( "Total number of detected running engine instances is " + numberOfInstances); } BaukUtil.logEngineMessage("Engine started successfully in " + total + "ms (" + totalSec + " seconds). Waiting for feed files...\n\n"); } else { LOG.error( "Unable to find valid configuration file! Check your startup scripts and make sure system property {} points to valid feed configuration file. Aborting!", CONFIG_FILE_PROP_NAME); BaukUtil.logEngineMessage( "Unable to find valid configuration file! Check your startup scripts and make sure system property " + CONFIG_FILE_PROP_NAME + " points to valid feed configuration file. Aborting!"); System.exit(-1); } // sleep forever while (!BaukUtil.shutdownStarted()) { Thread.sleep(10000); } } public static long getEngineInstanceStartTime() { return instanceStartTime; } private static void startProcessing() throws Exception { int ffhStartedCount = 0; for (final FeedHandler ffh : feedHandlers) { ffhStartedCount += ffh.start(); } BaukUtil.logEngineMessageSync("Started in total " + ffhStartedCount + " ETL (feed processing) threads!"); int bfhStartedCount = 0; for (final BulkFilesHandler bfh : bulkFileHandlers) { bfhStartedCount += bfh.start(); } BaukUtil.logEngineMessageSync( "Started in total " + bfhStartedCount + " DB (bulk file processing) threads!"); } private static void createProcessingRoutes(final BaukConfiguration config) throws Exception { LOG.debug("Starting processing routes..."); for (final Feed feed : config.getFeeds()) { executeOnStartupCommands(feed, config); LOG.trace("Creating processing routes for feed [{}]", feed.getName()); try { final String feedSourceType = feed.getSource().getType(); FeedHandler feedHandler = null; if (FeedSource.FILE_FEED_SOURCE.equalsIgnoreCase(feedSourceType)) { feedHandler = new FeedFilesHandler(feed, config); } else if (FeedSource.RPC_FEED_SOURCE.equalsIgnoreCase(feedSourceType)) { feedHandler = new ThriftFeedHandler(feed, config); } else if (FeedSource.JDBC_FEED_SOURCE.equalsIgnoreCase(feedSourceType)) { feedHandler = new JdbcFeedHandler(feed, config); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported feed source type " + feedSourceType); } feedHandler.init(); feedHandlers.add(feedHandler); if (feed.isFileTarget()) { final BulkFilesHandler bulkFilesHandler = new BulkFilesHandler(feed, config); bulkFilesHandler.createFileHandlers(); bulkFileHandlers.add(bulkFilesHandler); LOG.debug("Feed {} is outputing files. Will start bulk file handlers", feed.getName()); } else {"Feed {} is not outputing files", feed.getName()); } LOG.debug("Successfully added routes for feed [{}]", feed.getName()); } catch (final Exception exc) { BaukUtil.logEngineMessage(exc.getMessage()); LOG.error("Exception while starting route. Exiting application!", exc); System.exit(-1); throw exc; } } } private static void executeOnStartupCommands(final Feed feed, final BaukConfiguration config) { if (feed.getEvents() != null && feed.getEvents().getOnStartup() != null) { try { LOG.debug("Executing on-startup commands for feed {}", feed.getName()); final BaukCommandsExecutor bce = new BaukCommandsExecutor(feed, config, feed.getEvents().getOnStartup()); bce.executeBaukCommandSequence(null, "On startup commands for feed [" + feed.getName() + "]"); LOG.debug("Finished executing on startup commands for {}", feed.getName()); } catch (final Exception exc) { LOG.error("Exception while executing on startup commands. Will continue with processing.", exc); } } } private static final BaukConfiguration findConfiguration() { "Trying to find configuration file. First if specified as {} system property and then as {} in classpath", CONFIG_FILE_PROP_NAME, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME); final String configFile = System.getProperty(CONFIG_FILE_PROP_NAME); InputStream is = null; if (StringUtil.isEmpty(configFile)) { "Was not able to find system property {}. Trying to find default configuration {} in classpath", CONFIG_FILE_PROP_NAME, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME); is = StreamHorizonEngine.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME); if (is == null) { LOG.error("Was not able to find file {} in the classpath. Unable to start application", DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME); return null; }"Found configuration file {} in classpath", DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME); } else {"Found system property {}={}. Will try to load it as configuration...", CONFIG_FILE_PROP_NAME, configFile); final File cFile = new File(configFile); try { if (cFile.exists() && cFile.isFile()) { LOG.debug("Loading config file [{}] from file system", configFile); is = new FileInputStream(configFile); } else { LOG.debug("Loading config file [{}] from classpath", configFile); is = StreamHorizonEngine.class.getClass().getResourceAsStream(configFile); }"Successfully found configuration [{}] on file system", configFile); } catch (final FileNotFoundException fnfe) { LOG.error("Was not able to find file {}. Use full, absolute path.", configFile); return null; } } if (is == null) { return null; } try { LOG.debug("Trying to load configuration from xml file"); final JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(BaukConfiguration.class); final Unmarshaller jaxbUnmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller(); final SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI); final Schema schema = schemaFactory .newSchema(StreamHorizonEngine.class.getResource("/bauk_config.xsd")); jaxbUnmarshaller.setSchema(schema); final BaukConfiguration config = (BaukConfiguration) jaxbUnmarshaller.unmarshal(is);"Successfully loaded configuration"); return config; } catch (final Exception exc) { LOG.error("Exception while loading configuration", exc); exc.printStackTrace(); return null; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } } private static final class ShutdownHook extends Thread { @Override public void run() { shutdown(); } } public static void shutdown() { LOG.debug("Gracefully shutting down engine!"); BaukUtil.logEngineMessage("Shutting down engine. Waiting to gracefully stop all processing threads..."); BaukUtil.startShutdown(); LOG.debug("Caches are down!"); if (remotingHandler != null) { remotingHandler.stop(); } for (final FeedHandler ffh : feedHandlers) { ffh.stop(); } LOG.debug("Stopped {} feed file handlers", feedHandlers.size()); for (final BulkFilesHandler bfh : bulkFileHandlers) { bfh.stop(); } LOG.debug("Stopped {} bulk file handlers", bulkFileHandlers.size()); CacheUtil.getCacheInstanceManager().stop(); DataSourceProvider.shutdown(); BaukUtil.logEngineMessageSync("StreamHorizon engine is down!"); printStatistics(); } private static void printStatistics() { final long totalInputFeedFilesProcessed = EngineRegistry.getProcessedFeedFilesCount(); final long totalInputFeedRowsProcessed = EngineRegistry.getProcessedFeedRowsTotal(); if (totalInputFeedFilesProcessed > 0 && totalInputFeedRowsProcessed > 0) { final long totalUpTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - instanceStartTime; final long totalUpTimeSec = totalUpTimeMillis / 1000; final long minutes = totalUpTimeSec / 60; final long remainedSeconds = totalUpTimeSec % 60; final boolean printFinalAverageStatistics = ConfigurationProperties .getSystemProperty(BaukEngineConfigurationConstants.PRINT_STATISTICS_AVERAGE_PARAM_NAME, false); BaukUtil.logEngineMessageSync( "Uptime of this instance was " + totalUpTimeSec + " seconds (" + minutes + " minutes and " + remainedSeconds + " seconds). In total processed " + totalInputFeedFilesProcessed + " input feed files and " + totalInputFeedRowsProcessed + " rows."); if (printFinalAverageStatistics) { final long averageFilesPerSecond = totalInputFeedFilesProcessed / totalUpTimeSec; final long averageRowsPerSecond = totalInputFeedRowsProcessed / totalUpTimeSec; BaukUtil.logEngineMessageSync("On average processed " + averageFilesPerSecond + " files/sec, " + averageRowsPerSecond + " rows/sec."); } } } private static void printRuntimeInfo() { final String version = ConfigurationProperties.getRunningEngineVersion(); final String entity = ConfigurationProperties.getLicensedEntity(); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(version)) { BaukUtil.logEngineMessageSync("\n\nStarting StreamHorizon engine version " + version); } if (StringUtil.isEmpty(entity) || entity.contains("${lic}")) { String notLicensedCopy = "\n\n+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"; notLicensedCopy += "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"; notLicensedCopy += "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"; notLicensedCopy += "+++++ THIS IS UNLICENCED COPY OF STREAMHORIZON PLATFORM +++++\n"; notLicensedCopy += "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"; notLicensedCopy += "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n"; notLicensedCopy += "+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n\n\n"; BaukUtil.logEngineMessageSync(notLicensedCopy); } else { BaukUtil.logEngineMessageSync("This copy of StreamHorizon is licenced to " + entity); } } }