Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2009-2016 Three Crickets LLC. * <p> * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the LGPL version 3.0: * * <p> * Alternatively, you can obtain a royalty free commercial license with less * limitations, transferable or non-transferable, directly from Three Crickets * at */ package com.threecrickets.prudence.cache; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.bson.Document; import org.bson.types.Binary; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.restlet.util.Series; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; import com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions; /** * A <a href="">MongoDB</a>-backed cache. * <p> * Uses a dedicated MongoDB collection to store the cache, creating it if it * doesn't exist. * <p> * Supports storing entries as either binary dumps or detailed documents. Binary * dumps take less space and are slightly more efficient, while detailed * documents are far easier to debug. Binary mode is off by default. * <p> * Note that MongoDB's indexing facility allows for very high performance * invalidation and pruning. * * @author Tal Liron */ public class MongoDbCache implements Cache { // // Construction // /** * Construction for localhost connection, database "prudence", collection * "cache". * * @throws UnknownHostException * In case localhost could not be found */ public MongoDbCache() throws UnknownHostException { this(new MongoClient()); } /** * Construction for database "prudence", collection "cache". * * @param client * The MongoDB client */ public MongoDbCache(MongoClient client) { this(client, "prudence"); } /** * Construction for collection "cache". * * @param client * The MongoDB client * @param databaseName * The MongoDB database name */ public MongoDbCache(MongoClient client, String databaseName) { this(client, databaseName, "cache"); } /** * Constructor. * * @param client * The MongoDB client * @param databaseName * The MongoDB database name * @param collectionName * The name of the collection to use for the cache */ public MongoDbCache(MongoClient client, String databaseName, String collectionName) { this.client = client; MongoDatabase database = client.getDatabase(databaseName); cacheCollection = database.getCollection(collectionName); try { cacheCollection.createIndex(TAG_INDEX); cacheCollection.createIndex(EXPIRATION_DATE_INDEX); up(); } catch (com.mongodb.MongoSocketException x) { down(); } } // // Attributes // /** * Whether to store entries by serializing them into BSON binaries. * * @return A boolean * @see #setBinary */ public boolean isBinary() { return isBinary; } /** * @param isBinary * A boolean * @see #isBinary */ public void setBinary(boolean isBinary) { this.isBinary = isBinary; } // // Cache // public void store(String key, CacheEntry entry) { logger.fine("Store: " + key); Document query = new Document(); query.put("_id", key); Document document = new Document(); Document set = new Document(); document.put("$set", set); // Note: In binary mode, the expirationDate is also inside the binary // dump, however we need it outside the opaque binary, too, to allow for // fast pruning set.put("expirationDate", entry.getExpirationDate()); String[] tags = entry.getTags(); if ((tags != null) && (tags.length > 0)) set.put("tags", Arrays.asList(tags)); if (isBinary) { try { Binary binary = new Binary(BINARY_TYPE, entry.toBytes()); set.put("binary", binary); } catch (IOException x) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not serialize binary", x); } } else { String string = entry.getString(); if (string != null) set.put("string", string); byte[] bytes = entry.getBytes(); if (bytes != null) { Binary binary = new Binary(BINARY_TYPE, bytes); set.put("bytes", binary); } MediaType mediaType = entry.getMediaType(); if (mediaType != null) set.put("mediaType", mediaType.getName()); Language language = entry.getLanguage(); if (language != null) set.put("language", language.getName()); Encoding encoding = entry.getEncoding(); if (encoding != null) set.put("encoding", encoding.getName()); CharacterSet characterSet = entry.getCharacterSet(); if (characterSet != null) set.put("characterSet", characterSet.getName()); Date modificationDate = entry.getModificationDate(); if (modificationDate != null) set.put("modificationDate", modificationDate); Tag tag = entry.getTag(); if (tag != null) set.put("tag", tag.format()); Date documentModificationDate = entry.getDocumentModificationDate(); if (documentModificationDate != null) set.put("documentModificationDate", documentModificationDate); Series<Header> headers = entry.getHeaders(); if (headers != null) { ArrayList<Document> list = new ArrayList<Document>(); for (Header header : headers) { Document object = new Document(); object.put("name", header.getName()); object.put("value", header.getValue()); list.add(object); } set.put("headers", list); } } // Upsert try { cacheCollection.updateOne(query, document, new UpdateOptions().upsert(true)); up(); } catch (com.mongodb.MongoSocketException x) { down(); } } public CacheEntry fetch(String key) { Document query = new Document(); query.put("_id", key); try { Document document = cacheCollection.find(query).first(); up(); if (document != null) { Date expirationDate = (Date) document.get("expirationDate"); if (expirationDate.before(new Date())) { cacheCollection.deleteOne(query); logger.fine("Stale entry: " + key); return null; } try { CacheEntry cacheEntry = null; byte[] bytes = (byte[]) document.get("binary"); if (bytes != null) { return new CacheEntry(bytes); } else { String string = (String) document.get("string"); Binary binary = (Binary) document.get("bytes"); bytes = binary != null ? binary.getData() : null; MediaType mediaType = MediaType.valueOf((String) document.get("mediaType")); Language language = Language.valueOf((String) document.get("language")); Encoding encoding = Encoding.valueOf((String) document.get("encoding")); CharacterSet characterSet = CharacterSet.valueOf((String) document.get("characterSet")); Date modificationDate = (Date) document.get("modificationDate"); String tagValue = (String) document.get("tag"); Tag tag = tagValue != null ? Tag.parse(tagValue) : null; Date documentModificationDate = (Date) document.get("documentModificationDate"); Series<Header> headers = null; Object storedHeaders = document.get("headers"); if (storedHeaders instanceof Collection) { headers = new Series<Header>(Header.class); for (Object storedHeader : (Collection<?>) storedHeaders) { if (storedHeader instanceof Map<?, ?>) { Map<?, ?> storedHeaderBson = (Map<?, ?>) storedHeader; Object name = storedHeaderBson.get("name"); Object value = storedHeaderBson.get("value"); if ((name != null) && (value != null)) headers.add(new Header(name.toString(), value.toString())); } } } if (string != null) cacheEntry = new CacheEntry(string, mediaType, language, characterSet, encoding, headers, modificationDate, tag, expirationDate, documentModificationDate); else cacheEntry = new CacheEntry(bytes, mediaType, language, characterSet, encoding, headers, modificationDate, tag, expirationDate, documentModificationDate); } logger.fine("Fetched: " + key); return cacheEntry; } catch (IOException x) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not deserialize cache entry", x); } catch (ClassNotFoundException x) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Could not deserialize cache entry", x); } } else logger.fine("Did not fetch: " + key); } catch (com.mongodb.MongoSocketException x) { down(); } return null; } public void invalidate(String tag) { Document query = new Document(); query.put("tags", tag); try { cacheCollection.deleteMany(query); logger.fine("Invalidated: " + tag); up(); } catch (com.mongodb.MongoSocketException x) { down(); } } public void prune() { Document query = new Document(); Document lt = new Document(); query.put("$lt", lt); lt.put("expirationDate", new Date()); try { cacheCollection.deleteMany(query); logger.fine("Pruned"); } catch (com.mongodb.MongoSocketException x) { down(); } } public void reset() { try { cacheCollection.deleteMany(new Document()); up(); } catch (com.mongodb.MongoSocketException x) { down(); } } // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Private /** * Options for ensuring the tag index on the cache collection. */ private static final Document TAG_INDEX = new Document(); /** * Options for ensuring the expiration date index on the cache collection. */ private static final Document EXPIRATION_DATE_INDEX = new Document(); static { TAG_INDEX.put("tags", 1); EXPIRATION_DATE_INDEX.put("expirationDate", 1); } /** * Binary type. */ private static final byte BINARY_TYPE = 0; /** * The logger. */ private final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getCanonicalName()); /** * The MongoDB client used for the cache. */ private final MongoClient client; /** * The MongoDB collection used for the cache. */ private final MongoCollection<Document> cacheCollection; /** * Whether to store entries by serializing them into BSON binaries. */ private volatile boolean isBinary = false; /** * Whether MongoDB has last been seen as up. */ private AtomicBoolean up = new AtomicBoolean(); /** * Call when MongoDB is up. */ private void up() { if (up.compareAndSet(false, true))"Up! " + client); } /** * Call when MongoDB is down. */ private void down() { if (up.compareAndSet(true, false)) logger.severe("Down! " + client); } }